The Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-30, Page 23Ihme Township reviews financial report for:
--regu tar- September
meeting of Colborne
ship Council, with all
hers present, Mr. Ben
ughab introduced P1u1 rp
oung, Managing Char-
d ,Accountant of
Gillivray and Cotnrzy,
mercy Harper's
punting. These. men,
ewed with Council '" the
Financial Report of
orne Township„
n application for *mea-
nt to the Provincial Land
Order of Neventlirer 29;
froth :Mrs, Ruth Ann
Mien fora variety'. store
coffee bar in Meneset
k was approved • by
olution on a Motion ei?
ncillors Bogie and
Phee.• subject to it being
onized , only- by the,
rents and :guests : at
neset Park. •,
''building permit was
ed to James Brindley
nsport for , livestock
ding. .'pens .-at._-the•--•trunk
tre on a motion of
cillors Kernighan ' and
gie, Other applications
re left ever pending fur -
r information.
land severence ap-
cation from Russell Brock,
:Lt 1 Con 1 WD was ap
oved , on :a motion of
ncillors Bogie 'and. Rer-
Iian. - The application of
hn and Dorothy Clements,
LH. l . Con 11 WD was :held
further information as the.
e of the lot was small.
he road Superintendent,
1. Good discussed with
until standing time re
owploughing for the 1976-77 •
ason and Council agreed for.
e contrac
for to state arate ,
pay per day standing:tirne
his tender. -. • -
Council instructed the road
perintendent'to contact the
P,P:. • rega,•rdiTgthe
struction of a 'road sign at
chanan's Beach..'
The renting of the Township
11'. for Christmas parties
as..'discussed and the
aretaker)was instructed that
o alcoholic. beverages were
be allowed. .. '
Council appreved:' the
nstruction ofa seen. d
orey living quarters.let, the
proved construetion of . a
creation .. hall, 'store and
fice at. Huron Cliffs Trader
d Ca.mpingOrnunds. Afs he
lborne-G{"oderich Fire -Tank
tick needed ;some .'ad
tional equipment thei,Clerk-
easurer was ,i shrtict'ed to'.
e a credit from C.E.Hititey.
d Sons Ltd, ` -
esolution No. 5- 6 Being a
solution to Petition. for
terim PayPiattinder: the;-
blit Transportation amt"
ghway Im e t .:pct
Expenditures rte in Vine
ar 1976 was anninived en a
tion' of tiny ]fl;e#ve
rst: and Conn—Ciller *tete at
pecia•1 Council meeting ori•.
ptember 14.
Council • diis.cusseil
ilding ;permit iisiied.
mes' Jefferson, R.B.
burn NI/2 Lt. 5 Cie9--Edi
d ..Council issued iio' ob
ti ons to the ' Wilding
mit being transferred if he
d . the 'property. Building,
rmit a,ppiieatiorz's of
mstrong, McKinnon and
sex were . reviewed and
Saltford _due to tide large
number of cars being parked
on the roadway, The
dele•gates,were informed that
the Ontario Ministry of
Housing would be contacted
as to an amiendment to the
Land Use Order of November
29;73. Reeve McNeil thanked
the delegates for their
presentation and he indicated
' Council's concern.
•Tile Drainage Rating By -
Law •No, :2,-76, Being a Tile
Drainage Debenture By -Law
for $8,100. Composing of loans.
approved by Council was.
given en fir• st,.second and final
reading and passed on :a
motion of Deputy -Reeve
Durst and Councillor Bogie,
A noise by-law regarding
the`autilifying of dance
music at the Saltford Valley
Hall' was discussed. A
_resolution from the Township
of West Carleton Re: the
:placing. 0V -hydro poles on
municipal roadways• ..
approved `ori a motion of
Councillors MacPhee and
Bogie. ,
Mr. John Ginn and Mr. Drain repairs; a short peipe
that was needed for the
executive of the Saltford Hall
informed Council that their
union had purchased a lot of
100 ft. frontage. and 238 ft, •
deep across from the Saltford
Hall for a parking lot and they
were informed that an ap-
plication for an amendment
to the land use freeze order of
November 29, ' 1973.would
have to be received and
processed by the Ontario
Ministry of: Housing. and
.Colborne Township Council.
At the regular September 7,
1976 meeting of Colborne
Township Council "accounts
totalling $19,697.15 were
approved for, payment 'on a
motion of Deputy -Reeve .
Durst and•Councillor Ker-
nighan. .....- .
Mr. Fordyce Clark,
-Township Drainage Inspector
discussed with Council Don.
Bean's application for a Tile
Drainage -Loan; Burt Bean's
Tile Drainage and application
fpr a build ng_perriii_tre ,,a
new hog ` barn ;a progress of
Tom Moore's Tile Drainage;
"the= Allin-Young - Municipal
John Hodges representing the
Municipal Milllan :Drain.
Councillor Kernighan
requested Mr. -Clark to in-
spect the Kernighan Drain.
Mr, and .Mrs, Douglas
Splan. Maitland and' Con-
cession East at Forrester;s
Bridge requested -Council 'to
consider approval for
severing their prciperty of
2.102 acres into 2' or 3
residential fats as it was
formerly .3 lots. Council in-
structed the Clerk to 'Contact
the Maitland ,Valley Con-
servation Authority re: their
opinion, as to the future use
and designa.tton with Mr, and
Mrs. Splan to be 'informed as
to Council's decision -in due
time. '
Council was informed that
Mr. Jaques Dewale of Sarnia
was installing a septic tank on
•his 1;ot to the east of the Span
Mr. Harold Baechler, Pt Lt
15-16 Con 8 ED discussed with
Council his,intent lens :build
a residentialhouse and he
was instructed to .'obtain
approval for. • •a residence.
entrance way from the Huron
County Engineer and a septic
tank. approval from, the Huron
FALL FAIR son of Mr. • and Mrs. Robt.
Hackett, RR 3 Goderich:
About ' 150.0 people second, Larissa Sproul,
gathered under mainly sunny daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
skies to take in DungannonRR Auburn.
Gary Sproul, 3,
Fair on Friday: Winner of over six months
Kingsbridge and Brookside class were Tanya Maclnnes,
Schools participated in the granddaughter of . Mr. and
parade 'on Main Street from Mrs. Dan Mac1"nnes,
the `United Church and down `: Dungannon; second Janice
to the. Fair• grounds: Webster, daughter of Mr. and
Kingsbridge school won the Mrs. Allan Webster, Auburn.
Dawson trophy for this event. Lady with the most exhibits
Ron Alton of Lucknow as (over 40) and . overall
Master oferemonies in- champion was Mrs. ---Wes
troduced Gaunt, Heimpel, Wroxeter who won
•, M.P.P. who officially opened . a satin bound blanket donated
the Dungannon Fair.: Other ' by Bainton' Blyth.
speakers were Bob McKinley, In bicycle racing Bernie
Conservative M.P., .:Bob . Burgsma got first in speed -
McNeil, . President . of bike class and Alex Travis
Agricultural Society': and 4, first for standard -bike.
Russell Irwin, . the latter • • Congratulations to• all: who
speaking .' on behalf., of won and to all who exhibited
Lucknow A gr i.c u 1 t u r-a-l--and--thus ;participated; • in
Society::. ° " 'making bungannon Fair's
A varied selection. of comeback a success. The
exhibits were on 'display in' Fair' Board felt •that the
the hall, the pet section was teamwork and interest shown
well filled, and an excellent by the community was much
horse show was provided appreciated and • very . en -
including seven tandem couraging.
teams and: unicorn hitches in A good crowd attended the
the heavy horse class. Margie dance, in the evening for
O'Neil' won the Hoffrneyer which Boyd's orchestra
trophy in the ponyrace,:. ' : supplied the music. Winters
Special mention should be of the 50-50 draw were, first,
Made of the 4-H Calf Club Bob McNeil; second, Cecil
which held Achievement Day. Cranston;;,, third, " Marge
as part•;of the fair.'Winrrers in Macl ilIan,G'oderich:'•
the Dairy type were.- Seniors, , The United Church Women
Neil Sager, Jim Nivins.—
held a Fun and Friendship
night on Tuesday evening in
the church Basement. Mrs.
Dorothy" Pentland was
chairlady and welcomed
those -present. •.
• Mrs. Diane Park led a
singsong accompanied by
Mrs, 3'udy McMichael at the
piano. Mrs. Donna Alton
conducted a humorous I.Q.
test. Mrs. Emma Rivett gave
a reading and Mrs. Diane
Park sang "Amazing Grace."
Several relay games were
played which allowed
everyone a chance to get
involved in the fun. Winner
for having lucky name tag
was Mrs. Fred Schmid; for
having lucky chair the winner
erred to 'a later meeting.
tiding permits were issued
C{eh, Duncan, Saltford for a
ch 11 x 15 ft.; Burt Bean
a hog barn at :Leat. 2 Con 8
on- _.a Mot of' Conn
ors MacPatree`and• Bogie,
lattertobe snbg'ect to a
tificate of compliance.
he Townshi'p Road..
S ''owplowing Tender
pared by the : road
s ,.' erintendent for• the1976-77'
son and to be,advertised in
Signal -Star was.aoved
Council. '
r. James Hawkins,
eric i R.R. 6, approached
ncil regarding .drainage
surface water Crossing
hway 21 at Lt 1$ LBW. It
s agreed that the best way
orrect the water problem
Id be to construct a tile
in along the east side of
hway 21 to the ;Hill Pond
creek. The the
rutted to contact the
1VIli-stry of Natural
Re ources and the Ministry of
Transportation and Corn
mtinications regarding ''Mr.
14a'wkins' problem, ' An_ np-
plication fora' `Tile Drainage '
l,ifan . to 'Mr Hawkins was
approved at a Metion of
Councillors. Bogie %aiitri
M cPhee,
arty 'Bogie and Ken.
b ' 'can repke+s'enting.
her of -_ tas1 •rani
epayer•s requested
nci'Ps, copsidaerition •
rding the •plr'e W it •
dential ll't4it Salitirerd,'By
Saltford Valle/ 11E01-10 a
trig lot. Council diSetts441.
the delegates tine lei
future prebterne' of•
Juniors, Sandra Nivins, Steve
Jim 'Nims won the Robert
McCallum trophy far'
showmanship and Neil Sager
was reserve champion.
Winners in Beef type were,
'Senors, Donna Hackett, Jitn
Nivins, Juniors, Ian Hackett,
Jamee Allen. Grand :cham-
- pies in showmanship Was Ian
ai itekett, reserve champio"ri
Alia Hackett.,
The reserve champions
each received a 50 Ib bag of
'mineral donated by Bob
Parrish. -
In the class for best beef
sheer : winners were Seniors,
Jai Nivins, Sandra ,Nivins
J roots Greg Hackett, Ian was- -Mrs. Edna ' Campbell.
The• prize for being most
In the field .crop'section a_
recent resident of Dungannon
pride of a bushel of seed corn went to Mrs. Debbie Hien
was donated by` Paul Eedy, Orson.
Stewart seed agent and won Mrs. ,Pentland introduced
by Paul Eedy. the ladies who carte to
For a 'quarter -bale of first thevillage during the past
cut hay4he, prize ofseed for 1 year Mrs. Jack Smith, Mrs.
acre of Glengreen hay Mitchell, Mrs. Strong, Mrs.
pasture mixture. donated .by Dowell and Mrs. Henderson,
Harvey Culbert Was won by
The.prize for best matched CHURCH
team donated by Hodges o Everyone enjoyed a'
Milling was won by Allan evening at. Christia z
Horsbur'gh, Holstein; for best. Fellowship Church's Fam'i`ly.
mare on line donated by Jim Night on Friday evening. The -
Aitchison - won by Tendall Church basement .was filled,
Belgian Acres, Lucan; forte' with games for everyone.
unicorn hitch sponsored 'by On Saturday afternoon We
Gary Kerr woti by Ken Young People of Christian
Brown; Moncton; for single , Fellowship Church completed
wagon horse sponsored,by digging and 'bagging their
''Iorsburgh, Hoastoin
-Arnold Young won by Allan potatoes on the Wagler farm.
In horse- races a halter They appreciated the meal
drnzated . by H. O. Jerry provided by Mrs. Wagler,
Hardware was won by Jack The potatoes are being sold
Pollard 'of -Ripley . driving to: raise money for a mission
"Glen Rothes"; a cooling project. Anyone 'interested in
blanket donated by the Old getting potatoesmay call Mr;
Mill was won by Paul Coulter Peter Martin, Dtingannon.
I•alt^ivii 'Noble Stern". On Sunday student Pastor
The baby contest attracted Doug Zehr delivered- the
a group of sixteen . babies. message, "Serving Christ?"
which gavethe judges sotii'e UNITED CHURCH
serious consideration, •
inners of up to 6 mo. class Trinity United Church, -
were,_ first, Aaron' Hackett, Ashfield invites you (men and
womeny to a Thankoffering
meeting on October 3 .;8:00
p.m. The guest speakers will
be world travellers- and
missionaries, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Needham, formerly of
,: Ripley.
• Nile United Church is
having their anniversary
service on- October 17 with a
turkey supper following- on
October 27.
Rev. .Stanley McDonald of
Londesboro was . guest
speaker • at the 121-- 'an-
•niversary • service in
Dungannon United Church on
Sundays He gave an address
-, on the topic, "Oiir Church".
The choir sang, accompanied
by Mrs. Judy McMichael. Mr.
' Wm. Stiles .of Goderich sang
two solos..
Flower arrangements 'were
placed onthe church by Mrs.
Ettabelle Bradley in memory
of her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Alton.
Neat Lord's Day .is -World
Communion Sunday. The
Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be administered
at Nile at 10:00 a.m. and
Dungannon at 11:15• The
Session is asked to meet
beforethe service.
-Congratulations: to. Mr. 'and
Mrs. Mike Rhody,(nee Kathy
Hallam) on the birth.of a son
at Goderich hospital on -Sat.,
Sept.•25. .
• Mr, Earl 'Mcl a ;'Mr. and
Mrs. Graham McNee, Mrs.
Mary Bern and Jamie and
Miss Debbie Vella visited Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Farrell near
Kincardine on Sunday.
Sympthy is extended to
family and friends of Thomas
Anderson of Lucknow who..
'died suddenly on Saturday.
I't's• Plowing Match time,
You are invited to' view the
display at the booth of the
United Church of Canada at
229 2nd St. and have a cup of
coffee. -
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
•Finnigan, Goderich visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Irvin
after attending anniversary'
service at Dungannon United .'
church on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Comfort
of St. Catharines spent a few
days -last week with' Mrs.
Cecil Blake.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs: Ken McNee onthe birth
of a -Son; Michael William on
September 21 in . Goderich
.Mr. and Mrs. K. K., Dawson
and Mr. and Mrs. ' Robt.
Stothers are heme_after a few
weeks in the West. They
motored to Eamonton: where
the .Dawson's ' visited their
daughter Karen and son-in-
law, Mr. . and Mrs. —john"
•Linton, The Stothers° wenton
to Vancouver to visit their
daughter, . Kathy and later
met Dawson's at Calgary for
the trip home.
' Mr. John Young spent last
week in: hopital in London
with .a kidney condition. He
got home for the week -end but
has' to go back to hospital this
week. 11.
•'Sharon Young is taking a
course in Data Processing at
Fan'shawe College.
-County Health Unit.
Mr..-R..G ,IArnastrong owner
of a lot at:' the' north"- and of.
Meneset Park requested
informaticin re: building a.
residential house. He was
requested to obtain . written
prop: that the private right-
of-way is 66 ft. wide.
Mr. Leonard Fisher,
Township Cetfery-Mger
discussed the " planting of
small maple trees in the
cemetery; tiriused plots;
fertilizer and top soil. Council
'agreed for top sell to be ob-
tained from George Wraith;if•.
purchase and'' trucking• could• '
be arranged
Six building permits were
issued on ation of ;Court-
cillors Kernighan and Bogie.
They were: David Wilkinson,
Pt Lt 8 Con 12 WD a barn 32 x
60; Wm, and Douglas
McCann, S1/2 Lt 8 Con 12 WD''a
granary; Thoma% Hill, -Lot 15
Con LRE a pit silo 70'x348;..
-_F riG MIAxe. Lot 1Q Com ?TEQ-a...
pit ,silo 100 k 70; Guy Fiddes,
'Lot 3 Con 4 ED a pole barn for
machinery; J.D. Jefferson,
Ni/Z Lot•5 Con 9 ED a-hotise
and garage attached. That of
Harold • Baechler .was ap-
proved-. subject to the ap-
of the Huron Conniff
Health Unit and the Highway
Department. That 'of Arm-
strong, McKinnon and Essex'
were 'held over for further
information on a motion of
Councillor MacPhee and
Deputy -Reeve Durst- ,
An: application for a Tile
Drainage Loan of . Donald
Bean,.' Lt 1 • Con 8 WD'. was
approved. '-a Motion of
Councillors Kernighan and
'B The Loan o James
Hawkins, Lt 13 Con L •
left over until the
contacted'Douglas and Bruce
Fisher as to whether they -
would ,.use: ' Tile Drainage
money in 1976.
An application • for
severence from Budd and'
Elaine Boyes'Lot 4 Con 2Y'D
was refused by, Council 'on -a
motion —of Councillors Ker-
nighan 'and.. Bogie as the:
applicationdid not conform to
the official plan.:
Of the three tenders.
received for the installing of.
three compartmen't'stainles's'
steel "links hi. the Township -
kitchen that"of th
LeBeau Plumbing was ac-
cepted on a motion of
Councillor MacPhee and
Deputy -Reeve Durst.
The Road Superintendent
Mel. Good reported • that
TEMBEft *3fls 197G.•.
a; road expenditure subsidy
'petition : of 848,108.41 was
prepared. After discussion of
the 1976-77 snow=ploughing,
.Council instructed the road,.
superintendent to prepare a
tender . for two units -
tantum truck or a tantum or
singleaXle, . true l fpm:
equipped and pperatos: Atso•
discussed •••.were the
Reserve road, the road tot #ae•
Black Hole and read slgns;;at
Erie Moore's eoriter.
Council gave some con-
sideration to the Saltford Hall.
re: parking andthe;excessi:ve
noise of the music amplifiers.
e the
international 800
Flex -Frame Moldboard Plows
At a
Mammoth Plowing & Tilling
October 13, 14 and T5
(watch for the -details)
SEAFORTH 527-0120
With the beginning ot,
school, intramural soccer is
the order of the day. Each
continued on page 1.9
UMBER! See our out-
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Westinghouse washers,
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Buy Now :and 'Save!
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Designed with two speeds for
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REG. $439.00 NOW
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A range that's designed For
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Porcelain enamel drip bowls $36 9 .
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_�.. tour