The Exeter Times, 1920-5-27, Page 3>plli) 3s Helrloorn� The "Hina Matsuri" is the name Of. a feast in Japan which is celebrated on the third day of thee third month. It 'ls what we should name "a Feast of polls,", and the girls nave all the 'benefits of this strange festival, which considered the greatest event of the L On. Most of the Japanese snaps display dolls ranging from three 4zrches to one. and a half feet in height, and they are dnvariably made of wood, porcelain, ler clay. In bygone days the Feast of Dolls' was celebrated with great pomp, preparation, and ceremony—more so than in modern times,. These dolls e and •were usually exquisitely dressd , made to represent some notable per: menage, Even nowadays, many Japan- ese families keep up the custom, and Some of the older people possess a stook of dolls which date back. many years. When a girl is born, a pair of dolls are presented to her, and she plays with them until she is quite grown. up. Then, if she marries, she takes, care that the dons are eventually given to her daughters (if any), and she adds to the number e dolts in accordance with the number of her daughters!! Consequently, in some cases', a large number of dolls are collected,. Boys, by the way, are not overlook- ed in Japan, for on the fifth day of the fifth month they celebrate a "Feast of Flags." EARLY SYMPTQ OF BLOODLESSNESS Shown by Pallor of the Face and Lips --flow iP Obtain, New Blood, ' Anaemia, or lack of blood, is so gradual in its approach that it is' often well developed before the patient sufficiently alarmed to consult a doc- tor or team proper treatment to re - looked about he saw ho espies of "Vanity Fair," "Ealleond," 'Tenden- nisP Or auY of the works which had gong beforo. On being: asked the rea- son, Thaekeray said that he hada ld been opines' of them all, but they' picked up 1iY visitors and Ire lead never troubled to roplace them, Dickens kept Copies of all his books and they 'Were arranged on the eheit iii order of their publication; all ex- cept some very early works, "The Village Coquettes," and others, which, in his later years, he could not bear to hear mentioned. reported of Strange • cases are re p writers losing the . trend of their own store the blood to a health' condition. stories'. The most 'notable instance 1s The earliest symptom of anaemia is that of � Thackera`9 , especially hi the .•. 1 in the lips, case of Pendionnis. The sanio author 1 of color: es oGral y lees , P "The Shabby b Genteel Y Gento gems and membranes lining the eye- also began „'l lido. Then comes shortness of breath Story," but as the work became die, on slight exertion, such as going up tasteful to him when he got nicely in. stairs, palpitation of thee heart, in- to it he gave it up. The portion of creased pallor of the face and lips, the tale (in authentic editions) is naw If this thinning of the blood is not published with Philip, some ofthe corrected it will proceed rapidly until characters in that work having ap- a complete breakdown in health fol- peered also in the abandoned one. lows; when there may be disorders of Dickens found he had more trouble the stomach, headaches and back- with "The Mystery' of Edwin-Drood" aches, dizziness and fainting spells. than with any of hie previous writ Tile most effective and prompt way to Ings. He regretted that he had told increase and enrich the blood at' a most of the story before he was half- time like this is through the fair use way through, but in a way this is for - of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.' These Ulnae, for, of course,' he neverlived Pills have restored to good• health to finish it. the American thousands of weak, anaemic people, Nathaniel Hawthorne, among thorn Miss Mae Johnston, of novelist, left about as many works un-. Port Arthur, Ont., who ' says ;—"Be- finished as he did complete.` tween the ages of sixteen and eigh- teen I worked in a telephone office, and Korean Weather Gods. it was very trying to the nerves and In Korea there are no daily news- palepathat I friends bloodless, and ed papers which announce the fair and_ coOoften said I looked warmer indications for the next day, taken home. One night I had to be Dr. A. Garfield Anderson, stationed at dtaken home from the office, and aI Wonju, Korea, says. The natives be - mustwas called o who told o I lieve that the weather is in the hands must not ou back for anda time. Some- of the gods, but that they may be in. timessts ' uldld ave to breath- up duced to change their climatic inten- leas. would leave me utterly bee get- tions if properly approached. less. y I did not appear girl ribe get- "It hasn't rained for from six to ting any better one of my girt friends' eight weeks and crops are going to whose mother had used Dr.'Willlams' Pink Pills with great benefit, advised ruin,, drying up,"„ he says. „ Five-Year- nie to try these. I took the pills very . old trees are dying from drought. faithfully for some time, with the re- Even ricefields are dry, and the grain sult that they restored nie to good is unformed, The 'people are sacri- ficing in various ways and praying for rain. On almost every housetop one sees an earthen vase with a few branches on it, and at the side of the vase some fruit, a heathen way of praying for rain. On the hillsides they write prayer& on paper and hang them up for the gods to read. "In the market plane in Wonju you cau see a strange sight, another effort to bring rain. Two dragons have been made. They lie between the huts of the market place, one facing north and one south. They are about 100 feet long, and about two feet high at the head end, tapering off gradually to the tail and winding like a serpent. They are made of clay and have broken pieces of pottery stuck into their backs to represent scales. For five nights in succession the sorceress came out to this place and danced and sacrificed for rain. If only they knew how to tell their wants to the true God, from whom all help comes'.” Rain Revealers. You may rely on the weather fore - caret in your daily paper—and get let down! But net if you study the weath- er signs of plants and animals, the. latter particularly. They are the real, ready-made and reliable rain revealers Nature has pro- vided for us. Dandelions always fold up their leaver when rain is at hand. So do clover, trefoil, and the pimpernel. The apparent aimless braying of a donkey is a sure indicator of rain. All animals show uneasiness when rain is coming. Frogs croak with a loud, Hoarse noise, owls screech, peacocks scream, and ducks and geese are un— usually noisy, This is said to be due .they feel weak or rundown I always to the relaxation of their nerves by the dsml air, which makes there appear uneasy. Cate sneeze and wash their ears when i am threatens, although the de- luge may not came for four or five hours later. Dege get restless, and are in and. out of the house an hour or so before and watch the color re':urn to cheeks end lips. You can run no risk in giv- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial as they can not injure the most delicate system. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents •a box or six boxes for $2,50, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Ready.' Recruit. 'i'tecruit---"SSllali I Mark time with my feet, sii'?" Lieutenant (sarcastically) --- "My dear fellow; did you ever hear of lxl' ,king trine with your hands . ' ete reit—"Yes; sir; clocks do it," Enduring Pain. First Shopper --"We women endure pain .better than men;" Second Shopper—")Alio told you •that? Your doctor?" First ,Shopper -"No; my shoe- maker." recommend' Dr. Williams? Pink Pills, as I feel so thankful for the help they gave roe." If you have any of the symptoms described by Miss Johnson try, build- ing up the blood with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Dat nourishing food, ex- ercise a little in the open air daily rain conk,. This is said to be clue to irritation set up by the dams air. It is somewhat extraordinary, but #man is the only animal that cannot a* -- naturally perceive approaching rain. Constructed From Coal -Tax. Do you know that St, Paul's Cathe- \ '11'2.1, the most pronlhent object in the i 3y City of Lcuttcn, was paid for by a tax Forgetful Writers. lir on coal? Such was the case, ane one Tiger many authors keep copies of their own books? "writer has said that it consequently doscrVes to wear, as it aces, a .lnmky If some Of our moderns did so their coat! own publications would take up a not The teen ': t of St, Puui's Cathe- moan siderable portion of their dral was e3 T3,;,r 0, which amount was libraries, especially in the case of Sir d:acilarged by coal -taxes. So it can be .hider haggard, who has written so truly said that cc 11 ties played an ins- many works that it must be, rather Portant part in bui ii :: 011 as well as difficult for h.inl to recite a list of them de trnying• without cudgelling his brains. Speaking of destruoLion, the first Thackeray never troubled to keep church dedicated to St. Paul, and built on the same .site as the present one, °_ was destroyed by lire it 1087. It was foamier! by King Ethelbert about 610. After the fire, Bishop Maurice cone - tweezed rebuild r g; but in the great file of 1666 t , Church of Old St. Paul's was deatrc.yed. It was larger that- tbc3 presort c:attledlal, which Sir Chri;,tcplier Wren built. in 1675 the first :Mone was laid by this celebrated architect, and in thirty -rive Sears it was completed. One penny per day was said to have been the wage paid to carpenters employed in building St. Paul's. The minute -hand of the clock is 8 filet long, and weighs 75lb. Marriage Lines. In the rural districts of Germany, not so many years ago, "Pay 'Wed- dingy" were quite common. These peculiar eat Ortaimmnents were ar- ranged for the pecuniary benefit of the bridal pair, for the guests each paid an acimittmice fee. The "takings" went towards furnishing a home for the newly-wed. French wedding ceremonies, even amongst the poorest, are occasions for reckless extravagance. In Brit- 1033—McCall Designs for Knitting tany they are said to be more gorgeous -Include full directions for knitting than iii Paris. At a prewar wedding the 8 sweaters and scarf illustrated. in the former place, we are told that Designed on the new straight lines, i:lnree bullocks, thirty six calves, and five sheep were slaughtered, and, in addition to wines and liqueurs, over forty barrels of cider were emptied. Swedish brides fill their pockets with bread, which they give away to those they meet on their journey to the church. Their belief is that every piece so disposed of brings so much . good fortune for the future. The oldest love -letter proposing marriage was written on a brick! This was 3,500 years age, when the hand of an Egyptian princess was sought, and this substantias specimen is said to be the only thing of its kind in the world. When ironing lace, place a piece of flannel underneath and iron on the wrong side, This will bring the pat- tern up. A stone statue of enormous size, one of the largest sculptures an the world, is to ee erected by Americans en the banks of the Marne, near Meaux',• Prance, in commemoration of The Freneh victory of 1914. Its esti- "(fated cost of $250,000 will be met by popular sub®'VrF,iption. copies of his own works. A: friene of his called upon him just as "The New- comes" came out in complete volume form. A copy of "The Newconres" was at hand, but when the friend Roth Alike. "I can't imagine what Mildred sees in that Smith boy," remarked Mil- dred'e• mother. "He hasn't got brains enough in his head to fill a thimble." "Oh, well, X dare say your mother said the same thing about me when I came courting you," replied the girl's father, indulgently, But he suddenly lost his complacent Smile When, his wife retorted: "She certainly did, and X was just as big a fool as Mildred is now. 1 wouldn't listen to- the advice of my elders," CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION IEUFITI i3o many have ',Neuritis,. ttrat peenful, paralyzing infianimatiorr of the nerves. Do not suffer ao.- other 4ay.. Zi you are a victim, try Templeton's Rheumatic - Capsules ef Nothing ukly aan4 so su sly. Bend for tree sample to Templotons, 142 Xing tat. W., 'Toronto. For sale at reliabledrug- gists . dru g gists for 1111.01 a box, Constipation is one of the most cam: mon ailments of childhood and the child suffering from it cannot thrive. To keep the children well the bowels, must be kept regular and the stomach sweet. To do this nothing can equal Baby's Own. Tablets. They are a mild but thorough laxative; are absolutely safe and never fail to relieve constipa- tion and indigestion; colds and simple fever. O Concerning them Mrs. Jules Fauquereau, Nominiugue, Que., writes: .—"My baby was terribly constipated and suffered day and night. I was ad- vised to give him )3aby's Own Tablets and from the first they helped him and now at the age of thirteen months he is a big, healthy, happy boy." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. are Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere At the head of all science and arts, at the head of all civilization and pro- gress, stands, not militarises, the science that kills; nor commerce, that accumulates wealth, but agriculture, the mother of all industry and the maintainer of life. --James A. Gar- field. Buy Thrift Stamps. AT, ACT VE SWEATERS ERS these are exceedingly smart in style. A is knitted in Shetland floss in a Design No. 1035 No. - 2 Style simple open-work stitch. B is in mercerized crochet yarn. These fancy stitches are fully explained. All of these designs will fit anyone from 34 to 38 bust. Directions in one size only. Price, 25 cents. Less Trouble to make your table beverage when it is ., STA Pos um I • STA,HT� R, ytlidifUN A BEVERAGE merit of different parte of 4Au81• end a email porrtlan or Mol.seea Postum Cereal Caere* '", DICT Wt:IG,1T [Ie,11 ollNc� It is made instantly by adding hotwater to a spoonful in the cup stirring and adding sugar and cream to taste. sold by Grocers RttZ AS1�MA L 't Buser an 9Ptrite Temeletons,142King St. W., Toronto, for freesampie. Reliable druggists self them at 11.04 s box. ASTHMA Templetons ' -MAH vales areguuarennead to relieve .,n o . er ay. The nature of the soil will deter- mine the depth which the • orchard may be plowed, although it is seldom safe to go deeper than 4 inches under the branches. Ask for Minard's and take no other. If a man is looking for an easy job he has no time for anything elms. All household plants are the bet- ter for an occasional spraying. When Out of Sorts. Do you know that when you are out of sorts, my friend, you are in danger? You are in, danger of injuring your- self in many ways. Your mind will not be so alert and there will be a let- ting down. of your standard of ef- ficiency. You will not do your work so well, or bo so orderly and system- atic. You will not think up new ways of doing things; you will not be am- bitious, to better your best: When you are dirt of sorts your judg- ment is poor, and you should not make important decisions. The best thing to do when you feel you are 133. this, condition is to get yourself in tune as quickly as possible, back to the normal again. With a little knowledge of mental chemistry you could do this very quickly. It is a simple principle founded on the knowledge that two ideas cannot exist in the mind at the same time. anish nett ,The Liniment that Cures All Ailments— INARD'S THE OLD RELIABLE—Try It i5 INARD's LINIMENT 00., Limited. Yarmouth, N.S. DAD! YOUR HAIR IS FALLING FAST Dwarfs Wed In Trees. One of the most curious wedding ceremonies in the world isthat in vogue among a certain race of dwarfs inhabiting the Amman Islands. The two parties climb two flexible trees growing near each other, which an old man then makes bend toward each other. When the head of the man touches that of the girl they are legal- ly married. MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. Cheerfulness and the Day's Work. I know a main who makes it a rule to sweeten his day's work with good cheer. In his large business he makes every one with whom he comes in con- tact, feel that life. Is a joy—not a grind. His whole life has been devoted to scattering sluisbdne over others. "Danderine" will check that ugly dandruff and stop hair coming out "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Loot, at tonguRemove poi* sona from little stomach,, UV.. ad bowels Classified A►drrments. rximixamoik T11VO.NS' COMPT.ATIt IN�iI'1YIal will pay you. rQWr*,a litsw+*& Peterborough, Ontario, Accept "Californie Syrup of Figs only -look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child. Is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bot. tie. Give it without fear. Mothers You muct say "California." iron W �p%xa'°r'''a lin . tiPAP: �a job `p 4t 1,►g pl �"�,► 941;Wa H 4 liA4gli !1>w arp4 r ' a !ar ihstio� .qn• qutplR rs'ia. >iu4a SOWT ldLI ' Wiurri 7, DSoOnFSTeiwscnaekslelW r,uSrthWAypLuta goDterme,drenfOu. 4wfreooamt.ebq AND wsW Oat, T84XNIItO $O QOlt+ PO* zralsossr. 1 Total production of gold in the world since the discovery of America to begin:nting of 1918 was 823,374,366 ounces, valued at $1'7,020,665,678. ere ( To stop failing hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applioaticns the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. 50031 every hair on your scalp shows new life, vigor, bright. near, thickness, and more color, A Constipation Cute i A druggist says r "For nearly thirty years 1 have commended the Extract of Roots, known as Mosher Seigel's Curative Syrup, for the radical cure of constipation and indigestion. It is an old reliable remedy that never fails to do the work." 30 drops thrice daily. Get the Genuine, ww at druggists. a America's alonaor Dori nomodies nook on DOG DISEASES trod 2 oW to Yowl Mailed .Free to,any Ad- dress by trio Author. 1I. Ola Glover Oa., Xue. 118 West 81st Street . Now York. V.B.A. TY(O MONTHS OLD BABYHAD ECZEMA On Face. Very Sore and Itched, Did Not Sleep, Cuticura Heals. "When my little niece was two months old she had eczema very badly on her face. It was of a moist kind, and took a blister form, and was very sore. It Itched, making her face feel hot, and she would ) scratch badly. She did not sleep well nights. "A. neighbor recommended Cut£- elra so we got them, and one cake of Soap and two boxes of Ointment healed her." (Signed) Miss Zilla G. ,Stoddard, R. F. D. 3, Randolph Centre, Vt., March 10, 1912. Make Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum your daily toilet preparations. Soap 28c, Ointment 25 and SOe. Sold: otighouttbeDominion. Canadian_Depot; Cetaeur* Sonia shaves without num. Tanana, Limied, St. Paul St., Montreal. 131Af4 5T7C RED TRAINING SQ1i0Q1 i1►Wept et p ,forNurses: Si . 70 lixab h o '804 South Broad Street, Pr19zabA#h,t t? Jersey, Complete Douse. Mon hly lowanee: first year $8.00. second 43.0,0 , third .$16,00. Address: Super•inteatden • laSOELLaolalOUIL AN.OEI11 TUMOR$, Luxu)0, =C- ../ internal and oxternsl, Duron without pain by our home treatment. W rte hoforo too Mita Dr, Be11mM.a edL Go.. Lholto CollingwO0d. ant U7 OUi.D YOU PAY rn1G1 T CENT Y Y a day to insure against loll o time from sickness or accidents? We have a policy that will do so, Further information will cheerfully be given by writing Mr, Barlow Continental Casual- ty Company, 80 King East Toronto, e Agents using part to orwall of their time. write us, Lift r off ff Co rn8 ! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezonn costs only a few cents. With your fingers! You can lift off any hard. .corn, soft corn, or corn be- tween the e-tween,the toes, and the hard shen ear- lases. from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs little . at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callus. In- stantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus .' right off, root and all, without one bit of pain or soreness. Truly! No bum- bugl . • SINCE 0 i&/o 30t-7-8r4COUGHS ONLY TABLETS TS ARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross's For Colds, Pain, Lumbago, Stiff- package which contains complete di - nese, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuritis, rectione. Then you are getting real and for Headache, Neuralgia, Tooth- Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin pre - ache, Earache, take Aspirin marked scribed by physicians for over nine - with the name "Bayer" or you are teen years. Now made in Canada. not takingAspirin at all. Handy tin boxes containing. 12 tab - Accept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cents. Druggists. Aspirin" in an unbroken "Bayer" also sell larger "Bayer" packages. Theme is only one Aspirrau-4"Bayer",-•,'atom must say "Bayer" Aspirin is the trade mark (registered In Canada', ot Dever titanufreture c+t' More- acetieaoideeter of Salicylicaeid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Csrspanr r'1l 1 :. r_d with their general trade mark. the "payer Cross," If e He has been in the cheering -up busi- nese ever since I have known him. It seems to be his side -line, and It is an excellent one for all of us to carry. It Will not interfere with our regular business, and it will keep us in a healthful, happy mood, and that means mental harmony and efficiency; it means constrnctiveneSs, it means creativeness+. ' Let us try to sweeten each day' work. It is a good plan to begin as early as possible In the day for some- one omeone has said that it yeti keep pleasant until ten o'clock, the rest of the day will take are of itself.--0.S.1VI. ISSUE No. 21—'20. ANCHOR PLUG is the chewing tobacco of superlative excellence. Tiny a plug today,