The Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-09-15, Page 24PAGE 22—GODERICH SIGNAL STAR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1977 ingsbridge Kapers... • from page 13 Jean Denorirme, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Denoznme,held in Goderich on Sunday afternoon, Sep- tember 11. Beverly Jean's marriage to Timothy John O'Brien, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Brien, RR 2, Goderich will take place in St. Peter's Roman' Catholic Church, Goderich on Friday, September 16. The Lucknow Fall Fair will take place this Friday and Saturday, September 16 and 17 and the Dungannon Fall Fair will be held on Thursday and Friday, September 22 and 23. Students at St. Joseph's school at Kingsbridge will be entering a float in the parades. The Kingsbridge A Slow Pitch champions will play against an All Star team with players picked from each team in- volved in the tournament. This game will be on the •Friday night of the fair, followed by a dance with music .supplied by the Coun'tryCompanions. Congratulations to -Mr.-and Mrs. Cyril Boyle ,who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary, on Saturday, September 10. A family Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated in St. Augustine Roman Catholic church at 5 p.m. by the Reverend Father Ed Dentinger, C.R. Reverend Father Caughlin was in the sanctuary. L)inner for the family, relatives and friends Council Briefs Bylaw officer Dick Eisler said this week he'd received -a number of complaints about skunks rooting up lawns in Goderich, looking for grub worms. He told council in his opinion, it was up to property owners to find a way to control the skunks. He said the bylaw officer should not be expected to have a solution for the problem. "Do you have any suggestions?" . asked Coun- cillor Don Wheeler. 'Not -much:- except to say they move on eventually," said Eisler, "and the skunks around town aren't rabid." Eisler told council toe neighbors who had com- plained about a dog owned by Mrs. Margaret Kelly on Wellington Street were not bothered by the animal any more. The dog had been moved to another part of town and is now "keeping people awake in the new area". Councillor John Doherty said that if the dog continues to be a nuisance in the new neighborhood, charges would have to be laid. Town council passed bylaw 68, 1977 Monday evening. establishing a reserve fund for future expansion to the Goderich Pollution Control Plant and enclosing the open flume at the plain. The bylaw stipulates that $1.50 of the monies collected from residential users be transferred into the municipality's genes -al operating fund for main- tenance: that $4 of the monies collected from residential users be transferred into a reserve fund; that one-third of monies collected from industrial and commercial users be transferred into the general operating fund for Police In the past two weeks, in the police report, there has only been one minor accident in Goderich involving $50 damage. Twenty people have been charged under the Highway Traffic Act, four under the Liquor Licence Act, three under the Criminal Code and three under the Juvenile Delinquent Act. maintenance; and that two- thirds of the monies collected from industrial and com- mercial users he put in the reserve fund. + + + Bill Mclsaac, presenting his final report of the year as marina supervisor, told council the number of visiting craft in Snug Harbor this summer was down by 100 and that gas sales are down by 7.000 gallons_ "I feel the main reason for this is the high cost of gasoline." he told council. "People are just not making the big pleasure craft cruises they were last year or in past years.,, He said sail boats are' in- creasing in popularity. "I estimate from the number of cruisers there were in compared with the number of sailing boats,,that out of every 100 boats, 75 were under sail and 25 were power," said Mclsaac. He said marina customers seemed to be well satisfied with the facilities at' Snug Harbor but Mclsaac made three recommendations for the 1978 season. He said diesel fuel should he available: a VHF radio should be pur- chased at -an estimated price of $700; and the electrical system on the main dock should he repaired since -the receptacles are corroded on the inside because of the salt. + + + Recreation director Mike Dymond predicted that some minor .capital improvements will he necessary at Judith Gooderham pool next year. He said these costs would be reflected in the 1978 budget proposals. _ Fall programs are being planned and will get under way in the middle of October. Most of the popular programs will return along with some new ones, Dymond said. "Our annual fall brochure will he printed and distributed soon.,said Dymond. • Bill Mclsaac, marina supervisor, joins the arena staff for the winter months, the recreation director reminded council. 11 Aav THE RIGHT TOOLS WOULD HELP! You'd be happier! Your dog would be happier! We'd be more than glad to help! Well help you find the right tool, nut, screw, thing-ama-jig or whatever. You won't find our eyebrows arched when you bring us your home repair problems. You'll find poli._ ear a sympathetic one --- and we'll guide you to the right tools. Come in and see us. DOM SERVICE fON HARDWARE 30 VICTORIA IT. ORTH 524-8581 was served at their home. Cyril and Mary were pleasantly surprised on Friday evening when their son, Michael flew fro-ai 'Calgary, Alberta for th'e celebrations. He will be spending a week with his family. Leo Redmond of Calgary, y, Alberta is s ndir)g'-ht lidays with his pare is Mi Theodore Redmond. Several from this area attended the Knights of Columbus Bean Festival held at the Aubutn Community Centre on Saturday, Sep- tember 10. Recent visitors with Mrs. Mark Dalton and family were Reverend F aer Edwin Garvey, C.S'of Houston, Texas and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pritchard of Mississauga. Congratulations to Peter Frayne, son of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Frayne who will be flying to France on Friday, September 16, 1977. Peter will he an Assistant Teacher at Bagneres-de-B igoire. France, a town of 11,000, people. CWL The September meeting. of the Kingsbridge Catholic Women's League was held in the parish hall on Tuesday, September 6th. Mrs. Marian Austin, president, chaired the meeting. Father Ed. Dentinger opened the meeting with prayer and a reading from the first letter of John. Mrs. Anne Berry gave the Church Life Report. She named those families who had participated in the Sunday Liturgy during the summer months by the carrying of the Offertory. Wedding gifts, statues of the Holy Family were presented to Bernadine and Steve Raeborn; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heffernan and Nolda and Doug Scott. A 25th wedding anniversary gift was given to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hen- driks; also a mass offering for the late Leo Moerbeek, formerly of the local parish. In the absence of the corresponding secretary, Mrs. Grace Austin read thank you notes from Mike Lamb, Mrs. Anne Riegling, Sister Addolorata Knoop, Sister Ardina Van Dyke, Mrs. Jack VanOsch, Ray and Susan Heffernan, Isabel and Frank Doherty, Ann and Bruce Pritchard, the Martin Hen- driks family, Madonna House and Sister Maureen. She also read a letter concerning the "Church Today" program and a letter from Robert McKinley, M.P. The Stratford Deanery meeting will be held on Monday, October 17 at St.. Patrick's School, Kinkora, Members are urged to attend, Mrs. Mary Clare read the treasurer's report. A motion as made by Mrs. Anne Berry and seconded by Mrs. Tina VauDiepen that $100.00 be given to Father Curme, a missionary in India. Mrs. Betty Doherty called the roll with 18 members answering Mrs. Tina VanDiepen, reporting on Cultural Life, announced there would be a joint birthday party in the church hall on Thursday, September 22 at 2 p.m. Those celebrating birthdays are Father Dentinger, Leo Rosinki, John O'Connor, Mrs.'' Fred Vassella, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Osch and Frank Sullivan. Jean VanRooy reported that the catering committee had catered to the VanRooy and the Miltenburg weddings. In the Pro -Life Report by Clarice Dalton, members were reminded of the dance in Wingham on Friday, September 9 and -the Goderich and District Life would hold its first monthly meeting of the fall on Tuesday, September 20. She said note paper and Christ- mas cards are available from the Pro Life Group. Father Dentinger's message to the League Members emphasized the personaicommitment.of each me miler. Everyone has talents that should be used to spread God's message. Everyone is urged to continue her good work in the League. Two subjects brought up for debate were the date of the annual garage sale and the best time for the joint meeting of St. Jose Augustine and St, Luck now. Father Dentin$et? the meeting with mit a blessing. LunchBnd hour followed. Bible Society canvass On Sunday September 11 the Canadian Bible Society was in Goderich to assist in the kickoff of the canvass undertaken in town to spread the word of God to all the world. At 10 a.ni. the,- guest speaker was Doctor Mark Innan at Victoria Street United Church. Then at 6 p.m. Rev.—I.C. Thompson showed on Con Cable channel 12 a film called Green Jade about today's Chinese version (TCV) of scriptures. There was panel (live) including Mrs. Charity MacDonald formerly from Trinidad and head nurse at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital., Miss Clare McGowan. formerly of China now living in Goderich and Bill McNaughton, president of the Goderich branch of the Bible, Society. Rev. J.C. Thompson was moderator. At 8 p.m. at the Free Methodist Church Rev. Thompson showed a film, A Way to the Word on Good News For New Readers. Mr. Thompson explained that in the world today there are those who have forgotten how to read and this film told how the Bible Society is printing scripture in easy to learn language from Grade 1 level up to high school level. The canvass will start on September 19 to September 24. The church represen- tatives will turn in money at Free Methodist Church on Monday, Wednesday 'and Friday from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Canvassers should turn in all money to representatives. Perfo death -d act. Exercise regq Give Heart Fund { .. WELL TRIMMED_ ..-, •• BUTT CHOPS $1 1 9 Lq. , PEAMEAL BY THE PIECE BACK BACON X1.6 LB. FRESH COUNTRY STYLE PORK SAUSAGE { SCHNEIDERS { 0 4 7 LB. j OKTOBERFEST SAUSAGE $ 1 , LB. •PRIDE" OF CANADA BONELESS DINNER PORK SHOO LDERS• 1 7 LB. 5 new decorator colours full i2" x 84" sire 4" binding In colourful Individual pliofflm bag ONLY $599 with $5 order LIPTON { ] CHICKEN NOODLE 414 OZ. SOUP 9 KRAFT PEANUT SMOOTH 2 LB. JAR IBUTTER � t ROYALE PAPER TOWELS 2 1 .79 R O L L S 99° DEL MONTE FANCY 48 FL. OZ. TOMATO JUICE - - SCHNEIDERS 6 OZ. PKG. :COOKED HAM$ . 1 9 {}STEWS .PURITAN C CHERRY HILL STORE CUT 24 OZ. TIN 894 RUFF DIP 1 LB. PKG. CHOCOLATES 9 INGERSOLL 16 OZ. JAR CHEESE$1� CESE $49• z SPREAD • FRESH 12 OZ. PKG WESTON 12 OZ. PKG COMB $ WAGON ' HONEY • i WHEELS DAVID CAROUSEL 31.7 OZ. ! CROWNBRAND MIXED C CORN I COOKIES $1.79syRuP 2LB. 694 PEAS c ROYALER i DETERGENT 5 LB. BOX { BATHROOM 159' TISSUEFAB$1 99 { I 33 WESTON 1 LB. PKG PALMOLIVE 1.5 L. J.CR!A°&ERS 1 $1 9 LIQUID . ! AVON CHOICE 19 FL. OZ. NESTLES HOT CHOCOLATE RED TOP 2TINZ $ 1 , 99 DOG FOOD .r 15N $1 bR TIN FunkVVa9nalls /CARNATION 18 OZ JAR LIBBYS DEEP BROWN PRODUCE OF ONTARIO NO. I GRADE COFFEE $ %BEANS 14 OZ. Z F WiIdIife'MATE 9i WITH { 2079C?POTATOES . En L cJta / CAMPBELLS 10 FL. OZ t ALLENS RECON. 48 FL. OZ. l':h.•n''1v,.oId.4fnrt on theworldidlivinK ;TOMATO ;APPLE { crvatun•-. ', M::lun., N1,,nthan F 2..OI[i,,::fll,R1r,lnal SOUP % 4' 99 .rdi::� a �I,,.i;i., 5,7P l.JUiCE i� I; .�. • CLOVER LEAF CHUNK DUNCAN HINES �.i, frim .Ih�,i, , (� CAKE � is I. r MIXES 1 MAPLE LEAF SINGLES 894 CHEESE R f SLICES 1 LB. PKG. 1.41 SUNSHINE PRODUCE 9 20 LB BAG 594 ` PRODUCE OF ONT. FANCY GRADE Macintosh jAPPLES 3 4 QT. BAs SUNKIST ORANGES PRODUCG OF ONTARIO NO. I GRADE { { 1 LIGHT 6.5 OZ TIN TUNA 79' J.M. CUTT Limited RED & WHITE FOODMASTER 91 VICTORIA ST. GODERICH CLOSED SUNDAYS OPEN NITELY TILL 10 P.M. PRICES IN EFFECT FROM SEPT. 15 TO SEPT. 24 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES_ 11 18.5 OZ. PKG 694 89� CAULIFLOWER kr Ni ser as ch ad sit rd d eri 0'1 at rid chi ug do ten