The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-05-13, Page 13A
ep, school
kes boy
By. Wilma Oke
At a meeting of the •Huron -
Perth County .... Roman'
Catholic . separate •school
board. in- Dublin',' Monday
night, .criticism -was levelled
by the school principal at.
one of the board,t iembers,for
his Critical - 'remarks at the
previous board -meeting about
professional 'development
Howard ;Shantz of :Stratford
read a. letter he had received
from Leo Turner, principal of
°'Holy Name of Mary.School at
St. Marys, reporting: that the
-.Principal's. Association; of .;
which . he is corresponding
secretary, takes exception to
a remark.made by him at the
last board meeting when he
said he does not 'find•
professional activity days&fgr'
teachers "too worthwhile".
Mr. Turner" said in his
iette.r,.• ".We feet._ that
professional aetivity days are
a definite asset to our system
and the. children in bur
charge.". .He . continue_d,
"Statements such as the one
. above, when '.printed in the
press (Stratford . Beacon
Herald, April 28) are counter-
productive and castvery poor
light upon our system. We
request,' therefore—that your
recent example that he knew*
of one:. of., the teachers.fro'rn
Mr. Turner's school v1/4/ho had•
gone to London;; on `the "af-
ternoon of the last P.D. day
'o,'n. April 30. ;Mr. Shantz said
hehad many . similar
examples described, to him'
and he had, received a' great "
deal 'of flack from ratepayers "
abut P.D. days -.-7 • '
Mr. . Shantz said . he
represented Stratfordalong.
with three other trustees and
he did not intend tobe dc-
tated' to by'the principalsin
tie system; • whom he said he
thought •, wanted to be.
spokesmen for the board. •
Mr.. -Shantz said,. "Lord
knows they have enough to do
if they, concentrated onthe
running of our schools - we
have yet to attain perfection
there." .•
The. board: accepted the
re'signatign of Mrs: Amy
Duskocy, a teacher at Our
Lady of Mount Carmel as of,
June 30. ,
The sports council of the
beaxsi made a .presentation,
outlining the program they
are carrying out this year and.
what they propose' for 'next
year. Making the presen-
tation were: Terry - Craig,
Seaforth; Jim Steffle,r;
Wi:ngh'am; Mrs: Patricia
Anderson' and Laurie Kraf=
tcheck., both•of Stratford; and
Ed -Cappelli, Marys.,
The board approved a
request • of Rev. Aloysius...
Nolan . of Sacred: Heart.
Parish, Wingham,, to hold, a
, summer school ` of religion
frornJuly 19 - - 23 at Sacred
Heart •School in the. town. His
request for a' grant of '$200 to
subsidize the bus' costs to'
transport the children will be
-The board granted.. the
request of . Roger Labelle of
the Stratford Recreation
group to use the board owned-
Willow Street property for
statement be substantiatedor '
formally retracted at the next
Meeting of ,the bouTd-.7" '•
In a written response to the
board, Mr. Shantz repeated
his statement,,', "I will re-
emphasize the fact that I still. P.D. days:" He
gave as one of the reasois a.:
. (continued from'page 4)
Grouse at the .University. of
Guelph, we are attempting to'
collect a sample.of eggs -from
the. wild. The • eggs are
required to provide grouse:•for'•
-.use in -the research projects.
^ Because- of the great' dif-
ficulty in locating nests, it is
necessary to-have:.the co
Operation.' of as many people
as possible. Anyone locating a
nest within One hundred and
twenty-five miles• of. Guelph is
asked to mark the location,
but not to • disturb the nest.
They 'should ' contact us by
'phoning rty
Betty- Campbell' (519) $24
4120•"ex—tT03 urmg o five•
At other times, call collect
(continued from page,,,4) determine investment to: AlGarbutt .(519) 821-3056;
be. increased gradually in the ° priorities among 'the full ' Don Price (519) 821-1207;
coming years in . order .to range' of energy supply .op Murray Pengelly (519)824 -
avoid. a. painful adjustment tions, including oil ex- 0255..
when •domestic supply - is ne
loration, research- and We will eoine and pick up`
'Any price development- of • renewable depleted. increase d the. eggs as soon as possoe
this year should be minimal• energy sources, provision of and will pay the locator' on
"so that our' present economicnuclearenergy, energy dollar per egg for his trouble.
••conservation., coag recovery' in Ontario will not ' The . number of eggs
be unduly jeopardized.'or cases these options would. asification,. .etc. In man
collectedin an area will not
hindered. g bey be sufficient to harm the local
population. '4. All. of the proceeds from• grouse popon. All captive
implemented through, 'par- birds are, Mari rse, given the
future oil.. price increases 'trier -ship agreements with
should be allocated: .— ` private industry. best'pos'sible care.
"a) first, to the equalization' "In addition, this. joint Your co-otion last year
fund . that maintains • a federal -provincial agency was most appreciated. The
uniform apprCanadian oil price, would function as .an energy birds raised. from eggs we
"b)- the balance; to a newly ombudsman for Canadians, collected have allowed us to
established federal- with the power to examine the' make a .number of, significant:
findings. ••
provincial agency. whose books . of o.companies, to,
Thank you for your: co-
-: m date---isto.....:_gu<a-rant,e.e„_4Fidepe�ndantl occaec::.:nrl _a.nd_
Canadian energy' supplies: gas reserves, and to deter- perdtiv►%- "ours --
Yours sirfce•rel
This agency would• make the mine the, potential of. other
energy investment decisions energy sources for Canadia r ".. •
which have :previously been • 'use." ,
reserved for'the oil co -
What do you think, dear
panies. 'Its Board would readers? Let us know..:
Allan Garbutt
for A,L.A. Middleton,
Associate Professor.
University of Guelph.
We're Back! and in 1U'ii RFig ting
a�cho�7 gese
BACON LB. $ 1.58
LB 89c
LB. 98c
LB. 79(
• LB.99c LB.58c
• .1 DOZEN
:,• 3 LBS.
69c - 35c
Alt CANS 10% OFF
12 a.m. to
VVe reserve
the right
LIMIT DCA CALL 5.24.855.1 fa iintit•
Home Dressed Inspeifed Weis at Wholesale Pries a rgilantitfie5,
Goderich Town. Connell has
concurred with a resolution.;
from the town. of Richmond .
Idill to as the.: federal and
provincial goverfrnertts„ to
:explore alternative -.methods
of power production such. as•
wind, solar and tidal,energy:;
:The resolt'ition also asks
government to study the
criticisms of atomic reactors
'in the context of real future
viability when , atomic
pollution could . become a
Worse ' alternative to running
out of oil and coal." `
According to the Richmond
Hill council, alternative
energy soirees' are com-
. manding serious attention all
over the world, . except in
Canada. Councillor Elsa
Haydon reminded .cotincil
that governments in Canada.
are looking into alternatives
right now.
The town's building in-
spector Roy Breckenridge
said that from indications so
far this spring; he; would
Supposethat residential
development hi Goderich this
Year could exceed last year's
total.. _
I "Things are onthe tip-
- swing,'' cbmniented—Mr.
nlyif-we-annex# GAdech
Township;" quipped Coun-
cillor Leroy Harrison...
"I "don't think yoa. have to that," answered
Breckenridge. .
Twenty-eight . building
permits valued at ' $615,350.
have been issued so far this
year. Thirteen • ofthese are
single • residential Units
valued .at $446,100. The other
�peri3i-ts '.irkGllbd&Ll-, t'hrPe..,. three, ,for'•
-garages—mid—ea . • es one
government . andinstitutional
permit (the addition to the
Kinsmen Workshop for
Retarded Adults • on South •
Street) and eight for minor
residential repairs.
Goderich Rec Director
Mike Dymond told •council
' that the installation of the air
conditioning system .at
Goderioh •Memorial Arena:is
almost complete: He said the
old furnace has been removed
and will be put up for sale.
A structural analysis of the,
arena is necessary and out-of-
town firms with the
necessary knowledge are
• being.: contacted with regard
to this.
"They will be in Goderich
this -week,"'said Dymond.
The. Bennett Street
,,property owned by the Huron
County Board of Education
has been made available to
the Rec Board for use in the
development of a bal'l.
diamond, a running track and
tennis courts..
'I7ie-board_of:education will
accept no share in the capital
costs, but it will accept a fair
share of facility maintenance
"The first task t be ac-
complished is the draining of
the property," Dymond told.
council. "It is hoped that the
town will assist in . any way
possible 'in completing .this
necessary step. '
Tennis lessons' begin May
2.5 at Judith Gooderham Pool
courts: The pool,will. be open
June 4.- Beach patrol will
begin Thursday, July .1 and
continue seven days per week
through••_to..the Labor Day.
"We have , four staff. this
year which wall mare
scheduling and days off much
easier," said Dymond.
An additional ball diamond,
is being developed' at
Robertson Memorial School;
according to Dymond. •
- "Ball teams have been
• expanding so quickly that this
and other diamonds will be
required soon," he added.
The junior and senior, league champions was -the .Chicago Hotchkiss and (rear, left to right) .Chris Kaufman, Terry.
team: The members of the team are (frontrow, left to Ryan and Karen Drennan;(staff photo)
right) Lynn F.inlay.son-, Andrea. DeWinter:..-and_Normari
• Paul :Carroll: accepts a cheque from: Sharron Miller of the '
' •Beta Theta Sorority that the group donated,to the Save the
Jail Fund. Other members of the sorority's ways and means
"MASSIVE. VICTORY" says Clinton lawyer
committee ' . are Lynda, Rotteau.. • Joanne:' Bowen and
Stephanie Schilthuis. The committee raised.' $187. (staff
egression turned to jubilation
as Clinton hospital stays open
• By Jim Fitzgerald
Nearly three months of
tension and depression ended
Monday in Clinton and; an air
. of jubilation and ' elation
swept over the town when
Clintonians learned their
hospital won't be closed. : •.
A decision by the Divisional
Court of the Supreme Courtof
Ontario said the provincial.
government, cannot . order
• Clinton, and three other
'hospitals,'to close as a means
ofcutting expenses. ' -
Clinton lawyer ' Beecher
Menzies, who is also vice.
chairman of the Clinton
• Hospital Board, ' said the
Civic• Corner
Announcements of a civic nature are printed free of
Charge in this space in the hope that increased public,
awareness and participation will be the result.
Thursday, May 13; Day Nursery committee, 4:00p.m .,
council chambers, tow?' hall.
Monday, May IT, Town Council meets at 7„30 p.m.,
council chambet^-s, towfii"hall,
Wednesday May 19, Industrial- Commission meets,.
12:00 noon, at the Bedford Hotel.
Thursday, -May 20, County Council's May , session,
Court House, second floor council chambers, 10
decision. was . a. "massive. Leader Stuart Smith said that• up hope that.. the Clinton
victory” for Clinton. if Premier Davis brought facility would remain open.
In a unanimous judgment, legislation before the House The Action Committee, .
the three niernbercourt ruled to change the Hospitals Act to ; even though they tare ending
. wvalid orders -in-council close the institution, then. they 'Their ,picketing and.. verbal
i equiringOociees':'H'ospital of would defeat the.: minority protest, will continue to seek
Torctriro, - ham . Memorial -Conservative Gove"rnme•n"t: funds to cover legal costs both •
Hospital,'" tli'hton Public .Clinton's lawyer Aubrey.'last :week, and for the. up
Hospital and Chesley, and pp
District Memorial Hospital to
Earlier cases had
established -that individual
ministers., • including the
Premier, coilld not go beyond,
the power given to them by
'`the laws, but. this is .the' first. to' hospitals that were not urination notices to ''their
case an Ontai7io to spell out the operating efficiently.. ''° 6:empi.oyees and had continued
1 :sane curb on" cabinet Crown (the goveinments)' to 'admit. patients, evert
decisions. - counsel' Julian Polika" had though ordered to stop ad -
Mr. Justice Peter Cory;• argued that the cabinet:,s muting on May. 1st, and be
whq delivered an early, oral decision was a policy matter, . closed by June 1st:
judgment to a r crow"ded ",aaad so riot open tea review by ' For the -first time fn three
courtroi�m on Monday the,caurts. months,. a mood of gaiety
because of . the importance ` Mr, Polika' had also . sub- , prevailed at. the . hospital
and urgency of the' matter, mittccl that if a hearing was :board's meeting on -Monday
Said .•tl�i�t, the ca required; under the Public night when they discussed the .
Hospitals Act, the 1 court's ruling.,
i°cquirement was. met. with a Chesley Hospital, which •
request to Mr. Miller for the,. has been closed since April
submission of briefs by the 15, will now reopen their,
hospitals. doors within t tle next week, as
The decision by the edrirt on .only two of their employees
Monday ended near '• three , had found,jobs-elsewhere. "
months of tension by the- No plans have beep an-
patient:s and 110 ernployees at riounced yet fel' a . victory
the 62 -bed Clinton Hospital, ' Party in Clinton to celebrate'
that began, on' February 19 the:reprieve of the hospital,
when 'the,' health minister the town's main employer:
visited the hospital and or- '
dered`it closed. -
• Since ; then, the , hospital
`boat d and the Citizens Action
Committee' hiive• .been
fighting 'the • government,
even .though many had giver?
Golden and the counsels 'for
the , other three hospitals,
argued 'last week in
Divisional 'Court that the
proposed revocation ,of their
'approval . under the Public
Hospitals Act .was ,invalid
because the Act only applied
comingAppeals peals court fight.
Douglas Coventry, •Clinton
hospital administrator, said
on Monday that he was
overjoyed with the decision,
and the hospital would con,-
tinue as before. The hospital
had, not given any ter -
have any ..power under the
Public Hospitals .Act to close
hospitals because of financial
apd budgetary reasons.
Mr. Justice 1.). A. Keith, and.
Mr. justice Frank Donnelly
of Goderich, concurred with
the judgment:
Pretriicr. William Davis,
tiicanwhile, announced in the
Legislature an .TUesdtiy that
the govcrntnent will appeal
the decision in Appeals Court
and that lie would not cut off
any funds to the- hospitals
until the case is heard, which
will take at least six months.
Oppcssition NDP .leader
Stephen_•„J.cwis and Liberal