The Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-29, Page 26&'E±►C;r .19 AT-=Caf�f� kI( 11 `+I(; �1: 1 �ll'.'1 k1URSI)AX..II'I.Y'!1. 1976 t 4,10 ti 1401 • • •:.Yfff.,.f. Extract .' up to 18 pts of moisture Oiler a 24 -hr. period ,for :...comfortable living EACH Helps end clammyair, dripping' pipesand jarf- ming doors. Feature -packed unit is made for Canadian Tire . by a manufacturer of top-rated '' househo.ld appliances: Has automatic •humidistat, =`��~ � aig4rr�t'ra'!"i2'`"'"sI'rtt't'.'off"=;azni^••h'g,�.�,a.�..B;�,�� �x�..` .compressor. 11 -quart water container: -beige enamel finished cabinet about 171/4x131/2x221/2 -"high With caster -s-, _ . Remember.... the cottage Use your. - Canadian; Tire CARD' A. Proctor Take -Apart - 1-ectiic.. Kettle Water boils—fasteiTSainless steel base removes -for thorough cleaning . - oi--�'c-a-ice'—•-�-.E'`'�:1-1 ri -'sn_ '_'d_trtr►.rL,l<1:t-1� . . shut-off'if kettle'15oils•dry. In de-. corator` colors ...... $11:99 B Proctor Toaster. Perfect toast to start the day! Slid ing shade 'coritrol.Sparkling nickel -chromed housing and bake - lite handles ;Only • $11:99. Westinghouse Dehumidifier EFFECTIVE UP TO 23,000 c u ft. High capacity model removes up to 16 Imp. pts UJS )i -moisture per 'day. •.Features adjustable humidistat. Large air -drying coil.`;Connection for' continuous. drain hose. Chip resistant wood - grain steel; cabinet. Recessed wheels. 5 -year warranty cin the sealed system Grooming Aids f : 1. BRAUN SYNCHRON PLUS: ELECTRIC SHAVER Synchronous ••action for smoothest shaves. :Super thin'platinum coatedfoil. Sideburn trimmer.Case .2, SOLARAY BLOWER/$TYLER . Look great all the time. 2 heat settings. Styling, noz- zle . 450' watts : Only". C..OSTERIZER BLENDER - ° Mix with the ,best. 10 -speed unit. Stainless steel blades. " 5 -cup glass' jar o. SUNBEAM TABLE MIXER Detach for portability. 5 -speed thumb -tip con- $eh trot' . Chrome 3 . plated beaters. . 88 E. EMPIRE SLOW COOKER ' 'Easy -Meal' has'*heat thermo- stat, lift -out aluminum- con- tainer. 3 qts •.. . 15°° ' 'F.. TOASTESS' BUFFET FRY PAN 'Caprice' goes right on- the table forfast meals Detach 1888 pro-be..1O1/2» d. C.G.E.-4-SLICE TOASTER - Make:, toast for . the whole fa- mily! • -.1-11." Speed' has slide color control H.''WORLD TRAVELLER' IRON Charlescraft" compact; light- - 9 weight„iron has got dual voltage.. Travel case .. Be'a'Gootl Sport! Help Canada's Olympic ...athletes with your"trCash Bonus Coupons a , • Vtlu con drop your Chsh npnusr ourions n hie' Otym'plc. MCutbOA •.q? any Conodldn tre Store they wia be redeemed In cosh "Of fl fl IC Ce value by the r)lymp�r, Tru;t 6f CdfOdO r.• J..SUNBEAM CAN OPENER' Reliable unit . zips through lids_ seconds Magnet lifts lids away__Only .. K. EMPIRE AUTOMATIC - ..1 -eats Up 3 cups of water 'for- •soup, coffee or tea. Requires no 877timing. Alirm L. EMPIRE COFFEE' URN . , - • Brews 32 cup's• of delicious ` coffee. Thermo- : ' 7 stat. controlled. • Signal light .. . g �. !Jinnainn TIRE M. WEST BEND II -CUP, DRIP 'Quick Drip' gives you thebest tasting coffee .you ever had..Fi1 ter 'removes bitter grounds. Warming plate. Harvest Gold Onl,y . N. PROCTOR ICE CREAM FREEZER Nothing can beat home-made ice cream for its natural flavor and goodness. And it's .fun to 'make with this 2 -quart unit. ,Powerful electric motor does the work. Comes with a recipe; booklet. d_la88 -Onl y VIP Extra! . Cash B onus :COUPONS (RDIIDIFII1 TIRE 5240.,2111.:-.• X fieY"" } 0 :�h..•.v ri 45..•M'iv}akilv.�..�n})i.} a" TAYLOR • LIMITED e ... . R .