The Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-23, Page 13Govt,.' !di • GNAi-STAR, .THURSDAY, SEPTEa R 23, .197. .PA+ 9 There'a-. Henri, home from, a '"hard day's work at the plant, lounging, on the , sofa, feet propped up on the coffee table,' beer in one hand and the evening paper M the other. The -smell -of .Mrs.•• Tar ,•_ tiniere's efforts in the kitchen permeate • the atmosphere and all seems well. Then a scream! A bea0ribie : gut twisting shriek,a gasping for breath and another painful wail. The beans and wieners hit the kitchen floor as Henri. panics. • "Martha, oh for the -love -of Pete, Martha, have, you seen this?" Martha, covered with tomato sauce, comes hustling into,the living roorn in her best Edith Bunker manner. Henri sits on the sdfo, slightly pale4 nhvinu just as ebviously.not injured. • "What,'t', Martha. gasps, "is ;, the matter? I thought you'd' 'fallen . and, broken,yourleg° • With shacking hands Henri handed herd the "' folded nPwannrPii - praatix» that, some dear friend of'the family/dssibly even a close relative, had died in some • dis,astrous' air crash or volcanic eruption, shefumbied for her glasses. - Thert.,_whea41inea. read ."lnep dation• . ".. planner wants advertising of condoms on TV." "Why what's the problem?" she asked Henri. "I'd never want to live .in one, but why shouldn't they advertise'thein. I'm sure someone would like them:". -Henri's shaking quickly turned to rage.'"Condoms," he yelled. "Condoms, you half wit; not condominiums." Martha slowly turned pink, then red, 'then scarlet. A traffic lamp would have. paledin her presence, "Oh , Henri I see 'Lmeair.: oh advertlseond •'onTV 7"... By this time Henri has regained at • least some of his composure. He snat- •.ches the newspaper from his wife and flops back down of the couch. He reads: "Population planner Eleanor Marcus told 'an international 'health education conference Tuesday that constraints are put against condoms that no their -.pro.ducts ...face_..,..„.i.ea•iaaftte products; whichroinise a lot but are nothing but harmul, have been put on television.” Stili. aghast,. Henri read an.: "Ms: Marcus;said published Aia,erican studies indicate that. condoms end spermicidal contraceptives,-whep usectproperly, can be almost as effective as. the pill., - "She said moves are now underway in. the United States- to: allow condom ad- vertising. The• National Association of 'Broadcasters,, which imposes . the . ad- ina____...alatisias ban, will review it when it re- examinesils code wii'in e months ' Qh; Henri groans There goes the cable TV service. It's back to the aerial. We' • can't have the kids watching that filth an According `to the newspaper story recent advertisements seen on in - 'dependent television in the United States alt 'first elicited a negative response, but n., the day -after . they.lpp.ea es •totg ane .,.. calls were eight tri" orae in favor of the ads.:. That, Henri just did not believke The story also noted• that Ms. Marcus .. r.. has said the time had aorne to take condoms, out of the closet .arid advertise. them' on; television litre any •-other product;'. ' Now, thought Henri, that . just sboWs what that. Crazy woman" actually° knows N, about condoms. "Out of • the . closet" _ indeed. Everyone knows they're stored in .medicine: cabinets or dresser dowers, nit clarets. "Something's, wrong, very Wrong,' 'Henri murnbled only half to himself.. "What did you say, dear?" ,Martha called from the kitchen: ' ,INFORMATION, BACKGROUND AND OPINION • Tucher"smith Township Council came' yup against a group. of seven irate Vanastra residents at its regular meeting last :week who. succeeded in blocking passage of a bylaw which would have closed two . sections •of walkway between -Regina and Quebec roads in that community. The 'council had proposed, to turn the property now occupied by the walks over to , developer Harvey. Hammond of Brucefield for the fee of $1.00. This would haveenlarged . two lets •' now owned by Mr. Haniniond, which abut the walk, to a 'sufficient size on which to build homes. In, addition to the token payment Mr. Hammond would have turned over ownership of • a small lot at anoth 'r location in.thecommunity to the council: • The Vanastra property owners told, the meeting that they had- not been properly informed of the transfer of : a public property to private ownership: Spokesman for the delegation, eRobin Gates, said the first he knew , of the proposal was when he had read about it in the Clinton NewstRecord: Tuckersmith Township Clerk James McIntosh pointed out that it was only necessary.' to put the notice ofj the. proposedbylaw in the newspaper a}id'to . notify, dire tly those people whose property ad gins theroadways involved. ss•r del ti it was necessary The e a �n claimed gY,. that all property owners :within a; certain ' number of feet had to be notified and asked council tq, contact its lawyer for - def inition of • the •requirements. The main reason for the residents' opposition to theplan.' is that school children walk along the passages in question and if they .were closed the` children would have to use Regina Road.. which Mr. Gates describedas. a. "raceway". Mr. Gates also told the councillors that such .a;closure would be a "step back into the dark ages" while other commuziities, are spending great 'amounts on the in- stallation of sidewalk systems. n-stallationof'sidewalksystems. • He. also suggested that in years to. come it was possible that council would be turning aroundand laying out funds to install new sidewalks. The delegation also pointed out, that Mr. Hammond had already begun construction of house on two lots which are still partly owned by the township. They also questioned the legality of issuing building permits for construction on such -property. As a result of the.se complaints., Mr: Hammond has ` been ordered by the Township council to cease work until all. the factors and arguments.involved'can be aesolved. • ,' The -.delegation presented their: ob- jections in written form as well, signed by ,18' property owners in the Vanastra. complex. In addition to spokesman Robin Gates the delegation included Mrs. Mrs. Ben Bridges, Barry Black Ind Mrs. `1Vlarelen Thurlow,. all of Vanastra and Mr. and Mrs. John Baker of ' RR 4 , Clinton: Mr. Gates told the meeting, "I un- derstand this to be a very .serious . - business, but it should not have been' doge in .t11e, first ,place. Someone is caught with egg on his face." - • , - He' also challenged . the • council for selling the property for $1.00 and offered to: give the cou° it $1,000' for the two stretches of pro erty.. Council members made no response to that offer. In the end, council •did not take any action on passing the bylaw. Township lawyer Kenneth Devereaux • of Seaford), when contacted later by telephone said he would be_ at the next meeting.' mThe• Ombudsman for the Province of Ontario, Arthur Maloney, Q.C., LL.D„ is visiting the local area. Yesterday his staff was at.MacKay Half in Goderich end today they will be at the municipal building in_Listowel "making themselves available to indiv,iduals, groups, organizations and' their representatives who wish to bring complaints to his attention: • ' • - . Ontario adopted the Office of. the Ortibudsman in the spring of 19"75 with the passing of pill 86, an Act. to provide for an Omubdsman to investigate ad- ministrative decisions and acts of of, ficials of theGovernment of Ontario and P`1Jrt its agencies. Complaints' to the Ombudsman are to be made in writing but during visits to the area personal ' interviews ` were conducted: Due to the obrigation on the =-Ombudsman to make no disclosure of any informationreceived;the-interviews are held in private. '.:. • Once : a complaint • is . received, the • Office of the Ombudsman proceeds to:. gather all the pertinent facts .from the. cornpl-ainant,, ''the- goVerrimental organization •in!'olved, and any other person who is! able to give • any - in- formation. In: order to do this the , CIAL Ombudsman' has been given broad powers of investigation and access to information. • - After investigation, should his office be of the opinion that; the complaint submitted to him is : a valid one, •hp reports his opinion and his reasons to the appropriate governmental organization, and may - make such recommendations as he thinks fit, These recommendations .mom -suggest that the matter be referred :to the• ap- propriate authority, for further con- sideration,• that the -.emission be , rec- tified,that the. decision • or 'recon n endation be cancelled or varied; that any, practice on - which the decision, -Figuratively -speaking Canadian Indians are on the w'axpath, -and who / could blame them: -They- ha_ve_ius.tbeen made,, the, victim of the ., most racist, bigoted, vicious and false piece of racial • slander since Gen. P. H. Sheridan. said, "The only good Indian is a.dead Indian" back in 1869. • This time'their.race has beef' attacked •in more 'detail in,.a top secret prison training manual prepared by the Nor- thwest Territories • government and signed by C. S. Wilkins, .chief of correctional'sery_ ices in Territory. It is unfortuhate'for. 1VIr. Wilkin and • the Territories government tha'Vt,the report - fell into the hands of The ' Canadian• Press. 'It is even more un fortunate_. for the Indians, and. all Canadians, that such a piece oftrash was everprepared inthefirst place. . According to the manual, Indian traits come from his mongol origin. It also notes that "like the Japanese, he (the Indian) copies to perfection but has no creative artistic genius". Apparently it's not enough, to slander the Indians. A few shots must be taken at the Japanese as well. . - The report states further, ".Having nothing that is his, neither glorious past nor original culture nor religion nor • recotnmendation, act or omission was based should be altered, that any 1aw on which the decision, recommendation, act or omission was based should be considered, ,that reasons she i have been given for .the_alecision or recom- mendation or that any other steps should be taken. - . . -A copy of that report and recom- men tion is submitted to the Minister con neo,: arid. if nebe sari; -tom-thee•• Premier of the Legislative. Assembly.. - Each year the Ombudsman• reports annually' upon the affairs, of his office to the Speaker of the, Assembly, wholays this annual report before the Assembly. • There are certain governmental ac- tions which the law, • precludes . the Ombudsman :from in vesigating. These include judgesor any function of :the. court and proceedings of the Cabinet or its committees: The • Ombuds.man-can .:investigate decisions and recommendaiions.where a right of appeal -or right to apply for a hearing or review exists under any•act,' • -but n`it-irrrtil that•right-of• appeal or ap- plication has be -en exercised, or until after any' time for the exercise of that right has expired. His office therefore urges everyone to country, he feels insecurity and seeks all. -white parentage, fall into the same ' possible ,means of evasion -• dreams, pattern,. the manual 'says, but Eskimos. drink,'the ready pleasures Of the flesh, have "some pride and motivation". lrnplerrd unromantic, without per.- - Other weaknesses listed are: 'lack of foresight, •procrastin•ation,' even when Versify ' or abnormality, the solea cold or hungry, addiction to sports and a brutalizing.and deceiving pleasure of perference to work • for wages rather sex naturally accomplished. _- •• . than for himself. - • ft says the Indian's key weakness' -is a _ , •• weakness of will.TThis made him fearful, "His intelligence is that of an. easily tempted, inconsistent and .timid�ada}eseent-a.ff€dive ratlie than log_ical_ (What would Custer say to that?) - His intelligence • is'deviated through He also has an inherited inferiority passion; it is lazy at work requiring complex and a deceitful mentality, the awakening through concrete induction • report adds: and strong motivation;. The manual says Metis" persons of mixed Indian and that t lthoh theIndian s more evolved s ug . n tan i than primitive ,• people, lie retains childish traits. "It would be more exact to say that the•Indi'an belongs to a race in the process of•evoluti,on." • The manual says the Indian is in- telligent but this. perhaps' is not always apparent because often he is • un- dernourished, sickly or weakened by drink to excel at1 the inhibitions, the reporn temperamente_Indiatemperament can•be • Despite .c laim.s.,,kl educe ed. .It recommends that Indian ° prisoners -be given absorbing interests, tiring occupations and sports activities. The manuxrdoes condescend to grant exercise• any right of appeal or review which` they. May have, before bringing their complaint to the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is not authorized to investigate : any decision, ' recom- mendation, act or 'omission of any person," , actiri`g as . legal, adviser '' or counsel to the Crown. Although -the Ombudsman and -his • staff d0 visit communities all across the province, as they are at present in this area,: the:-head_office_is.iin Toronto and anyone . with a complaint. should write, including copies` of all related material, to the following. address; The •Ombud- sman, Sixth Floor, 65 Queen StreetWest, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2M5. - the Indian a feiv': good qualities: gay, sociable, happy go lucky, 'language.: gifted, resourceful in.his own setting, good with his hands„ observant of what • interests him, storyteller,- respectful of human life, peaceful, patient, indulgent (to the •point of weakness) , 'generous and even pompous.'; . ' ' • It may well only serve to further heap unjustified discredit on the'Indian people oh- _ - by -repeating the oh-Seri/miens- a- - racist manualbut we hope this is offset in the n me ,•of presenting to. the Canadian People just what is being done in their /erne by their government. Swedenl.,and Canada have more in common than hockey - nuclear power and some serious questions about the wisdom of its use. Early returns (at this writing) show that the 44 year reign of that countiry's Social . Democratic party has r been brought to,. an end. The question of nuclear power was one of the largest contributing factors to this defeat. The Social Democrats had announced plans to expand Sweden's nuclear energy program. Thorbkoern Faelldin, head of the Centrist party and the than Who will now become PrihteMinister, said during the campaign that :he WAS strongly opposed • • • DRLDWE: to the nuclear buildup, He even went so far as to announce that he would shut down the country'a existirrgfive.reactors unless he could be 'assured that the . Swedish people would not be harmed by • the risks involved. • harmed, Former Prime Minister Olof Patine had introduced a plan, shortly-beforethe elections,- to e,epand 'the number ,of nuclear power plants in •:the nordic counttry•from five to 13 by 1985. One opinion poll 'showed that 48 pet' cent of the `voters supported F'aelldin's' position against 30 per cent whohbacked the proposed nuclear ' expansion. Another 22 percent stated themselves as undecided; ' The Centre party leader' claims that nuclear safety problems can never be completely solved. "Th'e risks of cancer and genetic damage, which could.affeet generations for thousands of years to come, are just too great for us haven to consider jour- neying further unto the aternic age," 1~ aotldin•is quoted assaying. .He gained support for these views in a most unlikely combination of Centrists, Conservatives and young Swedes, and the final count of Sunday's election -has indicated just how much. His- critics, on the other hand, com- plain that Faelldin has not told voters how a no nuclear Sweden would generate the power needed to fuel its industry and satisfy the Swedish desire for high living hydronfl staards. Sweden is in short 'supply of • power. - W3iether or not the six million Swedish voters took this into consideration when they went to the poll's is impossible 'to - Say, but the* did choose to throw their. support behind the man and the part who'carne out in such strong opposition , - to nuclear generated power. - . At th`7s,b'writing the count was not completely inbut sample ,polls shaped, - the .outcome this way, .Faelldin's coalition of Conservative, Centre and Liberal parties with 50.6 per cent of the vote, the Social Democrats and the Communists with 47.6 per -Cent. (The Social Democrats and Communists had been partners in the last government.) The projection gave the moderates a majority in the 349 member parliament - 180 seats compared with 169 for the Socialist bloc. s - In the 1973_ election . the Social - Democrats got' l,56 of 350 seats and then_. Communist 19 to form the government in - coalition. The opposition was made up of F aellclin's Centrists with 00, the Con- servatives with 51 and the Liberals with 34. ' - While Faelldin has led the .combined three parties to.form a'government far the first tirrte in 44- year's it will not be easy, sailing. Even the nuclear issue, while given token'support by the other parties, is not_. supported as completely by the Conservatives and -Liberals ashy the Centrists therriselve.s. In fact the Conservatives are riot all that opposed to future development • of `such power and the Liberals only With to see a more,controlled,expiansiori than the old government .•proposed, They 'would be unlikely to support a program calling for the shutting down of enciSting; reap- --tors;as the Centrist fader hos'imileited he might like to do, •LL u -