The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-06-10, Page 1•
9 . Dee,
52�-ry.logt. a4.
Earl Salter
• fiN7A ; 2G4
µAptwln 1yMn
fan Wheeler leaves
1 after 1.3 years
Stan Wheeler, GDCI English department head who l's retiring this month after a'career in
teaching,,received a loud and long standingovation from the student body at the awards
assembly last Thursday •rnorning.The popular gentleman is seen herechatting with some
of his students. In the back row, left to right, are Chris Wildgen, student council president;
Paula •Butler and Wendy McAstocker. Seated beside Mr. Wheeler is Wanda Linner.Paula
ntervButler is the author of an essay about Mr. Wheeler which she wrote after extensive in-
ter Vie*s witirrhitth
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BY PAULA BUTLER team, in addition' to earning.,
• medals in international
t the end • of this year races. '•*
GDCI will be losing one of its After graduating from
'finest •teach`e'rs, Mr. Stanley McMaster, Mr. Wheeler
Wheeler, head of the English began teaching in a Hamilton
Department. . Mr. Wheeler public .school, then later in
has contributed much to. Walkerton High School. This
Goderich District Collegiate job, however,- was in-
for 13. years. In -addition to his terrupted by World War II.
English classes, he has been Mr. Wheeler served for four
involved with the Camera years as a member of an
Club. Students will certainly infantry regiment, where he
rniss his excellent teaching was involved in educational.
and interesting stories. work - encouraging men to
;It is no wonder that Mr. continue their education.
,',Wheeler has many in- During a year's training in
`teresting'•stories to tell. His England,he arranged -trips to
famil.y moved from England English Schools, for the men,
to. Chicago • when he was and correspondence courses.•
young, then . to Hamilton, He often lectured to them,.
vvhere"he grew up, His father someti es at a moment's
was an excellent engraver, notice, n army objectives,.
one of Canada's best at that and literary and historical
time. topics.
During. the Depression, Mr. After the war, Mr. Wheeler
Wheeler earned his Master's resumed his teaching•career,
Degree in English and working ,in Dutton,Elgin,
History , at " McMaster Brantford, and finally
University. He put himself
• through• schopl by supervising
cricket, basebal.l, and
lacrosse, a, Hamilton
• playgound. Teams also
played. in city;,leagues, in
which Mr. Wheeler was the
throughout Canada and the
United States.
Looking. • ahead; Mr.
Wheeler'sifeelings are mixed.
While he anticipates devoting
more time to his hobbies. and.
travels, he has, enjoyed his
teaching career and is sorry
-to be leaving C.L.
Looking back, he• is thankful
torthe many opportunities he
has had, and for his- many
lain lambert.
Mike Lapaine
Go medallions are given to six young men at GDCI's June awards assembly Thursday
mor ng. It requires 115 points to qualify for a gold medallion, andalthough "s.•i line girls
have . n them inthe past, it should be noted that boys have more major sports in which to
particip te to help them earn the necessary points. Seen here are (back rpw; left to right).
Tim McL an (a third year student)., Iain Lambert, Jeff Baechler; (front row, .left to right )
Jim r4ivins'Jed De Jong and Gerry O'Brien.{staff photo)
To wi
n an 'Honor Plague, a• student must achieve a 75 per-
cent average or better in four consecutive years at GDCI.
These members of the graduating elas's have attained that
standing and were presented with their awards at last
Thursday's awards assembly at GDCI. They are (badk row,•
left to right)' Ernie'viVicMillan, Stephen Smith,' Harold
Goderich. His desire to teach
stemmed from his enjoyment
of goodliterature; and ybung
people: He . has worke,dex:
tensively with children, trot.
only teaching, but being a •
camp director. and Sunday •
official—hi charge::4ns „motto. ;c•.heol,Sup, rintenderd r= ,
was always. "participation is In addition to his •career,
more important than win- Mr. Wheeler has many
ning". hobbies. He is: a model
railroad fan; is' interested in '
• Mr: Wheeler' was an DLit- photography, ;and enjoys
standing athlete himself. . reading and music. His son„,,
,iri g his Hamilton years he , Frank Wheeler; is a talented
,had 4uite:anextensiVe career musician, Hying in'Hamilton.
as a runner. • In 1929• he Mr. Wheeler also. loves to
became the Canadian ' . travel. In the next few years.
Charnpio. i , for an in- he hopes to. visit England,
terscholastic :half -mile race. Greece and'I•taly• He owns a
He was also on.the Canadian 21 -foot trailer, with which he
Championship two-mile relay •would like to travel
friends,r. especially', former
students: • '
'One student '•stimmed up •
Mr; Wheeler•by saying, "He's -
one teacher whom 1 could
really call a friend."
Students and . staff of
G.D.C.I...certa:iniy agree and
wish Mr. Wheeler much`:
happinessfOr the future.
Klocze, John Jerry, Brian Ken.well and M, Hildebrand;
(front, left to right) Lynda Hoffineyer, flora Simpson, Tom.,.
McGill, Wanda LInner find Cindy (-ornish.Missing•when the
photo was taken. were Sheila Montgomery, Steve Moore
tlnrilyii WagIerand Karen Whltc. (staff photo)
Photos by Dave Sykes
t,*f*!,t 11,1
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The Goderich Lions Club GbCI House Trophy was
carriedoff this year by Wanda Duncan representing
• I luron House. The entire student body with their teachers
' is divided into four Houses- Huron, Dunlop, Maitland and
Colborne. l•:ach year, Fear the points. earned -by each team in • ••
vat—IOUs school activities are recorded, and the' House.
with the mostdints is declared the winner -for the year..
• Chiron tallied 181) points this year. (staff photo)-
A very special
• music - award was given this year at the
June GDCI Awards Assembly to Wendy McAstocker, a
devoted member of the GDCI•band. The honorary award
is not presented every year; according to teacher Al,:
Mullin. This year's deserving. student hopes to enroll in
the --Faculty' of Music at the University of Western
Ontario this fall. (staff photo)
,\ smiling Chris ;Wildgen accepts the coveted GDCI
Leadership Trophy at the awards assembly in the large
k� the high school last Thursday morning.
1'he'aw•ard is given to the graduating student who shows
leadership' ability as well. as scholastic, standing
throughout the year. Another sought-after trophy-'- the
\rthur Peachey Metnbrial Award - was not given out,fow
the school year 1975-76. (staff photo) • M..