The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-05-13, Page 14u
'Oa l.,anvp► :bad(
PIay exhibition game with C11004: •
-In the famous style of Minnie.Pearl..:1•iowdy-y.-y-y"!
'.Tis,the season; to be jolly ... Soccer's back by gosh, by -
golly! And so am I and rarin' to go for another action-'
packed, rip-roarin', scre`arh-filled spring and•summer.!•.
.Sounds tiring„eh? (sweaty'too!) :
T reissed you all and hope you're looking fofward :to
•hearing all aboutthe doings of Goderich United Soccer
Club,,We've been busy over the winter months°practising
iin'the •gym and keeping' our physiques trim and our
reflex,s keen. Sounds as if I've been working -out too,
(don't .think I d,idn't, try 't6 sneak intorthe locker room ! !) °
but I in referring to the teams, of course!. We're
.champing -at the bit' to get back into harness and now -
that the season's finally, here, we've started off in fine -.
,fettle. (whatever that is!) ' ,
The 21rid' Division 'a' team had an Exhibition
,game two weeks ago with Clinton and we won'3-1. The 3rd
DiiviSion `B' team had their first league game later that
day and tied 2-2 with the London "Leo's". Rick "the Toe"
Fisher scored both goals in his own inimitable style (on
• tippy -toes! ),and almost wentfor'a hat-triek; but -the fates
decided his ego couldn't handle a'third goal°! ! It was a
well -fought match and the boys kept up to the.opposition
play for play.
Coach Walter Gottschalk was justifiably proud of this
•• season -opener. The improvements a team can effect with '
hard work and. desire are evident in Walter's fe:llas. They
didn't fare as well in last Sunday's game against the St.
Thomas,`B"s, They lost 3-0. The. defense played
diligentland strived to maintain some 'semblance of
order, but without the cooperation of the forward line,
_plays were ineffective.. Erwin Marchl ratesa well-
deserved applaud for his earnest, hard -driving play. A
:Foxy Mama's Special' for you, Erwin! (you lucky. dog!)
As for the 'A' team, we carried off ourfirst league
game in high style! We "versused" better the German -
Canadians `B' and came up the better team by one goal:-
oal:-Theonly goal of the 'day. It was a trifle difficult tocom•e - •
by`, too!! That team` trotted onto the field with fire in
their eyes and they burned up the turf for the entire 90
'minutes! -But never fear when United is here...we were
framin' good ourselves!!
The_rlrsx_and-second ..haly-es-.were-equa-Uy-tough The
challenges; ; the • aggressive moves, thequick
passes...ea%erything was •persistently presented from
both teams. But lordy, we were beautiful to behold folks! -'
Never has 90 'minutes •ever passed so, swiftly! I can't
remember when -I've seen'•a faster -paced garne..We•'re in
• a 'stronger division, that's evident!
The first 45 minutes left the game a scoreless tie. There
was no way 'we were gonna 'let them near our nett and
ditto on their part! ,Our guys were constantly initiating
perilous •moves• and trying to, score ein the opposition.
United coveredtheir man and checked out their territory
-: with-easy.stren'gth and: kr1'1 but were—occasion—airy—ma—rd.:- •
put to•keep their equilibrium , as the German -Canadians,
played a strongly -defensive game.
Thisrtralf"re -eatedty tes-twl'Getterins reflexes and -
brain -power. They were equal to the task (au nature!!)
and invented quite a few moves never before Witnessed
'insoccer! .A prime example would :he oF,�:Gource; Howie
Native of -area'
dies in ' Clinton
Grant (Red) it. Nadi
... dies suddenly
A well-known Clinton man,
, and a native of. the area who
was the town's fire chief for
25 years, . Grant (Red) W.
Rath, died suddenly at his
home on, Huron ' Street,
Clinton, last Sunday night,
May 9th. He was 64.
Mr.' Rath, wlto,was on the
Clinton Volunteer - Fire
B-rigad. .
born in Hullett Township on
May 24, 1911, a son of the late
Williaricand.Leila Rafh.
When he : was only a few
months old, the family moved
to Clinton, where he has
• always lived. In 1938, he
married the former Imogene.
•. (Jean) Andrews in Clinton.
She survives him.
524- 2111
During his,• near record-
breaking service to the Fire
Department, Mr. Rath seryed
as fire• chief . for 25 years,
retiring in May of 1972.
He was also the t'own's'
building inspector. for 'many
Years, a job continued on by
his wife. An active sports
buff, Mr. Rath played for the
Clinton Colt's Hockey Club
durinethe'30:s. -
' •„ - an his own
the General' Gottschalk. who .was into the. thick of things,
at every opportunity, deflecting advances from the op•
position. ' Some. tricky, gymnastics • are a specia. iy of
Howie's and every now and then. he .defies the •law of.
gravity! . •
'And Lain Lambert drove his opposing player right out
of his skull trying to match. wits! Brian 'Boogie Boots'
•• Allen showed the big guys hew it's done. (courage comes
easily to some;peolile•!
The second.half was alas, every bitas. exhausting and
hard-fought'. United moved together in tight units and '
they signalled for the ba l!, producing.lovet,passing and •
footwork. k, It was certainly witnessed that- they were •
tuned into each other's vibes! Harold •Refflin.ghaus •
maintained 'a steady pace and consistently foiled the .
opposition's• maneuvres. fie tried awfully hard to break--
reakhis face a few times, as well! '
During the last remaining minutes of ?the game a. pass `•
was effected by Mike Klijn and immediately zapped into
the, goal by Brian Alien. 8eautiful timing, fellas! This
was actually our second goal! during the first half Dave
''the Dude' Graf had scored for us but it was "coiled b k
by, the referee. (shows you who's side he was'on, eh?)• t
Dave is ,no quitter. and he kept up his-rock'em,-soc
pace until the final second of play.
The London team wasn't deferred one iota•;in their
• incentive and they kept its busy until the referee's gladly
received: whistle ended the game. So, the score of 1-0
Might seem small potatoes to some,°but it was the only
goal . in town!! Every single man on the United team
played with their hearts and minds and souls. It.was one;
fantastic game, 'people ! Be proud of us -we are!! .
Special' mention for • the "new'. boys".:.John Van
derburgt, Mike Klijn,, Peter and Frank Backx: They -'re
an added' advantage to the team and certainly played
with vigor and flair! •
I'd like to• introduce a .new award this seas.en:called
"the :Sly FOX, (in honour of `yours truly', natch!) The•
first fortunate recipient is none other than ,that little ole
aging'r.00kie'..: lain Lambert. He displayed cunning and
creativeness throughout the entire game. Not bad for a
"milk-aholic"!.. 4'
'.to everynne,on_th.e team_
the' team will of course, wonder why these dubious
• tributes roust be suffered by there; but that's the.
breaks!! Next week is'an out-of-town erfor both" teams:
• Saturday May 15th. We. play at 3:00 p.m..but,on'different
fields! The A's play St. George's and the B's :play the.
Hungarians `B': Hope sorrte of you'will catch us doing Or.
numbers! If net, I'll tell you all about it.
Try to -catch our own special program on Cable 12
every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. and every Monday at .7:00
• of course!). Kt's called "Foxy's Friends"
and so far my friends have been scarce! Or is it scared?) •
Butltffrefulryrn;tt 11 catch; on with you (and the team)
and you'll come to:know• us and soccer a bit better. Tune •
in United=Turn on to Soccer.
Have: a good life -You deserve'it.
Observers ' at Goderich
Town Council Monday
evening were David Kemp's...
Grade 7 .class from Robertson
Memorial .School.
In greeting: their guests,
Mayor • Deb. Shewfelt • ad-
monished his council to make.
this "one of, our, better..`
*** ..
Goderich . Town Council is
interested ip. "making a bid”
for ,either the Sunnier .or
Winter Southwestern Ontario
Regional Gaines in 1977.
It was suggested that
perhaps Goderich, Clinton•
aryl Vanastra • wild work
together on such a project, ••
This year's
are scheduled -.for •Ingersoll,
Woodstock and Tillsonburg •
with the winter games taking '
• place in London and St.
Council agreed 'that if the
game could be bought to
. Goderich . during. 1977, it
would add•a special touch to
the 150th anniversary of the
founding of the town. '
Wayne S. Snyder,
secretary -treasurer ' of •the'
Dungannon Agri-eu-lt-ura1--7-
Society, has. advised
- Goderich Town Council that the-S-Od—ay- rs prepare to --
accept a
accept'a five-year contract
similar to the one recently
expired with. the Goderich
'Trotting Association.
"The Goderich Trotting
Association operates under.
the Dungannon Agricultural
Society logo, and:the Trotting
Association president has
been authorized by the
Dungannon .... Ag.riclult.ural-..:_'
:Society to -sigma contract for
another racing period 'with
the Town of Goderich.
Councillor Bob Allen
revealed that the property
committee of town council
has •had a "meaningful
meeting with the racing
• association. He said ' that
there is still no agreement
signed, and he suggested that
When the final meeting is set;,
the entire Goderich Town.
Council be invited to sit in on
the deliberations.
"Very good," asserted
Mayor Deb Shewfelt.
Love ya much,
- Foxy Mama
Never had a PaP Test•
What are you waiting
for? ._
home decorating • busrnes
and for the Last few years,
was "employed by ' K-
-'Decorating of Clinton.
.'.Besides his wife, he is
survived by a daughter, Mrs.
Bruce (Joyce) Fear of
London, Ontario,' and one
•He was predeceased by one
brother and one sister.
The funeral service was
held yesterday, May 12, from
the Beattie. Funeral Home in
Clinton with Rev. John
• OestreicIer officiating.
Intermentwas in .the Clinton
Pallbearers were 'Frank
--Cock; IurrayJohnston, Clem-
Reynolds, Don Kay, • Doug
Cartwright and Clarence
Flowerbearers• wcere Gird
Dalgleish, Robert. Irwin and
Howard Cowan.
Instruction 1.
Senior -Program:
May 25 to July 1st
16 years and over
Six weeks: twelve lessons
Tuesda's & Thursdays, 7-R p.m.
-- Pee 320.00 ,
Junior Program:
July i0, 1.7 25, 31 only •
10 to i5 years of age
KG11r weeks - four lessons
Saturdays - 11 a.m. to 12 noon
'Fee - SILO- ISeadline . May 21
Register NOW Recreation Office
Instructor . Paul Brown, 0.L,T.A. Certified
r odericb RZellreutfon 4 Community C'entre.loard
At Discount Dawes
Siding On Your
Luxacladprefinished aluminum siding is easy to install once you
know how. And Saturday at otir Goderich branch, . a factory
repr__esentativewill you how to instII Luxaclad
siding, soffit and fascia with a hammer, nails and ordinary saw.
He'II be working with a model wall section as well as soffit and fascia
sections- ..and he'll show you how Luxaclad is applied'over all types
of wood, brick or old siding, '
And remember, Luxaclad is: guaranteed for 20 years; the finish
won't' crack,• chip or peel andit's aVeilabl•e in a choice of eight.
handsome .colors.
We'll Reduce Our Usual Cash & Carry Price on
Colors Available at our Usual Competitive
Cash and Carry Prices
TOWN ON' HWY, 21. PHONE 5244321
THE SOHtit 1!40 OFA;
The Goderich Collegiate Concert Band, conducted by Al Mullin, performed at Music Night
last Wednesday. GDCI wilt sponsor a music night on May;26' in the School auditorium.
(staff photo)
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