The Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-08-17, Page 5coo -
Lawn bowling
Dear Editor:
I moved to Goderich in
1970, built a house and
have enjoyed living here
since_ Haae had 14 years
in Toronto, now like the
nice quiet town of
Goderich on the beautiful
Lake Huron.
I had two months of
bowling in 1916, now I like
it so much this will be my
second year with the
club_ Nice people are a
credit to the town_
There is a tot of hard
work put into the grounds
to keep them nice, by the
members,which is mostly
You have every other
sport in the paper, but
very little on the lawn
bowling Maybe we lone!
report it enough?
I remain,
Walter T. Cooper
Dear Editor,
Churchill when leading
the Allies to victory
referred to Charles de
Gaulle as his greatest
cross to bear. Canada's
greatest cross to bear in
her history is Pierre
Trudeau_ Psychologically
and economically, he has
so weakened Canada in 10
years that it will take
generations to recover.
As was to be expected
in .19 an arrogant in-
tellectual with inherited
wealth and 'lacking _ in
senior managerialand
Dear Rea
* from page 4
eagerness of the big city
media to come to small
towns for the juicy bits to
spice up their news
Keith led off, of course,
talking about the
publicity Huron County is
getting over the ''dirty"
books issue.
"About the last time
this area got so much
attention was with the
Stephen Truscott case,"
wrote Keith_ "In between
of course,' we've made
interesting copy for
arena closings, hospital
clogings, school closings,
because of teachers'
strikes and the odd winter
storm when everything
was closed."
Keith also pointed out
that while the big city
boys were interested in
the rural headaches over
arena closures, nobody
paid much attention to
the real story - the happy,
inspiring story of people
working together and
showing all the.... best
qualities of rural
lifestyle, to rebuild the
Of coursei anyone who
follows Blyth theatre at
all, will know that Keith
is heavily involved with
that group. Keith has
written a couple of ex-
cellent plays which have
pleased Blyth theatre
audiences last year and
this year.
That could account for
the fact that Keith also
wrote in his recent article
these true words: "And
while the big city media
was interested enough to
descend on Huron County
in droves when they could
poke fun at the' backyard
locals for their lack of
sophistication over the
book debate no one seems
interested in the fact that
administrative ex-
perience would be totally
unsuited to manage ef-
ffectively the Canadian
economy_ His legacy is
uncontrolled and
wasteful spending in
every field, a huge
bureaucracy, inflation
and worst of all a lack of
faith in Canada's future_
By action and`deed he has
effectively discouraged
all those people and
companies who invest m
our economy, who create
jobs and who make a
country prosperous_
The Federal Liberal
Party has stayed in
power most of the last 60
years only because it has
protected its political
base in Quebec at all
Even in the Second
or ar our overseas
Arany was willfully
weakened by MacKenzie
King rather than
displease Quebec and
enforce conscription. And
Mr. Trudeau's Bilingual
Policy is simply a con-
tinuation of this political
The French population
as a percentage of the
population of Canada and
North America is and will
continue to decline_
Likewise, the usage of the
French language will
decline_ A pocket of
French in Quebec can
never give an opportunity
to most Canadians to use
or to speak the French
language. Logistics make
it impossible_ At the most
the French language will
be spoken by English
speaking Canadians, as a
tiny, backward, redneck
Huron County also
supports two professional
theatres and has been the
birthplace for many
writers and artists who
rank among the tops in
their fields in the nation."
"While the travel
budgets are plenty free
when a newspaper wants
to send a reporter to
cover the book debate,
suddenly when it comes
time to send a reviewer
from the Globe or one of
the other big city papers
to cover a locally written
and produced play, there
just isn't enough money
or enough time, or
enough space," writes
How true. Reminds me
of Goderich town council
chambers where
someone had posted a
full-page story a year or
so ago on the salt industry
in this town, I believe it
was Council members
seemed to be awe struck
by the worthof this story
from one of the Toronto
papers, commenting on
the excellent exposure it
gives to Goderich.
And while that may be
true, few people are
much impressed by the
job done week in and
week out by the local
paper to promote the
community, covering the
good and the bad, telling
the whole story and
giving credit where
credit is due.
As one reporter put it
when he viewed the
posted item from the
Toronto paper in town
council chambers' "They ,
must have had a slack
day for news.,The next
time they'll bback is
when some guy chops up
his wife and six kids and
feeds them to the pigs."
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cultural achievement. A
social grace andfor
. The present Federal
Bilingual Policy for the
Civil Service,
publications, labels, etc.
is purely a political play.
It is an attempt to
mislead French
Canadians and it has only
antagonized English
Canadians. And true to
form the Liberal Party
has failed to protect the
.rights of the English
Language in Quebec
rather than erode its
political base.
There is no hope for
Canada's unity under
such a Liberal Party. as
we have had for 60 years.
As for Mr. Trudeau, he is
a wily and convincing
... pe;r_.son._who.has_pn' nsely.....
misled Canadian voters
several times during the
east 10 years. He is
simply a leader not to be
trusted_ He has 'falsely
claimed to have wrestled
inflation to the ground to
have opposed price and
wage controls and tp have
brought his government
spending"Under control_
As to the silly remark
who, could have' done
better, I say who could
have done worse. As a
Prime Minister and as a
leader Mr. Trudeau has
been a disaster. And to
make matters worse
many voters de not
realize that he'is. more of
a Socialist 'at heart than
he is a Liberal.
C. Hillmer,
Dear Editor,
In her letter of Aug. 3,
Jeannie Seddon
described religion as:
"the most interesting and
maligned subject of our
time." She also speaks of
"God's blueprint for the
promised day of peace."
At the same time she
inadvertently admits:.
"when God sees " fit to
send His word to us we
scorn that word..."
God's Word which we
have had in English since
the 15th century clearly
indicates that there are
and have been since
creation, true and false
religion, as illustrated in
the account of the
sacrifices of Cain and
Abel. (Genesis 4:3-5).
But, of course, the United
Church says that these
first few chapters of
Gensis are "mythical and
However, Jesus, in
answering a question
about divorce, said; "Did
you not read that He who
created them from the
beginning made them
male and female and
said; ..."Then Jesus
quoted from Genesis 2:25.
We can be assured then,
that Jesus and his
followers accepted the
Bible as inspired and
reliable. Such acceptance
is an important
distinguishing mark of
Eight hundred "years
before sending His Only -
begotten Son to earth to
give his human life as a
ransom for man, Jehovah
inspired Isaiah to speak
of the peace and security
which would be brought
about by the Kingdom
which Jehovah would
establish with the
glorified. Christ as its
Ruler. (Isaiah 9: 6,7)
That Kingdon, advocated
by all true Christians, is
the ONE HOPE for future
peace and security, God's
Sincerely yours,
C: F. Barney
Jesus and when God also
stated "This its my
beloved Son"," Paul gave,
us that beautiful
benediction: "The grace
- of our Lord Jesus Chrint,
the love of God, and
communion of the Holy
Ghost be with you all"
John, being in the Spirit
on the Lord's Day a d
calling on seven a c-
casions to the churches; to
heed what the Spirit was
telling them, mentioning
also the Faithful Witness
(Jesus Christ), and also
God the Father.
Jesus said, "I am the
Way, the Truth and the
Life, no man cometh unto
the Father but by Me".
Worshipping God in Spirit
and in Troth is not hard to
understand. It's similar
-to-•the-4/sal s•t's.-words-._
"Worship the Lord in the
beauty of holiness"."
One must get right with
God, follow and abide in
Christ, and walk in the
Spirit if he would worship
God acceptably. In other
words Jesus in coun-
selling the woman of
Samaria bid her turn
from idol worship and her
sinful way of life, and
acknowledge Him as
Saviour and Lord who
only giveth the spiritual
drink of eternal life, and
continue on living for God
which she did willingly
and joyfully. Thus
quickened by the Holy
Spirit she then knew of
the. rewarding act of true
Explanation worshi
In answering Mr.
Barney's ridiculous
Dear Editor.. .misun¢erstanding...of..iny_.._._
It appears C.F. Marney
would like someone to
explain that- - -whrieh is
impossible and yet
factual. I refer to the
precious doctrine. of the
Holy Trinity. As for the
essence of the Trinity no
human can explain such
an infinite title. We only
know that the Bible
declares and fully sup-
ports such -a doctrine.
In the beginning ,the
plural, • form' was used
when God said, "Let US
make man in our image
and in the image of God
made He man." At Jesus'
baptism the trinity. was
mentioned. On the Mt. of
Transfiguration God
reminded Peter, James
and John to listen to
certain nobleman or
anyone deserving of such
a title.
Rev. Leonard Warr, M.
All letters received by the ediior will be published, unless they are
considered by legal opinion to be libellous. All letters must be signed
but pennapees will be used'on rerlmst. However, should someone call
to request the nave of the writer, the writer's identity will be
entire outing was spoiled
by the incident.
A few days later when I
was in Wingham, I went
into the office of the
Ministry of Natural
Losing beach Resources. They told me
Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter
to ask t'e question: Are
we, the public, losing our
rights to use the public
beaches of Lake Huron?
We, as a family, have
enjoyed the use of the
public beach for the past
20 years. We have en-
joyed swimming, cam-
pfires, and toasting
marshmallows on warm
summer nights. We have
always dowsed our fires
and left the beach clean
--`a nneenint ally-firicT�ii ':`"........_.
This suddenly seemed
to come to an abrupt end
a week or so ago as we
went again to the beach.
We had just gotten to our
favorite spot when we
were confronted by a
cottage owner and his
wife who very promptly
.asked.. ustoleave their
property. ,
We had seen a couple of
signs a few weeks before
stating that the beach
along Lake Huron was
public beach • up to the
high water line. These
signs have now been
destroyed by vandals.
We told the cottage
owner that we thought,
according to the sign, this
beach was public up to
the high water line but
they said the high water
-line --wase-not - -along the
When we offered to
move a little further one
way, they said that was
no use as there were
several more cottages
along there. Not wishing
to argue and not knowing
for sure the facts, we
moved a little bit but our
Won't you
Please put. �ut
your .okl
Phase have your old newspapers on
boulevard by 10:00 A.M. when collec-
tion starts.
Proceeds to community projects
reference to the word or
title "Lord". For eternal
salvation we must -use the
word "Lord" but to use
the word differentially or
having a difference and
more inferior meaning
we use it as . in Lord
Mountbatten, Lor
Bishop or perhaps
there that all the beaches
along Lake Huron are
public up to the high
water line and that the
high water line is where
the vegetation changes,
or in other words, where
the sand stops and the
foliage begins. They also
said that this was so even -
when some surveyors
may draw lines right
across the sand to the
water.'I hope this letter will
help to inform the public
and the cot
my consideration of the
'very few' scholars en-
Not only that, t ut I note
that in' Mr. Warr's letters
his capitalization is
meticulously carried out,
whereas my capitalizing
(letter of July 18) was
ignored. Do clergy get
Sincerely yours
C. F. Barney
P.S. Your consideration
in printing letters ex-
pressing opinions is
really appreciated and a
very good job has been
done. Only there does
seem to be a bit of a
leaning to favor the
clergy when anything
age owners as religious is brought under 1,e come
_Wen that thy_. hec -af _._....._...__..,.,._._.,.-..._..
a letter to
the editor
letter ts
Lake Huron are there for erose scruTtny.'"C.F.B.
the use of all of the public.
Sincerely yours,
A beach -goer
for many years. -
Prefer clergy?
Dear Editor,
Enclosed you will find a
clipping from today's
issue of your paper, along
.with a carbon of my
original letter. Editing
has cut down con-
siderably the sense of
what I wrote.
In his "Church Page"
sermon Mr. • Warr
stated: "Even among
reputable scholars,
seriously considered that
the Bible record may be
-true."" - -
Editing out: "Romans
10:13 RSV)" and "In
addition to that the
revisers would have
Psalm 83:18 inform us:
"Let them know that thou
alone, whose name is
`anyone whom it is
desired to address
deferentially:', left out
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