The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-22, Page 7Y./
wirer -1e 111
Bariipr. c ail..coailection at certain postal boxes in:the
community has been announced this week by Mei: Far- . .
nswerth, postmaster,' •
BeginninghMVlonday, d'anuary.26, mail will be'collecte.d
-at' 3- p.p. not 3:30 p.m. at nail b.axe 'At the intersections"
of Britannia and Bayfield; oxford nd.Blake, Huron and -
Walnut, Huron .anal Britannia and fribria and St. David,
•as: well as..the mall (;397 Bayfield Rd.)°and •the
r , .: (495 Huron -Rd) • : .••
• C°ollections will also. be made earlier at.boxes located ;
yat : the • interse.etions',: of ' Waterloo,• and:St: St: George's
w Crescent, ; Welliugt_oq and '.Elgin,` .Welleley and :.;,,P
Lighthouse,Warren andBrita#inta, Blake and Warren, •
'W ell•ington and Cayley and Eldon and Bennett: Pickup at •
•' these boxes will be at•313.Q ot:4 pint, . •
axes, get 'council attention
"I 7777
i4 •
Massive cuts in provincial
'government grants to local,
governments in 197.6 have left
municipal councillors, schoOl
board trustees arid, county
'councillors With the un-
pleasant task of operating on
limited hud.gets in the coming
year While trying to keep the
local mill rates doWn.
Recent announcements by
MeKeough that Ootario is
: planning a restraint prosiani to get, while the getting was
that will Pull the rug out front good, until the provincial
under the municipal . grant accountants. "palled thc old
system has left local trick of 'dotting the i's..a0
' politicians with the task of trossing the - •
.:condactinkhasiness as usual .The mayor said that the
withput the Money as. usual. provincial. restraint would be
, The announcement of the made evident in .the town's
restraint a -t the , prOyintial j'1976 buaget adding that some
spending level camp: as no .chatiges 'in .' the S`Penaing
great surprise to, mernbers of habits of town council would
goderichl „.•_Town Council. be needed to ensure the mill
Stispecting 'that 'the•Kovince rate remains as stable as
„ would eventually fall victim 'possible._ •
• . to high level spending, local The mayor said that in the
, governments. planned past council has been guilty Of
'projects . • their .spending large Amounts of abd all eXpenses haye to
municipalities • intending tO Money in the spring,- setting get the nod from the entire
ions initicite
senior tithe
sessionsoof council this. year,
the mayor. asked cotincil to
Use caution whe,n setting their
individual • committee
buagets. He said . that the
committees would haveto'set
up housekeepiog budgets to
cover operational expenses
with rnost of the frills cnt out.
Mayon SheWfelt. also' ctit,-.
tailed the $500 spendiog
that the past practice of
allowing cornmitteegto Spend
up . „to $500 without countil
rans ati
the•pants Mooday Morning as--
- • Godorich Senior Citizens are.
. offered a free transportation
WT,friti—the town,.
litnitS, provided by, the Lions
Cominanity Betterment
. Roger Tartatte and his,
committee : haVe negotiated
with Bluewater Taxi for th,
passenger bits which will be'
and Thursdays - to '
give: • free transportatI-0,n_
' grants and kept taking Water %Ailey ' ' "out how, • •olL1c11-:, The' - ceuntil finance
frprn:-the,:well 'antil the well 'money.' they actuaIly :fiaye chairman 13111 Clifferd Said
ran dry ' • • .- • 'they _usually encr up catting• that the provincial restraint
program will have its biggest
senior citizens. The sery'
begins this Monday morning,i
.Tanuary 26, . between_ the
-nouncement that he -had L. year__ lielsaid that •through it-6gram' T -h -e deputy ree.ti-e''
suspected the move -as early either 'good - or :good Lsth.eeid_otrhoavtinin6ethheapsamstaftecwheydetahr:
:as the slimmer 'of last year. management tbe- council
Heart fund -
The annual -canvass
for the Canadian -Heart
FUnd, will be coridticred
Goderich Saturday
• and Sunday, February 7
and 8, by the students of •
. is convening the :fund-.
February_ iS Heart
Mnnth, and the nationaj
objective for this year is
$7,000,000 vyith Ontario.
being responSible for:
$3,600,000 Of that total'.
heart- and the hearts in
generous contribution
'"A teleph'one 'call to 524-
6125' asking for the _Lions -Ws
will bring the bustoyciur dOor-
within Minutes," says MY:-
Tarootte; "and- will- take 'yeti
within toWnlimits:
'!Wheri, teadY to go back,
.another call to: the same
.. ‘haggliiii:1 between - the 'a deficit and he is-hopefulthe. road programs but that nOw•
that rnatthing has -been
provincial and fedeal . ;same trend Can continue this .
trends. tit the business -world "We' will just have to set sptary1;6•tfioorn: -m9rajorimpreroavd:rnce.Onn;:.
proViaed the handvvriting on , oar Priorities before we spend
from their own tax revenues: -
the Wilt ' - '• anY Money to make sure we
° He added -that.' /nest can 'take care of the presSing . Mr. Clifford said that the
speed np their rnajar Projects In one :of, ihe _ inaugarai. '' ' (continued onpage-16)
-nurnber will- get you harrie
coinfOrta bly explains- Mr.
The Lions Club 'is" happy to
as: well for persons required
'to -assist senior Citizens On
outings. A friend or relative
may :accompany' a Senior
citizen without extra Charge
when this is necesSary.
6 Mr. Tarcotte -said the
service is being offered On a
trial 'basis- Until April 30. 'At
-that-time,: the service Will be •
re -assessed as.- to its at-
ceptance in the: cortimunity
, and the type of responie it has
.suggestions regarding the
service, as well as the days
and hours it .1S available, will
be weicpmed hy the Lions arid
13lueater Taxi in an attempt
to provide the beSt tran-
sportation service posSihle
for the'benefit cif the greatest
: nurnber of people:,
"This is a free service to all
Added "For,_thase_who feel' it
should' be contributpry, they
charity of theinchOice.''
s service
o an
United Traits Int. of
Seaforth :informed WWII
council .that .view of the
impprtande.- of public
passenger SerVice they intend
• to improve the replier bus
line service, .tO and from
L. Habits -irk, ,vit'e
president. of United Trails,
„told council in a letter that the
cornpany" fti-llY intends to
irriProye se/wide to the people
of Goderich.: He stated the
company presently has an
applieation. before the
Ontario : Highway transport
Board seeking .Operatiye
.autharity between the city of
-Stratford and 'Woodstock' via
The cpmpany already has::
Woodstock, , Cambridge .and
„Kitchener' and -approval of the'
applicatiOn -would: link- bus
_Service between Goderic•h
e/aborated, claiming it would
firnprove service tq Wood-,
stock and that a person ceuld,
have, a good start to almost
'anyplace in North Arneric.a.
:The • connectionS in
Woodstoek would -eliminate
the• change to Grey Coach in
Su -Ward and a change to
Canada Coach,..fri Kitchener
far those' headed to the
district. It would also-
elirninatean extra change for
people heading -for Brantfprd.
The proposed changes in-
, the has schedule would Mean
three • departures froth'
Goaerich to Toronto with the
first' bus arriving- in' Toronto'
arOund )0 a.m. and the fast'
bus 'leaving Toronto fer •
Gaderich Shortly after 5 pint.
T -he company, also indidated-
that the 'departures front '
Goderich Would increase tO at
-least three- froin* the present
Council agreed to send a
coUncii representAtiye to the
Ontario Highway Transport
Board hearing' to, speak on
.council's behalf in snpport of
the -proposed schedule. .
Lrepresentative -to the board 'in
support of the cbm,pany's
service Which they intend to„
institute in:the area by the
• beginning 61-Febr,nary. The
service would transport
International Airport-.
Constable Glenn O'RoUrice-of the Mt,' Forest detachment Of the,Ontario Proyincial Police
' displayed the talents •of Baron...the OPP ''.German sbepherd .to ,the *dents at Victoria :
Publit schociliyesterday... The.constable placed Some marijuana under a.Mop inthe school '
gymnasium and Baron sniffeckft out for'hirn in short order. He alSo put. Baron through his
pactS using verbal and physical comma/WS, . Constable D'Roarke'S, brother Don .ls,a . •
, teacher at Victoria. (staff photo)
$2,6 /pillion . recreation
Goderich-has now become a•
follaWing paltry public
meeting Tuesday. ' •
• proximately 30 gathered at
the assessment offite
discuss the future of a major
recreational facility in' the.
town.. The majority of •the
crowd was comprised.of town
council . -members and
Trotting Association and
Mayor Deb Shewfelt
, plaited that the decision was,
weighing heavy on cOuncil.
to get idea's pumped into
council:. He said thy council
needed a "cross section of
thought and it would not be an
easy decision' since there
laining to, cost and needs to
explore. .
already. haomany enviable
facilities -due to the -foresight
of. Cornmenity 'peohle and in
view of present governinent
clitbacks-r -the town should
utilize its 'presentlacilities to
the_ fplIeSt. Mr. MtKay
suggested the town could
programs:. for everyOne,
economitally,' and urged
coarieil to think, :of human
needs and not frilly wants.
The. Carlyle* coinmittee
investigate- :all atientieS And
ad ouate -parking. The other
site conSideration was the.
boa d of , education owned
land cross"froin GDCI but it
woul not proVide adequate
la'nd for parking -facilities,.
Huron County Planner
Roman' Dzus Said that if a
decision was made that .
recreational complex wag .
desirable arid at -a new
locatiOn, thin the northern tiP
of the industrial park lands
Wes' a good choice. He ex-
plairied that the area had
good potential for integration
with the regional parks
syStern and although it was
possibilities of erecting a only a suggestion he 'believed ,
-recreational complex. The it was- - worthy of con -
'and possible sites .for the • given „ari opportunity to- vote
sideration of the Committee
was agrictilture' park so the
new complex could' be ad-
jacent to the exiSting arena to
avoid a 'maintenance cost
duplication and to provide
Mayor' Shewfelt said that a
major eancern was the
upkeep of, the facility once it
was built. He added that the
town wanted to -upgrade its
sports. facilities but they only
wanted what they cotild af-
said t6e town had to et doWn
to . basics and • claimed the
project waS riot within the
lithits of the town budget.
have groWn Up .in this
town without , a recreation
Conylex and we found
recreational activities that
did not cost $2.6 million," he,
said, •, "It's' just riot
proteed With the projeCt."
Gower offered, several.
reaions for' his stand ex.,
plaining there was no land
available for the projett; that
eoney-ivable; the winter
'we -irks progro 01 was doubtful:
there was no comp ttment
from the toWnships; the
town's share would probably
cost the taxpaxer an ad-
ditional $1'00 taxos per
year; and that -funds were
probably not availahk,
thrpugh Wintario, He added
tlikt-the town simply could riot
Mayor Deb Shewfelt cast
the deeiding vote in a
recorded vete to change the
, Committee: „or Council
meeting to• a regular session
Cotincill-Or Dave Gower
introduced the nYtion at -the
las't committee. meeting
-Claiming that it was a Waste
Of trrne and wOuld speed
things up if it was a regular
1).1 -al -cot ln view. of government.
Don McKay of the trotting
assOciation said it was
foolishnesS to think of haVing
a track outsid.e. town and if the
track was moved thereWould
never be' another grandStand.
in Goderich. He suggested the
cost of moVing the tradk
outside of town Would be
"We have nine Thttrsday
night dates. for this Year and
_..of money wg have enough for
struggle thraugh the Year -brit
if the track goes we aye
the town should be looki,fig at
thOy could proceed one milt t
fund 'raising and grants on
priority of bUilding. He added
that it .should be approathed
as a• phased rley elop
which was a. realistic and
factual point of view,
council meeting. The metion
ineariS that council .will -now
meet the first three M'onday's
: of the month in regular
function but the Coro-.
would be done away with.: He.
added that elimination:of the
.,. Matters and .dispose of them
soOner and the councillors
should , give it some con- .
siaeration:- He clairned that
many items on,. the agenda
, were duplicated and things
cotild be speeded up: •
pointed out that preViously
cominittee • meetings were
closed 'to. the.: public 4fto
that sense therewas no need.
for a committee 'of coLincil
Meeting. Allen sugge'Sted that
it was just an old way of
„sneaking into priyate and'
Reeve Sthn Profit
there wak Only a half page of
business that was duplicated
from 'the- conimittee ':of
couneil meeting. "one week :
"Business that arise's Wile'
beginning of the month MAY
he referrea ta, Committee:.
-and take two weeks to,' be
cleared up," he said." "thing ,
be done technically corroce):
Deputy -reeve Bill Clifford
told. council he had attended
eight meetings in- five dayS.
goad 'Meetings: e'suggeSted'
-need for. more joint attf
workshop typo ineetingS and.
'was:in, favor .of eliminating
'the coMmittee Meeting. ".
Councillor -Elsa., Haydon
said she would have to Vote
against' the -iiibtion since she
believed Ate committee',
meeting. served a: different
Gerry , Ginn. said a 'phased
developmeht,. was the ,orily
answer but first a site must
be picked. Cost sharing must
determined -,and: then
facility priorities established.
He believed -that it must be a
regional project and_ 'com-
mitments • Must b -e
established beforehand.
' said the people they were
, building the complex for were
the young people ancrtfcair
ftiture .muSt be considered
.; since the town had nettling to
_offer them. Mr. .Dierolf was
adamant in his claim- that a
man -whO does not think of
doing fhings for other people
'far future development was
asked where the individual's
responsibility to recreation
ends and where the rntinicipal
resPOrisibility begins.
"Who said eVery hamlet
needs• an oly`inpie size pool
. (continued on Page 16)
purpose. She quote/Ur:Mt a
handbook that.' said from
• committee meetings, public.
opinion has a "chaoce, to
:have an opportunity to eact
to some issties. •
She •Clairoed the committee .
of council meeting ,• 5erved
that purpose, .citherwiSe the
.decisiqns of .council -Would he
final :when thereathed.the •
should .have the :opportunity
to tell the councillors whati`
they think of certaia •,
Councillor - Jim .Peters
opposed Govier's motion on
the basis that the cortrnittee
opportunity for:councillOrs to
sit • down to diScuss matters
formality, He. added that • -
there was. More truth in-'
volved and the best interests._
through' the tontinittee of
,op6osed the aboliihrtent of
the •coMmittee of cod -nen for
'the, reason that couneil a:ten
Makes a:. recomniondation at
thedneeting-anci after a 'week,
other relevaritinformatiOn
teeeiVed • And Motions ate
put y that although 7-, Gower.
.disliked the ope,ration:4of the .
cdinntittee 'system, he •
recorotnend ed it to
7alto opposed- the motion arid
elAitted that during -the paat
cotritortahed'a great deal lit the^
-you hadhair.