The Exeter Times, 1919-10-16, Page 8J. A. STEW.:ART PHONE 10 or Fall Frocks Navy Dress Serges We are showing a range of pure wool navy dress Serges which: should interest anyone who is looking for a warm serviceable dress, these serges are guaranteed fast colours and we consider them won- derful value at $2.75; $3.00 and $3.75 per yard. Tartan Plaids These pretty plaids are ideal for girls dresses their warmth and attractive appearance make them one of the most popular materials 0f this season, we are showing a very pleasing range of these plaids at from 35c. to $2.00 per yard. Silk Poplins For a dress or skirt of pleasing qualities and good service a pretty silk poplin is unsurpassed, you will find them here in a variety of colours at from $1.95 to $2.25 per yard. Black Duchesse Silk This is the heavy satin finished silk which. is so popular for ladies' dresses, it is one yard wide and the quality is all that could be desired; our prices on these silks are right from$2.25 to $2.75 per yard. Cotton ergs At 65c a yard. In blue, brown, red and green, this material is both serviceable and attractive and should help to solve the dress problem for many mothers. The price is 6:$c. per yard. We want your live poultry. 100 lbs. Granulated Sugar $12.50. T Phone 16 TEMPLETON'S 'RHEUMATIC DTIC CAPSULES FOR RH€UMATISM,NEURITIS,SCIATItA LUMBAGO, NEURALGIA,GOUT ETC. ASURE RELIEF FOR THE WORSTHEADACHE $i.°o PER BOX TEMPLETQNS L'°Mete,142ENG Stet TORONTO $uuranity has tacked a practical rheumatic remedy since time began. Fortunes are spent yearly at hot springs, electric baths and hospi- tals to obtain relief, yet better results are achieved right at'home by using'r.R.C.'s "the common sense treatment." Just compare cost and results with';any other treatment and you drill be convinced. Ask your druggist or write= for our new booklet; it is interest iagand costs you nothing (Templeton, 145 King W. Toronto). We marl anywhere ea =rant of $1.04. Sole Agent for Exeter, Beowning's Drug Store, Optical Rooms and Sta- tionery. Mail $1.04 to this address )r to Templeton, 142 King St., W. Toronto, and T.R.C's will be sent pastpaid, WI`T,T, MARE APPLE BUTTER 1'iVN DAYS A WEEK We are now running aur Cider Mill and Apple Factory and are open for business every day but Monday. All custom work for the turning factory will receive. Prompt atten- tion. Mr;;. Amb roe e Cottle is in .:barge of the cooking department or apple butter. S. J. V. CANN. A Worn) TO THE WOMEN. Teel e. es mill be taken on the eel <,1 .enher--one on the tenn- era ' , t y' z'eeuil:In end she other to :eel mer:.byre to the Legislature. leis ties s ii election fn Ontario Sion e..l seentee nety vote. It IS inI- r'irta'< t for every z .woman to remeln- _rr when vet .e. 1:n election day that the s t:uad receive the referendum ealltat and the bellot for members to tee Isreeisktene. Answer every •ilac:s tea: -a on the referendum ballot end meek ".'1 ' lez'f 'ath , ballot for your choice of candidates. THE PE.EI4 NT JOYS if you cannot. rJ,E. the tsr"anty in the rising of the sun if you cannot reeile with children end ' n c E their i it of fun, if the wife whe oelke beeide you is n't all the world to you. if you ea.i,rot he r,,,,tt'neel with the friea"aria yoe FL ):L ,irE„ true, '.hen you never will he happy though eau reach iifehe highest incite Ant would still be melancholy should to -morrow make you rich. f you cannot foul the splendor in little- you pf**IeSS, if you spurn the e h1a1 ysweetness in your belly rind caress, •f' the little home you're keeping isn't ringing now with glee. all in vain none he your dreaming of the joys teat are to be; f to all that VOW : ilotil(1 please you, you're indiii<:'.':,nt and cold, ','au would laid yourself unhappy simnel 1o- . ry bring .you gold. yonere putting off your gladness to enie distant future d ay, .f you're blind to alt the roses that bloom along your way And you cannot find this morning some good reason for a smile, Yon will never be contented in life's golden after"while; P'or the jc;ye of life surround yeti - love and claim them when you can, • `'or it's now that you are learning how- to be a bappy man,' -I3y Edgar A, Guest. The soldiers have given -you must lend. Mr. I. R. Carling has been ap- pointed chairman of the Victory Loan committee in Exeter. The report of the West Huron Teachers' Association which met in Exeter has been crowded out this week and will appear in our next issue. Twenty Billions of National wealth behind the Victory Loan 1919. • ilellsall Mr. Henry Phybus, of Chislehurst, has purchased Mr. Milton. Love's house. Mrs. Simeon, of Chicago, spent last, week the guest of her sister Mrs. D. Urquhart. 1l Tr. R. Sylvester, who was Iaid up with pleurisy is able to attend to his business again. Mr. Garnet Case, of Toronto, ac- companied by Mr. John Case, spent a few days at Mr. George Cases. Mrs. G. C. Petty has returned from Detroit ;where she has been visiting her daughter' Mrs. Chas. Abbott. At the Executor's sale Mr. W. G. Wilson bought the house on Brock St. belonging to the Lorimer estate. Mrs..Ttobert Paterson left for Toronto to see her sen James who was badly hurt while working in a mill. Miss Margaret Buchanan, of North Dakota returned Iast week after spending some time at her home here. Mr. Andrew Laramie, of Detroit, is at present visiting his sister, Mrs. George Case, and his brother 1Ir. Wm. L; Mmie. The choir of St. Paul's church motored to Staffa and furnished the music for the Harvest Home fest- ival held there. 'tris; Dorothy Bryant, who has been visiting her aunt Mrs. Richard Pollock, returned to her home in Battle Creek, Ilich. '1Tiss Margaret Johnston who has spent the past three months with her sister, Mrs. Douglas, of Hyde Park, has returned to her home. tI Stickney has left for her home in Vancouver, 13. C. after spending the summer with her par- ents ?Tr. and Mrs. Wm. Caldwell. Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Hardie who have been located in Corea for the past thirty years, visited Dr, Hard- ie's brother, Dr. P. S. Hardie, last 'week. The Misses Zuefie entertained a number of friends at their home in honor of Miss Alexia Murdock on the eve of her departure for Guelph. where she expects to take a position. Hensall was sorryto see I e her leaving. l i; Mr. H. A.. McEwen, who has boon manager of the Sterling Bank since the branch was established in Hen- sel' is leaving the bank to engage in other linos. He is being succeeded by Mr. Wickens who comes from the Sebringville branch. On Monday MITT. M. W. Ortwein re- ceived word that his brother-in-law, Mr. James Patterson, of Toronto, had his right hand badly crushed while at his work. He was rushed to the hospital where it was found necessary to amputate his ha.nd at the wrist. TH EXETR TIME Market Report ee-The foilowtng le the report of the Exeter Market eorrected every Wednesday. No. 2, Wheat $1,05 ‘4,e, :e° t New Oats " """-""' GA i€1 Barley $1.25 Bran $45 a ton in buyers bags. Shorts $55 per ton. .Family •dour $5,70 E Begs 54e -- ( Butter 45c.' Creamery butter ev Lard 35c. Potatoes $2.00 per bag. dogs $1.7.00,, • ecce******** 01,004e.*•*11•+►**** LOCAL • • • *000040 0044000* Pay for Victory Bonds. Mr. C. E. Stock visited at his home in Paris over the holiday. Miss Grace Oke, of London, visited relatives in town on Friday last. Mr. Bert Gillies, of Walkerville, visited his parents over the holiday. Mr. Oliver Davis, of Zurich, visited his parents over Sunday and Mon- day. Mr. D. Stewart, of Toronto, visited his parents in town over Sunday and Monday. Quite a number from town attend. - ed a dance at Clinton Thanksgiving evening. Mrs. McLean, of Lucan, visited with. Mrs. John Hawkshaw during the week. Mrs. Johnston returned home last Friday after an extended visit in the West. Mr. A. Lammie, of Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Christie .on Thanksgiving. Mr. W. Amos, and Miss Blowes, of Stratford, visited Mrs. Amos over Thanksgiving. Mr. Thos. Horton, of London, vis- ited in town for several days during the past week. Mr. Orby Kestle left Monday even- ing for Windsor were he expects to secure a position. Miss Braund, of Woodstock, visit- ed at the home of Mrs. Wm. Essery over the holidays. Miss Mabel McEwen, of Toronto, visited Mrs. P. H. McEwen, in town over Thanksgiving. Mr. and MVlrs. Thos. Hawkins of Windsor, are visiting the former's son George of town. The Bank of Commerce have re- cently- had the residence part of their building redecorated. Mr. P. McPherson, of Winnipeg, visited his sister-in-law, Mrs. E. J. Wright, during the week. Mrs. Thos. Penhale, of Medicine Hat, has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Penhale, of town. Mrs. Broderick, of London, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kestle during the week -end. Mr. Harold Boyle and Miss Lillian Boyle, of Toronto, visited friends and relaatives over the week -end. Miss Alma Robinson and Miss C. Stephenson, of Ailsa Craig, visited Miss B. Senior over the holiday. Misses Flo and Marjory Hepburn of London. visited their sister, Mrs. Geo. Westeott over the week -end. Miss Bonthron, of Toronto, has re- turned to her home after visiting for a few weeks with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor visited their daughter, Mrs. McTavish, .at Shakespeare, during Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. I. Gower, of London, visited over Sunday and Thanks-. giving with l'dr. and Mrs. Wm. Rus- sell. Mr. H. 0. Southcott, who has been travelling in th western provinces, is visiting his mother for a /ew days this week: Mr. Lloyd Rivers, of Simcoe and Mr. Chas. Miller. of Hamilton,visited at the home of Mr. Wm. Rivers over Thanksgiving. Mrs. H. Hutton, and daughter Miss Evelyn, of Brantford, vsited the fore- part of this week -with Mr. and Mrs. 'r. "o. Southcott. Miss Ruby Wood, who is teaching school near . Toronto, visited her parents in town for, a few days and took in the teachers crnvention in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Becker and child- ren, of New Hamburg, and Mr. P. H. Browning, of Toronto, were the g'"uests of Dr. and Mrs. Browning over Sunday and Monday. Mrs. T. M. White and grandson, John C.. Mrs. T. Cooper White and two children, of Windsor, visited with Miss White and !Airs. Wickwire oved Thanksgiving. Mr. Harold Wright, organist of James St. -church, has' received an' invitation to become organist of a Presbyterian church in Alberta. Mr. Wright has decided not to accept the invitation. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Redmond, son and daughter, accompanied by Mrs. Pr of;se, motored over from Marlette, Mich., and visited Mr. anti Mrs. T. Elliott and other relatives. Owing to the illness of Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Red- mond will remain for a time. Mr. Linden Harvey, who is attend- ing Toronto University, and Miss Gladys Harvey, who is attending Collegiate in London, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harvey during the week. Miss Agnes Sharp, of Norton, N.B. visited with Miss. V, l,, t o vctiife of the London Road North, during the Thanksgiving holidays. Miss Norton .is taking a professional course at the McDonald College, Guelph. Mise Nettie Reddy returned home Iast week after an extended visit through the ],Vest. ]Miss Reddy was as far west as Bamf spending three days at this popular resort. Among the places she visited while in the west. were Melfort, Vermillion, Cal- gary, Kindersley, Netherhill, Sask- atoon, Regina and Winnipeg. Dur- ing her trip she visited many old friends from this vicinity. �{ CLEANER �,yyTy1LTJO`C e, PRESSER _. J:IE CLEANER AND' PRESSE] Don't spend your summer wages in a new suit. But let T. FL Elliott make your old ones loop like new, Agent for American Dyers and Dry Cleaning, London Shop North of Airs. Yeo';s Store, ONIONS J. H. Grieve will take in onions at the old Temperance House, Stat- ion Street, on and after October the 14th, (except Saturday) TO THE ELECTORS OF SOUTH HURON. I earnestly solielt the vote and influ- ence of every elector in the riding. The U. F. 0, platfocse�na is sternly moral, fair to all ,glasses and will protect the producer and consumer. On October the 20th vote for Hicks the peoples' candidate. Two charmers charmed Tom Wentworth -at least he thought they were two -and he fell in love with each pretty miss. But later he found that the -two were one and'the same girl and then, as he had pro- posed to each girl, he found himself in a terrific mess. You'll enjoy "T'OTHER DEAR CHARMER" The new World -Picture Starring LOUISE l3UJ'1+' Mr. Russel Smith, of London, who is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. P. Frayne, of town, is carrying his arm in a sling the result of an accident. He had the misfortune to have his arm jammed while brakeing on the G. T. R. TO 1.1ELECTORS OF SOUTH HURON The statement is being made that I am not a temperance man and that the prohibition issue can- not be trusted in the hands of the Liberal Party. The Hearst govern- ment take the. credit for giving us prohibition. A few years ago the Liberals brought in a motion in the House of Parliament to abolish the bar. The Conservatives voted a- gainst it. Shortly afterwards :the. House was dissolved and an appeal made to the electors. The Liberal platform was to ,abolish the bars. With the support of the liquor inter- ests the Conservatives went into power. About two years after- wards a petition signed by almost ten thousand names was presented to the Government to abolish the bars. The Terries who had pre- viously voted for the bar now voted to have them closed. But did the Liberals vote against the measure? The Liberals had voted for aboli- tion of the bar in Peace times and when the Government introduc- ed its war measure every Liberal in the House voted with them. Pro- hibition is still a plank in the Liber- al platform. For my position I have always been a temperance man and supported every temperance measure or reform. The temperance people of Huron County saw fit to elect me to the County Executive. In the future if I have the honor to repre- sent this riding Ay influence will be on the side of advanced temperances measures no matte' i ja t` lScl17 t1Ca1I party introduces tate iiieasure. A vote for Morgan is a vote for -pro- hibition. WHAT HAT tT.l'.0. STANDS FOR It is the policy of the United•Far- mers of Ontario to build up a conn - try with a staple, sane and • economi- ca.i government. A country in which all the pro- ducers of wealth shall receive a fair and proper share of the results of their labor. . A country in which the =come - dation of vast fortunes is at least difficult if not impossible. A country which puts a premium on effort and thrift and discourages idleness. A country in the.'govern- ment of which all classes•of the peo- ple shall havea share in propor- tion to their numbers and economic importance. A country in which the govern- ment is not subservient to the "Big interests" but truly • represents the ideals and aspirations .of the "Great Masses" of the populatioht. Yvon) HI(•�,F.: advt. eee TO Tel!, ELECTORS ORS OF SOUTH HURON Having, lie en nominated as the' Standard Bearer for the Liberal -Cut• serseative party of South Huron, aria finding it impossible to make anyth'elg like a pe rsoni1 canvas take this ed. hoe 'ot so' citing your votes anal in: I teen:.' for ;my election net October: 19. I feel that the great (-:cause .of the Coen .3e re eve a:ri po'icy' of Sir Wil- e -en Hearst Is the best suited] for the Province o1' Olitarzr>' and that it be- hcrovea every citizen withinits lint - lite to do all en their power to sup- inert aplr rt the candidates who will assist in the great work that has been( and will br un rert•tkc• t by "eur great and able leader and .hes followers. Beier este you will do me the great t n nee al Eelceteia me to ietvre you et thEs 7 K1rn faithfully youre, Fred. A. 1E'elerin:gton, THURSDAY, OCT01 ER. 16th. 10410,. 0111111111111111111111111111111111f11111111111111111111f11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111f111111L wl .. SUWON 1111111111111111111111111111111111 0111/11111 IM▪ MO ININIONO E M▪ MY 0011.1.111 iminam SWIM MUNN SOVV CO T BROS. Phone 134 Ladies Plush- Coats These beautiful coats are made of the celebrated Salts Plush and are shown in different styles. Our prices will mean a saving to you of several dollars while the workmanship is of the very. best. Ladies Serge Dresses Sample Serge and Jersey Cloth 'Dresses in smart styles is what` we have to show you this week. These are samples and we are clearing them at 25 per cent discount. Chilbren's Underwear In vests and draw,ers • for cil}idaten. This is a winter weight and.•is away below regular price.. We are Cl+a,ring. them this week for At 25c and 30c. Bed Spreads Four new Patterns to show you. The patterns are very neat and they are all large size. Priced at $3.95 to $6.00. NEW FALL CAPS NEW FALL NECKWEAR NEW RAINCOATS NEW FALL HATS NEW PALL ALL SHIRTS NEW SOFT COLLARS 1.11.01114 �M 1.1411110, SOMINIF E E. almimar 100* .111501. MINMOO SIMON 0011.1.6 ameRON mimming W▪ ilma NOMMEN Ammon pmIMIZ VI▪ MIO minmOr iM▪ mENU s▪ aw SOljniC T BROS. �ilfllflll11111111111l111![!iI!!I1lill[li[llllill[IIII(1!!I[!1!l1111il[11111l1111!lllllllillllillll11111111lIIIIIIIIIIllllllillllllllllill1111flllilir� STONE-STEWART The marriage took place at Main St. parsonage, Exeter, on Wednesday October the 8th, of Miss Mary Elaine daughter of Fred C. Stewart and W. H. Stone of Usborne. The bride was beautifully attired in white silk crepe de chene, with satin and pearls while her travelling suit was of poni- ard gabardine with hat to mateh.The young couple took the early train for Ingersoll and othereastern points. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm in Usboxne. They will carry with them the best' wishes of many friends. More Bonds to buy -Finish the fight. THE WATICEN S AGENT handles all kinds of spring tonics for both man and beast; also ,toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the market. ally sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm. Andrew, Agent, Exeter Phone 43 Cochrane Machine Shop 3. G. COCHRANE, (returned), has taken over the Connor Machine Shop and is now open for business. Re -boring automobile cylinders and fitting pistons a specialty. All kinds of repair work promptly attended to. Connor Gasoline Engines for sale PHONE 135 PrARME FOR. SALE. I have a number of choice farms for sale in Usborne, Hibbert and Tuckersmith with up-to-date build- ings and my long experience in the business tells me I have the price right and some of them on. easy terms of payment. Also the Far- ciuhar Store property. For terms and particulars apply to Thomas Cameron, Woodham, P. 0., auction- eer for Counties of Huron and Perth GIRLS WANTEE Clean, airy, sunlit workrooms. Short hours -a 47 -hour week, with Saturday half -holiday. Valuable training in agreeable work for i.he iae :pericnced. A good living vTaage to beginners which materially increases with experience and proficiency. Writ, cr call- 'MERCURY MILLS LS LIMITED Ha.riailton• .' Ontario u r niture a n d s� U ertaki FLItteral Director & Embalme.t Griner il?aliones 74w. Night Calls 743. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK DRS. SWEET & VINNING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night. OFFICE -Dr. Sweet's old office Phone 120 --- TEE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES, Display Advertising -Made known on application. Stray Animals -One insertion 50c three insertions for $1.00 Faien or Real Estate for sale 50c each insertion for one month of four insertions, 25c for each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., each in- sertion 25c. Local reading notices etc., 10c per line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50e. Legal advertising 10c and 5c a line. Auction Sales $2 for one insertion and $3 for two insertions if moder- ate size. Dr. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Dr. Henry A. Corsaut wishes to announce that he has moved his office to Baker's Livery, James • next door to Overland Garage appreciates the patronage he has .e- ceived in the old stand. and hopes for a continuance of the same in his new office. Calls promptly attended to, day of night. Phone 8. Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER FOR SALE l Residence of the late aosepa.6 Peart, corner Albert and Hurons streets. Frame house and outhouse. New Furnace and in good state og repairs. Good Stable, Drive House and fine Garden. If not sold wile .. rent. Apply to J. Peart or S. ?L Martin, Executors. VUJC a ° izing All kinds of Tires. All work guaranteed. Cash for old Tires. Taylor's Tire Shap" - EXETER, ONT. Dollars Make Your Count Buy where you do not have to Sacrifice Style to save Money. 4 Our clothes create confidence be- cause they give satisfaction. Their smart appearance reflects credit one men who wear thele. Our clothes arty made from dependable materials and guaranteed to fit you. The satis- faction wears right through to the end. We are exclusive men's furnish- ers and right up-to-the-minute in the latest styles. Our new Fall stock of Furnishings have been opened up. New Goods ar- riving daily. Rainproof Coats for Men 'i'his is an ideal rain and top coat combined in cra.vcttes, tweeds, ete., styles that will appeal to the well- dressed man. They are a .iiouble pur- pose coat for street, auto and travel- ling. Guaranteed rainproof.• SEE OUR NEW SWEATER COATS 'Hats and Caps in the latest styles Collars, and .Ties, Gloves, and Braces For underwear see our stock and prices. W. a W. TAMAN il' U O N E 8& a .4.444.444.444.4.444 .,,«