The Exeter Advocate, 1921-6-23, Page 67,
:;.,•-_!-- .......s ee,
eteeeta..eztea_earee,„ a--e''''ta•-te,..„-e-teteee'e'
. „
Adciresg cwntnon:cationS to Aetionemist, 73 Adelaide et, west. Teronte.
cream on the Babcock test, especially
where he ships hie cream, can melte
more meuey by skimming to produce
e heavy, high -testing creaiv.
In the first Place the farmer that wonder, But Laura eineply could not
skims to produce a high-teeting cream sit still for long. Tbat was way shei
will keep more skim -milk on the farm, loved her bean bag better than her!
thus saving the transportation dolls. She had to be carefal not to'
ie and the skimlk t thsame
break the dolls, and they always sat The Social
.ebas -miae
ixne. For example, if a farmer sells about very quietly, auyway, But the•
The Chiltirm's Hour, I
Jim such a -roly-poly little girl
could run about all tbe time was a
-1 SUNDAY SCi1001,
a hundred pounds of butter.fat in bean bag, She colt es p
did miss it, it dal not matter, It was been before us in all the leesens of ' comrade:ilia). He will regaed healthy
and run to catch it; and if she The great central truth Which has; ethers he will never lose the sense of
Typee and Principles or Piggerer 3 ourit that would be required to bring
a. cream and rezeives thirty dollars for the air
Construction. 3 them to maturity. and the feea shouid
it and it came from cream testing.
elmoet more fun to do that, and see the quarter is that the Christian law / &lid bonorable rivalry as a fo-rin of
A consider:v.3*e of typee aret
• • oe of SIRCh a nature that will keep tvrenty per eent 11. • Itl I • t
. e V,01.1 rate a , - „a love is the law a our common Int- i co-operation, in business av on the
, ea -es ti tra grawalla' raPiAr• Alp six teriegallon ewes to liold the it fall down in a little heap,
rtere. ,,,,
i name life. It is the law of living to-, sporting field. 1.1e will play the genie
reas e,,,,P,..,.,g, 6;tttr,,Y ,7,.".?a.'t 1,„,`"''' ' Mearseteep in the ration is one of the
five hur.dred „minds cf cream. II° Beeidee tbat it really was a veryt _tee,
Goa laves, .ana we must loyal and play it fairly and lustier.
rerghly as folloy.-se - . this 1 r h p a * eg . I 1 A 1 bl - . d-'. aaaata'att
vould have to pay t e traps ortat.oa love, and he that dwelleth int We have leariied also that tbe fol-
4- ''' -----:""-C'.1 4 " '4'"?` 4 " ''. WerS'i' eseential feeds that will keep the
' ehis'k'''' in g°'31a fardev and smee ''' ebareee Or four Tamar ' il -
„, a . . ea pout s„ of \elate-thecae:I gingham
nice bean b.. . t 1 t a ue an t,
eovert tuat, ION'e dwelleth in God alai God in him,' i lower of Jesus Christ will be lutereet-
hree sows. eel -....'rere ;dila eiass "" ' g.,..'"eil high in price, just
1. The fermer who kseees two or ,,,,,, ,_____. ,
skine-etills besides losing the aisles- like one of Laura's romPers• Ana It "I'lle life and ministry of Jesus Christ . ed and active in all efforts to 'wake the
JUNE 23.
TaSk a the Church (Review).
Rev. 21: 3.
Golden Text--:
e,z,t canales enough eeemd be fel to
pourels, However, if tbis farmer beans; Laura knew, because she had God aad revelatien of love. Re community and the whole world bettere,
PrQvill!.tb. et milk wortb fifty cents per hundred ; was fa. of smooth, round, white was at the same time a revelation of .heme, the neighborhood, the- business
"veil ehielts with the neceseary.a.reourilit
zItt:e more es. Fee* ten:I-LA t partS, l'eS;( 1;1 131nd, .5 kit rn so as to arodeee heuvir seen mother put them in, and then sew loved us and gave Himself for us N& superficially or earelezsly, but as
the -erne? of the bag And even The Christian W13,0 believes in Chrisat dlitigent and eareest sardent he wel
That;„ ' - kv„0„, near as we can tell, we believe t. a a,
rad= of two parts corn, three
bag' tlaa ta"l'vs ar'l b*":" bren one part meatserap by te.est,einivge fi)tbrte'S 4,spaeuire ee-"Its be up ' /.4- who seeks to follow Christ, wha takes' loolt mem ale secial and economic
ansnunt though the beans were out oz sign!.
fo7 tene7a...4%-e.y. lzt•epinc;* thirtea ,,,t„neetea .corn ait,ile teurty colairs) for the one hundred now, she eould feel them through the thcetresiaore delre to be governed bY be a mere partisan. or blind follower
as Ins etearnale and ideal, will movements ef hie time. Be well not
S. i hog-rnan
• soil -tones tilds requirement. The -chicks ,
3 a ,
cv.,:y or eeere breed sewe are' „ t, f the gingham, and, of course, they must -
his werld - ir
pounds of butterfat containel, but
still be just as white. s•1-1 be of some social creed. He will be wal-
e lay, of love Los -e "
teen ess sate; ee• as 00 0,0 0 would have to ship only three ten- is -temp abort, is ing to leara, even if learning some -
the two-iittteeeeyear elan. T'rere are . '
retail fee; -011 require iess of the -
...alien cans to isold the two innedred,
mesh, winee is really the expensive "^ One day Laure's mother was belp-
few in d fifty
tittles corapele ehaage of view. Whet
intrt of the ration. taus save two hundred and fifty; • To the first man whom thou dost '''' lashatanlyseleeleeekjublgt'i; 4;41 l'arftalhsee owlrillYle
By the tin* the cockerels are te.0,,
tlei's of skim -milk es-ortit 1-.25, be-. 12-'''tiedel.11 ' s- be cried' .
: . _ -- - . That 1111:.ettimd we and all Dien 1110YO .
.1",roi•leTs auel. ease. . . Nen to • • ,. te ' I d i d -ft5" INet.°hrt1.1Cillt' . 4 .t.4 ..11141"n-. the' der a -canopy Of love, -
es .'st nrrl. '..,r,'' a:.::.-• 4 ve:orment or. tne pul;te. T* ...au_ ,. ,_ .
I. "No, no!" cried Laura* ehalting aer- As broad es the blue eky above ' T., here is no limitation itt the plan of.
mete efilshere:y air% tee notch swer.., , . - b T.. , "-1 '..tzbef:' P4Aune4114ble' feem the eaving er ekineeellik, „c„,..
a "I don't - want th s b
• 8110 et ag,1 redemption, whiels Ood lies for the
teseel ,-,-xperz.,-,,,. r,,,.!..!.... T."1•Nlue'iim: oPer-' - 1 .• . ..• .,.. Sinst ‘ransportation ehargee, the pro..
_ world. -What hes been the experience
1. Eeononte. No letelneee ean op-. , .7 ., ,-1 ,. • - , „,
Catl'all Saa',13.--a, COritnnle t31,011i„. I AI .
erseeene eenson, we eneee, but, o „ ,e s
- ' es.,errse, shored be enangea eon* neat,: e
• her to play with the beau bag. "I say to thee„ do thou eepeat
ar te pounds of eream He would' •
Cerss:Jezinsse, les:reelly, the teepee
e• teeere`..-e•;., 7:Or tile ab;kr
"0- V:Ing tlasie
Iv:x.0s they .$houltil be rearketee foe; "O Laura, this bean bag is getting will he bate.
In lane, highway, or epee street,
ea-ea:tree, t„, _lion the i'zles the transportatien charges 070 Weal hav Applicetione
,e sante two tun re an ri
f 1 a It - ed
trother• I want to keep this one"' thus of maltitudes of men, "old things aro
. • b
The Christian Whoee life is
Th t - • • da - the been bee' e asew" es to I>e the ftnal result
lesaold all things ale ee
• meer o aavy or t eream eavee.. eaugat governed by love will eeek worthiness 133's" 4waYi
eleee e:esseen ef r,reit. In
17.ks aro, r.".ot OBI accennt
F"0„iT k,:',1:1r.q. they are 1"est
• .
:ryttegg and, goad •ventilation.
rettet cl.taint,.%1 in some way.
eit•ly ro farm lazil•iines ntere difs
time tae pualete begin to late f • etsbevell as ueefulness. For love, if it ..
in two other ways: First, be has less! ,
1 e true and strong, ennoblee the One
- cream to cool and handle thus wing
loves. Re will desire to be tree even wale the tv card. All that has to
A. geed aeal of labor and trouble on a sheep twig that stuek out of the
invy he saved by providiegs a large tune en„,,, ., i„,, ' s' ' little pear tree in the ard, „and „Laura who do with the eat and misera of raeek
eelf-feeler with the math where the; “"''' "a"v; secondly, his thick'.
had tstand tiptoeY
cream can be kept in better condition! 1, ,? 913` and Pull luld, that So lie may epee]; truth, to be . will disappear and in Ks place then
grawirer fowls mat- get it wheneveri get it aown, At last the twig will appear a new world beautiful yeitla
* e ,e;Tesh, -ate ate a feet.? teat win, mid be will receive a better price fort Pall tu, g arcing that he may help the weak, to
, it at the creamer I gave ally, gace the bag tumblee. into be geed that he may do d
i . Y goo • And the likeriess of Paradise. This visor;
aleout ten bushel: and have the. Y. 3 her heeds. leo the Christian man will seek for aim. gl'alltad to St • Jobr.! so many veaturiett
• • I • 1 ‘, f•eil dealers. In, . h ° Just then a beautiful yellow buttetel self, as well as for others, good ago, it; Stnl, the ammatieg purpose ail
1 If a thick -at
cream va 1 net the pro -i ,.
• the Church. Daily millions of merp
st to ventisaee thar a piggery, and • '
no an 11 requiree fresh dry air and ' . " cream screw properly in the first place'
gt WU We' cal haniae eeveral thou-!
duce,. mere e e et a 3 came floating past, so near uto; arid recreation, wni,w,ark in which. be, pray, „Thy tung.dom.e0,1110.; Thy „tali
$ te s"e. may exercise 1 •
,e, , note e ge an silent ip
T.:met et mere the:: a hota eneas easey m tae growmg sea-, and then pay attention to these other
Laura.'s face that She wa
. [indeed. which mattes fee d ant' t'aY
us powers -everything,
eta.. 3 be,,tioine on earth On it is in Heave:se e
Li man w' lertee two or three e. t a. factors that COUSO the separatoe to eQuat eat"' " by day tlie marshalled lutere
rave neees few, if ere-, epevial buila- " * ' • h dellver a thick, highatesties cream or
- But she could not trite 'reach h m* • „• •
I / aed happy me, He win avoid of the Cleistian army eeek to seer:. j
en eepplv weter one of the easiest
ings• His SCANS' are wireerea in low. . • ' are that for which they
after him,: the habits aud indulgences waich
meare is to socure a pan aeout t Imo° low -testing cream. so as he flew along ehe ran
straw-cevered eheals or elieltere ad- It ' ,; tt" " ' holaing her bean bag tight; ehe did. butte, the recreations tbat debaee, 1 . Lest by reason of the slow mate-
-n .aaree-er and iretell one of the. a till;
faieeenee floats that were so conve , ' ti -1*
;lucent to the itareyara. Tag': eunt- '''•
mote in oer 1 aine erd 11,n troughs,!
nzer en peeture with e. eheere leen-to
ee eeee!e eer eheata 1 -aa main tee Tale leery be atteebed ta a preaeure•
eateaes. 1.a.e autartactaNy attluttea:a eyettiu
eor ernvity SySten1 aud will, of!I
, etieeee ellow aver to elute in as fast,
free% air arei thy searzers end exer.
as re.moved. In this mareser if the Teacli the young steak to
is este:ale evall;a ae. If :lie litter F. , • • •• • • - - - • . .4. 4' at others, and will be conter;lt to have been fearful ana untellevina.
eiee. A: fear 'ea -yr %tree 1 toe eta!! 1
en eerie age and it will save many i reach. Re flew this way area that, nt
n tiq gn '' reseteeted olal'e +lie er' , .
not mean to lose that. But sae diclland, the work evbica is destruettve mg of God s p ens, e gr
not see a three -cornered teari character and honor, He will not seek of the success of the progrm and set -
flttlo in the gingham ewer of the bag--al•wseeiailltehe.atutnhre esNuiteecttess se of a geed con- tle down to be content with things as
slip through nicely. means. Always, while seeking waat amongst those who shall have no pert
is best for him by deneet 1..ltey are; le,t us notice that -first named
tear just large enough to let. a bean
ad at3 The butterfly kept out of Laura's self, be Ilea be zegare. in the Nev Jerusalem are two classes,
ful in the lareest new of the inter- whose only fault hes been that they
rt.,,„.o rzfulonz:y wz_..ii,,,n for tho •,:ttke: :s el:pp-Led at all times witheet . la the animals are strong. If each heifer over the soft earth in the garden that; itself, if by se elomg he con help His great designs to pess. Because
an • ' deulited God's ability . tO bring
CZnaeS iate.y. SU:334 cezarters USTlay rth r"(4L'eeme b°t'' ny'd fresb water . stubborn contests later in life whet) aril out and round about, fluttering. eaerefiee gala, or property, or even life They
pigs. Three, efter ireaninge may !: e • att:/ettarY attention. A de'. .'e iike - be, .ithey. aeubteil they were not prepared
s a halter she will be eaeler to LnUre;S father had been digging up to. others to greater .good. •
fattened en pasture, 4.:T ia a paildoek; thie werke well en an eleetrie Ituml,':. handle in the pasture lot and soon:. Plant it with little brown eeeds. . . The C•hristian will be a worher.,to give thewselves heartily to serving
rose molar,. Christ Himself, both in the carpenter's . these iliall -
or are let with a ela eri she'aer, er, if :'14'eh '1:S ,1141,plans. They have their
ineeer fa, eir.e. ie rreferrea, in a ehiei "'In"' '47"'"g sY4'tera' and flew away altogether. -Laura
ted strenuous. and untiring worker.. His. Donald Ilanlal mid. "Religkon iS. jl-Pt
craft alai His later ministry. was a part "in the lalce which burneth."
iustalled with th4a learn that a tug en the. halter means At laet the butterfly
to follow.
purpose, leas may stanza Lae woke; ing the eaunner time as during the lives in a Section where farmers are very 11111011 to cry. .- . .o. ower cauriot aad wili not .be id3e. betting your life that there is a God."
er empty teallaieg imprevisei for the/ ' e ' - • ei, . • - - . • If a farmer needs bis skim-nulk and -stood still far a moment; she wan .i, I/
a ecol beiliare ir. 3•1 essential dura . . . .
ehift prateiee. The feat remakes that, fate ee the pallete reed proteetion from " selling milla he can. often build up a But then she had 'her beanhag! The poseeesion of Wealth cap be to .Thet ineans riot oily believing it with
not one cant more .then le, aleselutf'• l'' ' .'
IT ealei re hr end I eleen• - ll -Yen.'
- e • • • • •• we . good batter trade in his own neigh-. . Why, what -What was the matter9 find happiness
health, and true nobilel, our emergies after our belier DIM -
him no excuse for idleness. lie wila' one's mind, but "flinging ourselvee awl
neceesery should be- expendei in here;,.lillated. piac'e to roost. Young pullets': borlioed. There are a. lot of farmers The bag was not rounder fat or heavy ity in. labor. oreover be will gladly; mcult as the task may be, let .us re-
v/We-meet. a .
.. let ere aeetietemed to a good house'. that buy all their butter and it is any more. It was just an old ging- learn to work 'with .others, evogniaa ember that "all Rower" has been •
Consaler the etiee of the Lott elasst
i will r..ot steed .areund under
bushes tree that many farmers owning herds ham beg, quite empte, Where had big their tasks important and ‘borior-lcommitteel to .the Saviour- of,
----the man who keeps five or Fie sows.: 'on r`t'nY days and lower their vital-; or cows really eat butter instead of. all the pretty white. beans gone to i otae as his own. He will fina min and yand flea tvith His Father, who is our
His breetling ettalt should be handled "4,' which really impairs them :Ise
oleo. This gives the butter 'producer Laura ran to mother as fast as she' true eararallesbill tura brotherhood in:Father and our Helper, "all things are
!steel; feeding and a ner,rleyeentlet for and while she ran. th.e sky, too, began
as in the foregoing. The ,..i.•sentita:wim'es: laYer:It ". a lot of skim -milk for poulry and. canal., for now she eeally WOO crying;
building is for farrowing his eows. If
his ewe farrow all about the eame lieaVy or Light ream.
• 0
a r. Even in competition enth possible.
th butter to cry, shedding great swift drops.' Laura; "I'd rather have my own old
tected early in the season they shoule „,
be destroyed to prevent further de- '
time ana if he pairs for fail litters! Comparetivelv few owners of cream Cows that freshen in the fan show Mother saw Laara 'coming; she ran ean g
But mother may said, "Come in- foliation of the tree. If they are within
early enough for enezeseful winter eeparatore: und-erstand the prope
r ad- '
a great increas.e in milk flow in the out, picked her up in her arms and convenient reach they ,can be torn out
ee tustinent of the (Team screw, to say' spring whe p
laee-d on pasture. This hurried back to the porch with her.
• doors now, Laura."
hel s to kee u peoduction until tiine As soon as they were under the porch It rained all that night and all the and the itievae crushed on the ground,
feeaing, he must hate lintel r er •
next dav and the whole day after or burned. Then an examination should
+vest other weals, a buy..;:r.g • nethine, of the adjustment of the rest
lfl part of which is warney built and- of the maehine. for the cows to dry up. Cows that
then a eemenasatively expensive The eream serew is intended to eon- i freshen in the spring are more diffi-
leactetre. Gener..dly este:eking, the ; cult to handle profitably in the fall
era the eonsisteney of the ...ream that
best arrangement makee possible the the when pastures are often dry and eon -
separator dtlivere. However, thiv
closing off of twe or three peer next' seem, does not, as is generally sup-.
i ditions are less favorable for keeping
to the feed room, where a heater may 1 up the milk flow.
posed. regulate the efficiency of skim-,
be installed. Thi e portion of the I ming, The machine will, as a rule,l t, -e„
When veal is -cheap and feeds are
building. must be tioulile tioarded and it ought to pay to keep the best
skim just as clean when. delivering al e"e'w
a vent
tightly celled aral with ilation heifer calves on the chance that eows
heavy. high -testing cream as it willi
system. Centime is exeellent in the; will be good property a touple:of years
when skimming a thin low -testing'
main. but the farrowing pen flood from now. It is easy- to say that cows
cream. The screw should be
must be of wood, or eement covered: are cheap and there are lots for sale,
so adjusted that it will deliver a heavy.
with plank. A drainage syste.m musti but when you start out looking for
. thick cream unless the owner is sell
be provided ti ensure arynees. For i„ -1 those eows you find that the farmers
g the cream by the quart. If the
the balancof the beiding excellent
e tare keeping the best ones and some
owner is scaling by the volume, he/
results have been obtainee by mak- should have his separator adjusted et! of the cows for sale cheap are not
ing us.e of single board walls, a slat- much good.
that it will deliver cream as near the;
ted ceiling covered with straw, earth t
requirement as possible because at —
v.anich is built a low. straw -covered this point it will net him the most My WIFE AND I WORKED OUT
floors and a floc -red section over
prat. Once the eream serew is ad- m
sleeping berth. Such quarters are ex- justed to the proper place, the owner
te"Kent for young weaned pigs or for naturally concludes that all the cream,
fattening hogs at any time of the skimmed will test the same or nearly
y:ar. Ventilation is automatic. The the same. Consequently when the
expensive construction is limited to cheque arrives for his shipment of
where it is really essential. The bal- cream and he finds that it did not test
roof Laura cried:".
"Mother! Mother! Just see the bean that. After tbat came a day when the be made to see if there are any larvae
bag! What's the matter with it?" rain stopped, but when heavy gray left on the tree near the old nests.
Then mother looked at the poor thin clouds hung over everything. One mare These should be destroyed if possible.
dav, and then the bright, warm sun- The use of a torch will be found to be
bean bag that used to be so
"Your bean bag is torn, dear," she shine retained; Laura's father said a tonvenient instrument in destroying
that he would like to work in the those nests beyond reach, but care
said, "and all the beans have fallen
out of
garden, but that the earth was too must be exercised so as not to burn
"Fallen out!" wet for it. The next day was Sun- the bark, thus killing it and perhaps
Laua had never thought of that. day, so Laura and her mother and causing a pernument injury to the
"Then please come and help
fine, father went to ehurch in the mall
morn- tree itself. Its use is safe on the sm-
them, mother." ing, and to grandmamma's in the er branches or twigs, but on the larger
"Oh uo, dear, -we can't go out al afternoon, The day after that father limbs it will be safer to destroy them
was very tired when he came home; by hand. A spray with arsenate of
lead will keep -them from extending
their work. The regular sprays record.
mended for apples will also keep them
this rain. Besides, the beans will all
be covered with dirt. We'll just make and besides, it was too warm to work
another bag." in the garden.
"I don't want another bag," said So just a week had gone by when
father said, after supper:
"Coming to help me in the garden,
Laura quickly found her rake and 1
the paper of brown seeds that father
had bought on purpose for her.
Mother came, too, and they, all went
into the garden.
By Ralph Eastman
arms is of cheap construction. Plans nearly is high as the previous ship-
tained from the Animal. Husbandry blames the consignee and says the I suspect that too many of us farm
of piggeries of this type may be ob- melee, he wonders why. Usually he
Division, Central Experimental Farm, ers do not give our wives credit for
Ottawa. Stec.h misund erstandings resulting in knowing anything about handling
cream was not properly tested.
The extensive hog -man needs spe- money -except to spend it. Often-
buildings. Nevertheless, he must times a man will call on the phone and
the cream producer accusing the dealer
strictly follow economy in construe- want to talk to me. Yet ehat he want -
of improper testing can often be
tion. Expensive or c.omparatively ex- ed to know could have been told by my
avoided if the owner of a separator
pensive construction is required only just as well. In fact, I doubt if
knows that a number of factors other wife
for farrowing quarters. Open sheds cream there is any business on earth about
than the adjustment of the
with straw -covered sleeping quarters whith a man's wife knows as much as
screw will cause a variation in the
have proven excellent for winter fat- A few of the factors that cause thin farming. The farm wife lives right
test of the cream delivered.
tening of hogs. The straw -loft, earth- on the job; she has a Chance to hear
floor, enclosed -berth type of buildbig arator, other than the adjusting of the what is going on, and to talk it over
three times a day. I have learned to
cream to be delivered, from the sep-
the price was right or wrong. I know
what to pay for my stuff, and she
does too. That's all there is to the
tn,oney division.
But I wasn't satisfied with just
this arrangement. .Supposing I died?
I carry enough life insurance to cover
our indebtedness, but insurance money
won't do much good if you don't know
how to use it. My wife now writes
farm cheques when necessary. In
fact, if I have a few cheques to de-
posit I sometimes purposely forget
them and let her take care of :them.
makes an exeellent and comparatively ask the woman who 'answers the phone It took quite a while far her to get
cream screw; are:
the essentials and which is useful for it is before having her call her man in accustomed to this sort of wgrk. But
from the field. And I usually get it was worth the effort. Now As can
chea.p structure which embodies all of 1. Skimming the milk when
excessively warm. borrow money •at our banif we need
it. I don't need to make the trip to
town to sign a note. The bank knows
she does business as well as I do.
This training is not hard for some
Win wives, but for many it is. It
ean?t be done in a single month. I
remember how my wife dreaded to
cash her first cheque at the bank. She
-wanted some change,' and I wouldn't
get it for her. Instead, I went along
and introduced her to the cashier.
every class of hog, with the possible
exceptions of the early farrowing sow
and the sow during the gestation per-
iod. The cheap, portable cabin is a
building much in demand on the big
hog farm, both in -winter and sum-
mer. Plans of the larger types of
piggeries raa-y be secured from the
source already mentioned.
Keep the Chicks Growing.
We have often noticed a seriaas
setback in growing chicles if the
propee ration is not provided at the
time the chicks are able to range
about and begin to hunt for them-
selves -too often at this time the feed
necessary for their quick development
Is withheld. •
This is when we bring our chick
self -feeders into their greatest use
and provide a good mash that will
assist the fowls in growing a good
frame, plenty of plumage, and keep
them in active working order. 'When
the chicks weigh about a pound apiece
and just at the time they are passing
through the broiler stage, they require
a good deal of feed, yet nothing ex-
2. Running the speed of the separ-
ator bowl too low.
3. Forcing the milk through the
separator too rapidly.
4. Flushing the separator bowl out
with large amounts of skim -milk or
warm water, and permcream- itting the
delivered from these flushings to mix
with the other cream.
5: Skimming a low -testing milk.
On the other hand, some of the fac-
tors causing a heavy cream to be de-
livered, when the cream screw is not
tampered with, am:
I. Skimming cold milk.
2. Inereasieg the speed of the sep-
arator bowl. .
3. Reducing the flow of milk .into
the separator bowl. •
4. Not putting the bowl fleshings
in the cream can.
5. Skimming a richer mirk.
These factors are the most import-
ant ones that cause the variation in
the test of the cream delivered from
the separator.
It is easy to conclude that both the
heavy and the light cream have their
market. 'Which is best for the average
the information I want.
When my wife and I started out
on our farm -life honeymoon, after a
few days of the usual kind, I decided
it was time to get somewhere finan-
cially. Money -or the lack of it --was
seemingly the biggest problem of the
older folks I knew. The women hated
to ask for money every time they
needed it. The men usually gave
grudgingly, Or else forgot it alto-
In. our case we had just liought a Now, after three years, she writes
farm and were in the hole quite a bit and cashes a cheque as easily as she
on it Neither of. us had any lifts buys a loaf of bread. She goes to
from home, nor did ewe expect any. the elevator and settles for what she
Both Were able to earn a little on brings home, and pays for whateeee
the side, which helped a lot the first is delivered to the farm, Once in a
few months. Anyone who has ever while she foegets soinethinge but so
bought a "tart-up"-furnitue, farm- doe", and I've been doing business „with
ing tools, stock, and so on -knows banks for fifteen years.
what it means to stale. out in debt Now; I an not advancing a theory,
We have arranged our finances like but, instead, 'advocating a practical
this: We each have a cheque book, but working syste,m. It's easy to say that
we onle have one account. When there a husband and wife should be equal
is money to spend, my wife spends it partners, but it's pretty hard to mac
as she needs or wants to. I do the tice it -when the woman has to ask for I don't ask her how much•her $10 whenever she needs it. She
new waist or shoes cost. I don't care, shouldn't have to ask for it, no matter
anyway, I wouldn't know whether, how freely it is given,
et. traordinary in con-manse/1 to the am- farmer? Any person that is elhng, and,
What do you suppose they saw,
"Why, what's this?" cried father.'
"Oh, oh, what's this?" cried Laura.
"I can guess," laughed mother.
There was something in the garden
that had never been there before -
a funny, crooked row of little strange
plants, growing not a bit as plants
are expected to grow, one after an-
other in a straight line. This line
ran in and out and round about, just
as a little girl runs when she is play-
ing -or when she is chasing a butter-
"They look like beans," said father,
"Mother!" Laura cried. "Do bean-
bag beans look so after they're lost?"
"They do when you lose them in a
garden," father answered, smiling.
"Thetare prettier green than white,"
cried Laura. "I'm. glad I lost them!"
Tent Caterpillars.
About the time the leaves are un-
folding in the spring the tiny eggs of
the tent caterpillar begin to hatch and
the young larvae escape and go in
search of some nice tender foliage.
The previous fall the mother moth was
considerate enough to place these eggs
close to the food supply. She selected
a small twig on a wild -cherry, apple,
or some other conveMent tree and
around this she laid her several eggs,
cementing them over with a waxy pre-
paration in order to protect them'
against the weather. The larvae, after
hatching., select a convenient fork in
the branches, or on the trunk, in which
to build their web, or tent, and from
this they go out in the search for .food.
If these 'caterpillars are not controlled
early in the season they will soon strip
the foliage from tho nearby limbs. If
they are on a young tree it will he
entirely defoliated by midsummer.
As soon as the small nests are de-
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