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The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-03-04, Page 28
Bingo In The New Goderich Legion Hall BINGO EVERY SUNDAY 7:.30 P.M. SHARP 15 Regular games-S1.2.00'per game "Share the Wealth" with a chance at Jackpot on each game 512Q -.°O in. 57 calls_ ADM•'SSION 51.00 Df1ORS 0 6:3O ALL PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK PAd. i;:l--GODERICHSIGNA,L:-S•1'"AR.THUFESDAY. MARCH4 1:9 fi B.LYTHIO1VS BINGO',. 131yth "DESSERT -CARD PARTY . Memorial. Hall. Saturday,. 8:30 ;.�`afiti;T13 AIDE SALE in Colborne p m: $150.00 Jackpot in'60nalls, Township Hall; Carl•'ow, kiigcash prixs.-38tfAR y} pdne's.day,` April' 14th,„ 1.:30' p.. . sponsored. by 'Tiger'. NEW BINGO; Clinton Legion. Dunlop. Wom'en's Institute. Hall, 813Q .15.m., Thursday; . 10 March. .4, 1.976.''AdriiIsSion $1.00, ,fifteen regular garnet., . • Reniem,b t= GDCI AT IIOIVI)~, $10.00 each. Three share, -the- Friday, April 30, with Chis wealth games.. One jackpot. Black.—10-11AR .. ' for 8210. in "55- calls eon- • _ solation. One roll and 410.00 PANC A K_E r SUPPER, added weekly if not' Friday, March 5th, 5 to 7:30• won,-39tfn p.m., ,sponsored by St. ' Georges Men at St. George's 'GODERICH Minor Hockey Parish Hall. Pancakes, • Supporters Club Bake Sale, Sausages. maple syrup :(the. March 6th from 2 to 4 pm:, , good` stu`ff). Adults $2,00,. .Suncoast'Mal'1.,-8•,9,10 • . under. ' 12 years.. • ,,1.0Q.-8,9,10ar- CONCERT. presented by the Woodstock Chor.ala,ires, MIXED EuAre Party - Sunday April_•4th,.1976 at 2:30:'' sponsored`' by Goderich •p.m. First Presbyteriar ' Knights. of Columbus, Salt - Church. Seaforth. Tickets,' ford Valley Hall, Friday, Adults $2,50, children twelve March 26th, 8:30 p.m. Lunch' and under, $1.00. Available and entertainment provided. from members. or at the Admission $1,5.0 per person. door. —10 Ticket's available at Mike and - . Ray's Barber Shop, Pat VANASTRA' ' R.ecreation : Osborne,.Gaeton. Jacques. Bluewater and Goderich Centre Bingo,. Monday„ March 8th, at 8' m. 4'_'00.00 in' French 'Dry • Cleaners. 58 calls. p 0.b0 con- —11,13,13 solation.—I otfnar ICE CAPADES, Kitchener, •bus leaving Friday, March 12th, Sunday, March 1.4th. Contact 529-7921 or • 529- • 7888.-8,9,10 EUCHRE and . crokinole party to be held at Carlow Hall, Thursday, March 11, at 8 p.m. Sponsored by Nile LjCW. Admission 75c. .'Everyone welcome.,•. Lunch•' provided. -10 CHILDREN'S MD SOCIETY OF HURON COUNTY 65th ANNUAL MEETING I. Will be held in the. Board: Room, County ' Assessment Building, 46 Gloucester Terrace, • Goderich; Ontario- on • Thur sday, March 4th, 19-76 at 8:0.0 p.m. The Guest Speaker will be” Helen Allen of ' "Today's Child": Memberships available. at the door. THE PUBLIC'S CORDLALLY INVITED TO ATTEND 1: UC,I#81;,500 and. Crokinole Party, on March 8, •,it 8 p.m., Legion _H-aii, Guderich. Admission 75e. Prices aro' lunch. Sponsored hy, Sunset Circle Club. 1;:v eryune Welcome': -10 . G©DERICI-I Gurtlen Club.— BLYTH. Trotting Pony Club A few seats arc available for' will be hblding their arjnuaf bus trip to Toronto, Friday, spring dance at Saltford March 12,. for the Flower Valley Hall March 27. Phone. Show at C.N.E. Passengers Tickets -• 524-8030, 524-2518. board bus •.at,9 a'. rn., Knox --10,11,12AR • n :• C'hurch parking lot leave ' Toronto 8 p:m, - total' cost $10,00: .'Contact' B. ,Harper','. 5`2.4-6485, for"•t.ickets.—;10ar VARIETY -IV ITE at • St. Mary's School Auditorium on Friday, April 2 at .8 p.m. T.ic,kets at Denom- me's Flower Shop.' gponsorecl by the:God6rich and District Pro Life group.. . Wedding reception fdr Mr. and Mrs. Gjen Falkiner(nee Connie Oke) Saturday March 6, Saltford. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle. Friday March 5, 1976 at 2:30 p.m. Speaker Mrs. Ruth Day of Fergus Everyone welcome HURON COUNTY Family „Planning Project INVITES YOU TO ATTEND .BIRTH CONTROL • -« -CLINIC 'Every Thursday , From 6:30.9 p`.m.- Huron County • Health Unit • Shipley St., Clinton For information call 482.3416 Weekdays 'o'r . Thursday evenings • • Everyone Welcome Hanover Holiday., .'.Tours.. MARCH BREAK SPECIALS Florida ' DAYTONA VACH AREA 1 - By motor coach, 9 days, 9 nights, departs March 19. 2 'By air, 9 days, 8 nights, departs March 20. For. information contact HANOVER Travel Service' 19.0 1.0th St., Hanover 1 800 265..3007 . KINCARDINE • ,Travel Servile 831 Oueen• St, Kincardine .396 3477 • .COACH HOUSE Travel Service. Goderich 524 8366 • • REGULAR HEARING A10 SERVICE CENTER CAMPBELL'S 168 THE SQUARE GODERICH Thursday, March, 11 1 : 3 p.m, FREE ELECTRONIC HEARING TESTS REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES OF; HEARING AIDS E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE `88 QUEEN ST. S- . KITCHENER :. Goderich Rotary Club presents London Symphony. Orchestra Goderich Series FINAL CONCERT 1.9.7 5-,7 6 Saturday, March 6, 1976 Goderich Collegiate Institute' `ORCHESTRAL •NIGHT" Beethoven,- Coriolan Overture • Beethoven d Symphony #6 - "Pastoral" • Haydon - Symphony #94 "Surprize", Tickets'. Adults 2.50 Sr. Citiens 1.25 Faintly 7.00 Students 1.50 - Tickets Available • Goderich Mac Ca'mpbell's, Qrmandy's Mall -, Clinton News Record • A eekend Entertainment .. FRI. MARCH 5th and .SAT. .MARItiH 6th 1MOZ� ........�AR..:.�T, S.MELO MELODY MAKERS"' • Treat yourself' and • your. friends..,. for your canvenie.nce - our ,Hot Buffet is' served THURS., 8; 12 noon • 2 p.m. • Casual Dress - Dine by CandleliohY- SUNDAlf SMORGASBORD 5 'p.m. to "8' p.in. , BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCNNEON SPECIALS EVERY DAY 'Visit the•' KEG ROAM Colour TV Relaxing atni'osphere. Licensed under L.Cc8.O. BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH 4 524 7711 Promote your dances shows, suppers, IMONOVir Oodrc-h 1 ittlo Theatre" little Amp q presents its 2ND PRODUCTION Samuel French's Comedy The Late Christopher Bean Thurs. March 11, Friday, March 12' Saturday, March 13 E SURE TO ATTEND - Directed by Beth Mttrkson BOX OFFICE AT R.W. BELL, OPTOMETRIST, 74. THE .. SQUARE, GODERICH. Everyday from 1 p.m. to 5' p.m. for reserved seats. No telephone reservations please: - HUR•QN'CAMERA CENTRE HOUR4ILM1 COLOR PROCESSING (Eric Carman Photo) 11.2 The Square . Goderich. 524:7924 II • **2************'1k-'ikk("'****'** *. * *, THE , R 1, B RGER U S. *•~•. SANDWICHES *. * ,•.' CASSEROLES ANYONE INTERESTED in AUDITIONS for Goderich Little Theatre's 3RD Play of the season "The Hasty Heart" please attend March 28 8 p.m.. McKay Hall -• North St. 76 " * The Square * 524,8181 * * * "IT'S GOOD FOOD-IASI( YOUR NELGH'BOUR" * *'*' aTaseao-� * SUBS FIGHT INFLATION WITH OUR. EDNESDAY 9 pieces of finger lickin' good t at, swiiiT/ f s!trlrilie i1.tUCL Buy the THRIFT BOX at the Regular Price GET 'FREE• . French Fries for 3 8 11. oz. Cole Slaw (Regular s5.65 Value SAVE .L3O1 1, /WEDNESDAYON/ LY 3 �ftt the 5 Pti'rftts i jIedhsekett 94 ELGIN AVE. .,r E'nnadivar't'Ir. "' GOD.ER1C I Colonel Sanitises and hts Ir/,Ss lii:fkr'iL "finkrrlirkln' good". �.t•i ce. .Corporation of the Alexandra Marine & General. Hospital ' . announces •.ITS ANNUAL MEETING which will be held at the hospital in the Ladies Auxiliary Room' at 2000'hrs. (8:00 P.M.) 15 March 1976 D. A.'McNeil, Chairman' Board of Governors 1976 Frank & . G s Carry -Out ZA ALSO SPAGHETTI -LASAGNA -RAVIOLI 50 WEST•STREET, GODERICH (Near TheLaundfo•mat) 5.24-2689 5242 CLOSE-D--E--ERY Tuesday '•Thursday 4 pm. 2 a•.rrr. OPEN• • Friday F. Saturday 4 p.m. -. 3 30 a.m. 5.: Sunday except. Holidays 4 p.m. • 12 p rT-- We now have °18" PARTY SIZE PIZZA PARK GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE'-, PHONE524-71111 AIR CONDITIONED :( NOW PLAYING till SATURDAY Thurs, 8 p.m. Fri. and Sat. 7:308.9:30 M,TTANCE. HUSTLE" RESTRICTED TO RESTRICTED •iR YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. *************•****•** ** _ — SUN. MARCH 7 to TUES. MARCH 9 8 p.m, NITELY.- RESTRICTED ' DOUBLE FEATURE. PBTeR 8BLLBRs "UnDeRcoveRS HBROrr United Artists T.ACOA STARTING, WED. MARCH loth Wed. & Thu'rs. 8 p.m. Fri. &Sat: 7:30A& 9:30 ' For Your Pleasure.. • JOHN _WAYNE. iRATHARINEs 'HEPBURN. ROOSTEit ;CyRZ%RN (...and the Lady).. ********************* SUN: MARCH 14 2 p.m. MATINEE MON. and TU ES. and T and, 9 p.m. SHOWINGS MAR. 15 & 16-7. and 9 p. The greatest wildlife and chase story in the history of:the North! Challenge . , to be Fie HE BECAME A LEGEND, Fr-• . YDVy.NEVER FORGET.,. 1. r a a .g„ •n:, Sr _; MIKE AZURKI As irapf6's4JIMMV KATIE as...111d Tracks' Research byDICK1fORTf ecledbyTAttARNETT'APtCIFICINTDINATWNALF,NTERPRISESINCRELEASE • COLORbyCil- 'DOUBLE FEATURE MARCH 17:&'18.8 p,tY),, Heavon help us all whe THE DEV1L'S -;1;1 I; .AND