The Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-12-29, Page 8eoaerlil) - SIGNALSTARSINOLLCOP254,,1 nNin1n,MAN lII m. 19.: ty 5 11 f• 'y1 PAi PAGE S--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR . THURSDAY, DFC}':M RF R 29, 1977 Sprier OWNA head Signal Star Publishing Limited Pr•eideot. 44 G Starlet Was elected that 27th pre.o kdeot f the Ontario Meekly Ne wap.D, Pomoelatwwhen hen that j<a.rn.11stic body haul los •nastal convention Ian warkprd at the Hotel Torw.o In boa inaugural address Mr Sprier told the gathering of about 900 corn muu,ty O ewapaper publisher.. r editor., dogtrotting per w oonal and pMMWgraphtrt that his Thompson Naw.papen background bnwghl him into the Com inanity Newspaper busmen with the feeling that the only thing that really ountad were the advertisements "I lived by that creed until eetaeor seven years ago, the president noted. "until I was shown this thin 0041.0 `u•Irty Journalism • d coverage in our newspapers. makes advertising sell and ,n turn h.tp.uscarry naore advertising 0 4u newy pens MrShoat suggested that perhaps me/se p4Dh.her• did Out 45)) the great product you already ltd" until the last decile when It became so apparent that the mutat, along num slice( ' neededu and sr. . Woking to , fora help in ad ertialn' iii theta Ord w • 1 .live . the) fought nearby Cities and men atululate retail uu11e4 The 41 yea nal pu0luhcr ,. the sew d publisher uta Ne Gadetich Signal Star to be elected presidentol UWNA George eine also held the pu445105 In 1 Y59 Starlet hoe toren publ.,hrng the Signer Stat n' wspapers ,nee 1505 and,1 197' Sitter :5th a ry ofnew spapermg starting o+ rhe Guelph Mercury March 10 •4 /he Onus., Week() Newsp As.uctauun hes a19bmember .wspapers boasts rendeterP of unr undone na11 nulhon people 'An equal part of o tales Crngra is , our new and editorial �olunrn, and u graphic pre050101on of all 1 ,ubdanl Mark Hate, raised teammate lain Lambert to tar 045541 Id rem owe the n,lung I senior 1 akingv ,r tory In the Huron Perth ,ennor basketball ehampiunnmp again. strutter/ l enlral (ov,aa, (oat( phn,ul Shame whittle w the cess til aur sales await nkk'turs programs foresight 5l out co 'Let ' member ub`,snrl, .L 4 face 15• wrthbe nthos nr He saw ueeont„4g e ossa pat up w�t,t, a, that patronising remark' name ros,llgle x k,uk4 Ion, our blends . '. eeYlr w,yepc„ cry daily new twain, field while al beuv, rows a,01 ha.' ' the same time see have been those 1004 1, e waking them luk Nita Vunk,r , a es.,w `a, nru - unUy "Amur. baa,' whet r ane, • 1 g.•.oC, rhe OW NA president said a how n .atherr c,emaa.114.0 was not nib macro 1.111.1•11.011 oOIntt www And ht-ic l w'a the the chili'.' only to .ell you no red,ng 10,11 '--we me fact we nut ter aware new spa,et Eat 1 sl, r that we se ' good weekly OW Nn u t brlp .1 riot mat so gond Possible Hr !et •t! n canbei mPtac<no ns newspapers e can become • expertise of ll'0'1O" e aboutaurpu ion o erti o but 44rde' m' Shrser lid called on the *hole or Lonitews Ittering to be oyer'tram putty apei g a in their handling 01 table we erg 1. *• 1 A idn • .• sh ve ftarsto4.."14111 our !est oor enough o,11,,.,...,•p.,,•.. the ' `uebec que.lxm 'W haveeven ed,trlally spoken wore a untied 40100- being a force en be owned won leu tette this op portant!), ror the good al our nu) and our Indust; Let u.pcak pootrsely and with er„ty sheet said that Inc OW N1 had taken g.a , strides n reCent years. and o teDs are b e menarger a I u rt ae you u *,,de ave •e114w1 1.1. +II 4,11' sung • ' , ora mlt'tow,a R., Bob Shrier f right) takes over from Gerry Barker a 1 h 011-10 Heavy industrial, commercial users hardest hit Sewage rates up in Goderich In owe' to meal ri creaasirt .Pa p 1( 1 ..ansl 0I elt - ls, d g t these lac l wage Council app0"0'* k cram of mer.a.ed Ail, Or ode rr,1d nt d sinal ande Cnm mrr4 a , ustun.rs on Monday evening Restden the humhumtrl Ont chargege ` of Sl ill oar household nit to 15 50 Nun metered tut .0 131 and ornme ariaI ratesarrno. ^ p 1 S400 t Si)0 V an et` and tau a - ai and c • users on metershave had tar n m mon. .hergt enerrasedNar14400t k OOP' month Heavy ( g faecal e, in that laSt. Category ll see -their nett, r s derably from int a 91 p - nl of a metered b'11 won . m4xin,0.0 1!f .8601 50 per nth. M to dn d '1''1 [' d nmmert.n accountsll no.. P surcharge Cover sewage f 49 cents per gallant each month lor the first 00 mai •halloos of water used The next- 10111110. gallons w II cost 40 ,ants per thousand Pie next .200.05 -u to rust 10 rent, tort Education budget up 11% Huron County board of 10on adopted f P 3,5 5,9 1164 budget' Mona (t rddnapproving an perc t ,0creast expenses over I9 0 The increase will mean an average 'crease of five ,n the county railing the municipal levy to. 31 ' mills The mtreased mill rate is an average each munlclp*J,IY will have to face but board Chairman Herb Turkehlm said not every municipality will suffer the same'+ate due lathe increase "Some munIopalitiee earl! be paying two or three mills more according to thetr assessment,' he sold. "and some will be paying much more then five .111* Business superintendent Roy Dunlop outlined the budget for the board citing mho m,(00 s and benefits the reason' for the in crease Gr' Year', bodge, slated 815,417562 for ordinary board coati such as salaries while debt charges, tram aportattptl Costo and other extraordinary needs repaired 12,549,549 to be spent. This Year 117,384.920 will be spent on ordinary items and 43.142.944 on extraordinary Mr Dunlop said the budget was calculated on the AntO- 1 flaOon Board remaining In 'operation adding that If the AIB t d.ebaoded the board Quid he :n inartyle Ws far 05 wag" eiegnllat1dny are ton cernep Hr ,aid the budget mere., -r Warms end benefits - which total 74 2 rypercent f he budget .ed on a 10 percent wine ,reuse di wages Of all the figures in the 4Odgel that s the one I'm Ie1st happy about n said Dunlop '1( the AIB ,n intact and we are -successful in wage negotiations we. are all right, but if that doeslthave 4 spadefrankly Wedon enough money pd aside to pay the exits The salaries in 19714 cost taxpayers 114,055.540 and ,n 197• the budget committee set aside 115,243.,290 tocover increases for their (the boards, 850 ,some odd em' ployees THIN LINE The D s nese s pe tn• tendent said hls concern sees based on a dec,seon made by the budget committee in 1909 He said the committee deride In .use about 1200,500 in reserves the Mord had in an effort to keep the budget in line with 1915 and the move had left the board walking a than one between solvency end deficit He said he had budgeted 850,000 for this year to be retuned to the reserve fund and hoped I' could be Moll back up without the board having to use it The budget calf fur municipalities to turn ver 15,609,007 to the board Itch Includes money needed to correct errors in the last two years budge`( Dunlop 03,11 m 197'5 the arae had overestimated 'n grants by '49.089 end ,n 1970 had overestlmmted by , 07+194 leaving the hoard short those amounted In in requisition totals He -said the munictpalitles would have to pay those. costs. this t year o t able the board to Tear the books REQUESTED MORE INFOW The other major expense. (eed m 975 is the Purchase of four new school buses which the board approved at as February meeting The buses cost a tonal of 894.000 which showedup in an in crease In Capital equipment purchases Dunlop eaid the committee decided last year to keep capital costs eta bare minimum and. Ilia year had met with considerable op• poi tion In that arca. He 5ald leathern Wert concerned that equipment in schools wee deteriorating and needed replacement and that fact " combined wish an increase In the grant structure urged the committee tosupport the ,ncr, used caplet non Trustee 1,1M Hendrr.i•n said he 8.'11 the board needed inhumation on the budget hotr rtr -d nia kra decision on it He oird the trustees who sit on the d c n committee a Ake d i inregular!, with no d40 014.t those dee 101..9 will cast He lard the board squad have all the information possible 'lamming In the putt the used In .get that material "Shirley 0,14110 0090.,"«-d Henderson v Claim adding -that the lea+inn, are made wish no idea a• :q how .hey wilt elematets nffrrt the budget Director of education lnhn Co... void the normal procedure is (or Aec,s4Ons made h) the "tferal!un comre !we to he passed ont the management- oee if tho lunch ' as 'Salaries ars the" . - tarn n e coo and there - n th,n4. .ran be dune about them inlerjr4td Donl<p "Maybe )1 ere is said Henderson SYSTEM I ACRIN(': Ashfield 1ruv.ee logene Frayne suggested that :101 two comm Mee system maybeeras Inadequate pointing nut that the .,II ny committee management tenni rued un page Is, PUC avert YCW short -out 4s 1f the problems of grooming the arena In time for the opening of Young Canada Week this Friday were not. enough. arena manager Bdl Lum by was faced stab the problem of a power patio'' at the arena Monday and rite threat of losing the ice surface The compressor had been inoperative eheCnoon Monday. and after a few hours problem took on new proportrons The Goderich PUC was called ,n and although the disease was quickly diagnosed the problem was to find a 59ars part to replace the defective one PCC manager Dave Rolston captained that a new pole and underground.. cable were installed at the arena about a year agoSince • new exit door was being placed al the east side of the arena the WIe had to be moved and the wires and mints of the underground 000409 ex tended On Monday one of theextendedcables shorted out at a 0e. connection and searchedthe other two cables As luck would have n the PU0 did not have a spare bermllun0n Joint and a Frantic search for One ended will, a phone Call to Clinton The termtnatton mint was rushed to Godenoh and the three-man PliC crew .worked until 10 30 p m M reconnect the power, Rolston expluoed that the loin was Installed as a temporary measure for YCW and additional won will he required Well one crista wee averted and arena staff and construction crew%are back to the grooming For the tom, bang anyway Board agrees to hockey Grier ch Manor Hockey submitted a Iinane la, si p nee in the future and the were granted use of the tatement to the board at the hu casts would be 1152 In 145n Gnelerr`ch Arena -until April it end of the season and minor 4400kry should not ung as they a Reid initially requested ,ronunued un Dare"-'- vnlvedrnOMHAplayofh that the board aid" 01,001 The 1,M01,ch Recreation hockey rin per cent of the Board , iced unanimously m Rale 'Teeth., from playoff no.. the nn' in the 'arena games hotel en the (i,brr,rh In',1,w,ng the Young Canada Arena es. w011s the 3' Ron Pee Wee hockey tournament grant due to ,h,' precarious In Apr • Members of the financial position„' the minor board mel with Oliver Gal ',rimy association hey •.4 Logan 00001,101011 11 hae Moen a difficult year Iasi week who was agreeable for minor hockey since we m.g the ice somata 01 had to plagnut of town and oo pr.01d,ng „ was 001 used 4, In a 11.w -is, 01ra1Rhi durrng thrtiv .c k.( he ca,4 Wewere f,affn.y told mambo's roonting ern the pia vitt f% to the board ;ha! ^•placement of '*oke .rnewes and kn., the w the hard,001 !:Mir in the ,1.11rema,r.,rg a 1(40 and 11nr,urz 'maid ave d•Iayd plavnffs anis r t d them to :.on P d Tema, 1 his 0,der thger other 04)00(103- Doherty ovate,. !hat the and ' 1 ant to R % bbard would retro 1. the in -rg d to bookings dR tot ago. Too expensive of the auditoria *hob it gat toot 4r' `h•'Motom paeNed m n nf.r -toe k.:. r lv r a nhnl hiskryr. e'h1 dbru"w"w'I' Vote 5-3 a ainst hase ars gr, w4h the o kgmal g extra copies ..14101,•01 plant ,tial! ,n the nest five h, expand ,1 5.10(4lently to cope :,.o ntcreasrdalrmand that pinto w s de. gned 019000ess .one ,f t du, but 11 . I•.. no'i'rotes 1001 dui ng January n„ dernand on those Iaciloies rose at and , half 1million gallons dat 74 - t ng the I .IIS she Said I.,1' d PP"„ p'' 0h the kpont)00 lam/earn9u expand i 0 leg based local growth that ,t „I ste se for Y years ' save •ter„ed that _ g the flume ave depletethe r fund and --ha theI a are detigned to 'Nod -Ih ti the neat lenears to s 10 1....re-expansion t the I, 0111 1' (51 I nl he oi•airripterp h two eioths studying Ili, dWestidn Mrs l'airoat ta id The present d [ dµ ng We emu,1 0 t11 '..{w hmoney 1 f the flume h - 0,a,• the expand...plant Sewage ,heeaes tot re denunl users ,n Godench were hiked by SI 00 in both 1075 and 1976 but -industrial and corn' 1nerclal rates remained the same This true basic rates have bean Increased 1."Ort a err!, he board Mrs Palmer said that to arrive a1 the w rates for Industrial and commercial users the committee selected 10 customers t random and took two sample billings as 'examples "Some industries are using one million gallons of waterr per month We decided that a simple 49 cent ,0750,se would be tai much so we went for the new sliding scale ' the Environmental Committee Chairman said 'In the case of the larger industrial user Mn Palms Y "the tin di victual householders were carrying the itiad flnanctnlly Under the new system industry will now. pay Its ay Th al crease she said, was of (Niue f - two yeas and would be wed'g at tthat time Town Engineer 13 M Ross has been tristruCted to prepare plant and call for tenders in connecoon with the flume , continued on page 101 Dungannon people busy i a seasonroti au o gtogether on Monday at the Mr. and Mrs. Jim Errington Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stirling-.,, home of Mr. and Mrs. were members of their__ Darlene and Harold, of Graham McNee Mr, and families Gordon Thamesville spent Christmas Mrs. Allan, McNee, Edward r-Pannebacker, PreandstonGail with Betty's parents, Mr. and and Paul of London; Mr. and Cambridge; Ross and Glenna Mrs. Robt Irvin. 1Mrs. Jim Hayden, Laurie and Pannebacker, Terry and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thomas Linda of Port Albert; Mr. and Kriston, Carlow; Mary and and family of Bolton, and Mr. Mr. Mrs. Ken McNee, Timmy and Tom Ni.holson, Steven and Mrs. Bradley and family Michael, Dungannon; , of Goderich visited with the and Mrs. Eric McNee, Neil Dale, Clinton.and ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brenda and Craig, Nile. TelephoningScottBelfast; Audrey Christmandas Thos. Webster for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Grant wishes were daughters Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sowerby, Toronto, Mr. and Snyder, Colin and Cathy, Mrs. Bill Blake, Becky and enjoyed Christmas with Kara of Cambridge; and Miss WTayne's sister and family, Barbara Blake of Toronto Mr. and Mrs.°Don Sowerby of held Christmas with their Colborne Township. They mother, Mrs. Cecil Blake on called on Wayne's father, Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Stanley .Snyder, in hospital r. Blake of Alliston were unable Goderich. This was Mr. s Jim has been Snyder's third Christmas to come fighting the aflu. spent in hospital. Lucknow Fire Department Sympathy is extended to was called to the scene of a Mr.nand Mrs. Neil Stapleton chimney fire at the home of and family on the death of Mr. and Mrs. Dan MacInnes Neil's mother, Mrs. Edwin on Thursday, but fortunately, (Meryl) Stapleton in Dublin the fire was brought under on December 18 in her 58th coditrol. year. Mrs. Wright, of Rev. C.G. and Mrs. Thamesville, is spending Westhaver had their family some time with her son and home at various times on the family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob weekend - Mr. and Mrs. Wright. David Mitchell (Rose); Congratulations to Mr. and Spurgeon Westhaver, Miss Mrs. Gerry Henderson on the Grace Westhaver and fiance birth of a' daughter, Rebecca Rick Lemon all of London; Catherine, on December 14, Miss Carol Westhaver, 1977,, at Groves Memorial Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Community Hospital, Fergus, Dwaine McDonald, Anne Ont., a little sister for Sean. Marie and Scott of Kingston. Spending a lChristmas with The McNee family met ungannon doings Mary Bere, correspondent, 529-7915 Sandra Davidson and Cindy' Maxyimchuck and son Roger Pannebacker, Calgary. John and Maylin Bere,' Karen and David Ian of London spent the weekend with Mrs, Mary Bere and Jamie. Ruth and Jim Austin of Toronto came for Christmas Day as did the local members of the family. Karen stayed with her grandmother for a few days. Happy New Year to one and all and may 1978 see progress made toward peace and goodwill throughout the world. A suggested New Year's Resolution - pick up the phone and let, yalur correspondent know whey °you have corn. pany or know of some unusual happening. It all helps to make the paper more in. teresting. DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH There was a good at. tendance at Sunday morning service at the United Church on Christmas Day. Rev, C.G, Westhaver entitled his ser- mon, "The Visited Planet", as it was based on a story he told in which . Earth was the planet visited by God's Son, Jesus Christ. Shelley Rivett played an organ solo. The candle lighters were Cathy Snider and Kenny Logtenberg who lit the four Advent candles and a special white candle in the center symbolic of the "Light of the World" which came with the Christ Child, Mr. Westhaver welcomed all who joined in the celebration of the birth of Christ, thanked those who sent Christmas greetingsand wished all a truly joyous Christmas season, Choir practice will be held on Thursday at 7 p.m. Service will be held at the regular hours at Dungannon Turn to page 9 e EARL RAWSON LTD. The Shop For Men }:'i>:?,{{:•v: v.+:yu•: ii:{:Y4Yx:F•:i:F ii2:4T:.Y::.: m•ip oYii$?55'i.„ :•.\:a.{.:.:'•}:o'.}r:i':%>..::::.»»xt}':4:•}`bC{:}:?>'...:::::::C. ,v,?}>{.'•>i:{i'.'•.n•.: T:v J?v ::r::- ...}-.. 1... f. }.. :+7..;c.:.wo :W:. n'.•Y::•:'i:}::v i�??{i'L'%G: iv:. :^..A. : v, 1044, •;: eats:{ n$'�:2�<"•'tS:;�..i:>.+:ti�$:X :lir::...: Y::•;: +' ......^.,}{>`?::r:i:.:::?S•{y:.2{4:.}:{.;{)�.iii+:::>:n�:S,:4i�.{,}:�.4{....y?{.:;• h,:{,y :,:.r:..,:,!:: {.t.T., ..,::;..i`t•; Trio hr b Card. r atrinl {'plot me rand alma", h Ira s n 9 yr lave ion, ruined layer' It eon n play Ismda' Mohd dear vem a ert 00(11 O1dw 2111 1,11,04 ae (0. No pY 5 pod n, auate 1,prn CIV Frisk Ydpl T50 fame rt. , ornphell. h. Ionil,, I (nmmi,ws presented a than it In Ilimernher,rit the r, derlrh Oldtimers Hectors Club „ho Rill in turn per sent 11' t.tg In Pariah 1.1i/et-land The Oldtimers will present flag luta .111 he participating In (he European International martinets Hectic, Tournament March 12.19. (staff phutel .15n !h,(,.1•r - 1, 1)0'"' accepted th" to. ..f Lr 1.11 flair r••r 1' The I uh,00 Three ceir•hraulns • rh„ 111,0 organ 141,1 W t' ",.,1••• fl•marked Monthly lust .hope the foell lks •e. f,1 sng d"s 1 frio .t ,s rpt• lo_Jrt` that ,a F h pile's ., i40 OM•••'-' ay c 70 weekend to play hockey in the red, I . ,•0t ,n 40.,trrriand Theo arrive •'• .., will play their brat Ratan sundry , Hach nine tt� do between R ,Il ts�ai ova ,t Y I h•I the 01..n..rmr 11111 151,1 r „d h, s e Warn as heat we NR r .. y.,. sr t Can 5.n re e hu can mD we do l, : win we C we V W ,I ,d m, � 11 t tern h well nn the 01 cas,on of the town s 15Dth 010 thdas Williams said the Oldtlmers should make an even better showing next year as more potential players will he tuning the magic age of 25 years this year Our heads want to do the work. but sometimes our legs wont co operate' Williams confessed 'Bin eve shouldR el some good new players next season " Ten staunch fans will accompany the them to Europa for the tournament The [ham well present the Goderich /lag to the Zurich Switzerland officials os &gesture offriendliness t w - •ax':1'•V^v?:}{a;R�i i .{ �}/.i } iTl:�: Ys;r `: ...: N:Y: $: }:L..i , i •: ...r rn # .: .Sf.::.:.r..:.r:.r.4.; }{£:7Y : -t?--•.. �. ,}•.G{?l:4{%.r .�.:..{Y: f! y..,� ;;::':';"t:::: •>:..:: x ::F:::.:;:;i` �'%?>`,' ���,v:�•vJa� ..b..: ) :. ....:,•r....: rr::: }.. ',r:>. i'i " "}gni,!'• ::.'7t'+.;SG+ - ' '. ?,:': "•d%Siv$itik�An �,L2+./:G».'::S?:nYi}.:Y.)}ylvv:ln}i?h...•: 5'::e..v^vf.W,.:. vr1%C .:v'fl.•:r{: :::::.. v. ......r,. . �rY{?: 1.�r:!}W'fj{>rii'j/,�i�,r.�•�'•'r'.e':}:,,��: ^>?vr. :�'IES'Cjvii.'r:•:{?<::i+'i:i�:::if4%}.t;Yvlh•YN. �i{,C•�`'i:'l �:LiYii'?::• Ito i,Sj ;,51,,4, fv:.}} /.:. f. .: .: f , „}:yT.}o nor: ;0 n • •r.•i ,r tic. / : 4.. : i? G.k:•.,:.4 /S.f.•.;r.•F2.0 ti•:.tar..,{,,.,5u.4.t4.:.::..:.,?:,�;'i:2r,.,t.: Ready for Young Canada tournament Ihursday. The arena now features a mezanlne standing area above the dressing rooms on the west side of the arena that provides • good vantage point Ihr viewing games. (staff photo) John tants end Dan MOON sprinkle the new la painted l face In the 0oderleh arena in preparation for the opening of 14otos I o.* Week March 14 The Ice surface and dressing rooms are almost complete and arena manager (1111 t umby expected his sorters ,n he up In standard by Tbe 03oaericl) SIGNAL 1151 AR -11 0 5 d 4.\, •1••1111I ,1 STAR SING!F. COPY 25r , : y,.v. •,:; •::;v :..::: ,4:arv. ':4•ro:>:}}: ..... :r::..5:o-i}:i: ;,::::: :.r:' c: •4.}:.-:: •: r:•.:::.. .:.... :... .:.::.......:: r:,:..: :}.'.{ .:..^ ....l.. ... r. :....,. {.::.......::.y:v,?:i::Y:ii2r:::ii:?2:ii::ii'iii}'::ii::::.:.: , .:...:.:... 4::}:4:{;4}25::2?;?{.ii?: :•:4•y :. ..>::::.... .. Earl Rawson extends to you, a personal invitation to his After Christmas CLOTHING SALE. Earl is of- fering a fine selection of clothing to add to your wardrobe at SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS. Be sure to take advantage of this sale and shop early for BEST SELE-CTION. 011th tar 0. 091,, 444 ,1a mretong 1B45 W n.nevi.Laud ue for night e A •nn arena only and the f,.•drrich Minor Hoca.y 05000101,1,5 ho es to book payoff games during the open Sunda) s during Yr W' e AI,r Inlinw(0g a ienethy other alternative dismission won B,11 Paid a Prod then evotarnert that a h•rkry representative the 04441 nurnmar,eally the board derided to split the rrce ves 30 p.r cent of the gate.15 51, from playoffveim gate r pt 'rna RAme end- games l.0 I0 ,n favor of mono{ the noxi of referees w 5.p hot key after expenses and prnx,mately ''x1. H,• added Pie hoard would provide P to that the t of tending PAM '4)91 In. minor hockey to oid 01 town for fames w a 1 h.tp defray Ire -pe Nth A fn 0401 harden p-na,Aed the o.vne,alion We miss hays to slay !errs; n .- (toiler's. said arrangement The arena is also in a 1,nanc,al rind 4151 Here w iso • CIVIC CORNER MondayMarch 11 at : J0 m town 1000011 meets in the p n fray, Mrat rslawn hail i <I Wednesday. me March o c 11 00 eraoon the hall rani 445,1,00 mienarchr council chamber oftown hell Wdnesday. March 73.!? 00 p m the airport onsmoue mien 4n the council chamber 31 10wn hell Thursday March 14 at 7 30 p m the recreation hoard meets at the rr<reatirm office with 4hat.elle.neooragd to attend Friday. March 15. Huron County Couneil. at 10 A m inn Pie county building second floor, county enuncll chamber, A heaved debate Oared up Monday canard evening at the end of rd s del herato0ns who Town Admmlytrolnr Hal wens reminded r.wn'd that Parket, of IM meeting Reath, and related milt', A r nremeliterreports were ft d n n m terssisd cif -urns. nf 10400010 attended the meeting rhe o. ropresont ahead each he told 0091011 hdding one park.aleft aveth R r Mare!! meeting f council motion 00, sate passed 1 prepare p t `hr nl� tweets f, the Sap .tam's •tilt chambers The nottro,•non napproved aft"' Poet Robertsone regular attend,attend.' 1d enunr,lmeeting, this term told rnunr,l that hr.. and .Is wife wntld apprer,a re_ rnp s of rhe material sr' they ngld. morn ras.ly Inlinw the • pa, ei•lav h11 V,. 1.10 . had ou'd : ft, r1 , 1141.1141 0.-Io;..,11 se theta, rt • lie 1 erner, .,g ••004 'i ,i,• .rr 1•, Tiger Dunlop dollars available The Goderch Juhtlee Committee announced that a enortnir coin known as Tiger Dunlop Dollars will he v,llable through Goderich merrhann on March 15 The face of the rnln depicts the Mad of Tiger Dunlop and the reverse tide carries the Goderich flag The cala.111 be purchased y Gode11rh M.rrhants wan ill In ern .ell the cam to the public The rain will he -rnnsidered legal lender for its Gtr value In the town M Godrrith Iron, March 15 until eopteenber 15 After Sep*.mbrr 15 the rnm Inv', In value and .may he kept at a Val venin ism only ons merchant, n.,y retain themsold Coln. ,n 10 royale( a. 40uv0nm.. but money may not he refunded for Mr Aron after September IS Sales perw'nn.l In GnA.r.rh will he urged t0 ask tuatara," If they teeth to ceive a souvenir dollar as part of their change In pr.paratlon for the myriad of setlehlet planned Fri conlunetlnn 01111 Ise, her 10 Anl the lawn ' oral merchant, have also -harm asked Ae. window grm,a '1 . t:1ah the drsployt r bmt,n bandit'. mlrr,nr and 11r r of mel' ,he spoo of Ih,So.n,r,. or promo... . i mak. 'tan ap ten Pet,dr of n.r , Ott! '" G11e ,1hln,n arr[4,11 ,At v1 As n1.r1 MM1r rho niversary boitort 1 r.. ,f ptiny,•... Iha1 rh:iroe . (h, '4 . 1• It1' 'I •',.. ml, ..f ^ • teol he hamper .sn1. n ,s., • l;onn101 rg ran 'arrest other efehr: .••I ,e A take In the /oleo 4- • . ,1 r, lithat •I Ian has 015.1 , ..n •,• prev11n „r r ,n.,.. norms rt. +A,I yon• ,, ,.'iprd,. Board suggests $77,250 budget The 0roderlch R - ton Roard gave tentative p rt poal to a net budget f S- The for 497- at n special meeting held le et Wed. redoy The hoard's subcommittees submitted Ihelr hudRet proposals !or the current year and the total budget will be reviewed at the March 24 hreting of the rrtroatinn oard The hudge4 i, dnw en last year as •Span Th d t1e111' d when honed with a revenue of *04 Re resulted ,n • not budget na-.5 Theo year dux heard hae h.dgeted for o,pondlturer of ti o: n revenue of tln'non nM a eel budget of I '57 (recreation director Mike Dymond 4.01 the w trimmed hr 4iti rs th,s- year and was lair -The hinder.* it an honest one was trimmed in , ,elude Irdla ^ he said The h040rt Met 0001441u. fianuli erpend,l 1 n ' .tonic. „ ,.r;who, rfn nal 1 ,n .. I oA„• out .ha. . for th' wt., ,01,11„ 1 1., it r•,r innrr ono for 1 new Peso•and .,f uhhr1 . n t', a. r m Show' hof'. . rd tar. . , f.r .'moth Ir.•" n,rt,. " •n'•, f.r ter 1,3 11,1 .'p.'. n0 atm . ' .,e,l 1 . Ihr h0Agl,n,s 1011 The pr.lpn,.'4 ,,p•o.4o.4, 10, r h.n,b,d 4, it for Oldtimers undefeated in Swiss tourney The Goderleit 014,10e:, 0111 hare • that at • gold medal M the internatlnend e Hockey tournament the teem le nd Rapcurrently w(II In In Swl4rrta and nowhave • one win, pav04 retard sifter 100 *Satre, TRW Oldtleners edged LI In their t054444.4000* opener and tied Saint Jahn, New Brunswick Won Tuesday, OIAumen netminder Jerome Jeffrey ons minute' away triton a .hsdnut In his first Inury it/m*1 stet. 00411rt014 took • 9-0 lead Mto the final minutes of the tame bat the Stelrs get pis the booted fust before the fMatMaser .pund0d. RIII Gallon treat In Jae Gederkh record boob oe a.tlMg the (0am'I first lmarnemem goof, Gallon 'eared et 6'41 of the fleet period ngamst the Swiss getting some help from Crory Toyter 8I11 f 2.0 with • oe4anxted le mhA 1 n Fritz Y 5t effort with C iltrl<h Dto MR diem Mended n, Bab Alexander R4 the insurance marker on an nnnn1,td play GMerlch lumped In. 211 lead against Salol John but couldn'tng 0.445n. had m fettle for 05*,the 11tin hoDoh Alexander bathed Goderich I a I.0 lead rout minutes Nita the nrxl period with 44111 Gallnw getting an omelet. 0.1Mw scored late In the period with help from Alexander and Don 9111ott but Sant lnhn ton& over from there. Oslo m Me first period Jerome 1.9 foray eluded out tot. Goderkh bluetits. In &Ifni . 100110 puck .0d.eluded with • . - .... _ _ .. nA Anr,. la ..1 inn 'torn tar1 kora the W ed' anti saw, New Rruns•alrk player 7405 -1.111 ,r furl Jeffrey slightly end he waw enable to Rn bars in the ( 1101 Marl RusNlo None off the henth rA A whop eongthe isl shooters gave op one hoIS Ware hrmhs aArna11, floe/mg and held off 10 ms' mit New 0runywl0k eh•rgos In helpkeep Ins eluta In the tam. Gderteh amnrke4 a rm,plr of goal plan M lar nnnl period but real4e 1 tnhehe winner ThOldlimere Ines Sammrr,ldr, Prince FAWnrd Island In their final tratreamont earn., hrforo the pinyAnw n, Su me s1Ae was Beaten by Salol John N a win for I.Mrrleh athwart 11.411rs1 them • berth in the morn. Nei fhe11 I ,Apr' a 4 In ▪ ,n e dog .I Althe M0,rh.l Ihr .aa YA n toll'. na 'pp's• ' r' the, levet .11 M ror warded 10 rhu'maned for .knew ' ,r n„ r,111,49M anon• .0a e11 did *100 approval In the hoard to piernMSo lohten and chars et ..ppenvonately ('10 nn1 rircie.rrhh•• fort, neln Signal Smile N,poOeear is testy arlth Melte 11 mnlliplies when pini r'1 u, 1. . hate ..Io1-. f .4 ,ul•SpI•rt n,ln',•• Ihr r1 in,l rho ^ ,on. from las "ands .4e ,.f the Pont,'k rwee. 1r 'ilk,. Allen 'swan I••h •' d• ,h. I,n,.. ,., and Onhrrty „er..1,1 11. said • ar not 'moot •t Palmer alto 11...or (,:�h Shrufr•It 'hoer Wheeler .r 0•, sen wsr, f n„nt Ilan for '"n`r, .,Ar•. Ila,clon Nor'!Nor'!and Wheeler rhe , 1st •oro 1hose tonna N. ff:ll 1l,fford was ah 0 f ism .,r ,h.- mel nn In sent Ion rho meeting Deal for land not final Me mho, iit town. eounml were t„ ixed I Monday rvrn nR that the .thr m,r'hale p err of henrh property Marnthnr Fealty hoe not Ron. W hen / „rant ,unr 0150 Itnvdnn taint.. the. u, el the deal town ...I'^,.1 11,1 Walls told rnu nr11 11, '1 ,.14lephoned Marathon Realtythis and deo:no'''d there ,s anothsr Th.- land I.rmetly ra ranted by •h. l,.• -•r age tanks at the hea.h I -. • r rhoelyod this coon, ml thought we hod ',ought Ihr property5aid Walla Ir 1 hallo , telephoned 0/.0 001 04 any 04,1 der ded en fly Ib 5, year to buy 'h, property Int 110 On A ll,gure quntd to r'now 11 by the Marathon Realty tintruny arung on behalf of the onadmn Pacific Railway 1 1 rel' Marathon N Y wroII te to the town room -11 Asking that a 12.000 n rhe qtr 1 w R ,rent with 101• Ariel representing 10 per rent of the -aerWo agreed to their term, and sent the cheque to them ,AIA Walls But at no tome did Marathon arm,111y say -they had to -rented the offer Wr signed the agreement but ,1 eon, ne•f r returned to (1 they , cashed the cheque we've gin the land - observed Mayor Deb Shewfolt 'It doom, 1 teem possible they w n't agree (0 Mir n rmdilinna' MId rmmr,llnr Nish Allen who Asked that the matter he referred to the Ms..' solicitor Dan Murphy Council con carred with his motion, WINTER JACKETS SIZE36TO46 't 1/2 Z PRICE SPECIAL GROUP - SIZES 38 TO 46 38 to 46 REG. TO `210.00 SALE 1/3 $ 1 SO OFF 4 '.9I Alterations At Cost DRESS SPECIAL GROUP 1/2 PRICE St SHIRTS Young gourmets i maps' ch.rg8 ALTERATIONS AT COST ITnheth McMillan, right, and Jennifer Shorn hove, along with their 01.•wnates N Vt.. 1011* 401450*, De. bitty reeently toilettes a Tri-I,Mlee ,0014bnek. The eoekheok Is a reflection of fatally recipes handed down from generation to gener. 9010. The re.lpee leers gathered by the student* el Marilyn BrWngm.•t hot. ecen..lewd*. N Vlet.rsa, Tip hent• hove Men .Md .t feet a Bre girls tan get also Ngether and .r. .vell.Yie for Mrs A.n.r 0.rh. Proeeede from IM protit will bay meta now Noble asee4noe for IY4 rlmsr,mm of Malaria. (1b 0t-p(t•t.l 4t•d NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS le ten tin RL RAWSON LTD. in lei SHOPPERS SQUARE, G ODERICH, P HONE 524-9312 Open Daily9.6 Friday9-9,Closed at 12:30 Wed neSd ar The S r Men bd G