The Exeter Times, 1919-6-26, Page 6Events in. England
A despatch from Rome says: --
Italy is at the parting of 'the ways,
Never since the war, even before the
Caponetto disaster,. has the country
been in so serious a state --so near
Since the• siguin'g of the armistice upheaval and sabotage as to -day, des -
emu atlicers and 1,783,278 men have plte her victory in the field.
been dezitivbilired.Strikes, riots, loss of life and the
The eapel•intendent of ratcatcilers pillaging of food shops from one end
ter Hampshire has been voted a sal- of the country to the other seriously
ary of £200 per annum, • threaten the industrial life of the na
Harold R.-deCartere;t, a London bar- -tion begun thirty-nine years ago and
raster, was killed by lesi:Ig thrown made to prosper almost by a miracle
from a motor car at It ase+tt. I in spite of the utter lack of coal and
St. Dunstan's are trying to raise a raw materials, all of which must be
tune this year for the permanent after- imported.
care of blinded eoldaers ael sailur,
The farmers of West Surrey are or- i PRANCE WILL NOT CEDE
ganlzing pigeon shoots a; the pigeons
are doing enormous then. &ie to the
craps. Recent Government expenditures in
Henry Joy ,las been appointed to
sacceod Sir Henry Davies as control- this colony of France are regarded
ler of the London rest otlice Savings here as virtually disposing of the
Bank. suggestion that the islands be 'ceded
The Council of Douglas has invited to Great Britain and added to the
the Royal Automobile Club to have Newfoundland Dominion. It is an -
road races in the Isle of Man during flounced that several million franes
September will be spent in the development of
James Perkins, an ex -,l'ine'r turd a St. Pierre, the centre of France's
private in the Queen's 16th Lancers, , fishing industry in the Western At -
has been decorated with eight medals iautic, A. contract had been pieced
during the war. With a New York company for the
Instructions have been issued by construction of a large refrigerating
the London Fire Brigade Committee, plant here, and work has already be -
that firemen are not to be s,rdered to gun, A powerful wireless station is
attend church parades. also being installed by the Govern -
Lord Ashtuz1 has given C,000 to meat.
et. Anne's near Blackpool, for a peace
memorial and £10,000 for In object MANY FRENCH SOLDIERS
to be agreed upuu between haneeif MISSING IN ACTION
and the council.
W. H. Press has xesigued his noel- A despatch from Paris says: -Ger -
tion as Director of Marketing, ret the man figures -,.(1n the number of French
Food Production Department. prisoners held in Germany were found
Two bin's have been cniietelled to be incorrect, Lein Abrani, Under -
"Forel" recently at the Church of St. Secretary in the Ministry of War,
George the Martyr, Southwark.- announced in the Chamber or, Thurs-
t urbridge Town ``t:{ti'n awl its day. Mere than a30,000 French pris- h line, withal have been closed oners in excess of the German figures
since March, 1e15, were opened re- were found in Germany.
=fly. The number of French soldiers
Home Office permit:; ere no longer missing in action has reaehed 314,000,
required by pass n Viers going to the Under-Secretary said. The bode
European and countries outside of ie; of the majority of the missing, he
Europe. added, it would be impossible to find.
The Royal Commission states that Inter -allied missions were scouring
so far as they are concerned. there is Germany to ascertain if any prison -
no immediate prospect of a drop iu ers still remained there.
the price of sugar,
The Bermondsey Ccuneil asks thea
all enemy aliens should be kept in-
terned or licensed until such time as
peace is signed. A. despatch from Rome says: -The
Mrs. Deere Fox is at the head of a Italian Government resigned on
movement in London. having for its 1 Thursday following an adverse votew
object the fighting of German in- ; against it iri the Chamber of De -
fluence in every direction, '• polies,
The death took place recently at ; Premier Orlando, in announcing
Crouch Hill. of Rev. Henry Bright, his resignation and that of the Cab -
the sightless founder of the North Lon- , inet, said Ring Victor Emmanuel had
don Homes for the Blind. reserved decision as, to acceptance.
The Chamber of Deputies had, by
a vote of 59 to 78, rejected Premier
Orlando's motion in favor of dis-
cussing the question of' confidence,
which related to the foreign policy
of the Government, in secret session.
A despatch from St. Pierre says: -
HAD Tp GET....._.
•JP"1 P"T'Y 'POI) NDS*
1couLp!`Nr Gar 1-r
'w i1.L t 1
t t I � �' II
The only road to REAL economy is the road that leads to the Home Town. This is the FIRST COM-
MANDMENT in community development. Whenever we pass up our awn community and send an' order away
from home we break this commandment by one stroke of the pen. Give your home dealer the CHANCE to fill
that order. Given the -same conditions, HE can beat any out-of-town house in the country. The Long Distance
route is the road to waste, over -buying and false economy. This cartoon shows vividly the ECONOMIC WASTE
in long distance buying.
Markets of the World
A despatch from London says: -
It is announced that the plant breed-
ing section of the University of
Cambridge, which is closely associat-
ed with the Board of Agriculture, has
succeeded in producing two new var-
ieties of wheat, styled Fenman and
These were distributed to farmers
• and it is reported that the result has
been to treble the average yield. One
crop produced 90 bushels per acre.
Milling and baking trials hove •
shown that while the Yeoman variety •
is not equal to the famous Red Fife
from the viewpoint of milling quail
ties, yet it is ^sufficiently strong to',
produce a good quality loaf without
the addition of imported wheat,
A despatch from London says: -
John Brooks, Chairman of the Rhyl
Council, writes to the press respect-
ing Kinmel Camp. He declares that
the Canadians have been a distinct
asset to the town, which has organ-
ized a gala in their honor. The ba•
havior of the troops has always been
that of the best class of visitors, and
instead of Rhyl having suffered
through the Canadians, the present
season has teen very pros peraus, Mr.
Brooks, conclu..iee.
Slippery Customers.
Almost every variety of fish is slip-
pery and iterd to hold when first
caught. This is due to a sort of nluc-
A despatch from Ottawa says:- ous exuded through the scales, and is
His Royal Highness the Prince of of the greet et importance to all
Wales is expected to arrive in Can-, slimy creature,.
ada during the month of August, and One of the, ire) a tont functions of
will be present at the Canadian Na- the fish's slimy coating, is to protect
tional Exhibition at Toronto, and at' it from the :,tteeks of fungus. a form
the official opening of the new Can- of plant life fonud in all waters. If
adian Parliament buildings. The the fish is so injured that some spot
following staff will accompany him on becomes uncovered by slime, a barely
his Canadian tour: Chief of staff, the visible fungus will be likely to lodge
ie arquis of Salisbury; chief private there, and when it is once lodged the
secretary. Lieut.- Col. E. M. Grigg; process of reproduction is very rapid.
assistant secretary, Sir Godfrey It soon extends over the gills and kills
Thomas, Bart; equeries, Capt. Lord the fish.
Claud Hamilton, and Capt, the Hon. The primary purpose of the slime
T. W. Legh,
Machine oil stains will disappear
if rubbed with soap and cold water.
Hot water will set the stain.
' OPCN Tl -i15
i OOORf:
I ` cheek l'IT
"(OO Wee)
'viuz OUT'?
of the fish is to reda'e its friction
when in notion through the Water, and
thereby increase its rate of speed. It
also serves as a cushion to the scales,
which it thus protects from many in-
41)E.5S SHE. C,nME
ISACi' "70 41T SOME
'Tear -tea
l fir- �,tl
Toronto, June 24. -Man. Wheat -
No. 1 Northern, $2.241/2 • No. 2
Northern, $2.211a; No. 3 Northern,
$2.171/2; No. 4 wheat, $2.111/2, is store
Fort William.
Manitoba oats -No, 2 CW, 79144c;
No. 3 CW, 7711e; extra No. 1 feed,
77%c; No. 1 feed, 761/2c; No. 2 feed,
713 c, in store Fort William.
Manitoba barley -No. 3 CW,
$1.32%; No. 4 CW, $1.30%c; re-
jected, $1.235ac; feed, $1.2314e, in
store Fort William.
American corn -Nominal.
Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 77 to
80c, according to freights outside.
Ontario wheat -No. 1 Winter, per
ear lot, $2.14 to $2.20. No. 2 do, 32.11
to $2.19; No. 3 do, $2.07 to 32.15 f.o.
b. shipping points, according to
Ontario wheat -No. 1 Spring, 32.09
to 32.17; No. 2 do, 32.06 to 32.14;
No. 3 do, 32.02 to 32.10, f.o.b. ship-
ping points according to freights.
Peas -No. el nominal.
Barley -Malting, $1.28 to 31.32,
Buckwheat -No. 2 z.ominaL
Rye -No. 2 nominal.
Manitoba flour -Government stan-
dard, $11, Toronto.
Ontario flour -Government stan-
dard, $10.75, in jute bags, Toronto
and Montreal, prompt shipment.
Millfeed-Car lots, delivered Mon-
treal freights. bags included. Bran,
$42 per ton; shorts, 344 per ton• good
feed flour $2.80 to $2.90 per bag.
Hay -No. 1, $32 to $35 per ton;
mixed, $22 to $24 per ton, track, To-
Straw -Car lots, 310 to $11 per
ton, track, Toronto.
Country Produce -Wholesale.
Eggs -new laid, cases returnable,
35 to 36c. Butter -Creamery, solids,
49 to 500; do, prints, 491/2 to 501/2c.
Live Poultry -Buying price delivered,
Toronto: Hens, 41s lbs., live weight,
30e to OOe; dressed, 30c to OOc; hens,
41/ lbs. and over, live weight, 33 to
00e; dressed 33 to 00c; spring chick-
ens, live weight 45 to OOc; dressed 50
to OOc; roosters, live weight 23 to OOc,
dressed 25 to OOc; ducklings, live
weight 35 to 00c, dressed 38 to OOc;
turkeys, live weight 80 to OOc; dress-
ed 35 to OOc. Honey ---Bulk, clover,
25 to 26e per pound; do, buckwheat,
20 to 21c,
Q,1,31C1<:: I'LL SeWE.
♦' (irrl
Provisions -Wholesale.
Smoked Meats -Rolls, 34 to 35c;
hams, med., 43 to 45c; heavy, 33 to
35c; cooked hams, 60 to 63c; backs,
plain, 48 to 49e; backs, boneless, 55
to 57c; breakfast bacon, 47 to 50c.
Cottage nolle, "1 to 37•c.
Barrelled Meats -Pickled pork,
$48; mess pork, $47,
Green Meats -Out of pickle,'1c less
than smoked.
Dry 'Salted Meats -Long clears, in
tons, 281/2c; in cases, 29c; clear bel-
lies, 28 to 281/c; fat backs, 25e.
Lard -Tierces, 341/c to 35c; tubs,
35 to 351/2e; pads, 35% to 361/4c;
prints, 36 to 36%e. Compound lard,
tierces, 31%c; tubs, 321/2c; pails,
321c; prints, 33c.
Montreal Markets.
Montreal, June 24. -Oats -Extra
No. 1 feed, 91c. Flour -New standard
grade, $11 to 311,10. Rolled oats -
Bags, 90 lbs., 34.10 to $4.25. Bran,
$42. Shorts, $44. Hay -No. 2, per
ton, car lots, $40 to $41. Cheese -
Finest easterns, 291/2e. Butter -
Choicest creamery, 52 to 53c. Eggs -
Selected, 52c; No. 1 stock, 48c; No.
2 stock, 44 to 45c. Potatoes -Per bag,
car lots, 31.50. Dressed hogs -Abat-
toir killed, 330 to 330.50. Lard -Pure,
wood pane, 20 lbs. net, 38c.
Live Stock Markets.
Toronto, June 24. -Heavy steers,
$13.75 to $14; choice butchers' steers,
$13.25 to $13.50; butchers' cattle,
choice, $13 to 313.50; do, good, 312 to
312.50; do, med., $11.25 to $11.50; do,
com.. 39.50 to $10; bulls, choice, $11
to $11.50; do, med., 310.25 to 310.75;
1 do, rough, $8 to $8.25". butchers'
cows, choice, 311.25 to 311.75; do,
good, 310.50 to 310.75; do. med., 39 to
i 39.50; do, cam., $7.50 to $8; stockers,
$85 to $11.75; feeders, $12.50 to $13;
canners and cutters, $4.50 to $6.25;
milkers, good to choice, 390 to $150;
do, con, and med., $65 to $75; spring-
ers, $90 to $160: light ewes, $10 to
$11: yearlings, $12.50 to $14; spring
lambs, per cwt,, 318.50 to $23; spring
lambs, each, 312 to 315; calves, good
to choice, 317 to 319; hogs, fed and
watered, $23.50; do. weighed off cars,
323.75; do, f.o.b., 322.50.
Montreal, June 24. -Hogs. choice
selected, $21 per 100 lbs.; culls, $15;
steers, 311 to 313.50; cows, $9 to
31.1,50; butcher bulls, best. 310; in-
ferior quality, $7; lambs, $16; milf-
fed calves 38 to $11; sheep, 38 to 312.
Brains are like soil, they pay for
cultivation. -Rev. Dr. John Smith,
eeOrfivir, D0 •
HOE- !--'
From Erin's Green Isle
Dr. John Foley, F.R.S., has been
elected a Fellow of Trinity College,
The death is announced at Tralee
of Lieut: Col. William Rowan, J.P., at
the age of 92 years.
The death. is announced of Sir Row-
-land Francis Hanning, at his resi-
dence, Roslyn, near Bray.
J. Ewing Johnston, Belfast, has
been appointed a member of the Order
of the British Empire.
The death took place recently at
Belfast, of Mrs. Osborne, well known
in musical circles in that city.
His Majesty the King has decorated
Sergt. H. Curtis, Royal Dublin Fusi-
liers, with the Victoria Cross.
Field Marshal French, who has been
ill ,
12,594 Get Qualification Certifi-
cates For Laucl Settlement. i`
A despatch frum Ottawa sayste-s.
Mr. W, J. Black, chairman 'af the Sol-'
cher Settlement Board, has returned
Item a visit of inspection to the Wes -I
tern Provinces. Speaking to the press,
he stated that he found intense in-
ter est being taken in land settlement;
by returned soldiers.
Already throughout the Dominion
there have been 17,109 applications
for qualification certificates, and of
these 12,594 have been passed as'
Ti!ngsFrom Scotland
Lieut. R. Liddell. R.F,A,, sen of the
Rev. Mr, Liddell, Advie Manse, has
been awarded the Military Cross,
The Military Cross Wee been award-
ed t� Lieut. D. S. Watson, son of Mrs,
Watson, Suillanerfeld, ,gin,
The Croix de Guerre .has been
awarded by the. French Government
on Sergt, H. Hess, Royal Scots sou of
M. Ross, Nairn,
A. D. Cumming, Callander, a n utiv
of the Braes, Oastle Grant, has been •*
qualified to participate in the bene.!Gaelic
a member of the Inverness
fits of the Act. I Gaelic Society,
"The heaviest rush of applicants Corporal Stewart, Canadians, who
is in the Western Provinces," said won the D,C,M,ter conspicuous brav-
Mr. Black. "In one day alone,' ery, is a son of Charles Stewart, of
1,035 returned men visited the Ed -1 Calrossie Mains, Nigg,
and the usual run at present there Among the few golden weddings
is from 700 to 800 men a day. The; which have been celebrated at"Lossie
organization of the Board is being' mouth lately the most recent . is tent
heavily taxed to provide the required
service to meet this eituatian."
The majority of those settled to
date, according to Mr. Black, are
farmers' sons, or men from the Old
Land, who have worked on farms in
this country.
"I had the opportunity," said Mr.
Black, "of meeting a few of those,
who have already been settled. They
expressed the greatest satisfaction
with the treatment received." 1t
Perils of Deep Did Not Stop When
ArmisticeG me.
Despite the fact that active opera-
tions against the enemy ceased six
months ago, there are still grave perils
to be faced by those who go down to
the sea in ships, apart from storms and
tempests and suchlike dangers that
ordinarily beset the life of the saa.lor,
says a London paper.
The work of sweeping the high
seas free of mines -"tin eggs," as
•Jack calls them -is one of the most
formidable tasks that confront our
navy to -day. and although some
scores of mines are recovered or other-
wise disposed of in the course of every
week, it is certain that many months
must elapse before the work is finally
Needless to say, the bulk of the
work fails on the grey, blunt -bowed
minesweeping trawlers, ships that
have played by no means the small-
est part in the war for humanity. In
addition, there are now employed
many of the M.L: s, those sturdy little
ships of war whose work in a vastly
different sphere of operation is, of
course, well known.
These tiny craft -veritable battle-
ships in miniature -navigated and
manned entirely by officers and men
of the R.N.V.R., play the part of "spot-
ters," or "eyes." for the minesweep-
ing craft. 13y reason of their shallow
draught they are able to approach the
danger zone with less risk than can
the bigger craft.
A recent official announcement made
of Mr. and Mrs. John Stephen,
Gen, Lord Esme C. G. Lennox, $erste
Guards: second son of the Duke of
Richmond and Gordon, has been made
a Companion of the Order of St, Mich-
ael and St. George,
The death has taken place at 43
Queen's road, Aberdeen, of Lieu t -Cul:
Robert Gray, at the age of 85 years.
A. service was held in d)alkeitn
West Parish Church in memory of
soldiers and sailors wiva ,have fallen
in the war. •
The death is announced at Dum-
fries of Archibald Herr, a prominent
farmer and doyen of the Dumfrius-
shire Foxhuut,
Mr. and Mrs. William leering, of
their ruby
celebrated e
< t.o
1 n
wedding, having been :m rried tie
years ago,
The Military Medal has been won
by Corporal J Little, H.L,i., son of
the late Robert Little, Bankend,
Castle Douglas.
A London syndicate has begun
operations at the antimony ,nines at
Glendinning, about twelve miles north
of Langholm.
• The death has taken place :it Strait•
raer, of Captain Latta, a well -,snow:,
master mariner, on the west coast of
The death has taken place at Auc'
enmaig Farm, Cxlenluce, of Mrs. Mc-
Culloch, who had reached the age of
ninety-four years.
John J. Forster, of Stratford House,
Moffat, has been appointed to the
rank of 0.13.E..for services rendered
during the war,
The Miitary Medal has been award-
ed Canadians,
ed to Private nTcl4iIliaxu, C=1 cl
son of Alexander MoWilliatn, Orroland
Lodge, Dundrounan,
The Distinguished Service Order
has been awarded to Major J. A. H.
Church, grandson of the late James
Church, Park House, Canobie.
The freedom of the burgh of Peebles
,has been conferred upon the Right
Hon. Sir Donald Maclean, M.P., and
Lieut. -Col. John Buchan.
Major George R. E. Gray Mackay,
awarded the Italian bronze medal,
it clear that only twelve- merchant the only sari of the late George :,lac -
ships had been sunk as the result of kay, Hermitage Drive, :lough.
collision with mines since the signing A memorial tablet is to be greeted
of the armistice. But the danger still in Keith parish church, inscribed with
exists, and is likely to do so for some the flames of the members in of the con -
to conte, since uo one can aver gregation who have fallen in the war.
with any degree of certainty that 'W0'd has been received of tate
for some tune is recovering, but every drifting wine --perhaps the death in Damascus of Dr. Frank Ir-
is yet unable to leave his home, greatest menace of all -has been ea
vine Mackinnon, for 30 years repre-
The death is announced at Cork ,of festively disposed of. sentative of the Erliuburglh Medical
Dr. Higgins, resident physician of The life of a mine cannot be deter- f1issiunary Society in that city-,
North Infirmary. Cork. I mined by mathematical or other ala _-......a..----,
The whole.of the Ulster division has struse calculation; while it exists it
Ibeen demobilized with the exception is a potential destroyer of life and
1 of the 1916 men. property. At Oxford and Cambridge Same 'lyse
The death of E. N. Richardson, J.P., A system of gratuities. varying from
from an attack of appendicitis, tookHas Been Warn For 1,300 Yearn.
$5 for each British mails dealt with to
place recently at his residence in $50 for an enemy mine, is almost the To trace the evolution of the 'teethe
1 Dalltey, sole inducement offered in connection mic gown and hood cnnunouly woes
I A. G. Gardener, sub -agent of the with minesweeping, yet volunteers at our Canadian Universities, we eras
'Bank of Ireland at Roscommon, has for the hazardous task have never the ocean and visit the old cathedral
been promoted to the managership at been lacking. schools which were established in the
Westport. The epic of the minesweepers is yet 7th century, andwere the precursors.
William Power & Co., seed mer- to he written. Suffice it to say that of those early uniXer; iti0. founded 1 in
chants, of Waterford, recently ship- when at length it does appear, there the 12th century to meet the ins.cts,':1
peri a large consignment of their seeds will be given to the world a tale of demand for instruction in the Ihigher
to France.
The War Office has under considera-
tion the revival of the custom of keep-
ing a battalion of Foot Guards in Dub-
The Lord Chancellor has appointed
John A. Bredin, of Prospect Ballyma-
hon, to he a justice of the .peace for
the county of -Langford.
When making a cornflour mould
mix the cornflour with water instead
of milk. It will turn out better and
also look nicer.
heroic endeavor such as cannot fail to
conhznancl the admiration of every
single one of us.
Comparing Notes.
"Truly, am I the first girl you, ever
"You are, my darling, and it slakes
me happy to hear you say I am the
first man who ever kissed you."
"If I am the first, how does it hap-
pen you do it so expertly?"
"And if I am the first, luow do you
know whether I do it expertly or not?"
THIS F20OM- t,
ME TNI -k I N'
n1 /
r i,
6 it 5 '
1 HOPE t•I'ee DON'
FOR 4t r setaOUT
1r, Mese
branches of knowledge.
In the early days of the university
of Paris, the chancellor of the cath',
dral on the Ile de la Cite issues, thie
licenses to teach, and when the 5'
dent entered upon the performan_o ut
his duties as a duly licensed teacher,
his emancipation from the bachelor•
lioocl was symbolized by placing on his
head a cap or biretta, which ceremony
was performed by his former instant-
er. The present clay eastohih of giving
a hood when an llononaru' degree Li
conferred, Is. therefore, but an out-
growth of this medieval. ceremony. It
was but natural that tho early uni-
versities should preserve as their
academic dress an adaptation of the
nook's robe with its cowl or luoa:l.
Such gowns were at Iit'st a mark of
profound learning, and wore wore by
doctors of divinity and graduate:, but -
lator undergraduates were entitled to
Weft them.
At Oxford and Cambridge, where
the order of things does not change
with each succeeding generation, the
same type of gowns have been worn
since the beginning of the 7tLu cen-
There is a saying that the woman
who has never loved, hugged, kissed,
played with, listened to told stories
to, or thoroughly spanked a child has
massed the cardinal joys of life. It
Gould be emended to read that the
mother who has not done all these
things has completely fallen short of
xnotherho'l d,