The Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-10-20, Page 27ck's Jottings, , , , page 6A r Commission, lished to hold hearings ake recommendations Government Proposals operty Tax Reform will t certainly generate r•tion. re havebeen in - ons that the Govern - favours many of the rlecomme'ndations of the Select Committee on High- way Safety which has sub- mitted its final report In all, there have been indications that the Gover- nment plans to propose as many as fifty individual pieces of legislalion, which will requ'ir'e debate and consideration prior to the C'hr'istmas recess. When you take into account the numerous other matters which will come before the House, it is quite clear that the next three months will'bc a very busy period for the Members of the Legislature. There remain some 350 hours of debate which have been allocated for the con- siderationof. thy. spending, estimates Of the 24 ministries. This • means that the Estimates Committee will be required to meet as often as four times each week, often at the same time as the House is considering legislation. Fortunately, the spending estimates of four ministries were considered during the short post-election session. However, in these times of restraint, it is important that the spending plans for each ministry ..he: given full and. - careful consideration. Certainly, the pressures ofd time constraints must not be permitted to detract from the scrutiny to he given to these spending priorities, Recent rule changes for the Ontario Legislature will also ensure that time is given to the consideration of Private Members' Bills. Each Thursday afternoon is to he devoted to consideration of two Private Members' Bills, Sr: GODE RICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20;1077—PAGE 7A and these'May he referred to standing committees for consideration. -l'he first three bills scheduled for consideration will cover quite different topics. Mr. Maec'k, who has the first bill, is concerned uhout the access to property by private roadsay. The second bill, by Mr. Eakins, is the first Canadian attempt to set up legislation en- compassing a Small Business Act. The third hill, from Mr. 'Cassidy, deals with labour arbitration. Each of these hills is the culmination of many hours work for the Member's sponsoring the legislation, and involves considerable legislative time. There are several reports which it is expected will be debated by the House, in- cluding one from the Ombudsman Committee, and another from a committee set up to study the operation of the Legislature (the Morrow Committee). `There are likely to be reports - at. least of an interim nature - from the three Select Com- mittees which have been meeting throughout the summer. - ' Arrangements have been made for the Legislature to sit for an additional evening each week. Nevertheless, there is a formidable 'amount of work to be done, and it is not going to be easy to Turn to page 17A • nd h all h all fPfic-z 4•400L Real Value! Marvel Brand, Sliced arty appetjte sT gre.Apo% WHITE BREAD 24 -oz 3 for 11 loaf 00 Action Priced "Liquid Javel A&P BLEACH 64 -fl -oz plastic bottle e Parker AISIN SLICED READ 24 -oz loaf $PASTRY OR ALL PURPOSE onarch Flour • — WHITE, PINK, YELLOW ACTION PRICED! $avi Real Value! AXO tprf, c3Z&c7- tc--35//, Real Value! Facial — Yellow powdered ,=. OPEN DAILyKLEENEX TISSUE ADETERG9NT 9 A.M• asv 0 P.M. SUNCOg57 MALI HWY. NO. 21 SOUTH GOOERICp 2099 o box 3for of 100 sheets Action Priced A&P CHOICE PEAS 14:" 41 .0 Real Value! Kleen Brite FABRIC SOFTENER 64 -fl -oz 9 plastic -- bottle • Pkg of 60 bags Moist 'N Easy — Banana Nut, Chocolate with Chips RANGE PEKOE I DUNCAN HINES 1.99 CAKE MIXES ACTION PRICED! 111 14 -oz Pkg SALADA TEA ACTION PRICED! GOO D MORNING. 7 -Ib bag 1.29 M throom Tissue ACTION PRICED! SCH Pk4g°f rolls89¢ C ES BEEF TOP CHOICE DOG F000 OR ^ inesburgers 2 kg bag 2.59 . IN T IME PKG OF 30 OR EXTRA ABSORBENT DAYTIME PKG OF 24 S HO mpers Diapers . Pkg 2.59 P BROAD, FINE, MEDIUM ACTION PRICED! 8 V g Noodles Romi 12-ozpkg 39¢ H OUE — ASSORTED COLOURS PLAIN eenex Towels Pkg of 2 rolls 99¢ A EESE OR TOMATO SAUCE HEINZ MACARONI OR 14 -FL -OZ TIN EROS odle Numbers 3f°r1.00 K JELLY OR ACTION PRICED! 6 VA armalade Shirriff BORDENS CREAMED 24aroz 1.09 Cottage Cheese NEIDERS, PURE 16 -oz cin 69re ■ ASSORTED FLAVOURS rispycrust Lard 1.16 pkg 49¢ ICe Cream Bordens 2litre cin 1.4 OMATO SAUCE 9 larkBeans SINGLE THIN, PROCESS CHEESE SLICES 14 -fl -oz tin 3f°r1,40 Black Diamond 1 -Ib pkg 1,59 RTCAKE, NICE, DIGESTIVE, CHIP RINGS ACTION PRICED! KELLOGG'S RAISIN BRAN 525g pkg. eek Frean Biscuits 14 -oz tin 99* ire ba 89¢ Special `K' 300 g pkg 89� ARIETIES, READY -TO -SERVE g einzSoups ACTION PRICED! KRAFT, PROCESS 8 -f1 -°z tin 6 for 99j' Cheese Whiz 1.49 16 -oz jar OR SALTINES PRICED! HEINZ p g 59¢ Tomato Sauce ACTION PRICED! 1 -Ib k 14-fl-ortin3{or1.0® ACTION PRICED! Tomato ACTION PRICED! ES &P Crackers TED OR BROWN SUGAR ellogg's wH ATS PIETIES s Drape Jam 375 g pkg 79)2( Heinz Ketchup 20 -fl -oz bottle 79' 1.09 Cadbury Biscuits 150 g pkg 59 Tomato o Juice 48 -fl -oz tin 69¢ Y S 100W . 60W LIBBY'S, SLICED HT BULBS PSTANDA6 1.69 Pickled Beets iar29 HEINZ ACTION PRICED! Fish & Chips STANDARD 6 16` -f► -oz ~vJ¢ Tomato Sauce 7�5-f'-°Z 5for p tin 99¢ +,lion Priced -T50m1 refuptitile-tiollfe Pepsi - Cola - for 00 ola,a100 (plus 20c per bottle deposit) Savarin, Frozen, Beef, Chicken, Steak 8 Kidney ACTION PRICED! ,or Turkey Pot Pies HIGHLINER, FROZEN 8 -oz pie NSTANT escafe offee 10 -oz jar ACTION PRICED! 39 2% PARTLY SKIMMED Milk 3 QT. BAG i Fresh Veal Sale! 1 SEAL CHOPS �b g II Cutlets sHA.wing Veal NK OR BREAST Wing Veal MEAT LOAF Lind Veal SHOULDER OR 1.19 Butt Pork Chops. Ib 1.08 RED HOTS, DUTCH TREET, ALL BEEF Wieners SCHNEIDERS 1 -Ib vac pac 78¢ ' SCHNEIDERS, SLICED f; Side Bacon 1 -Ib vac pac 1,68 Shopsy's "Party" Items BEEF & PORK SHOPSY'S 162.48 Burns Sausages 1b89¢ Salami OLD VIENNA SHOPSY'S COLD SLAW OR 161.08 Italian Sausage ib89? Potato Salad vrr,, MIA �K SHOPSY'S PASTRAMI OR Ib 78,' Salametti161.99 Corned Beef SIENA BRAND SHOPSY'S Ib l.08 Baby Mortadella 16.1.09 Beef Pies 8-o 18-ozpkg 1.79 24 -oz ctnr 89¢ PKG. OF 4-2 OZ PKGS. Pkg1.38 z twin pack 49)zt PEPPERONI & CHEESE 3f°r1.00 32ozpkg 1.99 FRUIT BOTTOM 6 -OZ CTN. BeatriYogurt e 4/1.00 S&M PIZZA 14oz pkg of two pies 1.59 FROZEN 5-18 BOX 3.889 POLLOCK FILLETS Ib 79¢ FROZEN, COOKED BRE�'.DED COD FISH CAKES 164951 We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family Requirements! Loto Canada, Provincial & Wintario Tickets available at A&P Food Stores Action Priced Rio Brand—Pieces & Stems MUSHROOMS 10 -fl -oz 5 tin .'r f4;