The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-22, Page 8t';;Nt,tt
5.7717.47,4`tr' "." 47;s:17"1'7-tt''';,ittft7;,' trt"70"47 rpt, • r 777.17F7)),
SOCIALNEWS Miss Shelley 1-1,aggitt. 4f
Zurkeh spent the holidays
• Easter •lilies placed in
.rnemory of 'the late •Mr..arld
Mrs. George Haggitt, the late
Mits..Mary E. Asquith, the
late Mr. 'and Mrs: Robet J.
Phillips -and the Clarke
family , adorned St. Mark's
Anglican ,Church for their
special Easter service: Rev,
Fred Carson Was in charge of
the service assisted by Mr,
James ToWe,. Mf -s. Fred
Lawrence was the organist.
The sacrament of •Holy
Baptism was held for Sarah
'Lynne Clarke, daughter of
• Mr. and Mrs, Ian Clarkeand
Michael .George Schneider,
on of Mr.. and Mrs-. lames
Schneider. The godparents'
for Sarah Lynne Clarke were
Mr. • anci.Mrs..Dennis Bricker
and Miss Ruth Match° of
Mr. encl. Mrs. Harry Arthur
spent the • holiday weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Masters and family at
her grandparents Mr.
and Mrs. 'Thomas Haggitt•."
Mr. and Mrs. Jones oi
Toronto visited last 'week with ;
Mr; alrl,d Mrs, Ernie Niblock
., 'Mr. and Mrs. •Kenneilv.
• Haggitt and.sons' of Bramalea
Spent the weekend:with his
• parents M. and Mrs: Thomas
gg itt
• Lundy McKay , of .Scar-
borough spent a few days last
week with - his •sister, Mrs.
Moss and Mr. Most.
W..A. Jones of Goderich and
Mrs;Frank Jones • of
Newfotindland visited one.
day last week with Mrs, Bell
' • •
Mrs. Harry Cieslar of
Goderich visited last Sunday
with Miss Laura P.hillips, Mr.
and Mrs. T.homas Johnston
Last Saturday' guests with
Mrs. Albert McFarlane were
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. ,Mutch'of
Prescott, Mi,ss - Dorothy
Much, Clinton and M. and
Mrs. Frank 1Viutch of Clinton.
Mr.- arid 'Mrs. Robert Cook
Df. London spent the.,hoIiclay
with her •parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Moss.
Harvey McPhee is apatierrt
in Uniyersity Hospital,
London.. • '
Timothy • Ikonen •of
Waterloo spent the weekend
with &Mr. and, Mrs. Don
McCauley and Melody.
Weekend visitors with Mr.
:and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson
were Mr. and Mrs.. Paul.
-Johnston and Jennifer • of
London, Mr. ancl Mrs. George
Robb and Michael of London
and Miss Barbara Sanderson
and friend of Toronto.
• Mrs. ' Eleanor Bradnock
Mrs. Wel Bradouli
The firtt,. scripture lesson
was •read ' by. Mrs.. Frank
•Raithby followed by prayer.
• The scriPI:ure reading wasby
• Eleanor . Bradnock
• followed. by prayer by Mrs.
.:.,Frarkes,Clark. •
The guest sPeaker; Rev.
• Fred Carson.. rector of St..
Mak's spOke on the theme,
"The Mission of the Church."
forthis Easter mestage. A
• solo was , sting- by Mrs.
• Thomas Jardin accompanied
on the' organ by Mrs. Donald
. Haines. •
• The offering was received
by Miss Minnie Wagner and
Mrs. Roy Deer and dedicated
. with prayer by . San-
derson. The • benedietiont
closed, the Easter Thankof-
fering service.
7.•••••"7,.:,..•,••• _ .
'44 •
Arbor Da alio ‘‘green• anti de
The town Goderich is
headed towards its second
annual Arbor Day
celebrations on April 29 and
parks Chairman Elsa Haydon
claim § this year,the town will
be having a '"rnoclified ver -
tion" of last year's eft6rtt.,:
The .changes this year have
been made- -by the park§
committee, sponsors •of the
event, to accommodate •the
•Wishes of the town's ,school
p•rincipa It. The,. principals
were concerned' about the
activities of • their •charges,
elementary school children,
around whom •the major
portion of the day's activities
•are planned.
• The principals told the
parks committee this year
that the premier celebration
of Arbor Day in Goderich
provided some awkward
moments in the schools
because of the timing. Last
year the students held small
ceremonies and assemblies
at their own schools and were
loaded onto town •trucks to
take part iri a cleanup of the
• •
The .United Church Women
and her brother, Mr. Marktown. They were then taken to
accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur and Mrs. Arthur. • Harold Nicholson of Seaforth of Knox United Church held Harbor Park for lunch and a
Mrs. Arabella Bushell of to the Charlton -Bennett their Easter Thankoffering short ceremony.•
Clinton visited last weekend wedding in Toronto last service on Good Fricfay af- This year 'the lunch has
with her cousin Mrs. Bell. , ternoon with a familyservice been dropped from the list of
Woodstock. , •
. Allen. She recently returned • Major Youngblut was at 2 p.m. The guests were activities to ensure that the
• . The sympathy •of the from spending the winter presented last Tuesday - welcomed • by Mrs. Ernest children are returned . to
community is extended to Months in Florida. •• • evening in Blyth Orange Hall Durnin, president of the UCW school to allow for .afternoon
Mrs.... .Robert . Arthur in the
Mr. and Mrs. William Mos a' Withia 50 year certificate and. and , Mrs. Donald Haines, classes. ;Last year after the -.
death of her :mother, Mrs. visited last Wednesday with • 60 year service pin by North • leader of the Unit. .. - lunch the children were late
Mary Helmke inListowel last • her sister Mrs. May Millet- at Huron County Master Mrs.- Norman Wightman, returning which • threw the
Monday April 12th.
• - . Milverton. Brother Clare Van Camp. Bro the- church organist led the day's school schedule off. On
Weekend visitors with Mrs. , . • •
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies Youngblut joined the Orange choir in the singing of Easter top of that' a lack of facilities
• • i
Bell Allen were •Mr. George returned • last ,. Wednesday .Lodge on, July 12, 19251 in : hymns. , • to permit the childreirto-W-ash ,
° Timm Miss Erna Bethke and from Florida after speriding Londesboro. - . The • leader .of the service their. hands .after cleaning up
• . , . i Mrs. Frances Clark spent was Mrs. Kenneth Mcbouga garbage caused so e con -
Henry Latner of Gorrie. •
the winter months there
Mr. , and Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs, Ben Hamilton' last weekend in London with. and she •gave' t‘hek, call .to •
Brawley returned home last, Cern.
th spent the weekend in Windsor Mr. and Mrs. .f.A.: McIntosh worship. The scripture lesson The .drOpp^ing of the lunch
Friday after spending - e -
..and Miss Margi• withoheir mother Mrs:, Ray La o McIntosh. was read by Mrs, McDougall . from the activities:filis*diaal
winter months in FlOrida. .•• • • ' ,.. . Mrs Hamilton had • • " - .'. • '
• -:•4 • . • Vigne . and a duet was sung by Miss role •atcording to Mrs
ollhison is.
' ..• Alfred Rapatient - • c '
• -,-. Spent_ all last • week. in Win- I., Mr. an17-1-Allan Nancy—Ander-ton---,and--Mr;,-- Ha yclorr:- She -• - said-•lhat--the--
in St. joseph'i hospital: •
dsor. ' ,IVacbougali and Angie and AndreWKoopmans. - • - - principals had pointed out to-
, Mrs. Marie Beatty of Varna Mrs. James. Towe is. a Miss Debbie Wills of Sudbury_ The offering, was received° her committee that . by not
• visited lett • Saturday with
patient in Clinton Public visited the Easter weekend 1?.y. the ushers Mrs. Elliott' having lunch: the children
Mist Laura Phillips and Mr. have serne, sort of civic
- Hospital. with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Lapp and .' Mrs.., Thomas' .may
• and Mrs. Thomas Johnston. ' . , •
Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Ulm and . Kenneth McDougall. .• , Jardin. The legend of the pride instilled in. them
• Ernie .Durnin returned daughter; Miss Kelly Ulm of . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Easter Lily was read by Mrsbecause they would be
;:•:-. ' . • 7 . home • last : Thursday after•,Kingston visited over . the Adams of Clinton visited last Oliver Anderson and prayer assisting .the town in a
being a . patient in Victoria Easter • holiday with ' Mrs.. Sunday. with Mrs. Beth was given by Mrs, Maurice cleanup strni3Ty because they
hospital kit- a few weeks..
. -Albert McFar-lane;-----. ----- Lansing. . . - : . Real'. .: • • .•.7-- would like to see it "clearrand
• • .
..--Mr.. and Mrs... Don ._ .en
. -.. •
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jardin .... • - . • . :. : The guest speaker was Mr. , green" rather than ,to. get a
, •
derson and-Kristy of Ildarton free'lunch.
and Michael of Belgrave • • ,, EASTER " Murdoch Morrison. of Varna,
•:. • •and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Craig. • visited •on Sunday with his. • '' • the supply minister :of the ' " The day's. program kiCks
of. Lucan visited last Friday THANKOFFERING •
parents Mr and Mrs. Thomas . , , . Auburn Charge. He chose for off at nine'in the morning
with Mr. Willtam‘J. Craig and Jardin and grandmother, „ . 0 ' • his inspiring "message, The . when the_schools will be
•NIrs. Bell Allen: ' - Christ appeared first to • .• _
. • • Mrs. Elva Straughan. • meaning of Good Friday and ' •
, • • Women!! was the theme of the
' Easter Thankoffering -of the : the real meaning • of the
Lord's PraYer along with the ,.
Auburn Presbyterian-. ,
..examples_that•Christ set,
• ,,, Women's Missionafy Sciciety
eyaryonejsi witness 'for i•1_,___
„i . • '' heldta*Wedriesday evening,
in everYday, life and -the joy§ :
FOR AN* OLD THEME 'St. Mark's Anglican '
' . ''. ,_ • . cif Easter Sunday. .
' Church., . Mrs. Do.nald -Haines
•* • The guests were welcomed " thanked Mr: Morrison for his
••by :Mrs.. Frances Clark and message and the meeting was
•'Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock" and *Closed with a hymn:and the
. the service wag in charge:of benediction.. , •
• Lunch was. served • by the •
holding assemblies about
environmental practices 'and
the "worth --of trees in their
• 'At 9:30 they will gather Ofl
• the front lawns of their
schools to Ceremoniously
Omit trees and at 9:45 will
take to the town's trucks to be
transported • to various
locations in Goderich to assist
• ",
New life for
old diamonds .
a special, custom
gem -remounting
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to you
• Gemstones never "date".. .only their settings become •
worn out. In new and fashionable settings the beauty of
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bine sto,nes.from several old pieces into one dazzling
new ring ...or even add new stones. Ideal for Mother's
Day. Our reputation speaks for itte14.
• '
The Square
The Mall
• . • • .. • .
the •president Mrs. WilIred
Sanderson. • . •
Unit members.
For Information phone.
•A. A..& A.A.A.
• 1
,._ DONOR:—
. ;74
• •
in a general cleanup. •
At 2:00 a civic tree planting
will be held in Court House „
Fark. The politicians plan to
•plant a tulip tree which ac
cordin s Haydon is
something • s•he "always
wanted in that park'!. • . _
The parks committee is'
hopeful that the civic,.pride
they Are"attempting *to instill
c(t, Ick
in, the school children will
spread to adults in Goderich
and will show up in a "green
• arid clean" campajgn.
Mrs. Haydon said last year
many homeowners made a
special effort for the spring
celebration to clean up their
property and is confident the
effort will be repeated again
this year.
An Women's
Dress Shoes
Regular to $28 95
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We can offer you 4 -passenger Acadian
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Come on in. Today! Letushelp put yoti
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Sure, small foreign cars used to have the
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