The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-03-11, Page 12P4 E.4.
,•Tl•• ORSDA?, MARCH l`1,..1e e
For 'a little More than two' medical • centre • could have
month's now, the dispute over been •expedient. Surely that
hospital care in Huron County would have eliminated much
_has been going on. Since the of. the difficulty presently.
announcement shortly before : being experienced... .
-Christmas that the Goderich But • S.ea• hospital•
Psychiatric Hospital would , was built in the, days
'close April 1, 1976 to the when•provineial funds flowed'
present time when-�the, fight is . like .water. ,The government
On to keep Clinton' Public gave little t1i light to. etat
Hospital open' ,ni sch has been' backs and curtailments 'thenee
written:. arid' . said' about .:. and the citizens in this part
hospital care in :Heron of the country were lend to,
County. ; ' believe that their- .hospitals
this. newspaper has tried. to were as 'secure as anything
make it clear in the past that could be: They even dared to
' if hospitals throughout the hope that when their turn
province of Oitar10 must new came for expansion that their
close, it only points "up the' hospitals would be among the
fact that the Conservative -finest to be found anywhere,
government has over -spent
• and over-extended provincial'
in the health care field. We're
seeing what. Frank Miller
feels .is necessary 'as an
immediate step to ...curtail
hospital_...speeding. But. what
-about, the outrageous statistic
that CHIP presently is paying
only about 14, per cent of; the
Cost' of medical care in the
,:province? What about the.
attitude' of many people that.
the best• in personal medical
care is of the govern-
ment and, '.the right of
everyone? What about the
growing numbers. of doctors
who are milking the, system
And .:though getting richer
than ever before, . are still
dissatisfied with their lot in
life? What about the waste.
and' mismanagement which.
has crept into so many
government•-., health in-
stitutions? ,
From where I sit, I believe.
that the cutbacks we've.' seen
to date 'are but the tip of a
giant iceburg. I feel certain
that the future holds some
'devastating surprises for all.
healthdollars ie recent years. It's all over now b°. at least
What's more, this for the time being until new
newspaper: along with others ways can be found to squeeze
all across the 'province, has th'e'necessary money out of
- attempted to, show that we the taxpayers in' this
are indeed on a cpllision province. At the present, the
course with disaster .,..and to. nae is restraint
Urge citizens to stop and ••, and it isn't much fun,
ider their. duty There are' lots of problems
think, to cons
as responsible voters and
health sere pe users.. r o Letters ' to. the Editor
Now .the people of Huron
County and other parts' of the '
province where health cuts
have been made, are anxious,
and bitter. They. want things
restored to the way ,they
were: As they tare
concerned, there .. is no
satisfactory alternative.
Everybody's jumping' on
the bandwagon. Everyone
seems to.believe that Frank
lV1i 11er is a menace and that
Premier Bill Davis is an.
unfeeling dictator : who
doesn't care "about .the lady in;
Brucefield with'a heart at- 1
I shaCe .the regret of those I.
who are •mourning ,for
'Goderich Psychiatric
Hospital and Clinton Public
Hb'spital.;.Both hospitals haye
served my family` -arid friends
down through the years; Both .
were useful.. Both'.•had- •a
purpose. - Both, were ap-..
preciated in Huron:. •.
But the time may very welt
• have arrived when we can no
longer afford then And
though the government •has.
not clearly demonstrated that,
savings will be effected
because of closing these two.
facilities, i.t is doubtful. if
anyone can accurately argue
that savings will not be
realized . without having ,
access to the .full' and com-
plete plans 'for the govern
meet's overhaul of health in
the province of Ontario.
Ins proud that the board of
Alexandra Marine and
General; Hospital' is prepared
(continued on page 5)
L•L SicrNr}
Local doctor takes exception
Won't forget
recognize the need for • they will scare us half way.,•
government restraint, but What we _really,.need,is a
why did you not approach this law forbidding' the use of seat
in a traditional democratic belts: Then people might start
manner. The p
.� • ublic is'we11 ' 'driving again with respect -
TO MR. MILLER ' f the fact that your for themselves and others!
aware, o Mr. D. Hannetiberg
mediae . Ottawa.
Thank you for your recent menced im y
l. recessed and
that•its brutal execution was
with our attitude that "the
Dear Mr: Miller: restraint programme . corn
1 after
letter concerning hospital the legislature
tack. I must isag complete before. it recom-, Story e
Personally, 'I am not an wi - ymenced, thereby preventing
advocate o e the necessary i
.government in this province: escalating at an annual -rate the legislature. The Signet Star of Feb,. 26
I do''not'agree with much of greater than: the revenues of Why did you not look at published alitt a story about
'nc'e cane ac- ecoacftes, to which
f tli Conservative costs of health care have been debate w thin Dear Editor, , - Clinton Hospital, in- order icr• it
what has happened o, the this Pate other ways of saving. health Huron stag
--recent past in.Ontario;. and commodate Kindly note dollars .before : axing I added a paragraph.or two
a_r•.tt,...,;.,... •�•, rural -Mail. carriers.
On behalf of the•Maple Leaf i `betra. al of
.Imperial Order of Goderich and
.Daughters ofi area who fought'so hardan
would like to thank you for long to keep these 20 beds at
your excellent coverage of
chiropractic reproduced the'Signals • O d j consider this a Y
mail people here :since 1908 or
even .195$;`. but I must have
been unusually clumsy .in'
presenting the • matter, .'as
several ;persons . ••have•.
telephoned; Me or written to
say that certain names were
This interest indicates that
it might be worthwhile to dig
out the whole story, one of
these days.
. ' . W. E. Elliott
Good' coverage
vent though we '.enjoy a.:-. p .P,re
` tre endows Tile style here I 17- 1975 Ontario Budget os 15 ais? .
and Chir
of $2.886 billion services as ? was the 50th anniversary: of
p "nciat health as local •hospitals'•I• it route
m optometric
feel that .much of it has .not" estimates show health 'care "' a essential to our dist of carriers in 1958, which
been wisely initiated..I fear expenditures
that we will pay up - in much and . a Gross rove Must we tolerate the ever the first rura . ma
the same fashion as w a Product (G P P) of $64.5 increasing number of ad -Ontario Then Postmasr
to Miller's attitude.
"Dear Editor,
I would like to comment on
the latest developments in the
proposed' closing.of the
,Clinton Public Hospital.
namely - the offer by the
Board of • the .. Goderich.
Alexandra Marine . and
General.. Hospital to transfer.
the 20 bed psychiatric unit
remaining. at
keep it open:
the people
h the Empire I d
e re n' ri the . Goderich Psychiatric
i e
staff' required to Farnsworth gave ' me the our chapter events clan ng th ,Hospital.
yo. my
k Mille
g already here health billj,00n These figures, show
paying t" t r quire
• 'Bu concerse.d. health care casts to ac run'O:H.I.P.? Do all: senior . names of the present drivers pastyear.
Enclosed is a cop
•. ' But � I refuse. to join the . to .4.4 percent; of the (3.P:P, ;,,citizens. •: require :. ; free on routes outof Goderich.. Yours truly, letter to 'Kon. Fran
or Mrs. P. Main the ..
closing w minrstra ive s a t e. f
• Miller
• people who are screaming.for Figures. for earlier years medications? etc: etc. There was no attempt fi regarding . of '
restoration of GPH and show that health care costs ih nt
IOnce again, h stress that intention to name the rural Publia'Relatio s Secretary. Pub-le•c e Ho petal,
Clinton hospitat..'in...-t.l ;ir cee nte�d for 4�.4_ eften _of this irresponsible un- '
present state. • the G.P.P. in 1974, 4:5 percent democratic closure of
I am :sorry 1971 and
that Frank ' in 1972; 4.7 percent in hospitals will hot be forgotten
Miller chose` the methods he 4.5 percent in1.970. by the electorate b forgone
did to close these facilities, 2: Federal health.zninister,Yours. sincerely,
but Ireally . want to believe' Marc Lalonde and British
that the minister of• health health consultant Robert _ nJ. L. Hollingworth, M D.
will bring '• about effective Maxwell declared at a recent • ;�,h�h 'U
'savings in the health services . conference: •'of, the ' Ontario .
field.. without: sacrificing Health Association, that
adequate ?medical care • in Canadas :rate of overall Dear Editor,
Ontario: health spending by govern- The mien of St. George's •
Notice I. used the word meets 'is declining. Maxwell, Church would like to thank all
"adequate". I"rn not talking after surveying health costs"Panes ose who
about "ideal" or even in twenty : countries, 'statedSupper.
``desirable"— ri3edTeal .care --that iC--anada-has RE -DLI -CED, first—male=ventare-in nnan-y--
,I'm simply • talking about its rate, to less. than 7 percent ehave ethave realezed e that
adequate health services. of the Gross National Product we entos for- our ,next
And, this, I think, is the (G P) while in other p
• greatest mistake the
provincial •government made
in ,the past -.. convincing the
people of this province that
we could not only afford what
was adequate, but what was
desirable as well.
One . of the most recent
examples of this, . right in
Huron County,. was, the
constructi-oh- �-Of Seaforth.
Community Hospital ... a
-beautiful looking hospital
• with 44 beds._ At the same
time, Clinton" hospital just
' • eight miles away with 62 beds
Was. old and badly in need of'
Voters in this part of the
country had a right to expect
that.if. government 'officials
saw problems in the future -
and surely .these monetary
• difficulties • did -not
materialize overnight - that
sortie far-sighted plans,- to
build a Seaforth-Clinton
developed countries, it effort.
t. ..
continues. to•,.increase. I'n Please come next year to
Sweden ared"e U.flS.A. health see how we have profited
spending -accounts for 8 from our mistakes. Thank.
In closing ospi a e insmall 1
communities, ' you • are .
-destroying facilities. which.
are essential to the•. delivery,
of good . primary medical
care. Countries as diverse in.
outlook. and in structure as
Britain and. China ;have
realized that primary care,
administered . by health
personnel within the com-
munities, is the. least costly
and most desirable way of
providing good medical care,
to rural' and urban dwellers'
alike. Why.then, without any
consultation with 'the tom-
, munities and •their
representatives, have you
struck at the very foundation
of good medical care? `
Most responsible citizens
t �' l resourceful
i l
which you may ,.use if you
Yours truly,
Margaret Coventry
+++ •
Dear Mr. Miller, '
I was unable to get• through
to you on CFPL's. radio show
last week: so I am"writing `to
you to protest most
vigorously- the `proposed
closing of hospitals.. in
• Ontario, ,and in particular. the
Closing Of .-the '.Clinton Public •
liospital'. , I resent intensely
being' considered inferior to'
the residents of the. other
towns in Huron' County.
I am a law abiding citizen;
pay my taxes and insurance
premiums on time and yet,
because I have 'chosen to.
reside in Clinton.I am to •loser•
the excellent health care that
is now available to me at the
Clinton Public° Hospital and
get, in my car. . (if. it is
available) or . get a taxi' or
ambulance and drive
anything up to 50 miles for the
• same care,,
We :are being asked by the•
_ minister of: Energy to con__
serve fuel and' yet we the
continued'on page 5)
'Perhaps the girls of the town`.
March 12,1.896 are shy but at. .any rate they
- Some things' are still ap- did not take advantage of the
plicable. On March. 12-, 1896, one chance they have in every
the News 'of the Week' in- .•four years because not' 'ane
eluded . an' item about the. marriage: took' place in
perils of "Black Knot:" `.`In Goderich last month:" Bett ;r
going through the country one, luck this year, girls:The. front
'is struck with the apparent page carried this 'story
•careles-sness of so -'many. in definitely a sign of thetimes:
an s
-�^� , allowing their.cherry treses to "The tourist trade is booming
an become. laden with that pest again. With the coming o
of theblacil knot Melly, we believer- spring -come. the-knights-ofthe _
reported during , the' peak,do it thoughtlessly, and"' we highway.' Twelve transiexlts :
restoration ' hope. a word to those in this were put up at the -town hall
in general; Mr. Palmer said, people vicinitywilibesufficient.'•' • on Sunday night, has
were understanding and extremely•, And a word to overzealour. average number has been
patient. He "feels that the rapport journalists: A `smart' four a night since that time. It
•p Chicago reporter. mailed an seems that the. Trews that the
between Hydro.wor.kers and the public. imitation bomb to Philip D: Goderich town wood -pile had
'wa's strengthened end that Armour, and then wrote a become sadly depleted. and
Although Goderich and ' area r.
generally escaped.the devastatin ice.
gen y9
storm whi'cli 'ripped through the
district south of here, many citizens
were. touched' by the problem as
families and. friends from homes
without services carne ta. seek warmth
and comfort:
per•centoftheG.N.P. you for accepting
h 't 1' limitations with a smile. learned" from.the. experience The sensational story on the that if a transient asked for a
Sincerely, Hydro spokesman pointed ou
The Pancake Supper Workersdispose of as news." be likely' to be introduced to a
As usually happens when, trouble local Hydro staff will. be- stronger It was an unlucky' week for buck -saw and asked. earn
t d t that subject, which he was able to meal ticket now, he would not
Belts 'diad
Dear Editor-.,
In the past .month we have
noted a rising tide of
foolishness onour roads,
specifically, moreand more
drivers following too close,
and, notcaring where qr how
they pass.. • •
Apparently the compulsory
wearing of seat belts is
having an adverse effect.
Confidence in them seems to
turn normal drivers into
reckless maniacs. Becoming
holder andmore careless, if
they don't drive us: to death,
—0— The County Town Newspaper of Huron —0—
Founded in 1848 and published every Thursday at, Goderich. Ontario. Member of the"C'WNA and
OWNA. Advertising rates'on request. Subsoriptions payable In advance 811.Q0 in Canada, 112.50
in aU•countrtes other than Canada, single copies 25 cents. Display advertising rates available on
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Number 0710. Advertising is accepted on the condition that, in the event of typogrs p
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price, goods or-service.may not be sold. Advertising's merely an offer to sell, and may be.with:
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B i rlfNt�,i laid EditOi Tai t lfiee '
TELEPHONE 524-83331
11raa dod0/519
• Mailing Addras3:
P,O. BOX 220,.Goderich
times mail registration iruoiber-y0716„
Pt bli tteti by •Signal•5tar Pubfishiriq' L'te..
ROBERT O. SHRIER—president and publisher
:JEFF SEDrON---editorial staff
DAVE SYKES--editorial staff -
EDWARD .1.' BYRSKI—advertising manager
abounds, people . pulled . together. because of the disaster; that junior • a.lot of people. In Wingharn, . the meal."
Stories about sharing burdens will tradesmen gained a wealth. of ``T.A "Mills happened with an
--probably be told for months=to-con* in -knowledge =during• -'the repairs; that accident the other, day, by,
this part of Western Ontario. One such customers highly dependent on hydro.` which he broke his leg in
incident was the generous assistance of power such as farmers and . other " three places. Robert Denbow
suffered the loss of one of his
Ben Sheardown at Goderich Frosted businessmen, learned much about' team horses. John Coupland
•A small item on the same
page said: "The situation in
Europe is .threatening and,
may result in war • between
France and Germany, ac-
cording to reports 'Thursday
Foods who opened his facilities to ' alternative: emergency measures;:and sustained a severe accident morning "
many persons with -Powerless h'bme that hydro consumers in the affected
freezers and a Large investment in • area were reminded again Of the great
meat to protect,advantages electrical Irving offers. be laid up several weeks."
Vi/alter Palmer of Ontario Hydro at
last -week. While logging at a
bee a viscious horse kicked F IV E Y EARS AGO
him on the right'leg. He will March 11,1971" -
No robins five years ago-
There: have been quips throughout Yes, and'• they enjoyed . a
Clinton estimates that the damage in the storm, that for once, people "-who good joke way backethen,
his area could run to $1,500,000. were without hydro electric power for Under_ a column titled "Hot
are not in - and several days will not be complaining Corn,'' we find -the following:
Although final _reports about paying hydro bills,or even about " `Boys,' said a teacher. in a
probably won't be compiled for someSunday school, can any of
timeto come = it appears that about 500 the increase. in cost for hydro services. you quote a verse from
hydro poles have been replaced
to have two
ed in the ..4, -o, • that state of Scripture^to prove thatit is
distrj'ct and probably twice as many satisfaction will be short-lived, and it wrong for a man
cross -arms. It will be another month, won't belong before hydra consumers wives? He paused,and after
t verywhere will once again be corn -
moment or two a bright boy
• according to Mr. Palmer, before raised his hand. Wel1.
Ontario Hydro will .consider the system plaining about the high cost of, elec- Thomas;' said 'the teacher ,
stable from the standpoint of customer iricity.- encouragingly. Thomas stood
service, b,t it will be "years before we. But the. storm so ,near •
to. Goderich up and said, `No man can
serve two masters. This
get the systemback to the condition it discussion ended pr iriptly."
was in -prior to the storm ' qo YEARS AGO
has been a vivid example of how people.
can learn to cope' without electrical
service: It shows that} ifinthe future
The usual"wor k force of 55 men in hydro power would have to be rationed March 12,1'36
this district swelled to 230 as crews in some fashion,' adjustments could be '• Fortyyears ago, the Signal -
a from as far awe• in made. it proves that while most have Star atllounced:`Spring is
came to the are Y electricit for here, for sure - perhaps!.A
the north as New Liskeard -and 'as. far' become dependent on y
robin was.seen.sitting high in
east as Arrtprior.'Some toiled. round the everything from ' heating • homes 'to, the branches of a tree.on the
clock the first couple of days 'and by brushing teeth, there are some •eleo-
:Pr.iday _last week, nor.rnla.l day was trice' frills that could be cut from the
, '0 a.m. to 8'' �.m. Most H dro ;lifestyle so that the bas'`i.c"needs' could!
from b.3p . Y
crew were getting`five o six hour ;
5 "of be # of s irit in Goderich girls not
Man still is resourceful. The storm- .. p.
sleep per night although ,many were appreciating .Leap Yearn
th ni ht as t orary proved it. :The future seems brighter"February, the enotith of
Huron, Road, pouring forth
the good news that Spring
was coming. - ' °
The Star, lamented.the lack
coiled out in e g emu
patch jobs made in the day failed after 1 because of natures intervention last Valentines is apparently a
K poor one in Goderich..
dark.. Only two minor it uries were ' : week. — SJ ,
March came 1n like.a lion:
"`Eighty Detroit -area skiers
were snowbound in'Goderich
during the weekend
snowstorm' which hit
everyone • by surprise...The
whole group was directed t�
Goderich . Memorial Arena
where they were cared for by
Bill Lumby and Staff."
But people were still
singing: "Many •long hours .of
hard work have gone into the
St. Mary's Separate School'•
piroduction to be staged next'
week on three consecutive
nights, March 16, l�7 and 18.
St. Mary's Sing Out will
feature' the well-known
mu'sieian Ed Stiles.", .
• And that' old stand -by -
hockey: "The Mite All -Stars
played two games last week,,
winning one and losing one.
Thursday night here, they
defeated the Clinton Adastral
Park team 5-0. Larry Madge
had two goals and an assist to
lead th�e•s:coring,, wile Brian
Fellow"s, Donald°Elliott and
Jit' Costello netted singles.
The 'shut•out was the third in
a raw for goaltender Steve
i lath w ° 1.