The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-03-11, Page 26RAG: I QA"-GODF RICH S IGNA L-STAR,„THURSDAY, MARCH 11', .1976 (,Intended for last week) COMMUNITY NEWS Sheardown and son Ricky of, Pokupi.ne, Ontario silent from Thursday u't til Monday Mrs. , Arie VanDiepen was - atthe home of her parents admitted to' the Alexandra Mr: and Mrs; Ormond .Het-. . Marine and General Hospital•'fern;an and with his: parents in Goderich an Monday, Mr. ' and Mrs, Harolds. •February23. Shear"down thGoderich: Mrs, Jack VanQsch was •Mr..and Mrs:. Mark Dalton able -to`return. to her home andrfamily spent the weekend here on Friday, h'ebru•at•y 27 in Barrie. - • after spending the past month ' The Kingsbridge' Youth as a patient in the W ingham Club engaged " the Vanastra and, District '. ,General • Swimming Pool for one hour. • Hospital on Sunday, February 2.9. and Several from this area "the -pool was crowded: with attended the annual meeting .swimmers and all' . report • of the Dungannon having,are.al.good time, Agricultural Society held in Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dalton the Dungannon" Agricultural spent - the weekend at the --Hall on Wednesday evening, home, or their 'daughter and. February 25. The survival of "son In-law, 'Mr. and Mr's. the Dungannon Fall Fair was Arnold .Marsman and family the='.t,opic.. of discussion. in London. , --- • • Chairman for the program pUBL1C SPEAKING was •Bob McNeill. The en- thusiastic crowd made known A large crowd attended the their approval PI the OECTA Public speaking Dungannon Fa11 Fair which competitions -which were held. . will be held on a week day • in St. Joseph's' school gym sometiniel, in September. - na•sium at Kingsbridge; on Twelve directors and 20 Wednesday, .Febr-uary 25 Associate (Directors were •Judges were . Mr. 4.. nominated.. ' O'Droivsky, Trustee, Huron A snowmobile marathon is • Perth R.C.S.S. Board;, Mr. • being planned to .be held on' Terry 'Craig, . President of Sunday, March 7 at the 'St. ' O.E.C.T.A.; and Mr. Sandy Helen's WI Hall . with-- McQuillan, teacher at: St. - registration at 12:3.0 tp 1:30. James School, Seaforth. Sponsors are needed to make Junior winners, Grade 5 • this marathon a success. The . and 6 were: first; -Joey money is to be u. Sed to help Morrissey, student', at St. the ,Dungannon 'Agricultural .Mary's School, •. Goderich, Society: • ' . speaking on water .skiing; Reverend . Father •Ed -- se-eond,:--Annie Va.nD:iepen, Dentinger, CIR. , and •t° student at.,.St'. J.oseph's,' Kingsbridge., horses. Senior. winners, Grade 7', •and 8, first, Mary. Luanne Clare, Grade 8 student at St. Joseph's school, Kingsbridge, Speaking. .on Teenagers;. second, Leo Kinahan, Sacred Heart School, W ingham, Loch Ness Monster, Schools taking part were from Goder1ch; • Wingharn,. • Clinton '• -and Kingsbridge. • Students representing Kingsbridge were Mary Luanne Clare, Dean Doherty,' Grade 8, Poem recital, Joan Tigert, 13i11 ` Furan Marjorie. O'Neilt Introduction. I'byllt4 Hickey, I\iurria . Vont/sell; .11.1.141 4.1 Chisholm tigd with • Donnn.I3 rent ltn, Open ,.to Grades, 7 -arid S. 1t)'tpron11a•tu 4p'ehes, Miry' -1.1.14nnca t litre, Phy�lli' Hic,kcy, Brian Drennan.. '' ' On Friday n'rtu:n, 1" ebr0ary 27the. judges for tiie open skits for Grades 5 a•nd 6 were Reverend Fattier Sullivan, Reverend Father l)ettti'nger, and BrQther Carl Voll. First place winners were Jackie ' Dalton and Debbie Drennani second, Tony VanDyke;.Tim Martin and Michael • Franken; thirdz l)i'anne VanOsch and Yvonne Sinnett. .. - The L.ucknow Legion, Branch 309 'Public :speaking competitions will. be held in the . Lucknow . Legion on Friday evening, r arch 5. 'LEASE NOTE: ' Because many items have been Specially purchased'(Or this sale, we reserve the right to limit quantities. Not all items' necessarily`availabie at all branches" ` All prices are • cash & `. carry. Delivery . •& credit terms available at extra cost. . Reverend Father Clarence Hauser, C --,R. returned • on Friday,, February 27 after ' Spending 25 days vacation in. Florida. Edward Sinnett,. son of Mr'. and Mrs. "Jim' Sinnett and Wayne Courtney,. .son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Courtney' left on. - Friday. February 27._to IO days in Acapulco, Mexico.. Mr. and Mrs•,rand Heffernan, have returnedmto their• home' here.. after spending twelve days visiting at the home of her sister Miss Annie VanDiepen and Jackie Blanche • Bilodeau ' in. Dalton.. •` Waterloo. ' • The Garvey ' Competitions • Peter :Frayne; student at : were completed on Thursday LaV altll3 University, Quebec ---afternoon, February. 26 to St: spent study, week at the home ' Joseph's • school at of his parents Mr: and Mrs.. Kingsbridge: Judges were DonaldFrayne. Mrs.• Dorothy ' grown'; and „, The Annual World Day of Mrs. Sally Ritchie.. •Prayer, for Peace w,ill be held Congratulations to the on Friday;' March 5 at 2.:00 following winners: p.m. at the Lucknow United Grade 5, poem recital, first, Church,' It is sponsored this Lisa Frayne; .second, Cathy year by the Ashfield Trinity Chisholm; third, Harry United Church.. Boyle; Book report, Dianne v o Several from this area • VanOsch, Patrick Fora; tied . - attended the dance in the with Marian: Knoop, Peter W ingham Armouries on, Doherty. Friday, February, 27 spon• Grade 6, Poem recital, • ,•sored. by • the W ingham Diane Miltenburg, Freddy Alliance For Life. Gerdes, Debbie Drennan; Raymond Hogan and -Neill Original poems, Kevin MacKenziereturned to their Leddy, Willy Hetidriks tied- ' homes here on Friday, with,- Jackie VanOsch,•. February 27'after enjoying an Michael Franken. ' Agricultural Tour of Brazil. Grade ,7, Poem recital; And Paraguay conducted by. 'Ronnie Austin, Astrid :the Clare- Burk .Travel Plasschaert Sharon Agency, • • ,Doherty; Introductions, Tom Miss Mildred -Vega of Franken tied with Brian • •Ecuador 'is spending three : •Drennan, Brian Smith, Dorina weeks vacation with 'her VanOsch. friend Raymond Hogan at the Help .your home of his parents, Mr. and . Mrs. John Howard. Mr:° Toril-y-Tl ' .1••• released from the Wingham Help -your ' and District General Hospital on Saturday, February 28.: •HE*0►f t FundMr. and Mrs, ' John Why you should - let H&R Block worry about your income taxes. H&R Block is a full-time, • year-round income tax preparation firm. We"don't disappear of ter:April 30th. Offices are open all year. to ,help you with tax problems. Get a little peace- of mind. H&R'- BLOCK THE INCOME TAX. PEOPLE 1.9 ' lcuRSA T N r GODE1tiCH Hwy. 21 Beside Presbyterian Church - Open 9 a.nt. to 8 p.m. Weekdays, 9.5 Saturdays ,PHONE 524.8658 • ' AIso 30 Isaac St.. Clinton , • OPEN SATURDAYS : NO APPOINTME NY NECESSARY • DO IT: YOURSELF With Beautiful Style Tones • The Gaily Patterned • . Carpet by OZITE.with : . Hiigh Density_Foarrt.. Rubber Cushioned Back SAVE 00 O ° off These First Quality • Decorator:PaneiS PARISIAN GOLDor PARISIAN GREEN Delicate Parisian street scenes that bring to life the romanticism of an earlier age. Our usual cash & carry. price • 12.99 but you now save 25% - 9.74 fop also save 25% on 'GOLDEN BIRCH A beautiful wood 'print panel ' you'll really enjoy. Our usual cash & carry price is 10.99. but it too is on sale for only - • ,.b 8.24 WHILE STOCKS LAST!; , -A SPECIAL. PURCHASE Just in Time for our 2nd Annual . "DO-IT-YOURSELF" SALE! 41x90" Prefinished Printed `; : Panels. And .Beca,use. Theyre,2nds,-They e, on Sale While Stocks Last,. Sq. Yd. Our Usual Cash & Carry 'Price 7..25 Per Sq. Y_ei.. • ` This is one of our best-selling pat= tern carpets! -It's, quality `made: in ' tufted, continuous "filament- nylgn so you know you're getting durable, hard-wearing carpet and Ozite has made it with a high density' foam rubber cushion back so no•.,underpad..is n cessary. You can install,it=your- self. SAVE 1.30 Per Sq. Yd. Ask For A FREE COPY of our 8 Page Iyer Our Usual Cash & Carry Price 9.85 YOU SAVE OVER 30 PERCENT :.rdes.gn copy,, ,t,ti T jar SHINES WITHOUT WAX'ING. by Armstrong 85 Sq. Yd. This is one of the best deals we •have ever, offered!' Sundial by Armstrong - a stunningly beautiful . no - wax floor that comes in a choice of -6 lovely designs it's 12' wide and . has a tough,resilient foam inner cushion that makes it' quiet and comfortable derfoot .. and -you now pay3.00 a square yard less •: than our.tisual cash:& carry price. What more could you ask.forr . - off _�.liaden PAIN QUARTS Also Available at 20°%.Off Our Usual C.&C. Prices; YOUR CHOICE: • NORDIC. SPLENDOUR or I SHERWOOD OAK .., each AND THEY'RE NOT LIGHTWEIGHTS( THEY'RE 5.5 MIL Thick 4 WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY JUTE BACKED CARPET During This Sale. same • on any Underpaid IN STOCK 'AI; Discount Dave's, you'll- find a wide selection of rubber, backed carpeting .` .::•but if you find a jute backed carpet with a fiattern or'color you really like. We'll Pell you the underpad you need for. 50 percent • off our -usual cash& carry price. 'SPRED Lb -LUSTRE LATEX WALL TRIM Our usual GAC. price 11.95 •9°56 Gal. 'SPRED SATIN LATEX WALL PAINT. Interior,Our usual C.&,C.11.55 8;99 Gal. SPRED LO -LUSTRE Alkyd Eggshell - price 14,69. 11.75 Gal"_ SPRED LUSTRE ENAMEL OAP' caval C.&C: : 14.69 • .11.75.Gai. '• Save. O Double Bo I -.Stainless Steel LEDGEBACK 4 156 4 OTH.ER'LIGHT FIXTURES ALSO OVER 20% OFF VER #87001 TOUCH CONTROL • FAUCET Single handle controls both tem- perature and • volume. OZCIFF! RECESSED SQUARE unwired. Flat . albalite -glass with • • white, triii : ak-e-g71"•100 .watt"bulb not: included. Our usual C.&C. 8,99 ,• - - TIFFANY \FIXTURE Plastic . shade in` Avocado/ Pearl or Amber/Pearl with an- tique brads; finish. • Bulb extra. Our usual-C.&C.•33.99 • 6" 1 All Prices Are Cash & Carry But• Delivery & Credit Terms Are Available • At Extit•Cost Remember: . SALE ENDS Saturday March 13/7 Complete with -.trainers: mo d€ I RD1:23 Our usual cash and, carry price 51 X35 ,2( sale"flow at%off. SINGLE BOWL SINK ' Stainless steel mr;rj,,i R28, complete with ,tr;,•ner 1 Without ledge 01,r . 1,;ual C.&C price 23 95 ■ . • J • Save on a' Select Group• OF HAND TOOLS SUCH A,.S THIS SO' CHALK LINE at 2.37 OUR USUAL C &C. PRICE 2.79 WINDSOR EAST "iacumseh Bypass on highway 2• Phone /214001, Daily 8 - 5:30 Incl:' .Seturdby. Friday Illi 9 p.rn. WINDSOR WEST 500 Frorft Road In. Latatid: Phone - 734.1221: Daily 8. 5:30 intl. Satur- day, Friday lilt 1 p m, • • 'D, SC 01/N . • DAVE $ " TD Sara llib,Mp,ar, High i< ; rote« .: d' risen i 1, /id ar pl 6.w3 M.r,°/ OWEN S• "UKITCHENER ;: ' On Highway 21 at SprIngmounl Cor- 589 Fairway lid South, ner, Phone 378.3181. Open 8 a.nr. - • Phon9744*8371,Datlyp.m. $:30 a,!11 dolt;; Saturday till 4 p rn . including Saturday Fvrday till 9 p • • 11SsBRANCHESt AMHERSTBURG EXETER • GODERICH GRAND BEND .:.. HARROW • KINCARDINE- KINGS1/ILLE' KITCHENER ' .736.2151 OWEN SOUND 235-1422 RIDGETOWN 524-8321 SOUTHAMPTON 2382374 __,THEDFORD..• ....... _. 738-2221 ' WEST LORNE • 396-34b3 WINDSOR EAST 733-2341' WINDSOR WEST •744-6371 37:6.3181 674.5465 '797.3245 296-4091. . 768.1520" 727.6001 734.1221 REG. HOURS: MQN:-FRl • 8 A.M. TO 5:30 SAT. .TILL 4 P.M: KITCHENER - WINDSOR' EAST WINDSOR VESTFRIDAY till' g' • P.M. AND P.M: °