The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-29, Page 2• •: " , .• "."-e-FeeirMele•-.;,n". • • • . • • ' -Meg .1%----,e0121E RICH IeNAL-STA14..„ THURSDAY „ APR IL.Z9. 1976 • jack s jottings •Ip • continuous efforts to save the Clinton Public Hospital, the Administrator of the hospital,. medical staff; • the Chairman Of the Hospital Board,and other members of . '• the Board, busitteee people of. •• • the Town and 1 met with the Acting.Minister ofHealth, Dr Bette $tepheiison, this week.. With due respectwe had a • very good hearing as we met • with the Acting Minister from 4 o'clockto 6 o'clock. We emphasized the economic , ' impact the. closing Of the. hospital would have on the •',Cominunity at- it was the • largest employer in Clinton, and that the closing of the • . hospital. could Oita con- •' ceivably lead to .the disin- tegtation of the commtinity. This is evident froin" the number of homes -that have • gone up for sale since the announced closing. Failing. our efforts to keep the hospital as an active treatment facility we asked the Minister to define the •extent of the ambUlatory , services: The Minister Went into some detail on this particular matter with the medical staff who had private conversation •with her, and to the remainder of the delegation ,..she eXpressed her sym- pathies and indicated that she would have • further discussions with the Minister of Health, Frank Miller. I was prompted to direct a question to the Minister of Agrictilture 'and- Food-- tiIs --week-because of the.situation ••farmers found therhselves in, in view of the restriction in the availability -Of money for farm drainage loans. I asked • whether he •could advise how •the Honourable Bill Newman na _ • me rom ort the -townships are expected to • • ... • • • -live up to 'their commitment, • implications following this week's " report on the problems of alcohol abuse among young -people which recommended the legal drinking age be raised from 18 to 19 years of age and young drivers should be required to . carry felen- tification cards. :Beth 00p.as.ition Lea ers indiceted that they are nceened that ID cards for y ung drinkers MAY infringe" on the eivil rights of young people. -• Anyone selling meat for human consumption 'from anielals which died from causes • other , than slaughtering will, be Subject to suspension or revocation of his licence to collect and process such animals. This new rule is -part of a bill passed by the Ontario Cgiilatere, which According to the Minister of Agriculture tightens up protection at present afforded under the Dead Animalliispotal Act: •Ontario was made • "a laughing stock". in Ottawa by -refhting , an obsolete federal government proposal for a guaranteed annual income plan, Liberal Leader Stuart Smith mid in the Legisleture, when he asked the Minister of Cornrnunity and Social Services why he had not adviSed the Treasurer of the ,new federalproposal in ad- vance of Onterio's 'April lst, presentation. ;The Treasurer had told a .. meeting of finance ministers • that Ontario.estimated. the By lark Riddell Nem—Middlesex MPP • plan would have cost almost n Jeffrey presitlent of Figure Skating Club ..,three times •the $1.1 •billion estimated by Ottawa. •The 7' Minister of CoMmunity and Socia l Services. said the most; • .recent federal proposal in- • troduced in February had not been universally accepted b• y, the provinces. % • Albert Roy, Libere/.M.P.P- (-Ottawa " East)., called at tention to"the fact thatformer • IVIPP,s now employed on various provincial govern- ment boards"eand Cern- • missions should not be. • allowed 0 to • collect govern ment pensions. .Former' Legislature • members. receive a gover- nment pension," the. amount depending on the length of 'time served in the Holige, and some. former ' members • receive up to $4Q,000 a year for sitting on various boards and commissions. The Minister a Goyern- ment SerViees told the House 'she will investigate' the situation and report back to the Members. The Minister of Colleges and Universities said in the Legislature that there is a gap between school and work whift•is not bridged, and he %feels that industrial' training needs in Qntario are not being met. As a first. step he is appointing a -neW Industrial • Training Council to advise the Government, and he Wants -the •council to stud Y some of the more controversial recommendations of a task force on industrial training • • The annual meeting pt the • Goderich Figure Skating Club was held on Monday,April 5. Retiring - President Joan Dierolf thanked the eNecutilig foe their efforts, both fqr the Club and the Ice Nicks. -, , Mre. WaS presented with asmall gift ee a token of the Club's appreciation', for all -her hard 'work in the past two years-. • It was reperteth that' 109 national tests were paSsed this year and 73 C.F.S...A. Tests passed. `"-• • There are now two C.F.S.A. judges .in the club; Debbie Jeffrey and Alma Craven. Total registration of figure, skaters andpower skaters for • the _1975-76 __season were 234: • There were 53 skaters registered for private leisons this year. • • At the Skate-A-Thon this year, a grand total of $1000.89 • was turned in to the bank and after expenses there was a profit of $1,332.03. Winners of the prizea for the highest sponsorship were first prize $25 to Harry Worsell; second • prize $15 to- Michele Harris; third prize $10 to Debbie • Horton. e • Ice Nicks '76 attracted 942 people. A terrific western town scene was reperecl. for • the carnival, which ' along with an excellent assortment of beautiful ecdtturnes and special lighting effeCts Set ab: exciting atmesphere the presentatien.- Mrs. •eatliy Boddy -chaired-, the nominations with , the following presented by the. 'nominating committee elected to office: President Mrs. Ellen Jeffrey.; first vice- president • Eunice Dechert; secretary Nancy Flynn; treasurer Charles Boddy. An April 13 a.bbard meeting Was called by the president, Mrs. ElleJeffrey, to. fill the. positions 'for the different ' committees for the coming year.• Carnival cliairman is.Mrs. Anne Cooper.; Private Lesson Chairman, Mrs. Alberta Moore; National Skating Test " Chairmen, . Wedneedays 5-6 Karen McIntosh; Wed- nesdays 4-5 Barb O'Priee.- ' ,Test Chairman, power skating, Betty Harris; John Duckworth; •publicity channian, Sharon Jeffrey; Waye. and Means Committee, Marj Kotyk; Membership.' • " ' Chairman; Jo -Ann Norman; 'Social Convener, Carol Rene. Property, :-AleX' Varga,' liursary. Fund; -Eleanor Williams, Grant EliOon, Bob • chaprnart; telephone, Com- m•ittee, Teta Gallowe . A -reeort was given on the -Carhiezkelay Mrs. Betty Harris. • . • In the new business the club is %sking for one more hour of, ice time, thie year on Tuesday night to accommodate all of the skaters who want private lessons. • A test day was held on March 16 at • Goderich Memorial Arena, passing ests are as follOw.e: Preliminary figUees, Melanie. Jeffrey, Louise ' Cooper; Rhonda McIntosh Marva Jackson, Donna. Jackson, Ailigon Graham and. Laverne Burnette. Preliminary Dances, Dutch Waltz, George- Kerr, Rhoda McIntosh, Deanna Gilderse, Canasta Tango, Judy Gallow, • Patti Rean, Kim Williams, Louise Cooper, and Marva Jackson. • • Debbie Jeffrey was suc- cessful in passing her Silver Free Skate- . at Walkerton extension school on Mardh 27. • • Why you should let H&R Block wo about your income taxes. • • . . • We take ail the time necessary: to understand : • „ . . . your complete tax,situatIOn,,::. 7.7 • to makesure y,ourtaxes are As low as they can: legitimately be, With charges•' _based only on the complexity of your return. •• Get a little. peiw.e of HI&FI • THE iticomE:T/IX PEOPLE 19 VICTORIA. ST.. N. GODERICH ' Hwy. 1 Beside Presbyterian Church Open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Weekdays, 9.5 Saturdays • P.HONE 524-8658 • Also 30 Isaac St., Clinton OPEN SATURDAYS — NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY • Teen Camp director • , not knowing that there were • going to be restrictionwhen plications and could he advise . how the farmers are expected- , to pay for the' tile already • installed on 4 -the strength of • .the fact that the loan would be coming through the? -Town- r. Newneane-replied- that._ the allocation of the 'midget is • now $13 million which is approximatelythe same as it • Was last year. _It's'. gone up from $4.5 million. about three • years ago. and 'because of: • constraints within the Ministry this year it was held 'at $13. million. The Minister said- that a letter was being • directed to all municipalities . the province 'asking them what they have committed and -wbat they have not at this .point in time. • . I further asked the Minister that because of the budget • restraints the 'Manufacturer of the the and- the drainage • contractor Might well have to take forceful action with the • fartners 'placing • them in a position to either borrow from the; bank at higher ,rates of • • interest,' _asedmireg. their assets to obtain moneytopay • both the contractor and the supplier. The Minister " said ' that nobody eipecially him, wants to create tindtrehardships for the agriculture Conimunity. • Scime of the municipalities, • 'he said, have overcommitted •and tome hive not committed their • tOtal, allocation and when all.the facts and figures are put together -the' whole • situation cantle asSessecland. ' an equitable basis • can be • worked out within the means • they had; Ontario may start issuing driver's licences which carry a picture of the drive, _ cording to the Minigler of Transportation ' arid Com- • munitations, who has 'been • considering such a scherne • for Rtted/re. • 'He has Ordered his officials ' to speed Up their ' in- vestigation of the scheme's W. J. Denontniei •1-, FLOWER SH . • t Phone 4 '. • 514-81e2 e *I •DAY , ... I ' 1416141' -it's t t 4 . 00.•.4 etc -dells ' Agerit ter. 2441r. ' • 011:14 bilVELOPING. Margie Whyte Margie Whyte, .whose family reside at RR 2, Seaforth, has been appointed Director for the cd -ed Young People's (Teen) Camp to be held during -the long weekend • in May May 21 .at 7 p.m to May 24 at ‘2 p.m)' at Camp Menesetun theee miles-. • north of Goderich. •• • 'Margie presently teaches at Erin,District High School, near Guelph, and- was the ' Camp Director for the five- week Summer 1974 camping • season at Menesetung. , e The basic: eweekerid will include • Christian education, sports, swine, crafts, camping skills' • as well as special guest speakers, discussion gtoups • 'and a resource centre, Any teenager. (aged 15 by December 31, 1976)1interested ;in attending. this . camp sponsored by the Huron- - Perth Presbytery of; the • United Church of Canada, should • write for an 'rap- phcation form from: Mr. Jek. Snider, 62 Essex Street, ,Goderich, Ontario N7A 2T4. Mr, Snider would also have • information 'en all the surn-' rner camps which are, being - directed this year by Rev. Mich'ael,Boulger of Monkteri, PULSIFER MUSIC Seaforth, Ontario Save Hundreds on Pianos & Organs at Puisifer Music Seaforth — 527-0053 Goderich — 524.6291 For free Home Demonstration of small Wurlitzer Piano — ideal for apartment, trailer, home, etc. — approved by piano teacher', and players. Our price 5799. Store open Friday and Saturday or by appointment. THE PERFECT- A GIFT From The Family Family Ring . • • . The birthstones of each of her children are delicately set in an attractive gold or silver -ring. A most thoughtful and lasting gift, sure.to be cherished fon years to come. Order it today - it's yours tomorrow.. • • from $23 50 JEWE-LLERY' GODERICH, ONT. ' At the Mall • 10-9 Mon. - Fri. -,, 524-2924 TO -6 Sat. ' • On the Square 916 Mon. - Thurs. •524-7841 9-9 Fri. ,f1 • ' , • • Save with Challenge Priced. 26 oz. Pepsi-Cola at all participating • clearers. Challenge Priced Pepsi means big savings for you...so • t-ake the Pepsi Challenge. • Pepsi' Returnable (plus ORLESS refundadeposit) • Suggested Challenge Price *Look for Big Savings on Diet Pepsi too., . tenapeAgd Prided epj t dasedenregular prides 'arid isavaitabie while supplies iast fi) the treti'serviCedyotiO Pepsi-Cola tiddler.' Exeter Pedai.eola and Pepsi are registered Iraderearkg of Pedaled. Inc • •