The Exeter Times, 1920-5-13, Page 1FORTY-SECOND YEAR—NO.2 2 7 6 Exeter Council Exeter, May- 10, 1920. = = A. regular Meeting of the Muni- ipal Council held in the office of isses' Spring Coats the Ceerk: All the members present, = The minutes of the meeting held = April 26th were read and approved. Raincoats Greatly Reduced E.X.ETEE, ONT,TRUESDA.Y 1KORNING MAY 13th, 1920 UMW. linen •••••••• .1•11•1 IMI1110 dral•Cra .11.••• li••••• MS. IMINA MEM. MEM= 1•1111.011 1111•1. imme•I WINN, . Ke•MO 111••••• =ma far MO MuMmi 1111 II•1•4•1 . mew 14./i1=. dies' & M and -- We place on balance of our Spring Coats, greatly reduced very attractive i both lines to sale' this week the Ladies' and Misses' and Raincoats at pric\ee. ale- have a range of Garments select frdra. Ready -to -Wear Garments for Summer Our ready-to-wear department is now well -stocked with new Mid- dies, Wash -Skirts, House -dresses, Blouses, Silk dresses, Coat and Pull- over Sweaters, Suininer Hosiery and Underwear, etc. PAR.A.SOLS—In the new ring style handles o bakelite in dainty colorings, good quality silt and wool tops at prices ranging from $3.25 up to $12.00 each. Save Honey on llouse.Furnishings We have an immense stock of House -Furnishings, eincinding Rugs, Congoleuras, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Window Blinds, Curtain Poles, Cur- tain Nets, eta. In many cases our retail prices are lower than to -day's wholesale quotations. LINOLEUMS—All at last season's prices. WALL-PAPERS—Just arrived more new patterns in Chintzes, Tap- estries, etc. We have papers to suit every ro'om, in the house. SILKS—NOW in stock the new shot effects so popular •this season. = : Correspondence was read as foi- • ••••••• . = , lOWS: = 1 From the Sawyer -Massey Co., Ltd. = Hamilton. . . ....... The Waterous Engine Works Co., =,13rantford. a -.....t E, The J 1.Case Threshing 1Viachine 1Co., Toronto., re eteam reed roller. Filed. E The American La -France Fire 333n- PRONEi32 Jones & _nay P-IONK32 THE 41111111111121EEEMEMIMEMMI. Cil! =NA EL STORE DEMONSTRATION BY FACTORY EXPERT, MAY 215th and 26th. REDIEMBER, THE DATES • LEARN TO GRAIN IN FIVE 1VIINITTES. CHI-NAMEL in all colors and all size cans in stock. New Perfection Stoves unsurpassed for baking, fry- ing, boiling, or any purposes for which a cook stove is used. In 2, 3 and 4 Burners. Ovens $6.50 to 8.00 Wicks 35e each New Process Oil Stovee• and ovens. Get our prices on oil stoves and oil heaters. LAWN MOWERS FROM $ttoo UP JUST inativED HAMMOCKS. SCREEN DOORS, SCREEN WINDOWS SCREEN WIRE POULTRY NETTING. Ve and 1 in. Rubber Hose. Hea,man's Hardware PHONES zeW. ,,,c1.1roto...0."604.rIst"' Yrx.'..'"2.'"alttriftm... • 1144,' 'YV.V = gine Co., Toronto. 401101•1 1 A petition for Street watering was = read from residents along Eliza,betb. E street from James to Huron street. .-e I Fully signed. Petitioii granted on E I motion of Elston and Ward. Carried The auditors report for April was MOON I = ' read and accepted on motion of Penhale and Elstoe. Carried. Mr. Bissett was instructed to have the tnwn team collect all old ties and other rubbish for the dump ground. Citizens are hereby called = upon, to have all refuse collected and placed in boxes or bags and placed E out on the edge of the street. Be- ginning on May 161th from the south El boundary on the east side of Main a street, and along the streets west of ..... Main on the 19th and 20tb. iust. A — fee will be collected for each allot- IMMO 11•1•101 1.01.00 Mensal WM*. 1••••1 Mann MAIN STREET S. S. APPOINT OFFICERS The annual meeting of the Board of Management of Main street Sun- day school was held on Wednesday evening of last week, The differeat branches et the work reported good work being done. The treasurer's report showed that $344.47 had been raised during the year with a bal- ance of over $40.00 ia the treasury. Mr. B. W. V. Beavers was re-elected Superintendent and theother offi- cers are as followse Asst. Supt., W, G. Medd; Temper- ance Supt., B. M. Francis; Mission- arY Supt., Miss Verna Walker Home dept., supt., Mrs. R. Quanee; Cradle Roll supt., Miss R. Lainport; Secretary, Truman. Elliott; assistant secretary, Gordon Davis; Treasurer, E. A. Folliek; pianist, Miss E. Fol - lick; .asst. pianist, Miss J. Medd. Teachers—Mrs. A. J. Ford, Geo, Mawson, W. F. .A.bbott, W. G. Medd, Miss E. Mies B. Howey, C. Aldworth, Victor Hogarth, Miss E. Horney, Miss Veina Walker, Miss Florence Vincent, elle. W. G. Medd, Miss Regan, Miss M. alogarth. DEM.= onto/WO SwoRwasa TO TRY FOR OLYMPIC TEAM Mr. Fred Kerr was in Brantford on Saturday competing in the Olym- pic trap -shooting trial. The Saturday eh shoot was the first of threeshoots to be held in different parts of Can- t e4reet .reee are a,' • 7'. 1;, • Big Celebration. in Exeter on May the 24th BAsE,BALL-__c„editc,,,, Vs. Clinton, morning and afternoon. Depositing of the 161st colore, ete. Lots of music .['he. 'he Murless Players, of Seaforth, will put on "TTIE MISLEAD-. INC LADY," in the Opera Howie at night. • effeffaillariaMa' 4. Per kis-ton and Davis—Clerk pee - pare and. advertise the sale of Muni- = cipal Debentures re street pavement, dating the same June 15, 1920. --- Carried. . •-• = 1 Per Ward and Elston—That a by- law be prepared governing the parkAt - ing of automobiles, and the probibit-1at 100 target on each date. Brantford shoot •Mr. Kerr broke 79 ing of . the same from standing at birds out of 100. At the Galt shoot any one period longer than 30 min - on the Saturday previous Mr. Kerr carried off the special event or all comers when he broke 142 birds out of 150. He received as first prize a handsome piece of cut -glass. ada to select a team of six men and MOTHERS' DAY OBSERVED IN DIFFERENT CHURCHES Mother's Day was fittingly obserVe ed in Cavan Church on Sabbath last. The services were of a special na- ture and the floral decorations were outstanding. There was a large gathering at the Sunday school in the morning and at the preaching two spares to go to Antwerp to shoot for Canada. The dates for the trials are May Sth, 15th and 22nd, and the trials will be held all over Canada on these dates. The contes- tants in order to qualify must shoot 1•61•••• 1,110[MI =RM. .0mM I • maks. AMMO 1.111.11. MMUS ••••1•111 NOMA, 9-IRLS' CONFERENCE , . Over 150 registrations have been received for the Girls" Wort. Con- ference to. be held. in the Exeter churches on Saturday and'Sunday of e this week. Three girl workers from Toronto, Misses Taggert, Trotter and Ziegler will be present to con- duct the conference. The sessions service the Pastor, Rev. Jas. Foote, on Saturday will be held in Main preached a arelendia EV=1011 "7:;!k ' ' ' ' t'll."''' 61 ' C'1' '''' ' ' ' ' ' • - the subject, wahe Mother of Jesus," a banquet will be served in James street church after which an ad - Mother's Day was duly observed journment will be made to Main in Main street Sunday School on • ot,.c.r,t, On Sinrlay ofform,m1 ,,, mass Sabbath last with a large attend- meeting of young women will be ance. The orchestra furnished good. held in Cavell Presbyterian church, music.. The primary class occupied On Suuday evening there ee'rill be a the front of the school and were mass meeting for ail in James street seated on small chairs. They render- Methodist chuhch. Each of tile three ed a couple of songs that were nice- young ladies will deliver short addresses. • .11•1••• POMO 11111 utes on the business section of the Main street. Carried. The following accounts were read, having been passed by tne 'Finance Committee: Grand Trunk R.R., freight on cars of gravel $467,83; Earl Russell, shovelling snow, library acct., 2.00; Richard Quance, labor, library acct. 2.00: do. R.130....-22.75, 24.75; The Ross Taylor 06., cupboard. fok "the library 26.00; John Parsons, labor hold their annual convention mt e R.B., 31.50; Walter Westcott, do, Main street Methodist church on 14.00. Friday afternoon and evening of NA-11EN? BORN HUSTON—In Vancouver City, on May 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Huston, a son. TAYLOR—In Usborne, on May 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor, son. (Stillborn). DAYMAN—In Tuckersmith, on day, April 30th, to Mr. and R. Dayman, a daughter. TRAQUAIR--In Tuckersmith, Saturday, May 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Traquair, a daugbter. TAYLOR—In Tuckersmitli, on Sun; day, May and, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Taylor, a daughter. Fri - Mrs, the assessment of the Geiger drain be made to affiliate with the North ea ,scheme it was unnecessary for the Wellington League as a group. The Court of ReVision ffi. s elected were: President, J. S. S. CONVENTION ly given. Recitations, songs, readings addresses and a duett formed part of the programme. Mother was cer- tainly not forgotten at the services. In James street church on Sab- bath morning a children's choir fur- nished the music and the Pastor, Rev. M. 3. Wilson preached a spec- ial sermon in harmony with .the oc- casion. The singing of the children was exceptionally sweet and greatly appreciated. In the Sabbath school El'e in the, afternoon there were special J 1 12‘4 musical numbers by the Primary a reading by Miss Kuntz and a duett by Mrs. Wright and 'Miss May Ford. Flowers in b.onor of "Mother" were worn by old. and. youn.g. The Huron Sunday School Associ- ation, comprising the different ae.ne day schools of South Huron, will Rev. W. D. Collins, of Windsor, former rector of Trivitt Memorial chureh, was recently presented with a Ford sedan, a gift from one of the members of his congregation. AT THE For Music Lovers Per Penhale and Elston—That the sum of Three Hundred Dollars be placed to the credit of the Water Works Accounts to meet current expenditures. Adjournment by Davis. Jos. Senior, Clerk. USBORNE COtNCtt Usborne Council met at the Town- ship Hall, Elimville, on May lst in their regular monthly meeting. All the members were present. Minutes of meeting of April 3rd were read and approved. Messrs. Beaver and Hutchison waited on the council in reference to the position of Nlh lot 21 and lots 22 and 23, con. 1, re scbool taxes of S. S. No. 9, union. The following resolution was pas- sed regarding same: "That the clerk communicate with the Exeter coun- cil to state that the Usborne Coun- cil refuses to collect any School tax for S. S. No. 9, Union for 1920, un- til proof is furnished that the said lots are liable for such levy." As there was uo appeals against this week. Thee will be several ad- dresses bearing on important phases of ,Sunday School week. Miss Mabel TeUert, of Toronto, Girls' Work Secty., will be present and deliver addresses. INSPECTS EGGS. Mr. Alex, Mackie, of Toronto, egg inspector for the Dominion depart- ment of agriculture, was in town last 'Thursday and. inspected a car- . load of eggs for 'NIL H. T. Rowe. MAY 18th 8.15 p.m. WHERE? TOWN HALL, HENSALL WHO? MISS PETELER, SOPRANO MISS FAGAN, 'WHISTLER MR, OSBORNE, VIOLINIST re ee re; k i..,, J efli , WITH THE ONE AND ONLY The eggs were graded extras and mai"! were pronounced by the inspector as Mr. Edison's "Phonograph being an extra fine shipment. There were 450 cases of eggs, valued at over siet thousand dollars, HURON BALL LEAGUE ORGANIZED ' FREE The Huron County Baseball League was' organized af Clinton on. Wednesday of last week, comprising. teams from ZUrich, Gpderich, Clin- ton, Credit= and Seafortin A sched- ule was adopted and an effort will 1 Council to sit as a, o cer SMITH—At Hyndman's Hospital, Exeter, on Sunday, May 9th, to 1 June 5th, 1920, at 2 o'clock p.m, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, a son. By -Laws No. 5 and 6 for 1920 on. same as per notice. E. C.antelon, Clinton; eecty-trea.s„ The assessor having flied the ea-. N. K. Kerre executive,. 3. Sills, Sea- sessment roll for 1920 with the forth; C. Draper, Clinton; L: Hoff - clerk, the Court of Revision to hear man, Zurich; W. W. Barlow, God - appeals will be herd at the Town- erich; W. E. Oestreicher, Crediton. ship Hall,. Eliraville,, on Saturday, The schedule: A UNIQUE D P L E A S ANT ENTERTAINMENT The Young Ladies' Class of James street Methodist chuich entertained their mothers and the lady teachers of the school on Monday night A large number of the class and their Mothers assembled together. The programme which was excellently rendered, consisted of an address of welcome by Mrs. (Rev.) Wilson and a reply by MrS, W. Johne, a piano and violin seise by Miss Lena Goatee and Miss Reta Rowe, a vocal Solo by Mrs. Wright, a reading by Miss Lelia Sanders and a pageant by 16 of the girls entitled "The Spirit of Motherhood," then cams a "Test of the IVIotherst" The daughters being masked and each mother being re- quired to select from a group, her own daughter—needlebo say there Was much laughter as mother after mother came forth with a triuniph- ant air leading one of the girls, only to liad she had the daughter of some other mallet. The girls in theit charming way served lunch and all et irned hoine at an early hour de - to appoint a school attendance offi- cer and an inspector to secuxe the enforcement of tile Cow Tag by-law , were read and passed and signed by the reeve and clerk. Tee Hydro Power Committee re- solved to solicit signatures to the petitions for Hydro in the Township early in June. Bills to the amount of $292.28 were passed and orders issued for the payment of same. Cou.ncil adjourned to meet on June 5th, 1920, at one o'clock. Henry Strang, clerk BOTH ALIKE ' 'al can't imagine what Mildred sees in that Small. boy,' 'remarked Mildred's Mother. "He hasn't got brains enough in his head to fill a thimble." "011, well, I dare say your mother Said the same taiig about me when came courting you!" replied the girl's fattier indignantat. Bet he suddenly lost his etempla. teat smile when his wife retortedr: certainly did, end 1 '-as Wring they had peat a VerY pleas- just as big a fool as IVIiIdreci Is now, at profitable etrenigig, Let some of I wouldret listen t.ie the advice ref, tee ether Ceezee fealons le the train. my eaeece May 24 -Zurich at Goderich; May 2.4-Sese0rth et Clineoni May 26-Gaderich at Seefortle ?ley 27-Cliaten itt Crediton. My 31-Creclitan at Goderich .efey 31 -Zurich et Clinton jinn 3 -Clinton Olt Seaforth June 3-Goclerieh at Zunich, June 3--Seaforth at Crediton jun.e 7-Crecliton at Clinton. aline 9-iGederich at Zurich June 9-Seaeorth at Zurich jun(' 11 -Zurich rat Creceiton June 14-Goderich at Canton June 16---Sealeeth at Gaderice. June 17 -Clinton at Zurich Tuna 17 -Crediton tit Seaforth Tune 23--ia0derich et Creditor)) June 24. -Zurich -at Seafarth, June. 20-Creditete At Zurich july 7-Goderioli at Creditor jul yl-Cliaten .at Seeforth fitly 9--Sentorth at Zurich :rely 12 -Zurich at Goderich Jelly 14-Seaforth ret Clinton July 15 -Crediton at Gaderich July 19-CreditoLn. at Zurich July 21-Goderich et Seaforth jul y22 -Zurich at Crcliton. July 28-Seaforth itt Crediton July 28-Goelerich at Canton July '30-e.Goderich, at Zuriele August 2-Clineee et Godcrich Attgest 5-2,turkth et CISneon August S -Crediton at Seaforth August 10--Crecliten itt Zurich August 11-Seefarth itt Gaderich eet 12-Credit:ea itClatton Atigert 19-Clineoe at rrr,wqr,-,, with a Soul," "The New Edison," proving by actual comparison that there is no difference between the Re - Creation on the New Edison and the original artist. Cards of admission may be had at Powell's Bazaar, Exe- ter or W. C. Montgomery's Jewelry, Hensel', "Tone Test" tendered by J. WILLIS POWELL, Edison Dealer, 'Exeter IN HIS FOURTH MILLION DOLLAR PICTURE A It7 S .tik '1,13ASU E —YOU'LL SAY SO— 'Puncture your pocketbook for tickets for thefamily and come on down for an evening's pleasure ill^ pathizing with Charlie and. his fain- ily out for "A. DAY'S PLEASURE." Friday and Saturday MAY 14th and 15th e • There's laugh ignition in every spin of Charlie's sick-cylind.ered en- gine. e.• at ad It is still the best:value you can find. Use "Model" Flour.' If you want bread with nutty flavor.. Never have we heard so many good re. ports about our flour as of late. We give substantial reductions on flour in large quantities. We have bran, shorts, feed flour, oil cake, tankage, chop, etc., also some nice seed peas. ' WANTED—Wheat, oats, barley and all kinds of grain. Att-,61, Ame444,,,,,korat= *'-'770=111.000401110111.11010