The Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-12-29, Page 9ir'S One lent )rn- ;ual to at• ling rch ser. et", I he the ion, dle ider who deg e in iich 1. zed the of who and otis held the mon 9 • Hawsweet it ls, They won the gold Tests flawed 01 ftesily Pit hre,re00 hundreds of until n1 a I ooday morning triumphant Gormrtch 034 11o03111 130001 00 sadeed Valley Hall The Jubilant tiuppsn, to, maul ,Joree 3100115 0,0 e.eer,ois Lhe piiYflh 5110,d 15 rmy down Sa Itf on/ the mob - °atm de ei greet the tyska. PRls" maxm i' seen,' it we. d *err retinae Orman sod forests who su patientis iu share 3.0 vatirv Pse a.a,,ir way threugh the alit aria into the hall and ace greeted re eh 011000 000 Must players the 00101000 LOA., e has ona !rawly belloy jhr tuhritosiit,,a Verner s ea, t !was spoke on het. o titel. team end alined the stole week wal rec..°jool ti anbeliesable Hw He o d superiativee toof a"-gicaTe the effort put art de esery phiyer required to aucceed in the tournament ''l just can't eay enough about thetie guys and the way they played ell week, - Williams said. "They lathed like they have never skated before. they checked and everyone played his best to win the tournament " The team recorded four. wins end one tie in winning the gold medal In their division. and won their enel game ld over Kappa -awe, Switzerland. the same team they defmted 3-1 os their fain elessupionehip hockey wees and what • hailers sue to Welt off • birthday party." he eget W. awe extremely Pteled Of this Oicitmcier teem anti they have brought hockey back Co GoderIch." Tbe Oldtimers put Oft an Impressive style of dogged delenelve play and allowed only flve goals againet in their five tournament games. Team members Hutted on youthful legs and their gentlemanly conduct •nsi style of play made them •• favorite of fans and team. tournament game Goderich defeated the Williams remarked on the Rapperseill Oldtlaiers In physical fitness ol the Swiss their flret ileme 3-1 eed knew team and how they marvelled hum that point they were at the Canadian players late &Speed fee • medal, tactics En rade to the final they defeated Summentele el, 'The Swiss team went to Morpeth 2-1, end tied St. John bed early every night and we 1.2 10 13.. final they defeated sat up mg t 0.4 dranke Rapperswil for the mcond 00 ,000 showed them how to tinee pie y hockey Mayor Deb Shewleit paid respects to the teem and welcoined them home on behalf of the town. “We now have a world Nojalace like home to pad ta be home. Goderlch Oldieners trainer Ed few seams a Canadian nag In hi, hat and the coveted p15 medal around Ws neck 10 11, lolned th the festivities wiy Roedny morning following the team% return from Interhuid. (staff photo) CIVIC MEETINGS Ruby. 0.031 2* at le 00l , Huron County Owned esse in the wen. chambers. second floor, county. bathe wader March 23 ° 30 p , town councies firm helmsmen in the coined chambers, town hall. „ea., gjejes et at 7 p ny Municipal Day Nursery adnee mating 01000 nursery school Orb Gold medalists jubilant on return We're number onel Members of the Goderlch °Warners hockey team Wind their arms in victory tis team c•main 11111 Presley holds the old. linters 13 dIvIelon championahip trophy. The Oldemers returned Gederich eerly Monday morning end were greeted by headrest0 of en Oobertrb ISO YEA1(-I2 thuslastIc lane The team racked up four victories and ma tie to winning the gold medal in the° division at the second armual Lumnam national Oldllmers Hockey Tournament In Zurich, SwIteerland. Wtaft photo/ IGNAL - STAR DIURSDAY, MARCH 24,1577 SINGLE COPY ik ceer Public budget meetings again in '77 Council gets 5.5% salary raise Town councillors queetly Clifford -said Breckenridge .0.04 °armee.. a raise had previously been doing all the Harbin^ Committee, 00 -lo. next aghest tender, Monday everting There these different municipal and nearly 1.1,00t1 less than a. Councillors Don Wheeler and pearance and cleueliness of oeound ClenstiReation 00 0 a, water, a single comment tasks, but now with the Elm Haydon, as et. mistime thot d tender from anyOne concerning the reclaxsification -0 becomes lie: At II BOLTIQUE nines:entails es of the Sailing the Snug Harbor area, tontine.. boats between the because 0. wes agreed it committee. the marina/ the Finance Chairman, motion brought forward by part of the pile' Squadron -servea -as a "summer home' ' meet -visor and the facility Club and the Power PUBLIC BUDGFT Mrs, Mar) lee Janie.. has laiscession centred around firm unpresslon a boating Some su-ggestions included for many boaters and . the users ...stressed Reeve. Bill Clifford, beets granted the town's visitor gets of Goderich sonable tonfoem.like elothinr brings the miary kir the improermien'Continued t of the age Better liaison and ail. municip•I councillors., temp. try 'wilding. on: the . pager!, The raise at 55 percent MEETIN(iS Perim,. le eonstruct a Council is moVing to budget .heach which vete be used by deputy 1000(0 and reeve in Goderich to 82850 from 12700 ton0. and meetings ore •1.1 in her a, a boutique Mrs begrn Monday, March a at hl 101 .. ha, the proprietor of per annum The mayor •5 1 30 p m and Wednesday. thy boutique in the O'Brien salary increases from 15,400 Apr!' 6 at ' 30 (10, ln the Huililine on Ihe Square which (015.697. The increase Is effectiee Council chambers Lo hammer ...slain. recently out the: town's expenditioes 'ehe building, about 8 feel Ap.r11 I, 1977 to enyar the for 050 10100 313-30 1,,, wIll be constructed balance 0(the current COUnCil Three meetinge art open to .41 Mr, Jom,', '0310000 10130 December. 1970 It will not be term, until the end of the public iial cothens of the understanding that she retemctive to January I, 0...rich are cordially in- *111 re..., no exclusive 1977 toted to attend the sessions to send", . rights . she had see just how municipal In other finance committee dollars are to...spent in 19,7 ir,..euestgeinhezill pay the busen, the present position Deputy clerk 1. a ,e 1.50." . 10. general avrelo'nrtiown'd1 m of the building inspeCtor, Roy Breckenridge, has been McCabe said the alt..' levy the holilique Clean at all in Goderich a up by- about eniesand all expellees. in department will become reclassified. Breckenridge's 8170.003 representing e 24 f tl 11,0 (In the premises will percent increase over 111,1 ta poid by Mrs larnes known air the building and yeer planning department, end The business will open May Breckenridge will be the Tenders were opened W 21 and nill rt.mion 00(10-001,1Menday:s meeting lot. gravrt. I .31.,,Day 1 he agreement is building and planning officer The lowest tender was ole for 14," only The building and planning cepted, that eubrnated by Besides this tala I boutique officer's responsibIlitiet wIll Seedy Contracting ha myrrh a n dim, clothtisg, Include the building M. 418.130 opector's duties, secretary of 1.1- wellery, craft* and of the Housing Action Committee and other related duties pertaining tO hie office Annual salary fur this the plannirig board. secretary had been accepted 100 the te ake 0 het le 1 in board painting which is x orrently .1, ailahli. tor this type of underway at the town off.. asked the property arm display teens, ma le rot 1 motet- if the krvest tender promoting the limn, and will C0.4 -flea Inhn Doherty nsienire Mrs James will position will be 812,476 plus 000Woe ossured hy Chairman The inamuner of overall car allowance- • Bob Alton and Deputy tee, , nortitsy aas- emphastred In speaking to the Eileen Palmer 31.0 00 Willie when StIll McIsuan. the new recommendation, Chairman Pederson tend. was 3700 rerminii supers.il0 met with liennett townhouse units re -introduced Hein a London Maw awn to take ap osa . the Whaley petty et die <Pere/ -07 lefidd Road end Bennett Ind which orta Ward A. *eked by Gros V. a ter, es plan ism fee 13 meow Mita, mil Me approved by- the id Area Planning mu informed at leday eveninga coon11 ingthaIOlopdnbO:Il"o Wed 0 the 'eon s had ALIeS fig ha mettedeliont and ti Identically We -same s steetlopment as proposed by Mr Walteroe" asked Councillor Stan Profit. '3,000.4 to COmply .0.1,30. bylaw,' answered Hevey Is there any change 050, design of the building?. asked Councillor Else Hayti. It ,s exectly the same design, mid Honey lievey asked council if the town • Impost charges of 13,00000014 apply toll, units be nned to construct 'Very definitely," said Reeve Bill Clifford. Hevey then apoke of the Municipal Incentive Grant systeni with which the town Was certified, and said the tow.n should make application for a grant 0181,000 per unit. Mayor Deb Shewfelt ex. plained 'It was his on •derstanding that the deveMper In such • case wield pay the 31.003 impost chaege to the municipality at die tone of the appileation for the building permit, but that when the grant was received from the gOeernment by the town, the money would be forwarded 10the developer. Herey sold under the scheme the. building would lave to comply with Central Housing. Mortgage Company Stop Stouffville squad regulations and meet toor she finds it difficult to un• Wage enter. dersiand Why there had been In other bustles, Court O lacked cif com.munication Ston Prnfit complained between 111, 10,, grimes when aMut an indwartal there have alwaye been Iwo motion repiri trt whoh OW.: councillors and the relay. ae suggested that relations menthe's of the Commission between -council and the 3o mom:omen members COMMission were not ideal find it difficult te accept • I'm Profit is.a form00. member of mite they understand that the Conimismon eilen, has the final dee imon . said Hayti. ornmuhication te a two. way. street," inSieted PrOtit is jUSt ea sy for them to be in touch with this council '' A letter from the chairman of the Huron Historic Gaol Baird. Paul Carroll, aaked !continued. page JD "There has been very (ow things council -han,, , done that the industrial Coro nusaion asked." said Profit "Borg-Warner the gigantic eemption." Carman'. Elsa Ha yd.. 1100 a member of the Industrial Commission aid antams win it all at last &Mune has ended lte °Nene( lakepor &Mary ended a 'Ill. championship ittnegth seeing' the el, °atone 18 Championing.: thrilling 4 ituffrille thr fetch played in einderoh login damelmshie aita d :ouch o en 'Year c whi.t: the errna 000 Intend hi structow1. repairs tenor hake, '''p70' difficulties el...aged Orr. eta its rook.. outaidral Cindy. h Man ln2 :a• met th. 14 Men , e. 5 (110,1 -.0 fith I first geoid !to.) and drvinte giving up two pal! In the amend period 1.•'"n8 let the 4.2 view, Tee line of Dan Melee, Pee, Trebish and Larry Madge .gain provided the si'oring punch for the Steelers .10 they were responsible for all four goals Trelaish was she me goal 50000, 05 he stored three goals and Maillel chipped in with the e inner Trehith opened the scoring Atte, three minutes of play etrel 0 nese., 3131 Stotiffielle eealie Mark Forrester The ran k eluded Forrester as he .ito•rnpied to Jump on it ...aide the creme and ',bah slopped Into the net rrehish scored his second Meal 10 the game 10 minutes Don Malliel gives the victory signal as he nne 100) v,1,1.1e6nodet.a,f47, 3*33, 115.crineship a GoderIch Teem. y-. alai f photo/ later after some hard corner wore by Jim Coatello and Maillet gave him a clear shot Iran the olot. Coetelle battled for the peck in the left wing corner end Managed to slip it to MaIllet behind the net who in turn fed TrebIsh in the slot Maillet then scored the winning goal before the end of the first period as 31,fired a wrist Mot between the pads Of Forrester -after taking 0 pass front Madge and Rob McDonald Godertch ran into pertalty trouble (0 30; early part of the second period and &miffs/111e carried the play while taking advantage of the manpower advantage Stour( ville ;cored two goals within a two minute span to narrow the Godench lead 00 000 goal. Stoutly -die kept the play in the Godertch end in much of the second period and goaltender Steve wo, ferred to make several key saves to holdha team in the game Goderich managed few she°. on Ferrol.. the Second.. period but he did make a good glove Wle on a shot Horn Madge Goderich turned the gami, -around in the third !amid .00 they ferecherked relentlyssly end snipped Stouffi, We rushes between the hi...lines before anything developed The second lone oi Mike Hodges. John Clement and Costello were instrumental in tying up Stouffiaille- in their own end and the line also enloyed several -scoring opportunities Goderich added the In. surance marker early 10- 131, third periOd as Treble', completed 105 hattrIck after being 0003 10 .alone on a pas. from McDonald. McDonald and his john. defensemen played solid defense throughout the game eating hthuff mile Pleyers to shoe from long range McDonald, who just returned w 007(00 following. a leg injury. assisted on -ail four goalS. Foliiiwing the game -the coat -lung staff f °among or Mike Wipe Bill Go 110* and Jim GIB hriet -and captain Mike lirmgen were presented with the new Hantam FIB All - Ontario championship trophy This marked the first year tho trophy has been presented Friendly exchange GoderIch Mayor Deb Shessfelt pins • Jubilee Three button on his Bay City counterpart Dan Willerts. Mayor Mom/len headed • delegatkin Of local officials Oft • VW to this community's Oster City In the United States and Mayor Willer -hi has promleed to relent' the visit pn July 4 thls year when /merle. Day Is held as pert of GoderichI sesquicen- tennial celebrations. Dealt photo) The spoils of victory Goderich Lakeport 051ee1 Bantam captain Mike liodgee accepts the Ontario Bantam BB division trophy from Mr. J. Pollard alter Goderich defeated Stout, vIlle 10the final mime Tuesday night. Iles 3, the fa° year a trophy was awarded In the BB revision, Vie Oobert0 SIGNAL 70) it' I .10 I I I htd,day, April 7, .77 STAR 0106.1 0310 70, Agreed to go to Clinton Council puzzled over independency Goderich Town Council went to Clinton yesterday afternoon to meet with of fleials 00 30. Huron Board of F.ducation At time of writing. It appeared the meeting would be closed to the public and press The meeting was arranged Tuesday by Administrator Hal W.alls after council was advised Monday evening members 01 13.31 hoard and or admmistration staff would not tome to Goderich to meet with council as council had requested A letter from J Cochrane, director of Mutation, advised that the hoard thought it bescto meet In Clinton where records and 104000110000were readily aVailable in the .raent qUestions 'I tn..ve hi, in, ea te- declined and the letter received 110.1 filed said Reeve Halt' Irmo. root, il .110011 1 4001 in Ito over the figures' ass, 11 Mayia- Deb She wielt "ft s not rust a n•aft.... gin. ...I. or the Wan, .014 -Como h lint dm, who - Initiated the Mntion Intl week to tnette the Mard memhers to the rosin. rneetinft thought our two repetnern tat., would want to Come and ex pla tn to its I would not 11 wriS such g a bad thinask oor . ante and . Mr, Mad!. olenl 10 say that if she- was a hoard loathe -she would welcome the opportnnite 3., 011000 .nf..rm.oio,n for the a opt,- ef her munieipality sue tie on 1 le pave, alth ' I motif soya the. show• o ertain orrogante n heir pert that they do 001 Wahl in 'neg.) Wall epnyerh The hood is rostionsibie 111 the pohlit 007 0* the, 11,011 enitni .1 ei.r,r1.,1 1 intro ill, !hive tin., wt, fr, th. peat said 11.1,11.0 • WO In Inpresen lalises •tha *Veit 104 reason., r....r• Bob Allen 11 0, t ai. t sloe on,' gel ers how ran 1011,1 anci gel ..11110 010 ' 10,1 nt Ihrth I h 11,1 .•1 the Aro. Inflal no Board 11,0 t nolo dine 31.31,1 Ill.het a Who a tto 1.11l0.0 ;WI ..11•••He 10 1 an oard concedes to budget meeting NelY heard of I sent : ,afrie.rn,erice,,,, deal of concern towards the , 1477 requleithen by the board m re vi,r,r1) h adding that any councillor. f ou 9e nth y • if .1 ' felt the increase was "con ,,, aiderahly higher than an 71 rm., tr, n eit licipated arid an explanation ima rt t h , desired" am. •he wit ea eat died 'tide 'he op t ih cra was 'n e noir en, hrone expinined to the mod In a report that there is orumetnn in Wee whereby .11. hoard le required "to 10 Council the board0 requisition to 1 ipality ' fie added in On report that there le no in law whereby a 11 mny otter nr withhole the alivatinn levy le a leiter the hoard, so der oh deputy clerk tsetsrithr rry. McCabe field r that roonril yoked a {treat hi The motion reed "that a repreaentetive from the Huron County Board of Education be requested to attend the next budget meeting In Notify their requisition" The letter mid thm the education reoirisitain is it "major reMirillot.0 to thr prOposed (00-1000" in the municipal mill rale in Goderich and that :ern. in the penceOis analysine theee ore. of tn.-ream. in the expectation of "sheeing the prel 1M Dairy hiolget to "reireonrmile inrreithe "(Mutation. therefore eeerns tn be one nf these areas under attaelc. as are twiny others.' read 037, 100100 It added that coo nre, Int he dente 31hat thr listed wonldl,ko 0.61 ea.,*d leoneng erm an ,es planal inn 0000 Heel hat with, .1.1110 It, a is e ,-,o,0i) 4161,10 thr budge, .on...• pnaseil Mat, and ...ent presentls d thiamin.. of ediiiation- (to tkeher appro.° The ini ream. hrougim ahroo the 1,1 011 hoot ;11 'mills 001,1,11ote Meeaby Ihat mean' rases A hnrnn al VI 111111 which thr inwn nvertige ...et! Piton 41100, fen bans hat year 'haat hair tn an Herr, k helm minded the t roster, Boit nes er before has the board nal wIth a rhunic mai ...lined for this raison adding the hmrd is not .1, cOlInt.lhir in INInhe 1th thirl the hoard woold nit they di. a-hir I the hell the, eke 'The ested mtke eat !fa ail. is. 111.• tiord,,. said liow er If he polio. 010110 to keno then the pot.- shouldask sit o ohlre I aotild lent no,1 :1 Ihe hoard a sk., .1 us O here 1., expel. -thir our. ,1.. r l't .t. • hoc. h. ....Clain 0, their nes atm. the- doehn pa, mon, to the roar...11.1, h I. from oer own 101I1 I pal roar .4 01011 o ent on W0 re W.I lo on bark the Ihht .0, On. !ening h., It. • nk 011 the m hoot d e I din t third, e ahoold ....re 3011070 07 the town he, .1000 d the eilie..-itart ender, WI. has,. to mak, hitl 4,010n MI our nr.n.h. hi -rt. in 1 olden, h and c. 1 4 1 he tintird s moo., / on de any thong thoor d an. v. is and the rdie tn the .1 under Ihr, ...dam., should ondyntand It -tirade July 9 in 1 ee aiething Ah.ser Persims submitting rianleS are rem untied In eel the I ir not preivirre hat -o, ton‘ent Or the nnfhtn,.(01 le,. So null ,n, en,tse hcfore sending the suggeslron einla Lath le.herts to it+, Itibilee Chao. I am Ile.erferred in reople fiserl MOO, the dross in, ortir. 'as 0011 AN ple upgling to n-14, -rnds oo.rt fhry jolt ran ./ off 'wit 3D fl(00O0' ted 1 tor. rt. re'mokine it 1 '00111 .th for nein inn alner Allen said 00,-,,r, look in• al our own hedeet ttna and keep to a O d tow in, lease kap it In mills I don feel h,.,1001 .0 th Abe., ho nn t, ,1 011 0 10, 20 Jimmie g lob., There orean ;Pr, yolerf, and fr•erms of rtntle el.' h are asked- to nominate the candiritles Any female resident of eroderich is eligible pros cline 0110 )5 all yee es of age-nt better The ear, of the winner will be drawn Timers itny. filly 6 and the Queen will randstand future bleak until repaired 3n 11.0 thit RennAstand nt the Clinton non Parnwny WAS Min 00, de,nod ha were OCYPInlinther arondsrandi rentree 1437, ihtimehnio h. pm., in., tide riudtnq to Blaney. dm -towbar h end Clinton erarclearms were the worst la Omar. Referring tn the shoderich grendetand, Feeney mid a -appear, flail It stay. on la hon. ir was the tarn Merman.. flerthiel Here,. • and 0000,0. 7(90304 that made e'd^' fore reeonnernded to H Irt s yoaryarna 00031. Ministry nf 00 maim, and Cnennarcial h:,leo,,fi,ans that the grandstend d not he used further tn 310001,0,310001,0, tenting me - f! Th e eon...dation until mach time Steil postal hours ulo fee moat In 07040,1,33 has been MN Melenestier M T Fmi th. be er$delleerlG ot ta despatch net oon FridAY. %rar$$$$e ha normal Seterday *Whet hours end :awe"; a at A 1110 Fester, end 00$4onS'ay. ech;linle '11 ter tam letter hos eollectiong and bet huldiky milks wen continuously. • as the required rei0. hireement hiso been ef• Meted" Engineers A 1 Burgess and .1 Knight of the firm ...Indeed that the enet of oonetructine invnlved would he vomething ilk, 170,000 to 0100,000 "Thaeo a resestle figure," claimed Blaney when lie met with tenant. Monday evening after oporeling the entire day On Toronto enneerning the, matter, Disney 310054 ,00 guarantee what government funds would Ile available for the project should the repeirs he undertaken hy the town, hut he suggested that the racing eomm lesion might sponsor up tr. 00 per cent or a 11100,000 reefer bill "Put that's strielly my town opinion," warned Blaney. "I have no authority thepeak for the racing con'entleelrm. of Centric '' He efild it was hie on derstanding the riming Ormafitslion 31. 4' lernething tuse o like *110,000 •v liable 10 for Both proje te ail -ever 00t0010. This Id likely mean (31,kiwi would have ;t0 Come up whit the fell *100,00 - End thatpethilpit mamma troMmilliftel Would pay 08310* emit of dire 3140 this yesr, awe maybe 70 per rent 14 the loll No onewered Blaney tle further /..iitlintted next year however that a nee. gran NOT WORTH RI PAIR.: dstand h the line prnpoeted for Clinton smarm cred Lae Mil Rianey told atom si thel for allow SA 000. the grandam...I in h rook! 3,0Mouth? mantrierd to? lithdrel Gorferich • grandstand worth the repair,' asked Councillor Itch Alien, chairman of the town • property committer nectipancy th,• slimmer I h. %mild int ,,, • e en in. nsii I repot. end th.nfer. ma thit .1 hr 1 short rei YORATIOn• Raney of eisal • Yon might he ahte talk then...lama a for this item You wrathdn 1 gel eery ntlich for visor iennee e mild we ese poroon onder the grandstand' a•ked olinrvilor Clan Profit Planes fell this sen• unlike!. ...hoe, special peer wit ions ea wind monitio mg 71,0 ,0010000 In 0 strong wind the grandstand rnold land in Int, rare twit 0)0the parking lot thel Man,: If the grendetand le dosed r id tares he held," asked earmrillnr Don Wheeler Blaney ranwered that if grendstand properly hoarded up this might ...ranged At lora At the grenstsiand lOmi01000000 people are front mood. page 20 Class - please come to order several flromen from aurrounding eouotles and the City of Stretford are attending e weeklortg fire pelmet In Gaderfell eenducted through the Ministry .3 ,300 Sancti. General end the Ontario Fire Marshall'. Mika The crveiene emu., Involve* three he., al fillenneenen 0001,000 .04 three 0000e pr. leal 'reining each day. (staff 00000 CODER ICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBEI 29. 1977 -PAGE Council begins tfi dm') exponses Firtt blidOet draft would hike. to. xes-Seitill, The' first of at least two budget meetings held in open seasion for 3oderich Town Council really 41611 sccomplieb much. After lour hours of taidanatjas and review, only about MAO wait cut out of the expenditures which. if unadjusted, would have totalled 93.9311,137, Last year's budget was for 13,I00512 whliti actual expendlusres for the year were $3,243.710. 8,Ws preamble to council at the start of the meeting, deputy.clerk Larry McCabe told council that .3 031, budget was approved as presented, it would mean a SO mill inereast from 179 45 nulls .1976 to229.4S mIlls in 1977 „. be placed 10 tbe bustle', bi (ma Decision Separate SOW/ gourd WWI op 85.411 -1 tor taw am Nat nut prepared 00 (05 Anemias which ia ea for Wednesday, The police hisdbat Is yeettl IN riftv.*'itieb ... sees reimmsd to Egier a 1/50.000 item • from $51.11$ lo 151.44E. almost a 17 pen ay. incroinie go by without ai Nast at Aprileamttopi.votai.nuAL avocets rblileberThree1fere71=e1.17 fivroleet: 'lleryi"Zre. wn% min by men roue. 0tleat.p,,tiwngmtur.titind.eyradotangd the m.o.., for would begin to thew up and wry the clears concerning the iteparalc 001101p1 "It . lltliv wC Made 01.1.010,0 heard SHOW INCH k,finkS by Ihe Goesnich Polk* Cothilietelwe bit preliminary budeet flguelet show It, 1,4 b. op from 9247.301 10 8260,020. A eauple d ,celebreiliens fiesuicially until the end uf .bo,:rod.iticreuee. inil the Mown Board -of on thiy al:allt, - sent Councillor Bun The general admialarrat.100 beds. for tobnicistsi"Zilion/sw.°IrelkearaPnarinticCreiteelnireb" the .yeer when all the accuunte ere Eder:edge bike received. none clew. Allen -Thai*. close to ,i $2011.11011 to. the town is up front $149,130 bndgeted re ciat of firearm. and ammeeiden WOO, finally Milled, creasy and MeV!, a Imo' money '' 1116 w 1763,507 ot 1977, adthough actual 1000 lent year to 82,620 Ws year....an. "If we need to give them niece than Councillor Elm Hayden told her COmeillor Dec, Gower saw usigt every capons. In 1071 were a whoppasig (revel expenses up. frOM $311 41194 le 515.000." commented Mayor Deb aseoclates she felt there shthald be sonic Yeor coon. Sita by unul it hours Boon cle.3311or $90.000 more then expected, 8i4561n1573, Shewilelt, "we can 40 ao Bet it soil just ewe of an explanation from the board the sehoirl board und then Win its budget A Inyost every .terai In the budget. hi up.. eWe 'Medd 5103 .13(1 until the peti31. be an in and out Rem. I am peeitive OM tryalaa. or the administration regarding ',mimed the school las increase He said 3101the major difference, ere in selarveri• commiselois girts a thane* at this budge, celebiations will show a profit. the Manioc. She said she'd been led to the echool levy alone svould repreeeet /0 and employee benefits Gross eateries in before we cdrarnent," said Ceeneille believe the hefty hike mey have been mills to the taspaYers of Goderich this budget are 895.752, up from 082.1150 Stan Profit. The suggestion raw og MAJOR EXPENDITURE- ceused by an erre, in previous 'about Vell on an assessment of 13.0001 budgeted in 1976 and 0119.031 actual proved by councti. • For a hoo. tatiasaaaa a, m.o. it wmld Ged1ht:elch'9afr'0e:iith'*1)EptiUptfth'0A'arsi°'yteldNurC,"k'nbut del': the Igo. of formmx me roomy school urde, to accommodate wok. the school penbution Weird. 816.196 for We In. 316.102 and the bylaw enforcement ol calculations, but more then that ahe felt Nos" council in atiempung to cut expenditure in 1976. Theie 10 al. 'et corm. ehoold be informed regarding niece %% a % y aerns of nis swan Widget 01 110,160 11000, for the Workmen's Coro. PleTneh'ingb'dolfteicer filer 0191"irtaidlini3g$00007. .750ieer•me e thee. el eh.. 9150 Hun Coniy0oardrfEducato01sb0:ed000w:ee:: etthe requattiona board increase withouariousle oYer serener. Si 7,66 for ouip16,740 fue' facer'. deparmet front W14.10 3. 00,03005 crz.0.by.rih,m.t,,,niti,.n,Th;r00,..,1iciph: hurdeningthe taxpayers of Gusterith Curled.. Pension Plan. 1/0,954 foe .$15,1190 These budgets are exclusive o Council Seem. unanimously agreed requisition dila your °Om the Hmon "1 suggest we would invite Dorothy A. 01,0will dieintegriste in A le. Unemployment I0100.000 Go..amitan salariee for Roy Breckenridge, buildini that • reductiena must be made . the Boord touts dee° te wie .liithe dell.. - Wallace and Cayley Hill.. well as some Ina. d tho continues, Clam mented Bub and over 130.000 for OMERS. through not much progress was made. In for elementary school needs other board officials if that is mnsidered Allen necessary,- to Pe at Our next budget ' It a torte to separate these things ' ... but there la an $11.00 0 iwiVanCe 50 13,1 Street fleeting is up from 133,750 to There will be ne election,expenses in bylew enforcement officer. and planning officer, and Dick Wale,. budget in order 10 keep taxm more in $804.664. That represents 3436,336 for line for the year, but on the fast run g,,ormegry aehool acapows and 1460,328 meeting.- leles Hayden wid. "in a IIIC, ••1 id Councillor Gower "II it. ante the Juba. Three Committee whiCh must be 1,38,700 00(03.the major Caress* combo ?X.; ,thog .m.hii.01,:g7eFy..111,..rtic.c1chhtb.iertoondeniYil w!..a,:i. rntegdeb.eiticti,thioen.. ricicigtar.stion.s, irt.epthy Jied...,civilieeduspirii • • w ...lbw,. C011eiled 00 1/00 taxes ' picked up in this year's general ad- from the cost of electrical power. Clifford told council that instead of 034,104 ter secondary trehool and oall ..ayseas recaoed council had once 'it Would cue! more money.- retuned ,,,00001, 01,00 budget Office templet. and subtracting from the budget'. total. 5356.607 for elementary schools Tbe before tried to arrange a RIC tql II, with co...aim-Stan Profit reritals have gone from. 511000 W110.000. members MO succeeded in adding to the luta! Increaue is 563.237 for secondary school board members and found it -01.10 lost o 00.8 Ws as far . Ino rhe fire ...dee°. budget is down P.1 Ut nrB L 01 CF Ws 50014 TK 5 ...e.titeowo‘„, therni.ulicrip.ohoality.,,b,enremagM, lite Lee a., .0.1...1: ..antidon,01.11c.7.7.1.tyltarore0lerm.095.5er iny attend councies invitation the mid. and "Why should we ,was agreed the Jubilee Three Cum all That eithout 74percent. motet budget item for S30,000 need not , ph, requontion fo, Hama.perth d.‘idn't work out lamed members didn't soncerned.' said (Cow:: ,..., .11.,,,..,,, 31,r01.,,rn, 111,00..budge4ute,d01,010:10.liasp.19.d76...809,....373.1 500Tshge.p..r.gblic ,pw o rt. 11 :a:nog:cot .. 6 0 oa: pcsi la risp9.007 es .000 , t..ere WWI Seine indoation board agency ." asked Councillor Floyd. members thmght el town rosined . Deputy clerk McCabe Wits irate -sated :thou! 0/0,000 loot thith <III, ymr'a projects eke Bayfield Road widenino to invite board personnel tu the neat budgeted...runt 11.6 for fire proteCtiOn were 959,237 . S141,970 In 1977. But a closer look reveeli -small potatuee ' . Civic Meetings rEb Monday, April 4 at 1 pat Day Nursery COMMittee Meeting at do school, guest speaker Jody Cooper to (lactase private noose day care. &Sunday. April 4 nt 7 30 p.m , Town Council regular meeting in the council ceambers Wednesday, April e from 4.6 pen. ane from 7.30to ? , town council budget meeting m the council chambers Monday. Aped 70 MIS p.m., Alexandre Marine and General Hoapital Board meeting. *CNA 130 YEAR -I5 °bend) SIGNAL STAR Baseball fever hits,fown In the spring • young man's (00031turns tolmaeball. 11, 30. tempe rrrrr soared to near 70 degree. on Tuesday the streets and school yards Isere tilled with children engaging in baseball and hockey games and just generma enjoying 1110fine opting weather. (staff photo) THURSDAY. MAR( H 31,1977 SINGLE COPY 200 3100 Goderich racing season threatened Although the Ontario Racing Carrara -mon has informed the Town of Goderteh that 'seating facilitua for harness amine • Agreoltaa Park. AI, no,. up to safely standardsand has estimated that repot, ca'Hj cost hetween $ 5 000 1.100.010, all 'Zoe that toeing 0011 be held ha', la this summer may. not he drad Godera 11 Property el. 0111100 ehairrnon Allen Lod . on Ie....day that the Town i• assorting 1, letter from the Ministry of on sumer rid eorporate Aff arra clic. body responsible for the Oioo000in010aNl100 the nen, ttliore Pork Yre only used tin a seasonal has. the load fart.% (00 luard .i. the 1 ir st engineer ink ...pi,. should nut he taken. in en nun Sotel al ion '06t• t oo tochaps (10.10 .0.00' the !id 01 111 1h00 a ni bite I. off ilos seating Curing the -winter months' 0100 ggesoof .Allee Lod he 0, aqui tont to talk about the moil, ant, detail 10 he oath. 0, a -sold o oolor,ation of optnions as ft -opened when the arena sitadion .1 VW,' • verdirt I 111 resporete 0, j woUld like 0. 37,1, 011 11,,, o report tiled hat arias h>.,0- information first hi. sold engineering firm retathed by H.- did .adi: 40' that he was the 'own . hopeful repairs F.111.11t1 1 he original sur.ey Of ;mole ft, conselerahl, less ilities was r orroot !thin -slate. who h 00.0)0 out Lim 1.111 by the firm- id ruche •thi. 1,1 ,1,1,0-0 for Morrison lie., hlield.. seasonol use hi" would nut 'tutees. and Huggins tanned 1.005o00 furthso of. Ilironto and found th.• onsofe The "town of %Or 51 ON 1 tioderch !noses, Lat week 1;ialt.r., not alone In it. sm. ire. of the a ... tea: .1 al, u I t le• K 1.'011 Croup to -maim. f tat .0,elaton. Wood o nigh. mody mi.. 4 F,Insira Harms, -hr....ding: to ellen th, leo. Sound and Belleville will need 'repairs- and rein. forcement lay some degree according to la spokesman for tne Ontario Racing Com - In a letter LO the Goderich it acing Association a copy of which weht to 1000 000001) Poring Com in anion Chair' 0000 Char'. McNaughton irvittriatrv that tensors- M the facilities. in Guderich could rost between 1.5,000 and • 100 000 ki present the Racing Commissiott has 196.003 0 0 fund out Id *hien they are eling 7.. proVide the usual 'matching grant of 50 per cent to tracks with approved plans tor expansion or toy pros ements It31 doubtful .however a there will be sufficient !coney .n the fund 10 nleet. COSte whirrs Will result from repaira now facing .so many tracks.at Pa Lune time According to the Racing ortimamon the inspection of .1,-, track facilities was prompted by the situation 00.031 deteloped last year roond uneaft Peer* rode I he -Commission will not Board replaces principals with administrators The Huron County Board of Education took an tin, precedented step last week when it declared two major administrative positions redundant and mewed the personnel back into the education field. Director of edueatIon John Cochrane and Board Chairman Herb Turkheim announced Monday that one• superintendent's job and the assotant to the ad- ministrator's Job were no more, The men:Ralph Smith and Gerd Phillips. Will be taking Over positions as principals. Smith will become prin cipal of Robertson Memorial Public School in Gixierith in September and Phillips will be named principal of Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton The frooes were made in conjunction with the retirements -of the tw0. principals now at the echools. Garnet Harland of Robertson and Rohert Hornuth 0IC8455 The move ems made to rut spending in- -education In Huron and to bring personnel noro bees In 1i11e with declining enrolment in the :county schools It •5 viewed at necessity by the bmrd. Cochrane explained that enrolment in elementary schools hes been declining In •e' the ease few yearsresulting recluned funds from ihe province 'fhe mmistry of education lif fers grants 131boards in tho province based on a per capital ratio and the 'declining number of school children reduces that figure annually 'The board does nol look on the change as a demean. but as a fart made neressurs by a tight budget. said.Corbrany Tlo',1,rr*loO Wid he fell 10,201. 0010 perhaps Ind.:10"e of the sttuathin laiards wdl fare in the future. tee added that. Was Ns minion only .ildthc shuffle VIM 1001' the limad about sho 000 onnuolly d t,re Current hy not haying O. oppiont two, pl Olt 10.1 10) the s mac' 1h0' tem1,1 1,01 foot pros ....Ishii...sop.. in evert -nano dee to thre.hret tro men a and Oldtimers civic banquet guests The Town of Goderich will entertain the gold medal Goderich Oldemers Hockey Team and their wives at a civic dinner, probably 0100o Legion Hall The cost has been estanated at about 5300. providing the Legion Ladies' ....diary agrees to cater the meal at a budget rate Councillor lohn Doherty, who suggested the dinner for the 01 timers in 137.first place, said the guest I . Id include the 35 men on the trip to Swazeriand on well a0 their via . or guest.. and council members and them \VIVI., or husbands 00 000010 Initial Investigations by Doherty Dungannon • from page 8 and Nile in New Year's Sunday, January 1st, with hymns and sermon ap- propriate to the New Year. Sunday School at Dungannon will be as usual with the children sharing in the first part of the church service. The sacrament of Holy Communion will be observed on Sunday, January 8, in the two churches, Dungannon and Nile. Packages of duplex en- velopes for 1978 are available at the back of the church. Members of the congregation are asked to pick up their packages. A CHRISTMAS GIFT About a month ago 'a calamity struck the east coast of India in the form of a cyclone which generated 18 foot tidal waves which swept over 'the low lying coastal plain destroying villages and crops. It is estimated that at . 00 Drug project paid off A six week special project to explore the prevalence of drugs and to enforce the Narcotic Control Act in Huron County was recently spon- sored by police forces in the County, says the Ontario Provincial Police. One police officer from Goderich Police Force and two members of the Ontario Provincial Police stationed in the County worked jointly executing search warrants, and making drug seizures. In a six-week period, a total of 55 charges were laid as a result of investigations by the team. Thirty-five charges under the Narcotic Control Act. Six of these were for trafficking in Narcotics or Possession of Narcotics for the purpose of trafficking. Twenty charges were laid under the Crithinal Code, Liquor Licence Act and the Highway Traffic Act. revealed that meals per plate would tan Why MUNI it always be a leerily of prebohly al leant be. and he v.... under tar when ai• entertain shenaked the impression now that the Icamin Ladies Auxibery might prepare the meal al 0 reduced cost in honor it the Oldtimers He soggysted the meal ..01,1 be prepared by the Legion itdow for mmething ((1.0 030 plate Doherty further outlined plans to present 1110 00407 with .10,00 tropla ermine'''. Els° Ilaydon. vohn pointed out she w10 in no way Atvenrettag 10 belittle the achievement of the Old toners asked If constdeention had been Risen to entertainow only the key players and own. members. not deer guests end e500010 Mt Hanlon olso wanted to know if en. Inwn had pros 100 any' nth, I und, I.., IndlinoTh I -Maitre C ha anthe all Clifford said he hod .icithimirthi an expendiiiite of up to Si a for the torah: when the tearn areal° hon,, from ,o Ito, land hut th.it 0.0.111,-n p.m:mod v.:dhoti} loll, Tbe sot. 14.0t unanirriousto enter tain Ito -.aro and the!, guests -As Casio, Wm: I otheets eaphohial 131 'se, the tildtimeth hose sof 0 rod oomph least 20,000 people lost their lives and 2 million were made homeless, with huge crop damage also. The National Council of Churches in the U.S.A. swung into action and feeding programs were set up for 70,000 people. The World Council of Churches sent 70,000. The United Church of Canada has sent $10,000 from its Emergency Fund for World Development and promised a further $15,000. No special appeal for India is anticipated by our church inasmuch as regular M. & S. and World Development givings provide for prompt action at such a time. e'.. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH On New Year's night there will be a community carol sing at the Christian Fellowship Church at 8 o'clock in the evening. Everyone is invited to this special service. There will also be a film shown, "A Cr,' in the Night", one of Bab Pierce's films from Korea. The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes being held in the Assessment Office Gloucester Terr. Goderich commencing Tues., Jun. 10/1978 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. These classes will run for 8 weeks Would anyone who is in - forested please register ,by calling 1-800-265-448S toll free or the Inlealth Unit office at 524-8301. Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and par- ticipate in the discussions. Spring series will begin April 3rd/19711. the opening et 0anastra Pub, Schtail As well ts etieetson ond etiSS the p, 910 103111, of Seaforth Poll. School was open loll, - loth. retired from. the school- rmid rce principtil Paul orroll wan mimed his 11 ,31, HO,* now the vice- principal of %Vine.. Public e".11001 will tahe 00 or as head ol he new Lanastta school 0,101 0'0 trmient the new print Mak 1000 00 nth, boar d poIl30 set down hs the educate.. art any prmsennel who have 711en0 110,010, de, Ia.,' redundant titimmate taki the next Isisrmon ovothible ahich on -rho. rose -is.. inc spalship • I h. mio a was c corer Oho.. ol good luck and it1,11.1 I in one, According to nrhran,. who Sill d he add n fot user. any openings .0 I' 100/00t0 lesel for moth., ,ghl n yt.ar, orem ni star" •Las 0,10 the - The -education director satai he took the propogal foy the •huff le to the board and told austem they must act now or live with present staff for at least that long The- removal of one .mperrntendent's job will mean • a change of geographical boundaries for Ihe rernainIng three superintendents to oo the sChools uncar Smith's jursisdation Smith responstble for the Seafterth. Clint°, area and hen fat. rictnentary schools and two secondary schools in that arva The board wIll have to break that area up amongst the remaining eutterin• tendents and will have to return iorne admtnistratiee dot', now handled. by Phillips...* to C.hrane The move returns both men 0, area, they once worked in .Sreith vow a supervisory prinCipa I when Goderich had three elementary schools and ....inuedoe page lee say that the track, are 10 11, closed but indicate that i repairn are not completed it i possible licences wIll not h. awed for the upcOmlni ✓ amnie sea•on Goderich Racint Association spokesman Ber Such said on Tuescley 11100 131. eioderich track had bee, issued with clearance for it 19 racmg dates He ex plained that the races can bi held if the seating facilitie. e re not used but suggest. ' that's really not rel.! feasible Mr Such said th. Association wanted to rnee with the local Prone,: Committee to discuss th, question but hod not as ye set a date for that meeting ACTION SOON Mr Allen mid that a tette responding to the Kleinfel Group study was on its sea: Tuesday from the Mtnistry Consumer and Corporah Affairs 15,4 11101 as soon as arrived he would be in . position to meet wItli th. Rhetng Aintiftat 101 eepretental lees AL Clinton, members 0( 331. local Kinsmen Rec., Committee met witi representatives of Tow, Council and the Agriculture Society on Tuesday eyen int and made a tentative steels00 to retace their smtini factini Another meeting was se for Wednesday evening between the lull enembershe (continued. page 1E Winghtun area floodplain approved Monday Maitland Vality Lon serval'. Authority Monde; received approval from th, Ontarto Government to Carr, out demob°on and land miming of dwelling site acquired in the Turnberte floodplein An Ontario grant 01154.00 over a four-year period will according to Nature Resource% Minister Frank 5 Miller. :nen., the Author° to proceed enth the Turm berry floodplain pro)00 which include, iong4ern acquisitton or Goode.i properties son's isetings Enjoy yo r New years Day'inner at the Sepoy Restau\tant HIGHWAY 86 WEST LUCKNOW Our regular menu is suspended for New Years Day Only FESTIVE MENU 10:44r2X :elr 2g. 14r 24T22.:40r SERVED 12 NOON TO 8 P.M. Roast Young Turkey with Cranhem Sauce and Savoury Dressing Virginia Roast Festive Hams Roast. Prime Ribs of Beef 8.50 58.95 Included are: Soup or juice. crispy salad, Pit kle and cheese- tray. Christmas Pudding or Ilot Mince Pie. Tea or Coffee FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE LUCKNOW 528-2034 01: .iP7= /Vt. Or I1P . Holiday Season Hours D1-( . 2'. 28, 29 8 A.M. TO MIpN1GHT Drc. 30 s A.M. TO 2 A.M. DI;c. U 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. JAN 1 12 NOON TO 8 p.m. JAN. 2 CLOSED