The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-05-06, Page 8PACE •: A a f J1J,1:1� iC�'H 1GNAL,S'1'AR `1 lit RSI;MY , MAY b. 1!17() The,• Beta Theta• Chapter of the.Beta Sigma Phi sorority ,eleced their new executive recently and installed the of- ficers in a dinner in a dinner meeting Tuesday night. The The Goderich Art Club is , vantage. of this opportunity. For. nop-members'there will be a registration ' fee : of. five dollars for the two sessions or three dollars forone session. The seminars will take place at the club studio in the basement. of • MacKay Hall. (Nelson and North Streets), from 1' to 4 p..in. •o Wed- nesday, May. 12 aiT• Wed- nesday, May 1.9. 'Anyone. whc - may . be in- terested in 'these w,orlkshops shoul'd contact Miss Mary- Howell, 12 St. Vincent St., telephone'524 36.42: fortunate in acquirin�g an outstanding :art instkuetor qualified to teach in -all mdia,-such as' oils, acrylics, water-colour,. etc. • Ron Walker, who has agreed to hold twO seminars on 12th and 19,th M,ay, is now a. resident near Blyth. He was, born in Saskatoon end at- tended the Universities; of Saskatchewan and Toronto, • graduating with degre.eS in English, :•Art, and,- Art Education, He was formerly Bead of the Art Department with the North York Board of Education., , ' His most recentexhibit,,ions laay.e included a one. map. _ show of drawingsToronto' 'Officers are (from. left) Napey MacLennan; treasurer,. and `` Art Gali• ry, ofReOntario. 'at Sharo . Moore; vice resident Joan:Cavanaugh, h Mr ' Gallery of wife Bev� , president, g ,presiderlt, Mr>�:Walker and•hiswife"Bev Katzin. also held a display of their Work at the Goderich . Public Library.' • During the two -.seminars Mr. Walker will emphasize general concerns ,of art for both the beginner and. ad -::. vanced student. He will ;give assistance 4n any technique • or medium a student .may - wish to try, , as well.. as criticisms' .µ of . :paintings', - discussions and perhaps a dernonstration of . his. technique. `• The members of . the ". Goderich Art Club hope that • any .person interested in art instruction will• take ad. .• and Glenda Cornish, secretary. (stay photo) . °. T e -Beta Theta t>apier moo, the_Beta ;Sigma Phi :sorority, left) J McKee�Joan Sm th, Nancy Adams Judy welcomed five new members to their: fold in a ritual of Woodall and Lynda Rotteau.,(staff photo) e-wels c-e-r-eniony-Tuesd'ay-night -The-iwe-new mer ber-s-acre • CHESS CLlleNE!S • • • • The Goderich' Township Chess Club wrapped up ;its fourth season last week. The winners will receive their trophies at the club banquet at the Bedford •Hotel ' on . Wednesday, May 5. In, Level 1; . -Charlie MacDonald got a piece behind. in his game against Dave Weary. However Charliejust became more determined and regained his ,pieceand went on td' w'in, the. game and the ,series two games to . none.. Con,gratulations are in order - for Charlie with his -fourth consecutive Level 1 win. We must also mention that' Dave Weary made Charlie work • 'hard to hold his title. In Level 2: Dennis Little played very strong and made no mistakes for Harold Kloeze to take advantage of. Dennis': won ' the Level ' 2 championship twogames to none'.; This is the third trine Dennis has won a Level. In 1972-73 season Dennis won the Level 3 championship artd the Level 2 the following year. In _Level: 4, "John Kloeze defeated harry Gower in two games• to win; that Level However, Larry is not a loser as he has won the trophy for the most improved player of the year.. Larry went from just two wins in roughly fifty games last year to twenty; wins and two • draws in; forty-eight games this year, WINNERS . Level l • '. CHAS.. MACDONALD Level 2 DENNIS LITTLE Level 3 ' SAM HASSAN Level4 JOHN KLOEZE MOST IMPROVED PLAYER 'LARRY GOWER • PN carvcER so% Foot P'roblernsl Come in and see Mr. William F. Parsons, a foot speciulist from London Mr. Parsons will be at OSS SHOE SHOP r on, Thursday," May- 6: 1100 PsK 5:80• PA. Contractors need_ permits for work' Electrical contractors who.. fail to get: a permit, for: any electrical work will be prosecuted by Ontario Hydro. The warning came ' this • week from Western Region's -Electrical Inspectio:n Superintendent, ' Howard Lush, in London. • - Recently,' an electrical Contractor in London was taken to court:where he was found guilty .of seven violations of the. Power Corporation Act.. The provincial court levied fines. totalling more than $.:50.0'. "This example is a warning to anyone who violates the electriea•1 code," added .Mr. 'Lush. "The public can protect itself by insisting on seeing the electricalinspection certificate o appro a paying for the :work. "The .purpose of our in- spection is to ensure, as far as possible_the safety of life and property' from : electrical hazards, said Mr. Lush. ' "The majority of con- tractors. are • most co- operative,", Mr -Lush' noted. "Although we don't like to take court action, we do as a last resort." Last year, 12 inspectors in the London distridt`"""office (Covering 3,000 square miles) made 36,500 inspections on. 17;400 permits. Inspectors.. give advice on electrical safety as well•as ensuring the. safety of. installations. -SYNOPSIS- 'The 'Corporatio Of The. Town Of G ` derich BYLAW •NO: 30 F 1975. -Being t! By-law t"o regulate. the setting of fires in the open WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Air Pollution. Control Act 1967 'section (b) "Air Pollution means the presence in the outdoor atmosphere of anyair contaminant or contaminants in quantities that may cause discomfort to, or endanger the healthor safety^ of persons, or that may causejniury or'damage .to property, or to,plant or animal - life, or that` may interfere with visibility or the normal „conduct of transport or business" - W:HEREAS the Council of The Corporation of. The Town of 'Goderich deems "it advisable to control open fires NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF GODERIC,H ,.ENACTS.AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT no person shall Tight, ignite -or, start a fire of any. , kind whatsoever in the openair within the limits Of the Town of Goderich for the purpose of burning1eaves, rubbishor any other material without first" obtaining written permission from the .Chief of the Goderich Fire Department. ?t. THAT for the purposes of this lBy-law"'fire:' includes a bonfire, a campfire, or any other fire in a yard, field, or other open place, but does not include (a) a barbetue'fire which IS being used for thecookingof food .when attended by a competent individual; and (b) an appliance used iin• construction or maintenance which 'requires an open flame. 3. NO PERSON shall make or Tight any fire or light, set off, or throW any ,firecracker, squib; serpent, or other noisy, offensive or dangerous substance or fireworks in any street. 4. ANY PERSON convicted of a breach of this By-law shall ..forfeit and pay, of the discretion of the convicting: Provincial Judge, Criminal,,Division, a.penalty not exceeding the sum of $500.00 exclusive Of: cost. RiAD A FIRST, SECOND, AND Y'HIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21st DAY OFAP'L, 1475. D.J. (Deb)RfShewfelt Mayor J. Harold Walls Clerk RON WALKER G • AUTOMATIC- WASHERS & DRYERS' • PORTABLE WASHERS &..DRYERS •• • . WRINGER WASHERS •: PORTABLE & BUILT-IN DISHWASHER ..i'- • IN SINK FOOD WASTE DISPOSERS .From the Dependability. People at:— • TRADE IN5 ACCEPTED. 308 HURON RD. 524-7831..•. sfi•i —64617 K, Ducharme T, Excarating.,Dashwood 236242'30 TRUCKING -•BACKHOE• 8 LOZER.•SERVICE ' GODERICH NICK DOWHANIUK•5'24-624x' a.. d • YOUR HEAD O LAR-TERS FOR •ROGERS MAJESTIC TV •EXPERT TV SERVICE • ANTENNA •&• TO'WER . ` INSTALLATION' • sr 162 MARY:ST GODERICH ` 324 9089, WOULD YOU BELIEVE by ERIC CARMAN Unfortunately (fo''r some ,,people) caffeine is present 'in ,COFFEE AND TEA. both. , CONTAIN THE SAME STIMULANT... WOULD YOU ALSO BELIEVE --that: the selection, qualify," friendly atmosphere .. and value to.be.,found at our place are even mor • stimulating. t We prove it every ° a HURON CAMERA CENTRE (Eric Carman Photography) 112 The Square Goderich 524-7924 DOMINION HARDWARE CAN• HELP MAKE IT: A GREAT, GREEN • ••-• as • • Come in and get your outdoor supplies and ' swing into spring! 1.L1bO.PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE in`top • quality ribbed 'opaque plastic, guaranteed. for8years.,/2"x59•• •x54.77 2. MELNOR OSCILLATING LAWN SPRINKLER efficiently controls watering area with dial setting.,At full setting •this ' sprinkler waters 2.200 sq, ft. of • lawn •$ 3..G,REEN CROSS KILLEX:WEED KILLER herbicide in Liquid form which Mixes readily with water for spraying. Killex . eliminates lawn weeds such as Chickweed. Darndelions, Poison Ivy, English, Daisy and Clover in lawns, but Will not harm grass. 16 oz. tin ,53.49 4. DOMINION HARDWARE LAWN GRASS, SEED MIXTURE'contains 20°d Park Kentucky'grass seed•for faster starts on a new'lawn, 2 lbs• •$1.99 5. NEU-TONE DRIVEWAY SEALER..A ready to -use coal tar emulsion, containing no. • asphalt or petroleum, which provides a hard, durable surface for your driveway . 4 gal: (covers approx.500 sq: ft%) .. $9.77 6.COTTON•GARDEN GLOVES. • ' Buy yoUr se'ason's supply at this low price 47c per pr. 7. COMET GARDEN RAKE.has welded•bow ' construction and a•4':2' handle $5.88 '8.MIBRO LAWN RAKE'has an 18"'fan type -.head and a,3112' handle - • $2.27 9. LONG HANDLED SHOVEL with an 8' 2' - 'round point, hollow -backed blade an'd• • a sturdy 46" handle .:.. . •$3.99 10 COMET GARDEN SPAAOE'features a 27'•• a' fire -hardened Stu"rdE D -top handle and. tumble polished 71/4".x 12': blade $5.88 SALE ENDS. MAY8 /i/ COMET Garden'Tools (VA. by.TEE { DOMINION HARDWA y y ,. ,J^v�ir� t.l •.•11 ,.f�.,/.�,c .,....• ... SERVICE 111 GODERICH ;4-8581