The Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-17, Page 3edt
The Trouble :Rust be Treated
Through the Blood.
Every rheumatic sufferer. *hold('
realize that rheumatism is rooted in
the blood and that to get rid of it it
must be treated through the blood.
The old belief that rheumatisra was
caused by cold, damp weather, is now
explode. Seeh weather conditions
Uy start the pains, but it is 'tot the
cause. Liniments and outward apPlie
cations may give tempary relief, but
that la all they eau do because they do
not reach its sources in We blood. The
sufferer from rheumati-sm who eXpera
meets with outward applicatious is
only wasting time and money in de.
pending upon such treatment; the
trouble still renin, ate it is all the
time becoming more firmly Mote&
Treat this disease through the blood
'rand you will semi find relief. Dr. Wile
Payne Pink Pills act directly on late.
pUre weak blood; they purify and
strengthen it, and so act on the eadse
Dr.the rheumatism. hirr.• P. 3. Mac-
Pherson, R.R. Na. 5„ Cardigan.
:aa ysi "About three years aga 1 was
attacked with rheumatism. 1 began
taking D. Vt'llifrons” Pink Pills and
soon the tremble disappearee and
am to better health than before. I
elso know of au old lady acquaintance
who was badly crippled altit rhea -
=Mtn in her arms and lege, and who
suffered very much. She, too, took,
Th'. WBUatps Pint; Pills and is now
table W do her housework. I tell you
thie in the hope it may ht of benefit
to some other sufferer."
Yon can procure Dr. Williani' Platt
Tells through any dealer in niearcree
or they will be Fent you by loan at
dd cents a box or six boxtee for $2.50
by writing direct to The Da Williums"
Wahine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The men ulto tw to de senteeltiem;
and fail, are infinitely better than'
these who try to do nothing and elm-
eeed.-4.loyd Jones.
• British Leaders Appeal for
A public letter signed by Premier
Lloyd George, Herbert Asquith, Lord
Grey, Lord Robert Ceeil, John Robert
Clynes and Sir Hubert Gough. repre-
senting nearly all political factious,
makes a stirring appeal for funds to
carry ort the work of the League +at
Nations Union, eagle, a London des -
It. says that without consider-
able donations the league mast cur-
tail many of ita activities. The- ap-
peal is for a million pounds, or "just
the cost for maintaining one capital
ship for .a year."
The letter goes on to say that "if
the world will but rally to the League
of Nations a substantial reduction in
armaments will be possible. We shall
:save the millton peands many times
ever In taxation, to say nothing of '
what we will gain in security and hap -i
------e. , on
Substitute for Tea.
The active Principe of tea Is
That a coffee is. ealeeirte. But cad'
feine and ehelne are exactly the same
thing. 'I
This Pgreecibtir stimulatieg alkatofd
to feund In coOter plants one et which
grow wild and plentifully in the South
Atlentie States, where it is earled
"e-aupert," orFOTS.C.--tittle3 "ehrlittitQS-
berry tree." ,
The Believe; brewed a beverage
tram itla., leaves a the yaupott long be.,
fare the arid white man tended on
this ceetietent; and eluded the Civil
War it was Itd as a eubstitute for
tea by people itt the South.
J. .y 0.111 TABLETS.
Once a mother has used Baby's Own
Tablets for her little ones she would
not be without them. The Tablets
are a Perfect home remedy. They
regulate the bowels and stomach;
drive cut constipation and indigestion;
brealt up colds and simple fever and
make baby healthy and happy. Cone
cerning them, Mrs. Nobe A Pye,
Eeum Secum, N.S., writes "j have
found Baby's Own. Tablets of great
benefit for my cluelren and I would
not be without them." The Tablets
are sold by ineeteine dealers or by I
mall at 25 cents a box from The -Dr.
Medicine Cc,. Broekville,
A Railroad Safety Device. !
The chief mechanical engineer of
an English railroad has reeently per.,
fected and put into operation a device
Witiell serves the dcubie purpose
ring railway carriages with a
buffing appliance and an interlocking!,
arrangement witielt will maintain the!
eaigieraent o a Mein and peevent the
teteeeeptiree or the carretees. The bur -
fors are deeignee wine wertteng toad re.
serve steel* epriegs of nee toles eted
fittetn toes eaeh, giving au ordinary !i
resistence o iwenty Kn ev huger.
Should tee trate:et le tell greater, the
belle Whitt reetet the eptings etre de.
signee to tweet): away ;.4t ahotit fifty
tone pre:tame-4 iter buffer and the cer-
rugated fenders to bet -exile egitaved.
Throe felelere are tifeigeed not or.y to:
preveto vetilelee mourning eaen other,
but :deo to prem-rve a2igument and
The TI.E. Government Plant Bureau
is experimentirg with it, in tiro belief
Long Spaces.
"What do you work. at, nay Poo
"At intervals, lady."
Declares It's Simply Astonish -
Mrs. Rose NI Brown
Gained 20 Poundg
in Four Weeks Time
Something el lasing.
She-eel:tee ate a perfect dear!"
Ile -"Not eoerfeet darling ---you have
my beast:"
The River's Bed.
X ---"They tol Att4. tili? elver is very
tt's eo tow it's estettnee to
ite bed."
Looks Like It.
direnete----• teltet is an exea-"
f.5, a
“Is bub' Qer'
Force of Habit.
'1 e oneeen
t e‘7,4
%." .0.y er?"
'el, oie n ""„W '711
r(144,2,1 ha eE.JA tit the, t
pa)'43,' yea IT, re
erani erceltzdeeitne."
Iin To See The Wonderful
Benefits She Has Derived ?
From Tarlac — Says Ter-
rible Headaches Have Di
sounds unreesenabte, bet 1leave!
actually gator:1 29 pennee le5san
1. a months time by t itat g Teelee and
the icon beneetit 1 bave doeived
lie= tee u„ e of eas me -elec. 4,,
ly astonishitzg," 'aid M.P
Brown, 1/I Third Street, eletneheeter,
• Nil.
..A.rt P.3Pi* C". ?9' rreo•oh-
co me treebtre 1 ee.ti rr.r.z:Iy never
• en tee Late rreeretee 4.;„
tZttit! re 11
fwm ef se reeede tr.
-My epee:Pe W3-3 r) •
Vi ,Z12'.1!
P) K"
1 Wr..-3 c-4
F e 1
I of
3 t--
over my 'Fe.. leee, 1
wit <10.4-i t.-) or 7
ni•e '•44 zr%
A Reaeon. toted
Eno*, agel
In. related to at: F13413
1,1; whe ? 1 ..the h 1 1;t . /4.
IN -Z;
tdr:',tver baele ele
that the h alien pnaperle- inzred aboolt the:4 elteek, der ni
after the utarner of tea, will fereteh y,,11
palatable eup at a much less cost.
Us Rearing Restored. Canoe do."
In the island of Rhodes bone, ts: The iPvisiTile ear drain invented by C. roe nese"' :iii 7,eet. -Ate.
ztin a faetw. in the mat,T4mo 1,:iites. Leonard, whielt la a mintettured had tar ce
Afti,r the welding the husband dips nlegaWwIrle' fitl/r43 tc's'4° "le e°r en" ""
his ttrely out of sight, le restoring the
fingvv in13eleY ar4 tea'" "..4":" bearing of hundreds of people in New His Iderm.
ver th 4141v'4.le'°re York Cite. Mr, Leeteard ieveetve thls hettto -°.I edee y
Ithe hrile "ler.% Meatr'sbl'e the sPet'" drum to relieve belt ol de,dneoste, lo•-•ar
tutors ct out to the bride. "Be at ond ani lhi
1 4" swe*'1: 48 "`al""3 " Tr, "lneY" suet:es:1one that no one cseald tell he a.' -4t'
hilnard's Liniment for Distemper.
is a deaf main It le eVeettve when - lea eve meet the kence,
deeftwes is teeueed by eationli or by eleei."e te tee wee re temer t)-
perforated, or whely deetroyed Peter- ere a te etteirel-
• al elremes. A. requeet for information Yt
to A. Q. Leortare. Suite -187, Tel Fifth on -era -Wen, he wee eorryieg out
lvenue. New Yerlt. City, will be given zw
DENNISON a prompt reply. Ideas,"
Varlations—Dennissen. Dennis, Denis,
Denison. 4 A Clock for Aircraft.
Racial Origirt—Englieh,
Souroce--A given name. • The Air Servtce of the U.S. War De -
There is really little about tide Pavtulte"t has dt'velal/e" new and
peeutlar - tarrted on
family name that retudree exPlamhit te
huflt iii
eXcept. perhawthe given name boxing a watch movement, avid is
from whtiii it is derived, that Of Dente :wound by eleetricity, being connected
or Donnie. with a small atorage batttery.
On of the Latin, and more ancient- Hitherto it has been found difficult
ly Greek, names for the god of also to get a eloelt to do catisfactory work
was "nt°nY'llus," and the It""ans earj• -ia. plane. The vibration made the
led it as a given name Into tbe Celtic timepiece unreliable, and jta accuracy
provinces of Northwestern Europe. was further affected by eberages of
whieb they conquered. It became rio nititucjo.
Christian name, and even when the The new clork, thatile; to eertain
Surnames and Their 0
Racial Origin—Norman•French.
Source—A looality.
There are two verFlons as to what
thereat meaning of the name of Free-
mont ts, but virtually alt authorities
are agreed that tiro family name, as
such, is but an English development
at the place name of Fremont in
Whether this place was named
"frame -moue" ("free-raouut") is a mat.
ter that is open to debate with the
chances somewhat In favor of the
former argument as 'Ming in better
,witb. what is known of the motives
and habits of early European popula-
tions in the development at their
place names.
In any event the name was brought
to England in the. Norman, invaition
and settlement in that country.
This period of English history was
responsible for the development of
many family names. The Norman
Arniy was gathered together from all
parts of Northern Prance, with the re-
sult that in snob a gathering of in-
dividauls from different communities
surnames referring to the place from
which the individual had come natural-
ly proved the easiest method of dis-
tinguishing him from other men ot
the same given name.
Roman Empire tell before the con-
"compensation" arrangements, keep
quests of the Teutonic tribes it stir- good time at any to:Kim...atm from
vived, to appear in changed form in below . 150above, v bra -
the new languages mach sprang up tion does not bother it. Tests made
in what is now France through the e
Uy the Bureau of Standards have
combination of the original Celtic with given it a full indorsement.
the Roman and finally the Teutonic..
The change was great. It bad A Fool There Was and--
simply berome, shortened to Denis. I -le struck n menet to see if the
It was taken to England by the Nor-
gasoline tank was empty. It wasn't.
mars. The form Dennis is a latr He patted a strange dog on the anti
$41:4 a imi gnaulul;
rAfT. Five thiet,
Ventilation In Mines,
fl' in tenet:eh invealliml vciiUnn
Mint.; titOaqmil by the eltaugee
reeestanee of an electrically beated
fire over whhelt die air pe-
The happy man has a double ehanze •
a being good. end the ttome rule ap-
plies to children.
"Cascarets" To -Night
.z.-,. 1. 4U..•.;,•:
ran, t :ee tenet!: ee I eeee eon ie To e, f
4- ie 7hrt .?,"•;:rn: neeee with head-
tielt it. deet eltice eier ceotetien. ednee eitel :nee wee the gre•atest
' er. t.,,E3 L1'.4".? ef I nee!! te telt ever:re-Ay whet
r.12$. F.'04.V. M. BROWN
teeetee has eialedee eheeti. Otis eeee rer Lae -
1 j‘g,'t -'3.,.:1'; 1 T;A:2.4': '
.t tuz t vcr . a.. ev.reeh Adv.
ethe- eehe relit :mete
men, c3.1ay
11.^ Fie:otted 3
arra4.1d I 01,4'43:31 .1: ";1
!LP -4' elr„
; 1131
J'aaa -..)
!;rii Z;n,
filinaro`e I-Intro:end 'tor Geraet on Cowe.
Teans. .:e„,,la-iirtten. an 1 r,o.eatg are
' as the • enereizee
for ;ties.
For Liver, Bowels
You're bilious: You are headachy,
constipated, your eyes burn, skin is
yellow; your stomaeh le sour. gassy,
upset. No wielder you .feel miserable.
You need a therough pheedo With
"Cascarets" to -night W cleanse the
stomach or sour. formeating food and
tout gasses; take the excess bile from
the liver and carry cut of the system
ail the constipated poison in the
lish development. to sea if the critter wits affectionate. hOwels. Get a 10.vent box now and let
It asn't.
The family name, of course, was w"Caacarets" straighten you out by
originally a surname denoting the He tried to see if he could beat a morning,
train to the crossing. couldn't.
parentage ef the persons who bore it,
He touched a wire to see if it was
and as there were many be- the name Asnorica's Planner
of Denis in English, the surname charged. It was.
He took a drink of bootleg liquor to
"Dennisson" naturally sprang up in
unrelated eases. see if it had any wood alcohol in it.
, It did.
(Loud shouting and great acclaim
by chorus or undertakers).
"Eve, Ohl"
The temper ot the teacher who was
presiding over the drowsy class was
approaching the end of its tether. The
youngsters were so exasperatingly
cheeky that their instructress tremb-
led with righteous anger.
The lesson wa.s about the history ot
machines. They had touched upon
Edison and his voice -reproducer. The
boys, hawever, despite the lesson'a in-
teresting theme, were lethargic and
"Now, then," the thaoher asked, im
patiently, "from what was the first
talking machine made?"
The class pricked op its ears. Here
was a chance to shine. For two
seconds forty minds sought for some-
thing brainy. Then a shuffling of feet
at the back, and a voice: "Please,
miss, a rib!"
If the Gap Pets,
"I never go to cleurch,"" said the
mileionaire. "I guess you've noticed
that, bishop?"
"Yes, I have uoticed it," replied the
bishop, gravely.
"I suppoee you wonder why I never
go to church, don't you?" the million-
aire pursued. "Well, rig tell you whya
There are so many hypocrites there."
"Oh, don't let that keep you away,"
retorted • the bishop, with a smile.
"There Is always room for one more."
ItIrs Casey—"Birds are intent
gent; ye can teach 'em anything. My
sister has one as lives in a clock, and
when it's toime to tell the totme it
comes, out and sdys 'Cuckoo!' as many.
tchriOS as -the toime is."
Mrs.13rannigan--"Ilow‘ wonderful!"
i Mrs. Casey—"It is, indade. And the
most wonderful part at it all is, it's
only a wooden bird,''
Are you stepping on the brake
or the accelerator?
The food you eat does make a difference.
Heavy, starchy foods often do slow down
body and rnind—often steal the energy that be-
longs to the day's work. Grape -Nuts is a go-
ahead food. It contains the perfected nourishment
of Nature's best grains. It includes all those
elements needed to nourish body and brain. • It
is easy to digest. It gives energy without taking
How about your breakfast or lunch—does
it give, or take?
Grape -Nuts is sweet, crisp, delightful to
the taste, and is an ideal source of power for a
busy and difficult day. •
• "There's a Reason" for GRAPE -NUTS
Dor /tomcats'
Book on
and Bow to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the A.uthor.
R. 010.1 Glover Co., Xao.
113 West 31st Street
NeW York, U.S.A.
Bulk Carlots
14 4
Fulness After Eating
If you have fulness after meals,
a bad taste in your mouth in the
morning, fur on the tongue, flat.
ulence alter meals and no appe.
the, take Mother Seigelle Syrup. It
will clean your tongue, renew
your appetite, give you relish for
food and the power to digest it
thoroughly and easily. Sold in
50c. and $L00 bottles at drug
stores. 4•52
j ITTLE aches grow into big pains
la unless warded off by an apples -
tion of Sloan's. Rheumatism,
t neuralgia, stiff joints, lame back won't
Tfight long against Sloan's Liniment.
Liniment has helped thousands, the HAS No
world over. You won't be an excep-
a tion. It certainly does produce results.
Apenstrateswithoutrub6ing. Keep
this old fan ly friend always hand -
At all druggists-35c,70c,$1.40
for instant uuse. Ask yourneighbor.
Made in Canada.
Itteeeeto a Oa%
•-,3 Tr:17, 1.!ie
when ferttane
fr,ent dr.
If •_c.47...Lr 'are oitsply • air the
prez.7,-ire of the attr.,,.,lre, sr.rround,-
: ltze*ou4eru-:,74 1,*rr
%A - d '"„N
e5f.,C13:4v. miltrola t.or
ftetit 444131"
444:1444n4 C'trikasia .311
rou 'A
I ea ieLL ItLAYLIt h'41.NU IN GOOD
1/, i:01,;(a0.14 With a .arge nuniber of
tannic rears, for salt at a bargain.
1.. (ostello, 73 I,VeA Adelaide Street,.
41.1. KI.NDIti I'SH1)
eIthg1+O3leYs. tawe.
eto, ohittirc3 rint4Ivet to ttLitis-livol lowe',5
pr:ers in eurauda: Yto111%. iiELTINO
115 YORK STRiere'r. TORteNTO.
Mother! Clean
Child's Bowels With
California Fig Syrup
Even a sink eeetlovee the -fruity"
taste of "California rtg Syrup." if tho
little tongue. lo etiatelor if year..end im
listleeeecross, feverish, fail of teed, or
has fettle. give a teaspoonful to teeiinse
the liver and bowels. In a few 'haute
you can see for yourself hoe tee:et:ugh.
ly it works all the a. eeet ire; Lea
"Dotson. teour bee and waste tut rf, the
bowels, and you have a wen. Woeful
child agaiti.
Millions of mothers keep ettaliforida
Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea-
epoonful to -day saves a t.
morrow. Ask your for
genuine "California Fig Syrup" which
has directions for babies ani ehildren
of all ages printed on bottle. Mettler!
You must say "California" er you may
get an imitation flg syrup.
ry For more than forty years Sloa• n's
DR. MINARD, Inventor of the • ?-•- • •-• -
Celebrated. Liniment
MINARD'S LINIMENT lignagampipagamili,
• •
Nothing Else is Aspirin—say "Bayer"
warning! Unless you see name
"Bayer" on tablets, you are not get
ting Aspirin at all. Why take chances?
Accept only an unbroken "Bayer"
package which contains directions
worked out by physicians during 21
years and proved safe by millions for
Colds, Headache, Earaebe, Toothache,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Neuritis. Lum-
bago, and Pain, Made in Canada.
• All druggists sell Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin in handy tin boxes of 12 tab-
lets, and in bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
• in Canada) or Bayer Manufacture of
Monoaceticacklester of Salicylica,ca
While it is well known that Aspirin
means Bayer manufacture, to assist
the public against limitations, the Tab.
lets of Bayer Company will be stamp-
ed with their general trade mark, the I
What Lydia E. Pinkhanes
Vegetable Compound Did
for Mrs. Baker and
Mrs. Kiever.
Irsunottver, B.C.—"I am pleased to
say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has done me a lot of good.
eau now walk about without the aid
of a support and feel real strong again.
A nurse advised me to take the
Vegetable Compound and it is certainly
helping me. n seems like Heaven to
be relieved after months of pain."—
Iles. H. W. BAER; 8874 10th Ave.
West, Vancouver, B.C.
Albert Co., N. B.—"I have taken
Lydia E. Finkham's medicines ancl
they have done inc a lot of good. Since
then I have been able to do my house-
work and I have a lot of work to do as
we live on a farm. Seeing your adver-
tisement in the papers was what made
me think of wnting to you. I hope
this may help some one else."—
Mae. Was. 33, IKEIVDR, -Upper New
Horton, Albert Co., N.B.
The reason women write such letters
to the Lydia E. Pinkhaui Medicine Co.
and tell their friends how they are
belied is thatLydia E. PinIthant'sVege-
p n has• ht hlth nazi
happiness into their lives.. Freed from
their illness they want to pasn the good
news along to other su ering *women
that they also may be relieved.
If there are any complications you do
not understand write to Lydia E. Pink -
ham Medicine Co,, Lynn. Mass.
ISSUE No, 46—'21.