The Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-10-20, Page 19to
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�rmer St.
George and Mrs.
who served the
anon United Church
01957, were honored by
curs United Church
egatign in Oakyille on
tianniversary of their
al there. The
rations included- a
iSe reunion of relatives
wily for This is Your
rogram, presentation of
se of about $1800 and a
model car, and a
ry book of their 20
at St. Paul's. For once
George Watt was
less as the whole event
as a surprise.
Watt came to Oakville
t full-time minister of
ui's in 1957 after ser-
ungannon, Ontario and
ook, Saskatchewan. As
ent he served at Shell
Saskatchewan. When
Linda and 18 month
David' of Good Fish Lake,
Alberta, daughters Wendy,
Valerie, Heather, Melanie,
Virginia and her husband Roy
McLaughlin of St, Paul's,
Albterta. Also attending were
nephews and ,nieces Robert
and Jill Watt of Toronto,
Ronald ,Watt of London,
Sylvia nad Ray Steeles of
The above news item was
sent to the Dungannon news
correspondent in a clipping
from the Oakville paper by
Donald' Ross, a former
Dungannonite now living in
Oakville. He has recently
retired from teaching and has
joined- forces with a real
estate firm, The Canada
Permanent Trust.
PauI ifliflister honoreold son
CHURCH NEWS forming a Young People's extended a vote of thanks to
Members g Group (Hi -C) are invited to the special guests. Mrs.
of Dungannon come to the Nile Church on Shirley Martin and Mrs. Elsie
United Church congregation Sunday evening, October 30 Kuepfer.
were invited to share in the at 7:30 p.m.
celebration of the 122 The Manse Board, at its Studycom groupuity ladies Bible
Anniversary of the Nile . meetinglast week y is held each
oon in
United Church on Sunday, authorized Rev. and Mrs. 1 Dungannon. This nesday esnopen to
October 16, so local Sunday Westhaver to choose and anyone interested. For fur -
School and church services purchase a chesterfield and ther details please contact
were withdrawn. - chair for the manse Mrs. Lawrence.
The Huron Historical livingroom, keeping within a The Sunda
y Society will meet in the certain price range. These Worship conducted by Pastor
Dungannon United Church at articles have been purchased Lawrence was centred
8 p.m, Wednesday, October and are being delivered on around the message found in
19. Visitors are welcome. Monday. Matt. 7:11. He' said some of
Sunday School and Church Mrs. Shirley Martin of the more wonderful gifts
Listowel was a special guest given to us by the Father' are
at a meeting sponsored by the faith, wisdom, love and the
ladies of the Dungannon Lord Jesus Christ himself
Christian Fellowship Church through whom we receive
on Thursday evening to which these things.
doings United Church ladies were
showed 4-H
ved, St. Paul's had 250 Eldon Austin and other
ers and no church family members ,visited Mr.
g. Under his guidance Frank Austin in the Intensive
ristian Education Care Unit at University
g, auditorium and Hospital in London on Sunday
ary were completed by and found his condition un-
nd church membership changed.
,800 members. Rev. C.G.
tives and family Westhaver visited Mdrs. has.
the surprise visit Fowler in University Hospital
ev. Watt's sisters Mrs. London on Saturday. She has
leve Moore of been moved from the
w, and Mrs. Muriel Intensive Care Unit to the
on of Wingham; two ninth floor. She is receiving
s, Dr. Don Watt of oxygen and intravenous, her
ver and Archie and leg is in traction and her
att of Peterborough; heart is being monitored,
v. Don Watt and wife Mrs. Minnie Jones was
taken to Wingham Hospital
on Friday evening after Dr.
McKim visited her at home
and found she was suffering
from a sore mouth and in-
ternal infection.
Mike Austin is recovering
nicely from his ap-
pendectomy and plans to
return to school on Tuesday.
Miss Carol Westhaver of
Toronto visited her parents
this weekend.
Mrs. Margaret Roulston
(nee Carter), Sylvia and
2 Lorte _fran;r==4"he Clinton -arca
or -=Safe..
moved to Dungannon last
week into the former Culbert
Sher -
airy farm on Highway 8 house owned by A.J. Sher -
Clinton. 5 bedroom wood. It was recently vacated
2 car garage, large by Mr. and Mrs. Barry
Anderson who have moved
eestall, milking parlour
line milker, 3 silos with
and automatic feeders,
shed, Targe pool one
65 milk cows and bred
► heifers, good line of
'this year's crops.
Ty farm in Colborne
2 homes, new farm
pipe line milker, 3 silos
ders, Targe pool one
milk cows, all the
this year's crop.
dairy farm in Hullett
9 room house, pipe
er, 2 silos with
30 milk cows, good
uipment. This year's
'm Clinton on paved
ere beef and cash crop
gni brick house, large
Clinton on Highway
d barn on 3 acres.
barn, drive shed on 4
Ilett Township.
ownship, 4 bedroom
barn, drive shed on 4
sh crop land on
west of Clinton (no
severance, 20 acres
perty (no buildings) 3
a, 185 acre dairy
m house, large dairy
ith unloader, new
t milk cow's, all the
this year's crop.
2, Clinton
esman for
Realty Inc.
into the house on the fourth
concession where Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Glenn used to live
before they moved into' the
new house beside it last
Mrs. Mary Ford and
family, Kevin, Andrew,
Patricia, Paul and Veronica
of Yorkshire, England are
visiting with Mrs. Ford's
sister and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil McNall while
looking for a place to live in
this area.
Mrs. Marybelle Aldham
and family of RR 1 Inglewood
and Mrs. Ruth Austin of
Toronto visited their mother
Mrs. Mary Bere on .the
Mary Bere, correspondent,
service at Dungannon United
Church will be at the usual
time next Sunday, October 23.
The Sacrament of Infant
Baptism will be observed and
a nursery will be provided.
The 1977 Church Calendar
is available now. Please
contact UCW members at
Nile and Dungannon.
invited. Mrs. Martin NEWS
a large display of handmade
articles from other lands and Mrs. Alma Black
explained the circumstances demonstrated the making of
under which many ' of the banana bread at the sixth
articles were made. She meeting of the Dungannon 3 4 -
pointed out how the money H Club which was held at her
received from the sale of home on October 3 at 7 p.m.
these articles would help Ten members answered the
make these people more self- roll call which was to show
supporting and increase their one complete labelled
self respect. The meeting was illustration to be used in the
well attended by members of member's notebook. Topics
the community and a sub- discussed were fruit short
stantial sum was raised for cakes, fruit with pudding,
Tickets may be purchased this worthy cause, A brief cakes, quickbreads and
advance from UCW devotional message was cookies. Plans were made for
members for the Fowl Supper given by Mrs. Marion Achievement Day. The next
being held at Nile Church on Lawrence. Mrs. Laverne meeting will be held on
October 26,5:30 and 7:00p.m. Martin was emcee for the October 17 at 7 p.m. at the
Young people interested in occasion and Mrs. Noah Frey home of Mrs. Alma Black.
and M s. Henry Drennan
escaped serious injury on
Saturday afternoon, October
15 when his shoe lace became
caught in the power take off
when unloading the last load
of ensilage into the corn silo.
Ijis overalls.and_.work_.pants
were wound off by the power
shaft. Luckily, his brother
Leroy heard his cry for help
and was in reach of the
tractor to shut it off im-
mediatley. Gordy suffered
burns to the ligaments behind
the knee. He was treated in
the emergency unit at
Alexandra Marine - and
General Hospital in Goderich
and released. Gordy will be
on crutches for the next few
:_SGDE-RIctisra tike:STA "I'HUIti Ay, OGTQBIi;I Z0 ,
v _
The Goderich branch of the Arthritis Society sponsored an In -Service Education program
on Arthritis for the staff at Maitland Manor on Monday afternoon. The program included
film and discussion. Back row, left to right, are Lee McCallum, publicity -director for the
Goderich branch, Zoie Raithby, director of nurses at Maitland Manor and Judy Threinen,
arthritis physiotherapist from Mitchell. Front row, left to right, are Joanne Menary and
Norah Moore, nurses on staff at Maitland Manor. (staff photo)
GE 19
urn suffered as resulton Drennanson of farm
of Mr.
Mrs. Y t. Joseph's Blaise Doherty
With Monday being
Thanksgiving, the St.
Joseph's School in
Kingsbridge celebrated the
previous Friday with Mass.
The Mass was organized by
Mr. Zettler's Grade 7 class,
who also decorated the
On Wednesday, October 12,
This Charming, 15 year old, yellow brick home has:
New 200 -amp. wiring. New oil fired furnace. Hot water
baseboard heating 4 bedrooms, 2 with new bullt-In closets
and desks. Completely new bathroom downstairs, new
half -bath upstairs. Aluminum windows everywhere, ,in-
cluding basement. New eavestroughs. Wall-to-wall car-
peting In every room. Living room, dining room, den,
sewing room, kitchen with connecting laundry room.
Sits on double lot, approx. 130 x 83. Second lot could be
severed. Owner transferred to London.. Asking '45,000in-
cluding second lot. Taxes approx. '422.
Inferior layout comfy, cosy and quaint. Must be seen to
realize Its charm.
All real estate inquiries invited.
Phone for an appointment Jill or Fred Rider
170 Albert St., Clinton
dont liay any more, anymore!
Looking for a place to call home? Look no further! We have mobile and
double wide modular h
fully y furnished and
affordable. We will eliver) to thlt to e lot tof youry choice,choice,ard, ! but remember,
meres always lots of room at our place)
You 11 also Tike our low down
payment and easy terms.
• Box 128, Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y5
(Highway 21, North of Goderich) Phone (519) 524-6384
Mr. Dave Zyluk, S and Steve
school principal went to a 24 Berry.Mr. Frank Austin remains Wednesday and
hour retreat at Mississauga. YoutCl bh are Kve y activeg in crtical condition in the October 12 and 15.
The retreat was for ad- and enjoyed an evening of ntens GeSCare Unit npLondon
ministrators and principals. bowling at Goderich on Mr. Sr, Mrs.unWilliam
The time together allowed for Saturday,following a car. accident at Berry, Sr. of Dungannon will
spiritual growth and a chance meeting on the 16er 15 and a Carlow on Thursday af- be moving to Kingsbridge
for an individual appreciation -4, Physical Fitness - ternoon, October 6. At first arqund _ the _, fjrsare axt._
of_how= gyne can' add to arrNights started their new.°nly rit''mbers of his family November. They areprenti g
efficient functioning of a season on Tuesday, October were allowed to visit him but the house owned by Al Parker
school system now other visitors are and Ray Brown (the former
It was announced that the welcomed: Mrs. Ruby Fowler Tom Howard House) on the
students at Kingsbridge will Kingsbridge
who was also in the accident 7th Concession of Ashfield
be entering the Knights ofis improving satisfactorily Township. Welcome, Mr. and
Columbus Free Throw and was moved on Saturday, Mrs, Berry to this com-
Contest to be held later this October 15 from the Intensive munity,
year. • s kaperCare Unit to the ninth floor of
In intermediate house the same hospital where she Mrs. Clarice Dalton, Mrs.
league volleyball, Edmonton -is in traction following in- John K inney and Mrs. Marian
beat both Toronto and w Theresa Courtney, is
of a pin in the knee. Austin attended the Catholic
Saskatchewan and lead their Correspondent, 529-7189 Both she and Mr. Austin were Women's League and
division. With one game passengers in a car driven by Deanery Meeting held in
playdd in the junior division, 11 in St. Joseph's school, Mr' Fowler when hit by Kinkora on Monday, October
Toronto leads the division Kingsbridge beginning at 8. another car driven by Hans 17,
with a win over Edmonton. Mrs. Arie Van Diepan Bakelaar of Auburn.
House league primary line returned to her home here on
soccer saw Toronto beat "Thursday, October 13
Edmonton but lose to following surgery in St.
Saskatchewan. This has led to Joseph's Hospital, London.
a tie for first place between
Saskatchewan and Toronto
but the greens have a game in
hand over Toronto and could
take over the divisional
leadership next week.
The students at
Kingsbridge enjoyed a
holiday on Monday, October
18 as it was a Professional
Activity Day.
SOCIAL NEWS The Christmas Country the Fair committee was
Saturday, best corn crops in many years
but the rain just keeps falling
and the fields get wetter, The
first frost fell in this area on
Friday, October 14 but the
remainder of the day was
surtr y= -(-for a eha ri g.e 0` a lTn w• i n g
farmers . to labour in their
fields. By hitching one tractor
ahead of another, progress
was slowly made in some
Several from this area
attended the Christmas
Country Fair held at the
Saltford Valley Hall on
Farmers are desperately
trying to harvest one of the
Mrs. Teresa Courtney
joined with about 40 rural
correspondents at the District
Correspondents' Seminar
held at the Wesley -Willis
United Church in Clinton on
Friday, October 14 followed
by a tour of the Goderich
Signal -Star, The noon lun-
cheon, provided by the
Goderich Signal -Star, was
catered to by the church
Colborne Country Fair
visited by thousands
Fair held last Wednesday and Dianne Elliott of RR 2,
Kippen. Proceeds of this
draw were to help pay the
advertising expenses.
Congratulations to John Saturday in Saltford Valley
Miltenburg and to Angela Hall was another successful
Mary Berberick who were venture in spite of the in -
married in the Sacred Heart clement weather we have
Roman Catholic Church at been having. An estimated
Walkerton by the Reverend four 'thousand people visited
Father Newstead on Satur- the Fair -- a number
day, October 8. The bride is somewhat less than in 1976
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. but the hall was less crowded
Magnus Berberick . of and sales were better. The
Walkerton and the groom is decline in the crowd was due
the son of Mr. and Mrs. John to fewer buses coming and
Miltenburg of R.R. 7 there were also fewer
Lucknow. Americans this year.
The bride was attended by Mrs. Blanche Garrett's
her matron of honor, Mrs. gourmet jellies made from
Jane Berberick and wild plants was a highlight of
bridesmaid Miss Mary Anne the Fair as was Donald Vair,
Miltenburg. artist at C.K.N.X. with his
The groom was attended by barnboard paintings. The
his brother Ben Miltenburg. handmade reproductions of
The usher was Allan Ber- antique furniture of the
berick. Wallaces, (Bob and Bill)
The reception was held at were greatly admired as was
the Knights of Columbus Hall the exhibit of the John Kane's
in Walkerton, and Emily Cory's macrame,
After spending their raffia and straw dolls. Karen
honeymoon in Northern Snow of Wingham had an
Ontario, the happy couple are extremely appealing exhibit
residing on the groom's farm, of crewel and other types of
Concession 12, Ashfield embroidery while Michael
Township, R.R. 3 Lucknow. Collins, a recent pottery
This community would like to graduate from Georgian
welcome Angela. „ College showed his saltglazed
Congratulations to Mike stoneware.
and Judy (Moran) Over the years an in-
Lajeunesse of Lively, Ontario creasing number of Township
on the birth of a baby residents have become in -
daughter on Thanksgiving ,crested in developing their
Monday, October 10. Proud talents to exhibit at the Fair
grandparents, Alvin and and it is fast becoming ap-
Joyce Moran visited with parent that the Fair could
Mike and Judy on the holiday become almost 100 percent
weekend and Joyce remained Township exhibitors with
to assist with Jason and only a few visiting craftsmen
household duties while Judy featured each year.
is hospitalized. The baking .section was
The new slate of officers for again most popular under the
the Kingsbridge Youth Club leadership of Mrs. Bernice
are selected as follows: Fisher. There was a splendid
Among the door prize
winners were the following:
Shelley McPhee, Clinton;
Tracey Spain, Goderich;
Isabel Kilpatrick, Lucknow;
Mrs. Earl Rawson: Goderich :
Mrs. Gene Ellis, Goderich:
Helen Pratt, London: Mrs:
Dave Mclvor, Goderich; Mrs.
Mel. Dixon, Saltford: Doris
Spooner, Windsor: Dianne
McGregor, Goderich;
Carolyn Ashton, Sarnia:
Betty Garrett, Hayfield,
Elmer Graham, Goderich:
Helen Daniels, Goderich;
Cheryl Hoy, Goderich; Joan
Clark, Carlow; ,Joan Nichols,
Mitchell; Nancy Hill,
Goderich RR 3: Nadine
Brown, Goderich: and Fran
Polis'ik, London. Door prizes
were donated by the visiting
craftsmen from outside the
The Committee in charge of
this Fair are to be com-
mended on the success they
have attained because this
yearly event has steadily
grown until today it is known
far and wide.
Mr. and Mrs. Worthy
Fowler visited with their son
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fowler
and family at Glen Williams,
near Toronto over the
weekend and also visited
Mrs. Fern Shackelton in
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan King,
Sunset Beach • Road, have
returned from a trip to the
East Coast.
president, Diane an nay, showing of baking for the twoMr. and Mrs. Hugh
vice-president, Bridget days. This was done by a good MacCliome stie have returned
Dalton; treasurer, Mary number of bakers in •the homefrom an enjoyable
Luanne Clare; activities holidayin the Muskoka area
directors, Jim VanOsch; community. last week and also visited
Winner of the quilt made by with Mr. and Mrs. Lou
Fulford, Elk Lake, Northern
Mrs. Gordon Kaitting,
correspondent for Colborne
Corner, attended the Signal -
Star Seminar held in Wesley
Willis United Church, Clinton,
Friday October' 14 and
reports a very interesting and
Gertrude Kaitting,
correspondent, 524-2076
infinrmative day with many
pointers on writing up news
for the column.
The community is pleased
to report that Mr. John
Henderson of Carlow, who
has been a patient in
Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital, Goderich,
has returned home.
Mrs. L. Pope who has been
in Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital, Goderich Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
for some time has also Taylor of Benmiller, attended
returned home and at present the Convocation Exercises at
is with her son Mr. R. Seneca College in Willowdale,
Buchanan and Mrs. over the weekend, when their
Buchanan. daughter Marjorie graduated
The sympathy of the with honours from a three
community is extended to Mr. Year course in • Tourist
and Mrs. Eric Reaburn in the industry Administration.
death of Mrs. Reaburn's Marjorie is employed at
mother, Mrs. M. Rebizant of Sunflight Tourist Board in
Cookes Creek Manitoba. Mr. Toronto and is having a very
and Mrs. Reaburn flew west interesting life and
when advised of the illn'ess. thoroughly enjoys the
Mr. Reaburn had to return vocation she has chosen. She
home because of business and travels considerably on
Mrs. Reaburn will be home business and as an example
early this week. this week she and several
others will be going to
Panama. Congratulations
Marjorie and' your many
Tiger Dunlop Women's friends back home are glad to
institute meeting will be hear from you.
Thursday, October 27, at 1:45
p.m. with special speaker Mr.
Lloyd Barth. A good at-
tendance 'is asked for and
everybody welcome
Several ladies from
surrounding Women's
institute's attended the W.I.
Workshop held at Colborne
Township Hall, Carlow
Thursday October 13. Those
from Tiger Dunlop W.1. that
attended were Mrs. Earl
Sherwood, Mrs. R. Buchanan,
Mrs. Tait Clark and Mrs. G.
Many people were -for-
tunate to have tuned into their
TV last week when Colborne
Central School was in the
limelight. on C.K.N.X. in
regard to its physical fitness
program. Principal- John
Kane and Clare Harman who
is in charge of the program
were being interviewed and
some of the students were
showing exercising to music
in the fitness program.