The Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-07-14, Page 11qtr •r • i;. 0 The Goderich JUbilGee III Horse Show, presented by the Huron Trail Riders, drew 160 entries from the'sur- rounding area, and as far away as ^x i{itehener, London, •Sarnia,-• Tiverton, and Wellesley. ContestanthAook, away $600 in ,,prize money, on a. day that is Bo )or Ea wi lar ori oin Ro th a >u I he big winners of the Jury 6 were Harold e' the best euchre players day at the senior citizens' card tournament held Stanbury and Alice Moss. Mr. Stanbury and at the tournament. (staff photo) l was perfect. The feature event of the Show, the }/4 "-mile race, 'had prize money of $100. In) an exciting and hotly contested Jager• Mogre, bwned and ridden by ;Larry Gelsel of Wellesley,,, emerged the winner, with Eclipse, owned and ridden, by Doug McCallum of Ingersoll a,clo'se second. Third was Linda Gording's entry of Thamesford, Lucky Keno, fourth was Champ, ridden by John Little of Goderich, and fifth was Chico, owned by the J &J Stables, Bayfield. Other class winners were: Trail - first - Nelson Bilyea, Granton, Navaho Joe; second Gisela Gording, 'Thamesford, on Go Sock Bailey: third - Sharon Black, Bornholm, on Chubby Pleasure ; fourth Doug McCallum, Ingersoll, on' Miers Ebony Kid and fifth - Steve Preszcator; Lucan, on Goldon Jewel. Open English Saddle - first:.___ Donna Wells, Lucan, on Leo's Buck; second - Gisela Gor- ding, Thamesford, on Go Sock Bailey; third - Laurel Anne Roney, Mitchell, on Miss Betty Lee; fourth Michele Flowers, Clinton, on Brassette and fifth - Jennifer Raith, Denfield, on Lucky Twist. Junior Stake Race: first - Garth . Whiteside, Lambeth, on Flicka; second - Dan Clayton; Kitchener, ' on Chipperdale; third Linda Gording, Thamesford, on Lucky Keno; fourth - Brad Curran, Wingham, on Candy and fifth - Jerry Sims, Kip pen, on McKinley's Holly. Texas Speed and Action - , first - Eric Vanneste, Lucan, on Brazos Brave; second - RobinSpearman, Lucan, on at the Legion h'alll Wee Salle; third - Garth Mrs. Moss proved to Whiteside, Lambeth, on Flicka; fourth b.oug McCallum, Ingersoll, on Omar, and fifth - . Nelson Bilyea, Granton, on Mr. , Clean. Western Pleasure: first - Joanne Malone, Centralia, on Miss ,Sundial; second -Craig Black,, Bornholm, on Beaver Token; third - Nelson Bilyea, Granton„ on Navaho Joe; fourth - Gisela Gording, Thamesford, on Go Sock Bailey and fifth Sharon Black, Bornholm, on Chubby Pleasure:, . - Keyhole Race - first - Doug McCallum, Ingersoll, on Omar; second - Eric Vanneste, Lucan, on Brazos Brave; third - Nelson Bilyea, Granton, on Mr. Clean; fourth - Harvey Hoggart, Londesboro, on Sam and fifth • Doug Riley, Seaforth, on Bay Betsey. Costume. Class first - Michele ebwers, Clinton, on ,Brassette; second - Mark Mcllwain, Seaforth, on Ore Jody: third - Susan Pullman, ,Seaforth, on Flame ., and fourth - Ralph Kraemer,. -Mildmay, on Skyrocket. Pole Bending: first - Garth Whiteside, Lambeth, on Flicka; second - Eric Van- neste, Lucan, on Brazos Brave: third • Br d Curran, Wingham, on Candy; fourth - Doug Riley, Seaforth, on Bay Betsey and fifth Linda Gording, Thamesford, on Lucky Keno., Junior Pleasure: first - Joanne Malone, Centralia, on Miss Sundial;. second Heather Bilyea, Granton, on Navaho Joe; third - Linda Gording, Thamesford, On Go Sock Bailey; fourth - Katherine Gibb, Bornholm, on Mr, Robin Hood and fifth - Laurel Anne Roney, Mitchell, on Miss Ebony. Flag Race: first - Eric Vanneste, Lucan, on Brazos Brave; second - Robin Spearman, Lucan; on Wee Salle; third - Linda Gording, P 4 •{ GODERICH SIGNAL -STA: Thamesford, on Lucky Keno; " fourt,tt - Nelson ' Bilye'a Graftton, on Mr. Glean and fifth - Doug. McCallum, Ingersoll, on Omar, Parade 'Glass- first --.David Finnigan, Dungannon, on Julia Countess Nuggett; second - Ralph Kraemer, Mildmay, on Skyrocket and third - W & M Allin, Blyth, on Spring's Winsome W inella. Western Riding: fir t - Gisela Gording, Thamesford, - on Go Sock Bailey; second - Steve P`reszcator, Lucan,'on . I'm a Smoky too; third '- Wayne • Harnock, St. -Clements; on -men to _One..;.... fourth - G & J Sholdice, Londesboro, on Cherokee -and fifth - Doug McCallum, Ingersoll on Miers Ebony K id. Reining - first. - Steve Preszcator, Lucan, .on -I'm a dW 'tx Smoky Too; second. - I+fell Bilyea, Granton, on ,.Mr. Clean; third - Craig; Black;. Bornholm, on Ppppy's; Wonder; fourth Nelson Bilyea,...•Granton, on Nava r' Joe and fifth - Gisela Gording, Thamesford, on Go Sock; Bailey. Our ,line for, the day was M,r. Doug line, from Ann Arbour, Michigan. Isihn Van len Itroeek takes time to lift his face from his blueberry pie and swallow in the pie eating contest held at the Country Fair last Friday. (staff photo) Mitchell lady wins Monster bingo • Edith Campbell •4 Mitchell won • $1,000 at the Clinton Monster ` Bingo on Monday evening. 'Cathy Bren of Sydney, Nova„Scotia was the lucky winner• in a share the wealth for $165 ” Fexg Campbell of Mitchell won $164 in another special and Olive Betties pocketed $157.50 in a third share the wealth. Mrs. Southwell of Bayfield was an individual winner in the regular games as 4,was Dorothy O'Connell of Clinton and Jean Sudyk of Goderich. In .other regular games, Gladys Pride of Mitchell and Barbra Chapman of Goderich split the winnings of one game while Anita Van- derhaar of Bayfield, Mrs. Ed Neebe of Mitchell, Jim Ryan of Vanastra and Bertha Gibb of Clinton all won a game. -Joan Merner of Bayfield Company_ Des Courtney and Tom O'Keefe locked in a pitching duel Monday night -and O'Keefe gave up three hits and three runs as Canada Company was edged 3-1 by Gord's Sports in Industrial League action. Courtney gave up two hits in the win. Both ° clubs did all the scoring in the third inning. Bob Dick beat out an error to single and moved to second on a wild pitch scoring the lone Canada Company win on RIDAY, JULY 14th OME IN AND VISIT! TO beat Bill Durst's double: Durst got the only other Company hit in the sixth but was caught trying to steal second, Chip Wilson led off the Gord's Sports third with 'a walk and rno' ed to third on a single by Dennis Williamson, Dave MacKenzie 'singled Wilson over and Williamson went to third on a wild pitch. Bob Riehl singled him in and MacKenzie went to third on the hit and scored on a w,iTel pitch`-, . , Se,wce DIVISION OF HANOVER TRAVEL SERVICE 831 QUEEN, KINC. ONT., CANADA 396-3477 CHARTER CLASS FARE! Toronto London England ' Now 14 - 60 days Depart Oct. 2 - 31 •319. Return Nov. 1 - Dec. 7 '299. Return Book 45 Days in Advance! HANOVER HOLIDAY TOURS ALASKA -YUKON 14 or 20 Days DEPARTS JULY 24 FROM KINCARDINE VISITING WHITEHORSE DAWSON CITY MOUNT MCKINLEY NATIONAL PARK AND MORE Don't be disappointed: This is the time to inquire or book your Winter Vacation. Drop in and see Bev or Ken or Phone: WinghaitrOaderich & Lucknow call'ToII Free Z 41350 or call collect 396-3477'.. Aumpeowelr and Susan Leishman of ,Goderich both held the winning cards in one game and Mrs. Gohier of Goderich and Mrs. Glazier of Clinton shared another. Francis Ayatt of Dashwood and Heather Plumsteel of Vanastra split a game and Mrs. Lapaine of Goderich and Cecil McNeil of Goderich took another, Ellen McKay of Goderich, Susan Wagler of Vanastra,. Miss Lovett of Clinton. Mrs. Feeney of Clinton, Earl Elliott of Dublin and Mrs. J. Brown of Goderich won a game, Another bingo went to Jean -O'Neill of Crediton, Elsie Nally of Seaforth, Elmer Lee of Clinton and Eve Darnborough of Bayfield. ° Barbra Bobra of Mitchell and D,trrothy O'Connell shared a game. as did Peggy McArthur of Goderich and Gerald Robinson of Vanastra. Joanne Londuyt of Mitchell and Mrs. Vi Myers of Woodstock split one and Mary Gardner of Bayfield, June Heaven . of Mitchell, Mrs. Baird of Brucefield, Mildred Hartman' of Goderich and Mary Carter of, Bayfield took another. Shooters in form A number of shooters at the Vanastra Gun Club were in fine form on July 5 for the trap shoot and several held perfect scores of • 25. They, were: Murray East, Clinton Jahn Anderson, Kippen: Ernie Marshall. Mitchell: ,lack Mills, Guelph: Bill Thompson. Clinton and Jamie Caldwell, K ippon. Jeff Darling, Exeter followed with the score of 24 -and Harrison Scliock, Zurich; Tom Allen, Londesboro and Ashley Gilbert. Goderich shot 3 traps; Mcry Batkin. Clinton and Murray Christie, h irk ton followed with 22 points. Paul Stanley, Clinton and Dave Temple; Mitchell came in with 21 and Jim Craig, Clinton. was the lone shooter with - 21) points. Following down the score card were Bradlcy'°Mann, Hensall and. Fugene..Clark, Exeter with 17 and Phil Beddow. Seaforth finishing with 15 points. In the skeet shoot held on • July 9 Ernie Marshall and Bill McNutt. Exeter were the top shooters with 25. Mery . Bat.k in : 13111 P incom be, Toronto: Tom Allen: John. Hcssel. Goderich and Jeff .. Harling followed in second place with scores of °4. Glen Mogk. lornholme shot' 2:3 skeets while Harrison Schuck hit .'2;-Ashely Gilbert and Janiie Caldwell gained 21 and Bonnie McNutt. Exeter came in last with 17 points. DR. M. M. CAUCHI Wishes to announce the opening of his Medical Practice on Tuesday, July 19th at 59 Newgate St, Goderich, Ontario. Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. 6 p.m.o For Appointments call: 5244113 b ffora .filly 19th. 524-4121 a#tar July 19th. • r. • L