The Exeter Advocate, 1921-10-27, Page 2gdom o
Captain Granet trolled around the
room. There was no sound for a mo-
ment but the seretching of Sir Al-
fred's quill pen across the paper. •
• - .ce*
, er, an„., e•,,,hee--e'n"--
e .
Presently Harrison returned with the
whiskey and soda. Sir Alfred handed
him a note.
"To be ,sent to -right. Harrison," he
.4 ,.,.F°' •
dircetcd; "no anewer." a eneeee ...,,,,
- ...
The nein withdrew„ dosing- the doer'. • ' •
behind him. Sir Alfred listened to : Cleansers and Polishers. . gre4iient.- i it a (toad bottle, let stand
i e 1 o _
tile whole of the illumination of the inthe pantry cr weod-shed the very then fill the bottle with water and it
for twenty-four hours, Shake well,
his nootsteee aeross the hall. Then It frequently happens that one has!
he res from his place and turned on
room. The shadows of the dark spateee ingredients that go to make up many; is ready for use.
were suddenly illuminated. every e.xpenstve compounds for keeping the: A -fairly good well paper (leaner is
corner of the stately apartment was house bright and clean. It is especei composed of erdinery tweet] dough,
distinetly vielb/e, Sir Alfred, with his jelly desit'able for the farm housewife i quite stiff, into which a few drops of
P°eketes, wantel slowlY thooniken.onwaat‘eheafpopfiiiultalosnr some good e' ammonia have been worked. If 10:011i
i have a large room to dean. it will,
hands in his
around. When he came back be turn-
ed out ail the lights except the heav-
ily shaded one over bis desk, and If your Scorn are dark in color, a% be worth whie to make the following,:
motioned his nephew to draw his easy- gOopit polish for then may he made Preparation: To ene heaping cupful
"Well, Ronnie," he said,gallon of boiled linseed..., of sifted flour, add one trblespeenfuli
of salt, one tablespoonful chair up to the sLie. , a one-half
"I suP-' oil and one gill a soft tar. Do not of kerosene
ruse you, are wondering why I have apply it tee 1i; nd be Fara to. two tablespoonfuls of ng0r tW
set for you a thour of the rub it well •
" , as an ecess of l xoonl tehspor
ileefuls ef anunoria end one finny to egeOff per mont
night ? h.
' eerves to collect due For the waxed, half cupful of warm water. Mix andn
ej 1 1.1 • • .1 b- - floor, uever use a linseed -oil prepare.' boil until yule flour is well sealded molter glees. This is aleo goed for paint-
• ' ' 4
"I am," Granet admitted frankly. " ' "
• ' eel woodwork that resists ordinary
methods of cleaning. If used for the
latter purpoee, wring- the cloth as dry
AS possible and dip into a little of
the mixture, then apply with a firm,
ats Electric or Gas
A new 011 lamp that gives an mace,
!ugly brilliant, soft, white light, even
better than gas or electricity, has been.
tested by the IL S. Government and 3$
leading universities and found
superior to 10 ordinary 01 lamps.
burns without odor, smoke or noise -
no pumping up, is sinaple, clean, safe.
Burns 94% air, and 6% common km?.
The inventor, F. T. Johnson, 246
Craig St. W., Montreal, is offering to
Feud a lamp on 10 days' PUKE trial,'
or even to give one FREE to the first
user in each locality- who will help
hira introdnee it. Write him -to -day
for full particulars. Also oelt biro, to
explain how you eau get the agency*
and without experienee or money
?And the news. perhaps I should say'"' , tion, as the oil cuts the wax. One the mixture is quite t " $ g
.rW4t there is, is of no aceoura,", sperm candle, melted and combined noostantl,o. Take it from the kettle,'
Ste- Alfred replied. "We are gong to with one pin. tf kerosene may be used cool, then knead with the hands. Pireeh.
'urn rnt' human rata you arta L brighten a wa,xei floor. Another -Off pieces the size of one's fist, nab:
!ores is a matter for the historians. cake of melted paraffin to one cupful ward •
the so 1e1 paper with F C
•• 4. - • PP
:or the next lour. The faze of em- excellent formula cane for one-half,
hted) It is your fate arel mine which just of turpentine, appHed with, a flannel the deriasete•ih°.kbeestt'veteunrntilniegstarnodkosknteoakiehlegp: tpheirtiEll'ar44C.i4r.rilira'r 11;31+Pb1/77, 115t:1441‘11e. raBtar*37.
HAPthl h::: : .7 3 ef his enevelecene vieitor. Tie rem ccunts for most.", • i leg-seda, eirmearly ueed, is eli•-e (free,
et'e nnite fn sa•elevietlee. half finish- "There is some trouble?"' Grainet cloth. TI..e %ere fii.est pteparation for the 5111 fa clean.
• - '
S; ' -s• ' • ,''`'...-; e ,.',.. ..*• n: ''•..r*..7avr - ' • " - - • • ,,l A" axing a floor, hewever, is made of A carpet-eleaning paste consists of. /lye ell 1 e - e e
painte. „urfece... the no nitre
• a - - * : n" - " ' en, the partly emptiel nettle of wine, asked teulekly.--e*some suspleioneo
ste:11 fleere. Or.e ef her gloves None whatever," Sir ,A,ifred re- tate Pnund et' melted beeswax to one two cakee of white scap, shaves' fine; wiitei" than nt'nenner, 11'; e•earnng
r : .7. t..,,.... ...., *
the eernen +4 flak'
. reafen firmly. "My pesition was tiever pint of terpentine. Any wax prepare- on,e-fourth of a pound of borax two. paint or enamel.
e ---1-
;.•."1". 4 2reer • • a • ,
lie le up nrew it for a momm
ent ore seeore then it is at flits se end tion goes farther and is easier to ap. tablespoonfuls of saltPetre, inel Keep reinarn'a Liniment in the twee%
infhen z g ;17. 1t,e11, NS. • titen ertiehei it I urn the Irtietton efenfidant of the Cab- ply if the eoattainer is set in a yeesel three gallons of water until every-,
ar.ti thing it infh the fire.: I nave nenomy apparent-, Of hot water while being neej.
wee 1a 1 evara cllter, te, out aetuaLy, very important work;
fr eor, leit the "a"- - A. floor WaX that both dears and
• • • e e :..• . earee trent ene ef tho buelt roome. for them. Financially, too, me' iren
trete ie etet. -one et oele janese fluent* as wen as my resources have' P°,13$11e$ les etm)PQsed °r um" Part 'melt'
zee; reeeter rLeave the wire.' nein! 0. vast assistanve to this eounei eTahiP6ariasfnanisotoatuwaexpeaernteaRtofekoenrIpooseunried.
inee. nth, As a teet'or neo I • • - • - •••• • •
_ ;ay. .. • e 41 1 moo. he :ate.'"
". • ti i• 1 •• irte'e on the. trY..
Granet nolden arel waited.
pee- • '-' • • :44, eeret - - '
- •-- - - - • leee:e 0114.vi4,1 ke soon as, •• o be awure that: squares of cheesecloth out of the miX-
encugh t•f utwle t He knew. for maliing a tlustless +luster. Wring diP a scrubbing.lrueli in the water,'
- t ; e eeele, o, • re e ' -• , • " 4'. he wonia (inva'1) his snatementn in' rare and let dry then into the :seep jelly, mid serub
. , . unmet tarew ttinfleeein the open air. store small space at a time. And,' tiee uee
his leen ee
c. theee dee,: in a meta/ or fire_proof of tco nine•h water, Take tic seize, ef
thing has dissolved. Remove front the
fire era stir in t,ne-half pint of am-
monia. This may be use51 hot, or cold
when it will be in the form of a jelly.
Take a little warm Nt•ater in a patio
-1, '' ' ''.- '''''''- l. 'l n' ''''' - ',7 ..,.."--I hre •-he e: eh- 1- ,lr Ile was fineed,w‘ith ...whet! an, has gone tte . oar , _
, . ,
_. , , .4 1,'71.‘,''. ".('''' •,,s' 0,. :1.irg entraopee. so fr„.1 eontinut„1, .4when oil seems abso. vent:liner, or spyntaneous conulastion thy' brwh '„'r '1 ;411114-'11 ilia sji""..k tile
. • •
(°-“•': n- - • ' • ' '' -'• :n • "-"!-: o'' le• i leen a nttle :eon tit niarnet Burn- lute.: ,. 1 f, • . • " le, likely to (teem Twine mops may l -':;:rare ',IP !hie a ler( I ien "IP( IP
• -1-. :1 ''' ' - - ' .' '' : ''.'' ''" ''• ',4.--5.-1,. 141'1 in env elver man • 3... be nipped in the 58nle s3itiltion. - T„ spot with a chili wrang mit of clean
timee to time to pe and coneider.
l ro ere , 7 - t lt ere. tn.,' "O ".•' inn"nnh, ,. i„hi" ni no" ....„4„t teere
.:n too; ::,,,,, .1 a e,.: • '": : ° -.. -'-h" ': " ' We art- at the* Piet at Ow present etain a cheap floor $0 that it reeeafides hot water.
tr,e,h, ' ' '''' - " h1"‘ t°'''''''"'"'':cn'" •1--"1 ':' I'eP" ac'" ',neeree• 1r;";.; hi' 1,,men lueltv 1-1 eat- -tin- Vill ebo t ten cents' is ', F•gual Parts ur l'aPtha v"-Airig-
_...:re i -„vre.lielt a were, an 4, ail tins e-ohr elev. Rennie. Three times, fe-laitst of ;ternianganate of potash eliesolved Ptls"er "1 a'''''''-, go11'',:."",uirlezl4-Pew.47
, ::.:......, . ,,, eel „e•e. aennoeetien would have eo....:...- ee e• +4 4
o Ai .. NoO; 7. . t. tengta:r e eem have men.. in one quart a naiii,,,g water. Le/ vitae() an exetecent Felten tor yeet,ate
nao:".• l ens erre:re. el; Aar ehe heel 1.. 14443 re Pei"'Ira'le 9e German 131°8 ahel before ne,Mg. then apply. and
H4' 'ii1-:. . :,..: ..,... '
A41°1 ]° ..y• ;" ,. ". :: .. !'": ff
Ste :eon'. ' a in 4 e . eee.
•.4 :::', ::.)..! ''.c f . ".•„;,„ . ':. .. Na. h- ' •. S = 1211 • _ rIA -1-„e fr'-'m 1" 212 0011 a- when the Pe le dry, wax it.
a▪ t e ,.,, -°..'°' c . ": :‘,."'.. +.:', -,. , ,: .. %,..,,,,,, t.h, t.hh, .h.,, o, eh„._ w_ro___ w•„0 tahne *: .ne rercetnet intoertneice.
"n• •-' en° ...i''T , „,,,g4 :-.413:4•V your retern levele NAZ "have been 1-'41 42.1.13; exle"sh'e furniture. P"1:411e
"1,-"h, • ne -, • 1 :.."-• n. :::: nnze ne 4:°.•:-'41. i..-.1' ona: nena fonne.entne nno,•• ,.,4' lkst-. :0,,, lora.. eao ways. ;rid, z.,,,t i„,,,,,„ vontam notning more tinni equal 01 •'
eh- * t, n" .' ,, ll; ne' %. 1-n:?. A sh,ene wer,i fr,en ie r tre Thenfin_$.11 Mtee in Nol"fora iii r* be fergiAtere of beilet . liaseenril and vinegar.
on.) ll 4 . -1 ..-'- 2 ,:o-.
e . .,,, ••
to i II' ' W.:'; .1? S,.f..,4 , 4 ..,t11421' 03 nis Ther. taw n.4, ,..Q,,,,,,
11:: :-.- ,,.. '..,.. .: .-. ..,..-, :......- -4 0:`. :t..! 4. ,::. ee...: op .1: if Mlgat tuarne?e L..11,,,,,ws of out. What Getineray Shake well before using. Two parts
fir 4.124. lois:Won, our (.; envie lineeenoil an I er,e of tur-
win te •• - e : :IF terone .- henr-(44- to r.,.t?'. -. 11!,,,, -;a: with foNlciar9:37,n
strength 43 n1 our weal -novae, is due to tc"ean'-"t,-H"e,' e- l, °': -' ..: l hee .e •"" :e'' a . ' hoewhe "ne44 nn°ann. attimkteno i",•t61..1f1,.He "hais i me_. o.
ptereite with the a.d• d0ti'en cf af n' -t' -t, 1141±ng That Germane15 1110 Presenteno;1141 Of tgoon
w:1vmaaoaxnlneeetdcee 2 ugh- They 2'0 02 11Whd tmhltlng foremilons of money tmother gooi pt7n1-iner ee2 e thadieee. be:enahmtotheeityofLoon.; i'ritire12"( 0/14.' 0112.1, of peAValVaI hee io,tkooet(o, the f1reirtanne.14.ith4.
_.14 ONZMO 1124In ft ether '4 tIit- 21.4••t.f0t-11rCIleha, wovs,:1.4:40444hbeonfit.Ase,anrilli101S10 (*11 '211
ono, 4 , e • ff '4,4,e, ,,,e ._ in fe • Oer loi/a:..74 E.:4t, IV ehestri the ceartry 1.• 1 to: i tfou i of. 1,,, we have both, in, half o*rt 44f turpentine. Pin ell in-
tere • --4 ei .: - 6 i-...4.... %%b.% n ha ft -ht the greeetere at tnenmeet. our „.n..t. ',leer et2 eeelh2l,1411t we 11-111:0'
;nte n 1, :i4 ...1 1'.• lik. U 1..4..n1 'WI` 1 hiS kng travels M ' 2'4 'o, the ebonette limit of our efa,
no.„.„ . ° ; eo ! • tee • :„ rTneee• le•eent lo B were,.
: he remienberti on hie re. , fo,,tiemoss I.
e.:y , t. 4.teeet foe eo 22 tete in- .,3 0'. dieapproval hf Eng-, ewhot tioas noo meane•• armlet
pea.- e t" e". nr: 7z, e Nino e 1 raine leen sla.keesee 1:er physical and more/ 1 4
1 tii,017.1,,. tilltT.'"' 1 have -
o, „toolhe. :Heown
r t, hal iaspirei :neve.
te• have ; nen: :ine A pror
• t - 1 eoein. well- 1 ., • e . I tl, . . e . e ., "It ineerel this " Sir Alint.1
,,. *en w A (s
..t^ 4-0 "'305 li. 01P 1.4. zler ,..
n'-"h*"'I" -.1„,1 thi.."", ,f",`. g'n""n
g1ar4 21 03ut with theoetempt oI, with every frot and eireumstance
toeeeen menthan hafTht„her!),natural
otherw'ne. r%0 Fat ur..1 wItitKi. our,.s tie,. The gyre -eon le..1 igen °odd reale. 11;44.,Z4 tpel,i'tell'an any other man lo-etithe
with more infcrination,
heave% likei toe reattene They 93,7+ rIn fee the polsote III. had etarted hoz.,' within three
celJ . I'm fwee:y-eignit newnyou enow. eena eneooh. His obilosephy had irit Preilqed pewee
hod felt 22 1 months. I s'. 2'- wreat g. Germany to
1 heeen't enn,,,y( 4 the lase, eix yeare. Fat:slit...1 eimeeif, 1l&
oodhpro, eaeippai ep ee tee ee .o. He 82 ,,,,,,i oiegrzhiati,ot ,t.,o w„,orh,p.. che oolh clay is great and uneonquerel, but
1111S lirtS1. her oppertunity.
tlihks, he ne., 41,4."4 2" sintiv 1f hf, f''1`111 of ere, tee:entry fer the 114"' 11 •te
ilhinsmaltlYa.3„ be a wur of .t.itritiori, or
serr•o int' 1 " In.rl'an 5021 'Iar't" * ' '''ta:". ":7 4"0“‘thr. 4-11 1h!'''' ".n.2f-'31"e"a4st" It even now the enexpeeted mae• come,'
4.'. 2.2 Liy ahtt. She is eery 1,-ae11 l'ho nate/ frenthe e
t0111:1: if Cd Gerd
„rel.. so„, ,:, wrappoep n u 12' nose t. oo orz ,. .•,4 ., . .. :° but to all effects and purposes Gerent
e . . ,„,.. ea. 1 le wa wrare ot it . , . -.
gone iretead of orivoce. Neifaer !)f :..:, filo to faze 4.40, with a disagree ;n1°...11)'•No1'..yoirir,etena-.1; this?•• Granet ex.'
tliem eee.t.e 1.4) lo.,e ',nee to oe tone and inenee're preniem. ' -
... i claimed ineredulouely.
110» *2 tx , ' 1
,. , ,.° .44, -.aloe), Stu'1 holly in his enair. ••Abeolotely," hie untie asste•ed Min.
el! men' La •t ,nen -tter Tnr Pil . An int.erraptien ordinary tneugh, leit h•Rememiter that I knew Were than'
("rune eain knevor
it. ;le . without a un startling, ef- you do. There ie a new and imminent
Her har4 e,at,„110 i no. she „,-,,,ine a'
4 feet. had broken in upon his thought-, ' danger facing the dual alliance. What
little tlearer.
ear after yeer of it" el.e fnur-i The ttnenhcre on 'hie tablewas ring wital: .`11081.1y ndill.lag.10aoln•nloOrOWn0yUgn1310.111es
lett in;isitently. He'reseto hisfe;:
Imushredould '1,1'.1.afve.I irl;.tiz;! away14.4 go'1,144d4-1;nke"irlogn apt gnawed at the cioek as he erosee I " but the chane*e of the great German:
"tne room. It was five minutes pest triumph we have dreamed ef, have
the stage. If I hail been clever, I twelve. As he took up the receiver paesed. They know it as well as we.
shetild haee neln beme and done some.' a *miller voiee greeted liMi. do. I have seen the- writing on the'
thing. But Ian, ne millions? of others:
Is that Rorafie? Yes, this is I.ndy wall for months. To da I have con-
-I am neither. I hal to eit are' wait.'
An.selman. Your unele to",d me to ring eluded all my arre.ngements. I has
When I me: yee. I sead.en ly began to
care you up to see if you were in. He wants broken off all negotiations with Bei -e
realize what it would be like to
Yol. to come round." lin. They recognize the authority anti
for sente one. I wasn't any:
••Whate to -night?" they absolve ree. Thee• know that it
use. And then tins inira(•le happened.'
his ,aunt eon- will be well to have a friend here
I couldn't nelp it," :•;ite went on deg- ' "Do come. Ronnie,"
getily. -I I ever thoo•ght a it at first.' ,iiined- "I don't suppose it's anything when the time comes for drawing up ortant but your unm
ele sees to the pact."
It came to me iike a great flash that an
; ait No, I shan't see you. I'm Granet gripped the sides of his'
the enly way to saee you--"
„To so,ve me frhol what ?.• he .2'--.e4.1 ns going to bed. I been play- 0119 12 with his hand. It seemed to
:bridge. Inn sure the duchess him impossible that with these few
"Froin beM,:t sh.-e as a may," she ing
, cheats -4 have never won at her houee commonplace wee ds the fate of all
answered quienly. -Theeel I'm itot
a fool, ypti knOW. YOU Milt think I'm ' ill m -e life. Pll tell your uncle you'll Europe was being pronounced.
then Ronnie. . . . Good night!" (To be centinued.)
fool aleout you but I am not about nnirle,
things bi general. Goad:eye! rnie :: Granet laid down the receiver.
want to run a••vay.n -/aapskBirtlue
is my mint's. Dokr•'t eeme in. Ring!. • Dyed Her W
Sornehew or other, the idea of action
me up 1.0 11 rrerning. I'll ineet ' even let that hour of the night, was a
• relief to him. He called to Jarvis and an Brown
you are:where. Gaod-hye. Please. I
gave him a few orders. Afterwards
He watched her .
oozed:he turned out and walked through the Each package of "D- iamond Dyes"
Teoa little
a. trim peennernaid cane, eet end, after' streetseanurionslY lit and busy, it contains directions so simple any wo.
a few NV of explSeemed to Itim-to- the corner of Park man can dye or tint her worn, shabby
ar superin. t
tended the dispoai ot, , luggage :tn 1 Lane, which had belonged to the dresses, skirts, waists, coats, stock-
_ AtiselManS for tWO generatione.
the hall. Then the `t,ecicab man re
; There were few lights in the windows ings, sweaters, coverings, draperies,
tureed. haeeines everythine• even if she has
He le -as admitted at once and passed.
"Back tel Sackeille Street." Granet
en to his uncle's own servant. never dyed before. Buy "Diamond
"Sir Alfred is in the study, sir," tbs. Dyee-no other kind -then perfect
- Ilatter announcer3, "if you will kindly home dyeing is sure because Diamond
CHAPTER XXX. leo-me th4.5 way." Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade,
Granet, on his return to Saekvillei Granet crossed the circular hall streak, or run. Tell your druggist
Street, paid the taxicab driver,1 hung with wonderful tapestry, and whether the material you wish to dye
ascere,cei the stairs and let himself t pawned through the sumptuously-nur-
into his rooms with very much the I (fished library into the smaller busi-
air of a man who has passed through I nese man's study, in which Sir Alfred
a dream. A single glance around, spent much of Ms time. There were
however, lee:tight Thirn vivid realize -
!chine, and a private instrument con-
inected with the teleg-raph department.
telephonss upon his desk. a tape ma-
- The largest cave in the world Is in
Edmondson County, Kentucky. It is
known as the Mammoth Cave, and con-
sists of a succession of irregular chain.
bers, situated at different levels. Some
of the chambers are very large, and
, tons de 1UXE:, first editeeee and a tbe navigable branches of a subter.
great collection of German ool Rus- ranean river -the Echo River -run
elan literature, admittedly tongue. Sir :through them. The fish in these rivers
Alfred was sitting at his de le writ -
are blind.
ing -a letter. He.h
Matter of 114oney.
greeted hi, nep-.-....
Fred -"If I were to propose, what
would be the outcome'
. Freda -"That would depend vary
much on the income."
November Holiday Favorable.
is wool or silk, or whether it is linen,
cotton or mixed goods.
World's Biggest Cave.
There was a desk for hie secretary,
now vaeant, and beyond, in the she-
' dews of the apartment, winged book -
eases which held a -colleen en of edi-
with his usual cheerful nod.
"Wait before you go, Harrison," hs
Falki to his valet. "Will you take any-
thing Ronald? There are cigars and
cigarettes here but nothing to drink.
Harrison, you can put the whiskey
and soda on the side, anyhow, then
you can wait for me in my room. I
shall nit require any other service
to -night. Some one must stay to let
Captain Gianet out. You under-
"Perfectly, sir," the man replied.
"If you don't infficl, Ronnie, I will
-finish this letter While he brings the
iwhiekey and soda," Sir Alfred said. Mlnard's Liniment used by PhyslcianS.
Taking the world over, November is
the favorite holiday month, twenty-
six out of its thirty days being kept
as official holidays by as many differ-
ent countries.
Men! Yoiig Ma.
When in titles where we have
branches do not fail to place your
enter for your Fall and Winter
clothes at one of the stun,"' of the
COMPANY the largest tailoring,
service in Canada for men's gar-
ments, upen to the Canadian
Public at wholesale prices.
Stun. addresses as follows: Mont-
real ltranette:,, 2t21 st. t'attlf-rine
Street West; 41Z1 84.. Catherilie Street
Best: :Y51 St. l'utherine Street Bast;
504 Mount Royal Avenue Bast: 1704
Nitre Dame Street West. ontario
Draneltes-Torom,.. 252 Street:
Ottawa, 211 Sparks Street: TIamiltom
121 Bing Street; Sault Ste. Marie,
484 Queen Street. Bust, Brantford,
71 Colborn Street; Stratford. 45
Downie Street; London, 130 Duntlas
Street; Windsor, 101-103 London
Street; 'Kingston. 70 Prineess Street;
Fort William, 113 North Nay Street:
Sarnia. Delmore Hotel; Oshawa, 26
King Street 'West; Guelph, 104 17p.
per Wyndham Street; St. Catherines.
s0 Si. Paul Street. Maritime
Branches -Sydney, 234 Charlotte
street: Halifax. 417 Barrington
Street: New illus56w, 171 J'ivot
Street: Amherst, 111 Victoria Street:
Charlottetown. 1814 Rieltmond Street:
St, John. 25 Charlotte Street:
Moncton. MI Main Street; Frederic-
ton, 360 Queen Street.
Large Canadian institution estab.
liehed 1887 with assets in excess 01
$35,000,099, which are rapidly in-
creasing. desires a Weal representa-
tive in this distrlet. Only men
character and ability, however. will
be considered. If you feel yOU are
competent to place our proposition
before the best peepte in your cone
munIty. we can offer you a contract
which will be veil, remunerative.
larevious selling experience desir-
able but not essential If you are the
right kind, eneroettc, ambitious and
progressive, we will develop you
along proper lines of selesrnanship.
Apply In confidence, stating age,
pilot experience end length ef real.
dence to
184 Bny St. Toronto
a body
lather 41-lem
freely visit Baby's OwnSoap 1
I `• II ...WO, •••••• 114,4.1.46,
A. nursing bottle has boot' peteoted
that is made of to collapsible meterial
which care be folded from the botene
Thposteoot and expre•amea vil
Paiker service riglit sr( yeur
home. We ply eerziage one way.
Wliatevir ''122 -03271 --- v.-heti:co it let
leeiseliont dreperiet or tie- meet +Ili.
ate fensies nil! 1 e ereently rettaritcti
it, 1l4eiT e12g171 ti i'..' h24."0,, \lazed you
think of eneteiree or lyeing :e -
tliiiik Nai PAPelnI.'q'S. '
Dye Wok
Cleaners and Dy,ors
791 Yonge St.
Have it always
in the house
Irse motheis keep a jet' or
a tube of "V•neline" Mate
Petroleum jelle• in the hotte. for
many chih . mil as
bruisee, elothel enin, cradle cep.
It is soothing, he, iingana grew-
ftd to the mo -t it tnated elan.
Be prepared for winter eel-,
too. "Vaseline" Capeicum Jelin
m1,144.41 on the 1 1' •-•:. and " (e4..
li:te" Eueelyi,•01 jelly se-ataen
into the nostrils will check them
1880 Chabot AN ee Montreal, P.O.
asell ne
Trade Mark
*5tands Strenuous Wear'
because it. is made of the best materials -and knitted by
those who understand the Canadian climate and know the
needs of the Canadian people.
It i the underwear known wherever quality is appreciated,
You will find it at all good dealers,
Made in Combinations Stanfield is Adjustable
and Two -Piece Suils, in Qfsqliftelds's Li !gad Combinations and Sleepers
full length, knee and elbow "a"
length, and .sleepeless, for %"'"1' for growing Children
.illen and Women. TRURO, MS. (Patented). Write for
Sample book .showing different weights and textures mailed free. 455