The Exeter Advocate, 1921-6-9, Page 5School.. Report:t rrom getting Ice -cream cones in McGillivray Council
working bows. „
ROOM The pope cabled his blessing to,
Sr. 4th, Bonors.-Bila Kuntz 88;
-Grant Collingwood 85; Dorothy
Snell 85; Vivian Collingwood 84; G.
Beavers 79; Verne Roulston 78; May
Abbott 78; Florence Walters 78;
Ruby Davis 77; Charlie Madman
75; Amelia, Acheson. 75; Francis Ab-
bott 75; Helen Wethey 75,
Pass -Beeman Gower 74; Chas.
Acheson 74; Aljoe Seeders 69; Wan-
da von Waseinski 65; Bert Gardin-
,er 62; La Belle Kay 61.; Cliaord
Webster 56.
Jr. 4t13., Ronore-Harry Snell 82;
IVIarion Bissett 81; Meta Salter 78;
Bobbie Gambrill 78; Margaret Johns
17; Harold Whyte 77; Harry West
Pass -Lloyd Foote 73; Mildred
Murphy 72; Hazel Sanders 72; Irene
Lainport 71; Reta Elworthy 70;
Barry Nelson 69; Elva Hunkin 68;
e Walter Spencer 67; James Penrice
65; Margaret Harnees 61.
Number enrolled, 39; average at-
tendance 38.
M. Horton, teacher.
Sr. 2nd, Boxiors.-Greta Bloom-
field 85; Sydney West 82; Baden
Powell 79; Winnie Bishop 78; Lily
Pane 77; Catherine Woods 77; Al -
=de. Macdonald 77; Jennie Passmore
76. Pass- Georgina. . Nelson 74;
Myrtle Beavers 74; Stanley Walters
73; :Willie Ellerington 65,
jr, 2nd. Honors. -Dorothy Hardy
$1; .Clereuce Boyle 76. Pass -Rus-
sell nell 74; Roy Sandora 73: Ma-
deline Dearing 71: Wilma Kay 59;
Artleur Little 69; Kathleen Reid
08; 'Harold Macdonald 67; Nelson
Wells 65; Wni. Sanders 65; Dorothy
Dinney 65; Verne Brimacombe 64;
,Charlie Lodder 63; Willie Balkwill
Number enrolled 34; average at-
eendanee 28.4.
14. M. KilleMOIL teacher.
Class 5. Honors. -Wallace Sel-
dein 92; Helen Staubury 89; Harry
;Cole 87; Abner Hunkin 85; Harold
-Appleton 81; 'elary Cann 78; Flor-
mice Cornish 78. Pass -Kenneth
Class 4. Honors. -Joey Jackson
87; Dorothy Cox 86; Viola Hodgson
82: Ruth Balkwill 78. Pass -Teddy
Wethey 72; 'Mildred Collingwood 71.
Class 3. Honors, -Marion Davis
32; Richard Trumper 82; Chester
Cornish 78. Pass-Aldin Appleton
Class 2. Honors. -Allan Quance
81; Vera Kestle 79. Pass -Allan
- aser 68; John Paine 61.
Class 1, (A), Honors.--joe Creech
82; Hazel Andrew 78. Pass -jack
ryd'e 73; Grafton Cochrane 68;
Mervin Simms 60.
Class I. (B). Ilonors.-Utah Clark
$3; Lois McDonald 78. Pass -Doro-
thy Davis 73.; Ruby Stone 66; Con-
nie Jennings 65; Tom Ellerington
Class I. ((1.) Pass -Ilene Snell
'69; Irene Collingwood 67; Eileen
'Cornish 65; Gerald Bagshaw 63;
Sim Sanders 60. ..,
Number enrolled 44; average at-
lendance 37.
Olive M. Taylor,
11 -
M'r P, :NicIsaac has purchased a new
MOto- hearse.
Mr. Gordon. Goetz is at present vis-
iting tin London.
Mrs. Swafford of Texas is visiting
ler parents Mr. and rs A.. Morenz.
Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford spent the
holiday in Guelph.
Mr. and lkIrs, McPally of Exeter
spent Sunday wj.:th Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. Graybell of Ktchener
are. visiting friends in this vicinity.
Mr. Homer Guenther of Forest vis-
ited ,at his home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. IL Elicit of Forest and
Ur. and lvLip, j. Eidt of Ailsa Craig
were Sunday visitors with Mr. ank
IMrs. 1C, Stade,.
Mr, ,Solly Bettschen has accepted a
_position with Mr. Pedersen at ,,tbe.
Ivir. Roy Neeb .of Centralia spent a
few days at his -home here,
Graupner. visited *id?. *let
uncle ken Greupner over the Week
Mr. tc. Fritz is ,this week conducting
an eno;rmous shoe sae.
Mr and, Mrs. alunkin, of St Thomas
aee, vii5ti9g Mr. ;and 'Vas. W. Stade..
ST. MARYS,.-The little 7.- .year
old daughter of John. Rwin, was ser-
iously injured on Friday night when a
wagon loaded with gravel passed, over
her body While the wagon was
.standing the child climbed onto the
whe.el when the team started
Mail Contract
SEALEr; "rENDBRS . addressed to
Le Postmaster ,general, Will be re-
ceived di 'Ottawa until Noon onFri-
day, the :first day of July, 1921 for
the conveyance of ,His..Maiesty's Mails
on a proposed Contract for four years
six times per week, over Dashwood
.No. 3, Rural Mail Service from the lst
of October next,
Printed notices coataining further
information as to.coeditions of -pro-
: !t the Pos,Officeseeteagt iposed optract may be seen e agel..;
blank f rrus of Tender may be•ii5b
wood, gice, er and,ZUrich, and at the
office of the Post Office, Inseector
Post Office Inspectoias Office,
London. May 20th, 1921
the convention of the rioulan Catho-
lic Woraen'e League.
Child's ,playful touch or steering
wheel sends sedan into tree, injur-
ing four persons, at Sarnia
. -
The Maple Leaf Milling Co, bad
profits of ee17,158, compared with
3917,409 in the previous year.
The striking Toronto printers,
pressmen and binders will draw
340,000 weekly from union funds.
Parliament expects to prorogue ora
Ja,pau decides to postpone evacua-
tion of Siberia.
Third -Internationale Congress
opens at Moscow.
The New York Giants defeated
Pittsburg, 7 to 0.
The German Government is resolv-
ed to pay war debt.
Sinn Fein attempt to blow up
H. M. S. Trenchant,
Buffalo defeated the Leafs 3 to 2
in a twenty-innine game.
D. Win. 5.• Dakin, Galt, dies or
sleeping sieknees. aged 43.
Nine whites and 23 negroes weer
killed in Tulsa race fislating.
Norman Garfield was hanged. et
Woodstock for murder of „Johnson.
A system or Government-owned
cold-storege plants is recommended.
Ontario Medical Association 0911,4
eludes convention at Niagara Falis.
Robert Fox, Port Hope, Oven
three-year term for stealing 200 lbs.
Cormier% jury urge, rigid eye
teats for motorista Wt4Q wear epee-
„Result or Fourth Tear Arte and
Routh and Fifth Year Medicine is
House of Commons passed bill
validating referendum votes in
!,rolt ibition.
The Builders' Exchange wants all
building trades unions to take 10
pe- cent. wage cut.
lion. N. W. Rovrell and J. A.
Al-'iarg resign Commove seats for
lieream and Maple Creek.
M. Kirk Smith. in 70th year, dies
as result of liftine heavy weights in
e. R. shops. St. Thomas.
The body of Win. H. Patience.
second steward on Dimon Head,
missing six days. found in Montreal
Lord Curzon is ereeted a merlins.
The Leafs defeated Duffel() Friday
by 5 to 4,
Hon. W. E. Raney attacks rare
track gambling.
Coal mining districts rejoet offer
of Government,
Germany may have new election to
the Reichstag.
onttrio medical Assoelatiou wili
meet twice a year.
"I3abe" Ruth made his sixteentl
homer of the season.
;Nliss Leitch won the British ladies'
golf championship.
Half a million cotton spinners will
go an strike in Britain.
Baltimore Orioles won their six-
teenth consecutive game.
A hired man revolts when farmer
makes hint do the washing.
The New York Giants tire leading
the National Baseball League.
Labor will organize to contest
Toronto seats at next election.
The big airship Britain is building
for the U. S. is nearly completed.
Premier Drury will fight Lake of
Woods bill out in Federal election,
The veteran pastor of Olivet Con-
gregational Church, Toronto, is dead.
A Toronto steamship agent and
two assistants is charged with theft.
Lord ilyng of Vitny has bean an -
pointed Governor-General of Canada.
The Armenian student who killed
Taloa% Pasha is acquitted in Berlin.
Immense strides in work on To-
ronto harbor is promised for this
Gregoire Matte , of tarryvale
drowned accidentally while rowing
across lake from Calabogie.
Editorial Committee blamed in
commissioner's report on, destruction
of documents at Commons Printing
Parliament prorogued on Saturday
at 6.30 p.m.
AU British cotton spinning plants
are shut down.
Japan aids seizure of Vladivostok
by White Guards.
King George will likely open the
Ulster Parliament.
Lloyd George may withdraw offer
of aid to British miners.
Oyer 200 are known to have been
/ost in the Colorado floods.
Barrie. golfers beat Toronto Sum-
mit seven out of eight games.
Theatrical heads in Toronto de-:
clare 'for return to "open shop."
Toronto beat Syracuse twice Sat-
'urd'ay and lost to Buffalo Sunday.
Military to have free hand in Ire-
land if no settlement within a month
Thomas Jacobs, farmer in East
Oxford, aged 72, drops dead at work.
A record crowd for Winnipeg saw
the touring Scots beat Manitoba by
3 to 1.
Bettors at Hillcrest track say
Raney has scored on race meet' pro-
Attainment of objective in the
Sanitarium campaign appears to be
Visititig members of the General
Assembly fill various Toronto
Thrilling rescue of canoeist caught
in thwarts of upturned canoe in
The Canadian soldier relay team
finished fourth at the Philadelphia
carnival. ,
Audacious, belonging to Mrs.
Viau, Montreal, won, the Suburban
Aix autoist in Toronto flees after
inflicting probably fatal injuries on
an aged -woman.
The moderator .Of, tlie,Presbyterian
.,ss.enIPIYP,gtV.Q1:fsb AratgauX-Et-
AngliCan .t u rat.'
, BaferckeetasfrOityonfalitiYebee killed '
by roCk'fall on Hydro Canal work at
Wm. Allan, 'fireman, Port Erie,
killed, and Fred,Clarke, engineer,
Bridgeburg, badly scalded in C.N.R.
Post.Office InSpeCtor, wreck at Sberkston, Ont.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, in the Town. Hall,
on. May 30. All members presenit
Minutes of previous meeting were read
and signed.
Oa motion of Allison and Lewis, ac-
counts amounting in, all .to $1035.72)
were ordered to be paid.
Lex/is-Maguire-That bite price of
gravel be fixed tit 31.00 per cord to
the it owners who keep their gravel
pits ht a proper state of repair, and
79'. per cord to the nit ;emigre
that the Township -,Itas to. Put, or keep
the gravel pit in a proper state to gat
gravel thexefrene-Carried.
Aiiison-Nickles-That Daniel Lew -
i . be. apeeeeted to OrtiVO at a. settle-
ment rash John Dixon regarding the
location And boundary of road AiloW-
auge cgt sideroad between. Lots 5 and
6, Con 3.0, and if a setelemeet, or
ageemeent is not arrived at within one
week from this date, that the services
of an Ontari, . land surveyor be ob-
tained to locate sthe proper road al-
lowance. -Carried.
Tho council adjourned to meet in
the TWA Hell On Tune 27.
J. D. Dememend, Clerk.
Mount Carrnel
Me John ZAteCarthy and Miss Lor-
etta O'Hara were Impoily married by
Rev. Fr. Corcoran, on Tuesday morn-
ing. Particulars later.- )41`43S Ma 'tie
Carey of Drysdale spent a few days
with ber parents, Mr, and Mrs. James
CareycMiss .Nora Collins left 'Sun-
day to visit he sister, !qrs. Mulligan
of Dublia.--Misses Winifred Guinan
of London and Evylen Ryin of Detroit
ticri:ite borne lest weet-Master Hu-
bert MIL'eever was taken to St. jos-
eph's Hospital, London. last Thursday
and was operated on following day.
Ho is now doing as well as can he ex-
Pectecl.-Miss Marie Fischer of Pres-
ton left last Friday for her home af-
ter visiting friends in this neighbor-
hood. -Ur. John Quarry has engaged
Wm hfasser of Dashwood for the
sumnter,-Miss Kate Carey of Hamil-
ton is viaiting at her home here. -Miss
Ella Reardon is ;on the sick list this
week -Miss jos.ephine O'Rourke is
suffering from the effects of mumps
but is improving, we are Pleased to say
"Auto -Shoes" Mean Mileage
The mileage given by the best the you.
ever used would just about approximate
the average given by Ames Holden
"Auto -Shoes" year after year.
Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes" are,miles better
than ordinary tires. The name "Auto -Shoes"
is to help you to remember that ---to make it
easy for you to get the cheapest mileage you
can btu'.
• ."
'Grey Sox" Tubes
Cord and Fabric Tires in alt
Standard Sizes
For Sale By -Rect Sox" Tubes
The annual. meeting of the "Women'a
Inetieute was held. on May 25th *tilts
home of Mrs. A. Case with an attend-
, 0.3CV Of forty. After the N;TA4,0i1S com-
m4rtee.s had reported on .their work
the. electionof officers took place as
.follows, -lion. Pres., Mrs,. A. , Case;
•Pres., Nrrs. Cleo. Etherington; istrice,
Ntrs. F. Down; 2nd. vice., Mrs. A. ?NIA-
chell ; Sec.-Treas., NaSS L. jeckell;
Asst. Sec,., Miss N. Keddy; Direetorsi
Ntrs. A. Cudmore,Mrs. W. Rydall
fisa H. Keddy; District Direetor,Mrs
A Ford; District RepresentatiVes,
)fr. H. Strang. Zqrs,. Wm. Welsh.
Pianist, Miss L. Pyre. Before the elose
of the meetbig an address and pre.s-
ientatiort was made to Mrs. Morganand
Miss l., anPreciatioit
tat the!.' faithful iservices to ate
The following is the financial state-
ment far the
Receipts-C.ash on hand $28:75. ,reent fees 13.)0, Grants, 13.00, ..Sehool
Fair Concert 74.38, Cooking sale 1Z.8.5
Social 77.70, MIscellaneous .1.987 -Total.
Expenditure-Printhtg • and Advertis-
ing $9.28, Postage and Stationery .1.41.
School Fair 97.10„ Social 17.1 13o-.
to. London Hospital 59.f.k Bulbs.
far school. grounds 3.19, Bain, tosmis,
etc., for school 9.72. Aliscelifaneous
18.81.-Tota1 5206.81, Balance - Ir..ash•
on hand $15 35,
John Truemner died recently in Sb.
twang, Mich., in his 64th year. He is
a brother of Conrad and W'lluun
Truetmter of Zurich, Mrs. Jacob Gals
4: of Shipka, Mrs. Wm. Schade of
Oashwood, and Mrs. jos. Kaercher of
j. B. Deturs of
Galt spent a few days with her father
G. Ffoltzmanr. We understand
that upon her return to Galt, they
'wend to nore to Kitchener, where
Mr Dennis .has purchased a htuiriess,,
-Dr. O'Dwyer was in London last
uesda$ ,o A.3t in the operatton or
:sTr. Jacob Schwartzentruher.-
Wra. rrurtnner he 14th con., at-
tended the funeral of a relative at
,Stratford :1St
Up from the ashes!
r ,
.... • eae, .
":,;44,'....rnea-aerreesa earee. r43.
• --
11 TnenOznOmermir:
OMR mentgiiimmemsist
"191 FP4 gitliFtEA
eeeeseareeee - .
-a. •
„ • a.aiseeeetesese.
Rebuilding a building
to rebuild lives !
' ••:.=
eseeeeee •
Excellency The Dnke .0
IDayonshire, K.G., G.C.M.G., Etc.,
aovernor-General of Canada.
Honorary Committee:
His Honour Lionel H. Clarke,
Lieltenant-Governor of. Ontario.
Vice -Chairmen:
on. E. 0., Drury, Premier of
Thai Worship, -L.' Church,
Mayor of 'Toronto.
Hon. W. A. Charlton, M.P.
[Wm,. Themsehe Orglien
, Honorary Treasurer:
61,rfiEdniunsi ,Osler
ON November 30th last, the and for twenty-five years the out -
Muskoka Free Hospital for standing friend of needy consume
Consumptives was destroyed by fives -died. [
To -day, morethan ever before,
poor stiffering consumptives needi
your assistance. •
William Gage, founder of the insti-
'bition-the one Mali who hid con- Girire - give all you can to the
tributed most largely to its support, National Sanitarium Association's
On January 14, this year, Sir
Consumptives" Emergency 1
, .
4 r
Million Dollar..:', Fund •"'-'-'. - -1
• .
„s 1
The'',muskoka Free Hospital Funds are rgently needed. for becoFunandesharealothuyrgozyanndeewodeametn:,
fire on November. 30th last, must Again - adults in advanced
for Constunptives, destroyed by this work. , , ;
cover the cost of extensions.
be replaced by buildings, larger stages must be treated
Further, funds are urgently
at the needed to carry on the work of
and fireproof.' .'
Accommodation is needed a. virestml..
. . tinanksg Edowfsarcrthfutne atHourimubm,e4onnether
EXte.i)..,sion!I ar, n...ec_es" .. Toronto; *here the needy poor -
The Gage Institute in the City of
the Muskoka Free Hospital for Lary. many or tilese pauen......
6orne ler free examinations, irI.
400 adults in early stages of
c uchng X-ray, and for medical
of them to their homes andloved "'Hifi; e eAt ren' nd
the disease. This will restore 250 eAszed. . litti ' had
a owning assistance.
ones -cured. The remainder will
mshiuckst enbewcaithreicrocir r;:talceseasQueee-n '''' Fifteenthousand nee4p con-
. be greatly benefited.
Mary Hospital for Cousunsp" live =Ma itatials have been cared for
A few robnths for each patient Children, near Wesiciri. ' ',Ninety to date at the hospitals con
soon rraearlls thousands cared,for. per cent. of these:siresaved to ducted 'by the Association.
, -,. .., . .,.
. Headquarters: 46- 8;'"iciiticfsrX.:t4sti,to'i'optor,OpPc+44' '.*"':-Ed.. 34Hiii:..441:414f • ' .
7"TialenVoialS; Main 4i48.4151.6353,44:!a-t%;;;lti.i•-",...: ..1. •r! 4 ..i.‘ '
1 "7
"Every Needy,,C;Oiisolizptivetitritit &di, becared fdi!,,,'"'''''....-.-
•,. 74,c1:.....;.,.vi. : ,lvii- 1,,,,: .,,,! ,,.0,•,: ,, ..
• Vice -Chairman:
("1.(7. R.- DUnbar
• 4