The Exeter Times, 1920-9-9, Page 5lest rtspAY, SEP
i ab, 1920.
=rim Z'
Thames Road
MSS Mabelle McNaughton, of Lon-
don, visited relatives Isere over the
week -end.
Mr. A, C. Whitlock of St, Thomas
spent the week -end at his home here,
Miss Pearl Cann, of London, spent
the Holiday at the home of her par-
Mr. J. Ketchison, of BeBeanie,
spent . a tew days with relativesin
this vicinity during„ the past week,
Threshing is the order of the day
now and the season promises to be
a long one,
Mrs. Kaufman and son Gerald of
Branford, also. Mrs. R. D. Turnbull
of Dundas, have been the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Turnbull during
the past week..
Mr. Charlie Monteith and Mr, and.
Mrs. John Allison motored to Toron-
to on Weenesday,
Master Cecil Gardiner, of Blyth,
Who has been visiting with Master
Wilfred Turnbull has returned home
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cameron
who have been 'touring the West,
also Violet and Master Russell Rat-
cliffe who have Seen visiting •in Ham-
ilton and Toronto, arrived home on
Monday evening,
Mr. end Mrs, Fred liengough ar
spending a few days with friends a
1Vioneton, •
Messrs. Rennie and 'tiWliitesides
won first prize in the Scotch doubles
bowling tournament held at Seaforth
last week,
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Laughton and
son, Master Van, of Toronto, are vis
iting Mrs. Laugliton's parents, Mr
and Mrs, Chaas, MeDonnell,
Mr. Thos. Higgins, of Wroxeter,
is visiting iVir, and Mrs, Relit, Hig-
gins, for a few days tilis week..
Miss Margaret Hoblcirk left on
Wednesday for a visit with friends
in Toronto,
Mr. Johnston, o'f. St. Louis, Mo„
is visiting liis mother-in-law, Mrs, R.
Hunt, also his sister, Mrs. Millar, of
Miss Bessie Urquhart, who has
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs,, D. Urquhart, for the past month
returned this week • to Shenectacly,
N. Y.
Mr. Ed. Munn of the 2nd conces-
sion, Hay, was taken suddenly i11 on
Wednesday evening and was rushed
to the hospital on Thursday morning
when an operation was performed
for appendicitis.
Mr. Donald Urciulrart hag .shipped
nearly 10,000 bushols of wheat troru
here since Saturday last. There is a
lot of wheat corning in and the .dual-
t ity is better than It has been tor
years. This year the wheat tests a-
round 65 poundsto the busliel,
c�"-.^.� L�dv:_��oi5:.a..�ly�'®� �� \Viii
Mrs. John. Winkenweder and chil-
dren, of Rosthern, Sask., called on
her brother, Mr, E,, Rennie, this
week on her way to Zurich where
she will visit her mother, Mrs. S.
The choir of the Caernel Presby-
terian church assembled at the home
of Miss. Carlisle, one of their mein-
bers, on Monday evening when a
very pleasant time was spent. A
presentation was made to the bride
elect, Miss Auinie Carlisle of a beau-
tiful electric grill.
i A pleasant evening was spent at
1 Mr. W. H. Johnston's home in Kip -
I pen, when a number of the neigh-
' hors and friends gathered to say
farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Johnston,
before leaving for their •new home
in Exeter. During the evening Mr.
Johnston was presented with a beau-
tiful chair b th l
y e pupas of No. 14
school, where Mr. Johnston has
taught for the past twenty years,
�,���.�..�el�r..::_�\� ..��►� y� and a n
-•-� • cely warded address wishing
hint and Mrs. Johnston best wishes
for the future.
The est ern Fair
September ilth to 18th
$35,000 is Prizes and Attractions
Generaa Admission :50c. Children 15c. Auto and Driver ,$1.00.
- All information from the Secretary.
iC.�ol, tiV. M. Gartshore, President. A. M. hunt, Secretary
Miss Gertrude Andrew?; of Lon-
don and Miss Celi, of Lucan were
the guests of Miss Mildred Mitchell
last week.
Mr.s George Young, of -London,
Was the guest of Mrs. Samuel Hicks
over the week -end.
Rev, Sinclair and family have res
turned home from their vacation.
The Ladies'' Aid held an interes-
ting meeting at the home of Mrs.
Wes. Hodgins last Thursday.
The school teachers of Centralia
and Fairfield have returne-1 to their
The flax people finished pulling the
crop last week and have commenced
Byron Hicks sold one hundred and
fifty -,live steers to the Swift people
last week. These cattle were all fed
by 1>'Ir. Hicks and are considered an
excellent bunch. 100 will be shipped
this Week.
Labor Day was spent quietly in
Feed your land with
Harab-Davies? Fertilizer
and you will have a bigger and better crop of
Fall Wheat
Price List
[TRIS is no arm-eliaif tricot. it's
11 facts Harab-Davies Fertilizer con-
tains available plant food in the form of
'Ammonia, Phosphoric Acid and Potash._
Fall Wheat sown with Harab-Davies
Fertilizer can be sown late in order to
avoid the Hessian Fly. It gives the
growing plant a good root system. It
promotes quick and strong top growth.
It practically eliminates winter -killing.
It hastens a harvest with long straw, and
big, plump, meaty kernels that grade
high on the market.
The Fall Wheat photo alongside was
taken May 27, 1920. see
In the Spring of 1919 the well -grown
portion of this field was sown in oats,
fertilized with Harab-Davies Fertilizer.
'After the ,oats were harvested the whole --
field was disked and cultivated and sown
to Fall Wheat without additional fer-
tilizer. The difference between the fer-
tilized and unfertilized portion is amaz- d:
ing - and it incidentally proves that
Harab-Davies Fertilizer will show re-
sults the second season.
For Immediate Delivery
Where little or no manure is to be had, use
200 to 300 pounds per acre of:- ,
Phosphoric Per Per
Ammonia. Acid. Potash. 125 lb. bag. Ton.
3 12 0 $4.35 $68.80
2 • 10 2 4.15 65.75
2 10 0 3.70 58.50
2 8 2 4.00 62.90
Where manure is plentiful, use 200 to 300
pounds of:-
Ammonia. Acid. Potash.
0 12 2
0 10 4
0 . 16 0
0 " 14 0
Freight prepaid to your station on orders of 500 lbs. or more.
Goods shipped in 125 Ib. bags (16 bags to the ton).
Terms -Cash With Order.
_ ^ ---. is* No* .s. -..- _ - -
Dept. 33 West Toronto, Ont.
Gentlemen: --
Please snip immediately the followings --a
Per F Per
125 lb. bag. Ton.
$3.35 $52.65
3:60 57.00
2.95 46.45
2.85 44.65
, P. 0
Shipping Station
4b'i{�Ig��li�i�i�uar,?�'.u„iM1�i.�,i��+R:iu-�LL•r •�.+��i.M.:�fi{i:Ci��.� ,-,f.:.�°'..-'.�'ri
I enclose $ to cover the
W.:!3•01Z9iIWVOLIa.PPnn 4SITn4.11uSMI'.:'atIMdLIi MINIM C_ ...521.1] =.4.4
Sexsw th
Mrs. Roger Northcott and daugh-
ter, Mrs..Jarnes Bagshaw are visit-
ing in, Toronto this week,
Mr. C. "Aldwortli of Exeter, who
is suffer'ingu froze an attack of ecze-
ma is at present staying 'with his
daughters Mrs, A. Wildfong,
School . has again re -opened Mr,
W. H. Johnston, a former teacher
in our section, is in change. We be-
speak a prosperous year for all pa-
Wheat seeding and bean -harvest-
ing is the order of the day in this
vicinity at present.
Messrs. R. Tinney and Bert
O'Brien are each making additions
to their houses. e visit in Pontiac,
Quitea number have been busy Mrs, Jackson, of Walton, visited
hauling gravel for the pavement of her sister;. Mrs. Ednteston, over the
Wellington street in Exeter the last week -end.
few days.
gratula:te Alice Yet sympahtize with
Our school opened on Tuesday
with the old staff of teachers, Mr, 0,
S. Howard, principal, and Misses d.
Edmeston and P. Tiexnan assistants.
The services In tits 2vaugeiloai
church were .conducted on Sunday
by Mr. J. S. Delgaty In absence of
Rev. Yager, who was in New Ham-
Mr. and Mrs. 3, Twitelie'li of Lon-
don, spent the holiday visiting in
this neighborhood..
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Tiernan and
Mr. and Mrs. Torii Peachy, of Strat-
ford, were among the holiday visit-
Miss Myrtle• Nut left last week for
Mr. Russel Clark, of Waikerville,
spent the week -end at.,his home here.
Mr. Tuttle Mills, of Toronto, spent
Sunday at the home of his sister,
Mrs. W. A. Sambrook.
Mrs, C: Zwicker and' Master Ger-
ald have returned from Muskoka
Mr. and Mrs. B. Brown visited in
Kitchener for the holiday.
Miss Laurette Holtzmann is visit-
ing friends in Toronto.
Mr. Joe Brokenshire, of Windsor,
visited his parents, Mr. and_ Mrs, S.
Brokenshire, over the week -end.
Lily Fahner spent the week -end in.
Toronto visiting her brother, Ervin.
Rev. C. W. Baker, wife and family
called on friends here last week.
Mrs. Harry Oswell, of Lions Head,
visited her sister, Miss Bessie Stew-
art, last week.
Mrs. James Barber and family, of
Palmerston, are guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Laing.
Conte and meet old acquaintances
at the Stratford Fall Fair on Sept.
20th; 21st and 22nd.
Mrs. A. Hodgert is orf a two
weeks visit to her son Kenneth, iu
Mrs, Thos. Laing has returned
home after spending the past week
with her daughter, Mrs. Cephas Mux -
worthy, near Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. David Dow, Mr. John
A. Dow, and son Stewart and Mr.
Gordon Dow returned on Tuesday
after visiting for a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dow, of Grims-
"Maple VilIe," the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Melville was the
scene of an unique event on Sunday
when Mr. and Mrs. Melville celebra-
ted the fiftieth anniversary of their
marriage. The bride looked winsome
attired in a becoming gown and
wearing .a cap and veil, as she pre-
sided at the dinner table. All the
members of the family were present
for the occasion, including their
daughter, Mrs. A. Morrison and
daughter Gladys, who are returning
to their home in Brandon, Man., on
Thursday, their son, Frank, of Day-
ton, Ohio and Williame of Exeter.
We extend our heartiest congratula-
tions and it is the wish of their
many friends that they will continue
to enjoy good health and longevity.
One of our entrance pupils, Miss
Alice Hoffman succeeded in winning
one of Hay Township's War Memor-
ial Scholarships but owing to the
fact that she lives a few rods across
the bounaciry in Stephen Township
she was denied the reward, We con -
If You Have High Blood
Pressure You Must
Be Careful
When the Blood Pressure is much
above normal there is always the
danger of rupture of a blood vessel,
most frequently in the Brain' and
producing a stroke, or in the Kid-
neys, producing Bright's Disease.
One should guard: against over-exer-
tion or excitement and take
to di'esolve the Uric Acid deposits
that flown in the Veins and Arteries,
'ivaiking.them hard and brittie. This
remedy is a wonder; int lbuilds up the
entire system by Purifying the
Blood, Strengthening the Heart and
by producing a normal and heailthy
condition of the Nerves,
Mrs. Wm. Morley, of Palmerston,
used quite a number of boxes,of
Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remdy
and they Ibeneditted her so much and
she was so pieasod with them that
she recommends them to all her
friend's who have this tremble or who
are all rim down. and Nervous. ,She
says "you must be sure to get Hack-
Constipation is one ,of the aggrav-
g rav-at'ingg causes of. High Blood Pressure
and it is advist'blo to nee Hacking's
KkIn,ay and Liver Pine to drive out
the '.Poisons thst generate in the sys-
tem. These two preparations ge
u'eil together and you eaoulrl troy a
fort boxes Prem your dealer to -day.
Ilaeblug's Limited, Listowel, Ont..
Hacking's Remedies tent by W. 5,
COLE, Druggist, Exeter. Ont.
Mr, 3. E. Hoffman, of Tavistock,
was a visitor in town over Sunday.
Mr. Walter Fassold and sister,
Ada, of London, spent the holiday
with their parents.
Mr. and Mks. Graybeil are this
week visiting in Woodstock and Tor-
Mr. and Mrs. Hessenauer and
daughter and. Mr. Wm. Ehlers, of
Kitchener, .spent Labour Day in town
Mr. Norman Brown, of Paris, .vis-
ited in town over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Kraft, Mrs and
Mrs. F. Preeter and Mrs, F. Preeter,
Sr., are this week attending Toronto
Mrs. A. J. Brunner and children
and Mr, Muton Oestreielier returned
to Oregon on Monday atter visiting
with their parents.
14Ir. Andrew Musser and son Bill
of London, spent the holiday at their
home here.
Miss Mabel Schade spent a week
with her cousin, Miss Melvina Schade
on the Sauble Line.
113r. and Mrs. D. Hartleib are at-
tending Toronto Exhibition this
Mr. and Mrs. 3. B. Lions of El-
mira, Mr. and Mrs. Will Snaith and
family, of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs.
Con. Truemner and Mr. and Mrs. H.
Truemner, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Schade.
Mr. Fred Howard, of Port Col-
borne, was in the village last week,
and returned to that place on Wed-
nesday last.
Mrs. Christina Volland has sold
the 21/ acres of land west of her
lots on the Goshen Line to her bro-
ther, Mr. Henry Volland.
Mr, Lean Jeffrey, of the 15 th con.
Hay, and wlio recently underwent
an operation in a hospital at Chat-
ham for the removal of one of his
kidneys, returned to his home on
Saturday last. Leon certainly Iooks
well and feels good.
Miss Elsie Kienzle, nurse, of Ham-
ilton, spent a few days with Miss L.
Mrs. Hy, Fleischauer, of the Zur-
ich Road, west,. moved into .the house
owned by Mr. J. Simon, in the west
end, of the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farwell,:. who
recently moved from Detroit, and
who spent the past few weeks at
Dunnville, have taken up housekeep-
ing the house owned by Mr. Jos.
Geiger at the north end.
There passed away on Sunday,
August 29th, at 'Wroxeter, Miss Lyd-
ia Koehler, in her 43rd year. The
remains were brought to the home
of her father, Mr. Peter Boehler,
just north of the village, from where
the funeral was held on Tuesday af-
ternoon to the Evangelical cemetery
and was conducted privately,
Rev. and Mrs. Parnaby visited
their old circuit at Appiu on Sabbath
Miss Viola Bell expects to leave
in a few days for Normal School, We
wish her a successful term.
Our information in that Miss Pearl
Miners and Richard Johns were
married last evening (Weiihesday),
We wish them happiness and pros-
The Rev. 0. W. Rivers, of Hen
sail, will preach Sunshine Anniver-
sary sermons on Sunday, October 3.
Mr. Samuel Tufts, of Birkton,
took the work of the Eliniviile cir-
cuit last Sabbath.
Mrs, J. W. Skinner, who recently
underwent au operation, at London,
is improving as well as can be ex-
pected. ' `..
The school re -opened Tuesday
with last year's teachers in charge.
Mr. and/ Mrs. Chas. Godbolt are
in Toronto taking in the Exhibition
and visiting with relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Baltchford were vis-
iting in this community on Monday.
^a'lL'iNKSG1VTNG D,.:'1.
The Government within the heat
few clays, it is exepected, will fix the
date for Thanksgiving.DaY, Last
yoar Thanksgiving was elebrated on
Monday, October° 13th. As it has be-
come the estabiislied custom to have
Thanksgiving Da- fall upon a Mon- The newspaper is a law book for
day, in order that a long week -enol the indolent, a sermon for the
inay be provided for the convenience thouglhtless and a library: for the
of commercial men and others who poor. It May stimulate the most in -
desire to spend the holiday with different, it may instruct the Most
their families, it is certain that this profound, but it cannot be iniblished
practice Will not be. departed from for nothing. Advertisements in the
this year, and the Government's house' paper ray 1' trio t v,f They ar:?,
choice will lie between Monday, Or.- ,he c nrnet:t'n?; link, , prod::-
tober 11th, and M t,4",ay, October, 18, tear and' consumer, u ,
Constipation Cured
By Christian Science
*eventy Ave peoplo o4 of 040
hundred cslie be cured. by Christian
evitece de, 'Bich proves the
great power of the Mind over the
Dige stIve Atpptlatvtus and the fres-
quenoy of Nervousness as a cause of
When these methodn fedi
Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills
are remended. They are purely
vegetable and do not Gripe or Ix-
ritate; many people have found them
excellent for Headache, Dizziness,
Bad Breath, Coated Tongue, Loss of
Appetite, Indigestion, Gas on the
Stomach, and many other evi!ts that
are due to Constipation.
Where there is Extreme .Nervous-
ness and you are '4a11 run down" and
"tire easily" it (would be just se well
to take -
Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy
along with 'these Purrs. This corns-
bination goes well together and re-
stores the good health of your
younger days. The Heart action be-
comes uor,xdat the, Nerves -bake on
new Itfe, Power and Vigor and the
"human machine" becomes full of
"peip'.'aidd viltality. • }
If you are tired of sickness and
have lest the Power, Ability and
Ner'v'e Fume to do your daily work
and your Nerves are all Shattered
just give thepe tt'wo Remedies a trial
and we will ppsltively guarantee
beneficial results. Go to your dealer
to -day and cask for Hackings, and do
not take any other kind for if you
do you will be fooled right at the
start and you will not get the results
that ''we guarantee. fla,c'king's Litmi`t
Hacking's Remedies are sold in
Exeter by W. S. Cole, Druggist.
Marion Stevenson, wife of Ph
Brooks, of the North Boundary
the township of Bidulph, passed
way on the morning of the 11t
August, after a lingering illness,
having attained the ripe old age
seventy-eight years and ele
months. Although her death was
unexpected, it came suddenly at
last and was a .shock to her ag
partner, who'was constantly in
tendance upon her for a number
months. Mrs. Brooks with her h
band were of the few remain
grand old pioneers who have be
so instrumental in making our b
loved Canada what it is, name
an example for all other countri
to emulate. Marion Stevenson w
born near Edinburgh, Scotland a
with her parents came to Ontar
when an infant, settling in the tow
ship of Whitby. In the year 1867
came to reside with her brother -i
law, the. late James Keith, who h
settled on the farm now owned
John T. Foster and two years lat
was married to Mr. Brooks and live
continuously on the farm now o
erated by their son, William Andrew
The funeral took place on Pride
the 13th and was largely attended.
The service was conducted by the
Rev. Sinclair of the Whalen cir-
cuit with interment in the Zion
cemetery. She had previously selec-
ted her pall -bearers, James and Geo.
Keith, of Blanshard; Daniel Hamp-
ton, of Bosanquet; Louis Stevenson
of Oshawa; John W. Hodgson, of
Biddulph; and John T. Foster of
Blanshard. Mrs. Brooks is survived
by her aged partner, one son, Wil-
liam, on the homestead and five
daughters; Mrs. Jones, of Kenton,
Manitoba; Mrs. Delbridge, of Us -
borne; Mrs. Steele, Mrs. Freeman, of
Stratford and Marion at home.
Mrs- Reg, Turnbull, of Dundas, is
visiting` Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Turn-
bull on the Thames Road.
Mrs. Kaufman, of Brantford and
Gerald, who have been visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. M. Eacrett and Mrs.
Beavers, returned to their home on
O'Bri.en!s •
C 1
The oldest established; business
college in London ander present
management, with the highest qual-
ified teachers, give individual instruc-
tion. Thorough courses In Bookkeep-
ing, Cost Accounting, Shorthand,
Touch Typewriting, etc, Write for
catalogue: Registe ' now for fall
term, starting Se' ember lst,
Commercial Specialist, ,Principal
Dye right! Don't risk
your material. Each pack-
age of "Diamond Dyes" con-
tain it
s directions so - simple
that any woman can
diamond -dye a new, rick
color into old garments,
draperies, coverings, every -
thin, whether wool, silk,
linen, cotton or mixed goods.
Buy "Diamond Dyes" -no
other kind -then perfect re-
sults are guaranteed even if
you have never dyed before.
Druggist has "Diamond. Dyes
Color Card" -16 rich colors.
but Farmers
not Attention
ed Lumber has not advanced in price
at- at Granton, as I am still selling
of No 1 Dry Hemlock, either inch or
us- two inch, all sizes at $63.00 per
ng thousand feet.
e- Also white pine boards 10 inches
ly and 12 inches wide, all lengths and
es bone dry at $63.00 per M.
as Try our Asphalt Slate Surface
nd Shingles at$8.50
io per square.
n- Plenty of B. C. Red Cedar Shin -
he she gies on hand, also cement in stock.
London, Ont., Sept. llth to 13th.
If the weather conidtions are fav-
orable this year the success of Lon-
don's Exhibition is assured. There
has been a great demand for space
of all kinds, and the management are
at their wits end to know what to do
in order to accommodate all who
wish to exhibit.
The Pure Food show will again
be held in the. Process Building. The
Dog, show will commence on Tues-
day noon, Sept. 14th; and continue
until Friday.
There will be Tractor Exhibits and
demonstrations of all kinds. The
interior of the Machinery Building
will be very much improved this
year, and very many more exhibits
placed than ever before.
Many limns are taking outside
space and will display their goods.
under canvas. The prospects never
were brighter than at present for a
very successful 1ixhibition. Any in-
formation required will be furnished
on application to the Secretary, A.
M. Bunt, General . Oii%ces, London,
PONE' NO. 12.
A. J.
CRA11U"1R` M
Double Track Route
Unexcelled dining car service.
Sleeping cars on night trains and
parlor cars on principal day trains.
Buil information from any Grand
Tr a k Ticket Agent or C. E. Hor-
ning, District Passenger Agent,
N. X. DORE, Agent, Exeter.
Phone 413w..
AUGUST 31st.
The leading Commercial
School of Western Ontario.
We have competent, exper-
ienced instructors. We give
thorough courses in Com-
mercial, Shorthand and Tel-
egraphy departments and
we assist graduates to pos-
Write now for our free
D. A. McLACHLt.1V,
Fox Infants and Children.
bi Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears ,s: