The Exeter Advocate, 1921-10-27, Page 4The Exeter Advocate
Sandere & Creech, Proprietors
czubserip:ian P-i:e•-•la also :c', $150
per year in Canada; S .00 n the
• United States. All subseriptsons not
oa=d ;,n advan: e 50ci, extra. charged.
THURSDAY, OCT. 27th, 1921
elar iiia of Lando i T.
lets pur.hzse.t the 100 acre farm ewe-
ov air. Jus. Tooh:y, near Whalen
Possesson will b, gra in the sprang.
-.11r tn.l Mrs. TIt 's. Gunn;ng were
neer Exeter en auneley, the guests of
MLr. and Mrs. Jelin iiuteliensi>n.—The
regu er in et ray T: the M. S. e ill
b4 h. 1 =•i '1e les n cnt of th..•hurch'
nett Thursday afternoon—Mr. and
^L s Jose tc-• 'R.r.n to Woodham _pint
'un.iar at tees home of Freemen. Ark--;
,_y--.Weli.:tete'n' Shipley had the mss -1
firtu.i tab .alt tis :ultarbi'.ne a few
divt., . ? but s doing a n ."l as
teas be enaear. . Al -
be.t S: att a: Sunsit'ets ,p..-. Suri:lay
at tha hone: of the tarter; brother,
liervee Sgenr:.
1..1•ry to sax at the ::ins of a r terig
teat Mr. J *i.:i .McQueen ., no: improv -
ng niu,.l,,—firs. John Bolton of the
last end of the line is this week vi,i-
iting friends in Windsor and Detroit.
—Mr. and Miry. John Glean, Mrs. M.. --
. -Taggart and Miss Nath= motored to
Bivtb on Sunday last to visit fr end>
—Mr.—r. Rave Carnochan and Mr. \Vrn,.
Berry of Brucezield spent Sunday last
with Mir. Horton 1icDougall.
Important Events Which Have
Qc.urred During the, Week,
The tiuse World's elappe•nine,s yore-
fully Compiled anti Put 1itto
Elands and Attter•tiee-Sleeilie ten
the Readers at Out .Paper; — d.
Solid Howe t+:nei meet..
British Parliament reassembles tc
Crucial period in Irish negotiations
Gait Public 'utilities Buildiug
corner -stone :laid
Strife in ranks of railway labor
may foil 1?. Se -Strike,
Premier Lloyd George to speak uu
uneniployti2ent plans.
President Harding reeelved + re-
duction of railway rates.
Minimum wage scale set for new
class of women workers.
Len Wallace demands new Cory
conleiention in West York.
Roy Gratton., won the 2.05 pace in
straight heatselit Altanta.
Irish situation may preven. Lloyd
George going to Washington.
'United Typothetae of America be-
gins business sessions in Toronto.
Flags are at half-mast in Taranto
owing, to the death of Lail, 1
°facials in Perth county tied a st.11
with pipes and worst made of lead.
Horatio Hocken accorded L , eer-
vative nouiivailou in West Tot *nee,
Salaries of minor le?:ngue b L,:
players will be reduced next sesso,
University of Hamilton M c:i:lols
bear Hamilton C. L. 11 to lie at foot-
Hamilton Ci y Clark gives out e00 -
page cook book with each 1 „r inn,
"Babe" Ruth continues to 4'l
Judge Landis be playin„ "barnstorm-
ing" games.
Gen. Pershinn=', places Luc, dui on un-
known warrior's ereve io \\'est:nin-
ster Abbey,
Edith Parrott, aged 1'2. acrid:'nt-
aliy ren over by motor ear at Paris.
fatally hurt.
Representatives of soldiers' oreani-
izations conferring at Port Arthur on
basis for amaigara,iou.
The schoecneer Bluenose won again
and qualiiid to represent Canada in
the international schooner race.
A Berlin message received in Paris
says the German Cabinet of Dr.
W lr.h is expected to resign to-
British Parliamentary Houses re-
Lloyd George announces Washing-
ton delegation.
Ulster volunteers being enrolled to
defend North.
Former Bing Ludwig of Bavaria
dies in Hungary.
United States Senate ratifies treaty
with Teuton nations.
Fire Prevention League hears that
Ontario leads in fire losses,
miss C. Leitch beat Miss Elkins
3 to 7 in the Belleclaire Cup.
Jeanette Rankin won the 2.05 pace
at Atlanta in straight heats.
141any tributes •of respect were paid
to the memory of Lady Beck,
Canadian National Railways plan
important aid for unemployed.
Brig. -Gen. Rennie was elected On-
tario Curling Association president.
Sea salmon caught in Lake Huron
of the type known in Nova Scotia as
Sam Langford, Boston, knocked
out Peter Jackson, Windsor, in two
Sir James Aikins reappointed
Lieutenant -Governor of Manitoba for
five years.
George Ferguson, aged 71, drops
dead on his way home from work at
Tepothetae convention in Toronto
hears addresses on apprenticeships
and 44 -hour week.
Mrs. J. C. Wilkie dies at Windsor
following operation, within eight
hours after her marriage.
Five armed bandits robbed a
branch bank in Toronto; police lost
track of them at Burlington.
Rev. Byron Stauffer, Toronto, ap-
pointed chairman of the Arbitration
Board ea dispute between C.N.R. and
Rickard has signed Willard to
meet Dempsey.
Lenin reviews task achieved by
Russian Soviets.
Uprising against the Government
of Portugal at Lisbon.
J. Horace McFarland addresses the
Rose Society of Ontario. -
Committees of Irish delegates con-
sider'details of peace offer,
Committees of three denomina-
tions ,diecuss church union.
Wilinlot Corner of Pefferlaw was
drowndt{ in Beaverton harbor.
Peter '-Manning trotted a mile
against time in 1.59% at Atlanta.
Premier Lloyd George submits
plans for the relief of unemployed.
Six young Elie, Man., bank rob-
bers were sen:.enced to five years
Preparations in movements to
avert railway strike in the United
Elsie, U. S. schooner cup challeng-
er, snakes •a favorable impression at
Miss `Barbara• Boultbee was badly
injured in an automobile accident at
Mayor T. L. ,Church was unopposed
as Conservative candidate in North
Toronto, .: �•
St. Mary's beat Riversides 8 to 6,
but Toronto team wins O.A.L.A.
round 17 to: 14.
Five-year-old daughter of Andrew
Cumming, Medonte, killed by wheel
of her father's wagon.
Herbert Barnabe, Ottawa, cele-
brates his 1061h birthday, doing
chores around woodshed.
G.W.V.A. .decides to enter British
',Flmpire Service League and favors
federatioil.of 011 veteran::.bodiee, ,
Barrie elebteic•_light, department
receives $12,000 for profits on Sev-
ern transmission lice in five years,
1'trl Beatty arrives at New York.
e1•. Ja, k anti Miss Je.nnt.' Hoge:1th
of Cromarty, Mr.Percy and Miss Mary
:plater of Staffa v"isited_ Sunday at Mfr.
Milton Hodgert's —Mr. and Mrs, Ed.
Pollen and baba of Exeter spent Sun-
day L this v inity.--Mr. and Mrs. W.
M.1.area and Ruby. Mr, and Mrs. Wen
\\ o.clen, Hiss Pearl Sta:ey, and Mr.
1 Ferguson of 'Eton ttl,-
and Mrs: G. R.
yes el Sunday at :Nin A. Hunl.•,n."s
Don't io get th.. Institute Meeti,•n ;ton •
Wed. Nov, 3,
Fir: of unknown origin itotally
troyed Ili:' large barn owned by Earl
Evans, four miles west of St Marys.
Tie vnt_re season's crop of grain,
and some: livestock. in the barn were
also destroyed, The damage is es-
timated art 55,000, partly covered by
insuran: e — Miore than 53,000 dam-
aee was caused by fire to the home
of Dougall Thompson, six miles south
of wt )iarys, pn. Oct. 20th, at 6 a.m.
The greater part of the furniture was
;a el wi 11 th:.s i t ry e of the neigh -
he -s It is believed that the fire start
ed trom the ,explosion of an bit stove,
The 1 ass is partly cot -red by insur-
anc e
SEAFORTH—The funeral of Isa -
be,la Nichols Burns, aged 80, wile of
Joseph Atkinson, who died suddenly
on . Sunday evening, took place from
tthe Presbyterian ,Church to the Eg-
mondv lle cemetery
This is -of Importance to You
Niagara Falls, Ont.—"Three years
ago my son, Gerald, had a severe at-
tack �. of yellow
jaundice. I tried.
three doctors but
they only gave re-
lief for short peri-
eriods. As I had
tried Dr. Pierce's
Anuric Tablets on
my other son, I
le decided to give
.' him Drereleierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery a n d
after using four or five bottles
he was entirely well. I shall al-
ways say a' good word for all of Dr.
Pierce's remedies. Today our medi-
cine cabinet contains a bottle of each
of these famous remedies."—Mrs.
Catherine Dempsey, 32, Bridge St.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dia:
co'very is free from alcohol and in-
njurious drugs. You can be certain
you will find it a true blood -maker,
tissue -builder, and restoiative nerve
tonic and that it will produce no
evil after-effects.
Windsor, Ont."Dr.P1erce'sGolden
Medical Discovery and his 'Pleasant 1
Pellets' are wonderful medicines for
home use.. • I used to suffer 'with
weak lungs, smothering spells and
sick -headaches, but since taking the
above-mentioned medicines' these
eonditions have left me."
"One of my daughfers took the
'Favorite Prescription' as a tonic
during expectancy and she praises
that ihedicine very highly, toe:"
:Mrs. Ellen Harding„‘ -1.1 Erie St. W.
Your neighborhood druggist sells
all Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines,
tablets or liquid, Write Dr. Pierce,
Pres, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.,
for free confidential advice. Branch:
Laboratory in B'ridgeburg, Ont.
New president installed at Cornell
No live stock show will be held in
Toronto this season.
Brantford -Hamilton Highway was
formally opened.
Allied powers behind League And
ing on Silesia issue.
Pieton won the 0. B. A. A. Utter -
media te
nter -mediate championship.
E. Biekte vy,1. cos titan in the Cana-
dian indoor tenni' tourney,
Bandits rob Wyoming branch of.
Bank of 'Toronto of $1t4.000.
3niouists declare Shut Fein are
impor.iug arms by ship load.
An attach, was donde en Premier
Briand in the lw r*each Chamber,
Women's Convention. C=.'ii".X. A„
concludes business of convention,
R, B, Maxwell, Winnipeg, re-
elected president of the
Han. Edmund Bristol carried Cen-
tre Toronto convention against
Henry Butwell. Toronto, brick
illanufacturer for 55 years, dies.
aged 91.
Som4v 8.000 spectators watched the
international ploughing match st
Woodstock, Ont.
Toronto Police Commissioners dis-
miss three constables and reduce one
on charges of mast;ot:duet.
Dr. J. V, Hayes of Teterboro"
probably fatally hurt when his motor
ear collided with a street car.
First mate and wheelsitlan of the
wooden steamer Wtii. H. Wolf Per-
ish, when boat burns at Sombre, Ont.
Lenin admits serest defeat to the
Red policy.
Admiral Beatty gets big reception
in N'ew York.
tipper Canada College holds an
nual prize day.
Niagara Falls' new Teechnicnl
.>c11oo1 opened.
A bear and her two eubs visited
Napane' today.
A new railway station was opened
at Hornepayne,'
Heavy snowstorm and blizzard in
Regina district.
Von. Archdeacon Dewdney elected
Bishop of Keewatin.
-Reeky" Kansas defeated "Lew"
Tendler on points.
Muss C. Leitch won the Bellt'elaire
golf ehan ptouship.
Communist throws bomb among
Paris police contingent.
Swift move by i S. Railway Labor
Board to avert strike.
Demonstration. of Reds against
U. S. Embassy in Paris.
lIeGili won the intercollegiate
track meet championship.
Leroy Rennie was beaten in the
Canadian tennis tourney.
Irish negotiations nearly wrecked
by Valera's telegram to the pope,
Women's Art Association opens in
Toronto a series of denionsteations..
Three children were injured; in To-
ronto by autos in different accidents.
Sir George Foster urges University
College Alumnae to°study political
First agricultural school in. On-
tario to open November 28, at
David Spence chosen by Parkdale
(Toronto) Conservativesas their
Committee appointed to prepare
bills for Parliamentary action on
church union.
John. Cushway, C.P.R. brakesman,
Smith's Fall, instantly killed at Pete-
wawa, falling between cars.
Peterboro' teachers oppose penny
banks. Say they do not inculcate
thrift; money comes from parents.
Four men killed, two more hurt,
when C.P.R. train is caught by fall-
ing rock in tunnel near Palliser, B.C.
Representatives of the various In-
dian tribes of Canada and the United
States will meet at Detroit on Octo-
ber 25.
Two sectionmen of C. 7.Rys. dead
at Cymric, Sask., and three more dy-
ing, from drinking wood alcohol
and bay rum.
Argonauts beat Hamilton Tigers,
19 to 18.
In an Intercollegiate Rugby game
U. of T. beat McGill 6-0.
McGill's senior football team
trounced Queen's, 25 to 1,
Ex -Kaiser Karl makes attempt to
regain Hungarian Crown.
Washington gives reception to
Beatty, Diaz and Jacques.
Parkdale seniors won. their third
straight consecutive game.
German Cabinet resigns; Stinnes
will control next Ministry.
G.\Y.,.V.A. convention at Port Arth-
ur buries the gratuity issue.
Hillerests won ..the Ontario ama-
teur baseball championship.
Bluenose won the International
Fishermen's race onoSaturday.
Sterling closed at •Torranto at
$4.291,1 •,at New York, $3,93%.
Likelihood of railway strike in
the' United States passing • away.
„Sinn Fein delegates mus; define at-
titude on Valera wire teethe Pope.
Woman claimsshe was the victim
of a mockmarriage at Toronto.
Sodality of St. Michael's Cathedral,
Toronto, celebrates golden jubilee.
General Accountants' .Association
holds its organization meeting at
Bishop Anderson of Chicago
preached before Toronto University
Hold-up men in Toronto secure
sums of money from pedestrians on
Saturday night.
Toronto police • arrest three men
on a charge of -being concerned in
a bank holdup.
Kitchener will- have • more play-
ground accommodation through cite -
ken's generosity.
Committee appointed to prepare
legislation • . for forming United
Church of Canada.
Three-year-old child shot dead by
six-year-old -brother at Feronia, ten
miles north of North Bay.
Canada's export trade for four
months in commodities affected by
U. S. tariff falls off $23,000,000.
Wm. Hyde of Neuvallon near
Cornwall, aged 65, burned his house
down and hanged himself on a tree
Charles Quick, of Vancouver, 101
years old last Saturday, is still mak
ing horse -racing saddles for all parts
of the world.
exile ;raves ... ie ensateeratteetee miseM
Leader of the 1?rogree;sabe or Far
e!s' Party in Canada
Mount Camel
Re.. Fati*:r Young of Loadoa called.
."n Father Care -omit here last week.—
eek.-vier. .1 iia.. held in the Halla here on
f'i't, s lav eventne was a $14,N71S2 dnd
ii reg wort a good time.—Mrs.
Mrs. t'o1Rns
n' Flail attended the Convention of
s e C.-a?io:is Women's I,eai;ue held :n
I_.*a ism tori 'ruesdty and 'W dnesday,
d ittT£ Mary :►tttirrss. v had the rills-
-tune to break ver arnt one day last
—M -s Campbell, acralnpanieed by
1L as S Cemphe 1, visitad friends at
latiben lasttiye.'k.,--,lir. Theobo cj Det-
er, .
acc.:ints.inied by MEss GGertie, at-
tt 1 the neral of the ia:e firs
Ire. at atrz, n itro l r elay. Mir. John
-eta-d home Last week, after
se+, 1 1a'S':i;..i the West'.
Thames Road
he Pr.
CST's Church,
he:d an Sunday
`o: this ua-.l. The Str.-
d v serv'c,s were largely' at.teeadaj
R v J. J ,)1a,% --;;!vary Qf st,
.. ,.a a -:.c 'ed ,n ost ac.,eptebie
s.e. u as On \lomiety evening the
w l supra.- and program attreeted a
v; v Tara; crowd. The supper was
n that ccu".1 be des -red, while the
ecv* et
of music. t• -ams, and ad-
d"e sea was apprec:atotir Gordon L.
E, on o" Ham:iton was the grne-pal
e"t,.rt.:at r. and he certainly was
At Crelliton, on
At 130 o'clock, the following,
Extensicn distIng room table, side-
board ,lounge, 3 gasoline hanging
lamps oil hanging lamp, 2 table
lamps McClary Famous baseburn;r,
like new; tr-hole Crown Huron range
20 in oven, ae perfect condition; cup-
board, bureau, hand cutting box 5 Lags
corn, wheelbarrow, easel blackboard,
5'e tons .:oat, some empty gallon fruit
eealers, curtain tnoies and other ar-
ticles, cabinet table, washing maachine,
60 .al gasoline tank, camp stretchers
fiat irons, etc
Also the following prop -rtv—b rcom
hawse and ga rdsn, situate'. on iii, of
Lot 6 Village of Cr dcto n A,lsoabcut
Ware of .v:• 1-dra..-tei land, being al-
so a part of Lot .d On this prorler:y
is a barn 36x24, hen house 14t3J;
fru t—app es, plums, raspbe yes
black currants. etrewlen lis The
barn has two :,dors and Q conmied_les'
200 bens
Terms—Ch ;tees cash Real Estate
10 pe- cent of prerelease money
down. balance. do snit pee -chaser
F T-y:or, :3- Sambrook,
nCt enc r Proprietor
on Lot 12, Lake Road, Hay Town h:p;
on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2, 1921,
At 1 o'clock sha-p, the following:
Horses -1 horse, 7 -years, General
Purpose; 1 2 -yr horse, Gen. Pm -pose.
Cattle -1 steer two years old.
eow -due 6th of March farrow cow,
3 -years old.
Implements -Set bobsle::ghs, wagon,
cutter, fidt hay rack, sugar beet box,
gravel box, 'Mikado, open buggy, light
w-agon, root pulper, lDe. Laval cream
seearator, wheel barrow, 2000 pound
scales; crosscut leave, wire stretcher,
2 •set double harness, Z set single har-
ness; double calf crate, single calf
erste, plough, set harrows, oak barrel,
ensilage and other forks, shovels, dit-
eb'ng spade, set whiffietrees, - neck
yoke, good robe, wool horse blanket',
coal oil barrel, step ladder,^+*,:.small
water tank, , •
5 tons second class hay, several
shocks of corn.
Household Effects—Utility small
range for wood or coal;,srnall coal
heater, box stove, coal scuttle, square
piano, Wi Ilis
ms; glass cupboard, small
cupboard, drop leaf table, small parlor
table, two cellar tables, shriking
clock, three-piece bedroom suit, dres-
ser; kitchen lounge, 2 rocking chairs
number other small chairs, Brussels.
rug, 12x9; toilet set; kitchen ihircror;
wash stand, granite covered bread
pan, camp cot, 2 doz. 1 -qt. sealers, 5
flat irons, number - winidow blinds, 3
lamps,- large strainer pail, nearly,ue'w
large cream can, nearly - new ; small
barrel churn, New Idea Washing ma-
chine, wringer, set curtain stretchers,
few targe crocks, baby carriage.
Real Estate—There will also be sold
at the same time and etplace, ear*
class 50 acre. grass farm, W 1-2 Lot 6
Con, 5, Hay; also 75 acre fiarm, W 3-4
of Lo t5, Cosy. 6, Hay; 10 acres in
wheat, 13 acres an ryes, and thle rest
in pasture,,
Terms -All sums of $10 and under,
cash; over that amount 6 months'i cre-
eli.t on approved joint :notes. '5 per
cent:'per annuity off„far cash on credit
Terms of real estate made `known
on day of sale,.
F. Auct
Prop; `,.
That Brisk, Rich Flaiour
found in every cup of the genuine
is the true flavour of the perfectly preserved
leaf. This unique flavour has won for Salada
the largest sale of any tea, in America, sasz
Incorporated in 1S55
iGAPITAL RESERVE $9,G00.f illi
Over 130 Branches
The Molsons Bank wants every farmer to feel
that he has a real friend in the manager, that he
will receive a hearty welcome and can safely discuss
with hint his money reeds.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business Jelly.
Safety Deposit 'Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch.
E SE LL 1 LS 0 1oes.�'���x�
Sixty years of leadership—of giving good value, heaping satisfaction
and real service! That's why the Gilson name wins respect and
confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud to sell
thisdependable farm equipment.
A11 Sizes
Costs You
The famous Gilson "Goes L,'ke Sixty" En-
gine—any size for any p :rpose--can be pur-
chased on the easy payment plan. Let it
pa- for itse:f. Its economy and depend-
ability have nude it the biggest selling en-
gine is Canada. Let us demonstrate on
so= farm.
"The Wonderful Gilson" stands supreme.
More Gilson Silo Fillers weresold in Canada
last year than any other make. It is guar-
anteed to be the lightest running blower
cutter made.
Be independent -get a Gilson Silo Filler and
511 your own silo—with your own engine.
4 h.p. or larger—at the proper time, When
your corn has the greatest feeding value.
The Hylo Sylo insures
sweet. fresh. succulent en-
silage down to the last
forkful. It is built to last
indefinitely. Exclusive
patented features of de-
sign and construction
explain why the Hylo is
chosen by the discrimin-
ating farmer. Pays for Manure is the best fertilizer. You have it.
itself in the first season. Use it! The best Manure Spreader made is
Then year after year, pays the Gilson. Why? it has a wide spread.
100 per cent. profit on It is low down. It has light draft. It will
your investment. Can take a real load. It is free from clutches.
you beat it? gears and all complicated parts.
Call and see our nearest dealer, name below. Ho will save and make you money on
the equipment illustrated and on Gilson Threshers, Dixie -Ace Tractors, Wood Saws,
Grinders, Pump Jacks, Belting, etc. Write for Catalog.
Made in. Canada and Guaranteed by
Call and See Neerest . Dealer
Oren S. Winer, - Exeter, Ont.
Under Floors Between: walls
For Lining Cases and P1asker
For Beehives For Ice ".Houses`
For Packin :.-
A tough craft: pape .coated ,on
both sides with asphaltic caipound
Brantford Roofing Co Lim
Head Office and Factory, Brantford, Can.
Ross Taylor Co., Limited
We will cash your Victory Loan
Coupons or place them to your credit
in our Savings Bank where they will
draw interest at 3% ,ger annum, ill4
OF hh�
C •,....,M.
PAI) -UP CAPITAL $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND ., $15,000,000
EXE,`I:R BRANCH,, . A. Chapman, Manager.
Incorporated in 1S55
iGAPITAL RESERVE $9,G00.f illi
Over 130 Branches
The Molsons Bank wants every farmer to feel
that he has a real friend in the manager, that he
will receive a hearty welcome and can safely discuss
with hint his money reeds.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business Jelly.
Safety Deposit 'Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch.
E SE LL 1 LS 0 1oes.�'���x�
Sixty years of leadership—of giving good value, heaping satisfaction
and real service! That's why the Gilson name wins respect and
confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud to sell
thisdependable farm equipment.
A11 Sizes
Costs You
The famous Gilson "Goes L,'ke Sixty" En-
gine—any size for any p :rpose--can be pur-
chased on the easy payment plan. Let it
pa- for itse:f. Its economy and depend-
ability have nude it the biggest selling en-
gine is Canada. Let us demonstrate on
so= farm.
"The Wonderful Gilson" stands supreme.
More Gilson Silo Fillers weresold in Canada
last year than any other make. It is guar-
anteed to be the lightest running blower
cutter made.
Be independent -get a Gilson Silo Filler and
511 your own silo—with your own engine.
4 h.p. or larger—at the proper time, When
your corn has the greatest feeding value.
The Hylo Sylo insures
sweet. fresh. succulent en-
silage down to the last
forkful. It is built to last
indefinitely. Exclusive
patented features of de-
sign and construction
explain why the Hylo is
chosen by the discrimin-
ating farmer. Pays for Manure is the best fertilizer. You have it.
itself in the first season. Use it! The best Manure Spreader made is
Then year after year, pays the Gilson. Why? it has a wide spread.
100 per cent. profit on It is low down. It has light draft. It will
your investment. Can take a real load. It is free from clutches.
you beat it? gears and all complicated parts.
Call and see our nearest dealer, name below. Ho will save and make you money on
the equipment illustrated and on Gilson Threshers, Dixie -Ace Tractors, Wood Saws,
Grinders, Pump Jacks, Belting, etc. Write for Catalog.
Made in. Canada and Guaranteed by
Call and See Neerest . Dealer
Oren S. Winer, - Exeter, Ont.
Under Floors Between: walls
For Lining Cases and P1asker
For Beehives For Ice ".Houses`
For Packin :.-
A tough craft: pape .coated ,on
both sides with asphaltic caipound
Brantford Roofing Co Lim
Head Office and Factory, Brantford, Can.
Ross Taylor Co., Limited