The Exeter Advocate, 1921-10-20, Page 6t.
1tasks, and -willingness to undertake
THE CHILDREN'S I mid try to pertorm well voltatever he
HOUR A Stout's training =ekes -ate enr-
j tally usefult
Into the lives a two scotch Bei- I have some knowledge a ishoto-
Scout•s there hes come Adventure tgriorpoltuYo•in.entrtiyer.oseeltY, eledtricity and
with a capital "A." They Itave staited
Address cernmuntcations to Aerenotieiste Aneialde st westune
. Toronto., a voyage of 30,000 through , WaS bprn MCI bred ia 'a eeld 'and
sterntY climate, and have never lived
Seleeting Seed Potatoes.
find that I get far better resultsi
by see-et:rig my seed. potatoee fxom!
the bills as they are deg. I haveri;
!lever experimented with this on ai
big seale, for I am not a big potato',
growee, but it pays rne un a small;
sae, and perhaps would pay eveni
better or. f.; "0'..gger one.
In siteerne :he big, nine tial.em
fire= the pile ef retatees in the epring
f ;he yr, yei.. de net know then you
get a. geol yie:d of big race
egteetes -. *tn.!: a very faverettle
Yet re, t geteeng iiiteaoed
tete, lt et.t.h eerste.'
dry ge , (teitentel:
tree rte. o et
• eteh
7. an ‘-e iten teteeteil
«is I y-• o.‘
t ,t,eat 4
a . a ,..• ,r
a pert*
reey tette
-t neer -te
• .
grOW petals:ate suecesefully on et
a small -or a large se.
Fall Work in the Orchard.
The practice of plant sanitation to
prevent parasitie diseaees and rot-
ting of farm prodtice, if heeded in
time will save many of the trees and
keep vegetables ftem rotting.
The raspberry patch should be "cane
ed" to remove all dead and badly dis-
cnestil stalks. This is more Or leSS of
a sanitery meat:tee and :it gives the,
eouni cenee t. chance,
In fell prareing of apple arChard3"
thi ferrner has a ellantte to rid the
trees of eeeltored limbs. In deriding
'wine gets nre to be made, the vigor
feeteiem freat lisease of a limb
eirotild be Iterne raied.
Any rrarieg eut eosee the heart,
deo tree eel oretie the way
charted Antarctic seas, apon .ft e f •11 f I
seh,aoner ecarcely bigger thee '
The Orkneys are associated ,with
oyster beat And, Nvbat is as import -
cabin boys. awe seeving sir Arctie explorations and Vilting tracti-
ant to them, they
labored at Ephesus for a period, of ;society which, as Ptolernake was on
Erneet Shackleton, the explorer, as eaS-
Mooney is the slighter and also tale. three 3rears, (see Lesson 2, Oct, 19;. the ,great highway by the toast, had
mare reserved of the twoheys. Uritil Acts 19: 8-20) he determined to re -e been founded by the disciples dispel's-
/torten for her fittthing, touches be_ time, to come th L 21
ondon, he badenever , Having set Timothy and Erastns! Stephen, ch. 11: 9Unto Caesarea;
A few weeks ago it became known
Paul's Last J6tirney to. Jerusalem. Acts 21: 1-17.
:Text--4Gal. 6; 9 (Rev. Ver.)
Time and Place -55 A.D.; from Ithe Accho Judge 1; 31, and is not
Miletus to Jeructalefo, Acree Saluted the brethren; greeted
Connecting Links—A,fter Paul hedi and held .converse with the Chran
: ret :deed. As oen as the
S Vaey
'4!'`.11 a alleet lead pante (not
evident. Clonal -en tarn ran -n er
;-ndeici rate • raint )ait small
e preniti surfaten„
egeteue 0;:- otiestei male firs%
. :he tre.:n Lee, The healing
•' goer et cemes aoput fame "ealoi
..-reveh from the ventheam. If
et: ',. ct the pro:et:title, pa:1s
• .t- the heernea
To' never cerlere of fire blight can
that the little Quest was to pat into he left his native Orkneys for the first visit Illacedonia and .Achala, eh. 39:1ed from Jerusalem after the death of
into Macedonia (eh. 19: 22) to pt*epare ethirty or forty miles further on.
fore starting on her long voyage of seen a train Qr a large eltY'
glens. And then Sir Ernest Shaekle-
exploration in the South Polar
* re_ :Itiarr, of a more conventienal
ty-pe, with blue eyes and lean jaws, is in
seoret forhiscorning, be planned to remain: Panits present Visit was the third he
_ sdteantY,Pe
111:6:ww5bet:mot"r'he riot instigated by gelist .
NsvOallis e time longer. His i hact paid to this city (,see ohs. 9: 30;
brought to a sud-; 18: 22). Philip the evangelist "Evan -
ton casually announeed that he would. a student at Aberdeen University. 11.e s were an order or body of men
probably need a rabbi boy to go aleng, hes played Rugby football and tenets; Demetrius of whieh an acco'
ent is ' in the. early church, after apostles an:d
nd that he thought 13o
for many years. Two years ago he given in ch.19. 23-40, Having eh 19 before pastors and teachers (see
aa y
would fill the hill hest. Scout saved a young girl at Banff front from the danger thatthreatened his Ephes, 4 :11). They corresponded to
One thousand Boy Scouts prowl:1y drowning, and immediately afterward life, he proceedeit to carry out hist our foreign missionaries." This was
cippiied fer the tole., If the ethers had made a gallant hat ineffeetual effort Plan of going to Macedonia and themee Philip the deacon (ehs. 6: 5; 8h 5, 25);
to Greece or Achala, ch. 20: 1, 3. After to be distinguished from Philip the
to save anether boy and girl who were
heard ef it in time, they prohahly
k .1, . a three -menthe t•tay in Greece (eh. 20.1 4.1-prmt,:e2, John 1; 43. eta He must hese
ahto weeld have beeged to be taken ago in danger. He has won several:3) ha ,was a
, , bout to sell for Syria, teen a man of some wealth to be able
&tout ("eeerations
&Ong. The seirit tent seri& the Ene- - ' hwhen a plot of the Jews ()bilged him to entertain so large a party. Four
lielimen out th the enih; a the eerzh "I was going, to be a farmer, like te ehange ili3 plen and return to daughtera . did prophesy; that
in Ins werentrines st'tl it peetty tuuth
me. eon . m , Maeedoria. From Philippi, he went to they belonged to a class in the
in evidence _tee the pet.,said after his ehoice as one Troas, there joining. the company who ; early elnireh who editted the elfairch
• te
• .
• 1 f 't tat- k Ishall
what sheiets say eheut the decline of hail been como were to sail with him to Jeetetalem,'4"by eree.eltieg uteler the direst Mau -
empire. (That is not to mention the
th'I inauntill:atelluetsotietr v; shall go on ex,: eln 20; 4t6. After the ineldent relat- enee of inspiration. interpreting the
spirit ulleh would prompt any mental l,' 11 with Sir Ernett Simekletone mg to Entnehoe (cle 20: '7-12) Paul's ' Mi.141 of God, revealing the meets. of
companions eet eail for Aeses, where' their Inarert: imiter life and convett.
boy of any Anglo-Saxon eountry to if he will let me, the eext time as well.
vflunteer for a „little jaunt such as I haxe always waited far this." I be joined them, having gone front, lug unbelievers.
i' Trees to Asses, on foot, eh. 20: 13-16., IIt The 'Warning, 10-14.
the Qtteet's.), "I have had to go to the Far -North, The farewell interview with the elders i Vs. 10, 11. Tarried . witty days
. . . ..
The let00 applienets were narroe.ed to get bo it for the Far South " was
• / of the ehuieh at Ephesus, for whom ,Rareoay, in his reekoning of the titre
Sir Ernest Sha,ekleton's only coma Paul had sent to meet him at Miletus !wet:pied in the journey from Miletus
down to ten hv the Bov Scout head- . - b 4 tl t 1 NV S' is recorded in eh. 20; 17-38. it° Jeetetelem, counts the period sport.;
boys were 4.1.kiled to ,Lendtei, to ietee- 1 Ichle p'eteed with the emit of his
quarters at London and these tee
, view Sir Ernest, in order that. he "P"l•
' might choose Me of them.
Oe hatted he the blightel twigs on? The chole earrowed down th two, Wintering Bes.
v. in ,ds the :eaves Sieve witheeed and both of ehorn seemed equally good. There are three important points' set eeil, A straight course, Luke "hes band, sometimes a leather, but meet -
Oriel. tt.Tlet canker le at the hate of sir F,rnett solved his dilemma by ac- to be observed in keeping bees safely the true Greek feeling for the sea" 1Y of silk, cotton or wcol, by whieh e ... e. Thete ebeild he located and cePting both of them. If there were ill the winter, One of these is a' and generally nreeerds the ineidents the loose, flowing* Orieetal robes were
TN:rot:eh willt.t? era`1;;tat two prouder boys in the British ting oles strong populous colony eoesistfront haibor to harked' atrnitedd drawn together at the t It might
ett Of'. the gr'CAllng iteasolt will made known Ilk fleeWort, persens ahundant supply of :wholesome stores
another is an Coos; an island s011titt'eSt of the die. be frsom iyee to ten Inthee broad and
-erleil with tie:lien:0 in the at the moment 1 -en the. expieler lattlikY of young bees;
, trict of Coria. ie .A.sie .Minor. Rhodes; re. teal e eras long. Bound lits own
e r , ' ttenneht,
I. 'The 'Voyage, 1-9. ;at Cecitiaree ifei days, ;lust ltehme
Vs. 1, 2, Gotten from them (eee Potteeetto rr" ern Judaea; that is, from
ch. 20: 36-38); "torn from their ern- XerusUlent, or its ueighletrhood. A
bisace," says one luterpreter; a pain- - :Atgabus- See
1 d citff It * t• n Launched- ch, 11: 28. look Paul s girdle; the
lands and feet. Such symbolic, net
/ who watched -the fetes of the two in the combs, and the third is a great islauti due south of Coria.
Vetd •*- thx'estarc ehoeen Seouts would like to meet quete protection from the eold. The of Luit. A ship
the' them. Speech was im essilde to late Doma ca 1/ 3rStMi ti IW I' wezt erossiog over
fdra4 ' • i (Rev. *Ver.); a largem
r eechantman,
:tee ei- if disastrous vening
ttredtto. te Vete:ea:lee , them; they simply stood end beamed Si len, who recently met his death by; iliSiX110. of hug:011g the coast,
were often env:loved hy prophets in
Pataraateeseaport rather to the south-
in 2. e I:it rite steetl he paneled wn,h etraw -----Erreet, standing before 4 .in drowning, a. buLeten published re -as the voeagere had int o been o -
the Old T'eetamer.t, 1 Kings 22; 11;
Isa. 20: 2; Jr, 13: 1, Titus saith the
Holy Ghost; who gave to the pro -
;bets their reveletiett, 2 Pet. 1; 21
e .
'V. 12-. ee f 's -
e reehere.1 ,t144.1r ni tri ttraw 01' era. te. chimeey. chart, outlitied to them the relit° cently, sap; that, as the 1' their ers are' ing in eir ernaller vees$ 14We; thaoPaulcom
el, wee going
rany. ; .'e
el, pin hae Bleck laelr* of potetoes and bleed,. whieh the Queet would follow. more coneistent in Canada, if these to stand atraight aoross the open sea. ‘edearce. TheYl.Vitat do the diselpes beitmye? (Rev'ing to.
• ;
eretier et eptekine cf telneette are due to lack ofl Both of the Quest's eabin boys are points are observed, bees winter hot-ilTnt°: 141ealeia; ttlie -strip Of coast .
Why do eou unnerve and umnan
co...te • . "1 0.7:::g, irt till' F: .1';;P wenn. ...north of Palestine.
' r ien- d• e'atituP tf oil ztuth fr hit tlle Ireeti Patrol Leader .N. E. Mooney, aged or in the Southern States. When cold ' '
; from the north a Scotland. They are; ter in this country than in Englanui
V 3. Discovered; sighted a sailor's The?' 1 Itill ready, etc. _"To hint who
. :ht.?. AXIir.p.' veep should tete pleee1seventeen, Kirkwall Orlatey
• • weather sets in the:L'eee gat lea in a up out of the sta. •
word, Mara
lly, "huvin•g made to 'rite is PEePored," teays Bengel, "the burden
28 kept lerilitig7hZ, an!I; III' tla:red caue Into;
petatt-te, ix -iv fteen estiteldrd to one F,:trrit'e the yr:atter in such trash.4 eighteen, Aberdeen, " to all. Colonies that are net strong *11 i Cyprus; the island formerly 'vitited
give the 'exact delaila ,of the trip.
Luke 13 careful
datobey the rimer vtnee. He was reedy
apeeatine. :en' dt f. he. a :dee wle rt the peel:met:1,y in the garden. Many fuagli, Patrol Leader J. W. F. tlarr, aged elueter, front which warneth ematteitiS4to
to die for the Lord's select The will of
half de -say -el, 211 ege r' (1 keetVill Sanitiition is the gardener's greatest', Young. Mooney, before he knew he. the fail should be puttogother so thatt by Paul. and Barnaltas cie 13: 4. he L rd. In P uVe detre they saw
I had been chosen, gave the following, each hive contains enceigh beee to Unto Syria. (Rev. Ver.). 'So the Roman t ? a - * * t au
at.nh. to reale. a tennil The heat fromiproteetion. the divine nr ose -Minh the could
' the di-se:teal tuliera eft:Imes destweysl In the field sanitation is obtained bY, reasons for \visiting to go with the ex- crowd over at least tetight combs of proviete was Rented which included - P 11 • • t'
ct oppose.
tbeef thoze remeinIng. Sueht crop iettation. Those who followed/ pedition; Lan nth size before the weather -is - den • t • .e,
Tyre was one of the enact Ports of
PI icia At Tyre to unlade. a
wiii uot sprout and 'produce. 1 beats with beetle h thi eh
, ave s year ero, whether in difficult or orclinogy Clover honey fel are exoeulent wintelit ig,
, • . Phoenicia,
4. Having found the •disci le
a•nd a very a.ncient city-: ' . _
P. s rlages; Rev. Ver. "baggege." The
Vs. 15 17 W too : u o car
III. The Arrival, 15-17.
telietth inay lotik ell right bet ther cern with corn, beets with beets, ori The pleasure of serving a British cold enough forgeluetering elosely.
'Pei bast resulte pey you to. found that disease has been one im-
(Rey, \relate looked them up: they tistruee between 'Caesarea end Jer-
sated your seed petatixte fit the f:d1, portant factor in their farming. .A.side would be a small company in -a largo esalein was about sixty mike, and
and to store them -in small well-ifrom its relations to eon fertility, crop city. Tarried . . . seven days. Ra,ree.ey ettet that the journey we .
ventilated corer:tint:merits; this rule/rot:1ton is 'necessary to avoid disease The ship must have been a large one taken on horseback. The usual belief '
ItoTds good Whether you expeat to ' inteneifieation. to require this time for unloading and is, that the trip wa's made on foot.
the taking • ith a fresth earg°. Said Mnason of Cyprus,. an early (Rev.
Seed Cleaning
The demand for the well finished,
Milk fed, crate fattened, chicken has
&ways been in excess of the supply
and where this eendition exists, it
goes without saying, that the price
must be enticing or attractive to the
'• Importance. In view of the decrees- perly care for and market the seed
evate should be placed in some rough grower that his farm returns be main- , Organization. The agricultural Pail} in Jerusalem. Their love moved Jerusalem Brethren received us glad -
invited them to his home, now itt
neo,th to catch the droppings: The be, net curtailed. , .' diseeples the sufferings that a -waited iaita
shelter, preferably, where most of the tained by inereased yields per acre; -society, instead of haudling the pro- them to *hold him hack; his senee -of
(Oetanare affectionate greetings.
ly; liaste-ning to Mnasoine, house with
light eau be excluded when the birds The value per bushel ma,y decreaset pesition itsetit might properly en- duty' bade him go ferward.
from the ground, and some absorbent in prices of farm products generally, produced. thes compete , so ch. 20: 22, 23. Should hot set foot in
e •tioni . through the Spirit:
See als° Ver.) disciple; pecrheps, one of the
converts of the day of Penteeost He
au& aehes or sand spread under- that the be/tents' of such competitions (Rev. Ven)., 'The spirit showed. these
e Impel an e had niet Paul's eampany at Caeemee
it is of increasine t c to the •
are not feeding. but if more bushels are grown teethe eourage the competitors to organize eh 90: 92 23 ) Application.
being placed in the acre, the total returns' from the crop an ,association of thebt own for elem. seven days of v. 4. We departed, eta , Don't be A diSTOUrtiger. Friencla US
V... 5. 'Ae'com.plished thosetdays; the
Vermin. Before
crate, the birds s'hould be well dusted do not deerease in the some rronor- ing and marketing their Registered pate refixes to yield to the persua, /well as foes threatened to relax the
with fine sulphertion, and this points to the ,neeessite, Seed. Where the local ,elevator is sions of the Tyria..n disciples, because resolution of St Paul. Well -meant
ferret' and systematic farmer, who Feeding. They should be stare -ea during a period of deflation of„prices, owned by a farmers' co-operative 's.': he hears the call af -duty. Brought us ' peesimistic talk still does the cause
prepares, his pralnet for market, in for 24 hours and then fed only spar- of paying particular attention to the sociation, or where there is a• co- on our way; reluctant to part from of Cod a deal of harm. The folk, of
the most econotnited and attractive ingly for the first tiff° dans, gradually quality of the seed sown In spite of operative association in existence, the the apostle, and •grieved because he the 'churches may be divided into two
going to face eertain danger. :classes,—the hearteners and the
manner. and who reaps his reward in increasing the quantity, up Jill the the fact that the uee of better seed seed cleaning and••marketing might Wa8
ert enhanced priee and a ie id'. de- third diy. when the troughs should in increasing yields. per acre is self- advantageously be added to such bust- (Rey. Vet) . A level valet ler ch 'waready to believe that hard things
ward ee whe to oerbe kept filled until they settle down evident, for a large peoportion of the nessThe Department will assist in (such as the Creel: - word de crie
V. 6. Kneeling . . Olt the beach ,heartem:elters. The hearteners are al -
The marketing a lean S2raggy and refuse to take more. tacreage •sown to grain crops in the forming such organizetione. extends for a considerable distance on :ways say that the task is too great
ibThe heart-melters al -
!ys can be done .
fhnt hes ff. '.
chickens, straight off the range, al- Feed twice a day, with as long ani province, seed cleaned with the hand . Costs. If seed cleaning machinery both sides of the site of ancient Tyrejend cannot be achieved. 1.Vhen the
le•,vs hut a emelt profit, or pessthle- interval between feeds as possible fanning mill only is used. This is only is needed the east is nominal, A Prayed; those who were to eemain Forward Movement Fund Was launch-
: • pretit at all, end is decidedly un- tommeneurate with light, and ine. laegely due to the fact that seed power cleaner can be purchased' for and those who were to go, commend-1ea, many had misgivings and express-
, ---fe.e.cry to the f:a-mer, the dealer in&Jately remove oe empty toughs cleaned with suitable seed cleaning about $500 and unevards. A email lag
fend protection .of the Gott who would Ole name of the Lard Jesus we are
one another th the loving cacreltZi them. But the stalwarts said "For
-. machinery' is not easily available, and gasoline e.naine 'will run the maichine
e ' ' be with them all. The farewell is in 1 ready." During the Sciutte African
it , ‘ -'..f.,. consumer. after feeling. If possible, darken the
e tensumer is glade:41Y realizing crate anti leave birds quiet till the'
next fee,d.
• he is the greatest loser, as the .
(t. and waste 'from the unfinished Ration. A satisfactory eaten
eleaen, ts the same as from the well should be eeceptionally palatableeand
one that -will produce the whitest and
f: eared bi'rd. In the first condition . ,.
L1 ---
to the fact that heretofore commercial Added to this is the 'cost of purch•at, many. ways like the scene at Miletus,
quantities of tegistered seed have not, ing or renting a small building, and, but without tbe same intimacy. The
been produced in the province. of course, engaging a ' competene acquaintance here had been short.
adorted.Gircurnstan:ces. First—Assist- oPeraten If a more ambitious plan iS "Thedecones are familiae, and yet how
2.1.1Te is given by the Ontario Depart- decided upon the' Department is pre- different Such touches of .diversity
this waste matt run to fifty or sixty , finest texture of flesh, in the Shortest fitent of, Agriculture towarcl the est Dated to furnish oufline"cl
.s of plans of b
an lcsenivbnliateneees cho ul cle •Ibveengtivoennbooanz
per e.einr. of the. whole carcass, while Period.. Foe this purpose, finely tablislunent of seed cleaning centres. build:in suitable far .elevatang -hrid Je,
i eyeship (Rev. -‘,3`er.). The shows
in the fattened hird it will not exceed ground oats, mixed with, sour, Skim- This :assistance takee the form of limning, and for cleating and hancilm
g' :that it was the sante ship .n1 which
thirty per cene med milk or buttermilk.; to the con- loans to co-operative associations graan and grass seeds. The mete.* theist had conie from Ty -re.
Tht,s eondnzinst tnenome, ami the • sistancy of than porridge, so that it which undertake to instaR and operate such plants, ''' of course, vary -with the
. Vs .7 9 Ptolemais:. thirty •miles
. • ,
improved texture and delicate flavor 1 voill pour into the troughs IS best suitable seed cleaning machinery and size of the plant and the ;local condi-
of the meat, of the milk fattened' If a quicker gain ire:weight is de- •if necessary market the cleaned seedtons.
chIckent, has ereatei an unlimited de- i esred, corn meal or buckwheat flour To any co-operative • asecelation or Demonstrated. The beeeficial re-
ma.nd at home and abeoad. It is maY be added, but it Must be remem- .0o -operative company. the, Go', ern- sults from the installation of a power
therefore, well worth while to consideebared, that the addition of either to ment loans up to fifty per cent. Of the oleady ner have 'alrea' been demon-
the following simple method of fatten -1, save tini,e, is at the expenee of "tett- value of the peoperty upon, ,whieh the etrated. At Cottani, in Essex Comayt
tare" ire the i
finsh of thfl
e i .
ing when it is time to Market, either ' . . loan is based, but -no loan to any one seeh a pleat is n operation in conned-
war this telegram came from Lady-
smith, "A civilian hes been sentenced
by 'court-martial to a 'year's implies *-
meet for causing despondency." Ti
man struck trio blow for the enemy.
He was not intentionally dieloyale but
wherever he wentthis in.outh dripped
diecoura:gement. He woe breakine
down the morale of the men. He wet
doing harm and the eourtmartial did
perfectly right. Happy is that church
smith of Tyre, a dey'e sag. It Was whos.e pessinnets flue -limes!
food anicl buckwheat honey has been refrigerathi,, using weed oonstruction
*found satisfactocry whore buckwheat fotreezerelditatieete of metterials.
.flourtelleg. Dandelion. beaten eie, titt-ti„The .plteatpitAt, matOdal, as well as
wholesome and the Nit -feed llie• iteettl to*,e4tiefoctory,een. to be the
enaple'digtrildt Atittritrlyftip 'titg:tdeitittigred of some clan of
matietiedeyeteestertngeteave/tepeitisenef smeemiry; either stone concrete, or
granulated sugar into one of boiling tile, or :combinations o'f these mate-
twatee and aillettoett to 000l if :gee:en to riele: The structuee is then banked
the bees about the middle of Septeen- up on the ends and. eldes, or even
ber ow a little later, will afford. them. tbe. rocf, width. earth, eince a layer of
thne to cap over most of the eirtip earth is a cheap means of maintain -
while the weather ts yet Warm and Mg an evennemperature.
te consume sufficient to Iowa an area The essentials of a, cel
of empty eetlis in the lower part of the tar are drainage; yentilation, insula
middle combs for the winter cluster, ton, and a proper amount of mole
The s.yrup should be given M feeiclees ture. A cellar I saw the other day
placed in the hives. A tenepound is con•structed of native field; stone
honey pail with small holes puttcleed built up in era form and covered with
in the lid land placed upslie down aver earth, The entrance doctrway is to
the combs melee a convenient feeder. NOTalairtalikialicte;rtvh,eavit-taftienr:sfiaueivs,estareibuolec
Bees.ean be pretectect tfrone dold out of
doors in oases filled with pack* brick construction. As the cellar is
reateelat, or indooes in the 'eellaa., carried clown' a few steps below the
avitawe the , temperature should; be surrounding attaide• a &lain is Pro -
about 42 degrees end not exceed 50 vided to carry off seepage water that
degrees F.' The bulletin c:ontains might find its way in during wet sea -/t4
'illuserations of bees wintere.d: at the sons. The earth floor heads moisture, •
Ottawa Experimental Faem fettle and insures the vegetables againet
colony emote beeides adeal .of essential shriveling.
Infos-relation that eannet be gathered The bin floors are raised a few
large or small queettities of poultry. .The addanon of corn to the ration
Crate Feeding. Crate feeding has, Nyll1 put on fat, but in some markets a
proved the most satisfactory methode fattehleken will be accepted as equal
of preparing poolta-y for market withetta 'the -best fin.ished poultry.
the exception of brodiers, turkeys and The fattening period wilt vary feom
aseeciation to exceed $3,000. The loan tion With a faerameowned elevator,
is without interest for.two years and 'and the memberretstate that the pur-
at six per cent. :thereafter. ,It is re- chase of the cleaning machine lid'
Panable one-hett tie five years, and Proven to be ?tie •bast and wises•t act
one-half in a further period Of five 112 eonnectioifeesiali their business. At
waterfowl, which are usually panet,10t 'ales to 3 weeks and th,e gains years' with the privilege of tepaying Lnittlen,'a prittate idivtdun1 per_
side:red to do better in limited penswill he, from 1 lb to 3 lbson good at any time This leap. is 'also; avail.- &lased ,a cleaner and this spring
Construction of Crates.. The large. robust Chickens, that have been ca,ret
Metal commercial haete-ries,, fuRy fed.
ua:ed where great numbers are atrail-1 As it is pos-sible to put on a pound
able, can be purchased, butfor home, of gain to 3 to 4 pounds of grain con -
Thee, orates nen be made measuring, sumed, plus sour skimmed milk, it is
about 6 feet long, 1.0 inches wide and eastr to see that the suoc.essfild fat -
20 inches high, divided by tw-o eight' telling of poultry is a profitable
partitions into theee .compartmental tmdertaking.
each capable of holding four birds of
from 4 to 6 pounds each.
erbe items, of 2 meh by 1 inch Despite the easier feeling in the
material, tis covered by slats I irich/ feed market, every precaution will
wide set 2 inehe.s apart and running have to be taken to prevent waste in
lengthwise on three sides andpetal feeding this winter or a shortage will
peraticular an ailttal
the front, to ow e! 'result-
tpittleketes to feed from a V shaped'
/trough, made from two pieces of 31 If you do net think it a ptivilege
by 3/2 inch boarde nailed together/ to have children and a place f Or them
tiind set on pratruding bradketa, so es i to play, try Dieing in a large city for
eto leave the bottom of the trough; a yam*. As for providing ehildeee
iigteaut 4 inches above the bottom of the with the nornial feed for growth,—
vette, and the upper edge _about 2 eggs, milk, creaan, good butter, fresh
illtoheis• freal the t're'at. fruit, vegetables and rdeatt---it passes
The bottom slats of the crate, the average city dweller's ability.
ehold be nailed on the dePer part of Thousands of people are out of work
frame, to PT event" InjurY to the in Termite, and the bread Lines in
clwirrs' feet eberuld the crate be other centres are steadily lengthen -
Stood upon the ground, The erates ing. To the discerning there is no
)illrimiult1 be placed on ste:nds 16 Indies need ,of pointing; the moral.'
able toward the -establishment of cleaned the gram for seeding 75 fume
potato warehousesand potato grad- in the district. At other points in the
ing and marketing associations: province power cleaners- have been in.
Second—Some fifty or more eget- stalled et are being installed and in
cultural societies in the province are, all instances the increased yield per
for the first time this Year, holding acre alone,, front the use of better
a 'combined Feld Crop. and Threshed seed, has :justified the 'smell expendi-
Grain Competition In each of these ture of money.
competitions, fifteen conteetants are Need: Five and a quarter neillion
growing a total of 75 acres of gram acres in Ontario are vown to grain
crops, and all competitors with but every year. Registered Seed cm these
'ane kind of grain of Registered Seed. five ,ansi a quarter million .acree would
Fifty sc.osietice with 75 aches each materially increase the wealth of the
'intal 3,750 acres for the peevince: . If individual farmers and of the
the -yields frora this acreage pees the vince. The opportunity- afforded ter
field and bin inspection for Registered the agricultural societies and th seed
Seed:, there will be .availiable for the producing districts should not be ne-
first time, Registeted Seed in, coin- glee/bed until" the seed is ready to har-
mercial quantities. vest, hut prepaelations shoiald be made
Btitt—,It is intportant that this Re- now to handle ;auk:meets:et to the beet
,gistered. Seed, should be propeelY advantage:
cleaned befere vale. only large plump The Co-peel:elicit and Markets
seed, as well as pure seed,' should be Branch ef the pepartnient of Agricul-
included in registered stock. The thee, Pa-eliaanent Buildings, Toronte,
hand farming ie not suitable for will be glad to give cusststenee to any
the purpose. Time agrieultural eocie- society or district in establishing seed
ties .00-nducting these eempetitions cleaning; *ants.
ehould, therefore, inquire as to the FIND OUT ABOUT THIS. IT IS
necessary steps to be ta.keri to pro- IMPORTANT.
into a brief space.
A Handy Root Cellar You.
Can Easily -Build.
Of tentimee in . re.glions where cel-
lars are imposSibte to locate under blie
hones, the upground cellar is resorted
to for the storage of fruit ,and vege-
tables. These cellars or storage
leoueee may be built in the foam of a
inches off the dirt floor, and the ben
walls are also indepentlent of the _side
walls. This secures better ventilation
for the stored products, ancl IS en
additional precautton against frost. ,
Hollow tile .and :concrete storage
cellars have boon built with stmeesis.
These materiels may ' be handled
eaelier than stone, end may be used in
a greater variety of conseruction. Work
than stens, owing to their ecieuptability
of sec.& rehttorcemente