The Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-17, Page 2- "Because I fancied- just now that
saw something *ticking up out of the
water theta, something winch might
have been a periscope of a submar-
ine," she replied.
Ile looked in the direction which she
indicated but shook his bead.
"I can see nothing," he said, "but
in any case I don't think they would
attack a hospital e+hip. This is a
dangerous area for them, too. We are
bound to have a few der.troyers close
at band. I wonder if Ralph—"
He never finished his sentence, The
shock which they had both read about
but never dreamed of experiencing,
flung them without a moment's warn-
----,-•-- lug to their hands and feet. The
steamer seemed: as though it had been
lifted out of the water. There was a
report as though some great cannon
had been fired off in their very ears.
Looking along the: deck, it suddenly
seemed to Thomson that her bows
were pointing to the sky. The after
portion, where they were seated, was
vibrating and shaking as though they
had struck a rock, and only a few
yards away from them,towards the
middle of the boat, the end of the
skin: was riven bare to the heavens.
Timbers were creaking and splinter-
ing in every direction. There was a
treat gap already in the side of the
steamer, as though some one had
ars incredibly short spare of time it taken a cut out of it. Then, high
above the shrieking of the escaped
was alongside, the passenger khat steam and the eraelting of woodwork,
clin:hed IT the rope ladder, the pita- the siren of the boat sereftnted out its
twee had sheered off and the steamer /ratio summons for hlp. Gerald:!
the Kingdom of
The Blind
fly. B.
iILLIPS OPFENIIE.3i.-.........
CHAP i`t.R XXXII.—t(Cont'd.11
"The Pr :me r s Hilda from South-
tttnpft'i:, t;>•enea`t'tyw Af 1r*:tnigitt;' he
repe ate i theughtfaIly. "\\ ail, ft's as
b l a t s: r was ere= mare heading towards the fer the moment lost her nerve, She
`"It worth it;' Granet assure -i him. channel. began to shriek, and ran towards the
"•'Ihl•y gray tea}'l it a hoepital ship but The newly -arrived passenger was nearest boat, into Which the people.
i• , 1 :am eonvireee that the t;ne making hie way towards the saloon were climbing like ants. Thomson,
man ,, rt, is !raredam;eroes to tis when a voice which seemed to come drew her back.
titan :.! y rather Englishman, will be , from behind a pile of rugs heaped "Don't hurry," he begged. "`Here!".
on retia I," aroand a steamer -chair, arrested his He threw open. the doer of a cabin
It ;hall then ]"e done," the other Progress. !which leaned over them, snatched two
Irr, /Ws -ed; •.;,e!" 1 ""Hugh! Major Thomson!" of the lifebelts from the berth and
fie looked upward to the flan "anis.5
stopped] short. Geraldine shook, rapidly fastened one on her. There
r Le
s .;ts-.i tII ;ares. A great sera Dore herself free from hex rugs and sat up. was some semblance of order on deck
harem ai ""tie apart. Granet pulled They looked at one another in Aston now that the first confusion had pass-
tiot^ 9 t.^a? til r°:: ` thine that rap ii stone .. `•n. nt" a r, ed. The men were all rushing t
r .D.a,e :, are: t.lret: it into the next "where
Geraldine, he exclaimed, quarters, Three of the boats had bee -
wave. where are you off to?'" ,blown into splinters upon their davits
-.gee ee 4 ba,rJt net," ie, "To 13rulogne, of course,,' she an. The fourth, terrib:y overloaded was
t?:. .,,gin• Viert 1. "Dar, t pretend that you are being lowered, Thomson worked lik
Th a , fete. I .-�,ia•s midi! .sag the surprised. Why, nu got ane the ap- a madman. was tying some spare belt
he Three thee,: , , t"re"y i"i: t:e to intmen, ynar. e,f. on to a table which had floated on
gets+iir• s the las r , i mot at eat�h ""f e(tut"s e:' ht' agr•eeci, "'only 1 had from the cabin. More than once th
t .,e :,•.' ,."-,t: i r ...s • r„ ,.when; ne idea that you wore going' just yet, Iaaat gave a great plunge and, the
tilt'e : r Ftp ,t t:e+n, `ti a.hael.; They te:ci me to come out than huge wave broke completely neer
cm i„ ' ,* '�.e $ttlte.,; till tit."r t=a,it wiylr week. .she said, try he draw a ehaair them, drenching then! from head to
g,"�tc tier ide,'•cind so marry of the' nuts- Foot. The torr of the mil now was an
It y <,e: t rc"r, pl+ t are star;t. :a ] rt. er. nere stat .i., be th
i"p" ".$,,ni, ! ry .,,, i 3 ,leo 4 Row.: beat that1 theadglat I would eoine, too.
o I fuel quite profe ramal •already , ria
tsa .., .l i.. < alirir fair tl:t ,„„,t 5.epa p. y,+�
the *s er Nearly all the women here are int
..1.e I want it ,, ; 1,it any `run'e's uniftyrm and three-qunrters ofl
xray." ie......1 neat e,rad ru.:hard, hit. the men on board are do.tors. \Where+
way alio': • quay. If there's any re yntr going, Hugh?"
<i you ler a drink, I'm a;:air gran : '.Just to the Base awl back again'
Rha. -ho. N,el.trt---I.e•.h,,rl,ige., t.,-nterr w," he told her, "There's a'
t�a1. ;n:,i i a to t rt a:1 'erattbine'an',l num-martial
ill mysterious," to atehe nd." lae'I.!
i a N n,4 a:e lir:,, :i
It JAve
a t. von d a
to With .: a a i l ,cart
t l ,
h ., 1, r ht
i u
e of great importance to ncerchanta,
manufacturers or any person, interest -
et/ in bonds or stocks is given in our
speoial November letter. Copy will be
sent free on request.
610 C.I'.R, Building, Toronto
Nova Scotia's Salt Beds.
Salt beds covering an siva of forty
Isquare miles exist in Nova Scotia.
One bed alone is said to be 900 feet
wide by 80 feet deep and to imve- a
purity et 98 per cent.
a level with the sea. Thomson stood solved and a little brash used to work
tap for a moment and looked around.,.the sdlertion hits the fabric, Rinse
Then • he turned to Geraldine. with clean gasoline, using away from
'Look here," he said, "there'll be !right and tire -and hang out insure, air
plenty of craft around to pick us up, to dry. —E. G W.
This thing can't sink, Ifeep the life -
belt on and your arms through the 'T
bet I have tied on to the table, so. The ocean bed, to a depth of seven
That's right. Now come over to the miles, 'can be tested and graded' by
side," means of a little appliance which can
"You're not going to juang over-, be lowered and which grabs •a sample
board?" she eried, of the sea bed.
e are going to step overboard, ,x
be explained. It's the only chance.
Throw off your fur cloak, You see, if
we stay a moment later we shall be
dragged down after the steamer, We
must get clear while we can"
"But what *bout you? You haven't will return your visits." -
even a belt on!" she cried,
"I can swim," he answered quickly, Miinard's •Liniment for Golds, eto.
throwing off his coat and waistcoat. .
"This thing will support me easily'.,
Believe me, Geraldine, there's nothing Polo is a very expensive sport A
to be frightened about. We can keep complete .equipment fora good Polo
afloat for half -a -dozen hours, if 'Dec- player is at least six ponies. These
essary, with this, only don't let go of ponies sell for from $1,000 to $2,500
it. Keep your arm through, and by each.
God! Quick!"
A huge wave broke right over their
heads. The boat, which had nearly
reached the level of the water, was
overturned, and the air seemed full of
the screaming of women, the loud
shouting of orders from the bridge,
where the captain was standing with
his hands upon the fast sinking rail.
The water was up' to their waists now,
In a moment they ceased to feel any-
thing beneath their feet, Geraldine
found herself suddenly. buoyant,
Thomson, swimming with one arm,
locked his other in their raft.
(To be continued,)
Jones had a bili from his doctor for
"visits and medicine." Ile remitted a
cheque in partial settlement, saying,
"I inclose you cheque for medicine; I
Diamond Dyes Don't
Streak, Fade or Run
Buy "Diamond Dyes"—to other kind
—then perfect home dyeing is guaran-
teed Even Jr you have never dyed be-
n fore, you can put a new, rich, fadeless
color into your worn, shabby dresses,
Skirts, waists, stockings, coats, sweat.
Toronto Fat Stock Show
Will Be Held Again at
Union Stock Yards.
13y reason of the inability of
the Royal Agricultural Win.
ter Fair to put on a show rifts
year the regular sbo'sv of
e n nrerotal live stock will
be head at
Premium' lists ready for dis-
tribution Qotober 31st. Write
Secretary, c/o Union Stock
e ers, draperte3, hangings, ererytkiug,
s by following the simple directions in Christmas
t every package of Diamond Dyes. Just
e tell your druggist whether the tna•
t i a t :o : a;'e41 is . dere was .,t er that you were can this beaat had to hold on to the cabin doors•.
terial you wish to dye is wool or s.ilk.l
or whether it is linen, cotton, or *nixed
goods, Diamond Dyes never streak, IN PROFUSION
spot, rade, or run.
"tae , a areal,"that I like sour n*urt:al iiintih? ' t Mother's Experience..
i.. eey for the , • tam veils it:' y' ; n ra n,: a..{ust, for tart moment," ; 'hough free information concerning
rt an. were.] lightly. \'route! you like the care and fredin = of inf;tnts may be
,Pt.:' I.�,t �e.l t,>t, t i a as, :: minute. R Y
There 5.,:. un , .,i.•!t in h!y tiniont 9,imt (et= Ci' anything?" ' had frena so *many `=oureea, the naos-t
fah. the shoal: btr head. import:znt item of feeding babies in
Io eel a,,:'en t my, own brother -in- "`t> thttnla you. I hart an excellent'
the counitry and small towns is often
law, e hetet Moues. he sato. "I'ti ;upper h( .ore we started. I looked- at
sht,.e these v't 3. down your tlrro:tt."; !some of the cabins but I decided to left out. 'Phis is the care of the milk
".Ansi if ti'.+sr weren't my sisters;
Ilspend the night on 'leek. What about' to nsake it safe for an intent's food.
busies N .'hofs vealte;l, turtling you? 'You ;eem to have arrived in Ih the city. where certified milk may
:.Way. "I'dt tice a i ttia trip over to' a hurry." ° be procured, the above melrtioned in-
I'a r;"rt til say a ffww worts tit the "I mss -ed the train in London," he formation is all that is needed, but
P ,,.rye Station there."' ."' ernlained. "They kept sae tit the War living in thecountry it has been nee.-
t; at at:tied good-iitimorc.!ly. Of#ire. Then I had to come down in a; eetary for me to solve, the problem
""Fou fellows delft neat to get 1t3,1- Government ear and we couldn't quite myself by ext:. rimenting (think of
te-n ,, :t -,l with one another,"he til- y news 1".°n1 Ralph , i . i ,
served. "Look here, I shall ave three' "I had a letter three days ago," she it!) with my babes food.
days here. I'll take ene of ycol h
ou each: tocol "It was posted at Harwich, 1 can make myee f more •clearly
day ---make a fair thing of it, eh? yriu, but he couldn't say where he was, ands understood, perhaps, •by telling the
to-morrowNichols, am] you the next' founce he couldn't. give me any, story of my three babies, whose ages
day, Lethbridge. I'm not particular, newy . Father carne hack from the are two and a half, sixteen months,
about the weather, , as Tl it stows ell can' Admiralty very excited yesterday, and three months. They were the
tell you, and I've ``aiie ,1 a boat since, though. He says that we have sunk
I was a boy. I'm w* lan•Ilutsher, amt four or fire more submarines, and saame weight at birth, arid apparently
I, Rowse11?" that Ralph's new eclaripnnent is an im- had the same strength and vitality,/
"No, you tact rail the boat a!} mense sueces . By -the -bye, is there, They were fed one of the proprietary/
right." Roweell admitted, looking back any danger of submarines here?" !foods, combined with fresh milk far
over his shoulder•. "You'd -sail it into "I shouldn't think so," Thomson' the first three months, then milk pre -
Heil itself, if one'd let you. Come one answered, `They are very busy round', pared with lime water. -and sugar. The
you boys, if there's any ene of you as the Scilly Islands but we seem to have milk was mostly from the sane cow,
fancies to drink. I'm wet to the skin.` been able to keep them out of the: the bottles and nipples were carefully
Nichol=' boat was rimy prepared at Channel. I thought we should have ° p1
nine o"eh,ek on the following morn-` been convoyed, though," sterilized for each feeding, the food
ing. Lethbridge..: h.;aatel to him from' "In any ease_," she remarked, "we. kept covered in a cool place in a i
the rails. i are a hoepital ship. I expect they'd r sterilized fruit jar; they were fed at'
„Gentleman's charged his mind, e' leave us alone. Major Thomson," she regular intervals, the right amount
reckon. He went tiff en the eight. went an, "I wonder, do you really be- of food according Wage and weight,
o'clock boat for Penzan'ee." Zieve all these stories of the horrible' but there was a vast difference in
Nichols commenced stolidly to furl : doingsroftthe
Gewnin s --the way they tlseir development, due to t'he 'handling.
his sails again. g people attack -
"It's my thinking.Lethbridge,"he! ed by their submarines, and these of the milk.
said, as he clambered into the dinghy, hateful stories of Belgium? Some- The first baby was fed skim -milk, as
"that there's things going On in this times it seems to be as though theme I thought the stomach trouble elle de -
island which you and rhe don't under-' were a fog of hatred which had veloped was due to the cream, though
stand. I'm for a few plain words with sprung up between the -nye countries, I now am certain it was eaused by
Job Rowse'.}, though he's my own sis- and we could neither of us quite see, milk taken from theeneral supply in
ter's husband,' clearly what the other was doing." g pp'y
"Plain wards is more than you'll "I think there is something in that," tin pail. Though 1 took particular
get from Job," Lethbridge replied Major Thomson agreed. "On the other pains with the • cleaning of t' : pail,
gloomily, "He slept Iast night on the. hand, I think it is- part of the German there are too many seams v,here the
the 'Btuprinciple makec
e ro
Crown, n andhe's awl rerre 'lodge, ruthlessly. e to
Pess make '�t
py '1 g g,a asafe baby's
there this morning e,amoring for have seen things in Belgium which I milk container. This baby's legs he-
brandy and pawing the air. He's got shall never forget. As to the sob- carne •bowed as a result of the skim
the blue devils, that's what lie's got." marine business, if half the things are .milk. This trottble-is a form of rick -
"There's money, Nichols declared true that we have read, theyseem to etsy due in this case, I have been in
solemnly, "some money, that is, that have behaved like -brutes. Its queer, formed, to leak of +butterfat, vthich is
does nn ane any good." .too•," he went on, "for as .a rule sea- essential t
men are never cruel. proper growth of the
CHAPTER XXXIII. -They were silent for a time. For bones-. This I .corrected by giving her
There *as a shrill whistle from •
the- som-d 1e reason or other, they both all the rich milk, erean�i and butter
captain's bridge, and the steamer, wl ehawl e wasd e in the on minds afthe t both. • If and Ie subject she o discovereuld take, d the trouter she ble aria
which has swung slowly scarcely
around. et gathered Rshing p' was ,a ort until after the steward had cause. However, this baby gre v.aery
toward', it through the iausts came a brou h him some coffee and theme were large and strong and is today healthy
n more. than -•half -way across, that
little naval
lune in 'the' of Thomson a Tittle abruptly'as'ked her a and large for her age -
h' h
Gly of 1,1Mi7E
ISSUE No. 49---'21,
"Have you seen anything of Cap-
tain G'ra'net lately?"
"Nothing" she replied. cooling immediately, saved her from
He turned his head slightly towards having stomach- and bowel trouble.
her, She did nicely until we moved and be -
"Would it trauble you r, .'y nciuoh gat feeding the cows ensilage, when
if he never came to see your ;ain?" e developed a very severe attack of
She was watching the nil • v dawn
The next baby was fed whole milk N
prepared by the same formula. ilk
into sterilized fruitjars, straining and
"I do not .know," she answ( yl, °phut indigestion, which nearly took her iife
I think that he will cone." before we discovered the cause, On
"I am not so sure," he. t:"ii • her. changing the cow's feed,_ she began to
"Do you mean that ,he is in, any gain back her strength and to`" grow.
fresh, trouble?" she asked quickly.S
I Now. at six -teen months she is• a very
"I don't think he needs any :fresh large, strong child, perfectly healtthT,
trouble exactly," Thomson remarked, with no stomach ' or bowel trouble,
"but suppose we leave him alone for even while teething.
a little mune? Our meeting was so The third ab weare'
unexpected, and, for me, etch a baby feeding the
pleasure. Don't let us spoil it." same way, milking through sterilized
"Let us talk of other things," she strainers, cooling: the ,milk in cold
agreed readily. "Tell me, for in- water;,nn•eo'vered, then covering with
stance, just what does a submarine a. muslin .cloth and setting in a cool
look like when it pops up out of the place' in cold water. This baby at
sea?" three months weighs fourteen pounds
I have never seen one close to," he he weighed eight pounds at birth)
admitted, "except on the surface. Why ( t
do you ask?„ and keeps on gaining steadily, He has
1.'" Tartan Fancy Goods Co,, Ltd. I
1 7 'Wellington St. East
1416700 TORONTO
i i a
been perfectly well from the first and.
if nothing happens to interfere, I he -i
lie's he will be a model bottle baby.
I3.aa lies in his crib and kicks and pl'tys
or deeps, and all he asks is his food
at the proper time, his regular bath,
fresh air and plenty of clean. dry
clothes. My care of him is mostly
hail worli in the kit,hen, but thio
seems much better and easier to tare
than the constant care of a fretful
I believe I have proven satisracter-
ily that this is true: the cleaner the
milk the better the baby. There ere
three things always to keep in mind
concerning it: Clean, Cool, Covered, I
have a large porcelain kettle .with a
cover•. which I use only for the pur-
pose of sterilizing, and I have lots of
faith in any kettle. Everything that
comes in contact with baby- food must;
be boiled. Milk kept in this way has}
a delightful fragrance and taste. Wel
use about a gallon a day for the three,;
the older ones drinking all they want. i
One has to experiment at first to
find whether the milk istoo rich or!
not. If so, it may be skimmed a little,;
though _ .v babies take very riot milk.''
During the clay the food is warmed
by setting the bottle in warm water,
and testing for the right tennperature, 1
but the nipple should never be put in
one's'mouth. The problem of warm -i
ing the food at night may be solved
by buying a baby bottle warner,
which heats it in warm water also,
thus avoiding the danger of constipa-
tion. My milk fed babies are my pride,
and though I must work so hard to
keep then well and growing, in their
rosy cheeks and bright eyes I find a
blessed reward for my -labor.
Household Hints.
A sandwich for the school lunch
may be made of cold beans, a few
stuffed olives chopped fine, moistened
with chaili sauce or catsup and spread
on bread, Mrs. G. S.
A good substitute for linoleum may
be invade by taking the required num-
ber of strips of building paper, paint-
ing it brown or whatever color is de-
sired, cutting it and tacking it to the
floor.—Miss •Z.7. D. '
A, very satisfactory way to remove
stove polish from cloth is to rub the
stained portion at or•ce with soap.
Immerse the spot in warm water, and
assoon as convenient, wash it, chang-
ing the water frequently. If white
goods, soak in soap and water, adding
a little washing soda.. If this does not
help, other solvents such as chlor-
oform `or gasoline can be used. There'
18 a soap that is made especially for.
use with •gasoline. This cari be dis-
For Sale
Complete Water Pumping Outfit In
good condition, for sale at, a bargain;
I?,h h.p. Wagner electric"nn•otor, single
phase, 25 tyiele, 100 -115 volts; wjbh
Luitweiler deep well pump. R.eaa1
Estates Corporation, 73 West Adelaide
gtl-eet, Toronto,
Lift Off with Finers
M Ina rd's Liniment Used by Veterinarleri
Tea is gathered from the plant four
times a year.
94% AIR
Pleats Electric or Gas
A new on lama that gives an amaz,,
lugIy brilliant, soft, white light, even
better than gas or electricity, has been
tested by the U. S. Government and 35
leading universities and found to bs
superior to 14 ordinary oil lamps. It
burns without odor, smoke or noise---
sto pumping up, 4s simple, clean, safe,
Kurus 94;"a air and 6% common kers.
•t=one (coal -oil).
The ire;entor, F. T. Johnson, 'MDQ
Craig St; W, Montreal, is offering to
taend a damp on 10 days' FREE trial,.
or even to give one PRE]; to the first
user in eseb locality who wilt help
him introduce it. Write trim ta.;iay
full partieulara. Also ask rain* to
' explain how ycu eau get the agency,.
and without experience or moots!
Mete $250 to $500 per noath.
Dont Work All Your Life
A wise investment in Mexraa, the
world's greatest Oil Field, should
mean independence. Informatrc•r. free,
You can invest from ten dell ar s, up.
701 W. T. Waggoner I3aildinl;, a
b` art Worth, - „ Texas.
do fro ran+
and refreuhant
(y(' will be astonished at ilea re-
sult,: *eget by our :modern system
r.f dydirt.; and cleaning, h:a:;rics
that are aliehliy, dirty or spott.,l are
made Me new. We can retore the
wont cle. i ;ate articles.
Send one article or a parcel of goods
. by pert or express. We Wil] pay car-
riage one waw, and our charges are
most reasonable.
'When you think of clean-
ing and dyeing, think of
Doesn t hurt a bit! Drop a little
"Freezono" on an aching corn, in-
stantly that corn stops hurting, then to
shortly you lift it right off with fingers,.
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"I'reezone" for a raw cents, sufficient'
to remove every hard cern, soft corn,
or corn between the toes, and the cal- t;1 92 Toronto
fuses, without .soreness or irritation. 1111111BISMINImissinammege
Dye Works
Cleaners and Dyers
791 Yange $t.
Announcing the GREATEST
Phonograph value in Canada
This t5entrine ,Model GOO
Made in Canada
Features ' of This Model
Stands 42 inches high.
Made of genuine mahogany er oak.
Equipped with the wonderful
tJLTONA (that plays all makes of
records properly).
.Pias the famous all -wood,. Oval
Horn of mellow -toned s"rnce.
Has the guaranteed Brunswick
Has the rrunswiek Automatic
Fitted with throat tone contra'',
Guaranteed fully, ,ineluding
Pull price 15 cn]y ll50, sail only
C sh NKTIli,
with the !en-,ous 3 -in -1 Ultona. and
Ail -Wood. Oval Horn delivered to
your home Immediately by your new-
est n3runsniek dealer, for
Gorily 4":10. cash
with an entire year in which to iiay
the balance.
Bear in mind this is not a "special"
or a model made to sell at a price. It
Is a regular standard model o1' the
Brunswick Phonograph, made in the
Brunswick Canadian factory accord-
ing to Brunswick sta.gdords, which
Tor generations has placed perfection
before production.
Order Now for Xmas
Mail us the coupon printed•below and,
• we will send you a t once an illus
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nrent in detail. 'W will also tell you
the name of your nearest Brunswick
dealer and' give you full particulars
of how you exon reserve Orte of these-
for 'Xmas delivery by spreading the
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Mail usthe coupon TO-NIGi2'r•
The Musical merchandise Sales CO
70 'Wellington St iv• .Toronto
pis Without any obligation whatever.
please send ane free and nodi ipaid,
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special $10.50 ca 1r
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