The Exeter Times, 1920-3-4, Page 8A. STEWART PHONE 10 EAL A , G c All wool serges are very scarce and high in price. We are lucky is having a few hundred yards of pure wool serges at prices that are far below to -day values. 75 per yard for all -wool Dress or suit serge in Black, Navy, ® Brown and Green. Worth to -day $3.75. $3 . 25"" yard for all -wool "Botany Yarn" serge. Very soft finish and fine twill, Black, Brown, Navy and Green. Worth to -day $4.75. Ttitz. EXT 14 TIMES Market Report-'-''J~iaetol1owime is the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday. No. 2, Wheat $1.95, Oats $1.00. Bran $48 a ton in buyer's bags. Shorts $56 per ton. Family flour $6.85. Lard 35c. Hogs $17.5Q. Marley $L45 to $1.60. New ,laid eggs 62e. Held Eggs 55e Dairy butter 55c. Creamery butter 69c. Potatoes $3.50 to $3.75. a �.3 w 4.411:ES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Seeks oftheoviba papers i be dis- tributed at the James St. tot - day sellout room from p.in. next Sunday, March 7th, All wishing thein please come anddepart at once with no crowding. per yard for our Extra Special Serge, close even twill, Botany Yarn, perfect dye. Blue, Black, Brown and Green. Worth to -day $5.00. .i t" per yard for A novelty Serge in Brown, A Two • e 9 '9 Tone effect. All pure wool, close even weave, Will make a lovely suit or odd skirt, / d r( • a ewt: .•e„'� r x. ` �rdnee- __. . .____ __. ' Some things Exeter needs. Boosters. • A Postoffice. A hospital. - A Y.M,C.A. • Meat inspection. Sewerage system: A Board • ef• Trade. • Housing Commission. aioi e Community Spirit. 'their taught in the school. Medical inspection of school. • Town clock that is a town clock. ONE OF On. SPLENDID'AEA LOCAL • Mr. F. lel. Boyle spent Monday in London. Mr. Wilfred Stewart, spent the week -end with his parents. Air. IIy. Elworthy has taken. over the Overland agenCY in town. Miss L. Johns, who has been vis- iting in Sarnia returned home last week, Mr. Archie Davis, of Ingersoll, visited his parents in town over the week -end. Mr. J. K. Baker, of Henfryn, visit- ed his brother, Mr. Newton Baker, in town last week. 5. Miss May Brimacombe, of St. Thomas, visited over the weekend at her home here, Mr. Victor Hogarth returned home last week after visiting his brother, lir. Gifford Hogarth, at Windsor. The Provincial Prohibition Con- vention will meet in Massey Hall, Toronto, on March 9th, 10th and llth. Miss Jessie Cochrane, who has been visiting her brother. in town, returned to her home in Kitchener on MondaY. lir. Newton Baker, who has been seriously ill and who underwent an operation last week, is slowly im- proving. Mr. Drew Knight entertained a few friends last Thursday evening, ,rier to leaving for California for a few mouths. The final report from Trivitt Memorial congregation is that they have reached $1915 in the Forward 'Movement Campaign. • 'Mr. Jack Matthews, of Chicago, who has been visiting Mr. and Airs. �+. Fitton, has :incepted a position as •,lunior :with the • Canadian- Bank of Commerce. • Mr. Chas. Harvey has been ap- pointed delegate from James street church to attend the Provincial Pro- hibition Convention which meets in Toronto next week. NOTICE The Public Utilities Commission request that all users of town water see that their taps are not running at night It is of utmost importance that water users try to conserve the water supply ale night. Owing to the accumulation of ice on the inside of the town tank and also the tank of the G.T.R. it is impossible for the Commission to pump enough water to hold a supply over night. Will the users kindly co-operate in the matter. •BOY WANTED --To learn hard- ware business, also tio1 to learn tphe tinsmithing and plumbing. ly I•Ieaman's Hardware. ------,� FOR SALE -A second-hand set of sleighs. Apply to J, C. Nestle, Cock- shutt agent, DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor, Corner William and Sanders. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- days. 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. January 1920 was the coldest Rev, 'eV. M. Martin's many friends ne: eth on record in Ontario. Febru- in town will regret to kno'llt atat lhe aryalso produced a brand of winter has been qui se nt , at presents 1 we:}tl:n r that to say the least, knocks home in Lai ' .:i ' into a rocket hat, the theory that improving and we hope for his 1 the climate in Ontario is growing peedy recovery. lwarns r. Old tuners shake their head At a recent meeting of the James and ea y they never saw a winter to #reef Quarterly Board, Rev. M. J. equal tins one. Over two and a Wilson, the pastor, was unanimously half r.•^':hs of solid winter weather, invited to return for another year, no', tl upon MOW, until it over- ;with an increase he salary of $,300, tops the fences along many of the making it now $1,800., i reads Teaming and cutter -rid- Mr. C. F. Hooper has returned Katie no p e b t home frons a i eVi nein where 'l'II1JfSDAY, MARCH 4, 10 20 .! f it 111f111��1�iIIf11�9111�1NiIM�1��I1�II�INiIIpNl�ll�ll{IIfIi1111111iliilll�ll�IIf1�IINllll �tll�ll�lal�llillllllllllll�1111ffIfll�ltl�lfl�111�11 � � L SoUTHC0TT BROS. -- MONO ;; 110.1.1 11101.1. :4•0TICpl TO PARM'EItS The Executive of the Exeter - branch of the U.F.O. have decided,, to ship live stock co-operatively, namely, cattle, hogs, and sheep. BY• shipping in this way tho seller gets' market value, minus actual expenses of shipping. Thos. Jones has been appointed agent and will be glad to make arrangements with those who have stock for sale. Phone 49, Exeter. FOR SALE-1,Vhite Wyandotte roosters. Choice birds. -J. S. HAR- VEY. FOR SALE -Pasture Farm, 100 acres. Apply to B. Makins. Remember we can save you 25c on your daily paper. Will make a ,peal fit for a king. Cut fin"i the very ehoicest fed cattle cattle it it :neat that proves its suis e _. ,illi the, first taste. And with all .t extra goodness our meat costs 'i mere than ordinary grades. You don't have to pay mere, though you get ie.ere at this met market. ung rt t only 1 asure u is hos It cine zseu , • ,z3.e;. dangerous awing to the / he was called owing to the death of (leen chholes. Along one road: his half-hroiheyr, :kir. William Soivey, the :re . over sixty pitchholes in who was superintendent of the J. J. o , : ie and one quarter and the C.,se. pinny Werke, of Racine. many .-salts and accidents have not by any means found their way into M. Spence, advance agent for the th • � 'paper eo'tuitins. Storms have Dominion Chautauqua bureau, was In i- :I:rrerous and the cold intense- in town last week and was successful 10.0 IOWAN 1111610.11 Onopia MUM olwros PLEASE RETURN BOOKS As Pr.'.�ncipal Wethey is re-catalogu ing the I lie,h ch:o el Library and there are several books missing, it is re - Quested that they be returned at +once to Mr. Wethey's home. -, a� MAKIN'S ^� . Te cli ra: - it all there has. not been in. booking a four days prowl a as in j t o t� A I I 1 'nf�all - Many ci;- town during the summer- months. thaw. or L 1 ri i t r town have been empty of The Woanen'ts Institute will be. • in The,!,„ S -."tart' Meat Market, where =, ;: ter for weeks, Tee scarcity e=t.:• ge. quality ;e 'nigher than price. , of i., r on some farms is a proe, . pr. Roniston desires 'to an=roaunce • len. thet he re -opened bis dental office 5 r 5..5 :> 1 d iresuming his "'t i the elmeing' of the schools, ,. i a2 dry 1 el' >,•. t:,, skating rink, etc., as a �i� ,, , mean -aim against the spread of in - a t ter The. Times has had numerous Eater coarses on i.pril the 4th. 1 irgia , € as to the amount of sick- * . i nes.; in town and as to how long the Board of Health intend to enforce What are you doing to help Mee the o ,le .. 13Y the- action of the tr" grow? Iir;ard the inference is that Exeter • .s K ,..: Cereus cases of the St. Patrick's lay is. Wednesday. a .. ..- 1=zenwa. Pastors of the March the 17th. v�ir: 'p 1 ,arches state that there is x w' >•- x Iit.i� a ::Ess among the congrega- The Ontario Legielature will open ranee " o n what we can Iearn Exe- tsi• a� corenaratively free from the Tuesday next on "1 Y is due to the fact ' • i this Perhaps s Sia. 1 The days are lengthening and that early precaution • was taken. thanks be the sun is warming up. The=re is some criticism owing to the fact that the skating rink has been s' 'i' * c1t•.,,eciI. This is a source of nine') March Cate. 1 1 i ory-making Icr:s to the proprietor who has con - period like an G::1 h. t,,. We will sitlert ?: money invested and whose now await to see what it has up its harvest is at the present time. We sleeve. - think probably that the citizens of :r e o; 5 fears and community should be ta- Wonder .tee Jack Frost heard the ken into the confidence of the Board kicks the ice man was putting up of Health and given scene inform_ last summer and decided to get even ation as to the future,•prospects of this winter. lifting the ban. There is a great * 4' a a x deal of uncertainty which creates Dreary days and drowsy sessions more or les of if restless feeling. will no doubt be in store for. the That the newspaper is one of the Drury Government. channels from which the public ex- * * * : * pect to get this' information is evi- -v people in the community are dent from.the fact of so many mak- ed to miss the flu, among ung inquiries from the press. •-ne who miss the fluency on Sundays. Tdr. J. W. White, St. Marys new town clerk, has taken over his new 'earners are duties. a little Mr. Whitefield Crich, of Clinton, signs died suddenly on Thursday of last "n week. ;F e had not been wel lfor some ,s but his death was entirely un- ' eted. n-'.eted. • Cudmore, a Tuekersniiith 1 a. brother of William (Minton, died recently 'ion, in his 70th ohaei, who had bed for over at the home Magistrate the age of. HOUSL+' FOR SALE -Good frame INMAN WWI E .101111. WNW 100▪ 1111101 i101.011. erU▪ riIMMOrowlemmaizeamaspoloroma r Phone 184 Ladies' Suits & Coats This is our first shipments for the season. We will be glad to have You look at them and see some of the new styles that are being shown for Spring, New Silk and Crepe Blouses We haven't a big range, but what we have to show you is new and dainty blouses that are priced right. New Shirts and Neckwear for lien They are just opened and we want you to see the different de- signs and weaves that we have to offer. You will do well to buy your season's supply, Wall Papers Watch, our. 'tivindows for displays of what is new in Wall Papers. We are showing a big range of splendid designs for Bath -rooms, Bed -rooms, Halls, living rooms, in fact any room in your home. SOUTll(3ST I • E. Gardiner FURNITURE AND i Phones 74w..Night- U�IDER.TAKING' Calls ,7'4J. • .Dr. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary' Surgeon Dr. Henry A. Corsaut wishes announce that he has moved office. to Baker's Livery, . James next door to Overland Garage 'appreciates th,e. patronage he has .e eeived in the old stand and hopes for a continuance of the same , in his 'OPERA HOUSE BLOCK , new' office. Cali'' promptly attended 1 to, day -of night. 'Phone 8. , to his Renewed yet? f Ie/ECK-YOKES & WI{IFFLETREES Farmers or teamsters having suit- able wood, bring it to O. K. Cider MW and I will turn it a standard or any length or size you wish. Also saws gummed, etc. -S. V. J. Cann, house ill Exeter, north of the bridge,' Successor to A. Cottle. Phone 115. the property of the late Mr's. William Davis. Nine rooms. Barn and drive shed. Three lots of land. Apply to 1 FARMS FOR SALE. M. E. Gardiner's Furniture store. . I have a number of choice farms for sale in Usborne, Hibbert aid Tuckersmith with up-to-date build- ings and my long experience in the business tells me I have the price The Toronto Globe has increased its subscription rate from $4.00 to with 'I'a year. os 15 $6.25. clubbing rate The Board of Health have decided not to lift the ',pan this week and are not prepared to say just when it might be lifti;cl. - Mios Stalker, 'of Blyth, has been engaged as milliner with Miss Mc- Donald. Mir. Andrew Dougall, of WingIia.in, d with h Tr. and Mrs. William Griffin t', a the past week: Mrs. Griffin i.. o d.'ughter of Mr. Dougall. J. G. St ; nbury attended the As- sizes at Cat erich this week as caun- CORNeCONTRACTS. The Canning Co. is prepared to con- tract with growers of corn far' the factory for 1920: the price per ton same as last year: Choice seed corn has been, secured from the. wine source and will be sold at same price as east year to growers for the fac- tory ONLY. • . Have you paid your subscription? . TJ EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made known right and some of then on easy ion application, terms of payment. Also the Far- , siuhar Store property. For terms 1 Stray Animals -One insertion 50c and particulars apply to Thomas three insertions for $1.00 Cameron. Woodham, P. 0., auction -1 Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c each insertion for one month of four insertion. Deo. SWEET 4%LLYNING Miscellaneous articles of not moreAll nails ; Veterinary Surgeons 1 than five lilies, 'For Sale, To Rent, optly htte�ided to day Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost or night. and f d locals 25c IMINEVEL C MOON 11111.0 MOON Mal ONIMIMOMCFormil MOM 1.0111 MEM r 001.11. poseal ,tom` CMEMOMOMSNOW70.0108 LOADED .. AGAIN Our rooms are filled with all kinds of furniture, -which we are selling at a very .small margin. >3e sure and see us befortl,buyi:g, as tvt have 'some bargains: ours o ' OFFICE -Dr. Sweet's old office Local reading notices etc., 10e per Phone 120 f line per insertion. No notice less last week it is now :than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. '1'<...lar prat:I-ice. 't.c.- .,on is also Fol in t..it, e.. -.e; of Penhale vs. Bien- s Auction. sales $3 for one insertion culled to the fast that Lis office is new. The Church Army of London, Eng. and $1.50 for each subsequent in- censed cTery Wenesday afternoon •;ir,• ,p eldeey nes been have authorized me to receive ap-!section if under five inches in length. e �,�1 s , +M� Phone 20 THE UNDERTAKER Aleft EMBALMER "i during The Exacter H.Hockey ockey team went to Aliso Craig Monday evening ' Z n t'.:a _ i,g lioy,3. Tips Exeter tam wore late in arri•v- In ; owing to the trains..being be- hind time. The game dill not start until 'after ten o'clock r d .a.,"•'J the pas: 1 plications from farmers . desiring Legal advertising 10c and 5c a flu , ee..,,u ly ill using Help this summer. A party of ex- cieek. On Wednesday' sloe fives re- line. r�ouvertl to D.rtr.idIlsywndimarnospehfoosrpihae.r. sdeurevliene Tisoerno,ntmoobloyutinApreiri5etnhcedFoirs s further information apply to Rev. A, -- speedy recraverY. -xeter phone 69. A. Tramper, E , Mr. ar.d Mrs.- J. R. Campbell, of Stnniivillr', Ont., announce the en- gagement of their daughter, AnnieF This month's shortest story- The Temperance Organization of '.Estelle, to 1' •eclerick F. Hicks, toven have appointed the following] Ottawa, nifiest. son of lelr. and Mr's. R F. Hicks. Ne'wtonbrook, the mar - representatives to attend the Prov- incial Prohibition Convention which meets in Toronto next week. 'Mrs. B. W. F.. Beavers, Rev. M. 3. Wilson, Rev. Dr. Medd and J. Willis Powell. The nu .ny friends of Rev. J. W. Da!, -1, of Hamilton and former pas- teo, of James street Methodist church will regret to know that he has been t.l for a couple of weeks but we un- derstand he in improving. His speedy _•:,,overt is hoped for. nton -met` ;te• other dmill on bile oily nd Was fan` and Mr. 13. W. F. Beavers has accepted a .position as travelling salesman with Coates, Burns and Wanless, wholesale shoe merchants of Lon- don, and is present working this territory in the place of Mr. A. Coates who has been indisposed and is now in California in the interests su iiausly ill from it but ss stuplaos,ed to of his health. I have sefe`y massed, the crisiee Deceas- Mr. W. J. Burney left on Monday ed was bent. in Chumerh,,a ;i(ttle over for Winnipeg, where he resumes a l position with the John Mansville Co. Mr. Birney was employed with this company before he enlisted with the 161st battalion. Since returning from overseas he has been recuper- ating his health. His many friends in town will wish him success. ' ridge• to take place early in March. . ` tl from Miller received clue J. J. Scotland last week, an excellent type of C.lydedale stallion. This 1'. e se ie particularly fine animal rent: will tri:vei this district during the coming :ceason,,Y DIET? IN THE WEST Tlie Fr"n ,.a.; from the. Eche. " rf IIaun"n: a _Man., ;reLprs' to, the grand - s'a of the late Richard Delbiridg,e of E:teter. Many r'elativ'es live• in this 'J1aa;th.0f Roy Andrew i);.lbridge, the ,only sen of Mi. and Mrs. George Delbridge, of .Chumah, On Feb. 14th, came as a surprise an':i shock to the cammuni;tyr, I -Ie had contracted .the "f1tt" and had been ser - Mr. E. A. -rollick has purchased from Mr. J. N. Howard the line brick residence on Andrew street occupied by Mr. H. W. Doerr. Mr. Doerr has purchased from Mr. D. Mack the frame cottage on Main street occupied by Mrs. MoEwen: Mr: Doerr expects to renovate and re- model it and where completed will have a most comfortable home. Mr: and Mrs. Garnet Passmore ar- rived home last week from their wedding trip and have taken up their residence on the groom's line farm in Usborne. Beth bride and groom, are well kncawnin the coan- «ity,. the latter leaving lived here :pastor' of Main a ,host of fie limos seventeen, years ago A1T has la;[e las been spent in. ibis vie n?f y'1 He haat grown into young manhood's years and strength, greatly beloved by the people of this community. DIED IN PORT HURON "Please Renew." FARM FOR .SALE --"Evergreen Farm" consisting of Lot 11,Con. 14, Tp. of Hibbert, County' of Perth, 100 acres imediately north of Far- quhar. Up- to- date brick dwelling largo Lank barn, with water all thee it supplied from never failing well nnd :