The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-03-11, Page 18•
PA .E 10 .00I EllINA.L-STAR THURSDAY, MARCH .1 1, 1976
Forgers. present brie f s
°�".,,•, fir.. ,....��......-.,,�, ::;.nn .......... .. ........_ .....�,_...
By'Susan White
The Ontario Federation of
' Agriculture will reverse its•
stand in favour of preserving
farm land; unless the public is
willing, to .share; the costs of
,keeping good land , •in
agriculture, OFA. president
.Gord:ori.. Hill predicted
Saturday , ^when Huron
•Feder-ation • me.znbers
presentedbriefs to • local
mem'ber•.s, of . parliament in
The, reason some farmers
are "sayilrg the hell: with it"
Is that the cost of protecting
land is "falling entirely on the.
farmers who own it,"
• Society has heard farmers
say that, the, land should be
preserved, but have paid no
attention to the rest of the •
message that everyone
should help. pay the costs.
Farmers on land that is zoned
agricultural are `''locked ,in,
with . the cards stacked
against therri", Mr. Hill said,
• and the Federation is under a
• lot of pressure to reverse its
stand. •
• Huron -Bruce MPP Murray
Gaunt said• he was "startled"
by Mr. Hill's comments. "But
I can understand; society
benefits, farmers pay the
Federation • members
presented briefs on financing
problems,finding a market
for No. 4 beans, the planning.
act and .on<income protection
and other• issues andasked
the politicians for answers:.
Federation 'got questions 'in
Jack Riddell, MPP for.
Huron -Middlesex asked .how
farmers felt about Ontario's
• minimum' wage being about
35 cents an hour higher .than.
in the US. Labour costs were
ci ted as one reason that US•
canned fruit can be bought
here cheaper than it costs
errta'rio2-farinera to--prodnee-
"I don't think farmers like
the idea of ''paying anybody
substandard wages," Mr. Hill
said. .
The OFA president said he
saw ' two ways to improve
farm -income, better' border
protection with tariffs and
quotas,` or an. income All three politicians agreed members, More• Money will
protection .Plan. • The first with. the principle of a farm be • availab,le tvhe'n the
choice is moat acceptable, he income protection 'plan•• government's new year Starts
said:• supported in a brief presented April 1.
Federal MP- Robert . by Maurice 'Bean, -Ontario- When Maurice Bean argued
McKinley agreed: "We've wants the •federal govern- • that FCC loans should have a
been sold: down the drain (on. 'merit to set up a Canada wide ceiling so that young.farners
tariffs) and I don't have to tell : :scheme, but MPP Gaunt says don't get too deeply in debt,
you who did ' it,"•He said the .• that's lust' 'an -excuse... .Jack Riddell replied.`that a
• federal government had to "Newman (agricultural fanner has to be able to
negotiate the same protection.. minister William Newman) p-urc,hase,,the land he needs'
for Canada's agricultural will have to take some instead• of 'agricultural.. Land
products, that the European responsibility here." ` ' ' going 'to perhaps a doctor or•'
Corninon Market offers its . '• OFA president Hill said the lawyer who has got; the
members, "We've got to: get legislation should be 'put in, money to buy ,
tough in negotiations; we ve place,.. and then farmers can "Would land sell 'at a high
given up too much already;" decide to useit or not. value if these large sums
the MP for Huron -Middlesex Mr. Bean also asked. for (FCC loans) weren't
said.• help in changing inequities in available?" Mr. Bean'asked:
Running, through. Saturday. the agricultural code, of Mr. Riddell said he thought
afternoon's discussion was practice thatputs restrictions speculation and shortages of
the theme• that development on farm buildings that don't farmland have put more
'should be channelled. north, apply to neighbouring non pressure on prlees'•per acre.'
away from . Ontario's class farm builders. Reeve Varna area farmer Jake
- one and•two farm land. Mc Cutcheon • thought the Van Wonderen asked why
"What do we do with our matter would be changed ° goveirnmentscouldn't put
increasing -population?" Mr, with input from county pressure ole banks, for
• Riddell asked "Many in planners when the codeis example, to make sure Farm
Huron want more industry to revised. Improve -Ment loans,
keep young . people here; '' The code isn't consistent, government 'backed and at
'others :say preserve farmers 'complained. A pig 'lower than prime rate, were
• agricultural land." barn has been- built close to available.
"You get people to go north How.ic•k Central • school, one , Shop for credit and use one
by building a power " plant man in the audienbe.said, and bank against another`,' was
there instead- of on Lakethe board of education was Mr. Hill's` advice. Bank
Huron on the county's prime told that they had built in the .—managers .need farmers.
farm land, Phil Durand, country and would.have to put "Educate your local bank
• chairman of the Ontario. Bean.' up with the smell. "Thai barn manager, invite him to your
Producers Marketing Board could have been'built'farther farm -..So what if- the :neigh-
'said. "If there are jobs there; away, but' it wasn't tours think you're in finan-
people will go" and he asked required," one man said. • trouble," he joked.
what guarantee there was Bert Elliott of 'the Huron ^ All .three, elected members
that . Huron young, people County Cream Producersagreed with.. Huron Pork
Would ` want to stay here even said dairy farmers w.ere.. Producer's president Elmer
if there is industry here.: going - to have problems Harding . that seat belt
"Let's face it,• we'd all like : meeting IMPIP loans based wearing shouldn't' have been
our children to live close, but on high production at a time made , compulsory Murray.
what's. the price?.", when they.are being asked to Gaunt said an incentive, like;
Federation • president Hill cut back their production. saying OHIP won't pay your
'said: "If land is paved over it The " MP's agreed: Con- hospital bills if you've injured.
will be lostforever." sumers `di
on't realize that 'when wearing a seat belt,
• Huron's • warden, Jack farmers are tailoring' .their would- havebeen more ef-
Mc;Cutcheon asked • .the•. production to what the : fective. .
Federation to supportthe market requires Gordon Hill YOU'RE
County -planners '' in, .their said. WHISTLING •
efforts to save.. agricultural "Consumers also don't IN THE
land. "You 'may be locked in know that a big chunk omes DARK
now`•but n`afew years you 11"Joff-farmer*paymen-tato-shi=p-•-,---
be rewarded. There's only so powdered milk 'overseas
much ;agricultural land and MP McKinley said.
we must always eat." There's been practically no...'
To laughter from the money --since last fall in the
audience he said° "it won't be Farm Credit Corporation and
long now before everyone`'ll that's why farmers ' wait so
want to get into the fast bucks , long after they get approval
that can be'Made in far= to get their money, Mr. '
ming." McKinley told the Huron FA
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The :GDCI Drama Club won the Sarnia District festival
Competition last weekendwith their production of,
Shakespeare's. Midsummer Night's Dream. The troupe now
goes to the regional competition: in Guelph in early April to
try to win a berth in .the all Ontario finals for the second
year in a row. The cast members are (fr'ont row from left)
Dave. Bird, John- Reinhart, JoAnne Thompson, Laurie
Kernighan, Michael Doorly, Paul O'Brien • and Eleanor
Robinson, director, (second •row from left) Dave Smith,
Susan More,:. Debbie Shaddick, Jennifer Harrison, -Dan`.
Donnelly, Pat Murphy and Warren Robinson, director,
(third row from left) Jim Wilkin, Chris,Carter, Rob Bundy,
Wanda Lipner, Catherine Westlake and Cheryl Bell, (fourth
row from left) Phil Main, Scott Miller and Mary Lou Elliott,
(fifth rowfrom left) Earl Salter,. Sean Mac Laren, Rob
McEwen and Jed DeJong, (sixth row from left') Anne Marie
Murphy and Judy Fisher. (staff -photo) '
Must cut spending
By Wilma Oke,
The Huron -Perth County frey asked administr:ati.on to increase of $168 over the 1975
me up with some pace '
boards to respect ceilings
Zurich trustee Ted:.Geof- --contract price of $1,080. an
Roman Catholic : separate
school board will not endorse
the resolutions from the
county .. board and the.
separate ••school board, of
Storm.o.n.t;: Dundas • &. _
Glengarry, each ,calling for
support of additional
financial assistance to offset
- anticipated increases in the
local mild rates. .
Investigation revealed that
-these boardseach exceeded
the niinistry1t ceilings by
substantial 'amounts . in 1975,
Jack Lane;-soiperintendent of
`''business and finance
reported. He said a con-
scientious effort should be
made to reduce spendings to
the ministry's ceilings rather
than ...encourage further
provincial assistance' to
exceed these ceilings.
Mr. Lane stated the Huron -
Perth board has always
contained its.spending.within
the ministry's ceilings and
believes all boards should do
likewise, particularly in 1976
in keeping with anti-inflation
measures. •
The 'board was short four
trustees at the meeting held
in• Dublin • Monday night.
Joseph Looby of Dublin has
been holidaying • in . Florida
since early January, Michael
Connolly of RR 3, Kippen is in
Ireland, Howard Shantz. of
Stratford is in Hawaii and
Vincent . Young of Goderich,
in Turkey.,' An inquisitive
.mouse came i to the board
room, but n't seem in-
terested in filling one of the
empty cha rs as it soon
scampered away:
Trustee David Teahen. of
Stratford -reported on the
family planning .advisory
committee meeting whichhe
attended in Stratford on
February 25. The board will
write Dr. Susan E. Tamblyn,_-
Perth Medical Health officer,
requesting the aims and
objectives of the committee
for the board' to study the
proposed famil•,r' planri ng
clinic to be set. ,` soon by the.
-The board ' accepted •-the-
resignation. of John
McCarroll, Stratford,f:•'
physical education con-
sultant, effective at the end of
June and Thomas Hoad, St.
Aloysius- School, Stratford,'
effective March 19; by mutual
suggestions as to how to cut After the board agreed. to
the budget: pay transportation costs : of °
"Well examine, every one approximately $450. for
that is .suggested,'' replied-" Stratford grade 8 students to
the board chairman._ . • journey to Port B_ur_w_ell for
The board renewed',. the ; religious retreat, Wing ham,
contract with the Simplex ' area, trustee . asked • for 'an
International Time Equip- : explanation as to why
ment company, Ltd. for the "Wingham students travelled
time clocks in the schools ata, to Stratford to a. retreat and
Committee 'Chairmen
reported they are making
elks where possible as "the,
budget is prepared for T976,
Stratford .member Ronald.
Marcy said it was impossible
to make cuts in the tran •
sportation budget and „with
smaller grants this will result
Chairman Arthur Haid said
he thinks the government is
copping out "as it led us to
form .larger school areas
resulting in the need for
transportation, and . now.
suddenly grants for trap• .,
sportation are out,"
Stratford went to Port, Bur
well. He received no answer.
when John O'Drewsky of St.
Marys reminded him he was.
out of order as .the, request
had already been voted on.
The board supported, . a
resolution from '-the. Brant
County board of education to
back the •'federal govern-
ment's a>lti-inflation board.
and the :.provincial • anti'
inflation measures. •
s not a matter
of chance
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