The Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-08-17, Page 12PAGE 12 -Gap RICH SIGNAL -STAR. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17,,1978 T W AN:. COUNTRY 15. Tenders 15. Tenders NOTICE Sealed tenders will be received up to 5000 pan. August 31st. 1978, for the painting of the Goderich P.U.C. of- fices. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For details please contact W. A. Lawson. Manager Goderich P.U.C.. 64 West Street. 17. Auction sales 17. Auction sales - - T - • 40-- 4 ESTATE AUCTION SALE of two forms, feed. selfpropelled combine. tractors. machinery. car. etc-. to be held at Part Lot 5 and 6. con- cession 3. Colborne Township for the Estate of Bert Mc- Cabe. 3 mites west of Benmilter or 1 mite north of Goderich on Hwy. 21 Highway to Airport road. turn right and go 2`/T miles. - SATURDAY, AUGUST 26th at 10:30 A.M. NOTE: FARMS TO BE OFFERED AT 1:00 P.M. FARM NO.. 1: Known as part Lot 5 and 6. Concession 3 Colborne Town- ship property consists of 60 acres. more or less with ap- proximately 22 acres under cultivation with the balan- ce seeded to hay and pasture. Buildings consist of main ham 48 z 50 with attached barn 20 x 30 concrete silo. approximately 14 x 30. cemented and fenced barn yard. Driving shed is 27 z 54 with addition 21 x 24. all buildings are in good sound condition. Also there is a drilled well and year round -water -hole for -cattle. Located just V/2- miles '/r miles from Goderich this is an ideal ferns to build a new house for the horse. hobby. and livestock farmer. FARM NO- 2: Known as part Lot 5 and 6. Concession 4. Colborne Township property consists of 47`/2 acres more or less of good grassland. on which there is a good year round water hate. shade trees and. goad fences.. Located just 4 miles from Goderich. this is a good investment proper- ty for anyone to own. TERMS ON PROPERTY: 10% down day of sale. balance in 30 days. being offered subject to a very reasonable reserve bid. For further information or viewing of property phone: 524 -7639 -OR 524-7920 and ask for Winifred or Bert Squire Or Phone: Richard Lobb 482-7898 TERMS CASH ON CHATTLES LUNCH BOOTH TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE Richard Lobb Auctioneer Clinton, Ont. 482-7898 Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale_ FARMERS & DEALERS Reserve This Date SAT., AUG. 19, 1978 FOR OUR ANNUAL HARVEST GIGANTIC AUCTION OF NEW &USED EQUIPMENT - TRACTORS - Over 50 tractors to choose from Some with loaders and cabs. to over 100 - TILLAGE EQUIPMENT - Over 40 plows, discs, cultivators, corn planters, chain harrows. land' packers,seed drills, fertilizer spreaders and wedd sprayers of most makes. - HAYING EQUIPMENT -' Over 30 balers. throwers, stookers. haybmes. self-propelled swathers. hay conditioners. mowers. rakes, elevators, hay wagons. crop choppers and zero grazing boxes. - HARVESTERS - Over 15 harvesters including New Holland self•propeled and several forage blowers and forage boxes- - SPREADERS - 15 excellent spreaders of various sizes, bath single and tandem axle, some with hydraulic end gates. - COMBINES - 18 self-propelled and pull type combines some with corn heads. - ANTIQUE CARS - 3 to choose from including a 1926 Model T Touring good running condition. - TRUCKS - '75 Dodge Half Ton Pickup '67 Gres Half Ton Pickup '67 Mercury dump truck '66 International tractor with float '73 Ford 700 cattle truck with loading chutes - MISCELLANEOUS - Gravity boxes, grain chopper, post hole diggers, scraper blades, snow. blowers, wagons. grain augers, stone picker. forks, snowmobiles, lawn and garden equipment, mini bikes, etc. List subject to additions and deletions due to normal business. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. Selling by 0 only. Lunch booth on grounds. Terrrls: Cash or cheque day of sale. Auctioneer: Cliff Gilbert, R.R. 04, Wiarton Ph. 534-0606 Open -Mon. to Sat. 8:00 a.m. 'til 6:00 p.m. S13-SF25.E WAYNE WARD FARM EQUIPMENT Virkf cis Ph 534 2980 HWY,6 WIARTON Ph 5341638 16. Mortgages 18. Services available 18. Services available 18. Services available 18. Services. available 26. Births ICASH for your mortgage_ - Call us first 524- BRICK laying. repairs and 2747.-33tfAR new work. Point Clark, 395- 5718.-23tf 17. Auction sales AUCTIONEERS LIQUIDATORS APPRAISERS Specializing in all types of auction sales * Business * Farm * Estates Free Verbal . Appraisals Professional Sales Assistance PHONE 482-3120 or 527-1336 16 tfn 18. Services available BAHA'I Community offers the following services to s c hools-churches-c lubs- individuals-books- brochures.speakers- in- formal chats- Learn about Baha'i- Box 212, Goderich, 524-6779.-12tfar WILL BABYSIT one to two pre-school children in -_any own home on Quebec Street. Call 524-7819.-32,33,34. FOR INSTRUCTION on accordion, piano, organ or guitar, phone 524-2711. (Instruments sup-- plied).-Itfar 'WILL' do'lightrdelivery; junk'•. removal, clean-up. Phone 524-8553.-18tfar BURLEY'S FURNITURE, REFINISHING - we strip and re -finish furniture to new condition, also caning, wicker, and reed work done. Phone 524-2725 between 9:00 a.m_ and 5:00 p.m. - residence 524-2071_-26tfar PIANO LESSONS 565-2541 MATHERS LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE • SODDING • SEEDING • ROLLING • AERIFYING • GRADING • TOPSOIL • FERTILIZING • PATIOS • TREES AND SHRUBS • VERTICUTTING Phone 524-2401 STOP HERE AND DIAL 524-7632 FOR ALL YOUR SERVICE NEEDS •APPLIANCES *MINOR ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING . •MINOR CARPENTRY JOBS *REPAIRS TO BROKEN WINDOWS •PUT UP A NEW CLOTHESLINE OR FIX YOUR OLD ONE •FIX SQUEAKY DOOR APAINT OR WALLPAPER A ROOM. THE LIST IS ENDLESS JUST CALL 5244632 and find out how ' ean serve you. reosbable:rates -. no job is too,small. ELECTRIC MOTORS WE STOCK UP TO ,300, H.P: Authorized Service Shop for • Miller Welders • Agtronlc Alternators • Hydr-O-Matic Pumps • Red Jacket Jet Pumps • Gec. Motors & Transformer •Gearheads R. Brakes •Mulitspeed Motor • Esploalon Proof Motor • Form Duty Motors - Special Prices STRATFORD, ONT. ELECTRIC CO. LTD. 286 Monteith Ave,. Stratford PHONE 271-5472 24 HOUR 24 Hour Breakdown Service 17. Auction sales 17. Auction sales ESTATE AUCTION SALE REAL ESTAOF TE, ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ON SATURDAY, AUG. 19, 1978 STARTING AT 11:00 A.M. FROM THE TOM JAMIESON ESTATE In the village of Whitechurch just off Hwy. No. 86, 5 miles west of Wingham or 8 miles•east of Lucknow. Real Estate: Older 4 bedroom 2 -storey 'home with detached garage. Home -has -dining living roam with Targe kitchen, and wood shed also has front veranda with ornate trim work. Alt this situated on approx. 1-5 acre lot. Property will be offered for sale subject to very reasonable reserve bid at approx. 1 p.m. Terms on Real Estate 5500 down day of sale balance in 30 days. SALE CONSISTS QF: Furniture and Household Effects: 2 - Antique 2 -piece bedroom suites with high back beds, dressers with matching commodes, old bonnet chest, 2 piece chesterfield suite (Queen Anne style) walnut china cabinet, 2 rockers 1 in solid oak, 2 -tier cherry table, walnut hall table, gentleman's chest of drawers, plant table, Gun Son-ola phonograph (Wingham), with box of old records, old fainting couch, 2 Victorian parlor chairs, dining table with 6 Matching oak chairs, child's press back high chair, early Ontario chairs, flat to wall cupboard, Wingham clipper cook stove with reservoir (excellent) apartment size refrigerator, wringer washer, drop leaf table, small grandfather clock (oak case); Glassware, china and collectables': Assortment of Wedgewood, Carnival, Depression, Occ. Japan, Nippen, Limoges, setting for 12 English china, early Canadian goblets, pressed candle holders, oil lamps, old'hanging lamp, Epern, antique baby buggy, copper boilers, sad irons, tea tins, sealers, silver shaving stand, good selection of silverware, old guilts, all types of bedding, old tools, etc. Also selling 1963 Ford 300 as is (mechanically o.k.) and much more. Terms - Cash, cheques,.•chargex or Mastercharge. Management not responsible for accidents day of sale. P.S. Remember date and starting time. SALE CONDUCTED BY A.YLMER AUCTIONS SALES MANAGER AUCTIONEER ED KIKKERt JAKE KIKKERT 113-2261 357-2987 PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING WITH "STEAM" e Steam gets the dirt other methods don't reach • Removes old shampoo • Carpet dries quickly • Steam Machine Ren- tals. 90.00 per day. CARPET CARE 216 Wellington Street S. Goderich 524-2440 BACKHOE SERVICE BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS DUMP TRUCK BULLDOZING SEWERS Septic Tank Installations Government Licenced FREE ESTIMATES Sid Bruinsma Goderich 524-8668 HO;FFMEYER plumbing 8 Heating Ltd.-...... Paper Hanging AND Painting Reasonable Rates Neat. clean work CALL 524-7961 AFTER 5 P.M. DERE BROS. CONSTRUCTION Homes, Additions, Cottages, -.._.__Fara,-8uildingcrTteaoratians- - - DUNGANNON PHONE 529-7894, 529-7915 •ows is ar y FOAMED IN• PLACE INSULA ,ION • Saves heating, cooling costs! • Stops drafts and cold walls! • Lowers noise level• • Easy. last op. pbcotion NEW HOMES, OLDER HOMES. COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES For free estimate call BLUEWATER INSULATION LTD 565-2633 Insulspray.s a registered tredema,h of Borden. Inc /,GODERICH - CONCRETE FLOORS ! ' Laying and finishing 7 concrete' floors for i. { basements, garages; t patios. driveways, and { foundation' coating. Call''7 George Barralclough. . I APPLIANCES { 55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis washers; dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, GAS barbecues, lights; Ranges;, ranges. Pine Furniture Repr. of Early Canadian and Handcrafted from aged pine. We also do stripping; refinishing, repairs and chair caning. HURON PINE FURNITURE 52 West St., 524-4446 LIFT WITH YOUR LEGS, NOT WITH YOUR BACK . farm safety association Phone 524-8158 or 262-5341 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. Two trucks to- serve you. Phone H.T. Dale. Clinton 482-3320 and. Seafbrth 527-0284. ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre 116 Bennett, Goderich FERTILIZERS SEEDING -SODDING TREES -SHRUBS .Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING AUCTION SALE Antiques, furniture, appliances, riding lawn mower, 'etc., to be held at Richard Lobb's barn, 289 Bayfield Road, Clinton, Ontario for the Estate of Irene Jones plus several additions. SATURDAY AUG. 19 at 1:00 p.m. Tappan fridge like new; Tappan deluxe model 30" elecfric stove with glass oven door, like new; Westinghouse built in six cycle automatic dishwasher; RCA automatic clothes washer; Krug 3 -piece bedroom suite;' 2 continental beds, fold away bed, like new; rollaway bed; two small chests of drawers, dresser and Mirror ;'antique bonnet chest of drawers; two pine blanket boxes three wooden rocking'chairs; hats tree; small antique chest o1 drawers; rocker with new caned seat; 3 odd chairs with new caned seats; an. tique secretary desk; chesterfield and chair; coucn with fold -away bed; upholstered chairs; cedar chest; two large chests of drawers; two plant tables; com- bination book case and desk with doors_; three mat- ching pressback chairs; two sets of three matching chairs;' 15 matching wooden chairs; White electric sewing machine in cabinet; Targe chrome table and six chairs, like new; small dropleaf chrome table and two chairs, like new; wooden dining table with leaves; coffee table; Quebec -heater; wicker chesterfield; vacuum .cleaner; 4 matching pressback chairs; copper boiler; baby crib and mattress; tent; wringer washer; card table and four chairs; carpet sweeper; floor polisher; 4 HP riding lawn mower; 3 HP push lawn mower; lamps; electric typewriter; record player; radio; ladies' bicycle; small appliances; dishes and glassware; plus m -any items not mentioned. NOTE : This is a good offering, so plan to attend. Terms - Cash Day of Sale Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale Richard Lobb Auctioneer Clinton, Ont. 482-7898 Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. Backhoe-Build®zing Public and private sewage systems Govenment Licensed Excavations of all types Free Estimates Gaetan Jacques Construction RR 2.GODERICH 524-7104 Big or small we do them alit ARMSTRONG: me and Mrs. Frederick Armstrong, RR2 Auburn are happy to announce the birth of their son, John Frederick on August 9, 1978 at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich.-33 BURROUGHS: Mr. and" Mrs. John Burroughs, 99 Trafalgar St., Goderich are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter, Mary Catherine at Goderich Hospital on • August 14, 1978.-38 19. Notice to creditors '' -NOT TCLTO CREDTGRS- ALL persons• having claims against the Estate of ROBERT BENSON McCABE, Farmer, late of the 'Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 15th td'ay of July 1978, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 9th day of September, 1978 as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED . at Goderich, Ontario this 8th day of August, " PREST AND EGENER, Barristers etc. 33 Montreal Street Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate. .-33,34,35 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of ELLEN McCLURE, Widow, late of the Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 15th day of June 1978, -are required 'to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 9th day of September 1978 as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed.t' DATED at' Goderich, Ontario, this 9th day of August RRESTAND EGENER Barristers., etc. 33 Montreal Street Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate .-33,34,35AR 20. Public notices WHEELCHAIRS - WALKERS • The Humanitarian Service Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred' Fritzley r 524- 7217.-2eowar 22. Lost and found FOUND: Ladies' gold watch at. Colborne Twp. ac- countant's office. Identify and pay for ad. Phone 524- 2380.-33x LOST: One child's folding stroller, green floral pattern, in vicinity of Square. Urgently peederd. Phone 524- 2450.-32 24. Business opportunities COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Cement block multipur- pose building 22 x 52 on Hwy. 86 Lucknow. Ideal food or retail outlet. Financing ovallable. For Informatltin and viewing contact P. Hux- table 5191271-5650. 26.' Births BUR'CY-IjLL Bill and Marney (nee McLean) Calgary, Alberta, announce the arrival of their son Brian Christopher at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary on June 17, 1978.-33nc POTTER: Mr. ' and Mrs. Gregory Potter, 5 Blake St., Goderich are pleased to announce the birth of their son. Shawn Franklin on August 12, 1978 at Goderich Hospital. -33 PROUSE:' At 'Goderich Hospital on August 8, `1978, born to Mr. and Mr9. David Prouse, RR4 Goderich, a son, Corey David. -33 CASLICK: Ross and Ethel (nee LeBlanc) are proud to announce -the birth of their son,, r..Da,nie•1v:.5..Ih_ 4 oz._ at St. Joseph's Hospital, London?' Ont., on August 11, 1978. Pleased grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Caslick, Wingham, Ont. and Mrs. M. A. LeBlanc Goderich, Ont. ' , ELLIOTT: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Elliott, Brussels are happy to 'announce the arrival of their son Jeffrey Paul, on August 12, 1978 at Goderich Hospital. -33 30. In memoriam SCHWEITZER: In loving memory of our darling daughter and sister, Sherry Lynn who left us suddenly August 20, 1971.. There is a gift in life You cannot buy That is very rare and true It is a gift of a wonderful daughter and sister Like the one•we had in you. Nothing could be more beautiful - Than memories we have of you, To us you were. someone special God must have thought so too. It broke .our hearts to lose ""Tlie"""day""God"W-t�alled� you home Time takes away • the edge of grief But memories turn back every leaf. Sadly missed and never forgotten, Mom, Dad, Terry, Kelly and Kim. -33 28. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. H. Arnold Stothers, RR6. Goderich are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Debra Elaine td Mr. Stephen William Park, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. William Park, Dungannon, The marriage will take place on Saturday, September 2, 1978 at 3:30 p.m. at Nile United Church, Nile. -33x Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Glazier,"' Goderich, Ontario are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Brenda Jane, to Randall Lee Blair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Blair of Brantford, Ontario. The wedding will take place September 23, '1978 at Royal View Church, London, Ontario at 5 o'clock. -33x Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gordon Harrison of Goderich an- nounce with pleasure the. forthcoming marriage of their eldest .daughter, Brenda Joy to Mr. Douglas John Hoffmeyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffmeyer, RR2 Goderich-. The .wedding will take place in St. George's 'Anglican Church, Goderich, Ontario on Thursday, August 31, 1978 at 6:30 o'clock. -33 Mr. and Mrs. James Koster are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage , of their daughter, Susan Marie, to Watson James Huff, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Huff all of Goderich, Ontario. The wedding will take place on Saturday, September 2nd, 1978 in St. Peter's Catholic Church, Goderich, Ontario at 3 -o'clock 33 SAT/SF.Y YOUR NEEDS 31. Card of thanks We the dealers, who par- ticipated in the Bluewater Centre Antique Show wish to express our appreciation and thanks for their assistance in making this show an en- joyable event. -33 We would like to thank all our friends, relatives and neighbors who attended the Stag and Doe party held in our honour at Auburn Community Centre. A special thank you to those who organized it. It was very much appreciated. - David Caesar and . Virginia Chisholm. -33 CHISHOLM: I wish to thank,... my friends,relatives and members of the community for the many lovely shower gifts I received at the community shower. A special thank you to. the ladies who arranged the shower with its delicious lunch and entertaining program. It was very much appreciated. Virginia Chisholm. -33 GOOD: I wish to thank all my relatives and friends for the lovely gifts, flowers and cards I received at my 80th birthday party. - Myrtle ' Good: -33 .. . GREENWOOD: I wish to express my thanks to friends, neighbours ' ands relatives for their cards, flowers, fruit baskets and visits during my stay in Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Watts, Dr. Thomson, Dr. Hollingworth, nurses on second east emergency and ambulance drivers for the excellent care I received. - Helen Greenwood. -33 KORSTANJE: I would like to thank the residents of Aaburn for the love and kindness received during the illness and passing away of our wife and mother, Mary Korstanje. Sincere thank you. - John Korstanje and family. -33 AUCTION SALE of antiques, furnittire, appliances, riding lawn mower, etc., to be held at Richard Lobb's barn, 289 Bayfield Road, Clinton, Ontario, for the Estate of Irene Jones .plus•.several additions. SATURDAY AUG:' 19 at 1:00 p.m. Tappan, refrigerator like new; Tappan deluxe model 30" electric stove with, glass oven door; like new; Westinghouse built in six cycle automatic dishwasher; RCA automatic clothes washer; Krug 3 piece bedroom suite; 2 continental beds, fold away bed, like new; roll away bed; two small chests of drawers; dresser and mirror; antique bonnet chest of drawers; two pine blanket boxes; three wooden rocking chairs; hall tree; small antique chest of drawers; rocker with new caned seat; 3 odd chairs with new caned seats; antique secretary desk; chesterfield and chair; couch with fold away bed; upholstered chairs; cedar chest; two large chests of drawers; two plant tables; combination book case and desk with doors; three matching pressback chairs; .15 matching wooden chairs; White electric sewing machine in cabinet; large chrome table and six chairs, like new; small dropleaf chrome,table and two chairs, like new; wooden dining table with leaves; coffee table; Quebec heater; wicker -chesterfield; vacuum cleaner; 4 matching pressback chairs; copper boiler; baby crib and mattress; tent; wringer washer; card table and four chairs; carpet' sweeper; floor polisher; 4 HP riding mower; 3 HP push lawn mower; lamps; ,electric typewriter; record player; radio; lady's bicycle; small appliances; dishes and glassware; plus many' items not mentioned. "NOTE" this is a.good offering, so plan to attend. Terms Cash Day Of Sale • Richard Lobb, Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898. Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale;