The Exeter Times, 1919-11-6, Page 8Mc: EXETER TIMES STEWART'S ECONOMY SALE NOV. 5 to NOV. 22 Here is your opportunity to stock up with Groceries and Staple Dry Goods at prices which will not be equalled for many months. LOOK THESE OVER $40,00 Men's Suits, tweeds, and worsteds on sale at $19.50. 40c Flannelettes, 34 to 36 inches wide, first quality 29c. 30c factory cotton, 40 inches wide good weight 19c. 11-4 size Ibex flannelette blankets first quality $3.40 12-4 size Ibex flannelette blankets first quality $3.70. 30c real roller towelling, sale price 5 yards for $1.00. 35c best prints, dark and light colors per yard 23c. 50c Black and white shirting for real work shirts per yd. 35c. $7.00 Ladies' fine shoes solid leather soles and heels $4.49. 15.75 Men's high rubber boots, first quality all sizes $4.45 $6.50 Men's heavy wool sweaters coats, shawl collars $4.50. $2.00 Heavy brown rubbers for leaky shoes per pair $1.25. 13.00 Congoleum stove squares 64x64 in. Special at $2.50. 100 pounds best granulated sugar $11.75 Kelloggs Toasted Corn Flakes 2 for 25c. Four pounds best rolled oats for 25c. 'Shredded Wheat 2 packages for 25c. Best extracts, all fia.vors, per bottle Sc. Three 15c packages matches for 38c. Largest size ammonia powder two for 25c. Red Rose, Salada and Minto Tea, per pound 63c. Best Canned Peas and Corn three tins for 50c. Golden Table Syrup per pound 9c. Real British Columbia Salmon five large tins $1.00 Very special Sweet Cookies per pound 20c. Three pound pail Best Pure Lard $1.05 Royal Yeast Cakes per box .05e. Quart jar Forest City Baking Powder 32c. McDonalds 20c Tobaccos two for 35c. 10c Currency Tobacco, three for 25c. 15c Stag, Black Watch, Shamrock and King George, 2 for 25c. 20c Master Mason Tobacco two for 35c. 90e Size T. and B. Smoking per plug 75c. Large Cans Sardines three for 25c. Good Laundry Soap ten bars for 50c. 15c Ene.maline Stove Polish two for . 15c. Domestic Shortening 33c. J.A. STEWART Phonel6 Market Report The following the re/t of the Exeter Market eorree every Wednesday. No, 2, Wheat $1,95. New Oats' 85t. Barley $125 Bran $15 a ton la buyerS bags. Shorts $52 per ton, Family Flour $5.70 , New laid eggs 65c. Held eggs 55e. • , Dairy butter 53e.' Creamery butter64c. Lard 350. Potatoes $1.60 per bag. Hogs $15.75. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • LOCAL LOOK! We have the following that we will exchange for wood, hay or chick- en feed. 1 good 6 octave organ. 3 Edison (old style) cylinder phonographs. 1 Columbia (old style) phono- graph. 1 Victor (old style) phonograph. We also have our Xmas stock of Edison Diamond Phonographs and Columbia Graphonolas and hundreds of records to choose from. Preparations for Xmas trade is in progress. POWELL'S BAZAAR Phone 35. EXETER. Eh S. NO. O. HAY. • • • • 0.44414* *41.••••• • Mr. Robert Gillies is in Hamilton this week. Will Exeter and Usborne win the Prince of Wales Honor Flag. Mr. Arthur Middlemiss spent a few days in Toronto last week. . Mr. Berry of Ingersoll is visiting his daughter, Mrs. R. G. Seldon. Mrs, John Mallett and little son of London, are visiting in town. Squirrel season opened on Satur- day, November lst. lasting until the 15th. Dr. L. L. Follick of St. Marys, visited his mother in town on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris of Waitesburg, Wash., are visiting rela- tives in town. Mr. Fred Elliott of Haleybury, visited his sisters and brother, dur- ing the past week. Mrs. Susan Quance and little granddaughter Joy, of Toronto, are visiting relatives in town. Guy Bros. held forth in the Opera House Tuesday night. In spite of the disagreeable weather their was a good attendance. The band par- aded the street at noon and played a number of selections. The band put up a lively class of music. Cochrane Machine Shop FOR SALla-COal heater, suitable for office or store. Apply at the Times WANTED- A competent maid. Apply to Mrs, W. J. Heaman. Mrs. John Snell left Wednesday far Des Moines, Iowa to visit her daughter, Mrs. J. H. McDonald. Mrs. S. M. Martin and Mrs. Wm.'. Moncur have been in London attend- ing the bedside of Mrs. (Dr.) Cowan who has been quite ill. GENERAL REPAIRING Gas Engines overhauled, re -bored and new pistons made to fit. Wagon axles re -threaded and new nuts made PHONE 135 eumomMINIC Economy of Ford Service WEAR is unavoidable even in the best car, but certain parts wear out more quickly than others. There is no need of scrapping your car because the piston rings have seen their day, because the platinum points of the vibrators are worn out. Probably the rest of the car is as good as new. Medical men agree that the human body is renewed, cell by cell, every seven years. You can do the same with your Ford Car and prolong its life at minimum cost by *re'blacing worn parts from time to time. Ford service has been the means of doubling the lives of hundreds of Ford Cars, and cut- ting down the cost of motoring. The fact that a Ford Touring Car, which costs $690, f. o. b. Ford, Ont., can be purchased part by part separately for $91.7 is ample proof of the economy of driving a Ford Car. It will pay you to have your car overhauled during the winter months. 700 Canadian Dealers and over 2,000 Service Garages supply genuine Ford parts and prompt repair service. 141 When buying, choose a Ford, and take advant- age of the economy of Ford service. Charlie Chaplin In "A Dog's Life" RECORD PRICE PAID FOR NEW CHAPLIN LAUGH -MAKERS. At the Maximum expense for coati- edy features on local record, the DOME THEATRE has obtained the rights to all forthcoming Charlie Chaplin pictures made under his new $1,000,000 contract with the First National Exhibitor's Circuit. "A Dog's Lite," the first of these super - laugh -makers, will be shown. at the DOME THEATRE on Nov'. 14th and 15th. ROMANCE OF TARZAN, NOV EMBER 28th and 29th. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES At James St. Methodist church on Nov. 16th. The choir will appear in their new gowns for the Ora time. A treat in musical numbers is being prepared by the choir assisted by others. Rev. Dr, S. Banks Nelson, of Knox Presbyterian church, Hamilton will be the preacher. Dr. Nelson is known in Exeter and Occupies one, 'of. the largeet churches in. Canadai which Sabbath after Sabbath is crowded to the doors, SuggeStshis ability as a preacher. On Monday' night Nov. 17th Dr. Nelson will give in James St. Methodist church his noted lecture entitled "Russia and Us". He is eminently fitted being quite fluent as a reader and writer of the Russian language also hav- ing made Russia a subject of study and travel. Admission to the lecture 25 cents adults, children 15c. The public are invited to enjoy this treat Hallowe'en passed off quietly in town. A few minor pranks were re- ported but nothing of any conse- quence. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Heaman and son Jack, of London visited the for- mer's brother, Mr. W. J. Heaman on Saturday and Sunday. The many friends of Mr. Clare Pickard of Frobishire, Sask., will re- gret to learn that he has been under the care of a physician. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oke of Tor- onto, spent several days in town dur- ing the past week, winding .up the estate of the late Mrs. T. Clarke. Mr. John Hiles, brother of Mrs. (Rev.) E. Medd died this morning at his hhme 82 Byron Ave., London. The funeral will be held on Thurs- days afternoon. Mr. Joshua Johns of Elimville who has been confined to his bed as the result of a fall from an apple tree is making favorable progress towards recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wood and Mrs. Susan Keddy motored to London Sunday and visited Mrs. Keddy's brother, Mr. Wm. Down, who is sick in the hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Kestle of Crom- pton motored up and spent the week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Jory. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jory accompanied them back for a short visit. An Auction Sale of the property and household effects of the late Mrs. Thos. Clarke was held last Saturday afternoon. The property was pur- chased by Mr. Frank Triebner for $1700. After a fall of unusual mild wea- ther the first snow -storm of the sea- son visited this vicinity on Tuesday. The roofs of the houses were covered and patches of the beautiful dotted here and there. Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe, that they bad arrived in California after an enjoy - MILO SNELL, Dealer, Exeter. 1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER fith "VC" :0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011MMMOMMIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIE ------= SOUTHCOTT BROS. -2*-- .....= ..... Phone 134 = ..-:. ...., -.-. .... FINE NEW COATS -.---- a. OMMO N M.* ONMO011 .01.0 NORIA GIMOYO4 O NONOS M▪ MENII MM. MOO. MOO. IMMO BEIM. MOMS 1.1“. •••••• MM. MEM MEMO Men's Made -to -Measure Clothes We have been fortunate in securing the agency for Art Clothes made 111•100M1 by Allen and Cook of Toronto and are showing a wide range of all -wool cloths for Suits and Overcoats and can guarantee you a perfect -fit. Any day we will be pleased to show you the range. CEINED In Salts Plush th aye dlatinctive Style features, also this week we have to show you sorra partihularly geed models in silvertone effects, with beautiful fur collars, which you will be pleased to know are mod- erately priced. VON/. o•OOMM IMMO, IMMO =M. imioNole 4O11. •01•11.1 1011•110.1 WORSTED HOSE FOR BOYS AND GIRLS They are of all wool and of good weight and for school wear. Can't be beat. This is last year's stock at old prices. l5c; 8.5c and $1..00. STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR When you buy this well-known make you get the best underwear that is procurable. We have Red La- bel $3.00; Blue Label $3.25. IMION Rubbers Rubbers ! Rubbers ! Don't overlook this store when in need of Rubber Footwear. Wear a pair of our White Rubber Boots this muddy weather. ISIMM .1•••• MEMO SOUTIICOTT BROS. MOMS 1 MOMS IOMOM MM. MUM. OMOM MOM E MOM. 01101.1 SOM. MOM IMMO MINIM IMMO t111111MilM111111111101illillIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIMMECIlliiiiiiii111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iilliMmiiiiiia WILL MANE APPLE BUTTER FIVE DAYS A 'WEEK We are now running our Cider Mill and Apple Factory and are open Japanese for business every day but Monday. All custom work for - the turning factory will receive. Prompt atten- tion. Mrs. Ambrose Cottle is in charge of the cooking department for apple butter. S. J. V. CANN. THE WATKINS AGENT handles all kinds of spring tonics for both man and beast; also toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the market. Oily sold by their agents to the consumer. Wan. Andrew,, Agent, Exeter. Phone 43 •. • FARMS FOR SALE. I have alnumbe•r^of choice ,farms, for sale in Usherne, Pithhert 'anti( Tuckersmith with, up-to-date *build- ings and my long' experience in the business tells me, I have the prite right and some of ; them on easy terms of payment.fe.Adso the Far- quhar Store property. For terms and particulars apply to Thomas Cameron, Woodham, P. 0_, auction - COURT OREVISION. NOTICE IS.. HEREBY GIVEN that a court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voter's List Act, by His Honor t'he Judge, of- the County Court of the County, of, Huron at the Town Hall, Exeter, on Saturday, the 8th "day of November 1919, at ten o'clock a.m. to hear and determine complaints or errors and omissions in the Voters' List -of the Munic,ip- a119iity9.of the 'Village of Exeter for Dated the 25t1i' day of October, 1919. • - 10S. SENIOR, Clerk of the Municipality of the Vil- lage of Exeter. able trip. They were having the pleasant experience of picking ripe oranges and grape fruit. • Mr. Wes. Snell shipped seventeen car -loads of heavy steers to New York last week. Mr. Snell left for New York on Saturday. He was join- ed in London by Mr. W. H. Levett' who accompanied him to New York. James Street Epworth League held a Hallowe'en Social on Wednesday evening of last week. A musical and literary program was provided after which refreshments were served. The attendance was fairly large and an enjoyable evening was spent. Messrs. B. W. F. Beavers, W. Ab- bott, Elmer Tuckey, Lloyd Beavers and Chas. Ford. representing . Main St. Sunday School motored to Lon- don and attended the Boys' Confer- ence held at the Y. M. C. A. Monday and Tuesday. Miss Marjorie Seldon gave a very delightful tea on Tuesday evening to a number of young ladies of town. The guest of honor was Miss Kath- leen Stewart, bride -elect, who during the evening was presented with a china -shower. She was the recip- ient of many beautiful presents. A very social evening was enjoyed. Mr. John Norry while working on the town water system had the mis- fortune to be the victim of an accid- ent last week, while putting a hy- drant in place in Exeter North. A portion of the tile slipped into the ditch falling on his right hand. It was necessary to amputate the third finger at the first joint. He is carry- ing his arm in a sling as a conse- quence. Service as usual in Main St. church next Sunday afternoon. The minister Rev. Dr. Medd will Piecaki. The even- ing meeting will Wwithdrawn in favor of ,the Mase,iVleeting in James St. cliurch.,Do not IhYget, the Bible Study Claes to be held. next Sunday afternoon in this chila'th. AU boys aver 14 and all young' Inet lie vii - come. The teacher is Mr. W. G. Medd vice president of the Ontario Sunday School Association. Furniture and - Undertaking Funeral Director & Embalme M. E. Gardiner Phones 74ve. Night Calls 74J. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK • , . • . Actor Seen in "The Silent Woman" - •nD.IT 11 SOB T. Tamazto, one of the best known Japanese actor's both in Amer- ica and in his min far-off Island Em- pire, is seen in an important role in the big Metro production, "The Sil- ent Woman," starring Edith Storey. This picture will be the attraction at the DOME THEATRE on Nov. 14 and 15 for a two day engagement and relates the story of absorbing interest.0 , HOUSE TQ RENT -Frame House on Sanders SL, Electric lights, $7.00 a month. Apply to W. J. Beer, Exe- ter. T. H. ELLIOTT: THE CLEANER AND PRESSER Don't spend your summer wages in a new suiL But let T. H. Elliott make your old ones look like new. Agent for American Dyers. and Dry Cleaning, London. A number of second-hand over- coats for sale. Shop North of Mrs. Yeo's Store. - --e. • DRS. SWEET & VINNING • - Veterinary Surgeons All ' calls promptly attended to day O or night. . OielfICE--Dr. Sweet's old office Phone 120 ATTENTION! 'All of our Groceries are fresh, therefore we have no reason to cut our prices :n or- der to -get rid of' them. So phone your or- der to 56 and have your groceries deliver- ed at once. : !LSO & SIMMS EY Tamaoto, as is he is more famil- iarly known, has appeared in many Metro productions and is in great demand whenever a Japanese actor is needed -be it an ambassador, a statesman or servant -all parte in which he has appeared on the ss,reen and stage. • Shown with Charlie Chaplin, "DT A DOG'S LIFE." Furniture - and Undertaking R. N. RAE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Dr. HENRY A. CORSAUT ..t. --c Veterinary Surgeon , Dr. Henry A. Corsaut wishes `Gli announce' that he has : moved hie office to•IJakees Livery, Jamea t• next dbor to Overland Garage appreciates the patronage he has -a- ceived in the old, standand hopes for a .continuance of the same in his new office. 'Calls promptly attende& to,' day of flight. Phone 8. Vulcanizing Ali kinds of Tires.. All work guaranteed. Ca3h for old Tires. Taylor's Tire Shop EXETER, ONT. Make Your Dollars Count Buy where you do not have to Sacrifice Style to save Money. Our clothes create confidence be- cause they give saiiifaction. Their smart appearance reflects credit* men who wear them.. Our clothes made from dependable materials and guaranteed to fit you. The satis- faction wears right through to the end. We are exclusive men's furnish- ers and right up-to-the-minute in the latest styles. Our new Fall stock of Furnishings have been opened up. New Goods ar- riving daily. Rainproof Coats for Men This is an ideal Min and top coat combined in crave Ites, tweeds, etc., styles that will appeal to the well- dressed man. They are a double pur- pose coat for street, auto and travel- ling. Guaranteed rainproof. SEE OUR NEW SWEATER COATS Hats and Caps in the latest styles =MD BY O, Collars, and Ties, Gloves, and Braces For underwear see our stock and TORONTprices. Pk, W. T A Pet A N P11 0 N a