The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-05-20, Page 13EDITOR (ContinueId from page 4) Instead, " these journalists find" themselves in a country:Dear Edito: ; where they Can travel safely - In your last week's Town With h f f bomb quoted in Rhodesia! Trees jor everyoii.e when it comes to the matter of . receiving our- rights, we Are treated as children. We also feel that our ac- tions should not be pre -judged and based on the actions of those who went before us. This is made in specific reference to the Graduation wi no ears. o om ex uo a Banquet. If we don't want a losions,'–:They; can: • walk Council Briefs You* q cafeteria banquet. we rfceive p C,oun: Leroy Harrison'S „n9....110111 at all,` In addition we. arthrough the. cities .at night state"merit concerning. treesto •wi:t)t no fear of beirl -mugged. • 'Planted , this spring n teaers unwed it is held the in P ' teachex<s`,unle s it is in They can: spend a day in the - t' Suncoastarea.": 4 he C country .and: watch the soil When the hawses in any new tWeafetdo' n.eria.ot intend any being tilled and the 'crops gathered. Theyan go to restaurants : or •.a -nightclub" and. pay less for better food _than in many .othercountries- in ountriesin the. World and••they do not find sandbag:s..: or steel shutters over the, windows of their :chosen venue, nor are they. searched before en -' They find black and white: Rhodesians mtn'gl:ing peacefully together and _carrying„on with their day to day jobs as they havedone for many years. They find that there a -re. sporting events, - theatres, cinemas, horse; rac-ing and - many other facets Of entertainment available, to them as they would elsewhere. They do see troops coming and going- from their barracks-, because there is anti. -terrorist war being waged on our borders,; and there are. shortages. — of things like razor . blades, black pepper, light bulbs and the mode exotic foods and.. toiletries. And; . some are disap pointed,because every journalist lives on the hopes of scooping a disaster. And so, stories are made up— and elaborated upon to: •make them more sensational at editorial desks thousands of miles away, What much of the world Press does. pot wish to print ' are : the true facts about' Rhodesia; That she has, weathered the last 10 years. so” *subd visior> tyre ready .and malice in: this letter we just owned by private' individuals want our feelings known. they are, to .rne, homes of taxpayers (like those of'Several: Graduating Students Harrisons,'Haydons or other residents) who are entitled to ..; the same considerations as. people in any part of .the town, . Peters. devoted their roads ibeceming simply Dear Editor, additional Streets It 'takes a' .long ;time for. a 1 feel I can not pass by your tree to grow. • The net+ streets article- in the pzaper entitled "Weakened Position" without an'exp lanation. Jim Peters is oneof the founders of the Goderich. Band, and his musical knowledge, interest and have sewers in and wires underground. ' It is simply good ,parks practice to plant trees systematicallyas soon as the lawns are ready. The trees are planted on the Town portion of the fronts. In many cases Suncoast Estates even had their own workers giving the Town a helping hand with. the planting. In addition to planting trees in the parks • and : where required in older established streets (sewer situation permitting) — this spring we planted trees on as many new streets as possible: in what are known as Suificoast., Delbar and Ducharme subdivisions, making sure that some day these 'barren -'streets in the East and South :end of the 'town will be as gracefully and attractively green - as the older:districts. I 'Would add that I am - in favour of including tree: planting (specified sizes and kinds) by subdividers in-.• future subdivisien' agreements. ° The; exisiting agreements' do not carry this well; in • "terms ;df internalclause- peace, productivity, •grow - Thee' e tab1ished . parks. and racial. harmony, despite (where' we planted more than ' the effects of ,boycotts and 80'trees ••this year) have now sanctions. • •• • about all the trees they need • We do not -deny that ,.for the' time being. We are not• Rhodesians are going through planning forests: Trees 'need difficult;t'imes - difficult -bpi , --room to spread their wings. not drastic, and : compared, • Incidentally, -this ` practice with most countries in • the was. strongly recommended, *orld today'Rhodesians have-. (and the subdivisions' streets much to be thankful for. suggested) by • the Parks' Advisory Committee, a -small group of citizens :with• - knowledge and "interest in parks-related.fields. I am glad to .have this op- portunity to thank Messrs: R. Menzies, D. Stewart and Bill Wisser for giving many hours (continued from page•4) of their time to seek ways to DEAR READERS - • + -1- +. • improve . the -things which: • The way: back is exactly'as make our town .. beautiful, the Rev. George Anderson " inviting and memorable. • stated it in his letter to -the • • . • Yours sincerely, editor of the. Exeter Times -- Advocate. But who will believe that? How .many will ' find that route as. attractive • as the waywe are travelling? disappointed, As Dan Murphy' says, society has itself to blame for Dear Editor: . • . what's happening new. • liras come to the attention Society — yeti and I will of the graduating students of also be' to blame ,for how GDC:I that' there is a lack of things go in the years ahead, confidence. in their conduct as Will society continue on a adults of this society. collision course •.- with We feel that it i5 rather "; disaster? Or• , will .we gain ironic that we are given the control • again? Which would .ironic cif adults, but y • y.ou• like to see happen? p Elsa Haydon . " Sliu den is enthusiasm are rni_►eh needed ingredients .in rho make-up of aur •.organizatten.. When he ' was 'elected to council, the meetings:'as you stated, w held on °'I1rra:csdaY Howeyer, immediately after.' the elections, council night was changed -to Monday n.ight. alt 7.:30 p.m. - the same night and hour of our weekly band practice; When -we protested the change it was explained that' Monday was a better night for most Councillors and that the change in night. had ,been -planned for' some time It was suggested • that he would„ not be " shirking' .his : duties •b•y arriving at council meetings a little late. . So we in the ban:d.decided that we would change the • hour that we met from 7:30 to •7:00- -p m., .in 'order that he could:•be at council at 7 45 and we would ,not lose••a •valued member-°. Sincerely, Bonnie Dunn President, Goderich Laketown Band Top bowlers The staff of the Maitland Manor Nursing Home honored their top• bowlers this week at a special gathering: The residents bowled oncea week and the winners were Vicky Stewart and :Clarence ` Salisbury. (staff `• photo) We're Back! -and in -Full Fightin Force sa.... ,1110 BUYS FRESH 74 LBS.., . CAPONS.. 03.7% (OVEN READY) TOP -TENDER 'ROUND STEAK LB. 1.49 EXTRA LEAN GROUND CHUCK .68c 100 -PERCENT MEAT - HOMEMADE HEADCHEESE "VERY SPECiAL" - ATLANTIC SALMON. AND SMOK E D, COD FILLETS 2-3 LB, LB", SPECIAL SPARE RIB BITS ,; 79c MEATY SPARE RiBS „s1 29 MARKET COM E AN •A HO • �AR..B� - CHICKEN LIMITED 524.11551 THIIFRS SAT; : • -°" AiNsuE CALL 12 a.m. *0 p.m, Dressed Inspected Meats at Wholesale prices -Wereserve the •right to limit – quantitiies. 1J. Census Day coming Census commissioner Eileen. Palmer has been instructing her 15 representatives in the Goderich area on what .is expected orthem on. June 1, census day in Canada. The representatives will be going from door to door in Goderich from May 20 to May 28 leaving census forms for residents to fill out on June 1. The forms, strictly confidential, .will contain a stamped, addressed envelope to be mailed im- mediately for tabulation in Ottawa. The representatives are subject to a $5,000 fine .for breach .of.eonfidentiality. The results of _the census areexpected to, be available by October of this year: (staff photo) Pile driver at work Winter took its toll on several slips' in Goderich•Harbor and• last Friday a pile driver was securing the posts in a'metal base. :The action'of the ice removed several posts but since YOU'RE WHISTLING - IN THE DARK,.. cif; JTLI IF YCU THINK THAT HEART ATTACK AND STROKE HIT ONLY THE OTHER FELLOW'S FAMILY. �Clintan Hosp.-board :.,wants...to cut budget The Clinton Public Hospital board, despite getting an unqualified -;approval from the court last week to remain open, told the. ministry of health on Monday that they are willing to cut their budget to help the ministry with their • restraint program, and are • even - willing • to integrate services°with other hospitals in Huron County in an at- tempt to Come up with more Cuts. The Clinton Hospital beard, at a' meeting last Tuesday night, May 18. decided to ask all the other four hospital i boards in Huron fora meeting to' disiltuss possible :in- tegration of some Service's in Huron to save on .hospital costs. Ekample$ cited" were maternity care •acrd heart' units. Beecher Menzies, vice- chairman of the Clinton Hospital board, slid that the board" will _ask each hospital hoard to appoint two representatives to come to a meeting to "rationalize the health program as it affects hospitals." "The time of the- meeting (continued on page 8) Civic ,Coriwcr. - . Announcements o.f. a civil• nature Tire printed frcc Of cl.harge in this spas'(' in the hope that' ere:Iscd public a)warnness and participation will be•the result. • • I ++. Thursday, May, 20 (today), county council meeting in the (minty chambers, second floor, courthouse, 10 u',m. " aur.sd.Y May lousin ,Action Comrnittec.;,, 12 noon at the Candlclight Restaurant:. • Thursday„ May 20 (tonight) Colborne Tnwnshtp Council meeting, ncw,public works garage., one mile west of Carlow, 8 p.m. " these posts were • placed. in a metal base, they can be -remove.d in the fall. (staff photo) , Big labor of love 'Tin junior special education students at Victoria. School may be• forced to call Jack and. • , tli;.Tomaio. Stalk iJ their hydroponic tomato plant doesn't stop growing. The students, t"<u1, in. h} Doug, Yeti, •have• watched their plant grow since 'late September of last' year . •.,, when lhey,lnlantect it until now wb(rn the huge plant is beginning,#to yield juicy tomatoes. The plant has never beepin.soil and has been, fed, a' strict diet of water and fertilizer Winnrrng their glant:plant are (front row from left) Michael Linington, Kevin Schweitzer and •Brian Ruiter: hack row from left) Wendy 'Bauer; J'i•rntttt r Hildebrand.„" Richard 1tiorsell, tan Cochrane, Timmy Mc(luire-, May Christensen and Brenda Sowerb* (taff 1aIioto) ti�rava�e lwtitiix±C:icw, .ryyii� ,su*.nur•.v.,a�ww�