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The Exeter Advocate, 1921-10-13, Page 7
Canada Fr©m Coast to Coast Dawson, Y T.-Teee gold yield in wenn ren. Abe number of pets o£ the Yukon Valley, including Cana-Ia bsrt-rieg animals taken in Miran and the United States territory,„ O.ar fe a in the season 1919-204. was for the xen=on cf 1921,, aggrega=ted 3,000 000, Th'r markets have been approa4neate_y $4,000,000, sac oreting' ee'tabl'i� hod gat Winnipeg and Montreal, to V. Richard: superintendent cf the, The l�^a:t fur e -le held in Montreal, Northern. Commercial poste of Al -A during the early part .of September, aska, Of tlele amount. $2,675,000 foams was 2. teme'ti e success, more than from Interior Alaska, 11,250,000 from one m'i''ien :'clee-s worth of furs be- the Yukon Territory, and $75,000 ing :void, abed beeers from all parts. of from Atkin, B.C. Hydraul=ic cpeea- the gibe a=ttending. tions around Dawson are shutting Toronto, .On}. ---The creation of a down for the season's general clean- re; n1.11 four yea' course in journelisnl up, plc ceding to the Bachelor's Degree Victoria, B.C.--The first modern de- is regarded Fs a practical certainty' vice fee dhrerileg steamers by Wire- in Tol'-nto, University' circles, as a re- less en thi. const has been erected •suit- cf OW success which has attended et T toe h, wee is now in operation.: the sheet experimental course of one rest It is e,aanle:l that this cortr:•once will week which coreluded recently, The si,eeet „Fees l fee lir a. fog as e' ily as new course !Co'l'd involve the found they amid fintheir way in broad teen of a ei err of journalism, but daylight. All shipping masters are a11i='t from the addition of this one anvitod to retie fall use of the ep 1"refezeor, it is net believed that any ! c� lraratta=', nsialera'ble staff would be required. Edmonton, Alto.. --A large tract ofQezeliee, Que.-No less than three ael:oa-e its juitetron wlt"h Gr=t Slave 11An'c'red Fi=ei.h-Canadian farnzhe3 Laky:, las been taker) up under oil h ave in the past aline months returned to ea c a hell . >'.f £ nal Anglo -r31, ricin from the New England States to the syndicate. Gra'ogis s who ammo.. Province of Q=.pence, according to the panic i tl: ca r.:.•rt ; party f¢,1 peal- Previneiel Deport rent et Cameleer - ow th t': oil 'aSi3 lira fauna in t17,, c;is- tion, which has circulated activer pro- trx;t, pig, n.,;a t tideend. Speaking of eolxlr::ration il: Qi'ehec tine 11lanister Pay.. Itvcr, Area.—',t re lv`ixrt?ll lral's steles that Chia had been the gaea*e^rt ° ° ilii far fame is not br.'ead on ail redone. y ear in the history- of the. province, The grain yield this year is exeepe For �a The funeral rocession, of Mrs. Blair, who was shot Burin BELFAST MOTS the recent 'Belfast riots. Neste the armoured cars in grown i Farrar lands In tho provinee as at, +w grow. Tom:stsi'.s and nu4unrizexs I.rve actually sold by the Department. grots proftia:an incl to c ce. sive Halifax, Nis- eparations are be.- uroportions. Cabbages four and a ing made for the resumption of their half feet in circumference are =rat evaporating laid ennning factories in hltlealitnle+n eel potatoes twenty tneizes the Ann;t.pelis Valley by the Graham's tong vied wctgh:ng more 13a:aa1 twwo Limited, Belleville, Ont., and opera - pounds encountered. tions are e;cpe ted to 'commence very. Regina, Saefle -Qn a seeded xs;re- shert1y. They propose, in addition to age of 10,863,000 acres, the wheat eveperating apples, tie make at All, yield of Saelcaatshtnvan this year is napolis Royal and Windsor, apple est,in::l cl by A. E, ,%!'sans Denim on syrup, apple butter, tipple eider, and Gra, ar Cowan! eiener, to La fourteen feepc're jelly, ixa addition to their bush^.is to the z.;ae,, realsing 145,082,- ping operations gat Berwick. 000 1n _bo;se.• Following an 3r1eetiga--Charlottetown, P.E.S. At ticugh; tion of the crops in Alberta; made tlw entellest province in Canada, evtthin the rest two weeks at the re- Prince Edward bland, 1, with one school quest cif the governnient Mr, Wilson to every 4.6 square n ilea, las pleb- plaeei the nggrega*.e wheat peed for ably ne ro schools in relation to its that previnee at 45;000,000 bush.O.e. ' oixe than nun, other pro u're in the Winnipeg, Man. ---The ProA•3rree of Dom'nion. The island is eovered,with. ManitcC4 will lac repree r.' ed at the sn .s?l villages; in each of which is. Royal Agricult:zral and Dairy Show, found o. :drool with two or more to be held in I,ondan, England, dur- Teams. At the last survey, conducted ing (heeler. I ntzieea have been maido by the educational sta•istics branch for butter tel::lilts from Shead Lake of th,o. Dourini.n Bureau of Statihtiee, and Crteetalit creameries. The the nun13,4r• of iohexols on the ieland C anxadiaan Pscific Railway will look wee 476, with 593 departaaents. rafter the 'th import .:tic:n and display St. Johns, Nfcl.--eLoi i 'Northcliffe, of thcr provincial shiprttawn:ts, mn:1 ¢it tho English. publisher, has bought' conclu len of the show will exhibit three:hued-reel :3tar.3 wf eieeiee timber-, at their London office, lap=is• a a the Conception. Bay distriet (Ottawa,. Ont. -Over twenty million of Newfoundland, from Joseph Seward. dollars worth of pelts were taken dur- of Glace Bay, N.S. he purchase ing 1919-20, showing that the price was $50,000. Lord Northcliffe fur -b earlog a.rjisnal is • one of the requires the tirnber for wood pulp rlxoett importiant of Canada's re- for alas paper mills at Grand: Falls. • PROTECTING CANADA'S PARKS Fires .Are a Constant Danger' to the National grounds, Canada's national parks are her beauty shots, veleuted from aur great, area of lard *wing to posee.eeing Sea-' tures wbo1 will supply the needed; reetfulnesa to the tired urban resident, while at the came time providing opa portuniti-es for fa eir:.s'txig outiln r re•' creation. To fulfil this quaalificstian' one of the chief es:,,:r.: Nita are the, toren, eore. t.ry,,, of almost every 1 need for carefulness has been provided for through alntoe t. ever pc s. biri elgennel. There ikl an old eayir.g that marching g tlhe pocket of A man is the quiek. ,t way to secure re nl•t e, This hate been accomplislie4 by means of a ouven'r po:^kcf: charm. Notice of atlnro; t every coy eeivable kind attract 'atteatian. The renter:a?wt is aupplted1 with a ti.rtahi:+d notice. The smoker variety of tree l r awn in Canada, Anis a fire warn ng en his reate1r°,.a`oac, That these feeceted pleas may re-` and to applied with a spare ar- taint their attraetireeetes c ret tutee roster ter Ids pipe, The hunter re - one of the chief worries of the Dornan- -Nivea fire tinning by a notice an ion Parks Brant% of the Department •anummitien CaltaialS, end the canapes• of the Interior et Ot:r,wn. Teauriits and cesa"er$ are eraveibially care- less; it tikes littio to start a. fire dur- ing dt7 .;:assns as, in feet, aln:o t any time, owing to the dcbtas of dead loaves nr.;i falling br re::13e ; fires tlarefore, be prevented. Dur- ing the pa:t sencn; 47 fires aecurreed in the Netiena1 Perks, of which 28" wore date to touri.-ts and campers and; 10 to railways. These fires cost the Parks Branch $8,107 to extinguish. Tho railways generally are required to protect the forests. along their rights-of-way. This is efteeted lug* by patrolmen, 'wire, either by means of velocipedes, power speeders or on foot, cover their districts twice a clay. A repre.entative of the Parks Bivaneh 'acts as fire inspector in each park. Education of peek vioitora to the Germany Re-establishing Mercantile Marine A despatch from Berlin says:. -Germany to date has bought back from England fifty of the vessels that were surrendered originally under the treaty of Versailles, according to an of- ficial announcement. These ships are from 20,000 to 1,000 tons displacement. About forty German steamship lines are in- volved in the purchases. The total tonnage bought back so far is 150,000. The German newspapers greet this news and the announcement that further purchases are ex- pected as the most important factor in the recreation of Ger- many's future mercantile ma- rine. • Thirty-five Volunteer For Blood Transfusion A de,_'ra,tch from Ottawa says: -A story of "greater love" Was told at meeting klvre of the management of the Hoene for Fx,iendleets Woman. One oftth.�oise living in the home be- came seriously ill and was scent to a local hospital. The only hope fcir her reoove'ry was by transfusion cf brlaod'. Every gine of the .$5 .women liv- ing in the =h'om'e voluntee=red, and the first trti nefuussbo'n has been made. Ron. John Storey, Premier of New South Wailes, islinide Apnea,, 1920, is dead. He was for many ,years Labor lea=der in Austtra lia. EXTEND RURAL CREDIT TILL FALL OF 1922 Manitoba Farmers' Notes To - tailing Million Dollars to be Held. A deepatch from Winnipeg .yst. - •Rauial cred;rt wtactee e of M:anit'otiba will be forced to extend time far pay- nicrt• lef $1,000;000 of farrnere' notes until next fall, roc ed:mg to inferma- tiion Cbtz21ned here, Total outsttand- . ar.�g loans of the societ.,mcs amount to $2,600,000. It is expected $1,500,000 of the Inane evall be .co'lleeted this fall, and, new notes reteabie in 1922 evile bealo- cepted for the balance. Exesee1ve l'"0:113,• which held up the 1hreseeng opevetdoria amid lowered rr.,es of gram and Hive stock, are the relations the societies are unable to maks full col:in-tiara this fall. • Towed Vessel., 1,200 Miles in Rough Seas A fee -spatial from Bo=ston rlaiye:- What :hipping men said was the longest tow en recent record came to an end here Matte cr Thua,sdtay when the steamer Monroe brought to port the steamer Oskaloosa, after a voyage of 1,200 analis, ma=rke=d by many drays •of roug=h weratiher. Both aware Unlited States Shipping Boarrd vessels and have been a month at sea. The Alternative. He: (peaking poor headway) -"Will nothing induce you to change your mind and marry?" She -"Another man might." finis a the prevention mitaa sena' beto his tar, axe on his axe is pasted a fire a- n aria... la3sel. 8 If the tourist wishes to aide oe • drive he wilt find a metal notice at- tached t-tched to the ruins, to the. d, ?i lbaar.1 and to the. back of the .matt. Recognizing the value of foreet pro- tection from a purely tinencialt stcan;i- point Cane -Han manufacturers ha,:ve co-operated heartily wth the Do- minion Parks Branch in 'thei:c educa- tion31i campaign -3,, The 1;i'ep a of Canada hwee an as- eet of in alcu,able. value in the forests Within their nationalparks, raid,. while the officials in charge of the work of protection ore dedng every- thing in their power, if the parks are to be a eontihauous source of onioy-� meet the public must do t=heir part. New Postmaster General Hon. I. G. Belley, K.C., of Quebec, who is the Postmaster General in the new Meighen Cabinet. Severe Storm Sweeps Over Ancient Colony A despatch from 'St. John's, Nfld., Days :-The severest storm in many ye=ars swept- the is hand on Theraday night, causing great damage on land, and destroying much fiehetry peoperty along the coast. A heavy toltt among the fishing vnaseels on the seaboard and 'the Labrador coast was feared. One woman wale electrocuted here by fail=ing light wires, anidl.three other person=s 'were ,seriously injured!. 4 Mrs. Jean Bap1ieh Povier .diets at is mentioned as far back as the the age of 103 at Sherbrooke, Que. twelfth century. University Standards. The Provincial University has come menced the se+z.7ion of 1921-1922 with a record enrolment he the First.Year and this in spite, of the feet that higher entrance requirements ore now in force. Indeed, the raising of standards seams to act as a •atimulue to intending students. Oeeoa onaily some people get the idea that the raising cif .,on':,rance standards makes for exeiuzdvenass in a unatersity hut, unlessthe* exclusiveness of brain power is meant, such cannot be the case. By keep e g its feta at the present moderate figure and by gradually in. - its aeadeinuc requirements the University of Toronto is exhibit- ing the true spirit of democracy. To demand Honour Matriculation for en- trance, ntrance, ae wall, no doubt, soon be done, will mean that prospective stud=ents will remain omtx year longer at the local colleg=iate institute, that they will be fox one more year under parental ,st petrVision, and that they will come to the University more mature and better equipped to take advantage of the benefits of higher education. The)ate are the motives that actuated theiautleerities making the change. High=er standard=s result in a .better type of student and, as this year's experience would indicate., in. a greater number of students. The prestige of it;he degrees of Ontario's Provincial University is absolutely unexcelle=d on this continen=t. Skating with bones tied to the feet a Poppy Day on -November lith A despatch from London says: Co],` John l\rcCr ac's poem, "in Fiander's Fielcls, suggested to Lord dais the organization of Poppy Day on Noember i Ith, in aid of various schemes for the benefit of ex -service men of all ranks. Lord Haig is President of the i3ritish Legion, which helps both officers and men, and he used. the Canadian poet's words as a message of inspira, tion to all the workers in the vast scheme to be launched next month and will be signalized by the placing of a gigantic wreath of poppies at the foot of the cenotaph in 4 �lutehall. "The better part of every =elm's odueat.lon is that which he gives hire -s self, and it is for this that .a geed' library should furnish the opportunity' and'. the means." -.lames Russell; Lowell. BALFOUR TO HEAD - BRITISH DELEGATION Premier Finds it Impossible tQ Attend. ,Arms Conference at Washington.. ' A despatch atch from Lowden says: ' Mr. Lleyn.".Q.eaz e, stated iknoFtely that it.would -be .inupeaaib1e T4 -,,,r 11:im ' to attend the W3,shiegtece conference, in a telegram he sent to the Amte,s- eader at Washington!, wh'i It a qu `.ei • by the Me_lbeiixraa (Aux trw(1?a) cor- : respondent of- 'tl;• Lerman. Tinge as having been read by Pren .er Hughes in the House of Itepreeerit,etives. The Prime 11na ster's a.;ew, es fur:her .jet forth in the to egra>n, wan thet the British delegatZen s'heed ewe_et of Mr. Balfour and two ethers. •The correspenrent ,re.iele thr.t Pre, tinier Hughes eeed 'cue of the crams was the First Lor -d cf the Arreee-ty, but the third none lid rat Item. reineal muse lie heed eta ye, c.., :'c , 3 to Igo. Aocord`ng to lite Prime Alia trr'a teem= n o the .F m reser.`+ r, :.«;.a the correspondent, it was air a ee at 1 e Tweet bice rr at Gvnfe'reciee -hat His Meje-n..: s thev�r. en'n-' rpl-t Fll'Atrad r e 5 : 'e Y tee.' wr. :.? J1 erne -«1 at the StE , :igt .n col:fee .we, but the Gay Fc r i eTtt now evote prefer to ar:luae t xo r'. ear rPea p r.it rias ,-w. 51r. I,' .;I Geerga eel!.e1: "It wcf be ins, pcee;bie f. nee to attend,. as Iles come ' ferer;ao :s slice to be proo'cr1' ed, said so weeny ratters d:. rand nay alis lion in Erg'zird, September Busy Month ht Grain Market A deepatab from Winnipeg says:-- Fifty per cent. mere of the Weete n Camila grain'er rp zrraa nr:'srketei year d=uring SrtittInber than in 1920, accwrding• to fix urea : ewer by tb,1 C`,er,Ad#xra Pa &14 Rel w. y, Declog September 20,7715 care of ,ge.ilii we:o draipeeted in Winnipeg, coup arer1 with 13,092 die September, 1920. The first wore er. piar7daa:.t in the world i 1-e fir Sterwa "Mee S,:sir, :Inas ar A,. ay4:an, with a Western Educe - Wee, ivha 413.3 been eheceast by her fele ir3^"•4"S>'. et jerten fiFr t `3 !feeder of the Azeyelan xia:?en, The Aeteeriaus are Chrr_t;hrs an.. are .^.n:or.g the moeb "adveneeir cf Orier:ta:s, w; rn n h air- in a greet veiee in their r ecu n2V . Weekly Market Report Toronto. peeled gal., $2.50; per 5 iraaperital ga»ss;,. Man'i'toba wheat -No. 1 Northerny $2Z j,, i:aplu sugar, lb., 10 to 22e, $1.26, nominal; No. 2 Northern, 5- 60 and 80-Pouna this, 14Ve 31.24%, nominal; No. 3, 331.21!5, to 15c per .b.; 5 and 2% -lb. thee. 16 homin,s3. to 17n per lb.; Ontario combaor.ey, * o. �latrttstiplta oats--- .e. O.W-, 490, No. 8 O,W., 46%e; extra. No. 1 feed, 46350; No. 2. feed, 431%. DMonttoba. barley -No. 8 0.W„64e. per inz 33.75 to $4.50. I'o 'baea-Pei• 90 Ib. bag, $1.75 to 31.90. Smoked rneatts - Barns, medium, $3 Al!. the above track, Bay ports." 35c; hvy, 24 to 26c; cooked, 50 American rjarnr-No. 2 yo'llew, 60c, 34 521; lIs, 27 to 28c; conga re1:s; marginal, Bay portal 30 iso Ilea breaikfaast laaicon, 33 37c; Qntaree oats -No. 2 white, 41 to speer i bralyd breakfast irrzcarii, 42 to 480. 4ue; banks, boneless, 42 � 47c.. Ontario wheat -No, 2 Winter, per OU menta -..Lang el'eriuc bacon, 13 car lot, 31.15 to $1;20 No. S. winter, 21c; clear beila'es, 181,n tea 20i e. $1.12 to $1.17; Na. 1 eommnercial,. Lixd--Pure, tierce~, 1.3 tar 1'11:x; $1.05 to 31.10' No. 2 Spriing, $1.08 to ; tubs+, 18?# to 19e; pairs, 19 i.o ] 9 $1.13; No. 3 piing, nonlanal. prairsee, 21 to 22e. Shortening. ti'rtes. Barley -No. 3, extra, 60 to 65c, ago 13r, iso 14he; tubs 1411 to 15e; pal.,., cord'ing to freighte outside. i4 to 1oj.e; prin=ts, 164. to 1714e, Cf', Buckwheat --No. 2, 85 to 90c. Choice heavy st �rt�, $h to +, 5 . 2 a, R.ye-No..7., 151,00, butchersteers, choice, $5.75 to 36 ,50; Manitoba flour ---First patents•, $4+'to $5; d$'a., 5 to $5.75; 5. r.,, t$3.50medium, 38.50; second patents, $8.00, Terce^to. batci*.,e,$o do., a, 11:^,ice, 5.50 to, $6; Ontario flour -35.60, bulk, seaboard. b170 chars cows chok=e. 81.aii to $6.50; M 1 treed --- Delis etned, Montreal do medium $'3 to $4- c ,mere area $26.frei00;r shorrts,n r on, .QPel. goad meters, to $4; a1 to o+com on, 32 is'geed, feed flour, $1.70 to $1.80. feeders, good, 900 poures. 35 t..$v5.75; Baled Flay -Traci: Toronto, per ton, , No. 1, 323.00; No. 2, $21.00; mixed, do., fair, $3.75 to $4; n- .e As, 380 to $1$.00, $100; ringetc , 890 to 3100; c.,1ve.. Straw -Oar ic=es $11.00, track, Tor- e% el1.50 to 313; e.74,ee -:a,n, $9 no. to $10; ,da., caznm,ona $3 1,3 w 5; taints, O1ree;,e'-New, large, 20 to 21e good, $8 to $8.25; do., cowmen, 35 to twi0001 201y'y toe 21% c; triplets, 223 tto $5.550; cheep, choice, $3.50 e $4; do., doe heavy and 28e. Old, large, 27 to 28c; twee bond, 3 to $ 3.50;, fed ani watered, uerccl, 271,, to 29c; triplets, 29 to 29%c; 39.50; db., off „cams, $0.75; do., f.t'.b., Stal,t m, new, 23 to 24c. Butter -Fresh dairy, choice, 33 to 36c; creamery, prints, fresh, No. 1, 42 to 43c; No. 2, 30 to 40e; cooking, $8.75; do., country perk -2'e, 58.50. Montreal. Oats, Canadian western, Na. 2, 55 to 55%c; do., No. 3, 54 to 54%c. LG to C. Flour, lean. Spat h>rg wheat patents, Dres's'ed poultry -Spring ehnc1oeme, fiesta, 38.30. Rallied vats, bag 90 lbs., 30c; reeeters, 20c; fowl, 28e; duck- $8.10 to 33.20. Bram, .$24.25. Shots, Eve, 30 to 35c; turkeys, 50 to 60c. $26.25. Hay, No. 2, par ton, car lots, Liine poultry-Sprihir. chickens, 20 bo 28e; roeeslters, 16e; fowl, 20 to 27c; ducklings, 25c; turkeys, 50,e. 1Mlargaaine--22 to 24te $27 ba $2$. Cheese, finest .esrstterna, 163 to 17c. Butter, chtolcestt'cne3atm+ery, 37 to 373.'c, Eggs, selected, 45c. Eggs -No. 1 stora1e, 44 to 45e Geminate and light butchers' cattle, edtect storage, 50 to 52c; now laid. 33 to $4 per cwt.; ,good cattle, $`l; etratigbt, 56 to 57e; new la=id, in car- canners, $1.25 to 31.50; Bo°jngrja, bu'BLs, tons, 58 to 60c. - 32.25 bo 33. Calves, grassers, 32.50 Beans - Canad=ian, hand-picked, tb $3; heavy veal 'call , 35 to $7; bus=hel, 34.25 to 34.50; pa.+inters, 33.75 good milk -fed veal, $9 to 310; lambs, to $4.00. $7 to 38. Hogs, ,s'electe'd, $9.50 to Maple products -Syrup, per inn- $9.75. GAN Ari`{ Bo`! t1J -tee 5 C.t_Ass leeiseam A B`RD `tiaP�`r 15 Roki.1 .T(Nc'I' 2/ r REGLAR FELLERS --By Gene Byrnes \JHit,r Ki ND BIRD Mi4NT ` 1-1-e "tt-UsT W As -TrlE. N1140.. - Or (DOR. c4( AN' ).,'• cA•r -CoPse.`i I OBeLe.te • £; ea tees 1 1 1 4 r 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 a 4 4 4 4 4 i 1 411 a 4 . rt a 1 a 4 1