The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-03-25, Page 18• • • 411 f'A{a 1114-GQDERICFL SIt NA.h-STAR, THURSDAY MARCH 25, 1976 TKEIN S E.R'S by the •�;. REV, JAMES REDDOCH ST. ANDR.EW' Jesus ...said, '''A;11. things' whatsoever ye .would that Men Should do to you, do ye even so to.thein ; for this is the law and .the prophets.'", ( Matthew. Chapter 7 v. 120• This. saying: of Jesus is•often called- ' 'The Golden, Rule'. ' Jesus.: sums up . in a single sr.'kftence everything that can be Said about, conduct'and the, true way. 'to, live. . The Pharisees believed the highest standard of conduct ' to be perfect obedience to the law.. It wastheir one aim in. life ` to keep the law. They read the books of the Prophets as giving them a glimpse'.into the purposes .of God. Yet •Jesus. is 'here saying that:the cvhole•mean.ing•of the law ' and the Prophets is suinme.d up in .the warns, 'All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even set() them'. Other people had said what appears atfirst glance, -to be something similar. For example Confusius who lived hundreds "of years 'before Jesus, •had said, `What .1 do not wish others to do to me, I also wish not• to do to them'. The great:Jewish Rabbi I-Iillel had said., 'Do net to otherds what you would not have them do to you'. There was also a Greek saying, 'If anything would make you angry if : it were done to you,. don't do it to anyone -else'`- — All these sayings which seem so very similar, to the Gol:den'Rule have a-po•int in cor7imon;. Put yourselfin the other,pers'bns place. - But there is a difference,;. and . it •`s a' profound dif- ference! •These other sayings snake it'a negative principle. A test of what not to do. Jesus alone makes it a positive principle of conduct "All things whatsoever ye wouldthat•men should do. to y.au, dei ye even so to ahem''. ,Jesus does not Say ?'Don't but "1)o". Goodness does not lie in prohibitions but sin per- formance.;• This: isiltustrated again and ,again in the teaching,of Jesus when He reproves people not r for 'doing something whong - but for doing nothing good:' The Priest and the Levite in the parable, of the "'Good ' Samaritan'.diil no harm to the man. who ' fell among 'the thieves. They . were not responsible for his condition. • But: they didn't ' help • :him. They passed by on the other • side. ... . , .. In another parable which Jesus told . a man .finds himself in torment hereafter not for anything he had done but because he had don( nothing for the man in need a his very gate. In the parable Jesus told of the 'Last Judgment' it.is the things .which people failed to do which placed them on the left hand rather than ' the right: `I was hungry and ye 'gave me no meat, thirstyand ye gave me no drink...' The critical question is not; has a person done any harm - but have they done any good! The 'Thou shalt not' of -the --aid starneht•gives=plarec the 'This do and thou shalt live' of Jesus. • Jesus not only gave' the Golden Riffle butgave.also the Golden Pattern • for. us ,„tofollow.. Peter declares how God annoizited •.'Jesus 'of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost BAYF] ELL)• and with power; who went • abQUt doing good. He. did not philosophize 'about goodness, ' ar think about it in any .ab- stract: way, but went about doing good. • - 1VIay we .feel _challenged! t1 'tallow in His steps for -only as we -are -inspired by His Spirit and takin.g '.'Him ' as •our. exa mple, will we be, able to . •live tlie,Golden Rule. ORINKI,NG & DRIVING• Safe driving is a family affair. • Local say c 'needed The time has come when the Presbyterian Church of Canada must reconsider the matter of church: union, the Rev.' p.L RO-5ral•-•=t at the. conclusion ofhis sermon in.. Knox'C'hurch last Sun'dayi . I-thiflk-we are x oving:into a 'tirne of :assess:ment," he. said, "I believe ' we: 'are,', corning into a time .when .we* must consider once agate tkla matter of Church : union, : '.I believe that; this. matter" of °: denominationalism is ai . insult thrown in the face of, the Lord, and the :time has, come when we must consider, and re -ponder. a matter i:of such. gigantic proportions: "I know the danger that underlies such a proposition. I know my own conviction as a Presbyterian':I know,that it has. been •my. desire, since L'. was born a • Presbyterian I would dieone; but after a terrible confliet o' spirit and wrestling,. of mind over matter I' feel the day has conle when we must recon- sider our position in regard to our • brethren. ' "I rememberhow sad I was when I. saw in.thg paper that •the. United and, -Anglican •people had cut off all comings and doings: Manhas Won another' victory, and do.vvned. Oise Lord again.. I believe.we have gilt into: a hostile, an- tti.gonis,tic:,- ' unharmoniaus kind of discussion: We have to sit down one with the other and ask 'What have we got? :What are we doing? Where are we ..going?' I believe we Presbyerians must give an - important meaning. to this question: 'What :- are we doing?'-" • The sermon was'. first of, three on related subjects: Time, Talent, Tithe. The Rev, Randolph R. M.o.hr of -Ca lgary will be the guest speaker at the supper meeting of the Canadian Bible a Society, Goder•ich; Branch, Thursday, March 25.at .6 p.m, in the Salvation Army Citadel. Paster Mohr isa minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada:, He is the ` District Secretary of the Canadian Bible Society,' South. . Alberta .District. Pastor Mohr, a' singer as well as a'.. Speaker, willbe taking' as his subject' "The Cutting Edge". In 1975,, the 'Bible` Society in Goderieh raised: " $2,560.14 for the work: Prbvt.rinIairtceeslab of officers About 200 women from 75 United Churches in Huron and Perth counties attended the annual . meeting of the Huron -Perth Presbyterial UCW .held at , brucefield' on March 17'on a very stormy day. • • - The' presbyterial elected to . Mrs. :Leopard Strong of • Egmondville as its new president. She succeeds Mrs: Roy Galway of Listowel. Mrs. Mary McDonald .of__Gadshili reported• the mission and service committee.' raised abdut $68,000 duringthe last year. Mrs, McDonald, who is °. retiringafter manyPerth regional presidents Galway, Mrs. Graham yearsas treasurer was presented with are: north, Mrs. Marya McNee, Dungannon; frien- a gift in recognition of her Raycraft,:..RR 2, Milverton; dship and welfare, Mrs. dedicated service. ' west, Mrs. Henry Davey, AR Ewart Crago, RR 1, St. Mrs. Anna Van Dijle. of 2,Monkton;:east, Miss: • Marys; literature, Huron, Stratford was the special Marguerite Caister, • Mrs. Graham McNee, Miss • guest. speaker. She and her . Tavistock; south; • Mrs. Myrtle Johnstone, Goderich; husband Conrad, a Norman Amos, K'irktoin. Perth, Mrs. Fred Pridham, veterinarian, spent. five Other- • officers are: RR 1, Mitchell; program and moriths in Bangladesh bet-, corresponding secretary, Christian development, ween ovem-`ber 1973 and • Mrs M .EReubeerr,Seafcxr- ;--.l=lltron yrs. .eslL• . i • h April 1974. She spoke- on recording secretary, Mrs. man, Blyth; Mrs. Greta conditioris-in Bangladesh'and Elmer Hayter, 'R.R„I„Ya.rna;•: Nediger, Clinton, Perth; Mrs. said there aremany ways of treasurer, .Mrs. Donald Fred Parkinson,RR 6, St: helping the people there such .'.K ern ic k ,..G o der.i. c h ; .: Marys; church in • society, as supplying milk Powder;. . stewardship' and .finance, -Mrs.. Bryce Skinner, • RR. 1, used ..•clothing . and .bedding . Mrs. Robert Walters, Kip- Mitchell; public relations, and by buying products they pen; leadership development, Mrs..George Grant,, St. produce, which gives them Mrs. Wesley Neil, Exeter; Marys; archives, . Mrs.• • self esteem. Jute is the only nominations,. Mrs: .Roy Charles 'Wilkins,, RR 3, product they can spare so Lucknow. zrr‘.(42.,tet4 HESE • • • W.A.CULBERT PRACTISE BREAST SELF- EXAM/NATION Bob' McCALLUNI Representative 11. Cambria Rd• Ge3derich S•2C7345 • THE BAHA'I FAiTH .TEACHES True Tossis for him whose days' have been spent in utterignorance of his true self. Write P.O. Boz 212,Goderrch Phone 524-6179 BETHEt HOLINESS CHAPEL BIBLE' MISSION'ARY. • CHURCH. handicrafts - made from jute (••-.•_._.. --..--.:..,.•.•.;..•4a..-s,.Y• ,_,r.—:, and cocoanut shell jewellery 'ace available.; The _statu t! { ,,of .,, ,,.,, _,BRA **4HE—WATER . ri .women`in Bangladeshis ni •. ; •mait-' mjnii Referr.ing� to• the _theme of � -the day •`,Something 3J3eautiful •" , Meeting at Robertson'Memorial School ForGod-',-she-said- We cat' -all- ) -{-Blake avis --Eldon Streets, Goder-ichi do something beautiful for SUISOAY, MARCH:'28, 1976 • God, even in'our •own homes, our .:owrr `cottiinunit Eeh • j Sunday ,School fel. all ages at .9:30.a•m. has his own way to serve I • FOLK SERVICE,,1 1:00 A.M. (' i=: ». better .than anyone else. We %' SE*MO "REALLY a ONLY ONE WAY?" - , are missionaries right here. IW.E WEDNESDAY, March 31, ,7;30 p.m. Mrs.: Bill Strong and'Mrs. .. • Srrvrce at Retitle! Holiness •Chapel Bill .Spence ,sang lovely_ duet' I' Sunday School 9:50 a.m. ' Classes for all. ages •. Worship Service -31:00 a.m. Prayer 6:30-7:00 p,m. Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.nr. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God MatthevS :8 524-2785 • Huron St. &. Walnut St, Kennison W. Lawton; Pastor.. • William,. . A.. Culbert, Dungannon, . died at his Persistence, persistence' residence on the 4th Con=: cession of Ashfield Township "There:is a story about a little we lack proficiency into ex . result :of a. sudden heart at- . - gravelledcountry road. them. But we can win over thein e'was• and someone asked even Thursday, March':18 as the . boy.. playing barefoot, on a.- cellence of we run away from' tack H 58 "Doesn't that hurt your feet?" if we face them head on with. He was the son of W.A. numbers during worship Marvin L..Barz, Paster - 524-2235 - ,. y esu rls 1 : He is Lordof a l," Acts 10,36 periods. Yearly 'reports werePreacllf�peardie b J s Ch ' t ' �- Nettie (Tyndall) Culbert and --.-•�...—•.�..�.•�...�,.-:....-••••••••••••,..•••••••••••••-•}-S-4•••.....1•1•• ,_•, , did,at' first, �', the boy an- sometimes, oto.. the point where was born November 6, 1917 in ,•.�.. —.— • SERVICES fc la . The fdlailythat brays:together.••. •• Staysiogeibe� him. deliberate persistence �•f Ashfield Township He was stepping stone to success... a farmer and had lived all hisClinton swered `But the rocks get softer. •we're ready. to.accept failure as a P presented. in, an interesting , _•.�. , •�•.�Y�.r� •� `.�.�_�•.,.•�.,_. manner ; .Rev. Ed Baker, Walton, in charge of the Yom.. ►.�,.. every. day." pp g Resource ' Centre at CI nto North: Street United Church Bethe P Of course, the rocks'di n't get The same rule applies to life. in. Ashfield. He was . a • f3 The Rev. Ralph E. King B A B.O., Minister ,a$tal Tabernacle softer; but the boy •persevered.. weaknesses ' of temperm spoke regarding its, use: ent too. ' member of ISun.gannon Miss Clare McGowan, paring the lunch hour, a.fiIm / Assisiant. patient United Ch f • andtriunipheclover kre you touchy, Church.We all have areas, in ,,, h ,. ps hotheaded, depressed? You can He is ' survived by. tliterature table visited. • Sunday School Ages 10 and up at 9:45 a.m. wo '1 rather e an d student,it may be:matherna'tics; .help you.but.don'-t expect Him to Ashfield Township; .and two- for wo for the young bride, it may be a draw a circle of protection _ sisters, Mrs. Len (Evelyn) • roast done - to a turn; for tfie around you. Crawford, Wingham and Mrs. would he musician it may here . If you're hot-headed, He won't ' Earl : (Coral; Sherwood, particular piece of music; for wave a lnagic'wand and make Carlow. many of us, perhaps it's the you sweet tempered. More likely The funeral service- was •• ability to communicate well with , He'11 place you in circumstances ' held at the Mckenzie Funeral others. where . you are annoyed and Home, Lucknow ' with the • Artist Warner Sallman once buffetted, where, with His.help, Rev. H.G. Dobson officiating. fald:'how he learned a lesson° of He expects you to contro'I your - Temporary entombment dpersistence in his'art elas's one anger. a If you are impatient, touchy or was in Dungannon' Y• morose, you may face recurrent Mausoleum: Pallbearers. - His instructor pointed out to provocation. God 'doesn't shield were nephews•, of the him' that he was having trouble us from battles whiclj help u5 win , deceased,': Donald arid' Jack ""•with the hands of the'subjects' he the victory over our weaknesses. Culbert, .Charles and •Jim was painting. "For the next .lie knows through constant Culbert, . Ernest . Sherwood • .week"•• he told Sal I want--s-u-br tion: to .•taa1--..4..e_g i and Bob Crawford. you do draw nothing but hands. overcoming strength. nlowerbearers wer'e"Kenneffi• whichlack proficiency. For the g p„ yowar Sketch them until you'll never need a model to show you what a hand looks like clasped, In.prayer, picking up a book, clutching' a purse or raised in a salute. Sketch thein in every -conceivable • position.'' Years later, Saltman. 'said, "People tell me the hands I paint. are lifelike, but this wouldn't be true had my instructor been satisfied with` less than the We can never turn areas where Each victory. is a down Crawford and William' payment :On:the next. Crawford, both nephews o.f, Mr. Culbert. Th CI k f Lite The clock of life is wound, but once And no man has the power, To tell just wlien. the hands will stop Ata late or early hour. NQW is the time you own! Work, pray, give with:a will P-laee`-no-faith in tomorrow, your clock may then be still. a for -- r:e • on Haiti was shown and the , • Mrs. J -aures Woltz, president of London Con- ference UCW, spoke briefly and presided during the election and installation of officers.Officers ce The.o , for 1976 are: past president, Mrs. Roy Galway; Listowel; president., Mrs. Leonard Strong, ,„Egmondville; first vice= president, Mrs: Franklin Zurbrigg, Listowel; : second vice-president, Mrs. Charles Wilkins, RR 3; Lticknow. Huron regional presidents are: north, Mrs.., William Cotrltes, RR 5•, Brussels; RR 3, Lucknow; east, Mrs. Campbell Wey, RR 4, Walton; south, Mrs. Howard Pym, RR Centralia. CLIP 8. SAVE 11-'7 - University of Waterloo swaa. "EUROPE IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY" A regul,or university credit Course. at The Midwestern. Regional Centre Palmerston "'1 .4 May a- July 26 (Monday evenings 7 - 9 p.m.) For further information: CoII Mr. Harold Forbes of the Centre 343-2015, OR. Come to our Information Night at'thb C' etre' April 12, 8:00 p -.m. :CLIP & SAVE • /. e-, affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. CORNER OFLELGIN AND WATERLOO STs : . Paster .= C• Fred Day SCHOOL' moil A:M. Last Sulliday.132 in attendance For bus Transit - Phone 524-6543 WE INVITE YOU IVIORNI MG WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. • EVENING SERVICE' T:O0 P.M. CAME TO SUN•B1AY SCHOOL AND CHURCH Wes, Mar. 31. SgIlecial-meetings for Ladies PiwneoS24-270.9 for details - CAL VAR Y BAPTIST CHURCH f9a" At . _` .,ID 4 bLAkE STREET EVANGiL15TIC-- FUNDAMENTAL • l .f. Mr. Lorne. H. Dotterer, Director of Music • • ' Sunday School for ages `3•to 9 from Worship at 11:00 a.m. SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 07-6-- 11 a.m. Worship Service SERMON "AMBASSADORS' FOR. CHRIST" Rev-. Arthur thus F Gardner Nursery Facilities Come and Worship with us. ST. GEORGE'S. CHURCH REV. R. 8PUBACHER'Pastor 10:00 A.M: 816.1E SCHOOL FOR ALL AG . DO YOU NEED,A RIDE?',. PLEASE PHONE 524-9497 11:00 A.M.. Mi N.fNG PREACHING SERVICE 6:15 P.M. Y.P.'s WORD OF LIFE CLUB . 7,40 to .14. :•EVENING SERVICE'S,. EAPYAMAL SERVICE WE.D 8 P -M: PRAYER ' & BIBLE STUDY • WELCOME TO THE. FRIENDLY CHURCH • ES. LENT .IV• SUNDAY, MARCH 28,,1976` . �. 8;30 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION, 11.:00 MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON 10':00'& 11-.00 A.M. CHILDREN'S PROGRAM& NURSERY Rector Canon G.G.'Russell B.A., B.D. Choirmaster-Organist:.Joseph 6. Herdman The freeMethidist Church• Park -St. at Victoria. Pastor: H. Ross Nicholls '• j ( Sunday School at .9:45 • '1 ..,...�..._..•....... .,...,,..._•...,..�..�. _...:.•_•Y.,..,.._.._,.,.......1� I.......••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .••. . •• ...•••+.•••�•••:.••�••. �•,�••�•••�•.�•••..•••:_••�:.�. • 11 00 "FULF.ILLING ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS" • • S +, 1 /: • Knox Pr to t rian Church OFFICERS FIRST RAPTUST CHURCH ( Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL SlcREET (near The Square) REV. W.14. W'HINNI'E F.R.G.S. 7:00 Evening' Worship. & Praise ( I All UVarmly Invited Orgarnet: Mr. Frank Bissett 9 45 a.m.- Sunday School' A:1�. ORHIPSERVICE' I i THE SALVATION ARMY } 18_WAT.ERLOO ST. S. THE PASTOR PREACHING ` Come You will be made welcome, SUNDAY SCHOOL-- 9:45 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP -11 :•00 A.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE- 7:00 P.M. Home League (Ladies) Wed. 8:00 P.M; 1 Prayer & Bible Studies Thurs, 7:30 P.M, ' ''. ? f CAPTAIN G. HERBER CAPTAIN M, mad<ENZIE to Attend i , • AH Are Cordially Invited • , I..••1.' 1-•,.•."►Y•".L.•s•�,.Y•�;i'Vi.Y•`Ir i'�.YYY.:Y•'\.••.�•• ..'.i.,.�. 524-9341 %. • WEEKDAY THE REV. G. LOCK KART -ROYAL, B.A. Minister THE REV. RONALD C. McCALLUM, Assistant WILLIAM M., CAMERON, director of Praise lLUPSDAY, MARCH 28, 1976 % Street United Church '' 1, I ',.THREES S .CHURCHMANSHIP"10 a•m• Bible aCtlllI for all Grades ` A•LENT • Tithe. ( ( •.Facilities.)- .-, ,- , 4SERMON: 5 , (tonso'iiidatbiil til 11 Scheel retires• from the Service) I .I ALIVE FOR E'1flwttMlORE„ 11:00 . Morning Worship it flrl0 r Sermon:i f " HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP • REV. LEONARD WARR SPIN ON • I Time. iiiit I 11,Ob a•rtl: Worship Service ca. 1.0,4,, '1 Sunday, April 4, • Erifer'te V it fid +'. Depart to Serve I Mrs. J. Snider, Organist' Choir Director , •