The Exeter Advocate, 1921-10-27, Page 7BANK OF TORONTO IN !YOMIN
Escaped in High-powered. Car Driven by Fifth Thug—Hold-
up Occurred at 2.50 iNthe Afternoon — Probably the
Same Men Who Recently Robbed the Bank
of Hamilton in Toronto.
A despatch from London, Ont,.
says:—Walking into the Bank of
Toronto at Wyoming, a village
45 miles west of London, on
the G. T, R,, on Thursday after-
noon, four auto bandits Held up
Manager 11, E. Lambert and his staff
°sand made their escape with $14,000 in
cash in a sigh -powered .ear, the motor
of which a fifth thug had kept run-
ning while the robbery was taking
place. The hold-up occurred at 2.50.
'a.' Ronald Brown, one of the clerks,.
slipped out the back door and gave
the alarm, firing five slats at 'the rob-
bers as they jumped into their car
at;d drove away. The bandits, who
were all armed, fired at everybody
they saw, compelling many people
who sought to give chase to seek
cove'' behind telephone poles er in
W. Garlick, a traveller for the In-
gersoll Packing Company, was pass-
ing the bank at the time, and two of Recent bank hold-ups hi Ontario
the staff,. E. S. Taylor, teilet, and were:
Thos. Scharf, hastily procuring re- Bank of Hamilton branch at Locke
volsters from a hardware store, jump- and Herkimer streets, Hamilton, in
ed into the traveller's car and started dune; robber got $4 500.
in pursuit, The bandits, however, bad Bank of Flaniltcn branch at San-
e new McLaughlin, and, though hemp- ford avenue and King streets, Ham-
pered by greasy roads, managed to ilton, Oet. 13; robber got nothing.
distance their pursuers, until finally, Union 13ank of Canada, Locke and
at Fernhill, earth of Parkhill, Taylor Main streets, Hamilton, Wt. 14; rob-
and Seharf were i ontpe:le:l to give up ben got $2,000.
the chase. Bank of Hamilton branch at College
It is thought that t:e"robbers were street and Ossington avenue, Toronto,
the same men who robber the 13ank Tuesday, Oct. 18; robbers got $2,990.
of Hamilton in Toronto on Tuesday Bank of Toronto branch at Wyom-
last, and also that they are the thieves ing, Ont., Oct. 20; robbers got $14,000.
who stole a new McLaughlin car from
Wright's garage in Therndale, 10
miles from London, on the same night.
When the London police receive.'
word of the hold-up Chief Birrell at
once despatched a powerful ear loaded.
'with detectives and police to join in
the hunt for the criminals. As the
bandits had headed toward London
when they left Wyoming, the local
officers went out the Sarnia gravel
road in the hope of meeting them.
They say that at one time they must
have been within a couple of miles of
their quarry, but the latter were on
a road paralleling the Sarnia gravel
road and easily avoided their pu_-
St. Mary's, Stratford and Guelph
police were at once learned to be on
the .lookout for the gunmen, as it
was thought they were heading back
toward Toronto.
Emergency Ratcs on Agricul-
tural Products to be
A ii<'spateh from Wa Kington
:;aye: ---Sonne of the strongest leaders
of the Harding adrehthetration are
working quietly but persistently and
effectively, it is stated, to prevent re-
vision of the tariff for another .fifteen
months. It is their plan to throw
tariff revision over until the congre-
aioual elections of November. W22,
have been &aid'ed.
The impre:esion is steadily growing
in Washington that the prospects for
passim; a tariff bill this winter are
becoming remote. The resolution to
extend the emergency rates on age-
•cultural products wall pass.
Captain Count Felix von
Luckner Well Fitted for
'Role of Pirate.
A despatch from Berlin. says —
Captain Count Felix von Luekner, who
nonamanded the German ,sea raider,
the Seeadler, is about to appear in the
movies. He will play the role of ai
pirate in a film called "Mabel and.
Suitor," produced by the Vera Film
Company of Hamburg.
Certainly, Count von Luckner is
well fitted to the role. For seven
months the Seeadler roamed the At-
lantic and Pacific oceans and sank
no less than 25 Entente vessels, ac-
cording to Von Luekner's claim. Fin -
in -
the Seeadler was wrecked; in the
South Pacific. Von Lackner was cap-
tured, interned in New Zealand,
escaped, was recaptured and at last
Women Barred from
Cambridge . Meutbe?ship
A despatch from London says:
— Cambridge University has
again voted against .granting
women membership in the Uni-
versity by a majority of 214. On
December 8th last the Uni-
versity refused women member-
ship by a vote of 908 to 1,712.
It' was voted, however, to give
women titular degrees by diplo-
-mas. This recommendation was
• adapted by a majority of 642.
Sir Maurice Hankey
Seen:harFof the British Cabinet, who
will act as Secrete*. of the British
delegation to the Washington Dis-
armament Conference.
in,'sha, of Regina,
1921 Apple Crop.
Mr. Walter S. Aliward's design for a memorial on Hill 62, overlooking the Ypres Salient. This memorial
was accepted by the Canadian Battlefields Memorial Commission. It is approximately 225 feet long and between
125 and 140 feet high at its - highest point.
Canada's Business Conditions
Show Favorable Trend.
Events transpiring during the past
Great Britain's Communica-
League Defines
Conference of U.S Leaders
Fails to A vew t Strike.
A r'c,,.;latch fer>nn Cltleego says:—
Effort; by the Raiir..cad Leber Board'
to erkat the threatened railroad strike
through eonferer.-:e with heads of they
five n-lons which neve ordered a
wa:k-out, effective O:te ter 30, failed:
when the meeting adjourned on
Thursday night with the announce-
nert by the board, that "while the:
diseu'sions were beneficial, no definite
re •.all: were oi•,taire•;. "
There has been :a fAell an -I frank
ui ncseion of the s!tu.'.tiea," said a
st:lten:era given out ley I'en W. Hoer:-
. Vi:e-Chairman c£ the •hor:rd. "The
Lalher Board tarsi the B:•otheriao'.d
ehiefe exchanged vicaa in a perf.eniy-
plea=„nt way. The interview was
beneficial, tut we ver lot: say- that any.
definite results were. u',ta:ne3.'?
"The adjournment is final," Chair-
men R. !L Battier; et: the Labor Beard
annaunnced. "We do plan c;: y
f •th'r onfererees with the Leber
leaders, tier do we plan. at present, to.
cal! in the relined. I'resic'.eE.._. 1: ear:-
Bounder y tae, ``y what o tr next step might be."
A despatch from Paris Says: , as in any way a tarialble-
. ed b the Council of tilt?
interest � and :give solid ground for Progress. �'' , 1 ' Tt's scat<>IxnT;�'s next wive," seer
League of Nations, follows the the head of wine of tho larger e -f tl::rt;,
growing eoliftdence and ogtimi.m, A de patch Prem Iaonalon says: T', River Order from Oderburg as five t+ri an.zat'ior.5. "Whether it is euro
The western crop --on which the, j, Brown, Chairm'ain of the Fostoffice, fax nibotschau, thin zoos the iroinnAl's or the roads', I do nu^
eyes of commercial an
industrial 7'elexhano and Telegraph Society of north-easterly in an irregular 1<rn<asv, I only br:�vv that the b�;ir.?
Canada have been earnestly turned— London, sneaking before that body, line as fax' as Hohenlinc a ;thence l�ror'ht us here and tallied four hear-
has proved up to expectations and is .discussed Great Britain's increased 3 .' ,r wdtho:nt pre.=entirg arytlting us ri: h = t.
being rapidly garnered and shi etd, running b tween Rossburg and (.(,incl even erne., i d -=e,
pP coinmuliicatdons with the Acutiniona. . tnorth-we-4-> cr as as compron
�'l l � t
Western railway mileage is aiready _ He said that the Imperial eaide w:,5 it (Gn 72i1n, 1 . turns
war( us AS ftti cl:+ Iai:�raLl, .'titrl'tli•. The m,'•rtsn;:• use ,.•.,e_ate':y i.°ithu:st
feeling the benelLlal efte24. Favorers; ron;ar.ce or the war.
I. acne leaderseairl the hoard heti
net presented anything which they
-.-The Silesian boundary, as de- .00hed• on
month have been of more than u5,.al tion#, With Dt?nriilxionS Makes propo,.¢ or.
Ile scald that, t, ie al1t,.
showed an inclination to meri,et their= deepite the sul,nierine l:er;lei, the wet of the latter place it uoll•.►E.:. ..t , 3 ,:, ,. ;wee.
grain early with the rc:>u1t that by loaner German eafdv from Emden to the old frontier of the Cieerrnan tik�.ltt 'There n eeti, : sehed'ai 1
the riddle of Septetnber over 1,000 Nye, York, via the Azt,res, '. as di- Empire to a point where the lat- ihra r,t<li:atei: ax , . t�, ge r'rht altee 1
ears a day were arriving at the head venal to Penzance and thence to ter reaches the frontier air ady with via.. lr,::3n:s let act° i:e."
of the Great Lakes; sinee September Halifax, and that it is now tivurl:i,lge5tal)li bed between Germany •; —F----
prl�,in to Ad
LI. George's Absence
1st 1920 1. hundred 1 th san•1 fromI Halifax an Ptil€tntI uncles ?thiel 87 (f Chir b
the `treaty of �'ers;tilles
s , , nearly a unc ret ou: olttini. to a : ttx, carrying
an . • l z
carloads of wheat had been unloaded average weekly it,ad of '280,Otifl words.
.tt Fort William compared with fifty- Mr. Brown said the Postoffia wire -
seven thousand for the same period less 5<:::o3 a¢ ic e?d, near fr ,
tinct t cad• (a81 I o`Y lsolete �v A '� spatefa I tet ; e • -le,
'movement of grain hashad an exee1-+ respoueliar swami near Cairo ,,v(0.441S:nallpox Germs :,t `t< -'i "fleet ii Lheal , ^, age>e to
*-'�;eehirg'y,n Austen.1,..ere erla"C wed
rte fin1-a)c�t1 at the end. of the year, - �.--,• �-•
loaning a lie!, in the chain to A desp::tcla from Sakti:lgta. t'h„ i, act :ie Deputy Prime ltlitl i r 9;:1'
East and So ::K Africa. Two more says:—Dr. Arturo Atria, chief i;aetee. lire eltie over the hie"; :; t'=, ,feee':s !"
c II . + t gi. . ' Plane SaeCcea, M.P., eine Colerel
t<ttron`; :ire to 'tie e•s•e�'�°te:i In England ie,:oa est of the Chilian Institute ., �??; Great. la:,.e�l�.:i9 Y'., :...: eA :i:3?t the
and Egypt, lenitive; the first lick in. Ilygier.e. anrounec, that he i,a. i
Indies, though the visit was oaten- e; eerie, twee, S n :np re, Bong cec,1e-1 hi eieneeering a en:nine il? i'; .a: :edit.," ,.,:i, 1 c;, A :+=,.i .,:1.
sibly a holiday one•. Sir , Aird of Kong. eat All. ,valid, 1 isolating the haeteria of emellpere. tio
the Canadian Bank of Commerce and i Dr. Atria claim; his di ,very will I i r.,i a t:g; i a
Mr. IL A. Richardson of the >3311k of —................0.--
. permit the ruminating erf etiaillpex IT pv. ,.: ,°c• c' :lc, Itie,.,.:.,L t. •favi.:17 ®
Nova S:otia are both heads of bank,direct injection instead of tlir.e,�•ll fay; t,,n rain�i,e,r tia• n '. 'I:e.e:.
whose ,branehee :ire extensive in \\`est University Class for Industrial
Indian territory. In an interview in
Workers. p=e>ventdve tiaccinatdon. i 44.-.0-..,..
the Janlaiea Gleaner, Mr. Ttichardeon,.-.__�
pointed out that it was the policy of Let week the Workers' Education.
Canadian steam_hdp lines to place al Ac Drlation of Toronto commenced
ships on routes, in the interests of its cl eses for the season in one of
exporters, to all points that pronli=ed the builtlila�-1 of the [Tn•iveisity of
development in trade relations, and Toronto. The subjects to he taught ;lfanitoi.;i 'n heat. •• No. 1 Not thea n,' g t1 , * .'•t,n; per , limp. ge..e.. _.
he. hoped that shipping interest; die ec.lictiuits, m'ourition.".1 itnattce, $1.1111.-, nominal; No. 2 Northern,"M Maple sugar, .^tl: ,,i t+*a''r.
would receive suffi.eient encourage- trade union law, pohtiral philosophy, $1.14, nontiinal; No. 3, $1.111, nani)nal.a lioney ii_„ t,i 1'4', West
British hi tory, English literature and •Manitoba cats—No, 2 CW, thein,; per lb,; ,, r 1 , the 4„1� to '1,t
ment, both from Canadianand2 f 11, • Ontar:is .,one. . � .c .. }n_t
Indian enols, to warrant regular and contposr�tion, psyehology end logic. No. 3 (\\ , 434e; extra Na.fee,d,f �. ,
public speaking. The Workers' Mum- a_ 43?:cc; No. 3 feed, 393 (., •e to `sl.,et�.
increasingly frequent sailings' tional Asso:iation <;f Hamilton has Manitoba barley ---No. 3 t;'lV Gas. � rrc'ict l urea;' li'nn te'`hi” "i to
The apple cross in the Okanagan All the shave trach B a • one 3,,, here y, 2t to ' e,'; taokt'ti, !�t to
Valley,. British Columbia, and the
Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia are to ] �• breakfast reccrd ones.
11 firs : nd e .1ibiti
of the arc^edurg vt' ar The early had Peet Fli Ccompleted.
lent Wan t on Western heeinesta and
a good fall trade is anticipated.
Tt is not without significance that
the general managers of two ('an-
adiau banks have visited the Watt
Weekly Market Report
;Reel, pi cit; Sete,u, t,
three vigorous rias -es in euenonnics,
psychology and logic, and English
literature and composition, In Ottawa
.2 ' , 56 52t; 1•01le, '�7 t t 8e; 1t,'� air�e roes,ea
American corn.—No. yc.lovv, u1,,
v i .,fes: iii :.3 tel `.:,•';
` nominal, Bay ports. '
Ontario cats --No. 2 \\`inter, 40 to ' pc ri 1. ie. ,tile i,rc ie; Leven. t' to
the W.E.A. has als3 three classes, ,f•3e, •h..; heels, iEunc e s, 1": L en.
e icall a dis laved the ins one each in economies, history, Eng- Ontario wheat—No. 2 Winter, per Curedi n e a,- -1.c+ iii tear e.o. a1,, l l?
British Columbia—Total crop 100Or g P Y the u ntrv'spro- Bell literature and composition, ear lot, $1.05 to $1.10; No. 3 Winter. to ]r; ele tr tie:tree. i to L t'i:e.o I '
per cent. in excess of last year, or proved grnlity of oa 1In all three cities this irctructit)n $1.02 to $1,t1"r; No. 1 eonarnereial, 9ci aL�rd
Lard --Pare.
to t:iik iii ter Ilit,
approximately 1009,OOq barrels (3,- duce, livestock and manufacture .and el N 2 Spring,98 t 31 03 \ tub o 1
pP ydrawn large, interested crowds. The
027,000 boxes),
is provided for working men and wo- to ; o, a .� ; :: o, �, r, - , r .* .
t int,, 0 e to 1 e. Shortening,
diafi Naitdo' 1 Exhibition at To- men by the provincial university= 3 Spring, nominal. perces, 13 to 13 ,veil. , 1', , to 14e;
Barley—No, 3, extra, 57 to ti0c, tie- 'rt
auspiciously ,... Lord
another instance of the wide•pr•eacd ac-
ronto, co
Ontario—Total crop 60 per rent. of
last year, er approximately uvv,Vvv , r rding• to freights outside.
45 per cent. Byng, the Governor-General, officially tivity of the University of Toronto in I3uckcuheat eights', i0 to 75e.
barrels. Eastern Ontario,P e -declared the largest attendance in its giving education to all people in the Rve.—..No• 2, 95e. T 1
of last year's erop. Says heavy. \V s history, whilst fairs at Ottawa, Lon- Province wito wish to tape advantage Manitoba flour First pats,. 3,.60; do, `clot,, $3.5it tc, S9; &atcher heifers.
tern Ontario, 45 per cent. of last don, Quebec, Sherbrooke and Eastern of it. A prominent publicist said the second pats., $7.10, Toronto. eel
year's crop. Practically all sold. Con -
and Western circuits generally, have other clay, "The University of Ta Ontario floor 35.50, bulk, seaboard. choke,
$4 hi0 tatn$i} SI; do, n t }., `3 en
to enable scab and high percentage reported excellent entrees and results. ronto is leading the way in linking Millfeed—Del„ Montreal, freight, 34; canners and ,:'fere.31 to $ ;
lower grade, President Bogart of the Canadian
higher education to the world of of bags included: Bram. per ton, $21 to , r,
Quebec—Total crop is from 35 to _, $23; shorts, per ton, 323 to 325; goad butcher hulls,� good. :e3.50 t 1 � n
Bankers' Association spoke confident- fairs. feed flour �1 70 to w180 't' t +' + t coeval• ord. 00
40 per cent. of last year, or approxi- 1 of Canadian business conditions
mutely 35,200 barrels. Color and size when he card I think the most
pails, 14 to 14tet•: prime, Ili in 1111e4.
t'hoiet' heavy r to f 1: , tial to $7; :'alt-
eher Steer's, tdmitc, $5.75 to $4.7..i; do.
good, $5 to x;5.75::to, med., -1 .1 Ca;
com o _. r t
Baled hay -Track. Toronto. per ton, lb, . $5 to 85.75; do, fair.32.50 tot
No. 1. 323; No. 2, 321; mixed, 318. g3.50; milkers,
$ti' co $ e. 0;S3 r to rs
Straw--t3ar lots, 311, track. To- do, 0 a ed., 310 to 511; do, cent., 5`I to
roma. `, „r Rs -i• 1
fair. Demand and prices good. „ Royal Expenses
New Brunswick—Total estimate gratifying feature about the situation
t the t' demand
about ',
Reduced to Minimum
b t 110 per cent of last year, or at present is ne acne eman in Cheese --New, large, 20 to 21c; 5i; larlabc goad, �f to • o; uv,
barrels. Great Britain and Europe for Can- : twine, 20?: to•`2112'c; triplets, °212 to d'om., $5 to $.,..itt,o hhee.p choice, ,, . to
33,000adieu foodstuffs. For the next two A despatch from London says 7, ,>. 44.50; do, good, c .of7 tri , i; do, heavy
Nova Scotia—Total crop will be 110 3c. Old large, 5 to be twins,
to 115 Per cent. of last year, or. 1, -
more space has been engaged i—Joining the world-wide move- 23c' to 2G roc; triplets,'Ltl to 2'7c; Stdl-' and bucks, $2 to ' •"+' hogs, fed :end
p frorn Canadian .parts for shipment to ment for the reduction of the tons new, 23 to 24e. watere.l, $9; {I o, off ears.eve :; do,
300,000 barrels.
Post -graduate Courses
for Victorian Order Nurses
A despatch from Ottawa says:—
Announcement is made at 'i�he Exe-
cutive Council of the Victorian Order
cif Nurses of Canada of•the award of
31 scholarships, each amounting to
3400 to nurses in thea form of post-
graduate publicahealth courses in five
Canadian universities.
Ludwig III., former King of
aria, dies in Hungarian exile.
,�''• a,' do 6tin�2•L Ui;rltc•. .,tc'
Europe than for many years past. We cost of living, King George has Butter—Fresh dairy. choice, 33 t:o ` f-0.1)., , .
should look for an earl marketing35e creamery, prints fresh, No. 1 l Montreal.
y izamed a committee to investi- ; = P _ 2, ece
of Western grain, and with the pro- gate household expenses in the .4 •2 2 to Loc. No. 2, 39 to 40e; cooking, i do, No. ,- ; t?�1 otos 51'J o2Flour, oMan.
reeds in circulation expect a redse Royal Palace. Wages and other g chickens.' Spring wheat pats., first:, 87.00.
.tion in liabilities and an increased Dressed poultry—Springy
1 r
activity in nearly all lines of buses steins in the maintenance of the 30e;roosters, 20c; fowl, 28e; tuck-' Rolled Hats, bag 90 Ihs $2.00 to $3.
Ipalace will be included in the in Hogs, 30 to 35e; turkeys, 50 to 60c. !Brim, 321.25. Shorts, 323.2e. Hay,.
iness."Live poultry—Spring nng clntt l.en�,
Some 8,000 spectators watched the
international plowing match at Wood-
stock, Ont.
Bank of England notes are number-
ed backwards—that is, from 1' to 10,-
000. Hence' the number 00,091.
Put -LEP tl-.
` rtVe.. "Det -IT I STS!
•�,� I l`f� S Pt
- No. '2, per ton. car lots. $27 to '+'2q
veatigatlon. to 25e; roosters, 16— fowl, 10 to 24e; 20; Cheese, finest eastc rne, 151. to
ducklings, 25c; turkeys, 50c. .1G1:ie. Butter, choicest ere.iner •10
Margarine -22 to 24c. Ito 41e. Eggs, selected. 47c Total; '.4,,,
Eggs—No. 1 storage, 45 to 40c; t per bag, car lots, 81.40 to 31.45.
select,storage, 50 to 51e; new laid, Canners, 31.25 up; bologna bulls„1
yacht races next year. ' is straiht, 57 to 58e; new laid, in car- 32.50 to 33; very light yearlings,,
a great disappointment, H18 tons, 60c. 32.25; calves, $3 to 311' nne:l. quality,
,c 39 5 1; lambs,!
Majesty says, as there is no Beans—Can. hand-picked, bushel,. milk fed calves, to , d ba,i
sport the King enjoys more.” $4 to 34.25; primes, 33.50 to $3.75. I good, $8 to 38.25; hogs, $9.50.
The King also announced that
he cannot afford to fit out the
Royal yacht Britannia for the
ht "This
RE R FELLERS.— By Gene Byrnes
1 PF \
I 1.,N E_