The Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-12-29, Page 15iv
ris wvie for Queen s title
MAXI lit K
the ilaughier vi Nit and 40,
tbalsio• St
1,111 MI t i, hs A
td rl
f041111.11 helm. v.., ar
inn 1,1+l1
Judy, 19, is the daughter of Mr and Mei'
Doug Cruickshank. 206 Wielder Si
G oderich She la a grade 13 student at LU(I
and ill be entering a two year Mensal
K ehl dation Cuunaelltng course at Fan
,hawe College London to the fall (staff
ing around
ottani thr strain el et meastlet as he does an
Nen m9tew un the ring, at the 1 olborni• Publle
en Muw during 1 dot-atten Werlt re.enlls
lei enthrones usd the school gym 0+tic
I to shoe their parent, the talents dreeloped
rah la IN trawl ph, -ural education classes
MARIANNE a k33 o
Marianne. Ix, and a (.rude 1I .J
1„u ,
61)11 is the daughter or hl, 400 1, •
F ugraei•tayt. OK 3Gadeldh In Irl,,
she• will 'tits be sludymk I u
e. Western Leis-co„y Iutdnn r Moot,.
Retardation Counselling at 1 .o.0,1.1.
"Deli l tuition , staff plod•.
I URI h1111R
I„ IL. .0•••1 hlr anti Mrs
h+n 11 N I1,1 sr Lou, it. h A
. 1,Iii I 1 1. ni a1"4
,P,p11 in..
(All11 R1YNO1 US
-'h, tenth ,, ).rade Il student al GDCI,
•.lit Iaug41'n 01 Mrs Margaret ReYnnlda,
'„ 11,,101,1 Do4e,00 Cathywillenter
ash I 1, uelph 111 September and In
pnl44,l0l 4n4,ry and English in
omit slrr
Tbe oDerirb
101 k41/15,dpN11 1',:c::
Commission option one o
p year
The Goderich Industrial howl.. on it Hr inert unit Uk
Cnmm,asmn extended. an howl., t r that hither I pi 1
°piton on a piece of ;and in pansion plans- ' J Melon, and In, 1 .0.1 ,• 11,
Induslr,ul Park for another h. dilay the : 71 e hu dl ng fr,I t1 1 '. ) „
year In a move Mu0Aa4 melmne that I f to et heal trips I, -•
designed to hast the land t hu Id -11 1 1.010 111'. sear tr w" r _,
used /lid an taut• building 141'4 .opt„m w uid
rather than, Menu(at luting tonlii a patts pored „ h„
env Thanpnon1i-heldbytr -I eco DR
Company Rdad /isear> the f i l,:'hnl., MCO iant• lana
Company and the ,,sr acre. lads 1. In'., , r „µnn - p p ed
parcel of land frontsun nn v new cue square fun 11 Itoo. n Road \I,1. 1•o,,• ) , et hl lbw,, .00,1 1,kllt ,
Bayfield Ruud xnd s just P ant il int Ir lo. tr V k t t ndr,•e h I 1 .,,o I , n,lid ' , ,. 1 I , . i. ,' r . .d..t f n 11,
0,um of the vacant. T'exlral. be hall this summer Ih, "r , ,t'l 4. , 1 „ . .o„µde 11 i'I h-
planl u a n Ira,iu,li I k r, :n l7 p µVi oar r 1
new plant a m lir Ludt ° ,, , I g
The cum compoiewon did not of rhes Streeto Plast earl kt in 1
the Company'. five /' -hr frrarca Plan, Mr,'ir
year option l but 'merely. Mlh - suggested m. Ir 'hon ,I 116111 , v, h e
• O - d d council that , - I building Ili I w le t --
k i ai/u rl, I- { t k
venomw 1.04
the apt. Aextended n. the le,. 1 , R 1,. ',Ion. a'a, lab tl I I I •1 � '
i I I
.,mamoo. for Hash, id Niel Ile1 la, ,s I„in. f l 1 Hood
yew The present 1\ ,r I.
000 r• and theMos I r . edam •- ”
sate set by the town a kS,I6)0 ., 1 41.1,1 r'.a
per acre 1.1 11 1'tM .Mui• i ml R„ w, .01,1
Ha 1141 Wor.rjl 01;44111 eltr alta ,• bu„•
pled that the company he Mr. highway '00.tnr,' IIr
g1i4n the a'WI Ilona l I: 'tt odert, h r.,th,'r than he notified Mal at ree nilµ, tut 1!.r 11, 1,10j11101: 1
the end of 141at time the r ist 1, ;1,14,11 an.,i . 1 t ll i4
per 11010 will be rµ,111'11 Hr la'ba,4e,l the'-t•,_rpel,s..11n to
nod when he made ins raga ,oil
nmdnn that the -option he tl,an4 and ,it the srl, lin
,100404 to Permit t''I 1hr lnle'fl•.Ii,1 the
andlion of an officeofficebuddti'nn'
g town
huh did not include that t „ , Mill D,i 1, 411 on
sl q.ulabOn in -the. minion mph, 1..11.1 M.1
I ohn Mt 00.1m1,. ,rp"1ate 'din 11 kn,.w it to, �1:•t 04,1,
at lop site pr es1de n 1 al him ,p oath, '.ile„i,na Lot
11RM11, told them
melt it 11,.1'1 h, would' 4,,
in ., leiter that h„f!rn,hail ”, rh• hAwnr
',pry intention nil tea point that w. Ile .,.d that tar
land and had plane to h„l,1 er0,p, rt. n Hui k,11, Street
.,.a I '.1 11.,
did 1 1 p,111, i•4 of he had any share m
humni.m. the firm
11Lo1 work (herr and draw
InI aI•.' . 1111 4
41,nl,nurd on page 201
McKinley shows
town's colors
R F MrK,nlrv. Prngre,.n, (,m., rs-,,,., ,n',,,,,t,.
Rohne. chew the 0,0 • .11/1 mar, Minh
Smooth enti nn,.l - h 1 4I, Me a. e ireIlia- 11
Commons into», h .I ,pja sing in, I 000 c.14 ,,n his
I44, MP ..,,,0 Iu,.,l,,1 h,no ,
5 . u. , I..
pard,, mens sogge.n'n: 14011 11„ 1 ,•, tout, et
1,1e9.r Iha luh,l 'I h1, ' ,irl,e
, pr, .d In. 0 1
1 1 by Ihv r111•11,1, item I'I •-1 Int' MI ,,,
McKinley nr mare
'Ins, of ,41' feel r hal In s lh, I .nth,, oats, .t
the limnµf (o.,,ler,rh and that the. !lig ,n r, , d, ,k tn,l,e,
was made Ir, r,mm,nn,r,IL Ihos es t0011rhos 1 f•d
by the Hon mantle f1ir 1'r, 1arm r that th !loom
mend congratulation. to the i own ! foal n un 1h ,
a 11
of their ISnnh atm and 1
4- •houlrrhe tns ttedl, µm0,1to let,, and
pin the loom rine,p,r,t wh-hh„shyena pertnd this
town .lest Its founding ,n tit:
erwage demands
NgeDsmarSlit Salt Mine were Ina Segel strike
d1331 ..m. Thursday April 28 le back their
*sail tent an hour Increase 9000 0 ane -year
Betempsny had offered Increase, of /2 and 95
ction time
rill begging meeting for Huron -Middlesex
,Nle on June 9 on May 17 in Exeter and as of
(lslhl ,her the lain yet the NDP has made no
election The dein Iia• angemenls for
0II040n Aprd79 then rtong Neither party
Vlllaim Davit has fitted their slate of 1.5
)WIC°M��wen fors r ,fl4 44 s
ee,; .lathe The Cnnservativek are
,2dNil llwt. til tinning 1», potential changes
,,.1eluml - the Iandnn area, the Na
tuf49i I.iI Y Littorals have gained the
11,meet4electd Ihis ppld Nnt t WorandlthereNDP
had 1h 1 -h.p µfor Gorden WI, nt e
rlipontoleM ,. No immediate building plans
ants respectively over a tot o'year period but the offer was
net accepted by the union A mediation meeting has been
scheduled In Toronto next Wednesday. (staff photo)
1,1 1100 w budding hill be
µis inonicee mar'
thou, people work en the parts
r - 1 I employees will be
Ih Industrial Park location,
lee 1 N I h firm s main plant
I„- rod IJ manufact ur tng
pi, t'll tit the building Ir
1, ni 11,41;14 .,1 for September I
Hockey honor for (
NIIk t h 11 e Cal 0 �/ sic
y11'1' ,nl theJames t Wllk - M,non i
W Islam ra ler d e l the gni
imderteh Oldtirnem the la ilearn Th.
215 workers out
Council decreases
'impost charges
Goderich town council pa.sed a bylaw
al the May 2 meeting amending the
impost bylaw pews, In January of 1917.
Councti pound Um bylaw to emend the
Import charge. of the original bylaw
The amendments cell fur as, Impost
charge of V50 fur Innis family. semi-
detached and row housing developments
and r 8500 impost charge per unit for
apartment developments.
Council bad urtgtnally set the Impost
charges al 91..0 per unit In bylaw
puled earlier in the year The bylaw
mel with NHf imputation from a group Of
area Aomebulldra and related
tradesmen who quetwued the legality
Ilf t11µ Impost charge
The amended rates thus are outlined in
the new bylaw are effective as of
January 17, 1977
In other council Menne.. a bylaw was
passed calling for the Gale of five acre.
of land ,n the industrial perk to the
Dominion Road Machinery Company at
52,000 per acre. rhe upturn on the land
has been renewed for one year by the
town and will
expire c b 1 7
U m r
i J IB B
If DRMCo requests another option un
the land alter October 31 1974 the
purchase price of the land will mere.,
to 13,000 per acre
Mediation meetings held in Toronto toll
Workers at the Deaner
Stft0Sah salt rn1,, la
Ouderleh completed two
weeks of ate*. melba against
the (0ntpeny yesterday while
at the same (4000 mediellon
meetings were held la
At press lime word was not
known un the progress of the
meetings In Toronto con-
ducted with representatives
ul the Mlnbtry of Labor The
115 mine employees. mem.
bre. of boat 16 Of the
Canadian Workers
I'men, were in legal strike
Position at 12 01 u m Tbur.
sduy April 28 after
negotiations had broken alt
with the tomtyany
The union.; one year
contract expired March 31
and on Sunday April 24 union
membors voted 112 b 20 10
fovor of opting for the strike
action against the company.
The enlist was seising the
company for an 60 cent an
hoq Inane over4 oneyear
Contract that aid µh,6
include other adjustments
and Impatient{ 400 the
company's right to schedule
The 000tracl would mean
n 11 percent Increae0 and
raise the vera;a hourly
wage of s miner to 07.09 per
hour u The company offered
the 01000 a 02 cent an hour
increase over the flet year
and a 55 cent an hour leer..µ
aver the second year of a two-
year contract The company
also offered Improvement ,n
benefit. premiums and
claraiflpatlenfatea mttlunal Chemical Warkere The epmpsny wale a.Nklplg xtea aglae 0046 11(84.06 IM
The unlon If Makin* far halon I.0Val 060 at the to 80004, IWC' 4 h0Wing,,ap IPy, WOW 460..
wage parity with the liner- evaporatorplantla0aderlch. Bargeman{With tM ttnlon,hta{ ,2 arWet
Wheeler calls for censure of Hoyden
With a theatrical flair M4 441y tvenlnk reumu'. openly end ftldepsadaetly'. w the 61uk
council's.' DPA Wheeler lototmec f04 d d can record K 1md Blains 14 'tetra that
drawn up b a rather ensentd mamtn w ,a e•pnakRat olfiaar N patch gay
rtqu}ft b cpuncU so member �1 t
council with a '0,140. Pt motion that he y un n the r apharnt had oaten
A ,yt
1411004410 b .sk Nat councillor Elsa µn4 cunc0 ma bs 0045. 4µh10, It t 0hµ Fe
Haydn Or eenswed fur her bla4rf y ng0d qp1 wale accost or mut of I1te rpoo0 or
procedus�DI°°0eewnplatseoDYDelur,rutiryoorrupteaCeDlwMnNerp1,apolo(of.pecou0g tat wiH0650,tinsgnor,en00dCuuncllluronwelknd001 of s Wbtais told,oancllthat b ,waited cuuweto dlrgust after lar disgust she wal040 out u! the meetin; make the 01(10* of motba !pr 1.0 eat
beforo , vote n Ne subject wa aka.
Warner) be ltabledoforr a peek,µ p11ow Cuuncllkr Wheeler quid he would asst mewing go wary eking It tort..>titlh,
lar bar cens0ro older Bylaw 26 0l 1975 m
council to 'ht..' the contract. The which b ■ measled in Jne. Prior b aeroing quake
agreement w s hammered eat alter Y down procedure c0uncll mw st Ito asked Heydon in dramatic fa'hbA it
adhere b Parlkular awatlwt a• ydtt delenoe other
•early tau 90µh of negonatin 004 she had an {)11.45 b w
given clause Nand as in Wh,aler'a yy
according w FWYduAYAe final drat[ wan notice of motion. Clause 13 b that metbm at Ne meeting.
dorso in bit. end pieces and should be when a die Llan of counl 'seeped each ••Only that I'm not an.Merablelo Nle
µbled a week "for good busineer cuuneil or shall announce his vote council fn mY actions,” she roylbd.
• 110 k AR -19
rH,IRSDA Y. MAY 1„ le
Chief Sowerby
Group awarded grant
for playgrounds
A student continently service program
of the Goderich and District Association
of the Mentally Retarded has been
awarded a. grant from the Secretary 041
Sate for 94,277
The grant from the office of the
Secretary of State will ba added l0' a
grant from the Young Canada Work,
Program to bring the- total funding to
just over 17,000
The grant ill be used fora summer
Integrated playground program that will
be an expansion of the existing iia
legrabn program co-ordinated by Jane
NettSe, Goderich Recreation. Direttor
Mike Dymond will also act as co,
ordinator on the project.
Netrke said that she hope. to involve -
children between the ages of six and 13 In
die le$graled playground program and
the grant will fund the hiring of seven
playground staff. The program will run
over seem lull weeks daring the rum-.
mThe first Week id the program will be.
p)+ n ng IN staff members and
following th f; weeks f playground
CI101431, a day tamp Will h conducted
for the Dnel week All sryensa(t memb.
ere hired well take puri In a Leader in
Training Program Spon sired by the
Take Huron Zan kecrea.tlon
Assoolatlon of what a Godrnch is a
The sluff will he trained to work, with
retarded children and examine the
facets of planning spans., .games and
activities for the program Miss Netrke
hoped that they program 0ou1d be e
panded to include Clinton and Vanastrax
If the program ie suceesafel in its first
year there t vie poasib0!ty. of further
grants for the project In future years
strike at Goderich mine
Workers. at the DomtarS114Salt Mine
remain on smite after they voted t1
strikcat midnight last Wednesday
The 1141 mine. workersmembers of
Local IF of the Canadian h11ral
Workers 7,:nion were in a lega - tr kr
positron at 11 0/ a m1 Thursday,. April.:4
after negotiations had broken off with
the enmpan4 earlier Wednesday of
tern A company spokesman said
that mediation meeting hasbeen
scheduled n ti,r nth next Wednesday
and will hrrur •tel by representatives
of the Simone e( I µhu
Although. 0,' anion s e year rrn
trait expired Wirth 31 one
Local Id were. nut. , legal strike
pisIhon until I, 01 in
moron, In a vide Sunday April .'4 the
union voted II.' to ll to (mama! at rt k:nR
et the union demands wren not met In
negotiations with company Wednesday
Thi u n k nr - Pu rem an
hurt :r a Contract
811 otheroda tin nl and
Insulation, d thecompany's right m
m,mage The increase would rn r the
4itagr n f. *age111 J- 69 ani hour
JnJ ,,, b` t as bi of efore they strike :the
romp.lny' made ., final offer of a 67 cent
AM hour mrease oat r the first year and
end 0 hoar n a 4 over the
• I'd 1” / h tract
The n1/tn. ff,r ,,, Included Iia
I r. n' nns m h, n, f 1. /remount and
t I'as4lfi anon rates
aloe` manage, 1d 11 C ukhl d that
,h. df r 4,,s auto(in ielry ,anus,- the
ani inflation t0,1r1 guidelines but the
u e theIntl y- agreement
WouId• I ,-hl h the h t cal
n tat o nth p h I w.ike, bighorn' the mine
workers and the I I national Chemical
N -kir: 1 1 1 1 I 09. at the
-1 i tor plant m liniench
1 auce,n said that the un,nn'demands
I h hie n light of the
oat ,r illi lin. 1,,,111 guidelines but the,
unem Int, the t ,mpany 10 hark u/ the
a p„nl submission to Mit AIR
/ n1013'`19 )soil that the r 'fllr.,ns oas
.10":•,, hl' r a ,,.101'011hm'. sena „n thele
off10 ted out., n,•I :r ns„Ier 11 for Ihv
✓ ona, &mi
ihhghl. Illy Ibr uminrrrluist
when ad 11 •l, 1 9.4 loner ts and
err Minto s '1.1 telt, double In
relabel, ' rl. tweet, i, I aide l tinder
the gmdel, 'th ,flit 4 10,0 ing
to resod, pay. for .t1„• .. rrker,
with Local 602 over a two-year contract
hut. theunionIs seeking another one-year
The company is seeking a Two-year
contract a establish stability In the
marketplace and could not promise col
prices m further extended contr.011 k
the tabor costs. were to change annually.
The union claim! that Domtar la
.seeking'µ i y ar wage agreement that
w,ll hold the workers to lower wages
while the once and wage guidelines are
still In effect
The union demands also call for a
change in the work schedule to give
employe, free time on the weekend.
during the- months of July and August.
The rv,slrng schedule provides for three
n day work weeks a month with a
flee day and two day break between the.
reks The workers want time off en the
t ighlan rimmed that the mine mutt
run all the lime to realize a return end a
t day work week would either mean
shutting down for two days or paying
es tube/int merit me wages
Rothed s Ill have Week t C a PP m review
their A,•.nnds until the mediation
meru0¢ Toronto next Wednesday
Thr (f eft`' -3�nt !
THt: RSDAY, MAY 4.401
30039 itwendof the Delano Federation of
pwmin 110 with
Aar Wuhan.kUP with 3t and NDP
Ito. ('nn ras.u,se•s and She
nth 15 p0n,ex feel that they
thin the only )men m 1. 041 more 0004461,
6e Conaernuve. the ,tern Ontario Nan
Ram di, they weer 1971eledion
says that the
rvt, m !LIZ
k;µlhigld ! the
On 0.00,40,'»
Moine lank ins
'• '"steno far
100A 1(
OfKi 113,3
pane IM ad
'It moth alvo
9'00 iihenls wail
N..41.1 their
04[0,!0 ark
k re
Neln,sll 1)
01h0, have
Huron "truce riding Is
already getting prepared for
the lune 4 provincial election
with- two parties havtn. set
&remote. meeting dates,
The Pregresslve Con •
w III •n. rtdIng mw•, May 9 at association
Kln'archer. Town hall to
select a• andiid te for the
electionae e"alinn
ores teni John Slade avid
Re. press lime, t was
unknown who would be
seeking the nnminatinn,'bul
Mr Slade .016 there are et
Irmo four persono interested
,e' car tying the party'. Colors
Rill Walden, of Winghdm,
hhnran ue o94Fksfully for
the r
eler^nn may Innre again 10ek
the nomination but thio mhas
net yet been rneflrme4
s declared
I by board
Rased M !ramrod tie tell that Nor
de not by ^brhee or goesbnnehle novel.
Y 00hm1+ r,A not he aged
maerial, but Ile 'ale, a 1lwrned 111.1
bald. tO es nl vlMp,rulr honk. for mine
40.4, alu0rms w nt 000 teetotal. Iden "the student
•at mode In m l Indent the rloesrtMm
Is Hey j at golden n end the leach,',
;htola/ of ninon portant as which Jr .n Iia
portant Aspect In learning ”
to the Illerm Elm Hayden. from the
rtt 000 emenA Grderlch Tnwn Council and
'IM off efknnMr WIIIrM Shnrteeed . pest
gohtlnnm hie sanlrmed 0f the ce.rd, bot11
0$010 g kr In Arlence Of the
by TNatee• lilnrnry qur5Don The
r0mmrnd,0 and Iuppnrtedy
fh ...fins. Ibr renebe, and the elud,nte
A.1 04, r>had muted
le,1n A150014 rt rt the
hY a von 'e rhea mei 40. department
Ira of mste within their rhnke ne ofhonks
Reap Cnae Of .mendmrnt (yin that
Rc1er. In . of Tmntee John Henderson,
.. lee who M'poled the motion,
aMle rr..
H e ,µh1,4 k,nloft the the(
enure, for eon
kgeperd v j'0'r and 4 . Utes date the
atlhel�Yj,dt their 11h0aoe<A0n 11Id meal wftk .e
Tall m glrymstle. AOdheen mloe.� r0.
the honk,
It gBkh Zinn V100 rhalrm.n Marin
i Cal IoM the tA't they alt) v 411 80 00104
ggR t'tklra dHcasf the be In lona td
N � Mdlna the mattepewr a 1~iktn
ou�ncil Occepts Borg-Warner pact
Goderich town coon
voted unanimously In accept
n offer from Borg -Werner of
Canada Limited to purchase
71 acres of Industrie' park
land in Goderich ata meeting
Monday night
Council voted In favor Mthe
• ended agreement with the
company. .tier councillor
Elsa Heydon left the council
chambers In disgust
Following nearly two year.
of negotiations with the town.
Barg -Warner hag *greed m
pay 144,000. for 0 22 Acre
parcel of lend between high
ways 8 and 71 The motion
was passed at the Monday
night meeting of council
fnll0wlhg a lull dey'g
meeting■ between town
t4nrll, town engineer.
Burns Roes, town %nitritnr,.
Don Murphy end repre gin
[Wives from Borg.W artier
and the Mlnlnlry of the
The major Mumbling block
100 earth negotiations was
the Inesp.bllity of the town's
sewage treatment I0N1ltle. to
handle the proposed plant
discharge. Council wanted
the Company to maintain
some reepenaIblllty for
sewage plant expand..
The emended agreement
calls for the company'.
sewage discharge in the
storm end Unitary eewen to
meet the local bylaw
requirements and the pre.
treatment Of discharge to
meet the requirements le the
responsibility of the enm'
P ane.
Borg- will have the
nptlnn nl dlerhsegtng pee
(rented wee. water from the
plant to the Sterns or sanitary
,ewer If they glee native In
welling of gosh disrhorgen
tae years M .duano or they
pay part of the coat of the
eapItel exp.nelon M the
treatment plena The
payment are so h0 In
prapmltn b the hydroulle
used of !heir Industrial w0ate
ae compered to the design
hydrenlic 4011 of the 1lw0Re
plant espaallen.
The mMln to eec,pt the
amended agreement wit
Introduced by cptnclline Don
Wheeler and seconded by (aunt ,Har Jlan Pro711
counmllor John Unhrr I seconded the mann huh ,1
CourtellIor 11then wash
1ml ,nn sale
suggested that the matter
ler Mayor Deb Shrwfrll mid
1.1, Dor r0v,ew un[il'Ihe next that the mutter had been
council meeting 1nfully
reposed 1 r 1. 11 ane
gh and that 1 sumrm
undrR rslnnd the vier un the agr090.
I wr•ul/ move NM w "•We hour tern m0rdng all
'envie She motion n the
mint ler nnther dog won n.u'n n1e
agreement ahnu4 Thu'. g h nt d it
eek she seid 'ell r. only would M• a slap ,n the 0,0, In
god Nemo.% sena I hovev md ddm
our as we n
nothing against the dent hut 11 9000l0tI m041m1 lon,ght, he
should he tabled for another .x Wheeler said that Omrhn Ds
irk - a
proper needr,l
lime hidthat th,•-offer ha,1
gone „ 1r
n rot send IWµ 1
d•Ir,l 1041 it.., ¢ W',rnr•r
satisfied his 1•.15 r.'I 000
terns and although he wire
stleamlmetl ser0on She agreement If she could
a tied that allhlrugh the. review the
soundie•igoioni has h had agreement I rntiy
• .ilsont the es
„f Santssost lin 4,hit
aril I hat Rove Werner w
' ra no reason f„ nol in any hurry In build and
n11er d why there 0d,
Jot,” n count 11to push the
tat,.Men, 10/11110 Hayd
It the 11 ..1 chamber arid
n d
its.' 001 ur('.1smd
'v, t dales has, hien
released in
1 the company's
111,.n, for ' en.lrurl,nn but
Wheeler rsplmned that the
,mpnnv hope• to employ
'ego ern 9O 'Memel('
Ihv w 1
41 1 11 ihr In ,11'1 4h' "'"`4 re
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yr11 '1st 0.1.•'...r0.1.•'...r0.1.•'...r Ilav,lnns ,11I,nn,l attrr
Dpu14 Neese I dm,
Palm ' !aimed that On, Lo I'. hie u,'h the
althon h she was not •ml"1 aerrrment
g d it l.,sw0n 1d Iha) she ,old
with the ori "twit she the
was now r„m (nrtnhl,• with the also 1„' ,” ..forte OleIry M, h
Prom Queen crowned
Judy Cruickshank, douehlee of M, and Mn. 01014 Cruickshank. of
Gederlch con crowned queen at the GDCI formal Friday night by Let
queen Lauel. gemliken. Judy WO. 5.leead by IM ,talon body ever
other rnnlrilnnto. Mary gurus, (left) end m Judy'. right M.niMm Freer,
1 nil Keller and Kathy Reynold., f°Medd, wan the theme ef IM. metes
.prang arm al In ronlnellee with the 1M birthday eelebretiell. (.left phar)
Anomer sea Gross ninon uonorLome will et amu deal
Wednesday, May 251n GDCI auditorium from 2 to 5 in the
afternoon and from 6:30 to S. SO in the eVentng
. The Goderich Kinsmen and K nettes will once agon
amidst with the organisation of this event They remind
everyone that the summer season Is a "high demand"
season for blood although blood.,, vitally important In
hospitals the year round.
For those persons with small children who cannot be
left alone, the Killen*, will provide a habysttlmg sem ire
during the afternoon clinic
"Celebrate Jubilee J by becoming a regular 01001
donor," suggest Kin Stan Connelly'
Mayor would take over
water treatment facility
Mayor Deb Shewfelt gave nonce at Monday s meet mg,•,
that In October this year: a motion would be coming to
the council able forthe town to take over from the
Ontario government the operation of the water treatment
The mayor who is just back from a convention In
California where drought conditinne preyed. said earl ler
in the meeting het fully cnnv,nced Ihv Town of G,drr,Oh
should take nv or the water plant here
he PLC Molt, aft the
-'The man owns the townr t
pipes and solnebody else pays the stuff the _ d
We certainly Mee a good track recited hoth oer
sew age treatment plt he reasoned
Mayor Shewtelt said that in Orange County near leis
Angeles, unusually effective water conserve teie
Method, are being treed and proven
"You just wouldn't Wove- how efficient they have
become.- he told council,
The rust to of moo& came alt the n 1' f Ihe reg ler
testi nofc :rel NG discussion . p rmlo d on a tlitlit0
of motion according to rules set out m the ethnic ,peI act
Heydon threatens to resign
Goderich town council
refused to accept the
resignation of eminent& Diss.
Heydon aenc
u 11'6
representauve on the Huron
Hi brle Jail Board
s Hayden
told councC il that she was
tendering her resignation
from t
the board and
cocii null take whatever
The resignation was. given
shortly alter Hayden was the
centre of attention at Marini
when councillor Don Wheeler
served nettle, at motion ,that
he wanted her censured fur
her actions' to a sprawl
council meeting las, week
laydn said that she fell
her presence on the board had
been useful ,n the past but
explained that she felt rl was
lime she and the board parted
wuy o
3 She -mod her in
valvemrnl on the board rams
aMmhn<n the toward •w
fighting iu save the wall of the
jail and preserve the strut
tore es it is
She satn that she served on
themnh,tee when ,t was
successful n that regard but
added that , th - coin•
mlllee Ia iuuk,g ata 9,iss,blr
alleruuun of the iganar lad allow an atiattonUrri lo.
Ire rind r aced - dno matte;
how hard she tries shecarIPt
dv I 01111 010 subject. with ad
open mind.
Hayden Id she had not
left the board with a111r,line.
and had parted as best of
She said she
knew it
choked as though she was
ay Ong "if the game Irn't
played my way I will take my
toys and go home" but added
that she I, too old for that kind
"My mind wits tuckand
men d
f I nted 1 cot) Idn't
open ,1," the. bald "I Y
tonvinced met this .town
meds a 5011 mat auwlorium
and n 0 beyond me to alter
theconstruction of the Jail to
tlsaamtdmMn4m a 250 seat
Grandstand closure now official
Goderich town council gal
Il, (Ira( °Iftc,al nat,ce Man
day evening that the
Gudench Raceway grand.
stand was condemned
Council knew the grandstand
ads unsafe and had closed .1t
but had not received official
word on the mater from
government -fhc,als
responsible fur the cinniirn.
In a letter from H Y
t 00
d,rect00 of the 011nt1try 'f
consumer and moll
relations, it 0. explmned tth
eutincil that the tentr
Rating Cornus. da was
assumed to halt -forwarded
copies of ceelrr4p,ndence 10
had with the l'ransae s°that
council would he ,nfurmrd of
els action A meeting was also
arranged with counrll
representatives, the
municipal eng(0000 04
consultant and fomm,aa,on
slat( to ensure a full un.
dcrslandinR of the situation
Yoneyama pointed out to -
Council that as owners of the
'Tincture that has
deteriorated to the extent the
grandstand has he was sure
that conal is aware of Its
responstbldlesand potential
Yoneyama letter was
written after the property
',m mutt•,' 01 council
questioned the second hand
correspondence n received
from the racing commtsslnn
The information on the
condemning had never been
put directly to the town as
iters of the structure and
the committee wanted
clanbcation of the matter
In another letter received
from the trove insurance
agent Donald MacErtran,
council learned that the town
1,113dd lan1111y. insuointern
the grandstand but had tite-
r tre-
hefife•' lnruranCt• Layer,,ge,
reduced to the approximate
salvage value of 510,000
.MacE wan suggested to
council that of the building la
condemned oftieally sign.
should be put cap pomung oil
that. fact and aIeo that per
sone using thea enure• w, so:
at their own risk
Reeve BAt Cidford ex
plainest that -what that meant
was that anyone 'bouncing
ro d p there re entered d
they get hurl but that the
beading 5 not valued. at the
sarne runt. h a, Prior
Councillor J he Doherty
Palled a 111111101 move when
the arena was lused and Said
that the Insurance 4rage
remained intact under
hab,lrty clauses but the
salvage value was reduced
gradually as the budding was
Counctllur Bob Allen b14
council that ap until now the
only mud the awn had of the
condemning ems from two
oomn there from the racing
messton and that now the
closure was being made of
Councillor Stan Profit
-asked if Haydon could du
what she WY. doing. He sand
he. was not trying to be dn.
pool1 but wanted the
pointing Oucdidn't feel
Haydennor any other
council call
Imply resign from a position
appointed them by council:
"That,. why 1 worded the
motion to say cuuncil could
take whatever action it
wanted.' Haydon ,old And 1
mean 001 001 ra"
Sh P[ rle to
" munened r000cllbr
Don Wheeler
Profit sympathized wall
Haydon's deem. but pointed
out that he was caught in a
similar predicament when
the save the jail campaign
was at in. height He said at
that time he sat en the
property committee of county
and was ane' of the
p pl advocating the
demolition of the wall He
sod from that position he was
cant m d dittearent roar when
he was named county
councils representative on
the j,11 board
"Wh t 1 mean n that when
fits dee sr n 40 uredo and
finished Nen will b. 0141,00
equally tmporant In the
future and you are not on the
committee% for the benefit of
the board but as council's
representative. P sad Profit..
. Coen.: Wheeler lidded that
everyone at the council able.
and on commmeas has di(,
f red 091nim at times and
those pinions 'are aui
t ,
wcauve of the ness oi