The Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-12-16, Page 13d. • momnsimmonomomommummumminium Goderich United "Soccer The tow 1 k h free of ' snow :durtrig the winter : •"It is •the only ree Intzed parCiing lot` .ori t'bat side of town, : eommente&t ornuig Club has been given council approval oto have' a beer tent in Goderich. Agricultural .• • 'Park duri,r g tk e: May 20and. 21. soccer- . tournament' next: year. The clubas -first tournament i.s.,to be held conjunction with the town's festivities during its 150th anniversary; of founding. .. '"A new agreement•has, been made between the'Town of Goderich and Knox " Presbyterian Church regarding the.parking lot . adjacent to thechurch. The town Will pay the congregation $250' a . Year - ''$100 mere . than' in the previous agreement made in the early 196;0s. In •return,'the Parking lot.is available.to- shoppers arid visitors ; in Goderich Monday through Saturday. n also :ceps t e. at reeve, Bill Clifford. The events or.. ,flag' dedication day - December 1, 1976 are to be entered in the official town minute book, it was decided .by Goderich Town Council Monday evening. 'Also, the town will make a request to the registrar of the province to•give•public notice of the adoption of the flag by the municipality. This is to prevent another municipality from adopting a flag similar to Goderich's: • A letter •, will be sent to Albert. Shore. asking ' him to negotiate with -the' Jubilee, Three ` Comnnittee for per- mission to use the town flag • Crich Town Council design on any gift items for his store. Council feels this matter can best be handled by that group. + +•+ The town's engineer, Burns Ross, has advised town council.,thr,ough Public Works Chairrnan Dave Gower that. he has •been- requested to do the engineering work for Suncpast Estates in the new year. • According to `Counc•i11ar Gower,l'r. Ross would to accept t e assignment, but felt d ut - . y bound t to inform - council prior to committing • his firm, in case council has' any objections. - "If members- of coilfn'cil have any objections, iiow is. the time to state • them,' warned_Couricillor Gower: Councillor Bob' Allen said ;the decision mustbe made by Mr. Ross and not council. No . objections were voiced by council mernbersf llthough Reeve . Stan T''rcrtit com=. mented it was "`refreshing„ for council to be consicleredan%' -such a matter. - ; • • + + 71 - Building inspector Roy Breckenridge reported to • town council Monday evenjn that up until the end of November only 32 new lwel'ling iunits , hada been Created. iti 1-976-as`.against 67 for the same period in .1975. There were 24 houses con. structed irpGoderich this year against 63' in 1975. In total; 125 building per- mits for' all types. of con- struction had been issued in Goderich during the year, to a value of $2,750,493. 41 1975, 181 permits valued at $4,39,615 had been issued. • Permits $ for minor - residential repairs remained. steady at 55 in both :years.. However, the value of . the retiuirs was 1976 $217,350•from $170up,850.in - to • The number of swimming "pools- installed this year was • down from '13 to nine,. but the value remained almost constant at $41;195 this year against $45,800 last year. ' Ree Director Mike Dymond Rome under attack Monday evening for his absence at the council meeting to which all municipal department heads are invited. ReeveStan Profit suggested Mr: Dymond be written a letter to advise him 'of his responsibilities: Administrator Harold Walls read Mr. Dyitlond's prepared report and ex- . plained that Mr. Dymond was • unable to attend due to the fact he was •teaching a recreation . •class . on Monday eve.nin'g; • • Undaunted,' Reeve Profit said- it was probably in- convenient for .some other officers to be present at the meeting, but that they had found time to attend. ' The town's fire chief was ,.also-a•isent. There was not a report from the fire de'par- :.trrient, either, • _.Councillor Elsa Hydon asked if council should also request Ralph Kingswell to appear before council on the - second Monday. of• each month'. Reeve Profit ad- mitted this would be quite in order. Councillor Jim Peters said that while council had agreed the officers. should attend the council meeting mid -month; he. also hoped council Would hear their reports early in the• 'agenda so that if they had other duties to attendto in the same evening, they would be free to leave early. ' Finance Chairman for• the town, Deputy -reeve. Bill Clifford brought in -a report which showed that up until the end of November,. nearly all budgets had been main. tained without difficulty. "There are still bills to corhe," commented. Mr. Clifford,, ,"but at this par- ticular time- we are still able tostay within the budget." Mr. Clifford did say that in 4he• new year, .expenditures fr,- t..,«;.. a ..«,..,.,.... �.. i._. Peter McCauly, Chairman of the Goderich Recreation cheque, to beused in the reconstruction of the arena roof, Committee, accepts a cheque from Harold Walls, president was made during/the regular Rotary'meeting at the Bed- of :the local Rotary Club, for $5,000. The presentation of the . ford Hotel on Tuesday at noon. Staff Photo oma m$s In- case you didn't know it, Santa's, a guy with a lot of style. It's just that he'd" been wearing that same old red suit for so long that the inner man never really got a chance to shine through. Until he came to Captain's Quarters. Now Santa's got .a distinguished new image more becoming a man of such high spirits and renown. And that suits him just;°fine. For yourself. Or for a friend. Try out. Captain's Quarters for size this Christmas. He comes highly recommended by a famous world traveller~. onaster charge .,...„ . 1 Capfaid Qtw'tte', CLIOT'HIERS FOR ,MEIN ON TIME amain ..,(Pott of .. oc10Etec i (,H i IE? 'Store Hours` Mon, - E'riO:00 a.m: - 9:0 p.m. Sat. &, DEt. 24 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.itn: R rie 'H SIGNAL:STAk, THURSDAY., DE '1~ M13ER 16, 19 undertaken by council would have to be studied carefully in order of priority . +++(.;v7•••,- By r'+. Bylaw officer Dict Bier .was commended by ,coj.zci1 r' ¥9rt�lay evening for b irlgi tti members' attention bylaws governing snow which is pushed from one properi#y. to another.• Mr.. Eisler told coup it in his report he'd bee etting complaints from some residents about snow being moved onto their propertie•,s:. from nearby properties. "If the town has bylaws concerning this, by all means • AGE c3 .. they should be . enforced," busines'snien befvr;e it can be said Deputy -reeve Bill given th4rd anti flat reading, cli rd. ° � and •adevelopment:,, si.;°ea H Councillor - Jim Peter`s=' °bi asked council just what stage - �z the matter of ::the • b>isinessmen's plan ..to im- prove the core area was at He was told that the municipality and- 'th'e businessmen are awaiting the wording of a bylaw: which must be given two readings and then circulated among ..._.the businessmen who will be affected by it. The bylaw must have the approval of two-thirds of the N SEASON'S, .GREETINGS . 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