The Exeter Advocate, 1921-10-13, Page 1THIRTY --FIFTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY OCT. 13, SANDERS $t CRE",CH Our Corner It has been. suggested' that every body wear a poppy on Thanksgiving Day, Nov, 7, in honor of Armirdiate Day, which is the Fr-iday.. following Thanksgiving, 4.40 12r. S. W. ralacintyre, London; giwres the following -guess as to how 'the poittieel parties will stand in the next Phone 81a TAMAN'S • For All Kinds of Men's Wear W. W. Taman Tailor& Furnisher house, --Torres 107, Grits 71, Farm- ers 42, labor and independent 14, The .provisional directors: of the in,tlerna' ona1 • bridge to connect Dee trait and Windsor, thea longest bridge in the world, m;et in, Detroit on, Frt-i day last. Aeoording wo the prelim:-; inary estimates the bridge will be redly for traffic, including street cars,'. early in 1924. The "Deck" for railway traffic, however, will not be complet- ed for another year, The American' Transit Company, of Detroit, and the Canadian. Tratwsi.t Company of Wind- sor will reKct the spm - Three candidates ,have rLow been chosen to contest The riding cif ' outh Huron pa the app:oachina De- nt:nton election, which wile likely take ap}ade tha first 'week in December. Tbos. eleadiaan ,for the. Liberals. Win Black tor the U. FP .O„ and J, %J. ;tier-' nee for the National Liberal-Conserva- tiwes--all farmers -o that in any event the farming interests should be look- ed after. South Huron, th,a,s the repu- tation of holding clean and manly el - actions and •we lgrust this one will be no :exeaptton tto the rule. It i„s per- sistently reported that air. Alcaltllan is to resign, but: this N not defloatet GOOD ROADS TO BIw. CONTINUED IIon. F. C. Biggs does not propos° : abandon a single mile of the Pro- vn,:eid highway ,system laid down,', though it is already apparent that the 1: e:lsral grant wall not come anywhere near covering the present prograne But the roads will b " aentpleted. The de tartm.nt of Highways. hopes for e fur;lwt' appropriation by the 1)otn n' earn Parlitntens, tut if more as pct fertlt,,om ng the prowInce will have to assume ane added share of cost. 1Iow t exam , the extra burclea vwi,l be may be gathered from the_ fact that, weal:- tau, the. Federal grant, the Itrtay:mce will be bearing. SO per cent- of the, cost of Provincial' 'highways construction. m rural districts .raetetd pf 40 and 60 per c nt;. ;rt surbutrban areas twhe•,t; new the treasury pays only 20 per tent of the cost. It is admitted that the counties anal ,municipalities cannot be asked to ,pay more since thi3 would be. imposing en Harem burdens not lard upon sections'benefiting from the Federal grant, PARCEL POST REGULATIONS An important change .s made in the uart;et post regulations. It will not now be possible to regiteter t,aareals unless the lett2r rate is paid on them,, Instead of reg,atratitoh for parcela a eysten of insurance has been inaug- uraied which is more. praeti'al and eta ford, the same protection, orslightly better protection, in, fact, The rates fer insurance on .sParceis is as follows 3 een+ts for an amount not exceeding 5$1 tc ,:.e.n'tts for an amount exceeding $5, and not toyer $25; 12 cents for an amount exceeding $7S, and not over .$3.0; 30 cents for arts amount ex- ceeding $50, nand ineot over $100. It is deemed advisable for persons sending par.:ela to insure them as then in the case of accidents they are profited against' lass. The rates in most cases will ,eller. be under the old registration rate, so that therae is , to ineeease in Bost to the citizens, but only a (rtf- ferent system,. See The New 1921 GRAY DORT OPEN AND CLOSED ST YLES ON EXHIBITION, WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING'USEI) CARS IN GOOD CONDI- TION, FOR SALE -- ONE GRAY DORT 1920 SPECIAL ONE GRAY DORT, 1917, TOURING ONE GRAY DORT, 1921 DEMONSTRATOR, ONE FORD, 1918, TOURING T. 11. NEWELL SECOND TO NONE Prizes, up for dowel', the quality a. our Flour remains fihe same, always the same. Don't you wish to prove bit ? Om more we. announce a largge, reductQon on each ,doges'. We believe we are d.o'.ng our shame in banishing :Hlst ROYAL HIGHNESS, THE H; C. of Come along .sand. 'help' us. Havey Bios. CORNER STONE LYING OF 'I;FIE Local News CENTRALIA alETI-1. CHURCH, A, T. Cooper of Ch:nton teetered The laying of the corner stones for in Jaunes Street and `Alain eareee the new 'wiethodist Church at Cen- ^iethndist church. s on Sunda)- last an, tralia was a, decided success, It "Temn:rance," took pla.a exactly two months after a telegram onair, G. TB raaks of town fee eived Wednesday intorm`.ng the burning of the old ' hu,:ch--Oct: him of the death of „ries; Mary Brooks fah. The weather was ideal and the of Crystal City, :Marr., formerly of ceremony was tt'itnesaed by upwardsE e=: it More parti.:ulars next week. of 500 people The service was li;ss Gladys Harvey of London. ►wa,s cc.n litEte4 by Rev, Geo. W Rivers of her` rive: the week end. He rials Chairman of Exeter Distr'<*r. - \less „Lite John; went to Sarna: on 'the choir of Jam 's St. Meth. Church, Tuesday to spend a few days. 'lir. and Mrs. J. W. Mallett, daughter and. son of London are guests of ;lar. and ii,rs E,sli Heywood. Airs. She -.re, airs, Southeott, 'tars;. Pavia and Nils: Stella South eett spent a few days in irtgc'raoll dur;r Exeter., under ,the leedersh.p of Prof. W Anderton, led -the service of song. Ales. Foote anal Mr. Raney ren- dered beautiful ends appropriate solos. R. J. W. Ribbert cf I.In;sv 11 Pres. :dent of the London, Coaferenee, gave the address, ,:amtnend ng the people a Ceattralia on their prompt and the tt~eek, splendid sprit ;n taking hold of the immediate rebu'lding of their ,:hurch. He urged upon those present the isn- sortance of being loyal to the church because its .teachings ist the only sol- ution, to the induria1 unrest, and the great eery:m °stc and social pro- of of all lends. His splendid address was much appreciated ,by all. Before the cornier stones were laid \fr. Andrew Hicks, 3l,P.P„ read a' brief historical sketch of \lethradis,n rL and around. Centralia, from the Q time the: Railway was laid to the, tiara: of the garret°ng of the Church on Au- gust bth. This .history was ••e:r in• te.a vying, especially .to the old settlers wive were reminded of the early. tames. .he Corner ,Stories were set :aathe.t lila:es by Mr. Chest Isaac, a member of the building c:omin'tt:e, and the reatatou°, ceremony was : on:lava:it bt eat `atonias Mitchell. Mr. Join knelt ;l.l'.I' et North Huron, and Air. Geo. A, Startles of- Lucan. These :iters laid the t'cirn-r stones for the fru-t•e: i3o;+r.l Ladies' Aid, and Epww Orth Logue. respectively.. Mr. ;rhos. \lit Owl is tit: only member of the Build- ing Committes of the old church, er- cet.d sn 13:33, now 1w ng, and re- members the history of Methodism from the beginning' n Centralia. :lir. Joynt and ;air. Stanley gave spienoLd ntldrtsses which were touch appre,::atted by all present, After the serviere the Ladies of the Ceegre ation served a Fowl Supper in the church sheds, and about 700 petwpie partook of this delightfel re- past, The total proceeds o£ the day was about $800, end the event will long be remembered ,as one of the red let- ter days in. the history of the Cen;- tralia people. Exeter Council Exeter, Oct, 10, 1921. The eiuniclpal Council of the ti fl - ;e of Exeter met in the oftiee o brew, w inch to -day^ facie the people the clerk, all the members being present. The minutes of- the meeting held Sept. 26th were read and approved. Letters were read as follows; Frain the secretary of the Ontario Educational Association re district convention in Palmerston. Filed. Circular from the Dominion Fire Commission. Ottawa, re Are waste within the Dominion. inelosing a copy of an act to amend the Crimea.l Code. Negligence causing fire which results in los of life or property is an indictable offence. (.'itizens are asked to el :tel up and remove all fire hazatrds from their properties. Letter from the office of ettessre. (Decimal! and Stanbury regarding the open ditch along Linn Street and in front of Councillor Snell's new houses, eiaitniug the sante to be o. menace to the public health, and a nuisance to the occupants of lir. Snell's iiwellings,, Discussed and held over for further consideration. Mr. U. C. Ward, made application for a license for the purpose of sell- ing cigarettes and etc. Held over. The clerk was instructed to secure prices on corrugated iron pipe, also concrete tile for Ann Street ditch. The auditor's report for Septem- ber was read and accepted on mo- tion of Davis and Elston. Carried. The Municipal Prate of Taxation was discussed and finally axed as follows: Mills General County and Good Roads rate 41a Village Rate 9 Debentures ..... 11 School, I1igh. and Public 17 The documents placed in, the corner stone : wvro,-t Trustee Board, -C any a the Bible, List of all Comma tees, in charge of tba Building of the New Church, His- torieal Sketch of Methodism, the documents taken from the walls of the old church, ,some of this year's coin:, and Cbristian Guardian, Lades Aid -Names of inentbera, uhatos of old Qhurch, New Methodist Hymn Book, Copies of Canadian White Ribbon Tidings, Free .Pres. Advertiser, some aoms. Epworth League Names of members cerins. t spy of By-laws and minutea of Municipal Council of Huron, cop- ies of League Corfstitation, Exeter Advocate, Exeter tTimes and Lucan Suri STEPHEN ('OE'NCIL. The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 3rd day of October, 1921„ at 1 pan. An mem- bers present with the exception of Councillor Sweitzer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted; Bayes—Neeb : That bylaw No. 282 appointing Fred Wuerth collec- tor of taxes for the year 1921 hav- ing been read three times, be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk, and the seal of the corporation at- tached thereto. Carried. The following orders were passed: J. Wilhelm, pt. cont. No. 5, 1st. S. Rd., 25.00; R. Gower, award drain, 8.00; A. Hodgins Co., gas ac., 11.25; Foist -Bros., bridge paint, 16.29; H. F. Eilber, caretaker of the lock-up, etc., 16.60; Geo. Either, repainting bridges, 48.10; H. a J. Kuhn, tile, S.B., 29.20; H. J. Kuhn, tile, 32.70; J. G. Young & Con, sun- dries, 7,85; Ed. Falmer, cont. No. 4, lst S. Rd., 37.00; Thos. Chambers, commissioner, No. 4, 5.00; Harold Ryan, cont. No. 5, S.B., 108.00; M. O'Brien, commissioner No. 5, 12.00; H. Schenk, rep. 3rd S. Rd., 9.00; P. J. J. Williams, charges re Alma Wil- liams, 19.50; Beaver Bros., rep. award drain, 7.00; M. O'Brien, rep. culvert . No. 4, S.B., 3.75; Henry Clark,• culvert S.B25.50; Henry Clark, grading for bridge, .con. 12, 63.00; Thos., Rowland, gravel, S.B., 24.00; Jos. Glavin, statute labor, S. B„ 25.50; Henry Clark, gravel, 51.75; Mal, Ziler, rep. culvert No. 6, E.S.R,, 1.00; Fran Adams , and other, filling inwashout, con. 16, 6.25; Gus Latta, and others, grading Morenz's sideroade 14.00; David Webb, pt.: services as bridge over- seer, 50.00 Augustus Latta. Wil- lert's statute.labor, 4,00; Fred Raw- lings, road drag, 154.00; Alex. Fos- ter, bridge, contracts, 600.00. The council adjourned to meet a- gain in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 7th day of November, 1921, at 1 p.m, Henry Either, Clerk. Total " 413a Motion per Penhale and Snell— The clerk to prepare the necessary bylaw. Carried. The following accounts were read and ordered paid: Cecil Ford, labor, cemetery, 25.50; W. J. kleaman, supplies, cemetery, 28.10; L. Day, flower bulbs and la- bor, 6.67; Ross -Taylor Co., lumber acct., R.B., 36.95. Passed on motion of Elston and Penhale. Carried. Adjournment by Davis. Jos. Senior, Clerk, Centralia Mrs. Wes Hodgins was up from London for a few days. .Nits Eulah Abbott of London spent a few days at her home here, Mr. and Mist. Samuel Davis of Lon- don were vi=sitors here for , a few days. Old friends were pleased to see them again. Our choir (goes to Whalen for the anniversary on. Sunday, There mill be pro church service here. Sunday School will ,be held as usual. err:, Thee. Carling tae all with ton- silitis, illrs. Geo. Essery is in Goder:eh in attendance upon her daughter, Mrs. Wilfrid Anderson, •whoa has diaplhtherie A large number attended the corner stone laying on Thursday. See full, report in. another column From L.a' test Photabraltl3 HON ARTHUR MEIGHEN Prime -.Minister of Canada. Prime Minister's Meetings Rt-Hon Arthur Meighen Prime Minister of Canada :I a ddrer:ss a i•s tt a lateen Co- on Wed., Oct. 19th 4alGe3 d' s, • Baton at 2 o'cioc eadericlt at 8 o'ciiook Thea.. will be the only opporttediars fer the electors of Huron ,lo :ap;ar Canada', g.fted Premier. • Ample+ ac- • •csmvodation will be provided in cora- fa rtab,e buildings end sp' _fill atten tier. wt'Git be wren to the votnfort cif the, ladies. Farquhar Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper and fam- ily of Elinviiie visiited Sunday at Mr Jas. Coitt1e't ,-Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pol- len and babe of Exeter visited Sun- day at 'Mr, Robt. Duncan's.-Mr. and Mrs- Thos. Ho,dg,ert and family of Seaforth visited Sunday at Mr: Al Hodgert's. ?Mss Viola Hodgert -of Ex- Teter visited over the week -end with her sister, lvlrs.. ,Roy Coward, -The. f fiss,es' K. Rodd and 'r Tanner visit- ed over the ;week: -end, in this vicinity, ' MARRIAGES Gillies -?partite -1n Exeter, ore ,Oct,12 Robert G. Gillies : of t•Iamiiton, son of Mr, and Mrst Robert Gillies,.. to Mss Anna Louiaie, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Samuel Marton; of Exeter Beatsom-AtkinsOri -0n Weduresday, Oct, 5, by Reaa C. O. Phe trill of Kirkton; Ida, daughter of Mr.• and Mrs. Robert Atkinson, Lucan, to Mr, Joseph E.. Reatsom of Greaten,. DEATHS Ruikbein.tr•-In- Crediton, on Oct. 11 Catharine Finkbi;n.er, wid,oww* of the ) Highest Prices paid for 1'o ultry and •all Produce, late, Matthew 1Fzmkbein:er, aged 70 c years) 5 =oaths end 27 days, LONG NIGIi ANI i YOU WILL N ttia E':xOOLL 11.T FER4: FOR YOUR C Act., aaaaliNG- TAKE CARE OF YOU 1` CAN 1{EisP YOU Id BATTERY FOR $10 A YEAR. COMet AND SEtt, ME ABOUT YOUR BAT - 'I B 3AT-'1'E &Y a itRVICE, Taylor Tiro & Battery C RS FOR SALE _, ---..._ Hup 20, 4 passenger, reasonable 90 Overland Touring in good shape Bowser Tank & Pump, Al Outfit, $200 Gray Dort and Page Cars Sunoco Oil and Gasoline REPAIR WORT; ON ALL CARS. Pilon & Foote Huron Garage - Exeter J. A. STEWART Phone 16 Ladies' and Misses' Winter Goats and Furs Fall is her:: and Win1'ar w,ll soon be along. So do not delay .in selecting your new Winer Coat. Our range is by far the. nicest we have ever shown,. In the Latest Cloths and New Styles. MEN'S, YOUTHS, AND BOYS' OVERCOATS Now, Men, Get ready for the cold clays. We have,a won- derful Stock ,ta select your new winter, a :oat from, In New Cloths, New Styles and New; banes, RUBBER BOOTS Eventually yon will wear "'vfin:cr"s Ineit:table ,Grey Rub- ber 'Boots," They are High Pressure awed and of Tough Tire Tread Stock, The New Stock ii in. Buy a pair to -day and be convinced as, to their wonderful wearing .ciulal2ties , GROCERY SPECIALS 2 1-1n.. cans tank Safi ton t35iea• 2 1-2 ]b cans pink Salmon 25ci 1 1--1b can Red Salmon Net 3 -lb ,pails Pure Lard for 62c Tapioca, 2 lbs ifor 184, Laundry Soaps, 110 bars for 72c Bulk Pure =Cocoe per. lb i!5tc Seeded Raisins Ib pica. for 25c, Seedless Raisins lb p14 27c. Canada Corn.Starch 2 pk, for 19c Breakfast Bacon lb. 43c, Sago, 2'pounds for 180. Choice Currants per . lbs 14o. Rolled Oats, ,6 1b4 for 290. J. A. STEWA T