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The Exeter Times, 1920-7-22, Page 6
DEATH OF ADMIRAL FISHER REMOVES INTERESTINGNAVAL Caked From Retirement to Lead the B,#`itcsh cavy von Tirpab', Lora Fisher Goes Down to Hx;.t~ the, Gl'eate3t of Moeern �ainst t ctai:roi John Arlattieut Fisher. 1 l L ,t , 1 "t the 'tl e and First Duren of ri.11ti Ez.,aF 1,. to..1 Caen-, 1 ,)t ',hoe 1r3 waoft 6,'root er Fir".•t Lord of the Adm. 4 lty , 1 it.n.rte ie., t:ee to light cruisers., ateay o'• July 10. Lord 1 :;! i zt :, t_, , s.Tae-lizetp as obsolete and been seriously iii since enrly in 1.0.4-,y,, when he un:lerwert :1n t t,.,•. v a ,.:f••r:.,;r by nett e, I.oed Fisher. l el tr :Ricci: en tiff Briti;il Naval ,:, The Late ;rd.` rF. ,,, t :.tlo. an :! .ltenz,,er, 1919, Boli}, 1t+•it; crrad ?..,_:::i► ‚‚1:y, le „ .ik:l he da .:tneel.1 the e,_�19 1i 1854; l:et,t -1 ern 123''0• • t .'t S`' l�.lt..1s `•r'.',inacl3," ittl;�lit i Served in E., ,1 t:„ Ck ... , e,.i Leen e peeted, but it czused a gi oND0 AYE Egi ptian wary, t 5-1# ' , r.:tt eeestltion throughout the Bri- C t�t.nrander of the foor.o.'�s t' •, .- ti'h E.rtoire, Later Lord Flitter de- ONTA el0 AN ROr,1TE Giant hydroplane which inaugurated air service bota.ocn Toronto arca Muskoka, and which was piloted from New York to Toronto by Coe Barker, V.C. the ■ b arine he saw 1.t.181 - of of i'.1 a:...,e. ,... C 11 t Navy n1 1 o a,.s.�,n of (._eat Bittern Imola.. t ble, a fir. h Admiridty• 139:: 1`itti, 1 Since of t e Greatest Made a Sailor. t^amm^racier-ir-c`.:ief North ..r.,e'r ,r - �. :h 1897-: I,or:l fisher was ane of the most vhi h Groat Bei tons of Pe arsprint in 1918. can and i, e_t Inane_ ,.t, t.. n • 5 the Britishremarkable pragresa c is pi�tl:re3tlr character.during the last year in Tlte North Pacific Havre-Cnlais large immigration from France, Bel - 1899. fain has made du 1 ,, ,r „ •, Navy has land since Nelson. He be- 3 Fd:r-in- hl i41 dlte ranearcommercial aziatiott t zs evident at lin_ of steamships will run front this gimp and England. t ou,rn tl , r.l`1 acithoat ir'eztda or influence and station, 181.. 1902. the opening of the air exhi, Tort, serving French, Swedish and Quebec has leased 40,000,000 acres s 1 b, '.:oeF• force of intellect and will Second Sea ' Leed cif • drairaity, bitten at the Olympia, the largest air British Columbia ports. The first yes- of pulp wood lands and still retains 2-y`-03 trzu:cc:1 •to file highest position of show ever staged, Speaking of what sel •of the line will :arrive this month. 76,000,000 acres. 190 , „.a, -: rn'itl., al:, the position which is the izispira-Fredericton N.B.—An expenditure Coral: arose tint: hist, Pot --t t strides England has made., General New .Westminster, B.C.—It is esti- r p _1 01 tion of every officer in the service. Sykes, controller general of civil avia-prated that the raspberry yield of the of $750,000 in the development of the 1903 _` , ,reaa a in a rough saltool and b Fret Sea Lord of Admiralty, 1904- Ho p g , tion, stated that during the last year Lower Fuser Valley will be 7,200 antimony mines of Lake George, 20 z1914-1015. lerrne,l to take and give hard knocks. here had been 38,954 flights covering tons this season, as compared with miles from here, is forecasted by the 1910 an.. t long jourzuey Admiralty. Cee gathers thet he was not an easy ! nearl • 750,000 miles, 70,000 pass�en- 1,000 last year. Strawberries will acid management of the North America will send a judge on the Lord of near, to • ork ev:th; but he had suffi to Chesterfield, anti a court will be in 11;74, an i wh:le on aotioni F- ; t :, _,.• • ' vane. gees carried and more than 116,000 another thousand, an increase of 300 Antimony and Smelting Company. held there for the edification .of. the Leo: tit oc_,.,'i hi, neva' eieee ur in power to have little need. service } some pounds of merchandise transported, tons over the previous season. Straw- Truro, N.S.—Antigonisli has three Eskimos. This will be the first time of collaboration, and of the most: altltoit It Deisr 51e registered planes berries show about 100 per cent..- new lobster factories, and there are theta judge has ever penetrated into that part of the :North-west Terri- tories. Another murder case !has- been ne- poiated to the police from the same region. This will be investigated by 'Sergt. Douglas during the coming winter, and, if possible,• the perpe- trator of the second •crime will stand trial with the Eskimo who is now in Ottawa. +h + 1 the fire was, an im- partments, shows u p From Ottawa the greater part of airplane limousines and the journey. to Chesterfield will be on :.� that mace it possible to h' 7 one of the comfortable ,Hudslon Bay bl t ' in steamers, sailing from �� `� Co.'s trading , ?. 1= 1VIontreal. Chesterfield, by the sea route, is almost 4,000 miles from Montreal, EXHIBITION OPENED !claret that in ,le st zit er a saw Commercial Planes Demon - e til..` future seaftgllt. _ and that the d d veio;» ent of av:aticn htcl made in- strafe Progress Made .on:ro -,2t' o. t `:Te - -Y -.r ' am 'll'.a Camila tom Coast to Coast Vancouver,. B,C—The British Col- umbia pulp and paper mills produced 189,289 tons of pulp :and 130,809 tons of newsprint In 1919, as compared A despatch front I.ct:•itrs e ays:—The with 139,887:tors cf pulp and 120,483 stated that what was creating most interest overseas was the enormous wealth of Canadian forests. He added that several large syndicates"' •were. coming to Quebec: province to secure forestlands. He also predicted a JUDGE TO BE SENT • ' TO HUDSON BAY Will Travel ' 2,000 Miles to 'Hold 'Trial of Eskimo Murderer. A despatch from -O;tbawa says:. As. a stop -over on their long journey back to the land :of endless ice and snow, Sergeant Douglas, of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and Oteang- wak, an,Eskimo murderer from the regions around the North Pole, arriv- ed in Ottawa recently and were quar- tered at: the "mountiee" headquarters at 120 Victoria street. Ouangwak is a British subject. After 'his long journey from the Northland to Winnipeg, his native garments were in 'a sad state of repair, so that he •comes to Ottawa in the raiment of a white man. He is. in the neighborhood of front 20 to 27 years of age, and has been noticeably failing since he Tett Ma native sno*s. The Eskimo is changed with having murdered a brother native in order to obtain the Tatter's wife, wrhonx', lie wanted. for his own, in"the region around Ohesterfi.eIci Inlet. Ouangwak is ,going back to stand trial in his own country as e reminder to his brother natives that the law of the: white man must be respected. He will be the first native who has ever been tried in his own country. Next year the Department of Justice took par . the Cz me .Ft, (tine: e im Portant reforms that he brought € r were used, crease in acreage, and raspberries 50 now ten in operation in the county, and 1 it j } 1l, q n., e ,-ort e' -out were the result of struggles into ct re 1 1 I'u~t Th We have conquered the :dr, and our per cent. 1 of t.+e A ,.s the In a a hieh he entered single handed, e -, of the Admiralty in 190i, ,, f immediate task. is to exploit our vie- Calgary, .Alta,—Those •in close $ea Fl -G. a d i , oreacinoug... as as Fisher's idea, so i tory in the interest of commercial de -touch with the coal industry here state Which poet 1. 1.,1 for sit yews. ; was the battle cruiser. He did not, • veloprnent,” General Sykes • stated, that there will be a larger export i invert the tarbine engine, but tt was! adding that only one plane met with duo to his persistent advocacy that a fatal accident.. j it was generally ndopted in the navy. The Olympia exhibition, which has ' It was else hisea to use the water- tjFi,@ boiler- that is to say, to have [displays by all of the British airplane {• era where the water was, and manufacturers, is unique in that it the cit lanes with sleeping •coti•1 e water where . ;.i cnte:lF1 air jitneys. Air travel is becoming so popular between here and the continent that it was suggested at the Olympia that facilities for straphangers would soon be available on -the machines flying from here to Paris and Brussels. P PROGRESS IN CANADA'S business done than ever before, large quantities of coal going to Manitoba and Northern Ontario. The output is confidently expected to be much greater than. last year's. Regina, Sask.-It is estimated that twenty million dollars will be spent on building in the province this year. The ris:ng price of lumber has reduc- ed the margin between temporary and Permanent building, and the increase in brick construction is more appar- ent than ever. Among the buildings to be erected are the briquetting plant at Bienfat, a new jail at Prince Al- bert, normal school at Saskatoon, Q. P.R. depot at. Moose Jaw, and many Fishermen are receiving $10 per hun- dred weight, the highest ever paid an this coast. • The author of "Onward, Christian. Soldiers," the Rev, S. Baring -Gould, recently entered his eighty-seventh year. Few Canadians are aware that the Peace River of the far North-west is a magnificient waterway. It is, in fact, a greater river than the St. Lawrence, andnavigable for a •grey er distance; • it lies, for the most part, between banks ranging from 200 -to 500 feet in height, and reaches in places to a width of one mile. GRAIN ACREAGE LOWER IN CANADA Slight Decrease From 1919 Shown by Government Statistics. A despatch from !Ottawa .says:. -4,, The acreage sown to wheat, including.. fall wheat, in all Canada,, is now estat mated et 17,186,300 acres, which earn- pares with 19, 125, 968 acres, the final: estimate for 1919, and represents a. decrease of 10 per cent. Spring wheat'. according to the'estimate of the, Da - minim Bureau of Statistics, occupied this year 16,446;000 acres, or 11: per gent. leas than last year. Fall wheat' acreage this year is 740,300 acres, ane increase ,of 10 per cent. over last year Acreage in oats has• increased 4' per cent. from 14, 952,114.to 15,555A00 acres. Barley' ;i's sown on ,2,58S,000 acres, or 2 per. cent.,!less than last year; eye, 729,500 acres, or 3 per cent. less; peas, 2,588,000 acres, a decrease of 3 per cent.; mixed grains, 909,350 acres, an•.increase of 1 per cent;. hay and clover, 10,409,150 acres, decrease 2 per cent.; alfalfa, 229,300 acres, in- crease 1 per_�acent. The area in po- tatoes is 819;000 acres, practically the same as. last year. The Prairie Provinces have an esti- mated -•area. sown to wheat of 15,771,- 000 acres, against 17,760,167 last year, . a decrease of 10 per cent.. Manitdba ,has 2,687,000, against 2,880,301 last year•, Saskatchewan, 9,440,000e acres, .,,,,,eye •against 10,587,363; Alberta, 3,644„00e1 acres, against 4,282,386 -acres last' year. get upsteam in e sit:p in twenty min- utes, inetead of see -en hours. To use oil as feel was also Fisher's idea. Did :uta, other: naval expert 'ever invent cr adapt so many important ieipro•, e ^tent; ? Yet they are by no means all that stand to tate credit of •I ori Fisher. He devised the system of nucleus crewe for warships, where - be a ship would always have its cont- MERCANTILE FLEET p,emen ofrains aboard and • sent its extra man power wherever • it was needed, or take the crude, raw article and fit it into position- instant- ly. But perhaps the greatest stroke of all, whereby ,the strength of -the • , British fleet was kept inthe North school buildings. •• F t b L d 'could Winnipeg, Man.—The rush of itn- 4'' migrants to the West is unprecedent- ed, and exceeds the tide of pre-war years. A very high class of settler is in evidence :both from the United States and Europe, the distribution ,being fairly e*enl1,• divided over the Sea, was in carrying out Nelson's old Such satisfactory progress is .being western,provinces; During the months c 1°-, ;' ` :araoas ` klu,1- maxim that your battleground should made av:th the construction of Can-. of March and April, 10,906 immi a�f=='•' ' •' l:. T ` ; away' Ere be your drill ground. Of course• the ada's mercantile marine fleet that it grants entered the Dominion from moll ;, ?G' r a.lul caval re- Entente With France was necessary is believed in Government circles that the British Empire, and 11,494 from goal. and l.ae t . 'eta fate subjection before -hi. revolutionarap che in the whole fleet of 03 vessels will 'bejthe United States, • A total of 1,686 y g entered from other .countries. The greater, part of this number went to the western provinces. Sudbury, Ont.—The L. R. Steel Service Corporation," which is Charter-, ed by the Dominion Government, under a capitalization -of $10,000,000 has opened an office here and will lease a large store in the near future. The company operates . a chain of stores throughout the United States, Canada and England, and arrange- ments are being made for a series of stores in the north country. Quebec, P.Q.=S'ir Lomer Gouin, former Prime Minister of the prov- ince, on his return from EuroPe, s� .,.�:__;-•mss•. F :r,sr 21 eee "Jacky" fisher Half of Fleet of Sixty -Three Vessels Have Been Finished. A despatch from Ottawa • says:— of t l o ver teat t:ireai i.e.1 the su- re-1:ac or a r_ts-vs..� ae the Entente might have been in exist- ence end of the current fiscalyear, He ova.. oat of = ,= fee- man who sawence and the British fleet scattered all Up to the present time 32. vessels the menace e c.; c:ier•:1n` y in her naval have been finished and splendid head- pror.ramme. ., over the seven seas had the navy , p been without a man Eke Fisher. One way is be:ng made with the other half Ile zit ci-:e from retirement in does not like to imagine the Great of the fleet. Particularly good pro- p 1911, to resume his past as War breaking out, the German navy gress is being made at the Montreal,. Geto'_ $ep = St. John, Collingwood and Port Firs.; Saa Lord of the Admiralty and at Kiel and the British ships station - r ed all over the Mediterranean, the Arthur yards. direct the naval al as arfare against ase China Sea, and the- Pacific, as had Several vessels of large tonnage =oz.,. His vigorous policy caused being built in inland yards will be him to be termed "the Kitchener of been the imin mortal practice before Fisher became. First Sea Lord. utilized in ocean-going services, and the navy," and chief credit has been naval strategy could be achieved, but in commission by March 31 next, the p of the Seas. it will be necessary to -bring them riainted for hint in the bottling up •- through the canals to the St, Law - of the German navy. Cabinet dis- irates led to his resignation in May, GREEKS CAPTURE ranee in sections. - 015. but he continued to serve the Br`t5 h Government in various capa- cities tbroughout the war, and was n: or,inent naval critic. Lord Fisher was born on the is:ard of Ceylon, January 25. 1841, ar._l was the .yen of Captain William Fieher. Of a Highland regiment sta- tioned in the east at the time. He entered the navy when but thirteen rears of age, and was commissioned a lieutenant in 1860. From this time on his rise in the service was con- tinuous. He was married in 1866 to lies Frances Broughton, who died in 1918. He is survived by one son .and three daughters. Britain's Idol. Lord Fisher was for many years a popular idol in Great Britain, enjoy- ing the affection and confidence of every rank of the people. He was known as the "father of the dread- nought," because he was the first to realize the vast power of this type of warship. During his term as First Sea Lord of the Admiralty, from 1904 to 1910, he virtually revolution- ized the navy. He entirely changed the old -established and worn-out stra- TO WN OF BRUSSA. Advance Forces Sweeping Far Past Historic City. A despatch from Smyrna says:— An cfficiai communique issued from Army Headquarters on Thursday says that the advanced guard of the Greek forces has reached a line 15 kilometres beyond Brussa. "We annihilated the enemy en- trenched in the region of Brussa, capturing all his artillery," the state- ment adds. A despaten from Constantinople says:—Major Venizelos, son of the Greek Premier, commanded the artil- lery of the 'Greek forces which re- cently entered Brussa. As the Greeks approached the city the Nationalists waved a white flag, but treacherously killed a Greek who was sent to confer with them. There- upon, Major Venizelos ordered the artillery to open fire,killing many Turks and quieting all opposition, so that the Greek flag was hoisted speed- ily over the Town Hall of the most historic city of the Osmanlis. BATTLESHIP HOOD STILL LEADS Mutsu, Launched in Japan, is Smaller and Less Speedy. A despatch from Yokosuka, Japan. says:—The Japanese battleship Mut- su, recently launched here, is closely comparable with the newest American battleship, the Maryland, launched at Newport News, in March. Both war- ships,. however, are considerably smaller and less speedy than the great British battleship cruiser Hood, launched on the Clyde, in August, 1918. The Hood, on the other hand, is armed with 15 inch guns in her main battery, while the Mutsu and the Maryland will have an equal number of 1G -inch rifles. ,. Manitoba celebrated her fiftieth birthday on July 15. She entered the Confederation in.1870, The anniver- sary was marked by the formal open- ing of the coripleted Provincial Par- liament Buildings. Weekly Market- Report Wholesale Grain. Toronto, July 20.—Man. wheat—No. 1 Northern, $3.15; No. 2 Northeen, $3.12; No. 3 Northern, $3.084. in store Fort William. Manitoba oats—No. 2 OW, $1.14; No. 3 CW, $1.10; extra No. 1 feed, $1.00%; No. 1 feed, $1,09 No. 2 feed, $1.051, in store Fort William. - Manitoba barley—No. 3 OW, $1.72;; No. 4 CW, $1.40; rejected, $1.25; feed, $1.35, in store Fort William. American corn—No. 3 yellow, $3.30; nominal, track, Toronto, prompt ship- ment. Ontario •oats—No. 3, white, nominal. Ontario wheat—No. 1 Winter, per car lot, $2 to $2,01; . No. 2, do, $1.98 to $2.01; N,o. 3 do, $1.92 to $1.93, f.o. b. shipping points, according to freights. Ontario' wheat—Ne.-1 Spring, per car lot, $2.02 to $2.03; No. 2 do, $1.98 to $2.01; No. 3 do, $1.95 to $2.01, f,o. b. shipping points, ~ according to freights. Peas—No. 2, nominal. Barley—Mlalting, $1.84 to $1.86, ac- cording to fre:+gh:ts outside. B:wckwheat—No. 2, nominal: Rye—No. 3, .$2.20 to $2.25, accord- ing to freights outside. Manitoba flour—Government stand- ard, $14.85, Toronto. Ontario flour—Government :stand - aid, $12.90, nominal. Milfeed-Car lots, delivered Mout- real freights, bags included: Bran, per ton. "$52; • shorts, per ton, $61; good feed flour, $3.75 to $4.00. Hay—No. 1, per ton, $31; mixed, per fon, $27, track. Straw—Car late, per ton, $15 to $16, track, Toronto. Country Produce—Wholesale. $626• primes $4• Japans, $5; Limas, Spa As a Health Resort. Spa has a double interest at •present 'for those who are seeking health after the disease of war and for health - seekers in the -ordinary way, in •ddii tion to the interest it holds at the present moment as the scene of the Allied Conference. Within -ten kilometres of the. German fronteer, Spa, invaded on August 4, 1914, was transformed by the (germane into a 'huge sanatorium and convales- cent station. In March, 1919, it 'be- came the abode of the German G.H. Q„ and from thence, on the evening of November 9, fled William Holtlen�- zollern, having :signed his abdication at the Hotel Britannique, From 'Now ember, 1918, to July,'1919,.,the ,Inter- ,national nter national Armistice Commiceege t • held its .sessions at Spa, and nt'`.''nolw been chosen for the meetings of the Supreme Council of the Allies. Spa did not escape scot-free. The Casino, occupied by the Germans, was de- stoyed by fire in 1917, the wonderful., "Eta'blissement des Balm" was sack--''' ed,and. its beautiful apparatus i fittings were carried off to Ger the luxurious hotels and villas:-..M iced by the 'enemy's soldiery re mere wrecks. But by dint of hard work these disasters have been re- paired, and nothing has been spaeed to restore the "Queen of Europe's watering -places" to the dignity she has gong possessed. Manitoba Poem Prize Madagascar, 42%e; Japan, 10 to 11c. Maple products -Syrup, per imp. gal., $3.40• to $3.60; per 5 imp. ,gals., $3.25 to $3.40. Maple sugar,, lb., 27 to 30c. Provisions—Wholesale. Smoked meats—Hams, med., 46 to 49c; heavy, 40 to 42c; cooked, 63 to 66c; rolls, 34 to 36c; cottage rolls, 39 to 41c; breakfast bacon, 48 to 52c; backs, plain, 52 to 54c; boneless, 58 to 64c. Cured meats—Long clear bacon, 27 to 28c; clear bellies, 26 to 27c. Lard—Pure tierces, 28 to 28%c; tubs, 28% to 29c; pails, 28% to 29114; prints, 29% to 30c. Compound tierces, 25 to 25%c; tubs, 26 to 26%c; pails, 26'/4 to 26%c; prints, 27 to 27%e. Cheese— New; -large, 32 to 33c; twins, 321/2 to .331•c; triplets, 33-a to $16.50 to $18; calves., good to *home, 34c; old, large, 34 to 35c; �do, twins, $1G.50 to $18; sheep, $6.60 to $9; hogs, 341 to 35%/s'c; Stiltons, old, 36 to; fed :and watered, $20.75; do, weighed Montreal Markets. - Montreal, July 20.—Oats, Canadian West., No, 2, $1.38'bo $1.40; do, No. 8,, $1.36 to $1.37. Flour, new standard grade, $14.85 to $15.05. Rolled oats, bag of 90 lbs., $5.90 to $5.95. Bran, $54.25. Shorts, •$61.25. Oheeee, fineet; eastern, 27%c. Butter, choicest creamery, 60 to 61c. Eggs, fresh, 60c. Potatoes, bee bag, car lots, $5.50. Live Stock Markets. Toronto, July 20.—Oh'oice 'heavy steers, $15.50 to $16; good heavy. steers, $15 to $15.25; butchers' cattle, choice, $14.50 to $15; do, good, $14 to $14.25; do, med., $11.75 to $12.25; do, earn., $9 to $10; bulls, choice, $10• to $12.25; do, good, $2.50 to .$11; do, rough, $6 to $8; butchers' cows, choice, $11.75 to $12.25; do, good, $11 to $11.25; do, come, $6.50 to $7.50; stock- ers, $9'to $11; feeders, $11 to $12.50; canners and cutters, $5 to $6.25; milk- ers, good: to choice, $100 to $165; do, corn. and med., $65 to $75; 'iambs, yearlings; $12 to $13; d,o, spring, Hon. 1. A. Tuschereau Who succeeds Sir Lomer Gouin as Prime Minister of Quebec, 36}/z; new, 34 to 35c. Butter—Fresh dairy, choice, 49 to 50c; •creamery prints 59 to 62c. Margarine 3� n 9 b0 to $11.60 Dem., $6.50 to Eggs ---No. 1, 56 to 57c; selects, 58 med., $ . r to 59c. $9; butcher cows, choice, $10 to $12; Dressed :poultry--tSpring chickens, med., $6 to $9; canners, $3 to $4,50; 60e; roosters, 30c; fowl, 85c; turkeys, cutters; $4.50 to $5.50; butcher bulls, 53 to 60c; ducklings, 38 to 40c; squabs, cem., $6 to $8. Goad veal, $11.50 to doz., $6.50. $13.50; med., $6 to $11; grass, ,$6 to Livepoultry--Springchickens, 60c; $8. Ewes, $6 to $9.50; lambs, good, p 1 30 cl11• $14 50 to $16• com $12 to $14. Hogs, r • 39c. off cars, $21; do, f.o.b., $19.'75; do, do, country points, $19.50. Montreal, July 20.—Butcher steers, cam., $8 to $10.50; butcher heifers, roosters, 26c; row , c; uc: liege, , 30c, off -car we �ghts, •selects,, $20.50 to $21; .Beans—Canadian, hand-picked, bus., sows, $16.50, to $17, "REG'LAR FELLER S"—By. Gene Byrnes Wig LL, kloov4 Dc� `lav Lt1G GRAti PAs FARM? fp c % WNtir`r PCS `(01) i.;lt=-i=• BST ' 0t4 `it{E WkkOt. . --� e' 7 -- 1 AES ! (Q.-----.. 11...e.e irer t t' 15 •• Goes to Ontario Gil A despatch from Winnipeg says:— Miss Frances Beatrice Taylor of 128 Mill street, London; Ont:, has been awarded first Place in a. poem compe- tition held by The Manitoba Fres Press in connection with the fiftieth anniversary of the Province of Mani- toba. The competitors were required to deal with the . Province's jubilee, The `first prize was $50. Rev. Dean Coombes of Winnipeg won second. prize, and third money went to A. H. Sutherland of Winnipeg. Facts. -'�i►, The sugar output of Cuba has risen, by more than a million tons: since 1914. The owl is regarded as a bird of ill omen by the Maoris of New Zealand` The Chinese language as spoken Is quite different from the written lang- uage. Germany claims to have handed over to the Allies a commercial fleet worth $425,000,000. Towards the cost of the British Army of Occupation on the Rhine, Ger many has so far •contributed $20,000,- 000. 5,000 guns and 24,500 machine -game had been destroyed in Germany under the terms of the .Peace Treaty by the beginning of May; Fossilized bonesof a huge elephant recently discovered in Franco include a tusk weighing 440 pounds, and a tooth weighing 17 pounds,' Sciorti4fiet say that the animal must have stood over 18 ft. high. Taking After Mother. Bort just came home from aalle:,a and he had a "shadow" on his. uppit lip. He stopped to say "xiollo ` to I grandfather. : His grandfather looked him ovet u. I "Why, son, yon look more ossa•.;:.-, like your mother every a)r'" "Whatmakes you think so?" asked Bert. "Why because your father had a moustache that cool down to his oligo. $ust look at that one of yours; yotl Must take after your mother," Canada's hert a iavo doubled41, value since 1©14,• " Ripon, bee d1nd'e 'Cleat cities, feign fiel owe' the oil to of blowing a Blore eteet bValnlflft nine o'oloek, wb4eh w 1$ ' Xing Alfredo 1..,441'51ry.