The Exeter Times, 1920-9-9, Page 4AY, .i EPT 9th, ,9'd% Auction Sale (UT'z HOUSEHOLD J IIINU'. E The urtdersigued auctioneer has xece1ved instructions to self by pub- lic enetiob; on ,.IA&\'Ill1U W STREET, , EXETER,ON SATURDAY, ST']I?T.FI!'Ut31:le 21, 4.020 At one O'clock pen. the following ;valuable property! Threesiiede upholstered parlor euite, in excellent condition; 2 good oak rocking chairs; one round par- lor table; sideboard, dining. room table, :kitchen table and chairs; two iron: beds and springs; one solid oak dresser with large oval mirror and washstand as good as new; bureau and washstand, one toilet sot, ane velvet rtig'x 1,05010; 1 velvet lrug,, 9x12; 1 tapestry rug, all in good couditiort; Raymand sewing rnaclrfne one organ, reek, window., blinds, Couch, New 1'ei'eection coal oil stave, baby buggy, 'ROPY Thought kitchen Mtge; . 1900 Gravity washing mach- ine, new this summer; tub; baby's bath tub; lawn mower; kettles and pans, aloe and garden tools and other articles. TERMS.—CASH. C. W. ROBINSON, Auctioneer MRS. GEO. HOCKEY, Proprietress CoAdspecials la awarded for butt r and cooking at the Exeter Fair. De not: be afraid to bring thein as a glue case is being provided. Mr, Alien Thiel, of Fuliarton, has sold his farm, 5th .con., to Mr, Al- bert Morey, of Logan, for the sum. of $10,000. This is a Atte farm, sit- uated about five utiles front Mitchell It contains 100 acres, with large barns and. brick house, Mr. Morey Will get possession on Oet. 1st. In the "9;0 years ago column" of the Arnherstburg Echo it is noticed that the school teachers made a de- mand on the town council for in- creased n- c1' e .,aS ed salary.. One of them had the audacity to ask for $112, while an- other wanted $ 215 a year. In those days However, potatoes were 30e a bushel, butter 12c and eggs 8c. A Purse of $300 is being awarded. for trials of speed at brie Exeter Fair. These two sketches are from photographs ofSign orFriscoe's amazing act, from being billed over Eve I,'eith and Affiliated vaudeville circuits. Signor b't'iscoe comss oneo the stage and plays. Suddenly he stops playing. .Itis xylophone performance continues. Then the curtains of the back -drop start. The New Edison is re- vealed. It has taken upSignorT riscoesp.r. fornxance and is .RE- CREATING- - it alone. "•4r.n, s,rar"artros rl a fiw 1�1►'�. You Can hear it in our store -the phonograph that is fea- tured in Vaudeville's strangest act Perhaps you've seen it—Signor Friscoe's "Magic" Xylophone Act. it's the hit of vaudeville's "Big -Time," Signor Friscoe's "magic" is an Official Laboratory Model of the New Edison. We have one exactly like it. Signor Friscoe's instrument is an exact duplicate of the origi- nal Official Laboratory Model, which cost Mr. Edison three eseree e _EV million dollars to perfect. Our instrument is also an exact duplicate of this famous three million dollar original. We guarantee it to be able to give the same marvelous RE - CREATIONS of music, which Signor Friscoe's Official Labor- atory Model gives invaudeville. Come in and test the astonish- ing realism of this instrument for yourself—in Mr. Edison's Realism Test. IS(IN "The Phonograph with a Soul" Ycni've read how the New Edison has proved its perfect realism. Four thousand tests have been given, in which more than .50 different artists compared their art with its RE -. CREea„TroN by the. New Edison. Leading newspapers conceded that there 'was no dif- ference between the two. Has any one suggested to you that these comparison tests are " faked "— that the artist imitates the New Edison ? Signor Friscoe's performance makes such an assertion positively ridiculous, Every week, 10,000 people see his hammers ripple over the xylophone keys; Suddenly he holds them • aloft—still The rippling music continua Slowly, the gorgeous curtains of the back- drop part. The audience gasps. The New Edison stands revealed. It has taken up Signor Frisco -es performance, and is now Ra-Cial:.sr.r;ts it alone. The effect of this extraordinary -In 10 can rest upon only one fact: No one can distinguish any difference between Signor Friscoe's performance and its 34i-C1LEATtoN by the New Edison, Signor Friscoe could not possibly irritate the New CO Edison, because the xylophone can not be made to imitate any other i nstruuren t, 'so as to deceive its hearers. Signor- Friscoe's act is hot an Edison enter- prise. He has simply been clever enough to use the New Edison for what it is worth. Why don't you?. PRICES The price of the New Edison (United States price) has increased Jess than 15 since 1914. This includes the War Tax. Mr. Edison has staved off price advances by personally absorbing more than half of the increased oast of manufacture. Because of the exceptionally high quality of materials and workmanship demanded by the Edison Laboratories, and the con- tinued scarcity of both, it may be necessary to advance prices. But rest assured that this will not occur,, unless Mr. Edison is forced to it. Our Budget Plan—the thrift way of spend- ing—will help you buy :tow. Let us tell you : about it, Deal Exeter,. Ontario • NEWS'TOPICS OF WEEK important Events Which Have Ogcurred During the Week. The :Busy World's. Happenings pare -1 , fully Compiled and Put into Handy and ,Attractive Shape_tor the Readeni of Our Paper —41 Solid flour's Enjoyment. TUESDAY. Sterling is quoted in New York at') $3,55. • Martial law has been declared in Canton, New prices are set for Canada's Victory bonds. Lawyers from all over Canada are meeting in Ottawa. The Sydney Bulletin has raised its price to five cents a Copy John Henry won the historic Ne-. pouset Stake at Reedville Monday. C. H. R. Fuller of Toronto was appointed City Engineer of Chatham Toronto, fell under the, rear wheels and was killed, Baltimore regained. the Inform': tional League leadership by wianint twice at Syracuse on Wednesday while Toronto lost at Rochester. .I'RIDr1Y:. Print Paper in the United State: will be again increased in price, Fire destroyed a large stook of eehooi supplies in a Guelph store.. decorated 'Three Quebec women have been by,. the French Goverzztnertt, Henry Cayer, Parry Sound, is be, lieved to have been drowned while fishing. A warnxe disci scion of the Bolshe- vik propagr }zda occupied the Lebo' Council, Only $3,000 was realized by the tag day in Toronto held for the c.A.U.VR. C.P,, employes have been official. slyschednotii' uleied.. of the increased wage Canada's golf team for the mateii with the United Stutes has arrived at New York. " Yorkshire cricketers mat an all, The Equitable Life Assurance So- Cleveland team in Toronto, each side etety--will take no more Canadian scoring 70 runs, business. Rims. Ambrose Small of Toronto re• An inquest in Toronto on an infant quests that the reward for her hus- left in a downtown check room pr ed fruitless. A Baraca-Philathen Union for itarion hasStratfordbeen forined at a convent .• In an O.A,L,A• juvenile game Shelburne the home team defea Durham, 13 to 5. Rebel .Arabs in the Mesopota Valley are preaching a holy w against the British. Siberian peasants are leading volts against the Soviet Governtne east of the Urals. Earlscourt (Toronto) residents m to protest against the Bell Telepho Company's demands. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Doty were bu ed to death in a bush fire in t Gladstone district, Manitoba. Irish ldngshoremen in New Yo refuse to go back to work on Britl ships till MacSweney is released. Miss Emma Senecal of Bouch vine, Que., walked into the St. La rence. in her sleep and was drown The Baltimore Orioles beat R chester by 8 to 7 and lead the Inte national League race. The Leafs we idle WEDNESDAY. Post office charges in Great Britain will rise to -day. Metal workers in Milan have seized possession of the factories. Miss Casey of Ottawa was shot and killed by John Neil, a farmer. Enforcement of the "Dangerous Drugs" Act begins in Great Britain to -day. The London team are the cham- pions of the Michigan -Ontario League. A meeting was held at. Ottawa to promote a "Better Understanding As- sociation." Gen. Wrangel is reported to have proposed an alliance with Petura, the Ukrainian leader. A Hatnilton vestry meeting decided to ask the rector, Rev. Percival Mayes, to leave the church. The Canadian Victor, built for the Canadian Government merchant ma- rine, was inspected at Montreal. A severe typhoon is raging and Manila shipping has beer: badly dam- aged. Loss of life is unknown. Cincinnati's reverse and a victory by Brooklyn gave the latter the lead in the National Baseball League race. Baltimore was idle yesterday, and the Toronto baseball team, by win- ning at Rochester, are again in first Dimes, Mrs. Xavier Demers, Montreal, died as a result, it is alleged, of being thrown downstairs at a neighbor's house. Many British manufacturers are prepring to shut down work as soon as a sirike in the coalfields is an- nounced. More than 125.000 passed through the turnstiles at the Exhibition in To- ronto orTuesday — the record for Children's Day. eobn Callingelo, aged six, of 31 Walton street, Toronto, was seriously injured when he was run over by a meter truck leer evening. fi large nuiaber of armed Sinn F =r ris raided a fancy dress ball at llo:s,aire Strand Hotel, Dublin. Mili- tary officers were compelled to leave, being told th t they were denied so- cia, intereoures with the people. Tl# L 1tSDAY. ov- On- ion at ted ntie ar re- nts et ne rn- he rk sh er- w- e d. o- r re Dread prices are to be reduced in Moet reel. Tee Leat l e of Nations has pur- chase] a hetet in Geneva. King Albert and Queen Elizabeth of Belgium heve left for Brazil. I-. _tarn metal v,;i•keias hate decided to seize all factories in Lombardy. .Peter :gunning won the feature event at li>}a;ivill onWednesday. An aiil,iaoe vessel service is to he established between Seattle and Vic- toria, 13.C. Davenport Alb:sns heat Caledon- tarns by 1 to 0 and won the Robert- son Cep. Lightning destroyed the Dominion Steel Co.'s 'transforming station at Sydney, N.S. Tons of fruit will' go to waste in 'Niagara district unless more pickers are eecured. Hundreds of children who cannot speak English were enrolled in To- ron,o schools. Milk price; rose Iwo cents per quart in Toronto with the advent of the 'winter :scale, Advocates of proportional repte- a +tlatioa eamtared before the Gov- trioaent Committee. The St. Catharines Typographical fen toil has wi.tltcirawn frons the Tr:ere' and Labor Council. Tho Lenprees of France cams from Li a p rel to Quebec in 6 days and 23 i.,ur.s a new record, Rev. W. I ouckens, retired Methe- atre minister, near Flint Siding, is ., iii:sir;g from home. Montreal is asking' the Quebee +ioveinnient for $1,000,000 to build helves for workingmen. In the collapse of a hangar at North Sydney, N.S., one man was ,tilled and two were badly hurt. Marion Terry, aged nitre, who was stealing a ride on a looter truck in - band be renewed. Governor Cox of Ohio, Presidential candidate, will leave oa a nine -thou• Sand -mile campaign tour. A hemlock timber limit cone prising 25,000,000 feet was sold al Parry Sound for $171,500. According to a deseatciz to London from Athlone, Ireland, gold has been found in county Westmeath. Edman, the Tennessee reinsman, won the tw.o chief races at the Grand Circuit meeting att Reedville Thurs. day. ' Canada's total revenue last month was $11,374,290, as against $5,251; 801 for the corresponding month Iasi year. Toronto Milk and Cream Produc- ers' Association officers are ordered to appear before the Board of Com- merce. Hon. E..,I•I. Armstrong, Commis- sioner of Works and Mines, was elected in the by-election in Shel- burne, N.S. Toronto won from Rochester on Thursday, 5 to 4. Baltimore beat .Syracuse in two games.. Baltimore is still leading by a few points. SATURDAY. All teams were idle in the•Inter- national Baseball League on Friday. A plague -of lizards has overrun the Pelican Lake -district in Mani- toba. Hearing in the telephone rates case will open at. Ottawa on Septem- ber 21. Representatives of five cities will discuss phone rates in Toronto on Tuesday. Hon. M. Doherty says Milk Com- mission's report will justify increas- ed prices. J. D. Flavelle promised to recom- mend that Sergt. Bruno, D.C.M., be released. Premier Drury addressed the On- tario Municipal., Association on Hydro -radials. Lack of rain has caused a curtail- ment of Hydro power use in the Trent River system. Capt. G. 0. Johnson flew from Ot- tawa to Camp Borden, about 300 miles, in 2 Y. hours. Montreal ladies besieged Dorches- ter House, competing for the ser- vices of 23 domestics. The striking metal workers in Venice, Italy, have taken possession the military arsenal. Four cases of plague have been discovered in the Turkish Gevern- ment barracks at Scutari. Labor in New -York has adopted a resolution favoring the United States asking for MacSweney's release. A Berlin despatch states that the Lithuanian troops have driven the Poles back on the Grodno-Suwalki front. 4,000 Menniinites iiay Go to Abitibi. WINNIPEG, Sept. 6.-- More than 4,000 Mennonites of the old stock will leave Manitoba for the district of Abitibi, in Quebec, if the reports of their investigators, who are re- turning from an inspection of the ter- ritory, are reassuring, R. Fletcher,. Deputy Minister of Education, said Sat urday. Mr. Fletcher was of the opinion, however, that the 15,000 other Men- nonites if the prow ince, Who are more enlightened, will stay and coin- My with the requirements of the Education Act. The Deputy Minister stated that in the Hanover district, where they have been farruing for thirty years, they are complyir g with the law, and are sending their children to school. Such is their interest in education, Mr. Fletcher said, that they arc at present engaged in constructing liew schools. Syrian Ar'chbieltop Visits Canada. KITCHENER, Sept, 6. — Arch- bishop Kourl of Souhr,'M lint Le- banon, :who is Oil anoflrcial visit to Canada representing tiie Patriarch of Mount Lebanon, and visiting the Sy- rian people throughout America, ar- rived in the city on Saturday. The archbishop is accoziipanied by his sec- retary and Rev. bather Louis Soaid of Sydney, N.S. Germany Sends a ler etOet LONDON, Sept. 0 i;.c(.rn :flag to 0 Berlin wireless despatch the f:x,rewn Government has protested t0 the Warsaw Governlneet againei the al- leged violation by the Poles of the East ,Prussian frontier. The i:':- less also says that a rep;n'i: to 1ho Petrograd izvestin declares that lllc crops in wheat -,producing ltussian provinces,are coziil>lote failure . Would I3aniul, ):lents,. berme. MONZR AL, Sept. 6, •-- A reset i'ecou1n)elltlln ; the i,l 1)r ; e lok"1 of Hearst publications, news „-,virus end films in Canada, will nes .mc or the Matters/to be contiid,rrti by the Conference of Canadian Clubs, to'he held here on '•l tptoarber 6 and 7.110's a111 "a:r e s la .t r .Solt,' I , t r,r;n rl'- ted Ly the Hamilton Canadian Club, Iffey ,vv Ya JIIIeIIWtlIhUIIhONmroIIImnin hemmer mOWsiusuag miomimommimwpimuummmuml n moutoum®m TheAVier¢prataie b te_Pre�o .parati wiatantgC�m"oAP ihslmilatiltgthcootbyRe uta• "'gthStacfua-dloweiss IxtANfS 0.410't i „GheetfufneSS'andRestGon'aias Q`11teittier'Oppi��uin,T�fol'Rhineeve I Mineral. retort 7. GOTlc,' aporanfsiwt 'circa n i1,1 Sennet /Icthelbf Suits Cu ! Aslsei)S'5 1 i! bonE arbunat'ddiZ 'arm .i'w'' andred Sugar �S helpfu1Reinedy for ConstipationandDiatrbcea at1 LOSS I' S'LEVP ll ¢Sa titl$- 1� fomittlatinCy.:1 '�'aC•5imzti ritnC e ni0N0 {,I MONTRT� _fl mac At ti ut<onttss olil' S 3S.DosE,4f LNI' CASTO For infants and Chil en. Mothers Know 4 Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of use For Over Thftty Years, C STORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper:, THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. INCORPORATED 1855 OVER 130 BRANCHES THE MOLSONS BANK OAPITA.L AND RESERVE $9,000,000. DOCUMENTS OF IMPORTANCE ARE ABSOLUTELY SAFE- GUARDED IF PLACED IN .ONE OF OUR SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES T. S. WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH. CENTRALIA BRANCH OPEN FOR BUSINESS DAILY. TIQE trSBORNE AND HII3BERT FARMER'S MU'rt7ML FIRE INSUIi- ANCB COMPANY. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Fresldent, • THOS. RYAN Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS WM. BROCK J. L. RUSSELL ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for irshorae and Hibbert. OLIVER IIARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, / Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1, Woodham. OLAI)brAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORS ,UT Veterinary Surgeon Office-1Jaker's Livery on James St. Calls prop XC1'y attended to tiny or nigh t. Phone 8: F)R. A, 1'i, KINSMAN, 1t.T..I)., f'/•II:S. Honor Graduate of Toronto tiniver- SIty DENTIST MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private, funds to loan on farm and village properties, at lowest rates of in- terest. "' GLADMAN $t/STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, Ontario L R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conmissidner, Solicitor for the. Moisons Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates or' Interest. OFFICE—MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Alice - tee tloneer. Sales conducted in any loc- ality. Terms. moderate, Orders left. as Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phaue 116, Kirltton. tyridress leirktan P.'0. PR. G. E. 'R(ULSTON, L.A.S., D.D.S. DENTIST office over I. R. Carling's Law office. Closed every Wednesday afternoon, CAST I ()Moo e e1 Oled r . i t'itr &a rSo ,11,Ltrys Pot office, Main Street, Exeter.sn use :me uver 1,103R For InYarits anti C.hiJrerl Always beans Advertise in tine Times. It pars. s. , n he Is ofre.'.,,, IN addition to the branch at Exeter, this Bank has branches at the followingnearby points:— Crediton Dashwood THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 • EXETER BRANCH, R A. Chapman, Manager. INCORPORATED 1855 OVER 130 BRANCHES THE MOLSONS BANK OAPITA.L AND RESERVE $9,000,000. DOCUMENTS OF IMPORTANCE ARE ABSOLUTELY SAFE- GUARDED IF PLACED IN .ONE OF OUR SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES T. S. WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH. CENTRALIA BRANCH OPEN FOR BUSINESS DAILY. TIQE trSBORNE AND HII3BERT FARMER'S MU'rt7ML FIRE INSUIi- ANCB COMPANY. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Fresldent, • THOS. RYAN Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS WM. BROCK J. L. RUSSELL ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for irshorae and Hibbert. OLIVER IIARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, / Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1, Woodham. OLAI)brAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORS ,UT Veterinary Surgeon Office-1Jaker's Livery on James St. Calls prop XC1'y attended to tiny or nigh t. Phone 8: F)R. A, 1'i, KINSMAN, 1t.T..I)., f'/•II:S. Honor Graduate of Toronto tiniver- SIty DENTIST MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private, funds to loan on farm and village properties, at lowest rates of in- terest. "' GLADMAN $t/STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, Ontario L R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conmissidner, Solicitor for the. Moisons Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates or' Interest. OFFICE—MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Alice - tee tloneer. Sales conducted in any loc- ality. Terms. moderate, Orders left. as Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phaue 116, Kirltton. tyridress leirktan P.'0. PR. G. E. 'R(ULSTON, L.A.S., D.D.S. DENTIST office over I. R. Carling's Law office. Closed every Wednesday afternoon, CAST I ()Moo e e1 Oled r . i t'itr &a rSo ,11,Ltrys Pot office, Main Street, Exeter.sn use :me uver 1,103R For InYarits anti C.hiJrerl Always beans Advertise in tine Times. It pars. s. , n he Is ofre.'.,,,