The Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-04-21, Page 28• tD PAGE SA—GODERICH SIGNAL STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1977 Hope and jobs counteract despair Ry. Jack Riddell, N1PI' Both Opposition l enders participated in the 1)l'hate on the Throne Speech this past week, and their main concern • was the government's. failure to create job opportunities. in view of spiralling unem ployment figures, and rnr' isrn11na1,i±ment of the pro‘ jncialeconomy. Liberal Leader Stuart Smith called for personal in,colne tax cuts for people r earning under .1.1,110[) ;1 yea/- to earto stimulate consumer spending, and said the Government should speed up the Ontario Municipal Hoards hearing of Toronto's ncww city plan so that con- st-uction would begin, thus creating jobs, He also. called upon the Government to buy a certain percentage' of its goods and services from small owner manage[( businesses, Stressing that the economy' and unemployment are the major problems facing Ontarians today. he sick . . and things are not getting any better The goverrtmery should, he said. offer hope and jobs to counteract the despair, the fear and the dj'~illuslonnlent Of our un(.'mploy('d", par- t.iCiIarly the young, and of- fered a nu iii het' of suggcstlenls which (would he of assistance in this c(lnneotion.: With respect to the 'Throne Speveh. he. expressed the' vie'w. that .it was "con- stt'uc till . 'a1nd acceptable to the Liberal Party. and indicated that he would not. support the non -confidence motion proposed by the N.D.P, Retreating from statements he made last fall, the Ontario Solicitor -Gene'r'al 111I, ,[111('(1 that h(' wants to (.reale a tribunal that '41,111(1 .(flow police l4) handle the initi;1l inlest igatior1 of cunt(>lainls against policemen. l iher:ll M P.P. V'etnon - Singer (Wllsull 110 , 1 1)1,1 warned .11'11( ( t1)• , R 1 .rt t( backtrack un this issue would provoke ,1 confrontation with the 1)Fiposttj4)4) Parties. He ++-a,-concerned that this (+ould mean that the police ere 111+4,[( .11(11. 17n1• � t, C )taunts about themselves. '`Caesar can't sit in judgerltent on Caesar'', he said. "if ;111'. ,M,u'13eth has flip flopped because of pressure brought, to hear by the police, then 1 think we hav=e had a frustrating and uselt-11 exercise in all this investigation. - The. Government ha: an- nounced that some 1,1511 civil stiry ice jobs in Metro Toronto are to he relocated in Kingston a nd Oshawa, as part of 11 mo v c by the Province to bast I'he costs of ntovut ' staff and of extensive Ir1 \ ening hIl('k 11(d forth to Toronto during this early Months i, expected to be '9 - million to SII) million. No estimates have been given 0f the costs of hit‘ jag new office buildings constr'ucte'd or of long Term leases with private (lel elopers. •\t least three years will elapse before staff transfers begin. The head office of the OHIP division of the Aiinist'y of Health will move to 1' ingston, which will involve the tri'lnsfer of more than 110(1 Jobs. Some ;:i0 jobs will be involved in the move of the head office of. the Ministry, of " Revenue to Osh,a 1•ie. .1.10 -million bulk storage and distribution Stomp, Stomp Take that stupid kite. Although this young man appears to be stomping on his kite with displeasure it actually became tangled in his feet and as soon as he could un- tangle the mess it was airborne again. (staff photo) TOWN OF GODERICH DOG CONTROL By -'Law 10 of 1974 Dog tags are,now due. After April 30th, 1977, a penalty of Ten Dollars (S10.00) plus costs will be assessed as per Item 3 of Part II of By - Law No. 10 of 1974. Tags available at Municipal Office, 57 West Street. Chairman Animal Control 1%,1r('hu(151' 1111 111c 1 1(117„1 C0111 101 110,0 (1 of (1111,11 10 1, 117 10' 1)11111 10 1b huh''. In the I)urh;lnl region this 1+111 1)0 )ite' 1)1'01 MCC'', largest liquor storage '7..1r1'huu,(' and w111 r+('n11ally enlpl(1> „Mimi Ion )I l'o1e 1 I told the Legi,laturc that at Ontario's plans to streamline bargaining in the province's construction industry Ital.(' leen delayed 1l. year. )lir cent 1011(4Al { (7f the affected collective agreements expiry at the end of this month, leavingin- sufficient time to organize new bargaining agem•ies before contract talks begin. Legislation had been in- troduc 'd which would give Ontari )'s Provincial Auditor additit nal powers to review spending 1)y ,ill ('r(11+n agencies s ,11111 ('1)1 Il'''''l ions. as wt•II 415 go\ ,•1'nnl('n1 1nn11,tr1r, II :11,11 permits the \111111ur (0 chock how Municipalities, school hn1 1'ds and hospitals spend Ir grants In 111 r , Mr. I .N' ,. Scott 7 has 111 . (l tt 1+1)1. 1),l been I I Inc'• 1.11 editor stns'(' I'1 I says the hill (+4)111! .1150 make hint italepend('nI of the ('uhinet ;111(1 r(',1111n,i1)1r only 10 the (dell ed 41)4'!))h(`r', (if the 1 egisl111ole. "It .ensures that there v‘ ill be lir 11 ac. ruuntahility of provincial' spen(Iing", he said. 1)irect pr'4)+'inCial spending totalled 11111°,1 ,I.' !zillion in the fisc it year ('0(Iing March :11st While the Provincial Auditor 11115 110 pmvet'S to force elionges in government t rn,lin ! I1IarlICr5. hl, .111 1111.11 erl'ln,t I 11 huc'h 1 Ill's 4,111'5 ,� I11I,II1,IIt,.1 )_!c1111'nl, l,lll 10' ,1 '11111, nt pullti(,.Ii Ont 14.11 1.1 55110'111 \('h kli'e1i 51•r+ice's 1)111»ion . ,Ihsurhtnl' 1,1114) anis currently' 1111(14'1' will [11111 171 1/11114 1111 111111 i , I),l + II. ,y I 11in,1 by July 1st 1111' new, tIt' Isolo , under 4 111' S1 111511\ of (•0117111(1111(' and ti1n 1,11 Ser) tees. V..111* 1101'1' 1 111[ 4'111 71ei>t'(•, ,Inti .7 a 11(1111,11[ Ibadgcl U,0 an nnu.nccll \+,1, 11 p1.111 til Ciel';-Itt' 101,11 (h11(11'('ll 5 Sere ,14')1155 11)1' prof')11('e 10 (U. .U1 11111.11L' .1551'55nle11) .111(1 1)1.1)''11 e11t of '4101115 Ii1'jt114 in 4lo'- 1r,'a. The ll,'i( (live -don ill 1)c' le(1 h' George 71omsulr, 1t l:ilrg'lon I a111ily ('11(11.) Judge, and l'eter 11,ll'Ill',, all udnlinistr'ative con\ult,ult with 11 background III g(1\ (•1'Itlltcnt a1111 private indust''. Nlarg;u'et ('aml)hell, I iteral 117 1'.1'. (St. George) •,1110 has been prodding the Government to inlpr'uve the existing network •7f child ('are • -services,said 11)11++as she worried anti sehocked by the appointment of Mr. Barnes A management consultant '15 not what ++1' need her(. We ore j'ltst going to have ,toll(' more formulae.. 1'euple are going to be 51011(41 site said, Among the many services 1l 11 'lc h wou Id be brought under the new (ljyjsiun are 111(111111 1)('.1(111 services, training schools, ollset'vation ,111(1 tlet('ntion homes, mental reit lydation, child ultrtye, ane' day care ('('nU'('5, INSURANCE George LIFE, AUT FIRE AND ALL OTHERL 319 HURON It GODERICH J r ALV 11.‘r' YOUR ERS NERDN QUART I FOR J1+. ] •ROGERS MAJESTIC Ty' •EXPERT TV SERVICE • ANTENNA & TOWER INSTALLATION J 162 MARY ST. GODERICH 'wank 524.90 TIGER DUNLOP DOLLARS AVAILABLE ATA&.P ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1977. We redeem all food store coupons! A&P Suncoast M BAYFIELD RD, GODERICH OPEN MON. THRU SAT, 9 A.M. to 9:30 P.M, NT PRODUCE SAY] COME ON DOWN TO A&P EXTRAVAGANZAG E SWEET & JUICY VALENCIA Sunkist Oranges 4.Jb - bag Packed Fresh Daily NO. 1 GRADE FLORIDA CELERY HEARTS BUNCH 69� VARIETY PACK r Nl Florida - INDIAN RIVER WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 10 FOR 990 MANNING COOKIES 2K8 • 59 7 VARIETIES, READY-TO•SERVE QUAKER CEREALS 9.OZ PKG ACTION PRICED! CANADIANA 24 OZ. JAR. ORANGE MARMALADE �¢ Action Priced Now available at all A&P Stores ... . Firtilizer, Peat Moss and Grass Seed. PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 GRADE GREEN ONIONS 5100 Action Priced POWDERED SUNLIGHT DETERGENT IOdB3Box KEN -L RATION BURGER 2-Kg259 BAG • Action Priced MOTHER'S NO GRADE i canoe CALIFORNIA, LARGE SIZE Cauliflower each, 69, Enjoy Salad Every Day NO. 1 GRADE IMPORTED LETTUCE EACH PROD. OF U.S.A. CAN. NO 1 CUCUMBERS 3 90 100 FOR Action Priced MONARCH — CHOCOLATE CHIP, SPICY APPLE RAISIN, BANANA NUT DELUXE SNACK CARE MIX 13-0Z PKG SAVE 3051 C 11111011111MMBUDGET PRICED! MACARONI 5y��0 PARTLY SKIMMED 2% MILK 3QT. BAG