The Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-09-01, Page 23iV.
Mrs. Teresa Courtney ofKingsbridge isn't the type o
;.person who can sit still tor.
long without something to d0"
As if being a farm wife at,
her busy enough, she a
active in the - Catholic
Women's League, the
Kingsbridge Geneological
Society and the Goderich and
District Pro Life group. She
takes time out too in order to
write Kingsbridge Kapers for
the Goderich Signal -Star and
the Lucknow Sentinel.
"Yes, " she admits, "it's a
busy old world but I wouldn't
want it any other way."
Mrs. Courtney is a collector
and preserver of history.
Whether her collections take
on the form of stamps, coins
or the written word, she
tackles all with equal en-
thusiasm. She has scrap
books of her Kingsbridge
news columns dating back to
November 1972 when she first'
began writing it.
"For most women, Monday
is wash day," says Mrs.
Courtney. "But for me it's
news day."
Monday is the day that she
is busy compiling news from
the weekend and writing her
column. If she gets any news
leads at all, she follows them
up with a phone call. When
she writes the news she
considers everyone who goes
to Kingsbridge school or
church. Besides• the school
and church, Kingsbridge
itself has only about a dozen
homes. It is not even listed on
the road map, as Mrs.
Courtney points out.
But she is hoping that with
the opening of Sullivan's
restaurant in Kingsbridge, it
will be on the map again as it
once used to be. She_ .also.
hopes that in some small way
her column will help keep
Kingsbridge on the map and
make it known.
Kingsbridge, she says, has
a lot of sum mer cottagers
and ' visitors who read the''
column. And those people
who have moved away from
Kingsbridge still like to read
the column and keep up with
the news of the little com-
Before' Kingsbridge
Kapers, Mrs. Courtney wrote
baseball and hockey news
items. She' travelled to most
of the games with her sons
who were active in those
sports and she knew that all
the boys liked to read about
the games in the paper, so she
wrote them up and sent them
wife has to prepare thr
ge says you can't just ser
does a lot of baking in wint
always.. had to keep a wel
ons. Mrs. Courtney take
ge Kapers for the Signa
quake meals a day. Mrs. Teresa Courtney of
e the working men a meal of soup and crackers: Mrs.
and during the summer she is busy with preserves.
tocked cupboard to feed her husband Joe and six
time out from her duties as wife and mother to write
tar and the Lucknow Sentinel. (staff photo)
so Courtney of Kingsbridge still has her diploma from the Goderich business
he attended school in Ashfield Township and after completing Grade 10, which
t as far as you could go in school in those days she says, she went to business
learn typing, bookkeeping and general office procedures. She worked as a
her In London for four years. She is now the wife of Joe Courtney and mother of
Every week she writes the Kingsbridge news column for both the Goderich
r and the Lucknow Sentinel, (staff photo)
e thing that most of
er than anyone else •
rown writing.
g bride learns what
e knows.
may be the spice of
Y earns the
J. Denomme
Io► 2S
ridge is bus
in. She was there as a spec-. Compiling the news and
tator anyway and felt that she writing the column does take
, might as well contribute up a lot of time too. Often
.something. after reading the column in
Soon her sports news the paper, . she says, she
branched into other areas, as wishes she had taken even
well and for the ---past five `more"time-to read it over -for
4cArs_,-. th, :H 44slarldge.,., .,,t3,isiakats-.anal -.proper= moi-
Kaper column. has..,dncluded..
church, . school and social
Charterways Transportation
Goderich Bus
Sun. & Mon. to
Holidays Sat.
3:25 p.m. 8:25 a.m,.
5:20 p.rtt. 10:30 a.m.
7:2S p.m. 12:25
Mon. to Sun_ &
Sat. Holidays
Owen Sound d 10 p.m.
P.m. London
For informitisin Call:
7:55 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
11:30 p.m.
9:40 p.m.
7:50 p.m.
Goderich Bus DepOt
She does have a few
problems writing her column
sometimes. People are often
too busy she says to give her a
ring and they may think she
knows about certain news
items already. But she
depends on these people to
inform' her. She often has to
do a lot of calling but because
she is on a party line she
doesn't like to tie up the phone
too long.
4. .
ding. But she has deadlines to
meet. Some people, says Mrs.
Courtney, think news
correspondents are making a
-. 9A •
"In The Heart of Down Town Varna"
• Vacuum Cleaners • Sales and Service of most makes
• C B Radios and Accessories
• Speed Queen Appliances
• Moffat Appliances
• Smoke Sensors
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• Handcr`efted Gifts
bei°. tlaId�,off ` 't►It1!A .
1013z'! working `
but fort pother firm at +f much
*POW We have Porn
forced into quite a bit Of 'debt
and there's: lust .no way now
that we'can afford this kind of.
money fir .rent'
I do not; have the money to,
Pay .. the; landlord for -the -fast'
two months of -the lease, and
• l% s-9siw.'m: aadt.Tertawse
again. However. he OK wants
' the1asttwo month's
rent. Is this legal?
Your landlord may not
charge you for the last
month's rent if he rents the
premises before the end of
your lease. He may only
charge you for the time that
your house remains empty,
during the term of your lease,
plus any costs he may incur in Ij
renting the house.
Varna, Ont. Phone 482-7103
The annual municipal enumeration will begin on Tuesday, September 6,
1977. During this month, an enumerator, carrying a proper identification
card, will call: at your residence for a few minutes to check basic in-
formation required in determining:
• the allocation of education property taxes between the public and
separate school systems;
• the distribution of provincial grants to local governments to help
reduce local tax bills;
• the preparation of ,jurors' lists; and
•_ .population information needed for other municipal programs.
The enumerator must record such information as the name, age, property
status (e.g, owner or tenant), school support and residency of all members
-- of the household.
When the enumerator visits, please check that the information on the
Enumeration Notice is correct. If it is not, revise it and verify the changes.
If you are not home, a Notice will be left for you. If changes are necessary,
please make them and mail the Enumeration Notice, as soon as possible, in
the self addressed postage prepaid envelope accompanying the Notice. For
any additional information, please contact the local assessment office.
Huron -Perth Region
W. F. Jenkins
Reg. Assessment Commissioner
Phone: 524-7326
Zenith 66-500
And th
orev r i' J long, long time.
o long we'd like to see you slim.
It's New Fall Program
Lose Weight -
starting this week.
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You will learn a whole new concept of weight control ,
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You will learn how to avoid regaining lost pounds ever
We'll keep your plate full of such tasty, exciting foods as
steaks, spaghetti, garlic bread, desserts, parfaits and
even a glass of wine. .
You will learn good eating habits that will last you a
You will learn hoWto return from holidays refreshed
and slimmer.
You lryfJI learn how to develop an attitude that makes
weight control almost second nature.
And you will learn how to keep trim as pounds disap-
Counterweight I5 the all Canadian leader in the field of
Weight Control. Hundreds of thousands of menibers
have followed our program successfully.
For the class nearest you, call NOW —
Out of town call FREE —1-800-2684211
_. GGoderf_ch .
Steorges Anglu in Church
16 Nelson Street Wos1
Monday 7:3(] p rr,
Tuesday 9::‘,0 a m
coyn w
Hector Macmillan: lost 110 pounds
— kept It off for seven years.
Toby Cohen lost 71 pounds —
kept it off for eight years.
Pauline Pankowski lost 60 pounds
— kept it off for seven years.
Georgina Lowther lost 60 pounds
, — kept it off for four years.
3 HOUR -
Two years ago I purchased a
car from a new car dealer in
town. The car I bought from
them cost 51175.
They allowed me 5800 on my
old car and came up with the
difference of $495..1 never
noticed their error in sub-
traction until recently, so I
took the bill of sale back with
me and asked about the error.
They refuse to talk to me
about it and I was wondering if
there is any legal action that
could get my 5120 back.
There certainly was no need
of any legal action to get our
readers refund. ,One call from
"IMPACT" and we learned
that if the customer had made
a personal call, it was without
the knowledge of the sales
manager. This gentleman
assured us that he would
contact the customer himself,
and he did so very promptly
with the result that the
mistake was immediately
rectified to everyone's
Actually this really didn't
surprise us as this was an
"honest mistake" made by
one of our most reputable car
dealers. We only wish that
all probelms could be so easily IJ
call BILL MELICK at your
,,eq ,44tty0"li f�
You often hear people
"taking the fifth•Amendment"
in the United States. Is there a
similar right not to testify on
grounds of self-incrimination
in Canada?
Yes, there is a qualified
right not to testify in Canada'
on the grounds of self-
incrimination. But it is of a
different sort than in the U.S.
In criminal matters, the law
is contained in the Canada
Evidence Act. It provides that
the accused need not be put on
the stand if he doesn't want to.
But if he does go on the stand,
he can be required to answer
any question.
A witness called in a
criminal matter may be
compelled to answer any
question. But, if he fears that
it may incriminate him, he
can "ask for the protection of
the Canada Evidence Act."
When the judge grants him
this protection, he must an-
swer incriminating questions,
but his answers cannot be
used against him in sub-
sequent criminal proceedings.
A similar rule applies in
civil proceedings. A person
can be forced to answer any
questions which may make
him civilly or criminally
liable. He may be given
protection against use of his
testimony in civil proceedings
against him, but he cannot be
protected against criminal
prosecution when he testifies
in a civil suit.
q? `Y Aay
Your Full line
• DObGE,
524- 414 HURON RD.
8 3 1 1 GODERICH