The Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-12-29, Page 33'Thti Herat Coosa frian ,010.00;.. Clasairscf10. Aoc3sU*0 IaP*1** 10* *, otheal contact football tut l't GI • WIllanoto-conteetfoodaiii or 'month Other Pplettheileg Wee elangeratei,MOrtt . Mt- koet•',uttuitf ''1•0 Isttel Irma the etheemell0 emothalon et lu means despite , . atOosfe Ithathe Persatby Wa"I41 lb,' • atellM the the 0,4141 ink *a; • m thast14 be dhotis/0'MS like titer -SIM baited MA. Hs' malut,10* Malabo con. 140(*04 the altatiest,; Matta' fa a teamster pI*VS• boaY mane' 'wt* adding thaf she she suatler itld be 7l010.4 In the traphbatket." hoehl chatimen ..Bleott ash$41 Vallee* Vithe *Ott foo••• Wei hay tomcb• Olga tsockfut.'"1:9.9rt alrnMe ever* Sottalleter playe• Mirth* Cal and tautly. with hie ores r ,Ihrow la'Pari• 81414*P41(cWi;1141ii;iP•••• t trallt", 0•9•Ltiog uok guk ft Amax ' hr ulrmikq'm th.rY Po In the hiah oclowl programeahe *thletactwere.. is:laded with 'Pecrinniligib shtt11 mlb, elba& * YtU0flt.I W .gubOf h•h: K,Ika!, IProokm. , n,s. fail oa ' pointed out that youallttlf PItYla hamar they clid ao with, paremili iipproval and that boatel proittems, wore not offered by *cheat end that the school* hem not resPone/ble Infra** to student* pilules hockey after otehool boort. ' Turkbelm pointed out that the Only difference between lackey end football wait that wheals eId 310* toolsoor lmekey pre/IMMO. 31t !aid the body Contact Is tho Mine. Ingham trainee J.P. " sold „the dote*. YOU Mut HOS *pun; people horn , reetalemmeamnsimmumamee ,eff-h4r0dett''Pr1e thWathithI 4'5'is*CQ‘bill• , said football svaa Diet Pthadthney msa t , faudanCt.amante NOS laza IP PIM)) rtheyleaktirotrald.„4:11j.10Pio hir fectew.;,40641;01"0"ogatetr.o. t 1'1142'4'4 libP1* 0:41.4 r10,41:47 ii:11`.'01.11:1.;4.07:47k0.4."'*ilet1114:1"r!t:didd:'',12r".."01°' :474;4.01...k....0......*Withlanie 1*4 flgureerebeelliotht ll.Ol0eol01getaMbret04thelothi• lei the, bora ,tlata4,11•Ta360thereeei Tb ',oak; iftapi'llia 4•044•44'66•0•6' rialt..taathiii:"04144h.4 401P I'MPhd°11411144440°41"4644.'066161611 01 birtgl$464aDie".•661":if•I '1:4tball;n17" developed to IsSeafe ISPM 11,,$66 t Per ratio* $1121.coul0ee said • hibte*‘,401114040.4440 101,Orssleer. sillmtel.MetimPlOt 20,004 11* lend a football laiirry favorw4 646s fis *141 juri..1.1.1dreeln:tauz wmtmoisueminied.WeendAiith.“.,::..I,;::,„,,,:.$1700,40,17.1,000bx,"640:1.4$1, :ter, tomiksuing:1,7b,moys boO b*bIWeald the Player" sio a mini/noel of 20 thirortea RIM DepaillOY, sista da4a,rilck pkorfas alloalautfaatookkvatiaa'•,•ehttioarrhey behest .1. plaS6 ASIe 7.r..fo''''.1111:10111"yr.tqt`g.14.74.17, /IDOL the oath the Aleyerthe ease to treaty 34*0 aro thp•phyttitat 9net Of ther beet /33AWM fre'palVentinti tniurY 0M1.46.• ' ' Tani tejtoep44• 01 *wan eseeelses everyday 4$1» 7. ;00I.00 0 • n orse la It wide system The GOdertch lemming Action Committee lute it Wet ;oaf towootap, ditaw(ca;.Kalfato. melded 10 e!140r0.a county•wIde administrative Tornberry) have 00 Web allimement. The COWRY pellcy tor senior cillsens' accommodations. residency policy would help clear this Op, ' C910.1113*, member" met +Nit the Harm 31k effect. said Knisley. under the Current Cothity.Lwasing Authority at a "pedal reeeion tystem the Amason's, aireede adirshelslere senior, *1(00,00 boiseing in the county, including the 12' u01101000derklt • -(hey, hlet municipalities) base to initially put op lbit, building but once Ws 'We 11,1011 ina sage 11 ;", he eaid. conmittee Member Dan Wheeler eePrellsFs4 hie Wslog control of senior silicone 0004* 000 Godericb, in particular. the 75 untie for which:, they hope to obtain. prosinctaf 0319101301 01 unday harness cmg approved 31 l'IlNluandtli :0:s:::1:0t3 3ia'Goderich in 1971 Thle dealt. wee id0ed4 by Galeria Town after representatives of the Godericti Asseelation .,ked Inc this amendment el Milt. Crawford and Larry Jeffrey Of the Trotting Association said their group Ived permission for rate dates ort the 0, in May end three Sandler/ in inn*. y said the revenu* from theth race Nth will be In addittha to their regUlar y sight racing dale, few Seely and will help the GTA offset the Colas for the edstand which to be bullt In the spring. GTA. Crawford said, will spearhead the for the construdiOn of the grandstand war mode necessary after the former tad ms demolished when it wall ruled by the Onterio Racing Commission In e Is against us," sold Jeffrey. "Other unthes have found Sunday racing to be vi and we're hoping for some extra C , miSgit .f4•9444dar racing to get (Ise grandstand •riint Councillor John Dofierty &gee led there might be tome conflict With the Industrial Pastball League, but said *0 00. racing started early and ended early on a Simday, there could be a satafactory arrangemeat Made with lite hesebail "These people neml to have an answer," said Doitorth.. 'Venni* foe four Sundays." . "01 10 a very reaeonable request!' said Reeve Bill Clifford who made the motion 10amend the bylaw for Sunday harness racing. in seconding the motion. Deputy -reeve Eileen Palmer said, "It 00 00, least we can do. to give you our support end compere than In this matter." Councillor Elsa Hayden expressed some concern about the additional man -bow's which will be charged 10 0310 parks department b.ause of the Sunday racing. SbOlp0000rd out this would be at time and • ball. Mayor Deb Shewfel said when the former grandstand was 000010*14*, 000 old agreements were destroyed witnit. .41 Thetnew facility will be costlier to operate and there will hove to be a totally .w agreement," said Mayor Shewthlt. ew recreational ea to be built 00 recreational area at the south-east af Bennett Stteet and Eldon Street • the improval of Goderich Town Council. y evening An agreement between the ed the owner of the property, the Huron P,osrd of Education, will be prepared by n't abeam., Dan Murphy, cation will be made for 0 ill is due Mcreatlon grant and a 010,000 Wintarlo grant., Gederieb District Collegiate athlete. and im tereeted persons have already raised 511,400 which IS invested at the present time. The remaining 16,000 or so is expected to be realised by GDC1 students in their 1078 walk-a.thon planned for May. 810.000 "The direct cost W the town is nil," said Principal John Stringer who appeared before town council with Lynn Meyers, head of the physical education department at the high school. "That's the point that should be stressed here." The recreational area will include an asphalt track, a softball diamond and backstop and a soccer and football field intide the track area. It Is hoped that construction can begin in the tering. Cmts of upkeep and maintenance will be shared by the board of education and the town, Since the fealty will be tallired by both the schools and the general public. 00 ,0 visualized that the board and the town will finance any expenses incurred as a result of their own ac- tivities. Meyers told council the recreational area will be virtually ma intenanCe free, with ' the ex. ception 03the granu whieh will need to beast. lie suggested this would be done by the town in is the practice now. The schools would have the o,,00 Me facility from Monday to Friday during school days and for the occasional special event. The community would use the facility from Monday to Friday after 6 p.m, and on holidays and weekender Councillors John Doherty' and Bob Allen 0(the Goderich Community Centre and Recreation Board sake that group had reviewed the plant and would he in agreement with catmint docislon to approve the pretest.. • • God,rjrh Area Planning Board deckled to recommend to council that an out. O of Delbar Investments be over to the town solicitor for action or ea. The board discovered that the ac - le 51,057.42 had been overdue since 13, 1075 and had not been paid despite •treth sent to Delbar reminding the firm , sthretary Roy Breckenridge told the ' he wanted to bring the mattexto the "amnia to clear off the !terns *1, 31.4 '1009 .0. etary. He said he was retking ante md wanted to explain the matter himself rather than leave (0 10, the pew secretary who may not be swam dge said the account was for Ontario I, Beard • Costs. printing costs, Work and postage costs when :Molted planning board rezone its ea Highway 50 00 highway commercial. la which Mayor Deb Sbewleit was a *sated the propertY Oh 161611t.O. 21 lig YEAR -0$ ' . TH1URSDAY, DEC MISER 6. 4074 Nalaraijiscon Teachers settle The Huron County Board of Edacallon and its elementary school teethe. agreed to term of a 187748 contract for the teachers Tuesday night when the teachers voted to accept the latest board offer. John Cochrane, director of education, said Wedneeday that the teachers had agreed to a 5.12 percent ineresie and that the controversial pupil -teacher ratio had been dropped from the contract. Cochrane said that the new pact brings th,. average earnings of the 380 elementary sehool teechers. In the county to 817,448. Ha said there are 380 teachers working in Huron county's elementary schoolt,but Out some are part time. Ile eald the full time ecotAaTent 0(the teachers makes the total fedl time 6.2(362.5. R. J. Elliott, Blyth achool board trustee and chairman of the board's elementary school teacher negotlaUng committee. announced Monday 0001 01., Board had ratified the teacher agreement and that the teachers had to vote on acceptance of the contract Tuesday night. He 10(15 00, contract negotiations, 00,0031 31,4 bogged down in October and had been turned ever toa mediator, bad been completed by Monday and that the teachers' vote to aecept the ratification would settle the issue. . The negotiations broke down due to differences arising from basic pay rates for teachers and the pupil -teacher ratio. The settlement removed the pupl(teacher ratio from contract talks and turns It over to director John Cochrane who has been elven the authority to determine the ratio (0 00, future. A committee consisting of Cochrane, three teachers and three board members will determine the ratio 10the future. Cochrane said the Ray rates are established in seven categories depending on the teacher's qualificationa and experience. He thid four nf the categories Involve teachers With degrees eeetee;i remainder teachert with nodegme, The new rate for Category D teachere. the lowest category, is from 83.04010 *I3,140.!0.0010 years experience. Category C range* from 810.415 to S15,a65 after nine years. Category B is from 110,100 to $1$,490 after 10 years. Category A-1, teachers holding degrees, Is from 812,04910 $19.540 after 10 years. Category A-1 is from 114590 to $21,090 after 10 years. Category A4 Jo Zoom 114,170 to 121,570 after 10 yearp and Category A-4 is from 114.290 to SHAH* after 10 years. The rate of psy for vicesprinctnals 1. 00. same as teacbers, except they receive an Vara allowance for holdlne the position. Principals are paid at a higher rate and ore .0106.10.04 by category depending on. malifibation Nand ea- se:lance. Principals In Category Cr are ,paid between 513,300 and 415,200 after two years' experience. Category C receive froni 104.100(0 019,750 after four years. Category 8 receive from 120,500 to $25,400 after four years. Categories .9.1 and A4 receive from $18,250 to $31,050 after four years and Categories A.3 to 44 receive from S27,100 to 831,900 after four years. Cochrane said most .3the county elementary school mincipals are in the top two pay categories while the majority 0(teachers are in Category 13, A...3 and 4-3. The 00000008 0,0 (01 .00 year and is retroactive to the- beginning of September. Cochrane said the settlement is within the 'amount the board speculated on when it struck the costs for teacher salaries in its 1977. 78 budget. The county secondary school teachers *00still negotiating their contract with the board. Those 10011. 0,. also being handled by a mediator. Thanks to Banks Goderich Town Council received a letter from Mrs. Joanne E. Muck concerning the town's new coat of arms. According to Mrs. Muck, the coat of arms looks as though "it belongs in a Walt Disney animated flint" "It suggests to me 00,1the anist is making a comic gesture and not • serious eitempt at something that represents The Prettiest Town in Canada," wrote Mrs. Muck. "Let's ithve a coat of arms which depicts a little more dignity and sophistication - please." Deputy -Reeve Eileen Paltreer told council that leant MINIM RE 24-8161 is r 4' •Ls , bowlers proudly' dly medal' premithadon were Roy Mitchell, Diary McNeil., ilaallmethentsithdatth' irestaarr mama. ‘16011111 Mane "Plellithric:aerd Withers MIN smatally Itssdkapped.at' Sfr MItelse6.48 00. 00*, ars volunisers Sheri . Oa bead far the modal filmaLarea. lam Malls, Kim Smith, Darlene • Pollock eqd Rebel, carall4Wiih.4.1ohlesed,Renada.,. picked int sliVit and gag medal. respectively, in 000*0 Division and Robert wen • bream medal In the A Division. (staff pineal despite Mr.. Muck's letter, she 0001town council should send a letter of thanks to Rick Banks of Port Credit who led the town through the steps to 0 0004003* coat of arras in ita Sesquicentennial Deputy -reeve Palmer .aid she had been uneasy smile- the lost meeting of council because she felt 0i....n0:1 had boon rade to the man hired by 00. 0000, "Rick 13,-*.• was dealt with shabbily," agreed Councillor Bob .ilen."Thle 00 ,00 usually how we deal with people here." . • "There is no excuse for bad manners and rudeness. especially on the part ot elected member.," said Palmer. In a recorded vote requested by Councillor Hayddn. only Councillor Hayden vetoed the idea of a letter of thanks le Bunke. C.ouncfilor Stan Etrofirwas absent from 00.meeUng. Safety firs t Ten mer4ante 0 Goderich are sponsoring. New Year'. Eve taxl aortic, again this year 401(410,4 00 keeping drinking drivers off the road 'alter New Year's E. celebrations. Ron Atha, promoter of the taxi service in 1977, said recently, that the project 0111110 operated again UM. year beginning at 900 p.m. December 31, 1977 and ending January I, 1978 at 3:00 a.m. Allin said over 100 people used the free service last New Year's and not one aceldent was reported in Goderleh during the entity evening. The taxi service is free to anyone calling toBl.uenwilanterit.Tall and le confined to the Goderich Ten Merchants In town agreed to mons°, the service. The fees for the rides will be billed tro Ron ABM and Aysoclates, Garb and Gear, Sports Shop, FuntltueeWoeld, jeakilmara Pharmacy. Glenniath Lunther, Irene Hill Led les Wear, trytee Pinkney !neuron. Adjusters, "demotion -and Chapman Insimmce, Whalen Insurance and Nayne and Heather Lyons Imurance Agents. „ last W eday thdiecuse cminty.wide residency smite. Under the county OVUM, a senior ellisen Would not have to live *00 certain municipality la order io get tato senior citizen housing in that munkballty. Instead, that Meier Otto, .could be snowed to a vacancy lisanother municipenty in the manly, .• • • • Aleo under 04 eakinly system, instead of the municipalittle paying.the province, 7.5 Per gent of any operating. deficit from the units. the county would mahe up that portion. In turn, the monlcipalltiee would reimburse the county. on a per capita Weis. 7 Housing Authority mornbers stated their belief Ufa( with a county -Wide reetderleY Ponca% Poet delays could 'be. leseened. Harold K melee. chairman of Mk authority, explained to com, mitlee members th a the county.wide system would be much more efficient and would help clear ups tot of rod jape, As it la now. Knisley :said, hie *Leff has to do a lot of Nni.ing back anel forth amOng various councile to see If unite am filled. Under the present system, tor a senior citizen to move from one municipality into subsidized housing In another, the thuncile 01 menlcipulities have to agree on who's swing to pay the operating deficits incurred by the subsidized housing, said RnIsley. MUTUAL AGREEMENT . Most areas have some mutual agreement but CORRECTION . There was a 'mix up M dates for the Auburn Christmas concert. it Will be held Saturday eight (Christmas '*1,1 00 Op,m. not Sunday noght. -We've been Smelting on this (75 unit pridieth** fur Tei year* notelsthink woukl be, crimleal 00 let lt get out 03 001 hands., id Wheeler. 11, 41,43' said he was werried that under thattnialyzWide,•,•-, system the 75 00i10 could be filled with nati residents of Goderich. However. K rdsley explained that most senior,. Mittens don't like to move to another, municipality end will umally only do ro If no local accommodation is available People M Huron County don't like to moee. he mid. sod geographimi preference is always respected. No one Is toreed to move. All eppileants. explained Authonty members. are rated on a point basis with the prtority beine Placed on the Individual's need foe homing. If a no* resident and a Godericb resident with the same needs wanted senior thine!' ac- commodation in this town. the Goderich- person wmid always be favored mccordIng to the Authority. TABLED RECOMMENDATION Goderich town council tabled a memo mendation from county comet1 aeveral wee's ago to have the 237 senior citizen units In the county administered on a count ym ide basis. The motion passed by the Goderich Housing Tuns to paw 23 • MIL 70. Ch-rlstniati Mary In living pictures with tight and MUSH Nib, oar- organist as PIersate illatsumaotertaleitio Enka Lep, ats4 itmatem imam farmed at Kam United Church la Auburn on Saturday evade& Tbe ' David St. Jean. ayes are *a Nag falimart•leallitaa) Mahe Waal mime pageant has beep performed 10 54032, Trinity Church. Tweet* fee she dawn at Om baby Jesus daring the Nom ntimarall. Lade ft ef0 the Mi.& past 4$ years end director Ann St. Jess took ber. Auburn east tit me taw circle are/Atka Andrews, Brest Mulrewas Keith Da Maas' lermals performance a few weeks age. Tbe Auburn pageant le being performed by Sherry Verbesk, Greg Hellaws, Derld Destals, 11.10110 Nancy the Young People al the elterth supported by the choir. Choir director and Verbeek,S4threnGlesulbers Carol Seers sod Patty MeDoweil. (Man Mwte/ the Goderich is promised Goderich nice White Christmas Graham Campbell, a meteorologist at the Goderich Weather Station, said Wednesday that GoderIch will have a White Christmas. Campbell mid the forecast for weather up to and including Christmas Day calls for between two to six centimeters of snow aml temperatures low enough to guarantee that what does fall won't melt Campbell said a etorns front Headed for the eastern Ontario. Quebec and the maritime, will result in heavy snowfall in those regions and that the Goderich area will be affected by the western extreme of the front. He said today and Friday will be cloudy with some snow and Saturday it will be clear and cold veldt the high temperature of Me day ahOitt minus three Celebes. He added that Christmas Day•will be cloudy with a chance for more snow, "We'll definitely ,*ea whits ,Chitietiwas at this ares.'''he said. "13*, snowfall could be heavier • dependeng on how fast the front moves east and the temperatures we w go' will not melt • Campbell .id he had no forecast available for VIM:M.4V Boxing Day, 040 4,4 say that the .now will only result in a White Christmasnot a Christmas 030 03.310-040 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22,1677 daring which no one ,n !naval -7.1(..==4.:=44.1!EVM.V=.4'VX-.".=•.‘VA"..‘8VX.V.AreataiaM.NiataraZWAVAVs1MIWZregig4441M • SIGNAL STAR *CENTS PER COPY Utility employees to get 4% increase in 78 The Goderich Public Uttlities Commission agreed to give the utility employees 41 four percent increase for 1978 accepting a recent., mendatian from manager Al Lawson that was voted on and accepted by the employees. Lawson said his redommendation bedlam formulated The old pis In the thee taper. Gila thaeher, Tem Alien, and atixtent sound' wierapessiasea. Ttha Doherty, wipe the 010000U 0! bintherrypie tram thelr faces that brought an sad to • ammutal abscription drive by the Mph ached Madanas. The studied who sold the meet 500ee010611.11sPe0 Murphy, was granted the erne of pirearadiag tho teatthorref, eikeleoles.withrspeo.,The roar suaselles, lesh Weight, was allowed M make • ethane chalets Irons the swans mimeo. (mat photo) Range from 7.5 % to 14.4 % County ept• heads get increases BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER Huron County's department heads have been granted salary increases for 1978 which range anywhere from 7.5 per cent to 14.4 per cent. The Increases were approved at the October session cir county council without any question, county administrator Bill Neely said this week. For the first time ever, the department heads negotiated their salary adjustments as other county employees, Negotiators for the depart- ment heads were deputy clerktreasurer Bill Alcock; 'planning director Gary Davidson: and social services administrator John McKinnon They met with a special Committee chaired by Warden Doug McNeil and comprising the members of the executive c4mmittee and the chairmen of all other county committees. According to the printed report of the special committee, decision ....reached to allow each department head an increase In salary 01 575 every two weeks or 81.950 per annum. "This increase represents an average increase of 3 R per cent for this group of employees." the special committee report stated.' The following salaries were approved by council: clerk treasurer administrator Rill Hanly, 027,320 representing a 7.5 per Cent in- crease, deputy clerk -treasurer Bill Alcock. 124.310 or 8.7 per cent; development officer Spence Cummings. 512,836 or- 12,2 per rent: planning director Gary Davidson, 023.01200 8.4 per cent: social services administrator John McKinnon, 018,434 or 11.8 per cent. museum curator Ray Scolchmer, S15,470 or 144 per cent: county librarian Bill Partridge, 519.006 or 11.4 per cent: and Huronview administrator Chester Archibald, (20,24200 10.1 per cent. In a telephofie interview this week with Healy, • the administrator said the Increases were within the Anti -Inflation guidelines -as printed." "This is what the guidelines say." said Manly 'The rtherall increase of the group is 1 8 per cent No one has received more than 12.400 Hanly admitted the increases were made possible since a new medical officer of health and a new engineer had been hired earlier in 1977 at considerably less money than had been paid to the former employees, Dr Frank Mills and Jim Orittleil. When he left the county's employ, Dr Mills was being paid 177 02.1 p,cr annum Dr. Brian Lynch, the new MOH was hired at 532.000 and when he has completed his public health course in Toronto later this year, he will be raised to 136X0 per annum. Jim Brandt, the former county engineer, was receiving 072,579 per annum when he resigred Fiis successor BA Dempsey. was hired at 125,000 and will receive an increase of 30.500 1.1978 SHARED Thinly agreed that In effect, the money saved On the salaries for the MOH and the County engineer was divided among the department heads, holding the overall increase to the county taxpayers at 18 per cent. The increases are, however. subiect to stir -atlas( ha the AIB and it is still not known whether they will be allowed By way tif explanation. Manly said that in 1975, county council had approved similar increases for thr (aunty department heads for 1976, but the increases were rolled back by the Alfa. because (hey din't meet with the criteria set down in the Turn to page 24 • ) Crbunt4porney11(1.B. Cochran , ame new judge G. Cochrane of Goderich, Crbwn volume of work. and the greater nu ber of for Huron County since 1082, was op- lawyers' In Cant didn't allow judges to 10400 the Provincial min judge in the criminal time In a ease that It possibly should get, 30 0011,, Mondly, December 12. The lie said In Huron- County there are oot 24 was announced Priilty by Attar. members 0(the bar aesociatIon and th em - ROY McMurtry. hers know each other better than iawy rs in e, a natlth of Exeter, hat been cities. Became of that, farniliarlty, they s ed In the Huron legal system since 1946 to have more trust foe ene anether. He 001 1(00,1 opened • law oftice In Exeter. He plus the low volume rif came permit jud be to fr000 the University of Western uthe niore tirne In court and thoroughly I k at a 0053* and ()spode Hall In 1941. Fie case the Rem, Born 1942-46 In England Cochrane has been Involved In metric! al Ilfe Wes en Instructor in an tater battle In the county serving In Exeter as 4 town en he returned to Canada he opened e councillor, a reeve of the town and es in mayor. Ce In his hometown and In 1961 ere. lie also was chairman of the South Hot. 01000attorney. At that time he moved District Remake' Board and 01the Exeter NAIR there he hat lived since then. Utilities Commlesion. He Is a past president of aPPointmmt lakes effect the Et/etre Lions Club and past *001C 00 tbe s„,,MILetelsined that he cannot act es Masonic Lodge. (le is rn errled and hes three wee Warn In. He said the tentative daughters. ,theltmony is .1a nue try 11,1974. hes of t beaked cltr GeaOtTterlatel:sob... Th Wormy In Walkerton, and other, • Co'derich SIGNAL STAR tie YEAR SO THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1977 30 CENTS PER COPY Fund,raising committee formed To finance grandstand A *0009 03 Goderich citizens will proceed with fund r01110g activities towards the building of a new grandstand In Agriculture Park at an isp- proximate cost of 3300,000 The Goderich Community Grz..dstand Committee was formed selecting Interested citizent and major users of the park at a public meeting held at the arena Tuesday The com. mitt., headed by Larry Jeffrey, will consist of approximately 20 members. The committee .111 hove eapresentation from ' the Goderich Trotting Alt.niation, all levels of softball, socmr, the recreation board, service tOwn council, township councils the businessmen's association and a host of other Interested citizens The committee had hoped. to meet tonight (Thursday) with representatives front all the groups te establish the needs of those using the facility and then 10 discuss pledges from the littera. Jeffrey indicated that the proposed geand. stand could contain locker rooms, shower rooms and recreation and other offices if the interested groups wanted such facilities andwere willing to work towards it. Acting association secretary, Sam Hasmn, estimated that a new grandstand at .0 cost of 0300,000 would mean the public' must raise ap. proximately 0100,000 following. grants. The granting structure was notdef InIte hid ha hoped thearandstand would be eligible for Community Centres grants, Ontario Racing commission grants, WIntarlo Grant, and at the outside a grant from the Department of Agriculture. But at Mir point both the granting structure and the cost of the grandstand are simply estimate, A Community Centres grant will hinge on the number of community groups using Otto grandstand and the recreation hoard has talked of plans to move the recrenii .n directors office inin a new grandstand if It was built Jeffrey said the Trotting aSsoriation wax brZiscussed by the association at a later II pledge 125,000 to the project. but that meeting. The Moirre have already planned a monster sports ce betty dinner in April 0070,04 will hold a draw far a trip. Ken Crawford of the Trotting association, presented some preliminary piens the genies had drawn up that call. for. grandstand o0123 feet by 150 feet with a seating capacity of 1,200. The Paramutuel and concession tmoth would take up 16 feet by 75 feet on the ground floor that would also house washrooms, office space and. club house rooms. The estimated cost of that project is 1300.000. One Major COntentiOus 10000 arose when the TrottingAseocialion received approvel for four Sunday race dates from council. Both the Goderich Industrial Softball ,League and senior eoccer teams tree Agriculture Park on Sundays. Doug Fisher thid that soccer. fastball and the racing association are the three ma/or users of the park and there 'Should be a way to work out Otto problem without dissent!, Sle said there would have 00 0*. another facility. used hy minor glrls• and boys* baseSall..who normally use aerial Herat park. - Jeffrey agreed adding that all the problems could be worked out: "There is nothing that can't be warted out between the groups involved...ha said, "This It a coin munity effort and if ma rynno comes DUI and Torn tops, 24 • Index Ben Miller . Pg. IA Sporta , . Pg. 8-13 Council Briefs . Pg 15 My Et ir Lady Pg. 211A Pa ula Butler Pg. 2A cyje cat is hythe regional crown attorney** office old he had eubmitted hie name for A large grey and white cat ay hoe!, been Me 'for the office when former if, 040non""ous worker for he SOW Belt Mine 000 d 1 g one ef its nine es recendy when 'awl Mee N. Olen. flees Passed scooped the feline from t Ice in the narrows of reld up until Hart' death he had not teething a seat en the bench. • the Goderleh Metier. e mine worker m- et crown attorneilald he woe looking n was leaving work' • nd spetted the material patently Acted the catel "mem"' for help when • the challenge sj the new new Adding treyin desPerately to ge Off the lee in the Who,' •261) dldn't think ft Changed IN "je g ce ond Nita MO tip groaner (*31 11051 much. Re laid Ms duties at. "Thasnworker teed the et didn't sneer to be In 1:Sammy respired Mtn to vie* both tiny immediate Minter o drOWning but added iofterillt AllLthoeri":}7,1641hdrfr, it114datealtmeMtbaottet etrh,ellatteimtiri eh I mb.iceu,o tenreernsectrOtor stailbill"""th6"6"6"6"6,6"tre mote time toast off the the. that at • jUdge he will have The cal Is reported *0 8,, In nod shape and Is Itsil meet with more finality. * Wil the &glee Of the crown In who said it was "fat, spunky A d ready to ge obviously someone's pet accord g to the rescuer IIIdi Reek a Conviction but Merely home-. e;:r, evidence beforl the Court in 1111 The onlmet *0 11000 In Auburn rind the rescuer ie that joetlee Is deal. Hil old claims 111. not r001.,., ft him been whining ter • - Three wlse men come bearing gifts a. Mary and Jtheph watch the baby Jesus In the m aaaaa Ina melee rheas production et St. Mary'. Christmm concert 0000!week. 1 he wise men were played by Gaynor played Joseph In the production and Rick Haas, Brian Lovett and Greg Leddy, Randy Ile!, Conlon was Mary. tetanal,...) It's the law Holiday with pay! What a wonderful idea, and- in Ontario it's the law. Every worker is entitled to vacation pay and seven paid public holidays each year. Here's how it works. If you have been working for an employer for at least three months you are entitled to paid public holidays provided: you worked the day preceding and the day following the holiday; did not have a *ere -arranged agreement with the employer to work on the holiday; or, did not miss 12 consecutive working days in the four weeks before the holiday. Having met these con- ditions you are entitled to these seven public holidays with pay: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Dominion Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christ- mas Day. These holiday benefits apply to all full-time, part- time and student employees. So does vacation pay. After o'ne year's service, workers are entitled to two weeks vacatiojsi with pay. Vacation pay must be at least four per cent of total wages paid in that year. This does not include travel expenses, tips, money paid in benefits (insurance plans, etc.), bonuses, etc. The employer can decide when the vacation is given but it must be granted within ten months after the em- ployee has earned it. If a person is terminated before one year's employment, the employer must still pay four per cent of the total wages calculated from the first day on the job. Vacation pay benefits must be paid one week after c termination. If b• " iii ninfninn •iiii the 'POW, Several day. toga out and Obviously wants to go *ape tif their lalawlelors understanding home. The rescuer Is hesitant to let tha anliosi :nil", 104111 *Meth In VAIN the ciut tiara ll may not Owl lie way le Gederich and IS the AMerican equiveleet tooh home. ' ,..„„.7.4.1,......e.wielf011 Minded, *0enyOne In CoderIch is missing a cal they esti -ere • erewn attorney aevtr ivies Or phone 5144074 end atm' the etliftlare 4.809I31' he emiained. „i„,...' a___.,,,_ Ugh. The number bermes to e',pubite heath .4t hi hi 6144)1 n's".',-7 erserreinK rare* Who 411state:hare the ai Wand If she feels " °44s beMule he telt the Itefel the detertptim fits the altimal and ft is wet. ..... popuhited ohms laredk, Marl . thabila Oohing the elector attu,,,p1m.k,,,,,,Y, as, hi chlu. 110 UM hi allot the mteettlsolfeattltM atut 114.••• ' " P010100. *1 Afraandrit Marin* Jed I Ileaver$, Cab* .04 illerate *0,44041*0 NUMMI atm Alyea 0 meet04 treat Meador Imd visiertehatt pellet* tveahm00 istembett 4110 TIAN Otakeleb Chatham' meat. 1101' 030�po A "'hotted , MOIIIsOd 835 Stets. (stet SAVE ENERGY and Insulate U.F. Foam & !Mint Insulation Minting Ninon County 13 yours COMPARE -CONTACT STEWART'S ALUMINIUM & INSULATION ISTHIston Rd. Ctoderlth 5244821 you have any questions contact: Employment Standards Branch, Ontario Ministry of Labour, 900 University Avenue, Toronto M7A 1T7, (416) 965-5251. #111111•1111111111 Instant Friendship The warm greeting of your Welcome Wagon hostess with "The Most Famous Basket in the World" will introduce you to our community and start you on the way toward new and lasting friendships. If you are new in town, call Phone donie'crFo&, STD 524-6654 and 524-9676 %fteimmommommild through a polling of the employees to determine what they wanted in their 1979 wage and benefit settlement. Lawson said the four percent Increase tn• eluded wage increases and benefits paid for by the utility. He said the 15 utility employe. had submitted requests for the 1978 agreement and had then voted on what that agreement would Include The manager said he had asked the employees to submit their requests in wetting. He then took the requests and listed therti costing each out When the costs were calculated he then discussed the increases with each employee individually explaining what each would cost and .31,0each would do for the employee's pay cheqUe in the new year He explained 00the commission that he costed out the requests of the employees and told them what percentage of the increase a particular benefit would cost. Fie used a health care program as an example pointing out that the utility paid for a health care package for the employees that it would repre.tht lane percent increase and that the employee's wage increase would them be three percent. After interviewing each employee and ex. phoning the alternatives Lass•son Issted the wage and benefit requests on ballot forms and gave ane to each employee 00.031 000 asked to select a hat benefit or wage increase they wanted and the results were tallied by the manager He took. the Opl Ions wanted by the majority and prepared the rerommendation for the commission's api proval Lawson said that of the 15 employees 12 voted for a long terta disability program and nine for a health care package He said the two benefit., ate up .me and a half percent of the four percent increase and that the remainmg two and a half pet cent would be paid In wages The manager mid that he had done some preliminary costing on the requests but would have to obtain more exact figures before he could determine what the increase would mean on the commission's 1970 budget He *14 010 the increase was within the Anti Inflation Board' o ideltheS. In other business Lawson •sked the com- mission to recognise an employee flow cnart for the utility Ow outlines a chain of command arid responsibility for the utility employees. Lawson ,o,d that Use system had always been in use and was accepted by the employees but pointed out that it Ithd never been on pap, He toLd the cominission dui the official etc- cepuence of the admenistrative system would leave 00 doubt as to an 'employee's poestIon and responsibility He thid the system would mean no changes 000*. utility daily operation but may • prove to be a safeguard in the future He explained that if the ptility ever became unionised the flow chart would make matters much simpler when the change occurred'. He said when unions come into an operation they set up systems just like the one he had adding that if the commission wanted to etuure that employees retained their areas of responsibility they had to have the chart on paper He said that it Yves important that foremen be narned and that the areas of their jurisdiction *0outlined He said that if a union entered the operation they would prepare the flow chart and that it was ImpOrlant that the COMmiSii011 have one on file "I'm not afraid of a union nor am I concerned that one IS coming into the utility but I would like to be prepared if one ever came in the future," he said "It's important that the commiasion and the ernployees know who is management and ho isn't Transformer explosion causes power failure An explosion that heavily damaged a hydro transformer in Goderich's Industrial Park Monday night caused IwO hour p0000 failure in the o suthern portions of the tOwn Goderich Pohl, litilay manager Al Lawson said an ini ft.!, short in a transformer caused the damage and that the unit exploded rousing about 110,000 in damages to the transformer and a power failare lasting from an hour and a half to two and ahalf hours Lawson said he Viae able to locate and rent a hvideX Vat‘VAreailksrethiMse‘VAV mobile transformer from Ontario Hydro in Landon and has pressed the unit into service until repairs can be made. He Said he planned to ship the damaged unit for repairs tate this week and 31004 00 idea how extensive the damages were ,:r when the unit would be returned. lIr said port of the eosts estimated as a result al the ex plasma were far the 875 a day rental fee nn the mohilt. transformer m The manager said that there ay have been a AreAliMICAireesirAMMALV=AV considerable explosion judging by the damages /0 0000 transformer. He said the unit is filled with oil that acts as a cooling agent end that a threethe inch phad practically disintegrated and oil covered over half an aCre of land around the unit. 0-0, said that in his 30 years experience in hydro he has heard of lim liar explosions but this is the first he has seen Elsa Ha ydon Pg. SA GEIC1 students ...... . ... Pg. 10A Evelyn Carroll Pg. 18A Captain Comet Pg. 17A Special 3rd Section Bolens big winter special Get a free electric starter with pur- chase of new Bolens 5, 6, or 8 hp two- stage snowthrower Donl wait till you're snowed in. Get a new Bolens snowthrower now and get a free electric starter. Look at these fine features you get with a Bolens snowthrower. • Heavy duty 24 or 26" auger • Two-stage action • Tecumseh Snow King engine • 220 degree rotational discharge chute • All controls console mounted, waist -high and handy Act now. Get a Bolens snowthrower , with free electric • starter. priced from $679 1,0- HUTCHINS WELDING RR 2 CLINTON The Salvation Any -WISHES TO THANK THOSE WHO GAVE, SO GENEROUSLY TO ITS CHRISTMAS 8 WINTER APPEAL MAY YOU 8, YOURS EXPERIENCE THE CHRIST OF CHRISTMAS A Community Church Serving with Heart To God and• Hand To Man -