The Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-29, Page 2T4
Jack's -j.o-tfln.9$
Recently James $'uilbrook
Liberal MPP (Sarnia),.tabled
,in the Legislature nine
Private Members;. Bills
-amending the Ontario -Labours
Relations. Act. Mr. Bullbrook lj
is the Party'S Labour ,Critic, F
and Co- airman. of ;the
Liberal Labour Com:Mit-tee--
with Remo Mancini,-' ,MPP-
MPP''.' (Essex -South). Also on the.
Committeeare four •labour•
da•wyers from outside the
Party Caucus. •-,'•
One of the Bills -adds to the •
Act a provision dealing with..
tle'•rights and privil'ges of
trade unions and. employees
in the -event of an employer's
implementation of significant
lot(' auience Kapp
technological change. An
employer, bound by a
collective agreement, who-.
proposes to -effect a
technological change. likely to •
affect .the . terms • and con-
ditions ',or security of `em- .
tployment'. • of a"significant
number of 'to - emp1Q Ves'
must ;give-• notice o ,t .e .
technological 'change to''the
union at.lea%t.90 days prior to
the date on whiehTt, is to be
effective, Any.', employer..
failing ` to give • such notice'
aw t' Also,, upon such application
sk Rlddili Huron -Mtth1T sex MPP having- •been ,made by the
union, - the employer would
union may apply to the Board
for an order granting leave 'to notice on' the employer
to commence collective
bargaining for "the purpos'eof
revising the existing
.provisions of the collective
agr•eenient relating to terms
,and conditions or sectiri•ty of
:employment, . or including
new provisions" hi •the•
agreement relating to such
rnaIters-to siist-em'ployees
affected by the technological'
'c'1Tange to adjuet to its effects,
not be able to effect a
technological changelintil the
Board's disposition of the
' applicatipf. . *This reopens
Collective. bargaining for the
purpose.. of negotiating the
impact of the technological'
• change, and where necessary
would. enable partiesto resort'
to economic sanction, - . ..
�, Another arnendnie-nt is
f h l 'alined at Minimizing' the.
ntE'mber of court appeals ;of
arbitrator's aw.ards.
ProvlsThff -a' , efiz Toon or
professional strikebreakers is
incorporated " in one - of the
may - be forced into -Com
p.liance by the Ontario Labour
Relations Board.
„Upon receipt of the notice of
technological change, the
ee s.
The ` Baha'i Community
shored a second summer
.concert with the people of
Goderich last -week when they
' . had as their: guests a talented
--mooting •p lifessi—d aT' "group
loom Iowa, U.S.A. -
"The. Brand New Day': are
members of a. soft rock group
'who 'have entertained• at folk
concerts in Europe, Canada
and the :United States. They
'have appeared ori TV yariety
- -shows andplayed. twice, at
Carnegie Fall;
This . summer 'they ':are
attending' an international.
. `education to music` summer
course given.. at Stratfoi+fi.
Student's at this co'urse',.
mostly music teachers, come
from all, parts of Canada and
the United States.
The group played songs old
and new and soon had
everyone participating either
with hand cIapping or jotn-irt'g
in the singing. _.
Janine and . '.Philip
Stanesewski, Kim Babcock
and Ralph- Southern are'
touring the area after school
sharing. their' :talents with
Baha'i • Communities in
southern Ontario . before.
returning. home.
This week. Kim . and Ralph
will be back in Goderich
entertaining. the residents of
the , two nursing—homes with
their • .music: Later • Wed-
nesday evening they .will -be
playing music and talking
about the Baha'i Faith at a
community -fireside.
Bills, as. well as .the
prohibition of their use„.
One of the 'most significant
amendnients is the ban on
petitions'-- (also known as
statements of••desire)"the
Ontario Labour 'Relations
Board. Apparently petitions
are frequently prepared or
•h ired by 'the eniploYer,, a
fact Which' " the Board
discovers only after con-
sidecab'lQ' :delay. Tri ` 'c'er-
tific•ation:and expense to the
union.1.The Bill: relating - to
supervisory personnel would`
restrict exclusion- .from union
to a
g those• people°
whose primary -responsibility. '
is- to • actually exercise
authority and actually per-
r°orm functions coons that are of -a
ma agerial character:
Tc make i•t,eaasier for newly
certlf led bargaining units o
g ng n .t
-obtain a first collective
.agreement, one Bill.. would
enable the•Labour Relations
Board to ,arbitrate the first
agreement:'The Board would
be required to consider' bad
faith bargaining and other
.instances of: "foot dragging"
by the employer in its award -
which • would. tend to.
discourage -Such actions.
The redefinition
of the. term':
`'lockout 'contained T ns of
the Bills is a limitation of the
definition in`the .Act. This Bill
would eliminate' those aspects
of • the ' efinition relating to
employers',,motives an4 the
idea is.•to~°'allow unions to'
determine the legality of a
lockout ' on ' its obvious
manifestation, rather than..
underlying motives - of which
the union may be hard-
pressed Cofind,evidence.:
'Some; though 'not a11; of the
proposed `l bol •r law changes
were : taisen.�-..•
iurisd'ictions,;.; including
Manitoba,- British •Columbia,
as wellas the Canada Labour
lew,'the. Liberal labour bills
wilt .
hopefully • persuade' the -
to "`bring in
legislation which will have a
similar effect. Mr.' Bullbrook
also plans to introduce Bills --
which . would amend the
Workmen's .Compensatioir
Act,. the Industrial Safety Act
and the Employinenti-
dards Aet.
. . ,
Pr- * ***
Suncoast 'Mall
While Private ; Member's
Bills are seldom accepted by
the. Government and. 'ihiade
_6_gy4le .harvest. gold
front -loading • • -
mattress, legs, and -
delivery. Regular
complete with double
over at Blyt
The Blyth Summer Festival.
is , pleased to announce that .
'clue • to the overwhelming box
Office response, Mostly, 'in
Clover by Harry Y Boyle will .,
be' held over 'for one : per-
formance only on Monday,
August 9..
This rib -tickling comedy,
about Huron Ccatey life in the
20's and 30's was the
Festival's' most successful ,
play last season and now, is
even'" breaking ' 1975 at--
tendance records ...;, and with
good reason. This year's
production is truly a bigger
" and better. show.
Opening night drew . a
-capacity crowd and won the
actors well-deserved -- press
i'approval... Remaining per-
formances are July' Q.,.
August 7 and 9. • •
Turkey; .• a play especially
written for , children, . will be •
' presented for two per-
fnrm'ances only on Saturday
:, 31 and August 7 at Z:00
p•.m: This . play, which was
written by Festival actor and .
play -right Jim -.Schaefer, is a
beguiling ' ccimedy. •about ,a ,
turkey '•who says mo 'to the
fariner's axe. ,
It; delighted many young.
.audiences'ia Vancouver this
.spring and is sure to be a
great hit With Huron County '
children and their parents.
And - for -`those who _ love
music, whether it be.classical •
or jazz, there will be a special'
coneert • in the Blyth
Memorial =Hall -on Monday,
August. 2 8:30" p. m.
featuring Susan . Street of. -
Blyth, Patrick Supeene, of
`N"•" tliBay and `EdWar'd,--
lenan'bf Windsor. ,These
tale young people are all
tuden.tin the •'Faculty_;of__:
-Music of .the University of;
..Western Ontario and promise
to entertain with a -variety of
_peal and instrumental music
ranging frim Schubert to
The season- or
Growing Things!
Such as -
a Savings --r-<,-
• . Account
Stop in and start sa`Vung
with'Tor•onto-Dominion today:
with us
'You'll-enjoy...out: special
interest -r in you. •
To 'loaf° DGMINJON
.tliedbank wh re people: make.the difference
,Manager Mr. lion Alirn, ,
.;'•` Suncoast Mall Goderich •
Triple'dresser, Mirror,
'•chest, andheadboard..
Regular $45a.50
-Colonial Style, rugged,:
•. maple finish. Comes __
complete with 2 mattresses, ,
2 posture boards, -2 headboards, : n
2 footboards, cam he.: used.
separate twin bads.
Complete with mattress
and storage_ drawers.
chair by _day,, folds -to ; '
sfl,gte be'd'by night
�rd5ser, ra Frfir, r,
4 drawerthest, panel
•' headboard..
2 piece cii terfield suites
4piece groupings
love Seats, Occasional :chairs, .
•recliners. -
Iilg,hW OY 21 -South, G'o:derich, 524474i-
24+r 4i42-
• Rudget T'ermns' * 30 Days Sams As Cash i :No Diwo *'mymeat