The Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-04-21, Page 22,. PAGE 2A—.GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1976 inOntorioia s io sena �a ou effect The i 1inister of Consumer and Commercial Relations has announced that a one. man inquiry into whether aluminum wiring is a fire hazard, is to be conducted to answer "questions in the One of the reasons I entered politics was to express my objections to the Govern- ment's obsession with bigness. The present government encourages large business, big cities, big school systems, big hospitals and big regional government, just to name a few. Their philosophy is that "Bigness is Better". What they really mean is that too many smaller units are too difficult for the government to control. As a result of this thrust, smaller retail merchants, smaller manufacturers and smaller farms are being squeezed at every turn. They are burdened down by bureaucratic red tape; are excessively taxed; have difficulty getting good workers; and are being put at a competitive disadvantage. Small business bankrup- tcies have increased dramatically and many others are throwing up their hands, ready to quit. If you are such a small business man or if you work for one, hold on a little longer. There are signs that the message is finally beginning to sink in. The public and some levels of Governments are begin- ning to realize that almost 60 per cent of our workers are employed by'small business;" that small business generates a very large share of our economic wealth: that real competition and, therefore a fair market depends upon healthy small businesses: and that Canada and Ontario must look. to small and' medium sized business for our economic future. Even the Federal Government of. Canada has now for the first time appointed a Minister responsible for small business. My colleagues and I in the Ontario Legislature have urged several changes to assist and support small business. We have this week released a Policy Paper outlining the position of our Party in the field of small business, a sector which has been given little assistance by the Provincial Government, The problems and needs of small and larger businesses are not the same. Small btisiness is flexible, able to adapt quickly to changes in the market, possesses great potential for technological and other innovation, and. employs approximately 60 per cent of all Canadians. It is:labor intensive and can create new jobs: much more quickly and cheaply than capital intensive industries. We beltbve that a Legislative commitment to small business should be un- dertaken, similar to the 'United States Federal Government commitment. The lack of managerial expertise and en- trepreneurial spirit have had serious results for the viability of small business, and we have proposed the establishment of en- trepreneurial advisory centres to he funded by the Government and ad- ministered by the private sector. . Shortage of capital also severely restricts the start up and expansion or small business. We propose allowance of a full tax deduction against other in- come for investment in venture capital corporations for small business start-ups and expansions by' both corporations and individuals, and provision for government sharing of losses actually experienced by financial institutions on loans provided to small husiness. At present the burden of payroll taxes to pay the in- creasing cost of social welfare programs falls most heavily on small. firms. There are no income compensating public policies to offset this drain on profits, which in turn restricts capital formation and therefore, the ability to finance growth. We have proposed Government payment of payroll taxes for each in- dividual worker employed by a firm in a given year up to a net gain in manpower of ten persons for a three year period. Corporate tax costs of small businesses should be lowered to ensure their ability to develop internally - generated sources of equity capital. The forgivable succession duty on small family business corporations could, be ex- tended to apply to businesses where shares are owned by more than one family. We also believe that Ontario should undertake a prefeGential purchasing policy for small businesses. It should be possible to set a target of 40 per cent of all government contracts and sub -contracts to be awarded to small businesses within a three year period. Since so many of you are effected by a healthy small husiness climate, par- ticularly in the Riding of Huron -Middlesex, I would appreciate knowing your reaction to these comments and I would be pleased to -.provide you with further information if you so wish. I would verymuch appreciate having you cpntact my Constituency Office or call or correspond with me directly if you would like to receive a copy of our new directions for small business, I would also appreciate receiving your views on our policy for small businesses as I feel, under minority Government, the government's attitude can be changed towards size and towards the importance of small businesses in our economy. " This week in the Legislature the Government has announced that a Judicial Enquiry will be held into the matter of the exemption from payment of $660,000 in land speculation tax granted to Ronto Development Co. of Willowdale, When this question was discussed in the Public Accounts Committee last December, the ` then Minister of Revenue admitted that the decision to grant;the exemption might have been based on insufficient in- formation. It had been - his un- derstanding that the Com- pany was in serious financial trouble, and that the 2,300 housing units under con- struction would not have been completed had the exemption not been made when the company sold land near Brantford to George'Wimpey (Canada) Ltd. Tor S12 million. Opposition Members argued that Ronto was apparently speculating, and proceeded part way with the project only to avoid the tax. The Minister admitted that the Cabinet decision was based on a report from his staff on the sole basis of a letter from Toronto Lawyer Eddie Goodman. Recently the Public Accounts Committee decided that the hest way to clear up doubts about the tax exem- ption was to refer the matter to a select committee for a full investigation. However, the committee was sub- sequently technically dissolved, pending the re- opening of the,.Legislature. The Government has in- dicated that a Judicial Enquiry is considered to he the hest forum for a fuil in vestigation into the tax exemption and thegtu''.tiim of whether or not any undue or inappropriate influence was brought to hear. - WATER DRILLING NEW HOMES and FARMS Free Estimates You and your family deserve the best of water so don't hesitate to call TOM LANG l-- PHONE 524-'641'0 i MILE NORTH ON HIGHWAY 21, GODEERICH At the end of March.. the Ontario Nurses Association released a report '1 et us 'fake ('are • A Report to the people of Ontario" which portrayed the pr'ovince's hospital system as being wasteful and misused by both 'ftospitals cited in the report, doctors and the public. The to ensure that the waste and Minister of Health has in- misuse described by the dicateci he will direct nurses is ended. Government consultants to However, the Ministry has meet the administrators of no immediate solution to the seven Metro Toronto problem. A nurse at 1'tobicoke General has been Not• wild it YourSdf WiTH BLUEIP INTSI MATERIALS AND "KNOW-HOW" FROM DISCOUNT DAVE'S fired after criticizing the hospital, and the Minister has declined to intervene in this matter, saying that the customary grievance procedure should be followed, because a collective bargaining agreement is in public mind reliability and sad type of wired circuit", This t was widely usYN 1960's, when ed copper rose shathe. PLANS AND A COMP TE LIST OF MAT" - IALS AVAILABLE AT DISCOUNT DAVE' . STARTER PAC ' OES & DELUXE WINTERIZED VERSION .. ue b4 ri a de M+ d c 01 ea d. ars rr M muniettxr IIW edall 111 , INllltiL nl an ar Here's --: The 2 -Bed roam Art. "Algonquin" A sliding glass patio door off the Ili family living room gives you a wide- open view of the rugged outdoors. A 1r beautiful cottage at a wonderful price! Our Basic Materials Starter Package Consists of: All framing for walls, floors, celing and roof -- in- cluding all interior and exterior walls, plywood sub floor, roof sheathing, soffit, fascia, tentest and easy -to -erect prefabricated trusses PLUS 210 -Ib self-sealing asphalt shingles. Includes picture window, 5 other windows and sliding glass patio door plus exterior door with frame and sill. Siding, is ,1st quality 6" cedar. Steps and deck ..�� not included. BEDROOM Tl W ex d nd FAMIL !' LIVING ROOM KITCHEN LIVING ROOM BEDROOM WIYHIN 100 MILES ON ANY OF OUR COTTAGES ONE WEEK ONLY THE VANGUARD THE ARROWSMITH' $BBasic Materials asle Materu�' 5018" Snarler Set SlarlerSe ill( e. r, n b hi. e el 11s esb an oir uni "a our dl ofI Ro3 n t I and ton we few urcl acr( eya et the the by te. hr wa op, own BED R0OM krT'CHE FI i>INING- LIvItJ6- b' DINING- RZGbl'A DIi.1ETTE s N at 0,' r of ugh n th ture h( to it h. Chl rhul stir] da Ac -,lam •. y` These are 3 -bedroom models. The'Basic Materials Starter Packages include all framing. for walls, floors, ceiling and roof including all interior & exterior walls, plywood sub floors, roof sheathin-g, soffit, fascia, tentest and 210 -lb, self-sealing shingles. Windows, exterior doors and sliding glass patio doors as shown. Siding in The ,Vanguard is 8" channel.groove cedar; in The Arrowsmith, "Haida" cedar. Even the flight of stairs in The Vanguard is included. BEDROOM Lior BEDROOM Halt, Nails are included in the Starter Sets but foundations and footings are not included. Here's Our 28'x20' SKYLARK Model This ,two bedroom model includes all framing for walls, floors, ceiling and roof including all interior and exterior walls, plywood sub floor, roof sheathing, soffit, fascja,, tentest and easy -to -erect pretiabricated trusses, plus 210 Ib. self- sealing asphalt shingles. You also get a picture window. four other windows, plus two exterior doors complete with frames and sills, key -in -knob lock sets and hinges. The siding is first quality 6" cedar. Deck and steps are not included. BA SIC MATERIALS STARTER PACKAGE $2,755.23 Al Each Model Comes In Two Versions: The Bask Materials Starter Package and The Deluxe Winterized Model. Blueprints are FREE With Every Purchase! UD,,r.unnt Drive KITCHENER 589 Fairway Rd South ,,n,r, 'PIP Mall Phone 744.6371 Daily 8 a n, ', '10 p m ,nCluding Saturday. Friday fill q p ,n AMHERSTBURG 736-2151 EXETER 235-1422 GOOERICH 524.8321 GRAND BEND 238-2374 HARROW 738-2221 KINCARDINE 396-3403 kINGSVILLE 733.2341 KITCHENER 744.6371 569 Fairway Road South OWEN SOUND 376-3181 RIOGETOWN 674-5465 SOUTHAMPTON 797.3245 THEDFORD 296.4991. WEST LORNE 768.1520 WINDSOR EAST 727.6001 Tecumseh Bypass. Hwy. 2 WINDSOR WEST 734.1221 500 Front Road in LaSalle kIICH1NI14ILit ,r,.Nnr.dll„•, (,r:.n;, Nol all sizes available at all Branches STORE HOURS MONDAY THRUFRIDAY 8 A.M. - 5:30P.M. SaturdayTill *KINCARDINE `KITCHENER `WINDSOR EAST 'WINDSOR WEST FRIDAY 9 NIGHT TILL SATURDAY TILL S;30 :Unit nee slip 5. ertly r( clays rein rete, YOn Cell I